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by Christopher Johnstone

Wayfarer’s Song
Second Edition

Christopher Johnstone

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition

Wayfarer’s Song
Second edition
Christopher Johnstone

Table of Contents
Capter One: Introduction 3
Chapter Two: Systems 7
Chapter Three: Character Creation 19
Chapter Four: Character Details 31
Chapter Five: Sorcery 60
Chapter Six: Advacement 76
Chapter Seven: the Setting 77
Chapter Eight: Swords and Fishhooks 95
Chapter Nine: The Game 110
Chapter Ten: Antagonists 120

Copyright: Wayfarer’s Song is copyright 2002 Christopher Johnstone. Written,

designed and illustrated by Christopher Johnstone. Permission is given for this
version, “Wayfarer’s Song Second Edition (PDF),” to be copied, printed and
distributed freely on the condition that no version of this PDF (whether electronic,
print or other) is sold or exchanged for money. Celtic knotwork on cover provided

by Christopher Johnstone

Chapter One
He came to the wide valley to see with his own eyes the place of the last battle. The air was crisp, and
smelled of spring, of melting earth, of new green sap. Standing on the ground where the blood of kings
and queens feeds the summer grasses, he shuffled off his bearskin cloak. Naked to the waist, but for the
daubs of ochre paint on his arms and chest, he breathed deep of the magic.
For there was magic here, and power. He spread his arms wide and took in the feel of it, and saw in his
mind’s eye that last terrible day, when gods and men fought and the earth shuddered. A ghostly swarm
of wraiths played out for him their last battle: cries and agonies and deaths.
For he could see the unseen. For he was one of the last of the sorcerer-king’s line, and the blood of god-
magic ran in his veins as it did in the kings of old.
He lingered for a while among the ghostly dead, before leaving an offering of ochre and gold on the
valley floor. Collecting his cloak he turned his back on the frozen north. Turned back to the valleys and
summer-green woods of the south. For he had seen the gods of his forefather’s fight and die. Had seen
those whose names would roll forever on the tongues of men. Now he aspired to be as they had been. To
be a god among men. To be remembered.

Wayfarer’s Song is a fantasy roleplaying game set in a

forgotten mythic age of the world. In the icy and wintry A History Writ in Shadows
climes of the north dragons and gods walk the earth, Long in the past, before the folks and tribes of this
and the world is still a wild place. Sparkling snow land had even iron to make their weapons and ploughs,
capped mountains loom above airless forests, sunlit and used instead red copper and dull bronze, in those
meadows, and deep rivers where old creatures, hungry days the lands were ruled by cruel and powerful spirits
and ancient dwell. that called themselves gods. The mortals were the
This is a land where glory and courage and fame are subjects and playthings of these wild spirits and demon
the currency of the day. Great deeds can be done by gods for an age, and another and another. But in time
those who dare, legends await the making, golden there came among the people mortals who were brave,
hordes lie in shadowed caves, watchful ancients lurks and they rebelled, ambushed the minor godlings and
in the wilder places of the world. stole from them magic, then went with stolen magic to
But will you have the power and wit and skill to make the fortresses and palaces of the great gods and spirits.
of this world what you will? Will you gather riches and There were great wars and many died, fire ran in rivers
legends about you like clouds about the mountain, or and the earth was red with blood, then white with
will you fall prey to the perils of the iron-dark forests, bones. In time the warriors and sorcerers of the mortal
the bleak moors and the frozen lands? Will you be tribes won, overthrew the gods. The gods fled to distant
sung of in the golden halls or will your bones whiten lands, up the icy mountains, into deep woods and dark
under the sun, unknown and nameless? forest, and the mortal folk were left without gods. So,
those who had stolen the spirit-magic said to their
peoples: we are your gods. But the people debated
and said, you are powerful but gods can slay dragons
and wrestle troldes, gods can make day night and night
day, are you so powerful as that? And so the warriors
and chieftains, sorcerers and witches of the new age

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
sat on their thrones of gold and bone and thought on the world has set itself to a rationale course. The
seasons and the turn of day and night do not obey the
this and said to one another: it is true, to be godlike is
to dare for great things, to risk all, gain treasure and same laws as you are familiar with. To the south the
become a legend, a name of bright renown. seasons roll through each year much as they do today,
summer and winter take their turns at the earth. Each
A Note on a Name day the sun rolls across the sky, and is followed by
The name of the world of Wayfarer’s Song has passed night, stars and the chasing moon. But farther north
through several iterations and variations on the Middle- the world grows darker, and across a great swarthe
world of old Saxon and Norse mythos: Mithgerd, runs the Twilight Lands where the sun never quite rises
Mithgerd, Middengearth et cetera. The name has and the air is always in gloom and the sky is always set
reverted to ‘Mithgerd’ in this version largely because with the fires of sunset. Troldes roam here, and other
this is the name used in Wayfarer’s Song First Editon, stranger creatures. Still further north the lands grow
and this is the name by which most people know the dark, night falls and perpetual winter covers the land
world. However, the name Mithgerd is by no means and howls in the sky. In the Lands of Winternight there
the only name by which the world is known, and if you are cities of ghosts, and palaces made of ice, and
prefer another version of the name then feel free to kingdoms ruled by old demons. Frost and Stone Ettin
invoke whichever pleases you best. walk here, and the oldest and worst of the race of
The Concept
Wayfarer’s Song is set in an imaginary mythic pre- Wildfolk
history—a land somewhat realted to northern Europe, The spirits that once ruled the earth and called
which is, perhaps, a northern Europe that never quite themselves gods exist in many forms and have in their
existed, or one that existed long before history was ranks varying degrees of power. Some were minor,
ever writ, or one that existed only in dreams. Players ruling only a glade or pond, others ruled over rivers or
create, and then take on the role of characters in this mountaintops and still others were the lords of great
imaginary world. Characters in Wayfarer’s Song are empires of mortal tribes and had lieutenants that were
heroes and sorcerers who seek renown, kingship and spirits, demons or dragons of some power in their own
magic. As characters interact with the setting a narrative right. But it has been an age since the last of the god-
is created, and rules are employed to resolve how the spirits were thrown from their thrones, burnt with
narrative plays out. sorcery and chased as fleshless spirits away into the
Overseeing all of this is the Gamesmaster. The shadows and woods. Only the smaller and less
Gamesmaster is a player without a character. The powerful spirits remain near the lands of mortal folk,
Gamesmaster plans exploits, adventures and rewards river-watchers and grove-spirits only, and in this
for the other players. Additionally the Gamesmaster present age the old spirits are called by mortals the
plays out the roles of villains and allies, and is an Wildfolk, and many mortals forget how greatly the kings
adjudicator of the rules. and queens of the Wildfolk were once feared.
The underlying idea of the Wayfarer’s Song setting is
that what are recalled in European myth as gods were Disclaimer
actually mortal folk, powerful kings and sorcerers, but Now repeat after me: I am not an elf. I cannot cast
mortal nonetheless. The myths we have are the magic spells. There is in fact no such thing as magic.
corrupted recollections of lives of these godlike men There are no fairies in the bottom of my garden; I do
in an age of magic. Players fill the role of these forgotten not have a unicorn in my room. This entire book is
heroes. fantasy. It is a game, it is not real, it is a game, it is not
real, it is a game et cetera.
Wayfarer’s Song is set in an age of magic, long before

by Christopher Johnstone
How to Use this Book Designer Notes
Littered here and there in Wayfarer’s Song are
Wayfarer’s Song has been laid out in a modular design. ‘designers notes’ which are intended to provide some
The basic rules for playing the game are outlined in the insight as to why I’ve chosen particular rules.
book you are reading now. Rules for creating Wayfarer’s Song is an amalgam of systems I have
characters other than humans, however, are provided worked with over the years melded into myth and
separately for each of the other Player Races of fantasy. Personally, I like magical and quirky characters
Wayfarer’s Song: Duergar, Aelfan and Ettin. Each race and I think this shows through in the game. I also dislike
has a Kithbook and each Kithbook contains rules on drawn out combat – another feature of the game is
Character Creation and magic specific to each race. reasonably fast and easy combat resolution. But why
Each chapter of the core rules covers a different aspect create yet another RPG set in a fantasy world? The
of the game: most obvious and truest answer is simply that there
Chapter One: Introduction are, to my knowledge, no fantasy RPGs on the market
A brief overview of the rules and an introduction to that meet my particular tastes of the moment. So, what
the world. are those tastes and will they appeal to you?
Chapter Two: Systems
An explanation of the game rules and mechanics used Some points of design
in Wayfarer’s Song. • A game that allows for crafting of Characters. There
Chapter Three: Character Creation are no random rolled or derived attributes in Character
A step-by-step guide to creating human characters. Creation.
Rules for creating characters of other races are found • A system to represent sorcery as something that is
in the Kithbooks. dangerous and corrupting.
Chapter Four: Character Details • A primitive setting, bronze and iron age in overall
This chapter describes in detail the Tribes, Traits and feel.
many and varied magical Disciplines that Mortal Men • Quick and easy combat system, placing playability
may endeavour to learn and use. above realism.
Chapter Five: Sorcery • A system for testing skills that is quick and easy to
Describes magic as it is employed by Mortal Men, use. Again playability ahead of realism.
and the mechanics of magic in Wayfarer’s Song, • A setting that is believable and internally coherent,
including Soulburn and Taint. but one also that appeals to the sense of the mythic
Chapter Six: Advancement and legendary. There is an attempt to avoid messy,
Provides information on how to advance your irregular and completely inexplicable things that jar the
Character’s skills and talents during the game. player’s ability to suspend belief.
Chapter Seven: The Setting • Overall the setting is intended to be a darkish,
Details the world in which Wayfarer’s Song is set. fairytalesque, fantastic, mythic, ancient tableaux.
Chapter Eight: The Game
Details some of the finer details of gameplay and a
few notes and points of advice for running a game. Modular Game Design
Chapter Nine: Swords and Fishhooks In a modular design individual player modules are
Describes mundane tools and equipment, prices and added one after another to a basic set of core rules.
expenses as well as some of the enchanted relics that The game can be played using only the core rules or
are found in the world of Wayfarer’s Song, how with one or two or three or all of the modules. With
enchantment works and the dangers of magical things. Wayfarer’s Song I decided to try this modular
Chapter Ten: Antagonists approach, hopefully while avoiding a mishmash of
Describes some of the dangerous persons, things and crossover problems that can occur. But why?
creatures of Wayfarer’s Song. A modular design highlights variation. Non-humans
become less like humans with pointy ears. Aelfan magic

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
is not human magic. Aelfan culture is not human culture
with prettier queens. All the Player Races have distinct
strengths weaknesses and quirks.
The approach gives a better feeling of a world filled
with variety and strangeness. And it allowed me to
tinker ad nauseum, without wrecking the core rules
set. I love to tinker, but accompanying this is the
problem that I have in the past adjusted games into
oblivion, one rule change at a time. Modular game
design allows me to tinker with Duergar magic to my
heart’s content while everyone plays humans. The
upshot of this is that the core rules treat no one in
particular as the sole Player Race, although humans
are assumed to be the default. Character creation for
non-humans and race specific rules are found in the
remaining Kith-Books.

Aelfan, Ettin and Duergar

Why am I using these terms instead of the more
common Elf, Giant and Dwarf? My spellings—and
you will find a few other strange ones, Troldes and
Wurums for instance—are archaic and less common
spellings, mostly from the north of England or from
Scotland. I have chosen to unusual spellings in an
attempt to move away from the associations that are
now too heavily attached to Elf , Dwarf, Giant, Troll et
cetera. I still want to employ these creatures as things
that are more or less derived from their roles in the
mythology and legends of the North, but I do not want
to create an implicit connection to Tolkien’s works, or
(more importantly) all of the gaggle of mimickers and
Tolkien-alikes that now haunt fantasy. What I’d like
to imply by using Trolde instead of Troll, is that Troldes
in Wayfarer’s Song are not the Trolls you are used to
meeting in Fantasyland.

by Christopher Johnstone

Chapter Two
The spirit had plagued the small stone-encircled handful of huts all the long winter. Fourteen sheep
were missing. And two children. It took the form of a wolf, though its eyes glowed like moonlight and its
fur was silver as snow. When the hunters came they did not ask for carved sea-ivory, or gold or salt as
some would. They wanted only the flesh and blood of the wolf-spirit.
As he stood in the cold the shepherd wondered what the hunters wanted with the spirit corpse. But a
shepherd is a simple man and a shepherd should not ask such questions. So he stood by the door of his
hut with a spear, and waited and guarded his wife and children. He could hear the small sound of his
youngest son sobbing, and could smell the subtle aroma of lamb turning on the spit. He was hungry, but
there was no telling if the hunters would do as they had promised. And if they failed the wolf-spirit
would be crazed with wrath. Of that he was sure. It was always the way with the wild spirits. Always
vengeful. Always full of hate for anything that went on two legs. He wondered what the race of men
must have done so long in years past to deserve such hate.

Fundamentals north road to the village of Angthorpe’ or ‘I attack the

dragon with my sword’. Usually Actions are declared
Rules are used to provide a structure by which a game
as either a response to something happening in the
can be played. Will a sword-stroke kill a dragon? Will
scene or as a means by which the Character moves a
your magic save you from the trolde? Can you outwit
little closer to a goal.
the Thegn of Drachenfjell in a contest of insults? Will
you find a way through the Myrkan Moors? Questions
of danger and difficulty are resolved using set rules to Rounds
avoid arguments in the game. Sometimes, especially during combat, it is useful to
divide the game into Rounds. A Round is an arbitrary
What Is Needed For Play? passage of time during which all the Characters
involved in a scene, including the Characters and
Wayfarer’s Song assumes at least a passing
enemies controlled by the Gamesmaster, are allowed
understanding of RPGs and how to play them. If you
one Action.
are not familiar with roleplaying then you may wish to
seek out any the fine basic and introductory games
that are available both online and in game stores. Sessions
The system is based exclusively on ten sided dice A Session is the term used for each period of play. A
(d10s). Each player needs a pool of up to 5 or 6 d10 game session has no predetermined duration, although
to resolve most tests. You will also need paper, pencils, two to four hours would be average. A game session
and copies of the character sheet provided in this book. may be a single stand-alone plot (somewhat like a
short) story, or it can be more like a chapter in a novel
Actions - leading into upon a complex continuing story
expanded upon week-to-week.
The most basic unit of the game – Players declares
Actions for their characters as the game proceeds.
Some Actions will be complicated, others much more Campaigns
simple. ‘I climb the tree’ is an Action, so is ‘I take the When built up weekly into an over-arching story, a

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
series of Game Sessions is termed a Campaign. are relative to another Character. Wayfarer’s Song
Campaigns can be epic and highly rewarding, but uses eight levels of proficiency. All Characters start
require considerable planning as well as spur of the with a basic Rank One (Poor) in all Skills as a default.
moment invention on the part of the Story Teller. Points are then spent on increasing the Rating of Skills
that are important for your Character concept.
The Players
Rank One (Poor) – You have no training and very
The Gamesmaster is the term Wayfarer’s Song uses
little natural skill.
for the player who acts as the game overseer. The
Rank Two (Low) – You have the bare minimum of
Gamesmaster plots out each adventure, and then
through a process of description and invention presents
Rank Three (Average) – You are about an average
the world, the journey and the story to the other players.
level of skill.
All other players in a game will have a Character.
Rank Four (Good) – You can hold your own against
This is an assumed persona that a player takes on
most people.
during a game. You might for instance play a stealthy
Rank Five (Renowned) – You are considered a bit
thief, or a rune-wise sorcerer or a kind healer. Details
of a local champion.
of each player character are recorded on a Character
Rank Six (Fabled) – You are profoundly skilled.
Sheet. The character sheet is the piece or pieces of
Rank Seven (Legendary) – There are only a few
paper on which all the details, attributes, abilities and
people in the world who can match you.
notes concerning your character are recorded. Blank
Rank Eight (Mythic) – You skill is nigh godlike.
character sheets are provided as a download.
The Non-Player Characters (NPCs) are all the cast,
extras, monsters and creatures controlled by the
Gamesmaster. NPCs are sometimes also referred to
Test of Aptitude
Whenever your Character needs to undertake an action
as Extras.
which is difficult or taxing your Gamesmaster may
decide to call for a Test of Aptitude. When you test an
Order of Actions Aptitude you will be attempting to beat a target number
Sometimes during the game you will need to determine which is set by the Gamesmaster. Target numbers range
an order of Actions. Especially in combat, but also in from 1 (very easy) to 10 (very difficult). Difficulty is
other dangerous or difficult situations this becomes often abbreviated to (diff. 2) in the text, which means
necessary to avoid a situation in which all the Players simply: difficult of Rank 2. To test an Aptitude you
are trying to declare actions all at once. To determine need to roll a number of d10s (ten-sided dice) equal
order of Action roll a d10 for each Character. Start at to your rank in the Aptitude. Look at your result and
10 and count down to 9… 8… 7 and so on. Each pick out the highest dice. This is your score. If more
Character is allowed a single Action when the than one dice have rolled equally a high score then
countdown reaches their score. If two Characters have you get to add +1 for each additional die past the first.
the same score perform a second roll of the dice For Example - A character in the game is trying to
sneak past a sleeping wolf. The Gamesmaster
Aptitudes determines that this is reasonably tricky, and sets
the difficulty to 5. The Character has the Aptitude
Wayfarer’s Song uses fifteen basic Aptitudes to
‘Subterfuge’ of Rank 3 (Average) . The player rolls
measure a Character’s talents and proficiencies in some
3d10 (Rank 3=3d10) and scores a 4, 7 and 8. The
given fields of expertise. Aptitudes are rated on a scale
highest score here is the 8, which is equal or better
from Rank 1 (Poor) to Rank 8 (Mythic).
than the difficulty (diff. 5), and conseqently, the
character suceeds at the Test of Subterfuge and
Skill Ratings sneaks past the wolf without a noise.
Skill Ratings are used to determine how talented you

by Christopher Johnstone
Exceptional Success Situational Modifiers
A bonus is awarded when a Player rolls a pool of dice In some instances, as the Gamesmaster, you may want
and highest roll occurs multiple times. For example if a to add specific penalties to a Character’s Test of
character rolls 3, 5, 5, and 5 then the highest roll is a Aptitude. A Character fighting while half-blinded,
5, and the 5 has occurred three times. For each dice fighting uphill or struggling to swim while wearing heavy
past the first a +1 bonus is awarded to the total score. armour are instances where Situational Modifiers may
So, in the above example the Character would score come into play. Situational Modifiers should be used
a 7, based on 5, +1, +1. This bonus only applies when sparingly, and only when adjusting difficulty will not
the highest number rolled is a multiple. A roll of 3, 3, 3, provide an easy means to modify the Aptitude Test.
6 and 8 provides no bonus. Situational Modifiers adjust the final score rolled, and
are expressed as a negative number and seldom exceed
Critical Success -3.
When a dice pool of three or more is rolled (i.e. For Example: A group of Characters is struggling
Aptitudes of Average or better) and the entire dice to swim to shore after a ship has gone down. The
pool scores the same number, for example, a roll of 2, Gamesmaster sets the difficulty at 5 across the
2, 2, 2, and 2, then a bonus of +2 is added to the board for all those who are in the water, and sets
score for every dice rolled. In the above example five Situational Modifiers for each Character
dice were rolled, providing a total bonus of +10 and depending on how weighed down they are. One
generating a final score of 12 (2+10). Character is wearing a heavy leather mantle and
fur boots, and for this Character the Gamesmaster
Effort sets a Situational Modifier of -2. By kicking of the
Characters can take ranks of Fatigue in order to put boots the Character reduces their weight and
more effort into a Test of Aptitude and up their result. reduces the penalty to -1. If the Character is able
Effort can be spent on any Aptitude Test or Contest to get the leather jerkin off as well the Situational
but must be declared before the roll is made. At most Modifier would disappear.
only three points of Fatigue can be expended on any
one roll. For each point of Fatigue spent a temporary
+1 bonus is added to your total score. Characters
Opposed Contest of
have a maximum Fatigue, and just as there is a limit to
the Injury that can be taken before Character death, If
you expend all of the Fatigue available to you then In a Contest of Aptitude two Characters who are in
exhaustion overwhelms your Character, and he or she conflict with one another engage in an opposed Test
will collapse all but unconcious. of Aptitudes. Both players roll a d10 dice pool based
For Example: A Character has to make a Test of on their Character’s Aptitude as above. The Character
Fortitude to force open a gate. The Gamesmaster with the highest score wins.
sets difficulty at 6. The Character only has a For Example: Two Characters are playing a game
Fortitude of Rank 2, so the Player decides to of chess. The resolution of the game of chess is
expend Fatigue in order to increase the chance of based on the Wit Aptitude. Erik has a Rank Three
success. The Player decides that it’s very important (Average) Wit. Aelfrienn has a Rank Six (Fabled)
that the gate be forced, so expends three points of Wit. Erik rolls 3d10 and scores a 4, 4 and 5.
Fatigue, then rolls. The Player scores a 3 and 4. Aelfrienn rolls 6d10 and scores a 3, 4, 4, 8, 9 and
Because of the expended Fatigue the player gets 10. Alfrienn’s score of 10 considerably outmatches
to add a +3 bonus to the highest roll, bringing 4 Erik’s high score of 5 and Aelfrienn wins the game.
up to 7, thus beating the difficulty (diff. 6) and
allowing the Character to pass the Test of

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
Prolonged Contest of For Example: Grimm is being attacked by three
enemy warriors. Grimm has an Affray of Rank 7

Aptitude (Legendary) and decides to split his Aptitude 3/2/2

among his opponents, so that he dirrects a roll of
Prolonged Contests of Aptitude are employed when 3d10 against one opponent and 2d10 against the
drama or realism demands a more protracted resolution other two. If he runs out of dice (i.e. if he is attacked
for a conflict. In a Prolonged Contest of Aptitude, two by greater than 7 opponents during a single round)
or more Characters engage in a series of Contests of then he will start to suffer undefended assaults
Aptitude, one after the other. Each victory accords which will simply cause injury without any need
you points, and the goal is to score enough points to for a Test of Aptitude.
reach a target set by the Gamesmaster. The Character
who reaches the target first then wins the Prolonged Instinctual Actions
Contest. The number of Victory Points that are won is
Generally, when a Character makes a dice roll in the
based on the degree of success. Examples of times
game the Test of Aptitude results from a declared action.
when Prolonged Contests are useful include chases,
Sometimes, however, the Gamesmaster may declare
arguments, contests of riddles, games of chess, rough
that one or more Characters need to make a Test of
ball games and so on. In combats that are not likely to
Skill versus a set difficulty because of something that
be fatal, such as friendly sparring matches or wrestling
has happened which is outside of their control. For
contests, Victory Points can be used to determine the
instance, if the Characters are ambushed by enemies
outcome, however, in most combats injury and death
who roll cut tree trunks at them down a hill the
will play a larger role in resolving the battle.
Characters might have to make Tests of Dexterity
When you win a round during a Prolonged Contest
versus Difficulty 4 to avoid being struck by a trunk.
you gain a number of Victory Points equal to the
This will occur instincually and none of the Characters
difference between your score and your nearest
need to decide to avoid the tree logs.
opponent’s. If for instance you score an 8 and your
opponent scores a 5, then you gain 3 Victory Points.
For Example: Two Characters are engaged in a
chase through the forest. The Gamesmaster
Battles are divided into Rounds: an arbitrary period of
declares that twelve Victory Points are needed to
time in the game in which all characters are allowed to
win. This means that if the fleeing Character
declare an Action. The order of Actions is determined
reaches twelve points first he will escape, but if
at the beginning of each round. Each Player rolls of
the chaser reaches Twelve Points he will catch his
d10 for their Character. The Gamesmaster rolls a d10
quarry. On the first round the chaser scores a 5
for each enemy character the Players are facing. The
and the fleeing Character scores a 2. The chaser
Character who scores the highest dice roll takes the
gains 3 Victory Points. On the following round both
first Action – i.e. if you roll a 10 and no one else rolls
Characters score a 6 and neither Character gains
a 10 you will have the first turn. Numbers are then
Victory Points. On the next round the chaser scores
counted down from ten to one and Players declare an
a 5 but the fleeing character scores a 10. Now the
Action on their turn. If two or more Characters score
fleeing character has 5 Victory Points, while the
the same dice roll and their actions are in conflict, then
chaser is still on 3 points. This opposed Contests
they will need to roll again until a clear order of action
of Aptitude continue until one or the other
is established.
Characters reaches 12 Victory Points.

Multiple Opponents Melee Attacks

Characters can declare a melee attack against any
When fighting Multiple opponents in close combat a
opponent within close striking range. Declaring a melee
Character is forced to split a dice pool in order to
attack invokes an Opposed Contest of Aptitude (see
defend against all incoming attacks.

by Christopher Johnstone
above), and the winner inflicts injury on the loser. This the fleeing Character wins a melee contest versus
is an important point: although there is nominally an Dexterity then he or she escapes unharmed. If the
‘attacker’ and ‘defender’ either party can come off Attacker wins then the Attacker is allowed to either
worse and suffer injury. Declaring an attack is inflict injury (but allow the fleeing Character to escape)
dangerous... or inflict no injury but block the fleeing Character’s
If both Characters score the same dice roll then neither path of escape.
Character is injured and the attack is a draw.
For Example: Aeric is engaged in a battle with a Ranged Attacks
Drachen, a smallish kin of dragon about the size
All ranged attacks are based on the Ranged Aptitude.
of a horse. Aeric decides to use his boar-spear to
When a character uses a bow and arrow, a throwing
make a melee attack on the creature. Aeric has a
axe or a spear as a ranged attack in battle the attack
Rank Five (Renowned) Affray Skill whereas the
may either be Unopposed or Opposed. If the target is
Drachen has only a Rank Four (Good) Affray Skill.
unaware of the attack then the attack is Unopposed.
Aeric attacks and rolls a 3, 4, 4, 6 and 7. The
The Difficulty is set by the Gamesmaster taking into
Drachen rolls a 1, 1, 2 and 6. Aeric’s 7 beats the
account range, whether or not the target is moving or
Drachen’s 6 and so Aeric wins and inflicts injury.
hidden by cover and how large the target is. If the
Now the Drachen is allowed a turn. The
attacker succeeds then the missile strikes and inflicts
Gamesmaster decides that it will choose to make
a melee attack. The Drachen attacks and rolls a 6,
If, however, the target is aware of the attack then the
7, 8 and 8. Rolling a multiple high dice (the second
attack becomes Opposed. The level of Difficulty is
‘8’) gives the Drachen a +1 for each additional
still set by the Gamesmaster and the attacker performs
dice, so it scores a total of 9 (8+1). Aeric rolls a 4,
a Test of Ranged Aptitude against the Difficulty. If the
5, 5, 7 and 10. His 10 beats the Drachen’s 9 and
attacker succeeds, and the defending character
even though it was the Drachen that attacked,
chooses to dodge or block the attack with a shield,
Aeric deals injury because he won the Contest of
then the defending character Tests Dexterity against a
Difficulty based on the Attacker’s Ranged Aptitude. If
the defending Character passes their Test of Dexterity
Melee Defences then the dodge is successful and the missile flies wide.
A character can choose to do any number of things Blocking a ranged attack with a shield is dealt with in
instead of attack: run away, try to talk to their opponent, a different way (see Shields, below).
beg for mercy or just keep out of arm’s length. If a For Example: Aeric is hiding in the woods and
Character nominates a defensive action rather than an about to loose an arrow at a stag. The stag is
attack the Character gains a +1 bonus to Armour unaware of the attack. The Gamesmaster decides
Protection for the duration of the turn. Because this that the attack is of Difficulty 6. Aeric Tests his
bonus applies across the entire turn, taking a defensive Ranged Skill scores a 3 and fails. Because this
stance is declared at the beginning of the turn. attack was Unopposed the stag had no part to play
Additionally, if a Character decides on evasion over in the resolution. The stag now leaps into a run
attack, the evading Character is allowed to use either and the Gamesmaster states that Aeric has one
Dexterity (dodging) orAffray (parrying) when under more chance to loose an arrow before the deer
attack. vanishes into the forest. But now the stag is aware
of Aeric, and the attack becomes Opposed. Because
Fleeing the stag is now running the Gamesmaster increases
Retreating, backing off or turning to flee opens a the task to Difficulty 8. Aeric tests his Ranged and
Character up to a single free melee attack (i.e. no passes by rolling a 8. Aeric’s Ranged Aptitude is
bonus ranged attacks are invoked) by any enemy who Rank Three (Average) and thus, the deer has to
is within striking range. These free attacks are tested dodge versus a Rank Three +2, or 5. The
against the fleeing Character’s Dexterity Aptitude. If Gamesmaster tests the deer’s Dexterity versus

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
Difficulty 5 and fails. The arrow strikes and inflicts way.
injury. Wooden Club 1d10
Knife 2d10
Range Table Longknife 3d10
Range Close Sword 4d10
Throwing Axe 5 paces Battleaxe 5d10
Spear 10 paces
Small Bow 10 paces For Example: Aeric strikes at the Drachen with
Long Bow 15 paces his boar-spear and hits. A boar-spear is a 4d10
War Bow 20 paces weapon. Aeric rolls a 3, 5, 7 and 9. Only the highest
score rolled matters – in this case the 9—and Aeric
Range Medium inflicts 9 points of injury against the Drachen.
Throwing Axe 10 paces
Spear 20 paces Some Weapons, in particular those made by Aelfan
Small Bow 20 paces or Duergar craft, or those enchanted with magic confer
Long Bow 30 paces a bonus to injury. This is written as a (+1) or (+2) et
War Bow 40 paces cetera. This bonus is added to the highest number
Range Long Weapon of Least Enchantment +1
Throwing Axe 20 paces Weapon of Lesser Enchantment +2
Spear 40 paces Weapon of Greater Enchantment +3
Small Bow 40 paces Weapon of Grander Enchantment +4
Long Bow 60 paces Weapon of High Enchantment +5
War Bow 80 paces
For example: If in the above example Aeric had
Roll Difficulty to Dodge/Block been using a boar-spear of lesser enchantment (+2)
10 Ranged Skill +3 he would have added the bonus two to the nine he
9 Ranged Skill +2 rolled and dealt a total of 11 points of injury to the
8 Ranged Skill +2 Drachen.
7 Ranged Skill +1
6 Ranged Skill +1 Unarmed Attacks
5 Ranged Skill +1 When using the Brawling skill, or otherwise engaging
4 Ranged Skill in an unarmed attack, injury is found by rolling 2d10
3 Ranged Skill and taking the lowest result. This is shorthanded in the
2 Ranged Skill text to 2d10 (low). Some smaller animals may do even
1 Ranged Skill less injury in combat and may have attacks of 3d10
(low) or worse.
Injury For example: Aeric’s throws a punch at the
Drachen. He rolls d10 and scores a 7 and a 2.
Weapons are rated according to a dice pool from Because this is an unarmed attack, Aeric has to
1d10 upwards. Although there is no upward limit to a take the lowest number rolled, and inflicts 2 points
weapon’s dice pool, normally weapons seldom exceed of injury.
5d10. When you injure an opponent in battle, roll your
weapon’s dice pool. Look over the dice and find the
highest number rolled. This number is then dealt as Armour
injury to your opponent’s Health. Injuries from any Armour protects the wearer from injury in battle and
source – not just weapons – are dealt with in the same sometimes from other dangers as well, although this is

by Christopher Johnstone
at the discretion of the Gamesmaster. Armour is scaled Aeric has a small shield and raises this in defense.
from Rank 1 upwards. Each Rank of Armour soaks He expends one point of Fatigue and notes this on
one point of injury each time you are attacked. Note, his Character Sheet. Aeric tests his Block Blow by
however, that an armoured character always suffers a rolling 1d10 and scores a 3, this is within the 4/10
minimum of one point of injury when attacked, even if range he needed so the blow is caught on the shield.
Armour would otherwise reduce injury to zero. The Drachen rolls for injury and inflicts 3 points
Light Hide Rank 1 of damage. This is below the shield’s Soak
Heavy Furs Rank 2 Threshold of 6, so the injury is deflected and the
Padded Leather Rank 3 shield remains intact.
Iron Scales Rank 4
Chainmail Rank 5 When coming under Ranged Attack, you may test your
Regal Mail Rank 6 shield for cover while also attempting to dodge. If an
arrow, spear or axe bypasses the shield then a
For Example: The Drachen has a hide of thick, Character is still allowed a Test of Dexterity, and vice
leathery scales that amounts to natural armour of versa. Non-mundane missile weapons, such as a bolt
Rank 3. In the above example Aeric inflicted 9 of dragon breath can also be blocked using a shield,
points of injury against the creature. The Rank 3 however, it is at the discretion of the Gamesmaster
armour reduces the injury to 6 (9 minus 3). The whether all or only part of the damaging force is
next round Aeric deals the Drachen 4 points of absorbed by a magical attack.
injury. The Drachen has armour 5 and although For Example: The Drachen backs off from the fight
this reduces the injury to zero, it still suffers the and spews a bolt of fire at Aeric. The Gamesmaster
default 1 point of injury. decides that the bolt of fire isn’t very powerful and
can be caught on a shield. Again Aeric expends
Shields one point of Fatigue and tests his Block Blow (still
A Character can choose to take cover behind a shield 4/10), scoring a 1. This is within the Block Blow
when coming under attack. It costs one point of Fatigue range so the Drachen’s flames are caught by the
to use a shield in this way. Shields provide a Block shield. The Drachen rolls for damage and inflicts 7
Blow roll and have a Soak Threshold. The smallest points of injury. Aeric’s shield only has a Soak
class of shield, a buckler, is useful only for parrying Threshold of 6. So although the 7 points of damage
and provides little cover, only a 2 in 10 Block Blow. A are deflected from Aeric and he suffers no injury,
small round shield provides a 4 in 10 chance of catching his shield is destroyed. If Aeric had not passed his
an incoming attack. A large round shield provides a 6 Block Blow test he would have been allowed a Test
in 10 chance of cover and a very large tower shield of Dexterity to avoid the firey breath.
provides an 8 in 10 chance of cover. Soak Threshold
is the maximum amount of damage a shield can absorb Shield Block Blow Soak
in one attack before it is utterly destroyed. Damage Buckler 2/10 4
caught on a shield is not kept track of and it is assumed Small Shield 4/10 6
that Characters will keep their shield in good repair Large Shield 6/10 8
between battles. If a shield has a Soak Threshold of Tower Sheild 8/10 10
6, then it can absorb a range of blows, for example 2
Damage, 5, Damage, 1 Damage, and 6 Damage, but Critical Injuries
if a blow inflicting 7 Damage or more is caught then If you roll a natural 10 on an injury roll your enemy has
the shield is smashed to pieces and lost. Block Blows to pass a Test of Fortitude where the Difficulty is equal
are tested after it has been determined which character to your relevant combat skill (e.g. Affray, Ranged or
has won a round of combat but before the damage is Brawling) or be incapacitated. Each Additional natural
inflicted. 10 you roll in a single test of injury adds a level of
For Example: The Drachen attacks Aeric and wins. Difficulty to the roll. An incapacitated character is

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
injured so viciously that the character is rendered Test of Courage, however, shouldn’t necessarily
unable to move and will die of blood loss within half dictate that the Character must run away—players
an hour if not attended to by a healer. don’t often enjoy playing a character who is forced
For Example: Aeric attacks the Drachen, succeeds into being a coward. Instead, when a Character fails a
on his Test of Affray and then rolls for damage. He Test of Courage you can give the player the option of
scores a 5, 7, 10 and 10. Because Aeric rolled a running away—if however the character chooses to
natural 10 the Drachen needs to make a Test of stand and fight, impose a penalty to actions during the
Fortitude versus Aeric’s Affray of Rank Five. The battle (see Situational Modifiers, above).
additional 10 increases the Difficulty by one level
to diff. 6. If the Drachen fails this Test of Fortitude Harrying
then the injury is deemed so severe that the boar- Optional Rule: Instead of dealing injury to your
spear strikes the creature to the ground and renders opponent, you can choose to try and exhaust and
it completely defenceless. Aeric would be able to outwit your enemy with non-fatal attacks. In this
dispatch it with a dagger on the next round if instance you deal injury to your opponent’s Fatigue
nothing else tries to prevent him doing so. Even if instead of Health. Injury is rolled in the normal way
the Drachen passes its Test of Fortitude it still except that Menace is based on your Affray or
suffers the usual level of injury from the attack. Brawling Aptitude, depending on which you are using,
instead of the Weapon’s Meance. Armour does not
Stunned provide protection against Harrying Injury to Fatigue.
Optional Rule: If a Character suffers four or more Use the following chart as a guide to Harrying.
points of injury from one attack (after armour has been Rank 1 No Menace
subtracted), the injured Character is automatically Rank 2 Menace 1d10
Stunned for the duration of the next Round. A Stunned Rank 3 Menace 1d10
character can only take defensive actions and cannot Rank 4 Menace 2d10
undertake anything complex or intricate including Rank 5 Menace 2d10
working magic. Rank 6 Menace 3d10
Rank 7 Menace 3d10
Battered Rank 8 Menace 4d10
Optional Rule: If a Character suffers six or move
points of injury from one attack (after armour has been
subtracted), the injured character is automatically
Magic and Soulburn
Stunned (see above) for the following two rounds, and Channelling magic through a frail body has its risks.
if wielding a weapon the character loses their grip and Enchantment has a way of working itself into the blood
drops the weapon. If the character is wielding two and Sorcerers who work long with it slowly become
weapons or a weapon and a shield, then the tainted by their own charms.
Gamesmaster chooses which item is dropped by a The more a Character relies on spells, the more magic
random dice roll e.g. odds: weapon, evens: shield. builds up in his blood. The more magical energy builds
up in a body the greater the chance that the magic will
Courage take on a life of its own and erupt out of the Character
Optional Rule: Largely a subjective matter, and leaving a Taint in its wake.
something that as the Gamesmaster you will want to This build up of magic is called Soulburn by Sorcerers,
vary to the taste of the gaming group. Using the and its effects vary depending upon the type of magical
Courage Aptitude in combat can be a useful way to energy that is being channelled. Healing and protective
add an extra dimension of drama to a battle. The magic tends to do little damage to the caster and leave
Gamesmaster can require characters to make a Test more benevolent Taints. Magic meant to neither hurt
of Courage when they face a terrifying sight, a monster nor heal is of a middling sort and only sometimes
or a frightening act of violence in battle. Failing the becomes destructive when Taints are caused. Magic

by Christopher Johnstone
channelled to destroy causes the worst Soulburn and 9 During Spring you suffer a -1 penalty to
can leave a Sorcerer bloodied and ruined. Willpower
10 You loose the ability to cast any spell during
Taints the Spring equinox
The sorcerer who commands magic to do his bidding
does so at his own risk. Magic is changeful, and Birds and Beasts
changing: it may merrily obey the will of the powerful, 1 Once a week an animal of your affinity decides
and then turn on its master with teeth bared. For magic to follow you about all day
craves change, and who better to reshape than the 2 You gain the ability to speak with one species
sorcerer himself? The taint of long years of dealing of bird of Gamesmaster’s choice
with magic can become all too obvious in those older 3 Wild animals when encountered act friendly
sorcerers. Unnatural, eldritch things can happen to a 1-4, neutral 5-8, territorial and hostile 9-10
mortal who allows magic to linger to long in their blood. 4 Gain a subtle animal-affinity feature of
Gamesmaster’s choice e.g. cat-like eyes, furry
Rules 5 If you see an animal suffering or in pain you
Characters who gain ten ranks of Soulburn suffer a physically feel the same pain
Taint, rolled randomly on the Taint Charts provided in 6 If you kill an animal using tools or fire, you will
the following pages. Once a Taint has been suffered loose your ability to cast spells for one week
Soulburn returns to zero. 7 You can no longer stomach preserved food,
As the Gamesmaster you make the decision as to although cooked food is still digestible
which chart to roll on. Base your decision on the nature 8 Gain a major animal feature of Gamesmaster’s
of the magic the sorcerer has been working. But choice e.g. horns, fur, hooves
remember that the table is a list of suggestions only 9 Small wild animals follow you about constantly
and should be treated as such. Feel free to interpret a 10 Any injury you cause to a wild animal appears
given taint how you like and to invent new taints that also on your body
are in theme with the magic that has caused them.
Character lose Soulburn naturally while sleeping: one Day and Sun
level of Soulburn is lost per two hours of sleep. 1 Your eyes glow with a radiant, sun-like sheen
Sorcerers may also smoke a pipeful of Juniper Leaf, at night
an expensive but sometimes necessary way to reduce 2 During the day you can always tell north
Soulburn. 3 During the day you can heal minor wounds by
Autumn Days 4 Your hair turns golden and shimmering
1 Your eyes turn rusty and coppery 5 Your skin turns tanned and bronze
2 During autumn, leaves that fall follow you about 6 Varying numbers of tiny dancing orbs of light
on a swirl of constant wind hover about you constantly
3 You can crush up natural autumn leaves into a 7 When you become angry your eyes blaze like
poultice that heals injuries up to serious wounds suns
4 Your hair turns to a mingled red-gold-bronze 8 Spirits of the dark become afraid of you
colour 9 At night you suffer a -1 penalty to Willpower
5 Any tree you touch turns autumn red 10 You loose the ability to cast any spell during
6 You leave a trail of autumn leaves, which the midnight hour
appear in the air in your path
7 In autumn you gain a temporary +1 to
8 Fruit ripens as soon as you pick it up

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
Earthy Magic puffs of smoke by concentration
1 Your eyes turn grey and milky: you now see 3 You can pick up a small natural flame out of a
spirits and ghost as more solid than people natural fire and carry it about
2 Any stone thrown at you stops in mid air and 4 You can cause a single crystal or gemstone to
falls to the ground - no effect on falling stones glow with fiery light by concentration
3 Iron and steel glow red how when within two 5 Gain Fiery Touch: 1-2 sparks, 3-6 cause a
feet of you, take a severe burn if touched minor burn, 7-10 take a minor burn
4 You can heal minor wounds by touch as long 6 Natural fires burn brighter and leap higher when
as you are touching the earth i.e. barefoot you pass
5 Intricate knot-work carvings appear over any 7 You can control the shape and colour of
small stone that you pick up campfire sized blazes by concentration
6 Intricate knot-work carvings appear over any 8 You can light small fires on flammable material
wood surface, (doors, tables) that you touch by touch and by passing a test of Willpower
7 You become uncomfortable if away from a 9 You are immediately blasted by a 4 foot radius
forest or wilderness column of fire – take a Menace 6 burn
8 Woodland spirits find you intriguing and may 10 You are immediately blasted by a 8 foot radius
try to lure and trap you column of fire – take a Menace 8 burn
9 Nature spirits of least power find themselves
unable to disobey your voice Harm and Injury
10 You loose you magic while you are not in 1 Your blood becomes poisonous leaving you
physical contact with the earth: i.e. barefoot wracked with pain
2 Your shadow now wilts plants
Evil and Malice 3 You now bleed from your eyes whenever you
1 Any spells or relics crafted against evil do an cast a spell
extra rank of damage to you. 4 Age ten years in a matter of minutes
2 Wards or relics charmed against evil glow red 5 Your skins shrivels and withers, making you
when you pass. look like a living corpse
3 The spirits of anyone you kill with magic return 6 You now cough up blood constantly,
as a wraith of least power and haunt you. permanently losing one level of Fortitude
4 Your flesh shrivels and you begin to look like 7 Animals fear you: dogs growl, horses sweat,
a walking corpse. cats hiss in your presence
5 You find sunlight painful but not unbearable. 8 Runes or relics crafted against darkness glow
6 You can no longer stomach cooked food and red when you are within ten feet
must instead eat only raw flesh 9 You find sunlight very painful, but not quite
7 Anyone who touches or is touched by you unbearable
suffers a deep wound. 10 You can no longer stomach any food except
8 Animals panic and bolt in your presence. Small raw flesh
animals may die of fright.
9 Anyone you talks to must make a Test of Will Healing
or feel overwhelming fear. 1 You can now heal minor wounds by touch and
10 You are engulfed by fire. Treat this as a Menace concentration
9 blast to the whole body. 2 You become younger by five years in a matter
of moments
Fire and Light 3 Your blood, when dripped on the ground,
1 Your eyes now look fiery and flickering in dim bursts into flowers and plants
light 4 The next wound you take will heal in minutes
2 You can control the shape and colour of small 5 Your blood when mixed with wine will create

by Christopher Johnstone
a potion that heals the wounds of the drinker natural or otherwise
6 Your natural life-span increases five years 9 Dead wood you touch (i.e. staffs, tables),
7 You now feel the pain of any injury you cause magically sprouts shoots, roots and green
to another leaves
8 You can take a wound from another and give 10 Your loose the ability to work magic at all
it to yourself by touch and concentration unless you are holding a staff
9 Any non-enchanted weapon you hold for
longer than five minutes turns to dust Moon and Stars Benighted
10 You now suffer the same wounds as those that 1 Your eyes glow with a pale moonlit sheen
you inflict on others 2 Your eyes turn black as night
3 During the night you can heal minor wounds
Gaud and Flash by touch
1 Gain the ability to speak to one type or bird 4 Your hair turns black with silvery streaks
or animal of Gamesmaster’s choice. 5 Your skin turns pale and ivory-like
2 Gain the ability to mimic any voice. 6 Shadows gather about you during the day and
3 Gain the ability to mimic any animal or bird rooms grow darker when you enter
sound 7 Candles and torches have a 4/10 chance of
4 Your eyes now subtly change colour according snuffing out when you pass within a foot
to your mood 8 Minor spirits of the dark become attracted to
5 One feature of your face or body becomes you and begin to follow you about
more attractive in colour or shape. 9 During the day you suffer a -1 penalty to
6 Your eyes glow when you become passionate Willpower
or emotional 10 You lose the ability to cast any spell during the
7 Any object you hold looks older and more noon hour
worn than it really is
8 Any idle attention is at least briefly drawn to Storms and Skies
you if you enter a room or crowd 1 You can tell exactly what the weather will be
9 Illusions now affect you as if they were real like in the next 24 hours by staring at the sky
and solid 2 You can change the direction, but not speed,
10 Enchanted creatures find you intriguing and will of wind by concentration
follow and ask questions 3 Your eyes light up like lightning when you
become angry
The Green of Summer-Spring 4 You can summon harmless, if showy, lightning
1 If you harm or cut down a living tree then you at your hands by concentration
will lose you ability to cast spells for a week 5 Spirits of the air now find you attractive and
2 Plants and trees now untangle and move aside follow you about
for you to pass 6 Air temperature drops, and candles may snuff
3 Plants grow noticeably larger and wilder out when you enter a room
overnight wherever you sleep the night 7 Your skin feels deathly cold to the touch, and
4 Your eye and hair now changes colour with you now cannot die of exposure to cold
the seasons 8 You hair is constantly caught in a strong wind
5 Trees near you place of dwelling change that affects no one else
permanently to live in your favourite season 9 Storm clouds rain and wind follows you about
6 Fruits ripen for you upon holding them always, almost but never quite catching you
7 Dead wood you touch is magically covered 10 You now find buildings painfully
with intricate knot-work patterns uncomfortable, and find it impossible to sleep
8 Take an extra level of damage from fires, under a roof

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
3 Anything your touch for more than a minute
Raw Magic gathers a harmless frosting of ice and rime
1 Your eyes glow silver in moon or starlight 4 You no longer suffer discomfort in cold, and
2 Your hair turns snowy white cannot die from it
3 You can sense when someone is lying by 5 You now find spring or summer heat
passing a Test of Willpower unbearably hot
4 Magical relics glow with pale blue light when 6 Your hair becomes permanently laced with
you come within ten feet crystals of ice
5 Small globes of coloured light permanently 7 Anyone who touches or is touched by you
dance around you suffers a minor wound from the cold
6 Your children will inherit your taints 8 You can cause normal water to freeze by
7 The air temperature drops when you enter a breathing on it
room and chill winds follow you 9 Minor, spectral and somewhat useless spirits
8 Your shadow, while remaining attached to your of the snow and ice begin to follow you about
feet, now moves of its own accord 10 You lose the ability to work magic during the
9 Horses sweat, shy dogs growl, and cats hiss month of mid-summer
when you pass
10 Any charm or ward against enchantment
affects you

Rivers and Lakes

1 Water you collect is purified of diseases or
2 Water that you breathe over will heal up to
shallow wounds when drunk by others (but
not by self)
3 You can see through water no matter how
4 You can put out a small natural fire, no larger
than a campfire by concentration
5 Where you rest for the night there is a 1/10
chance of a spring bursting from the earth
6 Water spirits find you intriguing and will try to
lure and trap you
7 Water that you breath over will heal up to deep
wounds when drunk by others (but not by self)
8 You can no longer drink anything but natural
water i.e. no beer, wine, juices of fruits
9 Watercourses, springs and rivers swell
noticeably when you stand within ten feet
10 Anywhere you sleep more than seven nights
starts to become swampy and wet

Winter and Snows

1 Your hair turns snowy white
2 Your eyes turn a silvery white and appear
almost without iris or pupil

by Christopher Johnstone

Chapter Three
Character Creation
Their leader, the chief among them, the most powerful of sorcerers, their king, lay dead upon a bower of
straw. The smell of tar and blood and peat smoke filled up the cramped air of the long hall. It had been
an assassin’s blade that took him away. Treachery. And revenge was demanded - but first there was the
matter of the ritual. While some wailed with grief and anger, the solid of heart took his body, washed it,
wrapped it in sheepskin, and cleanly cut away his head, catching every last drop of his blood in a copper
cauldron. The head they placed on his chest, and then each took up a place in a circle about the body.
Mead was poured into the cauldron and swirled until it was crimson. Each man spat once into the broth.
The first to take his drink shuddered as he gulped greedily at the blood. As he passed the cauldron to the
next of the kinsmen, an inner fire burned in his eyes, and flames flickered about his body. The magic of
the dead sorcerer-chief was already seeping into the drinker’s flesh. Each waited their turn with fearful
anticipation, watching each drinker with a keen eye. Who could guess what magic would be awakened
in the heart of each who drunk of the sorcerous blood?

All players other than the Gamesmaster need to create This will depend somewhat on the sort of game that
a Character in order to player Wayfarer’s Song. Your the Gamesmaster has in mind, and somewhat on what
character is your persona in the heroic saga you are type of Characters the players are interested in playing.
about to embark upon – and he or she will be one of Sly, brigandish Mortal Men may get along very well
the key protagonists in a tale of magic, myth and daring. with Ettin, although the relationship is likely to remain
The Core Rules only provide guidelines for creating mistrustful. On the other hand, more heroic-minded
Mortal Men – the rules for creating player Characters Mortals are unlikely to appreciate an Ettin in their midst.
from other races, the crafty Duergar, enchanted Aelfan Duergar are unlikely to travel with Aelfan Folks, but
or savage Ettin are detailed in their respective often freely associate with both Ettin and Mortals as
Kithbooks. traders and craftsmen.
The following chapter will lead you step-by-step
through the process of creating, crafting and refining a Character Terms
character ready for play. Primarily this process involves
The following are some terms that you will find
choosing skills and degrees of competence for your
discussed in the following chapter.
Character. This ranks and levels are needed in the
Tribe: A Tribe is a loosely aligned collection of families
game to help the Gamesmaster determine if you
that dwell either together in the hillforts or towns or
character will succeed or fail at a given task. The
spread in smaller settlements through an area of
Gamesmaster also needs to know what belongings
marshes, dales or woodlands. Tribes share a culture
your Character owns and what, if any, magical powers
and language, and are usually ruled by a single council,
or spells a Character might know. All of these details
king, queen or moot of elders.
are established during character creation.
Trait: Single, one-off quirks, backgrounds or physical
features. Players can opt to purchase some Traits
Other Races during character creation whereas other Traits may be
It is largely at the discretion of the Gamesmaster accumulated during the game. Physical and
whether or not a playing group of mixed Character supernatural taints that result from using magic are the
races such as Aelfan, Duergar or Ettin will be allowed. most common form of Trait that is gained during

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
gameplay. Otherwise Traits are subjective. Following friends and allies. You need to make sure that your
a battle with a fire-drake in which the Character is Character concept will work well with those of your
very nearly killed you may decide to make a note of a fellow players.
Trait ‘Scarred by Burns’. This sort of acquired Trait is • Character Creation is point-based and primary
simply invented on the run, and constitute notes on attribute based. There are no random rolls involved in
how a Character’s history has changed their life, social creating a Character. Also, there are no secondary
ties and appearance. attributes in the game i.e. there are no attributes such
Aptitude: A learned talent. There are fifteen broadly as ‘ability to dodge a blow’ or ‘ability to knock down
defined Aptitudes in Wayfarer’s Song. Aptitudes are a door’ that would be based off another attribute such
ranked on a scale from Rank 1 (Poor) to Rank 8 as ‘Dexterity’ or ‘Fortitude’. This approach to game
(Mythic). mechanics is aimed at allowing you to better craft a
Disciplines: Magical talents that can be learned or Character with a concept clearly in focus.
mastered by Player Characters. Disciplines are five • Character Creation is relatively involved. You will
tiered powers scaled from Rank One (very poor) to need about half an hour to fully create and flesh out a
Rank Five (excellent). new Character.
Experience Points: Experience Points are earned • Characters are assumed to be unusual, heroic, strong
during play and are used to purchase ranks in Skills and potentially great legends. There are a lot of ways
and Disciplines. to add bonuses to Aptitudes, a lot of magical powers
and a lot of means by which social and political power,

Creating a Character wealth or treasures can be obtained during Character

generation. This is part and parcel of playing a legendary
The following is a step-through guide to creating your game, new Characters in Wayfarer’s Song are not
Character. Although the steps are presented in a logical assumed to be inexperienced, unworldly or incompetent
order, you do not actually have to follow this order. by default—although if you wish to play such as
You could work out your Character’s details first, then character you can.
choose a Tribe, then sort out Traits then nominate some Step One: Concept
belongings and so on. Just make sure that whichever Step Two: Tribe
order your choose to take you don’t forget any aspects Step Three: Aptitudes
of your Character. Step Four: Traits
Step Five: Disciplines
Overview Step Six: Belongings
Step Seven: Final Details
Character Creation in Wayfarer’s Song is based on
the following key points.
• Character creation puts concept first. Although some Step One: Concept
shaping of your Character will occur while you go
Before beginning to mark in skills, levels and talents,
through the process of choosing Skills and Traits, the
you need to think about a character concept. The
method of Character generation used is reasonably
concept can be as vague as ‘I’d like to play a Character
open ended and assumes that a player will have a
that can use magic’ through to a detailed paragraph
general concept for a character before beginning. There
description of your Character’s upbringing, history,
are no restrictions on concept outside of basic setting
friends, enemies and life goals.
restrictions: a Character can be of any age or sex, so
Ask yourself some questions. Who and what do you
long as the Character can be explained within the setting
want your character to be? A sneaky charlatan? An
of the world.
all-powerful sorcerer? Perhaps a hero is silvered
• Wayfarer’s Song is primarily a co-operative and
armour with a flashing sword? Or a darker sort perhaps
heroic game. Although the game can be played with a
– a downfallen lord? A wandering beggar with arcane
bickering or unfriendly group of characters, the usual
assumption is that a group of Player Characters are

by Christopher Johnstone
Example Concepts The witch who crouches over smoking fire, gazes into
Below are some ideas for concepts. These aren’t the crystal, and works spells to blight, to bless to heal.
intended to represent the entire range of characters You are the earthiest of sorcerers, and also the least in
that can be created, but will give you a feel for some power and status. Your sorcery is mostly derived from
of the scope available. a devoted study of lesser sorceries, and the use of
superstitions against those who believe in them.
Chanter of Swords
A warrior come hedge-sorcerer. Primarily a warrior Hewer of Wood
and reaver who will master in time a few small sorceries An earthy man, a woodsman and farmer. The average
to give the edge in times of battle and peace both. salt of the earth who taking a woodcutting axe in hand
Clan chieftains, warrior-priests and heroes sometimes will go Viking now and then.
learn a little sorcery to help them on the field of battle You are a good stout man, a fellow, who knows right
or in the course of defending a tribe, clan or hallowed from right, wrong from wrong, and that common sense
place. You have begun learning a little magic to aid will help with everything in between.
you in war, but the sorcery is something learnt in secret
and in fear. Sorcerers are bound by tradition not to Huntsman
teach spells to the uninitiated and to defend the secrets A wandering of the woods and waters wild, a woodland
of the magic against the unordained - as a Hedge- ranger and traveller, and a hunter of anything that flies
Sorcerer your days may well be numbered. by wing or walks by foot upon the mortal earth.
You are the apical hunter, he who lives for the chase,
Charlatan for the smell of wet and wild woods, for the feeling of
An enchanter, a thaumaturge extraordinaire, a worker freedom and carefree living in the wild. You shoot stags
of miracles and visions and wizard’s fire - or is he? and roast feast that lords would envy, you root out
You are man with some Aelfan blood in your veins, bee nests and have honey to sweeten your meal. And
enough to give you a little of their glamour, their have you taxes? A burden of lords and landowners?
illusionary tricks and powers (see Disciplines, Illusory No. Yours is the life of the free.
Arts). You may claim to be a great and powerful
sorcerer. You may scare pig-farmers and housewives, Soothsayer
but be warned a real sorcerer will know soon enough A prophet, a seer of omens, one both blessed and
the difference between arcane magic and your power troubled by visions and premonitions. You are subject
over illusion. to periodic visions of the future or of distant people
and places (see Disciplines, Visions). Perhaps your
Hero can see the spirit-world, and feel the course of all fate
A warrior of the sword and axe, hunting adventure and living things (see Disciplines, Second Sight). You
and fame. You shall visit the halls of kings, and through can find work no doubt: there are always those willing
valour and daring earn gold bands held out to your on to pay for a fortune told by candle-light, but how do
the tips of swords, earn respect too, and fame and the visions affect you? It must be troubling to a lens for
honour and a place among the dead who attend the fate.
You are a wandering hero, motivated by glory, and to Squall Witch
a lesser extent wealth. You have little interest in magic, A sorcerer of storms, skies, winds and thunder, lightning
and may find sorcery not merely distasteful but a and rains. A concept that can be attained by choosing
dishonourable path to victory. storm, wind and rain related spells as well as perhaps
nominating one or more enchanted items that relate to
the air and spirits.

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
Character, it determines not just the magical talents
Thief and powers that are open to you to learn, but also
A pilferer, sneak-thief, rag-picker, rouge and brigand. culture, outlook on life and the nature and number of
A man who lives by wits and theft with little compunction friends, allies and enemies you are likely to encounter
for others. in the game.
You are not merely a lawless man, with few scruples, Asyneur: Fiery tempered warriors and sorcerers
and no sense of property, but also have the luck of the Beorga: Barbarians, raiders and hunter-gatherers
damned. You almost need to, to live as a thief in the Morhorag: Fenlanders obsessed with a cult of the
harsh world. dead
Laukar: Woodlanders, hunters and wildwood
Wanderer gatherers
A shiftless hill-ranger and traveller, and somewhat of a Skaldean: Wandering minstrels, gypsies and thieves
merchant-adventurer who without home or attachments Vanargan: Healers, farmers, seers and prophets
is forever on the road.
The life of the road is for you. You are the rover, the The Seventh Tribe
ranger, the perfect adventurer, always in search of new Of the seventh great tribe little is recorded and less
things to see and places to tell you children about spoken. Their name has passed out of history and all
(should you ever settle down). knowing, and the people are referred to in the oldest
tales as simply ‘The Seventh Tribe’, sometimes ‘The
Warrior-Poet Arceans’, sometimes ‘the Ice Peoples’. They lived, it
A man of two natures who is both a poet reciting the is thought, to the north, and are said to have made
lore of love, and a warrior who delights in the songs of their homes in elaborate caves of rock and ice. Nothing
swords clashing. more can be said of them for certain, and if any of the
You are a warrior poet. A tragic figure who both delights Seventh Tribe still linger in the darker and more remote
in and abhors the thick of battle. When the blood flows parts of the world, no knowledge of them is known to
and the frenzy of battle subsides the song of swords is the other tribes of mortals.
replaced in your soul by the song of sorrow, and regret
for the murder you have done. Lesser Tribes
The Wayfarer’s Song Core Rules focuses on the six
Wizard of Ravens remaining great mortal tribes listed above, however,
A sorcerer of the night-black winged raven, to whom other tribes do exist. Some are smaller and far-flung in
he is friend and supplicant. the lands of ice and snow and forest to the north. Away
The Wizard of Ravens would eventually gain one or to the south, far over the seas, hills and chill deserts
more raven familiars through the Familiar spell and has there exist still more tribes of men, foreign and strange
the Animal Tongues Discipline, enabling conversation to the folk of Mithgerd but not completely unknown,
with all normal ravens. The Wizard of Ravens would these Sutherlanders have among them merchants,
also have access to other spells of sorcery. explorers, adventurers, heroes and scholars who have
journeyed as far north as the lands of the five tribes
and farther. If you wish to invent a Tribe, you will need
Step Two: Tribe to confer with your Gamesmaster. A new Tribe will
Of the many tribes of men, there are seven which are require a basic description as well as Unique
said to be the great tribes, for these are the tribes who Disciplines, Strong Disciplines and Open Disciplines,
rule over most of the last kingdoms of men, from the just as the Five Tribes already do, and you may have
fire blacked and frozen north to the icy fens, and sunlit to invent new Disciplines to suit your tribal concept.
valleys of the south.
The Tribe you belong to is a pivotal part of your

by Christopher Johnstone
Step Three: Aptitudes problem solving.

Aptitudes describe spheres of practical knowledge. Example Aptitude Sets

Your Character concept will give you a feel for which The following are some example Aptitude sets provided
Aptitudes will be important to your Character and to give an idea of which Aptitudes are important for
which will be less so. A warrior and thegn will need to different which Characters. These sets can also be used
focus primarily on combat and rulership Aptitudes, as they are by Players who wish to quickly fill in some
whereas a sorcerer will find it more useful to spend suitable Aptitude levels for their Characters. Slight
Aptitude Points on mental skills such as Willpower tailoring of an Aptitude set can be achieved by
and Wisdom. swapping values around or re-working some of the
Characters are allotted a pool of 45 Aptitude Points Aptitude Points.
to add ranks to their Aptitudes (enough points to
increase all skills to Rank 3, Average. All Aptitudes Huntsman: Affray: Three (3 pts.), Brawling: Two (1
are ranked at a default of Poor (Rank 1) unless you pts.), Dexterity: Three (3 pts.), Courage: Three (3 pts.),
spend points to increase it. The higher the Rank you Crafts: One (0 pts.), Cunning: One (0 pts.), Fortitude:
wish to increase an Aptitude to, the more Aptitude Two (1 pts.), Perception: Three (3 pts.), Presence: One
Points must be spent. Use the following Chart as a (0 pts.), Ranged: Five (14 pts.), Subterfuge: Three (3
Guideline. For instance, if you wish to increase your pts.), Wayfaring: Five (14 pts.), Willpower: One (0 pts.),
Affray skill to Average, you need to spend a total of 7 Wisdom: One (0 pts.), Wit: One (0 pts.)
points (1+2+4).
1 pt Rank 1 to 2 1 Total Ironmonger’s Boy: Affray: One (0 pts.), Brawling:
2 pts Rank 2 to 3 3 Total Two (1 pts.), Dexterity: Five (14 pts.), Courage: Averag
4 pts Rank 3 to 4 7 Total Three Crafts: Four (7 pts.), Cunning: Three (3 pts.),
7 pts Rank 4 to 5 14 Total Fortitude: Three (3 pts.), Perception: Three (3 pts.),
11 pts Rank 5 to 6 25 Total Presence: One (0 pts.), Ranged: One (0 pts.), Subterfuge:
16 pts Rank 6 to 7 41 Total Three (3 pts.), Wayfaring: Two (1 pts.), Willpower: Three
24 pts Rank 7 to 8 65 Total (3 pts.), Wisdom: Two (1 pts.) Wit: Three (3 pts.)

Summary of Aptitudes Learned Sorcerer: Affray: One (0 pts.), Brawling: One

Affray: Hand-to-hand combat with weapons. (0 pts.), Dexterity: One (0 pts.), Courage: Two (1 pts.),
Brawling: Unarmed hand-to-hand fighting. Crafts: Three (3 pts.), Cunning: Three (3 pts.), Fortitude:
Dexterity: Eye-hand co-ordination, agility and One (0 pts.), Perception: Three (3 pts.) Presence: Three
thievery. (3 pts.), Ranged: One (0 pts.), Subterfuge: Two (1 pts.),
Courage: Resolve in the face of fear. Two: One (0 pts.), Willpower: Five (14 pts.), Wisdom:
Crafts: Handcrafts, arts and working crafts. Five (14 pts.), Wit: Three (3 pts.)
Cunning: Deceit, haggling, lies and guile.
Fortitude: Physical strength, endurance and power. Fishmonger: Affray: Two (1 pts.), Brawling: Two (1
Perception: Awareness and alertness. pts.),Dexterity: Two (1 pts.), Courage: Two (1 pts.),
Presence: Charisma, leadership and appearance. Crafts: Four (7 pts.), Cunning: Three (3 pts.), Fortitude:
Ranged: Hunting and fighting with ranged weapons. Two (1 pts.), Perception: Three (3 pts.), Presence: Five
Subterfuge: Sneaking, hiding and moving silently. (14 pts.), Ranged: One (0 pts.), Subterfuge: Two (1 pts.),
Wayfaring: Boating, woodcraft, outdoor skills, Wayfaring: Three (3 pts.), Willpower: Three (3 pts.),
tracking and foraging. Wisdom: Three (3 pts.), Wit: Three (3 pts.)
Willpower: Force of mind, fieriness of will, skill with
magic. Folk Hero: Affray: Five (14 pts.), Brawling: Three (3
Wisdom: Lore, learning and general knowledge. pts.), Dexterity: Three (3 pts.), Courage: Four (7 pts.),
Wit: Quickness of mind, skill at joking or insulting, Crafts: Two (1 pts.), Cunning: One (0 pts.), Fortitude:

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
Three (3 pts.), Perception: Two (1 pts.), Presence: Four (1 pts.), Dexterity: Five (14 pts.), Courage: Two (1 pts.),
(7 pts.), Ranged: Three (3 pts.), Subterfuge: One (0 pts.), Crafts: One (0 pts.), Cunning: Three (3 pts.), Fortitude:
Wayfaring: One (0 pts.), Willpower: Two (1 pts.), One (0 pts.), Perception: Three (3 pts.), Presence: Four
Wisdom: Two (1 pts.), Wit: Two (1 pts.) (7 pts.), Ranged: One (0 pts.), Subterfuge: Four (7 pts.),
Wayfaring: Three (3 pts.), Willpower: Two (1 pts.),
Royal Archer: Affray: Three (3 pts.), Brawling: Two Wisdom: Two (1 pts.), Wit: Three (3 pts.)
(1 pts.), Dexterity: Three (3 pts.), Courage: Three (3 pts.),
Crafts: Two (1 pts.), Cunning: Three (3 pts.), Fortitude:
Three (3 pts.), Perception: Four (7 pts.), Presence: One Step Four: Traits
(0 pts.), Ranged: Five (14 pts.), Subterfuge: Two (1 pts.), Traits describe minor, one-off physical features, inborn
Wayfaring: Two (1 pts.), Willpower: Two (1 pts.), abilities, points of personal history or background and
Wisdom: Two (1 pts.), Wit: Three (3 pts.) the like. They give you a slight feel for the shape of
your character as well as provide you with a few extra
Sea Reaver: Affray: Five (14 pts.), Brawling: One (3 bonuses here and there. Traits, however, are not
pts.), Dexterity: Three (3 pts.), Courage: Three (3 pts.), necessarily always good, some are double edged and
Crafts: Two (1 pts.), Cunning: Three (3 pts.), Fortitude: some are outright problematic. You do not receive
Three (3 pts.), Perception: Two (1 pts.), Presence: Two points back for taking poor Traits – some Characters
(1 pts.), Ranged: Three (3 pts.), Subterfuge: Three (3 are lucky in life, others are not. Each Character is
pts.), Wayfaring: Three (3 pts.), Willpower: Two (1 pts.), allowed to choose three Traits from the list provided.
Wisdom: One (0 pts.), Wit: Three (3 pts.) If you choose a Trait that gives you a bonus to a Skill
add the bonus level at the end of Character Creation
Skald: Affray: Three (3 pts.), Brawling: One (1 pts.), ie. once you have finished purchasing Skill levels.
Dexterity: Two (1 pts.), Courage: Two (1 pts.), Crafts:
Four (7 pts.), Cunning: Three (3 pts.), Fortitude: Two (1 Summary of Traits
pts.), Perception: Three (3 pts.), Presence: Five (14 pts.), Ancestral Longhouse, Allies, Archer’s Knack,
Ranged: One (0 pts.), Subterfuge: Three (3 pts.), Bewitched Shield, Birthright, Bolthole, Books of Lore,
Wayfaring: Two (1 pts.), Willpower: Two (1 pts.), Bravery, Charmed Weapon, Code of Honour,
Wisdom: Three (3 pts.), Wit: Three (3 pts.) Command, Covetous, Curious, Dark Secret,
Deformed, Dragonscale Armour, Draught of Sleep,
Soothsayer: Affray: Two (1 pts.), Brawling: One (0 Ear of the Throne, Enemies, Fair, Followers, Hale,
pts.), Dexterity: Two (1 pts.), Courage: Two (1 pts.), Haughty, Hedge-Sorcerer, Hoard, Iron of Will, Item
Crafts: Three (3 pts.), Cunning: Three (3 pts.), Fortitude: of Power, Keen of Senses, Knotted Fists, Language,
One (0 pts.), Perception: Three (3 pts.), Presence: Four Learned, Lithe of Body, Lone Wolf, Maimed, Master
(7 pts.), Ranged: One (0 pts.), Subterfuge: Three (3 pts.), Wright, Mighty Sinews, Mistletoe Arrow, Oath,
Wayfaring: Three (3 pts.), Willpower: Three (3 pts.), Prideful, Ritual Tattoos, Scarred in Battle, Silver
Wisdom: Five (14 pts.), Wit: Three (3 pts.) Tongued, Sorcerer, Stature, Thieving Ways, Tireless,
Trolde-Blood, Troldehide Armour, Two-Handed
Unworldly Young Noble: Affray: Four (7 pts.), Combat, Unworldly, Weapon Master, Winterwolf
Brawling: Two (1 pts.), Dexterity: Three (3 pts.), Cloak, Witched Flesh, Wretched, Wurum-Tooth
Courage: Four (7 pts.), Crafts: Three (3 pts.), Cunning: Dagger, Wary, Water of Life
Two (1 pts.), Fortitude: Three (3 pts.), Perception: Two
(1 pts.), Presence: Four (7 pts.), Ranged: Three (3 pts.),
Subterfuge: Two (1 pts.), Wayfaring: Two (1 pts.), Step Five: Disciplines
Willpower: Three (3 pts.), Three: Two (1 pts.), Wit: Three Disciplines are mystic talents that are semi-magical,
(3 pts.) usually run in bloodlines and are more natural than a
sorcerer’s Spells; a piece of wild magic inherited from
Wandering Thief: Affray: Two (1 pts.), Brawling: Two forefathers. Some Disciplines grant powers of healing,

by Christopher Johnstone
others might allow you to speak to beasts or perhaps Disciplines will depend on events in the game and is at
leave your body at night and wander in the form of a the discretion of the Gamesmaster. A Character with
spirit-animal. A Character who possesses a Discipline Latent Disciplines can be identified by a Character
is not considered a sorcerer or witch, instead these possessing the same Discipline at Rank Five. Choosing
powers are viewed by others as simple, inherent talents the make a Discipline Latent is a matter of dramatic
– albeit magical ones; some mortals are lucky enough preference.
to possess natural magic, others are not.
A second class of Discipline are those that are inherited Spending Background Points
but will not develop on their own and require that the
Each Character is allotted 25 Background Points to
Character undertake training. These Disciplines lie
spend on additional Traits, bonus Aptitude Ranks,
latent in a person until they are brought out through
Disciplines or extra belongings. Importantly,
instruction. Many of the Disciplines associated with
Background Points are the only means by which
cults are of this second class of natural magic. The
Disciplines can be purchased. Wether you want to
high priests and chief shamans of cults expend a great
spend all of your points on Disciplines - or any points
deal of time and effort searching for likely candidates
at all - will depend on your Character concept. If your
who may have inherited untapped Disciplines that the
Character is not heavily magical, if perhaps you want
cult can bring to the surface through rite, ritual or
your Character to be a powerful warrior-thegn, or
woodland thief, snow-sledge merchant, captain of a
Because Disciplines run in bloodlines not all Tribes
ship or even a wandering herbman, then you may want
possess all Disciplines. Some wild talents are common
to spend few or no Background Points on Disciplines.
and available to all Disciplines, others are only found
Every Character has a total of 25 Background Points
in the blood of one or two of the Tribes.
to spend. Use the below chart as a guide to spending
Disciplines are ranked on a scale from Rank One (very
Background Points.
poor) to Rank Five (excellent). Advancing Ranks in a
New Discipline at Rank One 1 pt.
Discipline will either give your Character new magical
Rank One to Rank Two 2 pts.
talents or increase the potency of those powers your
Rank Two to Rank Three 4 pts.
character already has.
Rank Three to Rank Four 8 pts.
Disciplines are purchased using Background Points.
Rank Four to Rank Five 16 pts.
Because Disciplines are both rare, inherited, and usually
New Trait 2 pts
obvious from an early age, once you have finished
Added Level of Aptitude 5 pts
creating your Character you will not be able to buy
Ten Silver Marks 1 pt
new Disciplines later on; i.e. you cannot buy new
Common Item 1 pt
Disciplines using Experience Points earned during the
Expensive Item 2 pts
game - although you can increase the ranks of any
Treasure 3 pts
Disciplines you already have using Experience Points.
This means that you need to be careful which
For Example: You could use your 25 Background
Disciplines you decide to purchase, as once your
Points to purchase two new Traits (4 pts), add five
Character is ready for play his or her Disciplines are
points to your total pool of Aptitude Points (5 pts),
set for life.
reserve fifteen points to buy Disciplines (15 pts) and
Disciplines can, however, sometimes lie dormant in a
obtain a Shortbow and 10 Arrows (a common object, 1
person. You can choose to make any Discipline Latent
but you still need to purchase at least one Rank using
Background Points. Latent Disciplines may bubble to
the surface during a time of great stress or emotion for Summary of Disciplines
your Character, or may need to be drawn to the surface Animal Tongues Open
by a sorcerer or shaman of one of the mystic cults. Brotherhood of the Hunt Laukar
How your Character will discover any Latent Chant at the Forge Open

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
Charmed Life Open Common
Clear Sight Open Aleskin, Animal Fodder (1 week), Armour (Rank 1),
Deathspeaker Seer Morhorag Craftsman’s Tools, Blanket, Clay Wisp-Lamp,
Enchanted Voice Skaldean Cooking Equipment, (Hairpin, Leather Sling (Menace
Fetch-Souled Open 1d10), Cudgel (Menace 3d10) Longknife (Menace
Geas Open 3d10), Mattock (Menace 3d10), Rope, hemp, 30 feet,
Haunted Heart Open Shortbow & 10 Arrows (Menace 3d10), Small Shield
Healers of Idis Vanargan (Block Blow 4/10, Soak Threshold 6), Shortsword
Healing Touch Open (Menace 3d10), Spear (Menace 4d10), Staff, Carven
Illusory Arts Open (Menace 1d10), Staff, Iron-Tipped (Menace 2d10),
Intuit Direction Open Torches (3), Wood-cutter Axe (Menace 3d10)
Lore of Heid Vanargan
Luck of the Traveller Skaldean Expensive
Piercing Gaze Open Armour (Rank 2), Battle Axe (Menace 5d10), Boar-
Premonitions Open Spear (Menace 5d10), Cask of Ale, Cloak Brooch,
Purifying Touch Open Embroidered Cloak, Falcon and Gear, Food (1
Scrying Open week’s) Goblet of Pewter, Hound, Iron Warhammer
Second-Sight Open (Menace 4d10), Longbow & 10 Arrows (Menace
Serendipity Open 4d10), Musical instrument, Pipe (bone), Plain
Skin-Changer Open Warhorn, Pony or donkey and gear, Satchel pipeweed,
Spirit Hunter Morhorag Large Shield (Block Blow 6/10, Soak Threshold 8),
Uncommon Sense Open Sword (Menace 4d10), Tent, Thief’s Tools, Wooden
ValravenWarrioress Asyneaur keepsake box
Visions Open
Warrior Blest Asyneaur
Warrior Shaman Beorgar
Armour (Rank 3), Bottle of perfume, Box of copper
Ways of the Wilds Open
jewellery, Bronze armband, Bronze torc, Cask of
Will over Self Open
Spices, Gem-inlaid dagger (Menace 2d10), Heavy
Wolf-Blooded Beorgar
silver ring, Horse and chariot, Horse and saddle,
Wood Huanter Laukar
Necklace of amber, Necklace of copper and topaz,
Word of Binding Asyneaur
Necklace of silver, Noble Armour, Rune-Cutting Tools,
Wyrde Open
Satchel Juniperweed, Small gold ring, Tower Shield
(Block Blow 8/10, Soak Threshold 10) Tooled
Step Six: Belongings Warhorn, Wagon and Ox
In addition to the below standard belongings that all
characters start play with, choose from the following Step Seven: Final Details
three lists 8 Common objects, 5 Expensive objects
Finally you need to work out a few minor details of
and 1 Treasure (8/5/1).
the rules, add a few brushes of colour and a touch of
life to your character. Most of the following Character
Standard Belongings details will change over time, some are eminently
One week’s trail rations, two sets of garb, good leather mutable, such as appearance and may change from
or felt boots and gloves, sheepskin cloak, belt pouch, game to game, others, such as your Character’s name
backpack, flint and tinder, plate & mug, leather, or level of Health are unlikely to alter unless a very
wineskin, Dagger (Menace 2d10), and a coin purse serious event occurs in the game.
with 20 Silver Marks.

by Christopher Johnstone
Name she looks? Is your character’s appearance a clear
indication of personality, or is the outer appearance
The following is a list of personal names typical of those
used by Mortals in the world of Mithgerd. Along with
a personal name most men and woman also acquire a
byname, sometimes quite late in life. Bynames can be Personal History
simply based on parentage, such as in Osric son of What is your family history? Who are your parents?
Oswy, or on place of birth, Gytha of Oakenbode, or What did they do for a living? Are they still alive? Where
on profession, Wulfhere Fishmonger. Bynames may does your family live? What has led you to the life you
also be descriptive, and are not always necessarily are now leading? What are you seeking in life? Is there
positive. Often bynames are given rather than chosen some event that is particularly important? Is there
so a fat man may be mockingly called ‘the thin’, or a something that you are trying to find? Something that
talkative woman may have the byname magpie or you are trying to run away from?
chatternag. Some other ideas are: Singalday,
Tricksleeve, Redcloak, Halfpint, Strongbow, Fair-o- Languages
fax, the Sly, Ne’er-do-well, Lameshanks.
All player Characters begin play with the ability to
speak the language of their own Tribe as well as Trade,
Male Names a tongue used for communication between tribes and
Ælfric, Ælfwaerd, Æscwine, Æthelbald, Æthelred, to an extent with other creatures, as well as an
Æthelstan, Æthelwulf, Bassa, Beorhtirc, Beorn, additional language of choice.
Brictric, Caedwalla, Caewlin, Centwine, Cenwalch,
Cerdic, Colred, Colric, Colwulf, Conhelm, Conwulf,
Tribal Languages
Conerad, Conewalch, Cuthbert, Cuthred, Cuthwulf,
Asyneur: Spoken by the Asyneur
Cyneagils, Cynewulf, Cynric, Dernhelm, Eadbald,
Beorga: Spoken by the Beorga
Eadberth, Eadred, Eadric, Eadwig, Eadwine,
Morhorag: Spoken by the Morhorag
Eardwulf, Edwin, Estrith, Ethilfrith, Ethelheard,
Laukar: Spoken by the Laukar
Ethelred, Ethelwulf, Godwine, Gyrth, Harald, Harold,
Skaldean: Spoken by the Skaldean
Harthold, Hengest, Herenoth, Hlothere, Horsa,
Vanargan: Spoken by the Vanargan
Hraefen, Ine, Lofwine, Malscrung, Mordar, Morkere,
Oeric, Offa, Osric, Oswine, Oswiu, Oswulf, Oswy,
Pendagast, Peragur, Sabor, Sigebyht, Sigismund, Other Languages
Svein, Thorgils, Tostig, Ulf, Wihtred, Wulfhere, Aelfish: Language of Aelfan Folks
Wulnoth. Aelfraun: Written form of Aelfish
Duergar: Language of Duergar
Duergarvard: Written form of Duergar
Female Names
Hulderling: Spoken by Huld and Nisse
Ælfgifa, Ælflaen, Æthelgifa, Æthelhild, Æthelwen,
Isenrune: Written form of Isentongue
Burhred, Caewen, Conburh, Cyneburh, Eaflaen,
Isentongue: Spoken of Ettin and Troldes
Eagifa, Eagyth, Eahild, Ealdwen, Ealdgyth, Ealhrea,
Ormtongue: Native language of dragons
Ealhswith, Ediwen, Emma, Eormenburh, Estrith,
Sutherlander: Hybrid form of Asyneur-Vanargan
Gunhild, Gytha, Gwillowen, Hereswith, Raenburh,
Trade: Trade language common among all tribes
Walburga, Wihtburh, Wyllowen, Wynflaen
Runic: Used for writing and recording by mortal men

Appearance Language and Proficiency

It’s always a good idea to think about what your Wayfarer’s Song does not use a system of levels or
character looks like. You may want to draw a sketch, proficiencies for Language. Instead Languages are
or write a paragraph to describe your character. How treated as something either known or unknown. If
is your character’s personality reflected in how he or you wish it is possible to treat Languages like Aptitudes

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
and assign ranks to them. If you choose to do this Spells of the Thorn Stave. A Character needs to know
allow each player 10 points to purchase ranks in ten Spells of Thorn before gaining access to Spells of
Languages in the same way that Aptitudes are Rowan. Ten Spells of Rowan must be known before
purchased. access is gained to the Spells of Oak. Below is a
summary list of all Spells of Sorcery. Players should
Health refer to Chapter Five, Sorcery, for a detailed
descriptions of spells and their powers.
All Mortal Men have 10 ranks of Health. Injuries result
in your Health being reduced and when you rest Health
is restored through the natural process of healing. A Spells of the Thorn Stave
Most Characters are considered fully healed at ten Aglow, Augment, Blood is Thick, Charm upon the
Health, and no amount of further recuperation or Beast, Clever Tongue, Eyes of the Spectre,
magical healing will increase Health beyond this rank. Horseman’s Friend, Invocation of Help, Kindle, Lay
Only characters with the ‘Stature’ Trait will have a of Shields, Lay of Toothless Swords, Least
maximum Health above 10 ranks. Counterspell, Light, Loathing, Loosen Fetters,
Quietude, Raiment of Mists, Song of Wild Folk,
Shadow Raven, Sleep the Adder, Sooth, Sorcerer’s
Fatigue Sight, Touch of Ice, Traceless Passing, Unknown to
A measure of your stamina and endurance. Characters the Scryer, Warning, Warmth of Mead, Whispers of
begin play with ten levels of Fatigue. Heavy physical Sleep, Whispers of Smoke, Willpower’s Leech,
work or exertion results in your Fatigue temporarily Words of the Unflame
dropping. As with Health, Fatigue is restored through
rest, but recovers much quicker than wounds and Spells of the Rowan Stave
injuries. Rest allows your Fatigue to recover, however, Arrow Ward, Bane, Beauty, Bladeturn, Changeful
Fatigue cannot be increased beyond its initial level by Cloaks, Chant of the Misty Grave, Conceal, Dark,
resting. Dispel Runes, Fireflaught, Flesh of the Fire Gods,
Hellfire, Known to the World, Lesser Counterspell,
Soulburn Lesser Familiar, Nightmare of Shadows, Oath-
You Character begins play with zero Soulburn. Using Bindings, Protection, Rage of Waters, Rite of the
magic or casting spells causes Soulburn to accumulate Sickener’s Curse, Rite of the War Blest, Runes of
in your Character’s flesh. The more magic you use, Blood, Shield of the Sorcerer, Song of Calm Water,
the more Soulburn will accumulate. If you work too Sorcerer’s Fire, Spell of Elder Lore, Sunder, Unerring,
much magic and acquire ten points of Soulburn your Voice of the Tempest, Venom’s Chant, Warflame
character suffers a magical backlash and is permanently
magically tainted - Soulburn then returns to zero. Spells of the Oak Stave
Resting from magic working allows your Soulburn to Blindworm’s Curse, Chain of Shadows, Chains upon
slowly seep away and sorcerers who wish to avoid the Fetch, Curse of Sleepless Death, Demise, Ensnare,
being permanently tainted by enchantment must be Falter Hex, Feeble of Flesh, Greater Familiar, Hex of
careful to balance how much magic and sorcery they Binding, Love Curse, Raise Storm, Seeing, Spell of
work with the periods spent resting from magic and the Far-Walker, Unseen, Ward of Dispel, Word of
allowing Soulburn to seep away. Power, Words of Black Stone

Sorcery Character Creation

Newly created Characters who have taken the Sorcerer
or Hedge-Sorcerer Traits gain access to Spells of Example
Sorcery. New Characters will seldom know spells
The following is a sample character created via the
above the power of the lowest level of Sorcery, the
step-by-step system outlined above. In the case where

by Christopher Johnstone
a player’s character has recently died or retired, leaping however, isn’t much of a match for a wurum, let alone
in with a suitable new concept is usually relatively easy, three, and as a part of his quest Maeric will need to
you will already know the history of the play group, hone his skills. He is strong willed and perceptive, but
their style and the style of games that you will be playing. is neither learned nor agile.
But, if on the other hand this isn’t the case, if you are
joining a group or starting a new game, then as the Step Four: Traits
player you should spend some time talking to your John thinks over his options for giving Maeric access
Gamesmaster and fellow players about the campaign to sorcery and decides that Maeric’s dead wife has
before jumping in. In the following Example John is a returned as a ghost and taught him magic spells. He
Player who is creating the Character Maeric. needs to take a trait associated with sorcery, but the
Sorcerer Trait states that the Character has been
Step One: Concept initiated into the traditions of mortal sorcerers - this
John decides that he’d like to play a Character who is isn’t the case for Maeric, his magic is illicit and stolen
primarily a warrior, but knows a few simple spells and from the lands of the dead. So instead John player
perhaps has some other minor magic. John has read chooses Hedge-Sorcerer. John purchases this trait
over the Disciplines section and likes the idea of giving twice to give Maeric two Spells of Thorn. With one
his new Character the Intuit Direction Discipline. He Trait option left Maeric’s player chooses the Trait
decides to create Maeric, a warrior-thegn of the Weaponmaster and nominates the battle-axe as
Asyneur Tribe. Maeric’s weapon of choice.

Step Two: Tribe Step Five: Background Points

John has already decided on the Asyneur Tribe. He With his 25 Background Points, John decides to
scribbles this onto Maeric’s Character Sheet. concentrate primarily on raising the level of some
Aptitudes and purchasing additional Traits. John wants
Step Three: Aptitudes Maeric to have the Intuit Direction Discipline, but
John has 45 Aptitude Points to spend on increasing doesn’t want it powerfully developed yet. This is the
his Aptitudes. Because Maeric’s concept suggests that only Discipline he chooses and he sets it at Rank One
he be a competent warrior, John spends a large number - the lowest level of power. The remaining points are
of these points on combative Aptitudes. spent on three Traits and increasing the level of Maeric’s
Affray: Good 7 pts. Aptitudes. Note that John didn’t have to spread his
Brawling: Good 3 pts. Background Points out in this way, he could have
Dexterity: Poor 0 pts. lumped them all into Aptitude increases or gaining
Courage: Good 7 pts. powerful Disciplines or Traits.
Crafts: Poor 0 pts. Disciplines
Cunning: Low 1 pts. Intuit Direction : Rank One 1 pt.
Fortitude: Good 7 pts.
Ritual Tattoo: Hungering Wolf 2 pts.
Perception: Average 3 pts.
Adds one level to Maeric’s Wayfaring Aptitude
Presence: Poor 0 pts. Hedge-Sorcerer 2 pts.
Ranged: Good 7 pts. Grants an additional Spell of Thorn
Subterfuge: Poor 0 pts. Hale x2 4 pts.
Wayfaring: Average 3 pts. Adds two ranks to Maeric’s Health
Willpower: Average 3 pts. Aptitudes
Wisdom: Low 1 pts. Affray +1 Level 5 pts.
Wit: Average 3 pts. Fortitude +1 Level 5 pts.
Ranged +1 Level 5 pts.
Maeric is a fairly competent warrior, good in a hand- Belongings
to-hand fight and with a bow. His current level of skill, Ten Silver Marks 1 pt.

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
knew. Smoke crawled in pillars from villages on
Step Six: Belongings the horizon, and armies of petty lords moved like
John looks over the list of items available and chooses ants in distant valleys. When Maeric rode into the
the following: ruins of his hometown nothing was recognisable.
Standard: (All) One week’s trail rations, two sets of The timbers were blackened with fire weeks ago,
garb, good leather or felt boots and gloves, sheepskin sodden with rain and smashed to flinders. Huge
cloak, belt pouch, backpack, flint and tinder, plate & claw marks still scraped and marred the earth.
mug, leather, wineskin, Dagger (Menace 2d10), and Maeric saw death and fury and loss, and the shapes
a coin purse with 20 Silver Marks. they took were three coiled wurum.
Common: (eight picks): Aleskin, Blanket, Cooking Maeric vowed to kill the three wurums on the
Equipment, Longknife (Menace 3d10), Shortbow and threshold of his guttered house. That night in a
Arrows (Menace 3d10), Rope (hemp, 30 ft), Torches dream his wife’s ghost appeared and blessed him
(3), Woodcutter’s Axe (Menace 3d10) with two spells of sorcery that she brought back
Expensive: (five picks): Battle Axe (Menace 5d10), from the land of the dead. Also, the power to find
Cloak Broach, Embroidered Cloak, Plain Warhorn, a way through thick fogs and always find directions
Large Shield (Block Blow 6/10, Soak Threshold 8) and paths has long run in Maeric’s bloodline, his
Treasure: (one pick): Armour (Rank 3) grandfather was skilled in the old magic, his father
less-so, and although he has only a minor power in
Step Seven: Final Details this regard, he may need to hone this skill if he is
At this point John needs to some details of history, ever to find the killer wurums.
description and motives, perhaps draw a character
sketch. John writes out the following: John now looks at his Character sheet and fills out
Maeric is a warrior-thegn in service to a minor some of the blank spaces. In particular he adds in
king of the Asyneur Tribe, Tharenfjel. Maeric needs to add in detail for Health, Fatigue and Armour.
served his kingdom without pomp or grandeur into The normal default for Health is 10, but Maeric has
the middle years of his third decade, married and gained an extra +2 from the Hale Trait, so John marks
fathered two children. Live, for Maeric, was good Maeric’s Health as 12. He hasn’t chosen any Traits
until the kingdom of Tharenfjel was drawn into a that would modify Fatigue, so Maeric starts at the
border dispute with the neighbouring Kingdom of default 10 levels of Fatigue. His Armour is Rank 3 and
Ysen. The warband of Tharenfjel marched to war, he makes a note of this as well as the Block Blow and
fought a bloody campaign and won. Maeric was Soak Threshold of Maeric’s shield. John makes a note
injured in the battle and was forced to spend a of both the Armour Rank with and without his shield.
month invalided. During this time messengers Once this is done John needs to think about choosing
arrived from his home fortress. The returning army, some Spells of Sorcery. John nominated Hedge-
victorious and bearing looted gold and treasures, Sorcerer a total of three times, giving Maeric Three
had been ambushed. No-one knew more of the Spells of Thorn. He looks over the spells listed in
details. Within days the injured warriors, guards Chapter Five: Sorcery and decides to nominate some
and healers learn that the returning army has been spells that will help Maeric fulfil a long and weary quest.
decimated. A few bedraggled soldiers arrive and He decides to take a defensive spell, The Lay of
tell of three terrible wurums that attacked the Shields, a spell to light his way, Aglow, and a spell to
column. Worse, was the news that the wurums’ keep him warm in the cold of a winter night, Warmth
attack was within a day’s walk from Maeric’s of Mead.
hometown. Finished. Maeric is now ready to bring into play.
Other neighbouring Asyneur kings and queens
quickly lay claim to the now lordless lands, and
warring ensues. By the time Maeric was well
enough to ride little was left of the homeland he

by Christopher Johnstone

Chapter Four
Character Details
She waited in the glade day in and day out. Mist entwined her form, and spirits, little more than rude,
sprites and elementals danced about her. She waited there with her sword across her knees, in the glade
of magic. Waiting. For from the great tree of the glade hung the heads of sixteen challengers. Those
who had sought to take the mastery of the glade from her, as she had taken it from the warrior-shaman
before her. From those who came seeking answers to questions she took but meat and bread and gold.
From those who came seeking power she took heads.
A shadow fell into the glade. A young man stepped into the bars of golden light and shadow that spread
through the trees. He was young, though already stitched with the scars of a hard life. Over his shoulders
he wore the pelt of a stag as a cloak, and its scoured skull as a helm. As he drew a great iron axe, she
stood, and nodded to him and with her sword poised she waited. There were still many more branches
on the sacral tree.

In the previous chapter the process of Character Snow Queen came out of the north, the Asyneur went
creation was outlined, in this chapter the details of a to war against the Vanargan. The Vanargan were
Wayfarer’s Song Character are explored. This forewarned by virtue of their own magic, and were
character takes a more in depth look at the five tribes prepared. The war was long, and both sides wrought
of mortals, Aptitudes, Traits and Disciplines. terrible waste upon the others lands. Eventually both
sides conceded that neither could win, hostages were
Tribes exchanged, and an alliance was formed between the
two tribes. An alliance that though sometimes tense,
The basic cornerstone of each Character, your Tribe
still survives today.
is your family and kingdom, your heritage, history,
Appearance: Powerfully built, the Asyneur tend
bloodline, prejudices and alliances all rolled into one.
towards thick frames, and brightly hued golden and
Each Tribe has a specific outlook on life, as well as
red hair. They typically adorn themselves in tunics,
specific powers, strengths and weaknesses.
cloaks, and wide trousers, bound with leathern cords.
Both men and woman wear a great deal of golden
Asyneur jewellery, necklaces, armbands, and circlets are
common. Both men and woman live as warriors, and
The Asyneur are among the most powerful of all the
their dress reflects this.
tribes. Ruled by mighty kings and queens, keepers of
Beorgar: Wild men and savages, but savages with
great treasures and old and magic lore, the Asyneur
proud hearts and strong arms. No Beorgar is craven,
also lay claim to the chieftain Othinnar, who gave his
and for that I can respect them.
life at the battle of Ragar Nathrok to defeat the old
Morhorag: Dark sorts and deathspeakers. Do not
demons and their enchantments.
go among the Morhorag if the dead know your secrets,
Creed: The Asyneur are warriors, sages, and
for among the Morhorag the dead still dwell with the
sorcerers above all else. They have discovered the
secret of iron, and make for themselves weapons and
Laukar: I trouble myself not with the folk of the
helms of this polished black metal. They are also
forests. Simple woodsmen, herders and hunters are
renowned for their fiery nature, and unstable,
much beneath me.
sometimes vicious tempers. In the years before the
Skaldean: Thieves. When the Skaldean come to town

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
give them rings of gold and trinkets for their stories and other loose bands of painted teeth, bones and
and songs, for those who ill pay the Skaldean will shells.
happen to ‘lose’ far more. Asyneaur: All lowlanders are soft, and weak, though
Vanargan: Long ago we thought the Vanargan soft the Asyneaur are less feeble than most. There fortresses
and feeble. Years of war, taught us the error of that. are walled with white stone, their warriors girded with
The Vanargan are the keepers of great magic, and now iron and steel. Beware their power.
that peace holds, they are our most powerful allies in a Morhorag: Strike down the Morharag wherever you
world of foemen. find them. They are perverters of the living earth. Send
them to dwell with the dead they cherish.
Unique Disciplines Laukar: Simple folk, but folk who are one with the
Only available to the tribe Asyneaur: Valraven wild, as we. Beware the bows of the Laukar, and
Warrioress, Word of Binding beware their hounds. For no Laukar ever gives up the
hunt, and what are we but beasts to them?
Strong Disciplines Skaldean: Strange folks. It is said Aelfan blood runs
Gain a bonus rank if you buy: Chanter at the Forge, in Skaldean veins. Avoid the eldritch singers and
Warrior Blest, Will over Self wanderers. Enjoy their crafts, but avoid the makers.
Vanargan: Charmed folk, whose ways are rich with
magic. I do not pretend to understand the mysteries of
Open Disciplines
the Vanargan, but I think they are closer to the wild
Open to tribe Asyneaur: Animal Tongues, Geas,
than most would guess. Their sorcery gives life, it does
Haunted Heart, Intuit Direction, Piercing Gaze,
not take it.
Premonitions, Scrying , Second-Sight, Serendipity,
Uncommon Sense, Visions, Ways of the Wilds, Wyrde
Unique Disciplines
Only available to the tribe Beorgar: Warrior Shaman,
Beorgar Wolf-Blooded
The Beorgar are a tribe of hunters who haunt the high
mountains, and wind swept places of the earth. They Strong Disciplines
are an ancient people, stone and copper workers, who Gain a bonus rank if you buy: Animal Tongues, Skin-
can trace their ancestry back before the time when the Changer, Ways of the Wilds
gods of old ruled the earth.
Creed: The Beorgar, called also the Hunters of the Open Disciplines
Hills, are one of the last remnants of a culture that Open to tribe Beorgar: Geas, Haunted Heart,
once stretched across the earth. They are closer to Illusionary Arts, Intuit Direction, Piercing Gaze,
animals than most mortal men, and given thanks to the Premonitions, Scrying, Second-Sight, Serendipity,
spirits of any beast they kill. The once primarily Uncommon Sense, Visions, Warrior Blest, Ways of
nomadic, hunter-gatherer culture has been pushed to the Wilds, Will over Self, Wyrde
the fringes of the world by more sophisticated tribes,
and has been forced to fall back on raiding and theft
to sustain themselves. Laukar
Appearance: So powerfully built, bulky, and hairy The Laukar, called also Woodlanders, are a race of
are Beorgar that at first glance one may be mistaken bronze-using hunters, gatherers and woodlanders, who
for a striding beast. The warriors of their kind decorate dwell along the skirts of the deep woods, where
their skin with whorls of red and blue paint, and all troldes, spirits and wolves rule.
Beorgar wear coats of bear, wolf or reindeer stitched Creed: The Laukar dwell in a world where man is
with copper, and native gold. Their weapons though often at the mercy of the forces of nature. They have
usually stone and copper are often hardened by developed a reverence for spirits of the wild, for
sorcery. Jewellery often takes the form of necklaces, elementals in part, but also for several powerful Wild

by Christopher Johnstone
Folk whom they credit with bringing bounty, and
fecundity to their lands. They are protective of their Morhorag
small gods, and suspicious of strangers - knowing well The Morhorag, the Fenlanders, are a primitive peoples,
enough that many would seek out the Wild Folk to kill much feared, and much avoided, who dwell in the fens
them and steal their magic. and moors of the ice-bound north.
Appearance: The Laukar dress in well stitched, but Creed: The Morhorag dwell in houses dug into the
seldom decorated hides, leathers and furs. The hunters earth, almost more within the ground than without,
among their kind wear wolf and bear skins, and make primitive turf dwellings heaped over with thatch.
helms out of the skulls of these beasts. Chief warriors Individual villages are ruled over by necromantic
wear helms of bronze, shaped into the likeness of hawk figures, and the entire tribe is obsessed with a cult of
or raven heads, but seldom wear metal armour. The the dead. Spirit-Shamans who summon the dead of
sorcerers, and wood-shamans typically wear the bygone years, and command shades to do their bidding
desiccated skulls of stags over their faces, and cloaks are much venerated by the Morhorag. The most
of long deerskin. Ornaments of gold, silver and bronze respected of the Morhaorag dead are gutted to prevent
are worn about the neck and arms, and occasionally internal rot, then interned in peat for several weeks. At
daubs of green or ochre paint is applied to the skin. the end of this time they are retrieved, now mummified
Asyneaur: Boisterous brigands, Vikings and robber- and leathery from the peat, dressed, and placed
thanes who think themselves lords. together with the other honoured dead in a great hall
Beorgar: Wild savages of the hills. Seldom seen. Best of the dead.
avoided. Appearance: The Morhorag ritually paint their skin
Morhorag: I fear the Morhorag. Some say they are with chalky white and black paint. The body is daubed
not even living at all, but born half-dead. What dark entirely black, while patterns and a skull like mask are
sorcery profanes their blood I do not wish to know. layered over this. Their clothing is seldom more
Skaldean: Always good for a feast, the best of singers complex than rank furs, and their decorations are
and storytellers. But watch your silver around the primarily copper, bronze and gold. Hoops, earrings,
Skaldean. And your daughters - or sons for that matter. and necklaces from which bones and talismans are
Vanargan: What village does not rejoice when one hung are often worn.
of the Vanargan pass through. For the Vanargan are Asyneaur: Fools who hunger for death in battle, but
healers and blessed of power. No Vanargan ever goes fear the dead.
without hospitality in the lands of the forest folk. Beorgar: Some call them little more than beasts, but
I have spoken with dead chiefs of the Beorgar. They
Unique Disciplines are a proud and powerful people. Doomed to vanish
Only available to the tribe Laukar: Brotherhood of the from the world, but they will be proud to the last.
Hunt, Wood Haunter Laukar: Huntsmen, farmers, mead-brewers? They
worship strange spirits of the woods, and from the
Strong Disciplines woods comes their life and livelihood. I would not
Gain a bonus rank if you buy: Animal Tongues, Intuit wonder if the Laukar’s blood were green.
Direction, Ways of the Wilds, Skaldean: Who has need of the wandering singers
when the voices of the dead are so precious and
Open Disciplines
Vanargan: They oppose us, and we oppose them.
Open to tribe Laukar: Animal Tongues, Geas, Haunted
So it has been for an age. So it will be until both our
Heart, Healing Touch ,Illusionary Arts, Intuit Direction,
tribes are long vanished and forgotten.
Piercing Gaze, Premonitions, Purifying Touch , Scrying
, Second-Sight, Serendipity, Uncommon Sense,
Visions, Ways of the Wilds, Will over Self, Wyrde Unique Disciplines
Only available to the tribe Morhorag: Deathspeaker
Seer, Spirit Hunter

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
Laukar: Good enough folk. Pleasant but not rich.
Strong Disciplines Vanargan: I do not like to perform in the halls of the
Gain a bonus rank if you buy: Scrying, Second-Sight, Vanargan. They know too much, can look too deep
Geas into the soul. It is said that no one takes from the
Vanargan what that tribe does not wish them to have.
Open Disciplines I believe it.
Open to tribe Morhorag: Animal Tongues, Haunted
Heart, Illusionary Arts, Intuit Direction, Piercing Gaze, Unique Disciplines
Premonitions, Scrying , Serendipity, Uncommon Sense, Only available to the tribe Skaldean: Enchanted Voice,
Visions, Ways of the Wilds, Will over Self, Wyrde Luck of the Traveller

Strong Disciplines
Skaldean Gain a bonus rank if you buy: Geas, Illusionary Arts,
A folk of wanderers, minstrels, rovers and some would Serendipity
say thieves. The Skaldean are the bards of the land,
travelling from hillfort to hillfort, village to village, taking Open Disciplines
ale and bread and mutton in exchange for the songs of Open to tribe Skaldean: Animal Tongues, Haunted
the ages, tales of ancestors, stories of the age old past Heart, Healing Touch, Intuit Direction, Piercing Gaze,
when men and beasts were more akin and magic was Premonitions, Purifying Touch , Scrying , Second-Sight,
rich in the earth. Uncommon Sense, Visions, Ways of the Wilds, Will
Creed: It is said that the Skaldean have more than a over Self, Wyrde
little Aelfan blood in their veins, for they certainly have
charmed voices and know when and where to use
them best. The life of the lore-speaker and craftsman Vanargan
is the tradition of these folk, and they are found most The Vanargan are a powerful tribe who rule over many
often travelling and lurking about the edges of the larger rolling dales, and rich farmlands. They are allies of the
towns of the more powerful tribes. Asyneur but are far less warlike in their ways. For the
Appearance: A bronze skinned, reddish haired folk, sorcerers of the Vanargan are healers, soothsayers,
the Skaldean are highly insular and rarely intermarry fertility-shamans and the like, not the warrior-shamans
outside their own kin. For many outsiders the Skaldean of the Asyneur.
have a mystery, an exotic appeal, and their ways, and Creed: The Vanargan love above all else, peace,
dress, and customs seem sensual to the many highly tranquillity and the tilling of fields. They are an agrarian
warlike tribes of the north. Dressing typically in long, folk, whose chiefs and sorceresses are earth-sages,
billowy robes, shirts and dresses, trimmed with plush healers and soothsayers. They have no love of war,
furs the Skaldean often wear so many hoops, and but like the Asyneur, know the secret of iron, so when
necklaces of gold and copper that they clink with each pushed to war have at their beck powerful swords
step. and shields. During a long and bitter war with the
Asyneaur: Rich lords, and proud warriors make for Asyneur the Vanagan indeed were able to prove their
treasures of gold and red, red gems. Avoid their fists. ability to hold their own. When eventually both sides
Insult not their ancestors. And wait until they are all conceded that neither could win, hostages were
asleep with mead. The pickings are rich. exchanged, and an alliance was formed between the
Beorgar: A folk who can pay with nothing more than two tribes. An alliance that though sometimes tense,
bone and teeth and wood. Not for that would I weave still survives today.
my charms and sing my songs. Appearance: Typically slender, with pale skin, and
Morhorag: The Morhorag are a fearsome folk. Few hair that appears more silvery than blonde, the
of our kind travel to their fen-ridden villages. Fewer Vanargan are known for their beauty. The Vanargan,
still return a second time. men and woman both, prefer to wear the robes of

by Christopher Johnstone
sages, and seldom don themselves in rich gold or silver. attacks or defending yourself.
They have more love for organic beauty, and decorate
themselves with painted teeth, colourful feathers, or Ranged
intricately carved bone or precious woods. A combat skill used for all ranged attacks, including
Asyneaur: Much blood has been spilt in defending thrown attacks, such as with a spear, axe or dagger
ourselves against the Asyneaur. And now that we are and missile attacks such as with a bow and arrow or
united in allegiance, they begin to overwhelm our towns sling.
by sheer numbers. Soon I fear we shall be little more
than a clan within the Asyneaur. Such is the road that Brawling
fate weaves. An Aptitude used for unarmed Hand-to-Hand combat.
Beorgar: Do not mistake the Beorgar for beasts. They If you are wrestling or fighting unarmed, even if your
have human cunning, and the age-old wisdom of the enemy is armed, you must use the Brawling Aptitude.
earth. Injury for an Unarmed attack is resolved by rolling
Morhorag: No sorcery is so perverse as that the 2d10 and taking the lowest roll.
Morhorag use to keep their dead near them in life.
Laukar: Humble folk, and kind. Always kind.
Skaldean: Charming in their way, but so like children.
All eye-hand co-ordination, agility, jumping, running,
Always after pretty baubles, and hours of play.
climbing and dodging Tests of Aptitude. If engaged in
combat but trying to escape rather than fight, a
Unique Disciplines Character can use Dexterity versus an attack. If you
Only available to the tribe Vanargan: Healers of Idis, defeat an attack using your Dexterity you are able to
Lore of Heid weave out of range, run and escape - although the
possibility of being chased or harassed with missiles
Strong Disciplines will still exist.
Gain a bonus rank if you buy: Healing Touch, Purifying
Touch, Visions Courage
Used to gauge whether you will be able to stand your
Open Disciplines ground against terrible odds or retreat in fear. Treat
Open to tribe Vanargan: Animal Tongues, Chanter at Courage in the game as something fluid and subjective
the Forge, Geas, Haunted Heart, Illusionary Arts, Intuit depending on your playing group. Some groups will
Direction, Piercing Gaze, Premonitions, Scrying, use Courage a lot during a game, while others will
Second-Sight, Serendipity, Uncommon Sense, Ways hardly rely on this Aptitude at all and assume that all
of the Wilds, Will over Self, Wyrde Characters are greatly couragous and that Courage is
needed only when a threat is unusually or supernaturally
Aptitudes frightening.

The following is a detailed guide to the Aptitudes used Crafts

in Wayfarer’s Song. All Characters will possess a A general Skill to cover all handcrafts, metalworking,
ranking in all Aptitudes. Your prowess in any given smithy, leather working and similar trades. If you wish
Aptitude can be increased during the Game by to be more realistic, a player can split this Skill into a
spending Experience Points. series of separate listed craft skills that are bought and
increased with Experience separately.
Used for all hand-to-hand combat that involves Cunning
weapon play. If you are using an axe or sword or spear All social guile, trickery, lies, persuasion, arguments,
in battle, you will use the Affray Aptitude when making riddle-telling and used for contests of insults or ‘word-

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
wars’, which are common method used to settle turn up enough food for about five Characters for a
rivalries in courts and king’s halls. day. Food obtained through the Wayfaring Aptitude
tends not to preserve well, however, as it tends to be
Fortitude either game-meat or nuts, tubers or vegetables that
Raw physical strength, size, muscle and endurance. will easily spoil.
Used for testing feats of strength and stamina.
Perception Sheer force or will, stubbornness and resolution. Used
General awareness and alertness, the Aptitude used heavily when engaging headlong with magic, but also
when searching for something or someone or when when trying to find the internal resolve to keep going
trying to unravel the motives or intentions of another in the face of hardship or exhaustion.
Character in a social situation. Also, a Test of
Perception may be required by the Gamesmaster when Wisdom
some danger may be about to present itself - if you General knowledge, lore and learning. A Test of
need to determine whether or not Characters will notice Wisdom can be made to try and remember details
an ambusher or a storm on the horizon call for a Test concerning a particular place or person, some snatchet
of Perception. It is useful, however, if you call for Tests of history, rumours recently heard or more detailed
of Perception in the way to also require Tests of pieces of knowledge.
Perception when there is either nothing to notice or
something simple but beneficial, such as a sprig of useful Wit
herb or a silver coin lost in the grass. In this case Reflexes, quickness or thought and reaction time. Tests
everyone will fail no matter what they roll. The occasional of Wit are typically needed upon being ambushed to
random Test of Perception will keep players from avoid being struck by arrows or trapped in a net on
associating a Test of Perception with something being the first attack, or when surprised by a trap, a
clearly wrong. treacherous dagger, or a sudden natural hazard such
as a rockslide or a collapsing track-way on a cliff. Wit
Presence is a useful Aptitude to employ when noticing the event
A measure of social charisma, charm, powers of is important but physically moving out of danger
seduction and leadership. Presence can be used to doesn’t present any difficulty. For instance, if, when
befriend and charm, and to a certain extent persuade moving through a rugged terrain of trees, a Character
others to help you, give you their support or lend is assailed by a hail of arrows then noticing the attack
assistance. in time is important but stepping behind a tree to take
cover is then relatively easy. When escape is also tricky
Subterfuge the Gamesmaster may call for a Test of Dexterity
Powers of hiding, sneaking, thievery and stealth. following the Test of Wit.
Subterfuge is used when trying to stealth, thieve, move
silently, pick locks, move without trace or secretly and
also when simply trying to hide from pursuers or
hunters. Traits are small snippets of personal history, some are
beneficial others are not so beneficial. Each Trait costs
Wayfaring the same number of points to buy, you do not receive
A general outdoor skill used for foraging, setting snares bonus points for taking bad Traits - after all life is kind
or traps, looking for signs of game, telling edible plans to some and not to others.
from poisonous, herb-craft, navigation and weather- In game terms Traits outline a little of your Character’s
watching. A successful Test of Wayfaring against personal history while providing a few bonuses here
Difficulty 4 in a fertile woodland (for example) will and there. Traits always represent things that have
happened to your Character in the past and as such

by Christopher Johnstone
you cannot buy a new Trait later in the game using ancestral right or power. Whether or not inheritance
Experience Points. Some Traits can be purchased will be a smooth and easy process is another matter.
multiple times but only if specifically stated in the
description of the Trait. Bolthole
You know of a secret place, a hiding den that might be
Ancestral Longhouse tucked away in the hills or wilds, or perhaps buried
You are the master of or the heir to own an Ancestral deep underground beneath a city or up a misty
Longhouse, and perhaps some small lands and titles. mountain. Your Bolthole is well concealed, is almost
The Longhouse and lands will need your attention from impossible to uncover, and might even be protected
time to time, although trusted kinsmen or retainers are with runes of mist and misdirection at the Gamesmater’s
often left in control of homesteads while the master of discretion.
the house is away travelling, trading or raiding. Keep
in mind, however, that even trusted kinsmen can betray Books of Lore
and enemies may well take advantage of undefended You own one or more Books of Lore that collectively
an land and herd. count as an additional Wisdom Aptitude of Rank Five
(Renowned). In game terms you are allowed to Test
Allies your Wisdom twice if you have time to consult your
You possess links to a group of allies of moderate Books of Lore—once against your own skill and once
significance. You are permitted to outline who the allies against the Books of Lore. By adding sufficient books
are, why you are allied and in what ways they can aid over time you may be able to improve the ‘skill’ of
you at the discretion of your Gamesmaster. Your allies your library, although this remains at the discretion of
might be mortals or something stranger. It is important, your Gamesmaster. When beginning play you may
however, to remember that alliances work both ways purchase this Trait multiple times. Each additional time
- you will be expected to offer aid in the face of terrible you purchase this Trait you add a rank to the ‘skill’ of
danger if your allies approach you for help, just as you your books.
can in reverse. The alliance is also one that must remain
reasonably reciprocal, if one ally seems to consistently Bravery
gain more of a benefit from the deal, the agreement is You are heard of will and iron of temperament, face
likely to break apart. strange dangers with calmness and reason. Add a
bonus rank to your Courage Aptitude.
Archer’s Knack
You have an unusual skill for bows, spears and throwing Charmed Weapon
axes. Add a bonus level to your Archer Aptitude. You own a mildly enchanted weapon, marked with
runes and dyed with blood of poisons. The
Bewitched Shield Enchantment adds one Menace to the weapon when
You own a rune-cut and enchanted large shield. The used against a particular and stated strain or kith of
shield is mildly enchanted with the Protection enemy ie. Troldes. This can be any type of weapon.
Enchantment (see Chapter Five, Sorcery) and grants The Weapon carries all the normal benefits of an
a +1 bonus to Armour as well as providing the usual enchanted weapon (see Chapter Nine, Swords and
Block Blow of 6/10 and Soak Threshold of 8. The Fishhooks).
Protection Enchantment does not confer any protection
to the shield itself, and it will be destroyed in the usual Code of Honour
way if damage from one attack exceeds the Soak You adhere to a strict code of honour consisting of at
Threshold. least three stated laws. The code could be a warrior’s
code concerning when and when not to attack, or
Birthright something stranger such as a magician’s code that
You are the rightful heir of a great fortune, kingdom, prevents you from ever eating meat or wearing clothing

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
heavier than a light shirt. You gain a social benefit from Tests of Aptitude.
adhering to your code, perhaps honour as a guest,
membership in an order, or simple respect. This social Dragonscale Armour
honour is outlined by you, at the discretion of the You own a suit of armour made from the scales of a
Gamesmaster. slain wurum or dragon. The armour is extremely tough,
providing Armour 6, and may be quite dazzlingly
Command beautiful, but is not enchanted in any other way.
You hold a position of command over a band of fighting
men or woman. You may not have the freedom to take Draught of Sleep
your warriors with you, and it is likely in fact that you You own a potion brewed from the Willowherb Weed.
do not. If the men are in the paid employment of a The potion provides three doses for a normal mortal
liege king, priest or queen, then you will have only and each dose will put a person into almost immediate
limited freedom to choose how and where to draw and deep sleep. A person or animal under the affects
swords. In exchange for governing your warriors when of a Willhowherb Weed potions will not wake, even if
commanded, you will receive a payment and possibly shaken vigorously or physically injured for ten hours.
other benefits.
Ear of the Throne
Covetous You have the ear of a king or queen, warlord or high
You are highly greedy, unable to pass up a free treasure thegn. You may not necessarily be an advisor or even
and likely to get yourself into danger as a result. Being a regular member of the court, but you are a trusted
covetous does not make you necessarily a lawbreaker, and longtime friend and ally who will find welcome in
you can easily know right from wrong when it comes the court. You can purchase this Trait numerous times
to your neighbour’s property, but if gold comes into to gain influence in numerous courts. You must state
your possession you will not let it go or spend it, and each time which court you have influence in.
as for buried, abandoned or forsaken treasures off in
the wilds… well if no-one else wants them it’s such a Enemies
pity to let them lie about in the damp… One or more powerful adversaries have a longstanding
reason to want you dead. It may be an ancient blood
Curious feud, or a more reason insult, but in either instance
You have an insatiable and adventurous sense of you would be wise to watch your step.
curiosity and prefer to always be first along a trail or
into a new town or place of mystery. Fair
You are unusually beautiful or handsome, and
Dark Secret wonderfully attractive. Add a bonus level to your
You are haunted by a terrible and dark secret. The Presence Aptitude.
secret is to be outlined by yourself at the discretion of
the Gamesmaster. Your secret, by its nature, is not Followers
widely known and your fellow companions will likely You have a number of followers, henchmen, recruits,
be unaware of it. adepts or apprentices. These followers are not of a
powerful sort and may need more protection than in
Deformed convenient. They are on the other hand useful for trivial
You are ugly and deformed, pock-marked perhaps, matters, messages, accompanying stock or fetching
lame or hunchbacked. Deformity may be only skin this or that, but don’t expect them to be able to stand
deep and does not necessarily dictate a penalty to their own in a fight…
physical Aptitudes, however, if you nominate a
troublesome deformity then the Gamesmaster is Hale
permitted to impose a +1 Hindrance Penalty to relevant You are unusually strong, fit and healthy. Gain a bonus

by Christopher Johnstone
Level of Fortitude. You can purchase this Trait up to Keen of Senses
three times. You have remarkably sharp sight, hearing or smell
(choose one). If sight, you could tell a sparrow from a
Haughty finch at three hundred paces, if hearing you might notice
You are more than a little prideful and arrogant, wolves padding through snow over a hill. Keen of smell
conceited and overconfident. Others will likely find would allow you to notice something rotting or
you grating and difficult at times. something rank and wild that no-one else would even
notice. This Trait can be purchased up to three times
Hedge-Sorcerer in order to be keen in all three senses. Add a rank to
You have learned a little of the ways and arts of sorcerer your Perception Aptitude each time you purchase this
by way of secret studies or through supernatural gifts Trait.
from demons, the dead or other even stranger
creatures, but have not been ordained or accepted as Knotted Fists
a sorcerer by the old traditions. This is a dangerous You are massively build with great fists of bone and
place to be - you can continue learning the magic and knuckle. Instead of rolling 2d10 and taking the lowest
the art as if you were a sorcerer but if you are found to determine Injury during unarmed combat, roll 1d10.
out you will likely be assailed by sorcerers and local
lords alike. The traditions are not lightly broken. Gain Language
one Spell of Thorn when you take the Trait. You may Gain a bonus mundane language of your choice.
purchase the Trait additional times to gain additional
Spells of Thorn. If you gain ten Spells of Thorn during Learned
Character Creation and purchase the Trait an additional You have studied in the wide world, listened to great
time, you may choose to begin gaining Spells of Rowan masters of lore and understood deeper meanings and
instead of Thorn. A Character cannot take both the old secrets. Add a bonus level to your Wisdom
Traits Hedge-Sorcerer and Sorcerer (see also the Trait Aptitude.
Sorcerer, below).
Lithe of Body
Hoard You are unusually agile and fleet. Add a bonus level to
You own a small treasure hoard secreted away out of your Dexterity Aptitude.
sight. The hoard amounts to 100 silver marks, though
may not be easily accessible at present. Lone Wolf
You don’t much like company and they don’t much
Iron of Will like you. You’ve a preference for travelling and living
You have a fiery and determined force of will. Add a alone, and when in company tend to stand apart from
bonus level to Willpower. your fellows, walking or sitting off to one side.

Item of Power Maimed

You own an enchanted item of your own choice, at You’ve been severely and permanently injured in a
the discretion of the Gamesmaster. The item cannot previous accident or battle. The injury might be a lost
be either a weapon or piece of armour, and you must eye, hand or arm, a torn up face or deep gash to the
invent a suitable reason for its coming into your chest that never has healed properly. The specific
possession. Perhaps it was an old heirloom, or penalties associated with this Trait are situational and
something found in the dusty storage room of a will be imposed as Hindrances to Tests of Aptitude by
longhouse? A thing that was traded to you in exchange the Gamesmaster.
for something equally valuable or something stolen or
murdered for? Master Wright
You’ve studied with great masters of arts and crafts

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
and have honed you’re skills through their teachings. You are artful of words and quick of wit. Add a bonus
Add a bonus level to your Crafts Aptitude. rank to your Cunning Aptitude.

Mistletoe Arrow Sorcerer

You own an arrow shorn of mistletoe and cut with old You have been initiated into the ancient traditions of
runes. The arrow is woven with the Uneering sorcery. To be a sorcerer a Character must give up all
Enchantment (see Chapter Five, Sorcery), a magic ties to the mortal world, a false funeral is held for
that charms the arrow into never missing its target, ie. apprentice sorcerers, and you are permitted neither to
you will not need to make a Test of Ranged when cover mundane treasures nor keep ties with friends or
using this arrow, it never misses. families from your ‘living’ existence. You may choose
this Trait multiple times. Each time you take this Trait
Oath you gain knowledge of two Spells of Thorn. If you
You are bound by an oath, freely given. If you break gain ten Spells of Thorn during Character Creation
the oath there will certainly be social consequences and purchase the Trait an additional time, you may
depending on who the oath binds you to, imprisonment, choose to begin gaining Spells of Rowan instead of
branding as an outlaw or banishment are possible, as Thorn. A Character cannot take both the Traits Hedge-
well as something potentially worse and more Sorcerer and Sorcerer (see also the Trait Hedge-
preternatural. Sorcerer, above).

Ritual Tattoos Stature

You are marked with ritual tattoos, runic inscriptions Stature is only available to Characters with Good
and animal totems in old patterns and strange whorls. Fortitude or better. Purchasing Stature increases your
You may purchase this Trait more than once, each time Health when fully healed by 2 points. You can purchase
you do so choose one of the following tattoo markings. Stature more than once. For example: By purchasing
Note that ritual tattoos cover the face, arms and hands, three ranks of Stature you would increase your Health
and will be clearly visible to others. to 16 levels (10 Health + 2 + 2 + 2).
Mark of the Bear Spirit: Add a bonus rank to your
Brawling Aptitude. Thieving Ways
Mark of the Boar: Gain an additional rank of Health. You have discovered a personal knack for the ways
Mark of the Dancing Swallow: Add a bonus level to of stealth and thievery, perhaps out of desperation,
your Dexterity Aptitude. perhaps out of greed. Add a bonus rank to your
Mark of the Golden Hawk: Gain preternatural far Subterfuge Aptitude.
sight. You can see fine detail at a league’s distance.
Mark of the Hungering Wolf: Add a bonus one rank Tireless
to your Wayfaring Aptitude. You are seemingly without an end to stamina and
Mark of the Owl: Gain the ability to see clearly at endurance. You can purchase this Trait more than once.
night. Add 2 points to your Fatigue each time you take this
Mark of the Adder’s Tongue: Add a bonus rank to Trait.
your Cunning Aptitude.
Scarred in Battle You have the blood of troldes in your veins, long ago
You are cover over the flesh and skin with awful waxy one or more of your forefathers intermingled with those
scars from previous injuries. These scars might have strange and monstrous creatures. You are huge and
been caused by battle or fire, accident, attack by animal hulking looking, with grey or pallid skin and the
or something stranger. possibility of a number of vestigial traits: small horns, a
tail, fur down your back and so on. Add a single rank
Silver Tongued either to your Health or your Fortitude. You cannot

by Christopher Johnstone
take the Trait ‘Fair’ (see above) if you have Trolde- winterwolf. So long as you are wearing this cloak all
Blood. injury or attacks against you that are based on cold
are reduced by three levels of injury.
Troldehide Armour
You own Armour made from Troldeskin. Treat this as Witched Flesh
a light and flexible armour providing Protection 4. Note You have either inherited or already caused to yourself
that Troldes are unlikely to react well once they realise a sorcerous Taint. This Taint can be chosen by yourself,
what your armour is made of. at the Discretion of the Gamesmaster.

Two-Handed Combat Wretched

You can fight two-handed with great ease. You have You are thin and haggard, sickly and always with some
trained specially to use either a weapon and a shield cough or complaint. Subtract two permanent levels
or two weapons. If you are using a weapon and a from both Health and Fatigue.
shield add a bonus +1 rank to your Armour Protection.
If you are using two weapons add a bonus +1 rank to Wurum-Tooth Dagger
your Menace. You may alternate between these two You own a dagger made from a Wurum’s Tooth. Such
methods as you please. a dagger is deadly poison. Any person who is so much
as nicked by this weapon will sicken and eventually,
Unworldly after some weeks in a fevered condition, die. The only
You may be schooled perhaps, or then again perhaps antidote to Wurum venom is the Feverfew Herb.
not, but either way you have never been out in the
world. To you the world is a strange and terrifying and
wonderful place. You are naïve at times, easily taken Disciplines
in and often tricked. In tales of magic and make-believe there are always
odds sorts. The hapless folk hero with unfailing luck,
Wary the young girl who can understand the language of birds,
You are unusually cautious and alert to danger. Add a the man who walks as a wolf, - or was it a wolf that
bonus rank to your Wit Aptitude. walks as a man? One way or another magic can work
its way into the blood of a family and be passed from
Water of Life father to son, from mother to daughter.
You own a concentrated cordial made from Disciplines represent all these uncanny, magical powers
Woundwort Herb. You possess three doses of this and are inherited through bloodlines. Sometimes a wild
herbal potion and each dose will restore three levels Discipline may skip a generation, othertimes a person
of health to an injured Character. The healing process may have possess charmed powers, but without the
is painful and although it takes effect immediately it proper training, never realise this.
takes about a day for the healing to complete.
Animal Tongues
Weapon Master
It has been a long inheritance in the blood of your
Choose a single class of weapon that you have trained
family that you have been able to understand the
with - for example, swords. Whenever you use this
language of some beast or other. Being a familial talent
class of weapon you gain a rank of Menace. You may
one of your parents and perhaps brothers and sisters
purchase this Trait more than once in order to have
may share in it. What problems may this have caused?
trained in the masterful use of more than one class of
What benefits?

Winterwolf Cloak Aspects

You own a cloak made from the fur and pelt of a Animal tongues runs with varying strengths in different

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
bloodlines. Choose one of the following strengths for and mastery of the bow of hunting and war. You are
your Character. trained also in skills of spying and survival and make a
Average: You have a talent for speaking the language masterful scout.
of one species of animal. For instance you can The Brotherhood of the Hunt is an order of warrior-
eavesdrop on the language of ravens, cats, sparrows hunters who guard the small hillfort communities and
or mice but not of all four – you must choose which. riverside villages of the Laukar. They wear cloaks of
Strong: You can speak the language that the sparrow deerskin, and over their face a skull of a stag,
uses to talk to the jay, and the hawk, and is known a resplendent with antlers.
little by foxes. It is the common language of birds – all
birds - but of little else. Rank One
Very Strong: You understand the language that the You can take an hour to bless an arrow, so that when
wolf uses to speak to the deer and the fox uses to you shoot it, it cannot miss its mark. The arrow loses
speak to the crow, it is the most primal language, a its blessing once it has struck a target.
common tongue for all animals. Animals do not often
use this tongue amongst their own kind but if you Rank Two
address them they will understand you and reply in a As long as you are moving through woodland, or natural
way that you will hear as an echo of words surrounds you can fade into the background with ease.
At a distance grater than ten feet other Characters will
Rank One need to make a Test of Perception to see you.
You can understand by listening carefully and
concentrating. Too much noise or too many sounds Rank Three
make your understanding of the animal voices Any arrow that you make by your own hands gains
impossible. You cannot, however speak the animal +1 Menace and can hit targets normally only subject
tongue. to injury by magic.

Rank Two Rank Four

You can understand many and complex voices all atLights and shadows seem to fall across you, making
once. You can speak a few halting words and be you merge into natural backgrounds. As long as you
understood. are moving through woodland, or natural surrounds a
Test of Perception is needed to see you at more than a
Rank Three few paces. Any arrow that you make by your own
You have no difficulty understanding the animal- hands can wound targets normally only subject to injury
tongues, and can reply in simple sentences. by magic.

Rank Four Rank Five

You can converse in the animal tongue as if you were You can move through forest at a rate that most people
speaking normally in your cradle tongue. could run over a field. You do not need sleep. Any
arrow that you make by your own hands gains a +2
Rank Five Menace and can wound targets normally only subject
Your talent with the animal-tongue is so eloquent and to injury by magic.
talented that animals you speak to are impressed by
you, and will generally respond kindly and helpfully. Chanter at the Forge
There are those who know the ancient ways to mingle
Brotherhood of the Hunt the blood of dragons, with drops of poison, and iron
You are a one of the stag-warriors, a cult dedicated to dug from enchanted land and make enchanted things.
the spirits of the wild and woodland, and the strength
and grace of deer. You are known for your stealth,

by Christopher Johnstone
Aspects Aspects
Chanter at the Forge allows characters to indulge in In game-play, Charmed Life allows you to change
the art of crafting enchanted relics. If a character failed rolls of the dice to successes. If for instance you
possesses this Discipline, but has no crafting or forging fail a Test of Aptitude, and would prefer have passed,
skills, then it is assumed she takes an overseer role in you may state so have pass the attempt.
the crafting, uttering charms, and working rituals when
need be. Rank One
Although you could assume a character can gather the Unlikely Luck: You can change one failed dice roll to a
appropriate enchanted base elements to craft anything success by taking five Soulburn.
given enough cost, it is also fun to refer to the Core
Rules, work out a ritual to enchant an object and then Rank Two
require the Chanter at the Forge to hunt down and Fair Fortune: You can change one failed dice roll to a
find the necessary elements before beginning. success by taking four Soulburn.

Rank One Rank Three

Given the appropriate help and tools you can craft Favourite of Fate: You can change one failed dice roll
Relics of Least Enchantment. It takes you a full month to a success by taking three Soulburn.
of work to create such a relic.
Rank Four
Rank Two Unseemly Luck: You can change one failed dice roll to
Given the appropriate help and tools you can craft a success by taking two Soulburn.
Relics of Least Enchantment. It takes you a full three
weeks of work to create such a relic. Rank Five
Ridiculous Luck: You can change one failed dice roll
Rank Three to a success by taking one Soulburn.
Given the appropriate help and tools you can craft
Relics of Least Enchantment. It takes you a full week Clear Sight
of work to create such a relic.
A talent said to be the boon of Aelfan blood or Aelfan
gifts; clear sight allows one to see through impenetrable
Rank Four
fog and darkness as if you were in the bright light of a
Given the appropriate help and tools you can craft
summers day.
Relics of Lesser Enchantment. It takes you a full week
of work to create such a relic.
Rank One
You can see through a light fog and in twilight as if it
Rank Five
were clear air.
Given the appropriate help and tools you can craft
Relics of Lesser Enchantment. It takes you a full day
Rank Two
of work to create such a relic
You can see through any natural fog or mist, and through
the half-light of a starry night.
Charmed Life
You have the luck of the charmed. Perhaps you are a Rank Three
youngest child or some spell was worked over your You can see through any natural fog or mist, and through
cot so that the winds of fortune are always in your the darkness of a moonless and cloudy night.
Rank Four
You can see through magical and enchanted mists, and

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
through the utter darkness of a cave. Rank Four
You can summon back the Shade of a person dead no
Rank Five longer than a century. The Shade is bound to do your
You can see through all mists and dark airs irrespective bidding until the next full moon. Gain four Soulburn
of whether they are natural or otherwise. You can also when you invoke the dark arts at this level.
make a test of awareness when studying an object or
person to see through all illusions. Rank Five
You can summon back the Shade of a person dead no
Deathspeaker Seer longer than a century. The Shade is bound to do your
bidding for one full year. Gain five Soulburn when you
The rituals and rites of the seer are those of the caller
attempt to invoke the dark arts at this level.
and beseecher of ancestral spirits and shades of the
dead. For the seer may with his magic summons the
shades of the dead. Enchanted Voice
You have a certain charm to you voice, your words
Aspects are strange rich and magical. The power of persuasion
The practices of the Seer are highly ritualised and comes easily to you, as do the arts of etiquette, guile
require sympathetic objects to work with. The skull, and seduction.
bones or corpse of the dead, candles to represent spirits
or basins of blood are typically used in elaborate rituals Rank One
that may last up to an hour. Your voice has the enthralling quality of a half-
To work a ritual to summon the dead back to the mortal remembered song from childhood. Others will in
world a character must undergo a ritual performance, preference to music or entertainment, sit and listen to
usually in private and for at least ten minutes. your words.

Rank One Rank Two

You can summon back the Shade of a person dead no You may inspire a specific emotion, happiness, fear,
longer than a week. The Shade remains in your desire, unease, in your audience as you recite to them
presence for ten minutes and although unable to do a ballad or poem. The emption is felt strongly while
you harm it may well feel hostile. Gain one Soulburn the poem last but lingers only as a weak sensation
when you invoke the dark arts at this level. afterwards.

Rank Two Rank Three

You can summon back the Shade of a person dead no You make cause a specific person to stop all actions
longer than a month. The Shade remains in your to the exclusion of listening to your voice. You cannot
presence for twenty minutes and will answer questions give commands or orders, and the person may become
dutifully. Gain two Soulburn when you invoke the dark quite angry, but he or she can do nothing else but listen
arts at this level. to the charm of your voice as long as you are speaking.

Rank Three Rank Four

You can summon back the Shade of a person dead no By winning a Contest of Willpower you can suggest to
longer than a year. The Shade remains in your presence a person that he or she does one small and specific
for an hour and is bound to do your bidding or answer thing – be it a task or simple to stand and listen to you.
questions dutifully. Gain three Soulburn when you Your suggestions will seem utterly reasonable as if
attempt to invoke the dark arts at this level. coming from a sensible friend, but you cannot make a
person do anything that will cause them to endanger
their own life.

by Christopher Johnstone
Rank Five battle.
By winning a Contest of Willpower, you can put a Least Fetch
target completely under your control. Suggestions you Attack: Good Health: 10
make will be believed, and the enthralled will believe Menace: 4 Armour: 4
you over any other voice of reason. The target
Character will also act to help and defend you even if Rank Four
it means endangering themself. You can summon your Fetch by concentration while
awake. The Fetch appears in dream shape, as in Rank
Fetch-Souled Three, and will do what it can to help you, although it
can never move more than twenty feet from you. The
Every person has a Fetch. A Fetch is a protective spirit
Fetch will linger for a few minutes after you awaken.
that is at once a part of you and distinct from you. It is
Lesser Fetch
highly personal, and often hidden deep within you.
Attack: Fabled Health: 15
Menace: 6 Armour: 6
If your Fetch ‘dies’then you must make a Very Difficult Rank Five
Test of Willpower or die immediately from the shock. Your Fetch can appear and remain with you as with
If you live then you will have a few days to linger in a Rank Four. The shape is similar to the dream-form,
horrible sorrowed and sickened state, before finally but with only glowing eyes, and a more substantial
succumbing and dying. Note the Fetch is the same appearance. It can move up to a hundred feet away
spirit source drawn upon by sorcerers to create a from you.
Sending Beast. Greater Fetch
Attack: Mythic Health: 20
Rank One Menace: 8 Armour: 8
You Fetch is only visible at times of crises, both
awaking and asleep. It takes the form of an animal.
You need to choose a shape and name for your Fetch. Geas
Primarily the Fetch will appear to you as a warning, You have learnt through force of will and devotion to
perhaps covered in blood if you are in mortal danger, the goddess weavers of life the arts needed to
or sometimes speaking a few words. manipulate fate itself into a form of conditional
witchcraft called Geas.
Rank Two
Your Fetch appears to you more often, but looks to Aspects
others like a dim and shadowy thing. The Fetch can A Geas only becomes active when you inform the
never go more than about ten feet from you, at which subject of the spell of the condition and consequence
point you suffer pain. The Fetch provides advice, and of the magic. At each rank of proficiency you can only
insight into the spirit-world, that remains invisible to have a number of Geas active equal to your rank. If at
you. rank two for instance, you already have two Geas set
on subjects and want to work a third, you must cancel
Rank Three one of the other Geas. Geas automatically cancels after
Your Fetch appears when you fall asleep, in the form the stated condition comes to pass.
of a glowing phantom animal and guards you until you
awaken. It cannot be hurt except by enchanted Rank One
weapons or magic and if forced to defend you will You can state an event that is unlikely to happen to the
make noise to awaken you while fighting with tooth subject and an effect of minimal importance that will
and claw. The Fetch will linger for a few minutes after occur, should the event come to pass. For instance:
you awaken. Use the below traits if your Fetch enters should you ever meet the king and queen your breath

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
shall smell sweat that day. You can have one Geas code of honour, or a true love for a person, place or
active at any one time. thing. For example a man who has the passion of
revenge and who suffers injury to himself or a love by
Rank Two an enemy can tap their passion for revenge to pursue
You can state an event that is unlikely to happen to the the enemy. He can ride without rest and fight without
subject and an effect of some significant importance fatigue until he achieves revenge. If however he stops
that will occur, should the event come to pass. For along the way and is distracted into pursuing something
instance in the Geas for rank one, instead of breath other than revenge the various bonuses no longer apply.
smelling sweet, the daughter of the king will fall in love Likewise, to gain bonuses an activity must be closely
with the subject of the spell. You can have two Geas related to the passion. In the example above fighting
active at any one time. the enemies henchmen qualifies as something close to
the passion. But stopping and trying to win a game of
Rank Three chance to earn some extra coin to keep following the
You can state an event that is somewhat likely to enemy does not.
happen to the subject and an effect of some significant
importance that will occur, should the event come to Rank One
pass. Instead of meeting the king and queen, the even You can choose to enter a passionate fury, during which
might be meeting a lord, or an important merchant. time your Aptitudes temporarily gain an extra level of
You can have three Geas active at any one time. ranking. During this fury, you can do nothing except
either pursue your passion. The fury can last up to ten
Rank Four minutes.
You can state an event that is very likely to happen to
the subject and an effect of some significant importance Rank Two
that will occur, should the event come to pass. For As above except that the fury can last up to half an
instance, should you ever have your hair cut, your will hour.
be struck blind. You can have four Geas active at any
one time. Rank Three
As above except that the fury can last up to an hour.
Rank Five
You can state an event that is all but unavoidable to Rank Four
happen to the subject and an effect of some significant As above except that the fury can last up two hours.
importance that will occur, should the event come to
pass. Should you ever be invited to eat at a feast you Rank Five
will speak with powerful eloquence. Should you ever As above except that the fury can last up to five hours.
sleep under a full moon, your dreams will be filled with
nightmares. You can have five Geas active at any one Healers of Idis
You are a worshipper of the Idis, supernatural feminine
spirits, who though not divine are nonetheless immortal,
Haunted Heart and associated with protection, fertility and healing.
You have such a deep sense of a given passion, that in The highest tradition of the priestesses of the Idis is
pursuing that passion you can enter a state of unfaltering pacifist life, without any need or urge to do harm to
devotion, continuing without rest and without any need any other. They will not eat meat, or drink ferment of
for sustenance until you achieve you ends. hops or grapes or honey. The cult also only admits
virgin woman, and does not permit its members to
Aspects have sex.
Examples of passions include jealousy, revenge, greed,

by Christopher Johnstone
Aspects descended from the kings of old and heightened in to
In preparation to use one of your powers you must a potent force in the true heir of a throne. From your
make sacrifices of fruit and wine to the Idis. hands warmth and light in a glow of life energy
emanates and flickers causes blood to staunch and
Rank One wounds to knit and mend.
You can heal minor wounds by performing a short ritual
over the subject. The ritual heals up to two levels of Aspects
Health and cannot be used twice on the same set of You have the power to channel your own life force
injuries. You can use this magic only on women and into the healing of others. To do so you must first cut
children, or on men who are either elderly or lead runes into your palms, then lay hands on a wounded
pacifist lives. individual, without disturbance and perform a series
of chants. When you heal injury a similar injury appears
Rank Two at the same point on your body.
You can heal deep wounds, or cure non-life threatening
diseases by performing a short ritual over the subject. Rank One
The ritual heals up to three levels of Health and cannot You can heal one level of injury and suffer one level of
be used twice on the same set of injuries. You can use injury on a one to one basis. For instance, if you choose
this magic only on women and children, or on men to heal three levels of Health you suffer three levels of
who are either elderly or lead pacifist lives. injury. This magic inflicts three Soulburn on you when
Rank Three
You can heal severe wounds, or cure any disease, by Rank Two
performing a short ritual over the subject. The ritual As above except that the magic inflicts two levels of
heals up to four levels of Health and cannot be used Soulburn.
twice on the same set of injuries. You can use this magic
only on women and children, or on men who are either Rank Three
elderly or lead pacifist lives. As above except that you round up the levels of injury
you want to heal and suffer half the number of injuries
Rank Four yourself. For instance, if you want to heal five levels of
You can heal grave wounds, or cure infertility, by injury round this up to six and divide in two: this inflicts
performing a short ritual over the subject. The ritual three levels of injury to yourself.
heals up to five levels of Health and cannot be used
twice on the same set of injuries. You can use this magic Rank Four
only on women and children, or on men who are either As above except that the magic inflicts two levels of
elderly or lead pacifist lives. Soulburn.

Rank Five Rank Five

You can heal mortal wounds, or cure afflictions of site, As above except that you cannot suffer more than three
hearing or deformity by performing a short ritual over levels of injury per person you heal, no matter how
the subject. The ritual heals up to six levels of Health serious their wounds.
and cannot be used twice on the same set of injuries.
You can use this magic only on women and children, Illusory Arts
or on men who are either elderly or lead pacifist lives.
A sign of some Aelfan blood running in your veins, you
have a talent for the shaping and conjuring of illusions
Healing Touch – made up of the stuff that learned man call Glamour.
You have the healing touch: that power said to be You power, even at its most developed is that of a

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
child to a master, when compared to the glamours that
deeply Aelfan creatures can weave, but it is enough to Rank Three
impress common mortals and get you out of tricky As above but you can conjure an illusionary object
situations. out of thin air. The illusionary object must be of a weight
that can be carried. If an attempt is made to use the
Laws of Illusion object as a tool or weapon or clothing it vanishes.
Some basic laws apply to all illusions, both the most Any illusions you conjure vanish if removed more than
powerful Aelfan arts of kings and queens and to you. fifteen feet from your person. You suffer one Soulburn
Never Perfect: Illusion can never be used to perfectly when you use this power.
mimic anything some small flaw or tiny detail will always
give it away under close examination. Rank Four
Mirrors Never Lie: Illusions never reflect in mirrors. As above but you can cause anything up to the size of
Your illusion if viewed in a mirror will show up the a barrel appear to be larger, or smaller or a completely
truth beneath. different object. You can also cast simple illusions on
Cast no Shadows: Illusions never cast shadows and people or animals making them look younger, older,
creating a shadow with illusion is impossible. and more or less beautiful but not otherwise changing
No taste nor Smell: At your humble level of power characteristics.
neither tastes nor smells can accompany an illusion. Any illusions you conjure vanish if removed more than
You can make a rotten apple look but not taste whole. twenty feet from your person. You suffer one Soulburn
when you use this power.
In game-play, Illusionary Arts allows you to create Rank Five
illusions much as if you were simply wishing images, As above expect that you can dramatically change the
shapes and colours into existence. Any illusion you appearance of a person or animal – making he, she or
create will vanish if contradicted. Thus if you create it look, feel and sound to all intents and purposes to
the illusion of a doorway, and a person runs into it and be someone or something else. No physical benefits
crashes into a solid wall the illusion promptly vanishes. are conferred however. A dog made to look like an
eagle cannot fly.
Rank One Any illusions you conjure vanish if removed more than
You can invest illusion in any small object that can be twenty-five feet from your person. You suffer one
held in your hand. The illusion can change the Soulburn when you use this power.
appearance but not the overall form of the object. For
instance an apple could be made to look rotten or
golden but not to look like a rock.
Intuit Direction
Any illusions you conjure vanish if removed more than There runs in your family a long history of a special
five feet from your person. You suffer one Soulburn knack for the knowing of directions. At its least
when you use this power. powerful, the ability means you seldom get lost, raised
to its highest potency, you can follow your inner sense,
Rank Two over mountains and forest and deep dells, tracking all
As above but you can make any small hand-held object the way towards anything at all that you could name.
look like any other object of a comparable size. Dry
leaves can be made to look and feel like gold coins. Aspects
Poisonous mushrooms could be made to look, but The different ranks of Intuit Direct carry slightly differing
not taste like bread. talents, some vaguely ritualistic, others more natural.
Any illusions you conjure vanish if removed more than You can use any of the talents from lower ranks as
ten feet from your person. You suffer one Soulburn your ability advances.
when you use this power.

by Christopher Johnstone
Rank One walk of horses. Studying the pattern of lines on a
You can spend a few minutes carrying out a simple person’s palm. Creating and examining patterns in dust
ritual such as casting runes, or staring into a fire, to or earth. Reading tarot or playing cards. Interpreting
know the compass points and the direction as the crow dreams, or omens in natural phenomena. Reading lines
flies to any place that you know very well. out of a book of religious or occult significance. Studying
the stars and the celestial sphere.
Rank Two
By tying a piece of something to a string and dangling Rank One
it, you can watch the spin and bob, and walk towards You can carry out a ritual and ask a simply yes/no
the nearest source of the substance. For instance you answer. The Gamesmaster rolls on the following chart
could tie a gold coin to a string and follow it to gold, or and tells you an answer accordingly. You suffer one
a nail to find iron. By using hair or clothing from a Soulburn when you use this power.
person, you can find that person. 1–2 Answer is incorrect
3–5 Answer is unclear
Rank Three 6 – 10 Answer is correct
You are always aware of which direction is north, be
you in the blackest of nights or deep in a cave. You Rank Two
can also, always follow your way back, through any As above but using the following chart…
confusing environment, such as a misty forest, or a 1 Answer is incorrect
labyrinth. 2–4 Answer is unclear
5 – 10 Answer is correct
Rank Four
You know the direction and distance to any place, Rank Three
person or thing that you have seen with your own eyes, As above but using the following chart…
and can conjure a mental image of. 1 Answer is incorrect
2 Answer is unclear
Rank Five 3 – 10 Answer is correct
You know the direction and distance to any place,
person or thing that you know the name of. Rank Four
As above but the answer is always correct.
Lore of Heid
Rank Five
The art of divination has long been a tradition passed
As above but a Willpower based test of Fatigue is no
down, from sorceress to apprentice, from witch-wife
longer needed.
to daughter, from one seeress to another. Through
small rituals and observations of oracles, you work to
divine the answers to the questions that plague the Luck of the Traveller
unknowing. There is something of a charmed power that hangs
about the wandering tinker, the rootless wanderer who
Aspects will trust to fate and chance in equal measures to make
As a practitioner of the Lore of Heid you will use ritual a way in the world.
to root out secrets. You may wish to choose a signature
ritual or whatever feels appropriate at the time. Some Aspects
ideas: Casting or drawing rune stones, bones or sticks. Luck of the Traveller grants you several charms and
Examining the entrails of sacrificial animals – small magics related to life on the road.
traditionally such animals had to be pure white.
Examining the patterns in the flight of birds, or in the

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
Rank One Your gaze will make a person will a guilty conscious
By whistling or singing a cheery song you can chase feel uneasy interfering with their ability to concentrate.
away bad weather. Light rain or fog will vanish in ten When you lock gazes the person must make a test of
minutes. A heavy storm may take up to half an hour to willpower or temporarily loose a level from any
blow over. subterfuge or deceptive Aptitudes your opponent tries
to use against you.
Rank Two
By making a Test of Perception you can discover the Rank Two
maximum and minimum prices that a character will be As above but when you lock gazes the guilty person
willing to accept for the purchase or sale of a given must make a test of willpower or temporarily loose a
good or service. level of Aptitude from all of their Aptitudes.

Rank Three Rank Three

As soon as you enter a market you are able to tell, on As above, but when you lock gazes the person must
a successful test of Perception, who among the traders make a test of willpower to not appear obviously guilty
is the best to go to for fair prices. and evasive to bystanders as well as to you.

Rank Four Rank Four

People begin to take a liking to you as soon as they As above, but if the guilty character scores a 10 on
make your acquaintance. Any price offered to you for the test of willpower he immediately breaks down and
the purchase lodgings, food or drink will always be confesses his crimes.
less perhaps even as much as half that offered to others.
Rank Five
Rank Five As above, but if the guilty character fails the test of
You may make a Test of Perception to ‘recall’ willpower he immediately breaks down and confesses
important pieces of information about an area of land, his crimes.
a road, a town or village that you have never visited
before. You might ‘recall’ such things as which are the Premonitions
best inns, how much they charge, whether guards are
You have a supernatural knack for sensing when you
fair or corrupt, who is in charge and anything else the
are in immediate and threatening danger – even if to all
Gamesmaster thinks may be of importance.
outward appearances everything around you is
harmless. This danger sense may manifest as a tingling
Piercing Gaze sensation, or a burning or itching, or possibly something
You have eyes that can see right through to the soul. stranger such as a fit of sneezes or a migraine.
Those with a guilty conscious feel your gaze as strong
and discomforting, and feel as if you know every small Rank One
detail of their crimes. You can not choose to actively try and sense danger,
but if you are walking into a trap or if you are about to
Aspects be ambushed or harmed in any unforeseen way your
By locking eye contact you can cause a person with a Gamesmaster roll a dice in secret with a 5/10 chance
guilty conscious to variously suffer irritation and of giving you a warning by alerting you to a sensation
distraction, through to causing the guilty to break down of danger.
and confess everything to you.
Rank Two
Rank One You can attempt to actively sense if a situation is
You can use the talent on only one person at a time. dangerous to you by concentration. You suffer one
Soulburn when you use this power.

by Christopher Johnstone
Rank Three Rank Five
As above, but can attempt to actively sense if a situation As above but, complete loss of sight or hearing can be
is dangerous to a companion or loved one. cured by your touch. Serious inherent conditions, such
as deformities or haemophilia, as well as magical curses
Rank Four can be ‘cured’ over the course of a month. You suffer
As above, but can attempt to actively sense if a situation one Soulburn when you use this power.
is dangerous to a beloved place, tool, item or weapon.
Rank Five
The kenning-woman who huddles over her fire,
As above, but can attempt to actively sense if a situation
wrapped in a shawl searching for signs of secrets in
is dangerous to any person, place, object or creature
the woods, the sorcerer who stares into a polished
that you are familiar with.
stone of black jet, hunting for lost relics, the wish-
wife, who grants those who can pay a second-hand
Purifying Touch glimpse of lost-loved ones. All, are using the art of
You are blessed with the power to lift diseases from scrying, the talent, that some have for seeing what is
others by touch, concentration and a period of not, for knowing what they could never know, for
meditative chanting. As a side affect of this any food reaching out their mind and touching the distant horizons
or drink that you prepare is purified of spoilage or of the world.
Rank One By concentrating on a focus, a surface of water, or a
Allows you to cause a minor natural illness, such as a fire, or mirror, you can see visions of far away people,
cold or sniffles to be cured. Your touch also eases places and things.
pain and minor aches. You cannot use this power on
yourself, but you are also immune to all natural diseases. Rank One
You suffer one Soulburn when you use this power. You can summon a vision of either people you feel
very close to, or places you know very intimately. You
Rank Two suffer one Soulburn when you use this power.
As above but, the power allows you cause a serious
natural illness, such as influenza or pox to be cured. Rank Two
Sicknesses take a week to cure. You touch also eases You can summon a vision of places you know
serious pain, or can encourage an easy childbirth. You reasonably well, things you have once owned, or
suffer one Soulburn when you use this power. people you have spent more than a week with. You
suffer one Soulburn when you use this power.
Rank Three
As above but, the power allows you to cause a deadly Rank Three
natural illness, such as plague to be cured. Sicknesses You can summon a vision of things you have held,
take a week to cure. You suffer one Soulburn when people you have meet but once, and places you have
you use this power. passed through. You suffer one Soulburn when you
use this power.
Rank Four
As above but, partial loss of sight or hearing can be Rank Four
cured by your touch. Lame legs, arthritis, and minor You can summon a vision of anything by holding
deformities can be corrected over the course of a something with an association – for instance you can
month. You suffer one Soulburn when you use this scry out a person if you have a lock of their hair, or a

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
dagger they once owned. You suffer one Soulburn Rank Five
when you use this power. By studying the weave of an aura surrounding a magical
artefact your can determine how it was made, how
Rank Five long ago, and for what purpose. By studying the aura
You can summon a vision anything simply by knowing of a person you can get a feel of their present emotional
the birth-name of a person, the basic appearing of a state.
thing, and the name of the last owner, and three names
by which a place is know by. You suffer one Soulburn Serendipity
when you use this power.
Serendipity is a peculiar form of luck, the sort that has
to do, simply with being in the right place at the right
Second-Sight time or having things by chance seem to fall into place.
You have been born with the Second-Sight, the Kenning It is the luck of Bilbo Baggins in the Hobbit, and is the
it is sometimes called and you yourself may be called sort of luck enjoyed by heroes of fairy tales and
a kenning-man or woman. You can see the world or children’s folk stories.
spirits and magic that others are blind to. You see the
earth-light welling up when the world is quiet, you see Rank One
ley-lines, auras, airy spirits and the echoes of spells You can suggest that something happen that would
cast by sorcerers. qualify as a stroke of serendipity. For instance you
may be sitting in a bar and suggest, that a friend just
Aspects happens to walk, in or that a guard you are trying to
In game-play Second Sight allows you to literally see get past, just happens to be a cousin. If the
auras, magical or natural as well as invisible spirits such Gamesmaster declines your suggestion, your next
as ghosts. suggestion cannot be declined unless all other players
at the table do not agree that it is sensible. You must
Rank One spend five Experience Points when you use this power.
At times of stress or passion, or heightened emotion
you gain the second-sight. You can see auras of living Rank Two
things, and from this tell the state of health of a plant, As above except, that you must spend four Experience
person or animal. Points to use this power.

Rank Two Rank Three

You can summon the second sight by suffering a rank As above except, that you must spend three
of Soulburn and with it you can see all invisible spirits, Experience Points to use this power.
and also the magical auras created by spells and
enchanted relics. Rank Four
As above except, that you must spend two Experience
Rank Three Points to use this power.
As with rank two, but you can shift you vision in and
out of the second-sight at will - no Soulburn is suffered. Rank Five
As above except, that you must spend one Experience
Rank Four Point to use this power.
Your can recognise the shape and feel of the aura of a
spell or ward as belonging to a particular sorcerer. By Skin-Changer
studying the aura of a magical artefact you will know There are some who it is said walk as beasts or fly as
what rank of enchantment it is. birds when the mood takes them. It is a thing that
passes in family lines, perhaps because of magic

by Christopher Johnstone
worked long ago by a sorcerer ancestor or maybe the When you speak they listen, when you lead they follow.
blood of furry beast or feathered bird does indeed run
in your veins. Spirit Hunter
You belong to one of the most feared and dreaded
Aspects orders of all warrior-cults – the Spirit Hunters, the
The talent for skin-changing runs in families and always warriors of fear itself who are believed to enslave the
takes the same form within a given bloodline. The player spirits of those they slay. These warriors of the dead,
is allowed to choose their animal form at the discretion paint themselves in white and black, and carry shields
of the Gamesmaster. When wearing the animal form of blackened wood and armour of pitch-black furs.
the character appears to all intents and purposes as They shriek like ghosts when they attack, and are most
that animal – this is very different from a spell that powerful in the dark of night.
changes forms, which always results in peculiar and
unnatural looking animals. There is nothing obvious
magic about a changed character, and indeed their mind
The Warriors of the Dead are more secretive than most
as well will blend into the animal, usually to thoughts of
cults, and appear to be worshippers of the dead, and
food and shelter and mates. To do anything particularly
some suspect necromancers. The necromantic arts of
un-animal requires a test of Willpower – i.e. opening a
the typical Warrior of Managarm is in fact minimal to
door. Also, although you cannot cast spells in animal
none, but high priests practising hedge-magic and
form you do retain innate magical talents such as
necromancy do exist.
second-sight. Skin-Changers must choose an animal
Members of the cult find daylight uncomfortable but
form. This may be any natural beast up to the size of a
not unbearable. Any spells or relics charmed against
the dead also affect Spirit Hunters, and if seen with
second sight Spirit Hunters appear shrunken, hollow-
Rank One
cheeked and milky eyed.
You can take on the form of your animal only by
stripping naked and adorning yourself a cloak made
Rank One
from pelts of your soul animal. You suffer one Soulburn
Shadows of the Night: You can see perfectly in the
when you use this power.
night as if you were in broad daylight. You do however
suffer some sun blindness. This is a passive ability and
Rank Two
is always with you.
As Rank One except that you do not suffer Soulburn
when you use the power.
Rank Two
Skulking Ghost: You can hide in shadows and in the
Rank Three
benighted air with eerie adeptness. As long as you
As Rank Two, but you no longer need a pelt to change
remain still a test of perception is needed to see you.
into your animal form. Also, if you are angered you
This is a passive ability and is always with you.
must make a Test of Willpower (diff. 7) to avoid turning
into your animal form on the spot.
Rank Three
Ghastly Shriek: When you scream a war cry it chills
Rank Four
the most hardened warrior’s to the bone. In you voice
As Rank Three, except that you no longer need to
is all the sounds of death and the cries of the damned.
make Willpower to avoid changing at an unwanted
Anyone who is not of the cult who hears your cry
must make a Test of Courage (diff. 5) or feel sudden
and deep fear of you. You suffer one Soulburn when
Rank Five
you use this power. Also, you can suffer one Soulburn
As Rank Four, but that, natural animals of your soul-
to cause any mortal you slay to rise as a Shade in your
form, view you as a natural leader when in their form.

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
permanent service.
Rank Five
Rank Four You are no long subject to illusion - you simply cannot
Benighted Cloak: You can become dark and be tricked by such enchantments or tricks of magic,
shadowy, seemingly ghostly and unreal. A perception either mortal or Aelfan. You see through any illusion as
test is needed to see you at night or in shadows. You if it is a vague phantom, and may be impressed,
can also never be tracked and are completely silent entertained, or made angry by such tricks but always
when moving over any ground. This is a passive ability know them for what they are.
and is always with you.
Valraven Warrioress
Rank Five
You are a warrior-maiden of deathly beauty, bound to
Shape of the Shadow: You can turn yourself into a
the memory of Othinarr, the most famed of the dead
wraith-like being. In this form, you can only be harmed
sorcerer-kings of the Asyneaur.
by enchanted weapons or magic and any weapons
you wield are treated as weapons of enchantment. You
suffer one Soulburn when you use this power. The Traditions
Shape of the Shadow can be broken at any time by The cult of Valraven is dedicated to the Blood-Stained
yourself and otherwise lasts until the next dawn. King, and is both organised and highly structured. The
warrior-maidens are at the beck and call of high
priestesses who claim to commune with the shade of
Uncommon Sense the Bloodstained King himself. The Cult of Valraven
You have a particular, and intuitive knack for separating only admits women.
the forest from the trees. Perhaps you are simply a In battle cultists of the Valraven pass into a state of
thoughtful sort, or prone to discretion, or rich in deadly calm, their eyes glimmer and flicker with inner
experience, some might even call you brooding. But, light and they are enchanted with an aura of beauty.
one way or another you have a powerful ability to see Valraven cultists wear cloaks of raven feathers and
through the deceptions of others, see illusions for what armour of gold and black.
they are, and know in the gut when danger is about to
rear its ugly head. Rank One
Whenever you enter battle you may enter a deadly
Rank One trance. In this state you do not feel pain, are immune
When you first meet a person you gain a good to fear and become aware of the actions of any enemy
impression of whether the newly met stranger is within twenty feet even if you cannot see them. Also,
basically trustworthy, honourable, good natured or on while entranced become stunningly beautiful. When
the other hand to be treated with suspicion. you use this power you gain one Soulburn.

Rank Two Rank Two

Calm is Calm: Add a bonus level to your Courage As above, but when entranced your eyes turn gold
Aptitude. and red and your beauty is of an Aelfan, enchanted
quality. Any weapon you wield glows and flickers and
Rank Three has an extra point of menace to a limit of nine.
By speaking with someone who is afraid or in a panic
you can always induce calm and fearlessness. Rank Three
As above but, when entranced your beauty becomes
Rank Four impossible for even the dead to ignore. Any weapon
You always gain a strong sense of whether a person you wield gains two extra points of menace to a limit
you are speaking to truly or at least believes his or her of nine.
own words.

by Christopher Johnstone
Rank One
Rank Four The visions only come when you sleep, in the form of
As above but, when entranced your beauty is radiant, dreams and nightmares. Once a night you may make a
such that it will draw attention from anyone within sight test of Willpower and if you succeed, you may then
and overawe them. Any weapon you wield gains three either choose to, or not to experience a vision. If you
extra points of menace to a limit of nine. Also, you fail, then whether or not you experience a vision passes
cannot be the subject of spells unless you allow yourself to the discretion of the Gamesmaster. If you do
to be. experience a vision, you will wake, sweating, and wide-
eyed from the dream. The Gamesmaster rolls on the
Rank Five following chart and then describes the vision.
As above but, when entranced your beauty is all but 1 to 2 True and important vision
goddess like. Any weapon you wield gains four extra 3 to 4 True, but cryptic
points of menace to a limit of nine. Male enemies who 5 to 10 A false or misleading vision
are not enraged or entranced themselves must make a
Test of Willpower (diff. 7) to attack you. Rank Two
You can enter a trance by staring at a foci, for instance
Visions a crystal, or bowl or water or ink. You can meditate
on a person, place or thing and the Gamesmaster rolls
Simmering in your blood is a talent for seeing visions
on the following chart and describes a vision as results.
in the fire, or the ripple of a pond or the depths of a
When you use this power you gain one Soulburn.
crystal. The visions come to you if you want them or
1 to 2 True and important vision
not. Sometimes nightmarish, on occasion beautiful, the
3 to 7 True but cryptic
one thing that can be said, is that there is always, some
8 to 10 A false or misleading vision
deep grain of truth hidden in the waking dream.
Rank Three
Aspects As above except that visions will come unheeded
Visions, especially in the early ranks, are as likely to whenever someone or something you love but which
be frightening as useful. The visions will come is far away is in danger. You must make an Test of
unbidden, often nightmarish in form, at potentially Willpower (diff. 4) if you wish to avoid slipping into a
dangerous times, as the vision always causes you to trance when this happens. If you do enter a trance the
fall into a trance. Developing this talent will allow better vision is always true and clear.
control of when, and how the visions come, but not
necessarily any control over the deeply disturbing Rank Four
psychology of the visions – which is a nice thing for As above except that you have complete control over
the Gamesmaster to toy with. the spontaneous visions and can either accept them or
Visions may come about in one of two ways, Bidden decline them without making a Test of Willpower.
or Unbidden. Unbidden visions occur during times of
stress and are ‘inflicted’ at the Gamesmaster’s Rank Five
discretion. When an Unbidden vision is inflicted, the As above except that the Gamesmaster rolls on the
player may choose to make a test of Willpower in following chart when a vision is sought.
order to resist the vision and shrug it off (a success 1 to 5 True and important vision
allows you to resist a vision). Bidden visions are called 6 to 9 True but cryptic
upon voluntarily by the Character, and in this case the 10 A false or misleading vision
player needs to make a test of Willpower in order to
summon up the vision (a success allows you to summon
a vision). Ways of the Wilds
You have developed a supernatural understanding and
empathy for the plants, animals and elements of the

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
woods and waters wild.
Rank Two
Rank One Gain a charmed +1 bonus to the Menace of any
By spending time watching your natural surrounds you weapon you use. You also strike creatures that normally
can gain insight as to whether there is any disturbance can only be harmed by magic or enchanted weapons.
or if there are intruders into a natural environment up
to half a day’s walk in any direction. Also you can Rank Three
change a failed attempt at a Wayfaring Aptitude into a As long as you show courage in battle and refuse to
success by suffering one Soulburn. don armour or a shield you gain a charmed rank two
protection from damage. This protection works against
Rank Two mundane and enchanted weapons.
As above except that you gain insight as to whether
there are springs, caves, rivers or other useful natural Rank Four
features within a half-day’s walk by careful observation. You gain five levels of armour versus injurious spells
directed at you.
Rank Three
As above except that you can gain insight into the type Rank Five
and numbers of animals into a wilderness up to a day’s Gain a charmed +2 bonus to the Menace of any
walk in any direction from you. weapon you use. Also, you may change a failed test of
any combat Aptitude to a success by suffering two
Rank Four Soulburn.
As above except that you can turn a failed Test of
Perception into success by suffering one Soulburn. Warrior Shaman
You are one of a fierce cult of warriors, prone to fury
Rank Five
in battle, in which all thoughts of safety are thrown to
As above except that you can gain insight into the
the wind. You wear no armour but for a bearskin, and
animals, terrain, unusual features or intruders into a
shield, and when passing into a rage, howl in bestial
wilderness up to seven day’s walk in any direction
rage, bite at your enemy’s throat and have a reputation
from you.
for bear-like strength and ferocity.
You are blessed by the ancient dead of the Beorgar
Warrior Blest tribe, the lovers of the battle and fray. For you the
There is among the roll of chants worked by sorcerers battle is not a dirty struggle of sweat and blood – it is
a charm to work over a babe in the crib and thereby your worship and your magic. Some may think you a
give her the potential to be a great warrior in years to savage but you know better because you fight the way
come. You are just such a child. that gods fight – and you are the most mystic of
This Discipline can be considered the result of a baby Aspects
being successfully blessed by the ‘War Blest’ Hedge While in a rage you must make an Test of Willpower
Cantrip. (diff. 4) to take any action that is not combative. When
you come out of a rage you will be exhausted to the
Rank One point of collapse for twenty minutes.
As long as you show courage in battle and refuse to
don armour or a shield you gain a charmed rank one Rank One
protection from injury. This protection works against Eye of the Bear: You can pass into a berserker rage
mundane weapons only. by donning a bear or wolf skin and carrying out a small

by Christopher Johnstone
ritual. An Test of Willpower (diff. 4) is needed to come Rank Four
out of the rage. While in a rage you gain Second-Sight You are immune to all shapeshifting and transmutation
(see Disciplines, above). spells and powers.

Rank Two Rank Five

Strike of the Bear: As with above, except that while A sorcerer must suffer an additional two ranks of
enraged, your weapons acquire a little enchantment of Soulburn in order to be able to cast any spell in your
their own, and can opponents that normally can only line of sight.
be harmed by magic or enchanted weapons.
Wolf Blooded
Rank Three
You are one of a feared warrior-cult known for wearing
Ease of the Donned Skin: You can pass into a berserker
wolf skins in battle, fighting like a savage beast, and
rage by simply donning fur skin – no ritual is needed.
reputed to know the secret of donning a wolf form.
Rank Four
Might of the Bear: While in a rage you may choose to Traditions
increase the severity of a wound you inflict, by one The Wolf Blooded are known for fighting in groups,
rank through suffering a level of Fatigue. For instance much like a pack of wolves. The Cult of the Wolf
your could inflict an extra three levels of injury by Blooded admits only male initiates.
suffering three levels of Fatigue. While in a rage you must make an Test of Willpower
(diff. 4) to take any action that is not combative. When
Rank Five you come out of a rage you will be exhausted to the
Rage of Toothless Swords: When enraged you can point of collapse for twenty minutes. You can attempt
only be hurt by magic, natural dangers (i.e. falling to enter a rage only once per day.
boulders, wolf teeth), bare hands (brawling) or
enchanted weapons. Rank One
Aspect of the Wolf: For up to half an hour, you can
acquire the senses of a wolf, heightened hearing and
Will Over Self smell in particular. You suffer one Soulburn when you
You have a powerful sense of self, or will and of use this power.
determined mind that makes you particularly difficult
to subject to sorceries. Rank Two
Howl of the Wolf: You can cry and howl like a wolf.
Rank One Any allies within range will know immediately that you
You may counter and undo a spell targeted at you by need their aid, and how to reach you. Any enemies
Spending Soulburn equal to the cost of the sorcerous must make a Test of Courage (diff. 5) or view you
spell. with sudden fear. You suffer one Soulburn when you
use this power.
Rank Two
As above expect that you the cost in Soulburn is now Rank Three
the cost of the spell minus one For instance if the Spell Savage in War: You can enter into a frenzy in which
Costs three Soulburn to cast you must spend two your natural armour increases by 1 each time you are
Soulburn to resist it. injured. You also temporarily grow claw like nails and
fang like teeth, which are treated as weapons of
Rank Three enchantment with a Menace of 6d10. You suffer one
You are immune to and see through all illusions. Soulburn when you use this power. The frenzy lasts
up to half an hour.

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
Rank Two
Rank Four By wearing a pelt of a boar you gain a +1 bonus to all
Wolfish Form: When you enter a rage your features fortitude and strength-related Tests of Aptitude including
become distinctly lupine, you grow fur, and a wolf- melee and combat.
like face, your eyes turn yellow and your teeth turn
long and sharp. Although you still walk upright, you Rank Three
are so wolf-like in appearance, you may be mistaken By wearing a cloak made from the feathers of a falcon
be for a spirit or monstrous creature. Your claws and or hawk you gain both hawk-like power of vision and
fangs are treated as weapons of enchantment with a a +2 bonus to all tests of perception and hunting related
Menace of 7d10. You suffer one Soulburn when you skills.
use this power. The frenzy last an hour.
Rank Four
Rank Five By wearing the fathers of a raven you gain the ability
Shape of the Wolf: While enraged you can choose to to see invisible spirits, auras of magic, and shades of
change into a massive wolf-like monster, with glowing the dead. You are also able to see through illusions
eyes and shaggy fur. You walk on all fours, and loose and can speak with the dead.
some of your ability to think like a mortal human while
in the shape of a wolf. Your claws and fangs are treated Rank Five
as weapons of greater enchantment with a Menace of By donning armour or a cloak made from the scales
8d10. You can only be harmed by magic or enchanted of a dragon or wurum you gain a further +1 bonus to
weapons in this form. You suffer one Soulburn when all combat related Tests of Aptitude (i.e. a total of +2
you use this power. The frenzy lasts for an hour. if you are wearing a boar skin). You also become
immune to poison and injury by fire.
Wood Haunter
You know that there is magic to be drawn out of the Word of Binding
ghosts of dead birds and beasts. Just as the relic-maker You are both blessed and cursed after a fashion. Your
crafts talismans from the pelts and teeth and enchanted very words, your very will has an element of magic to
things you know how to awaken a more personal it. The spirits of the earth listen when you sear a vow.
magic from the wild dead. And they usually take you up on it. Binding, magical
vows are termed Geas in Wayfarer’s Song. If you make
Aspects a vow that is serious and of genuine difficulty to keep,
Wood Haunter allows you to gain magical advantages then so long as you abide by it then you will receive a
by drawing on the spirit of dead birds and beasts. By boon that you stipulate in return. For instance you may
donning the pelt or feathers of a given creature you swear that you will always answer a challenge to fight
can gain a particular power. - so long as you your sword will never break. Or you
You may gain cumulative bonuses by wearing several might swear never to eat the flesh of a dog - so that
pelts at once. dogs are always friendly to you. Consider your vows
carefully. If you break a vow, then not only do you
Rank One loose the boon, but you also loose a Fate Point. If you
By donning a cloak or similar garment made from a have no Fate to loose then you suffer an immediate
deer pelt you can gain a little magic of stealth and and disastrous stroke of ill fortune.
swiftness. When wearing such a cloak you gain a +1
bonus to all stealth, hiding, running or dodging Tests of Rank One
Aptitude. You make vows that have a power of influence over
you and your immediate property.

by Christopher Johnstone
Rank Two fate. Hindrances have to be obvious and direct.
As above and you make vows that have a power of
influence over your friends or animals. Rank One
At this rank small hindrances that get between you
Rank Three and your fate find themselves confounded. Remember
As above and you may swear to vows that have the that a hindrance may not necessarily be an enemy. A
power of influence over strangers. loved one you does not wish you to fall to harm will be
affected by you Wyrde in the same way.
Rank Four
As above and you may swear to vows that have the Rank Two
power of influence over enemies. Reasonably major hindrances standing between
yourself and your fate are moved aside by the tides of
Rank Five Wyrde. People who oppose you find themselves soon
As above and you may swear to vows that have the exhausted and frustrated.
power of influence over enchanted beings – elves, and
Aelfan creatures, even dragons can be subject to your Rank Three
vows. When in direct pursuit of your fate natural phenomena,
disasters and even hordes of creatures stand no chance.
Wyrde Most simply dissolve away from you, shrinking back
before the power of Wyrde.
The three weavers of fate, Urd, Verdandi and Skuld
were at your crib the day you first drew breath. Urd
Rank Four
drew out a thread of fate for you, Verdandi has
Enchanted places, relics and creatures have no power
measured it and found it to be great, and Skuld, she
to harm or control you while you are in direct pursuit
has chosen not to cut your thread short until your fate
of your goals.
be met.
Rank Five
Aspects Very powerful hindrances standing between yourself
Together with your Gamesmaster you will need to agree and your fate are moved aside by the tides of Wyrde.
upon a ‘fate’ for your character. It could be dying saving All who oppose you find themselves soon exhausted
the world from an evil it never knew existed. It could and frustrated.
be rising to the status of queen among men, it could be
something more humble, but just as valuable, such as Designer Note: Wyrde is quite a powerful, and
the discovery of a charmed plant that can cure an ill or potentially game changing Discipline. It requires a
disease. mature attitude to the game to work well. As the
A hindrance must be actively and directly in your path Gamesmaster you are completely within your rights to
and preventing you from reaching fate for it to be state that you are not comfortable with this Discipline
moved aside. For instance if your fate is to find the and disallow it from player characters.
lost dragon slaying sword Wurumbane and die slaying Indeed if there is any Discipline you feel is a little too
Aslaug the Gildenwing, then a person who refuses to powerful, or awkward, either alter it to your liking, or
sell you Wurumbane can be considered a direct remove from the setting as you see fit.
hindrance. A person who refuses to sell you a sword
you think might be Wurumbane, or who refuses to sell
you a sword that might help you kill more terrible foes
and then find Wurumbane is not directed in your way,
and would not be affected by fate. In effect anything
that might be a hindrance is not considered one by

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition

Chapter Five
The dull and distant thud of an axe biting wood reassured him that his father was well away from the
cottage. So, taking careful note of how the wools and furs in the chest were arranged, he drew them out
one by one. At the base of the chest it lay dreaming. Its haft of sea-ivory gleamed white, its blade was
inlaid with a twirl of red and gold ribbons. As he stroked the axe with his fingers he wondered why his
father never took it from the chest. Never showed it to friends, or kinsmen.
There were times when it seemed his father would glance furtively at the chest, as if he had heard
something coming from the wood. Was he afraid of the axe?
But the boy knew better. He heard something deep and ancient reverberate from the steel, and imagined
himself a hero with this proud weapon. He knew the depth of the wyrde woven for this axe. He knew
one day it would be his, and all would know his name, and fear the axe of red and gold.

In the world of Mithgerd there are those who through integrity of their order by banding together, pursuing
study of the ways and laws of the natural and the and punishing those who step outside the traditions.
supernatural have raised magic from a tradition to an The traditions, however, are very vague and grey:
art. These are the sorcerers, the weavers of magic sorcerer’s are expected to judge and give advice but
spells and the masters of the wizard’s fine powers over not interfere in matters of state, they are not permitted
all this was and is and ever shall be. A sorcerer must to rule as kings nor to maintain vast lands and no
apprentice young, for this road of knowledge is long sorcerer may teach the mysteries or the spells of magic
and wearisome, and in principal is expected to give up to one who has not been ordained into the art -
ties of kinship and clan. When a sorcerer joins the acceptance into the mysteries of sorcery must be
ranks of the spell-workers a mock funeral is held, the agreed upon by three independent sorcerers, one of
child is wrapped in funary shrouds and taken to a which has offered to tutor the student. The final
graveyard or barrow-field, there left as the mourners tradition is that any challenge issued by one sorcerer
move away. All the pretences of a funeral are to another must be met before the next full moon and
undertaken, grave goods are left and the mourners settled by a contest of miracles. Friendly contests of
wails and cry. The child is expected to remain still and Miracles require the summoning of judges to applaud
dead until the relatives have moved away and dusk one sorcerer or the other and choose the better magi
has fallen. At this time one or more master sorcerers at the end, less than friendly contests tend towards
come out of the evening twilight, unwrap the child and being battles fought only with magic, sometimes to
lead him or her away naked to begin a new life among surrender, sometimes to the death.
those without life or clan. As well as these general traditions many sorcerers
In practice many sorcerers do return to their clans after adopt peculiar and highly personal habits that are
years away and although treated as strangers, at least thought to enhance their magic or sacredness. Some
in public, the strict traditions of the sorcerer’s ways eat only the hearts of animals, others eat no meat at all
are not always held to. and drink no mead or beer. A few dress only in light
Sorcerer’s do not exist in a strict order in any traditional summer clothing no matter the weather, others are
sense, there are no chief sorcerers or leaders, no known to always hide their face or tattoo themselves
hierarchy, rules or laws among them. There are, so heavily that they become unrecognisable. None of
however, vague, not always adhered traditions and a these small traditions are widely practised, though in
general expectation that sorcerers will maintain the some areas certain of them are more heavily pursued

by Christopher Johnstone
than others. cast and if allowed to build up too much it will lash the
body with permanent and disfiguring magical changes.
Becoming a Sorcerer Different spells cause different ranks of Soulburn when
cast. In all other ways a sorcerer’s Soulburn is treated
To create a character who is a sorcerer, you must
exactly the same as that of other Characters.
choose the Trait Sorcerer (see Chapter Four,
Whenever you cast a spell during the game you gain
Character Details). The Trait Sorcerer allots you
Soulburn. The amount of Soulburn you gain is given
initiation in the secrets of sorcery and two Spells
under each spell description.
of Thorn Magic. The Trait can be nominated
additional times to gain additional spells.
Sorcerers refuses to admit pupils older than twelve Skeins of Spells
winters and some masters will take only much younger Spells are divided among several classes, termed
students than this. Any character older than twelve Skeins, depending on what powers the spell entails
winters who is not already a sorcerer has given up all and how the magic works in practice. A sorcerer may
hope of joining the mysteries. Once initiated a sorcerer learn a spell from any Skein. The use of spell Skeins is
is taught the secret language of magicians, and this primary a function of convenience in the game; a Skein
language unknown to any outside the tradition is used allows the broad nature of a spell to be easily
as a pass-word between sorcerers and as a means to recognised at a glance. There are four Skeins of Magic:
judge is a person has already been initiated. Often Words of Power, Charms, Enchantments and
contests between sorcerers begin with challenges Ensorcellments.
issued this Sorcerer’s Tongue, then insults, poetry and
ballads, before any real contest of miracles begins. Words of Power
Words of Power are a class of Spell that are invoked
Spells of Sorcery by speaking a single sacral word aloud. Words of
Magic is divided into three categories of power. The Power can be cast at any time, whether or not it is
lowest range of power permits only minor influences your turn to act, and as an interruption to another
of the nature of reality, the spirits and creatures therein character’s action as long as you are willing to take
and is termed Thorn Magic, after the Thorn Staffs that the necessary Soulburn.
sorcerers of this rank are expected to carry as a
warning to all and any that they are of the fey art. The Charms
second order of magic requires deeper powers of
Charms are a class of spell that are cast on the world
concentration and skill and can only be learned after a
around the sorcerer in order to gain power of natural
sufficient period of time has been spent in practice with
forces, the underworld, spirits of the dead, demons
lower arts. Sorcerer’s of the second rank carry Staffs
and the elements. Charms can be worked to quell
of Rowan to distinguish them and this class of spell is
storms, or make fires burn brighter, change the course
called the Rowan Magic. Few sorcerer’s attain the
of the wind, calm a raging river or summon a fog.
highest rank of sorcery, the Oak Magic and the Oak
Staff, which can take long years of work and study to
master. Enchantments
Rules: In games terms a character must know ten Enchantements are sung over an item while it is being
Thorn Magic spells before learning any spells of the made in order to infuse into the item permanent and
Rowan Magic. Ten Rowan spells must then be learnt powerful magic. Enchantments must be recited by the
before the sorcerer can learn spells of Oak Magic. crafter throughout the process of making an item. This
class of spell cannot be infused into an item that has
Soulburn already been made, as the magic must be woven into
the very deepest fabric of the item.
Soulburn in the penalty of power. This magical charge
Rules: Forging, weaving, carving or crafting an item
builds up in the flesh of a magic worker as spells are

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
under Enchantment takes twice as long as the work just discard it. The item will find it’s way to the target
would under normal circumstances. An item can have through coincidence and subtle influence. When the
any number of Enchantments woven into it, but for item comes in contact with the specified target the spell
each Enchantment past the first an additional day of is released. This is a favoured way by which sorcerers
work is needed. Each Enchantment is exacted as work curses on enemies from afar. Contact does not
Soulburn on the sorcerer at the completion of the relic. necessarily need to be by skin, and if picked up with
This means that especially in the case of highly gloves or even tapped with the stick by the chosen
enchanted relics the sorcerer may suffer multiple Taints target the item will still release it’s magic.
upon completion of the relic. The second method by which a runic item can be put
to work is to tell it to ensorcel the first person, thing,
Ensorcellments animal, spirit or other class of being that it comes into
contact with. If instructed thus the item will stay where
Ensorcellments are spells cast upon a living Character,
it is left and lie in wait.
be it a person or creature. This class of spell may be
You cannot carve two rune-spells into the same item.
either good or malignant, healing or injurious. The one
The magic of the runic item is brought to life as soon
thread in common is that an Ensorcellment always
as the item leaves your possession but will only work
targets a single living thing.
once. Soulburn is inflicting as normal and is suffered
Rules: Ensorcellments can only be cast by line of sight.
once the last rune is carved into the item. No attempt
The Character who is the target of an Ensorcellment is
to resist runic magic is allowed.
permitted to try and shrug off the magic through force
Note that to use Rune-Craft a Character must know
of will. Resisting an Ensorcellment is optional - the
the mundane language Runic.
target Character’s player chooses whether or not to
resist the magic. If an attempt to resist is made then
the target Character and the sorcerer enter into a Runic Items
Contest of Willpower. If the Sorcerer wins the Contest Any character with Second Sight will be aware that a
of Willpower then the spell works its magic normally runic item is mildly ensorcelled by looking at it. The
upon the target. If the target wins then the spell is thrown runes are not hidden once carved and remain a bright
off and is broken into a thin fog of magic that blows blood-red: examination will always reveal them. Once
away on the wind. In either instance the Sorcerer still a runic item’s magic is released the runes turn black
suffers Soulburn from the attempt. and dead and the aura of magic fades away.
A runic item can be safely destroyed by anyone who
Rune-Craft is not the target. If a target attempts to destroy an item
in any way except through use of the Dispel Runes
Carving the words of an Ensorcellment spell as runes spell (see Spells of Rowan, below), then contact is
instead of chanting the magic aloud allows a sorcerer established between the target and the runes will be
to set the spell down to await a target. activated. The only safe course of action for someone
Your Character can work a rune-spell by carving the who suspects a runic item may be cursed is simply to
runes into an object, be it wood, steel or bone or avoid it.
something more exotic, and then rubbing his or her A character who has studied and mastered the spell
own blood into the runes. Once the blood has been that has been set down in runes will be able to recognise
worked into the runes the spell is set. Soulburn taken it by examining the runes, otherwise runic inscriptions
from the spell working is suffered as usual. The process are indecipherable.
takes about twenty minutes, including the time it takes
to perform a few minor rituals and consecrations on Duration
the runic item.
Spells are defined according to one of four durations.
The rune-spell can then be set to work in one of two
Instant spells exist only in a flash of magic. Although
ways. You can either tell the item to seek out a specific
the results of an Instant spell may be permanent the
target by name and then give the item away or even

by Christopher Johnstone
actual magic flares only briefly - ie. a Character may be held in the hand. The spell causes the object to
be permanently injured as a result of wizard’s fire, but glow with a dull light, about that of a candle, and enough
the fire exists only for a moment. Semi-Permanent to see by. The spell can be dimmed or put out on
spells have a magical affect for a period of time that command and lasts until the sorcerer next sleeps.
may be a few hours, a week or year, but which
eventually will end naturally in the course of the spell. Augment
Permanent spells will remain in existence forever Enchantment
unless Counterspelled (see Spells of Thorn, Least Immutable
Counterspell, below). Immutable spells are Soulburn: 3
permanent but cannot be Counterspelled or undone. Allows you to add a weaving of skill into an item.
Augment will bestow an item with a bonus +1 level to

Learning New Spells one specific Aptitude, nominated by the sorcerer.

Augment cannot be recast upon the same item—ie.
Spells are learnt by spending Experience points and No more than a single +1 bonus can be derived from
taking time alone in the wilds to contemplate nature, this Enchantment.
the universe and the ways and laws of things.
Sorcerer’s neither learn their magic from books or from Blood is Thick
one-another. A master teacher does not so much teach Ensorcellment
an apprentice spells as teach the apprentice how to Permanent
look at the world. It is a little like teaching a person Soulburn: 2
that music exists and then sending them off to find their Allows you to charm any two blood relatives into
own songs. The universe, though, does obey laws, believing that they are, and have always been the best
and this means that only a given number of natural of friends from the day they first they met to now. The
powers exists for a sorcerer. These preordained spell cannot be cast on yourself. If either one or both
magical powers are termed spells. The same spell can of the targets successfully resist the magic, then the
be sought out in different ways. One sorcerer may see spell is broken.
a spell for snatching arrows from the sky in the flight of
crows, another may find the same spell in the ripples Charm upon the Beast
of sunlight on water. Charm
Rules: Learning a new spell requires three Experience Semi-Permanent
Points and a week spent alone in the wilds in Soulburn: 1
contemplation. The sorcerer whispers low words to the creature that
is the target of this spell. Casting the spell requires the

Spells of Thorn sorcerer be within a few feet of the animal and takes a
full action to complete. The sorcerer gives the creature
The lowest rank of spells available to sorcerers. A one simple command to perform or a message to
sorcerer who has learnt one or more Spells of Thorn deliver which it is compelled to perform. If told to
is expected by the traditions of sorcery to carry a staff deliver a message the animal will go to the place or
of Thorn as a symbol of warning. Wood from any thorn person it is meant to deliver a message to and then
tree is considered acceptable, although Hawthorn and speak with the sorcerer’s voice. The spell cannot bind
Blackthorn are the mot commonly preferred choices. a creature into your service for more than twenty-four
hours, although you can re-bind the same creature
Aglow repeatedly.
Soulburn: 1
A small spell that can be cast on any object that can

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
Clever Tongue Kindle
Charm Charm
Semi-Permanent Instant
Soulburn: 1 Soulburn: 1
Grants you a temporary +1 bonus level to all social A few quiet words of power allow you to set fire to
Aptitudes, persuasion, word-wars and the like. The any one thing you are holding or touching, so long as it
Spell lasts until the next sunset. is flammable. The fire conjured will no hurt you
immediately as it will burn away from your for an
Eyes of the Spectre action, but afterwards the fire behaves as normal and
Charm will burn you if you remain too close or persist in holding
Semi-Permanent the burning object.
Soulburn: 1
A blessing to guard yourself against unseen dangers. Lay of Shields
Eyes of the Spectres summons an ancestral shade in Charm
the form of a Swarth (see Chapter Ten, Antagonists - Semi-Permanent
Ghosts). The Swarth remains invisible and watchful Soulburn: 1
unless you are physically threatened, whereupon it will Allows you to enchant up to six allies with an extra +1
materialise as a glowing shadow and utter a banshee bonus rank of armour. This spell can be used
scream. The Swarth remains summoned until the next cumulatively. It lasts for approximately one hour.
sunset, and has not powers other than that of waning.
It cannot move more than a few paces from you, but Lay of Toothless Swords
will be aware of any living thing within a hundred paces Charm
or so. Instant
Soulburn: 1
Horseman’s Friend Causes the edged weapons of up to six enemies to
Charm loose one point of Menace. The spell only works on
Instant swords, axes, spears, and other edged melee weapons.
Soulburn: 1 Casting the spell twice or more, does not cause
This spell is worded to affect horses but can be used cumulative loss of menace, as blades can only loose
with lesser effect on any animal. If used upon a horse their edge once.
this sorcery will cure or heal any sickness or injury
done to the animal. The healing process takes about Least Counterspell
twenty-four hours. When used upon other animals the Charm
spell can heal up to ten points of injury or minor Instant
afflictions, at the discretion of the Gamesmaster. Soulburn: 1
A spell that can be used to destroy and wither any
Invocation of Help Semi-Permanent or Permanent Spell of Thorn,
Word of Power including Enchantments. If used to destroy an
Instant Enchantment the spell must be worked by touch,
Soulburn: 1 otherwise a Counterspell can be cast by line of sight.
A useful spell that allows you to pass any one Test of A Counterspell is an instant magical cantrip and cannot
Aptitude, no matter the odds. You may invoke the same itself be counterspelled.
spell and suffer double the usual cost of Soulburn to
win any single Contest of Aptitude against another

by Christopher Johnstone
Light in white. The fog will last a few hours and will dissipate
Enchantment naturally faster if there is a strong wind or harsh sun.
Soulburn: 3 Song of Wild Folk
Bestows into an item the power to glow with light on Ensorcellment
command. A rune-word of command is needed and is Semi-Permanent
usually inscribed on the item itself as a matter of Soulburn: 2
convenience. An elder song that holds within it the litany of the kings
of the Wild Folk, their ancient lore and obligations.
Loathing The song can be used to command any one Wild Folk,
Ensorcellment but the power only lasts as long as the sorcerer remains
Semi-Permanent chanting. For instance a sorcerer could sing one of the
Soulburn: 2 Wild Folk into stopping an attack, going away back
Allows you to cause the subject of the spell to see to its lair or revealing the way out of a forest. As soon
another person (not necessarily you), as the worst as the chanting ceases, however, the Wild Folk under
combination of all the things that he or she loathes. the spell is released from the magic.
The spell lasts until the next sunset.
Shadow Raven
Loosen Fetters Charm
Charm Semi-Permanent
Instant Soulburn: 1
Soulburn: 1 Defence against spells sent against you. Shadow
This spell allows you to escape from any shackle, rope Raven summons up a minor demon in the form of a
or binding. spectral raven. The raven will remain invisible to all
except the sorcerer who has summoned it and any
Quietude who have the Second Sight or are using Sorcerer’s
Enchantment Sight. The raven will attack and devour the first
Immutable Ensorcellment sent against the sorcerer and then return
Soulburn: 3 to the world of shadow and rain from whence it came.
Bestows into an item and enchantment of quietness. Shadow Ravens are indiscriminate, they will not choose
The Enchantment must be instilled into an item of between good or evil magic and always devour the
clothing or jewellery and the magic is invoked when first Ensorcellment spell they meet. Multiple ravens can
the item is worn. The magic causes the wearer to be be summoned. A raven will only protect its summoner,
cloaked with silence. While wearing a Quietude it cannot be commanded or directed to protect
Enchanted item the Character’s voice remains barely someone else.
audible as a hushed whisper. In all other ways he or
she will make no sound at all. Sleep the Adder
Raiment of Mists Semi-Permanent
Charm Soulburn: 1
Instant A charm on the hearts of hidden enemies. When cast
Soulburn: 1 this spell causes anyone planning to harm you or
By invoking the names of three age-old gods of the ambush you to give up their plans until the next sunset.
mist and twilight the sorcerer can summon up a dense If a character is already embarked upon treachery or
and silver fog. The fog flows immediately into existence, is in your presence and leading you astray the character
rolling up out of the earth and covers enough of an will have a change of heart, become afraid and make
area to shroud a large battlefield, hill or fortress utterly excuses before leaving your presence. Treacherous

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
enemies will not become actively helpful, however, they Unknown to the Scryer
will give up any plans for betrayal. This spell has no Charm
affect on enemies who are planning to confront you Semi-Permanent
openly, fairly or honourably - only on those who are Soulburn: 1
planning a cowardly ambush or murder. A song to cloak you from enemy sorcerer’s that might
harm you, Unknown the Scryer hides you from any
Sooth form of far-seeing or scrying and makes you invisible
Enchantment to familiars and all forms of magical spies. The spell
Immutable lasts only as long as the sorcerer remains chanting the
Soulburn: 3 song.
Worked upon any small item or piece of jewellery,
this Enchantment causes the item to become hot to Warning
touch if a lie is told within earshot. Enchantment
Sorcerer’s Sight Soulburn: 3
Charm A spell that can be woven into any item, large or small.
Semi-Permanent Warning causes the item to either flare with light, buzz,
Soulburn: 1 hum or grow hot, as chosen by the sorcerer, if a
A few sing-song words of chant will reveal to the particular and stated danger is about to arrive. For
sorcerer any other sorcerers, enchanted relics, instance the spell could be cast on a dagger to warn of
permanent sorceries, curses or magic of any sort. Troldes, an orb of crystal to warn against storms, or a
Magical things will shine briefly in your sight, glowing bone carving of a bear to warn against blizzards.
as if lit by an unexpected bolt of sun. The affect of the Anything at all can be Enchanted, including items too
spell lasts until the next sunset. large to move. Some towns and fortresses possess
statues or standing stones that warn of impending
Touch of Ice attack or plague.
Instant Warmth of Mead
Soulburn: 1 Charm
The sorcerer chants low and cold words into the air. Semi-Permanent
When cast over an area of earth the ground grows Soulburn: 1
solid with frost, glittering and cold. When cast over A charm against searing frost. This spell can be cast
water the surface will freeze in moments. The spell has upon yourself or others by touch and protects you
no particular powers, other than those to impress or against all forms of natural cold until sunset. Enchanted
make a sturdy path across a river or lake. The ice and cold attacks are reduced to doing one point of injury
frost formed by this spell will melt naturally. per attack. The protection lasts until the next sunset.

Traceless Passing Whispers of Sleep

Enchantment Ensorcellment
Immutable Instant
Soulburn: 3 Soulburn: 2
An enchantment that must be worked upon an item of The sorcerer hisses a low musical chant of magic and
jewellery or clothing. This Enchantment causes the works upon a single target a veil of sleep. The target is
wearer to leave no tracks at all, making them impossible put at once into a deep but natural sleep, and will be
to follow or trail. awakened by a loud noise or if disturbed or prodded.
This sorcery is less useful in combat, where noise and
chaos will likely wake the target of the spell very

by Christopher Johnstone
quickly, and more useful when used quietly in hushed within sight to fall from it’s arc and drop to the ground.
places. Arrow Ward can be cast at any point during the
resolution of a ranged attacked by bow or spear.
Whispers of Smoke
Charm Bane
Semi-Permanent Enchantment
Soulburn: 1 Immutable
To invoke this spell the sorcerer whispers hushed Soulburn: 4
charms to any whirl, pall or cloud of smoke. The charm Woven into weapons this Enchantment adds one
allows the sorcerer complete control over smoke, its Menace to the weapon when used against a particular
shape, the way it will billow and drift and to an extent and stated strain or kith of enemy. The weapon could,
its colour too. The spell lasts as long as the sorcerer for instance be enchanted against Troldes or Wurums
remains whispering to the smoke. or Ghosts. A weapon cannot be Enchanted with more
than one Bane.
Willpower’s Leech
Ensorcellment Beauty
Semi-Permanent Enchantment
Soulburn: 3 Immutable
A petty, nasty curse that will cause the target to Soulburn: 4
temporarily lose one level of Willpower. The spell lasts Woven in clothing or jewellery, this Enchantment will
until the next sunrise. cause the wearer to fall under an illusion and appear
stunningly and irresistibly attractive. A reflection in a
Words of the Unflame mirror or on water will reveal the enchanted
Charm Character’s true visage.
Soulburn: 1 Bladeturn
Spoken aloud at a fire this spell will cause any natural Word of Power
fire to be extinguished like a candle being pinched out. Instant
It can be used to save a longhouse from burning or put Soulburn: 2
out a bonfire in the breath of a moment. By speaking the rune of this spell aloud the sorcerer
can causes any melee weapon to be turned away from

Spells of Rowan an otherwise successful blow reducing any injury that

would have been suffered to zero. Bladeturn can be
The second rank of Spells available to sorcerers. A cast at any point during the resolution of an attack.
sorcerer must have mastered ten Spells of Thorn before
learning any Spells of Rowan. A sorcerer who has learnt Changeful Cloaks
just a single Spell of Rowan is traditionally expected Charm
to carry a staff of Rowan cut with runes as a means of Semi-Permanent
issuing fair warning. Soulburn: 2
A useful spell much loved by trickster and subtle sorts.
Arrow Ward The Charm of Changeful Cloaks allows you to take
Word of Power on the appearance, voice and clothing of any person
Instant you have met. The spell lasts until the next sundown,
Soulburn: 2 and can be recast at dust to maintain the illusion.
A simple but useful spell, much boasted of by the
battlefield sorcerer. By speaking this word of power
aloud you can cause any one loosed arrow or spear

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
Chant of the Misty Grave Dispel Runes
Charm Charm
Semi-Permanent Instant
Soulburn: 2 Soulburn: 2
The charm must be cast over a burial grave, corpse, Utterly destroys and blasts away the magic of any one
barrow or other place of mortal remains. The spell ensorcelled Runic-Item (see Ensorcellment, Rune-
can only be cast at night, the time when spirits of the Craft, above).
dead can easily enter the mortal world, and takes about
ten minutes of ritual and chanting to perform. The spell Fireflaught
summons up a single shade of the person whose mortal Charm
remains are sung over. If more than one person’s Instant
remains are present, for instance in a barrow, then the Soulburn: 2
sorcerer can choose which shade is to be summoned. By sweeping a voice high and raucous into the air and
The shade that is summoned cannot leave the site of clawing at the old words of power, a sorcerer can
its body and is not obliged to obey the sorcerer, but is summon a bolt of lightning from the sky. A storm must
compelled to truthfully answer any questions put to it. be in effect before this spell can be cast and the magic
The shade will remain summoned either until the has no power underground or roof and away from the
sorcerer dismisses it or until dawn, whichever comes dome of the sky. The bolt of lightning can be directed
first. towards any target that is within sight of the sorcerer.
Everything within a dozen paces of the strike suffers
Conceal Menace 5 (+5) ranks of Injury.
Immutable Flesh of the Fire Gods
Soulburn: 4 Charm
An Enchantment woven into clothing or jewellery. Semi-Permanent
When worn a Conceal Enchanted item will cause you Soulburn: 2
to fade into the background and shadows, allowing This chant renders your skin into a blackened, ashen
you to easily vanish if unlooked for. If you are being hue and makes you invulnerable to all natural fire. You
actively hunted add +3 bonus levels to your Subterfuge can still be harmed by magical fire and the spell lasts
while wearing the Enchanted item. only so long as you remain chanting the words of
Enchantment Hellfire
Immutable Enchantment
Soulburn: 4 Immutable
This can be woven into any item. When exposed the Soulburn: 4
item causes an area for a dozen paces around to plunge An Enchantment that can be woven into any item, but
in shadows and darkness. The effect can be stopped is chiefly used upon weapons. The Enchantment causes
by covering up the item or keeping it in a bag. The either the whole or part of the item to burst into green
darkness is magical but not impenetrable. Creatures and scarlet flames and die away again on command.
that see well at night will not be hindered greatly by When enchanting weapons, usually only the business
the dark. end of the item is enchanted in this way. A rune-word
of command must be spoken aloud to invoke this
power, the word is traditionally inscribed on the item
by the maker.

by Christopher Johnstone
Known to the World Nightmare of Shadows
Charm Charm
Instant Semi-Permanent
Soulburn: 2 Soulburn: 2
A cunning charm and a dangerous one. This spell allows The sorcery intones a horrid litany of names of power
you to set our like wildfire rumours concerning any and summons into the mortal world a swarm of lesser
one truth about a person, place or thing. The power is snakes and demons from the cold worlds of hell and
a terrible threat if the rumour to be whispered by darkness. These minor demons swirl in a storm around
bodiless voices in crowded markets, courts, in dark the sorcerer and can be commanded but cannot move
forests, on lonely roads and everywhere that people more than five paces from the sorcerer. They can be
may pass. Most who hear the charmed voices will commanded by concentration and attack as a single
mistake them for real voices, but won’t be able to find entity with Affray Aptitude of Renowned, Menace
the people who they will likely assume that they’ve 4d10 and Armour 4, which doesn’t suffer penalties
just overheard talking. when engaging multiple opponent’s. The dark creatures
can only be harmed by enchanted weapons or magic,
Lesser Counterspell and the spell lasts as long as the sorcerer remains
Charm chanting. The spell can be dismissed with a Greater
Instant Counterspell.
Soulburn: 2
As with a Least Counterspell, except that the spell Oath-Bindings
can be used to destroy any one Semi-Permanent or Charm
Permanent Spell of Rowan. Immutable
Soulburn: 2
Lesser Familiar This spell allows you to make any promise made to
Charm you, binding by supernatural consequences if the
Permanent promise is not fulfilled within the passing of a year and
Soulburn: 2 one day. Thus, if a brash youth promises to bring you
The spell of the Lesser Familiar ensnares a single a dragon’s heart, you may set a condition – such as
mundane animal with magic and binds it to your service. that if he does not bring you the heart he will loose his
The animal can be no larger than a badger and remains sight. A condition cannot invoke sudden death although
more or less normal in shape and powers. You can sickness or illness that might eventually lead to death
commune with an Lesser Familiar that is within sight be induced. The subject of the spell must be made
by thought alone and can give Familiar’s simple aware of the condition for the magic to take effect and
commands and tasks. Once out of your sight, however, must make the vow aloud and in seriousness and in
you loose mental contact with a Familiar and must rely your presence.
on it to perform any tasks with its own wits and strength
before returning to you. You cannot cast spells through Protection
a Lesser Familiar or see through its eyes while it is Enchantment
abroad. Lesser Familiar’s can, however, report to you Immutable
what they have seen or done while away from your Soulburn: 4
presence, although the reports tend to be simple mental Woven into any item that can be worn or carried, this
messages and mostly visual in form. spell adds a bonus +1 level of armour to the Character
If a Lesser Familiar that is bound to you is killed you carrying the item. A single Character cannot gain more
suffer a single rank of injury. You can ensnare as many than +3 bonus levels of Armour from Protection
animals as you like using this power. Enchantments as at this level the wards are already as
strong as they can be bound.

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
Rage of Waters their names into the flesh. The spell allows you to heal
Charm two levels of Injury by touch, but deals you one level
Instant of Injury through the process of the rune-cutting. The
Soulburn: 2 spell works best if you have also had the names
By intoning the ancient names of nine daughters of an tattooed or cut as ritual scars permanently onto the
old god of ocean the sorcerer can summon up a great palms of your hands, so that the runes can be touched
flood into what was a gentle stream, river, seafront or to the injured. If undertake this the spell heals three
lake. When cast on a lake or seafront waves of terrible levels of injury instead of two.
power and strength rise suddenly and crash to and
fro. When cast upon rivers the waters rise into a single Shield of the Sorcerer
huge crash of water. The spell is powerful but fleeting, Word of Power
and lasts for only a few moments; time enough however Instant
to deal serious damage to anything in the waters path. Soulburn: 2
Anything unlucky enough to be caught in the flood path The sorcerer intones the sacral names of elder things
is dealt Menace 10 (+8) injury. and raises up the powers of old to draw upon the air a
shield of light and fire. The Shield of the Sorcerer
Rite of the Sickener’s Curse reduces Injury from any one attack by three ranks. An
Ensorcellment additional point of Soulburn can be suffered to add an
Permanent extra rank of protection - i.e. by expending 3 additional
Soulburn: 3 ranks of Soulburn a total of five ranks of injury can be
A protracted ritual chant that requires ten minutes to prevented. No more than ten points of Injury can be
perform. The spell allows you to set a curse that causes prevented by Shield of the Sorcerer from any one
one specific illness to befall the target. The illness if of attack.
your choice and could vary from a pox, to impotence,
to a sudden lameness of a leg. Because of the long Song of Calm Water
time it takes to cast this ensorcellment the curse is used Charm
most commonly in conjunction with a Runic Item. Instant
Soulburn: 2
Rite of the War Blest The goddesses and spirits of the oceans, rivers and
Ensorcellment lakes are dualistic things, angry and raging one moment,
Immutable and placid the next. This spell sings to the water-spirits
Soulburn: 3 and draws out the pleasanter side of the beings that
Allows you to bless a baby, male or female, as follows: dwell deep in the worlds below. It can cause a stormy
if the baby grows up to be a warrior, he or she can not sea to grow calm, floods to abate and turn back or a
be killed by swords, fire or axes. The blessed can raging river to subside so that it can be crossed.
however be injured by all three, and could sustain
serious, horrendous injuries, but will simply keep living
Sorcerer’s Fire
and will recover if he does not succumb to infection.Charm
Note that the War-Blest child cannot be counterspelled,
Soulburn: 2
the magic becomes too deeply ingrained over the years.
A spell that conjures up fire from the hellish places at
Runes of Blood the outer edges of creation. This green and scarlet hellfire
Charm can burn through iron and stone, just as easily as normal
Instant fire burns wood and straw, if feed enough power. The
Soulburn: 2 spell can be cast upon any one target within sight of
A healer’s charm that demands the sorcerer chant the the sorcerer and always does at least 1 point of injury.
names of three goddesses of life and water and cut To determine if a higher level of Injury inflicted roll a

by Christopher Johnstone
d10. If you roll five or less the injury increases by one. powers as there are in the shapeless voices of the air,
Repeat this roll if you rolled 5 for under, increasing the demons and spirits that are without flesh but have fine
rank of injury each time you score a success in this powers over the dominion of the sky. Voice of the
way. You can increase the threshold of success by Tempest can change the winds, raise up a gale or lower
suffering more Soulburn. Taking an extra point of a storm wind to nothing. The spirits of the air have no
Soulburn increases the success threshold to 6 in 10. power to summon clouds, cause rain to fall or make
Two Soulburn increases the threshold to 7 in 10 and snow, but they can easily change the course or a ship
so on. The spell cannot be increases in power beyond or lash a forest until branches are blown to the earth.
a 9 in 10 chance of success. You can maintain power over the spirits as long as you
remain chanting.
Spell of Elder Lore
Charm Venom’s Chant
Semi-Permanent Ensorcellment
Soulburn: 2 Semi-Permanent
Allows you to know an answer to any question put to Soulburn: 3
you about the universe, history, the gods or spirits for A few dark names of old demons and dark things
up to five minutes. When the spell passes you invoke this sorcery and lay upon the target excruciating
remember anything you learned and you gain one pain. If the target is not faced with a life or death
Experience Point, however this is a wearying situation he or she is forced to succumb to the pain
experience and using the Spell of Elder Lore inflicts an and will likely slump to the ground unable to do anything
additional two points of Fatigue on a Character at all. If the target’s life is threatened, for instance if the
whenever it is used, as well as the usual Soulburn. spell is used on a target in battle, then the target is
permitted to make a Test of Fortitude using the
Sunder sorcerer’s Willpower as Difficulty to overcome the pain
Charm and take an action. The pain lasts about half an hour.
Instant Additional Soulburn can be suffered in order to increase
Soulburn: 2 the duration of this curse. One additional point of
Summons up a thunderous crash of power drawn out Soulburn will increase the duration of this curse by
of the old demons of the earth and air. Enough force is half an hour. If the sorcerer spends an additional five
unleashed to split a boulder in two or blast a door off points of Soulburn the curse becomes Permanent.
its hinges. When cast on a living thing this spell deals However, even if Permanent, a Greater Counterspell
Menace 8 injury. The spell can be cast on any target can be used to lift this curse.
within sight of the sorcerer.
Unerring Charm
Enchantment Semi-Permanent
Immutable Soulburn: 2
Soulburn: 4 Chanted upon a weapon, this spell takes a round to
Woven upon an arrow, spear, throwing dagger or axe cast and lasts four about half an hour. The spell causes
or sling stone, this spell causes the item to never miss the charmed weapon to flicker with a ghostly fire that
its target when loosed. adds a rank to Menace. Warflame charms cannot be
cast repeatedly on top of one another, although a
Voice of the Tempest sorcerer can enchant any number of weapon, charming
Charm the swords and axes of allies as well as his own.
Soulburn: 2
This incantation allows the sorcerer to summons such

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
Spells of Oak the mortal world.

The highest rank of spells available to mortal sorcerers. Chains upon the Fetch
A sorcerer who has learned one or more Spells of Charm
Oak is expected to carry a rune-cut wizard’s staff of Permanent
oak as a emblem of warning. Soulburn: 3
This spell is cast upon the Sending Beast (Fetch) of a
Blindworm’s Curse sorcerer who is using the Spell of the Far-Walker (see
Ensorcellment below). Chains upon the Fetch prevents the sorcerer
Permanent from dismissing the Spell of the Far-Walker and
Soulburn: 4 returning to his real body. The sorcerer effectively
With a twist of the hand and the intonation of certain becomes trapped as a Sending Beast. The sorcerer’s
dark words of sorcery, the sorcerer snatches away body of real flesh remains in a trance, cannot eat or
the sights and hearing of one target, rendering the drink and will die within a day of dehydration if Chains
subject of this curse utterly blind and deaf for about upon the Fetch is not broken. If the sorcerer’s real
half an hour. The sorcerer can choose to increase the body dies then the sorcerer will be trapped forever as
power of this curse by suffering more Soulburn. Each a wandering Sending Beast. Chains upon the Fetch
additional rank of Soulburn suffered adds half an hour can be broken by casting a High Counterspell, either
ot the curse. If the Sorcerer chooses to suffer five on the Sending Beast or upon the sorcerer’s real body.
additional points of Soulburn curse becomes
permanent. The sorcery takes an action to cast and Curse of Sleepless Death
can be lifted with a High Counterspell. Ensorcellment
Chain of Shadows Soulburn: 4
Charm A powerful curse that can be put upon a person, a
Permanent town, a city, a kingdom. This spell can only be cast
Soulburn: 3 upon a person or group of people who have broken
Chain of Shadows is chanted over an item that once an oath that has been avowed to you or go against a
belonged to a dead mortal. The item must be something promise in such a way that you are betrayed. The curse
that was of value to the dead, and should have once takes no effect until the accursed die. It’s power then
possessed some emotional or personal significance. is to bind each betrayer to the mortal world as a Shade
Once the chant is done the sorcerer then cuts runes until such time as the oath is fulfilled.
spelling out the deceased mortal’s name into his skin
and rubs blood into the item. The ritual takes about Demise
half an hour to perform. As long as the shade has not Enchantment
already been already by magic elsewhere, Chain of Immutable
Shadows summons up the shade of the dead mortal Soulburn: 5
and places the spirit permanently in the sorcerer’s Woven into a weapon, this spell must specify a single
service. enemy by name. The Enchantment gives the item no
The spell has no power over the shades of creature or powers or abilities to find its enemy, but if it ever does
beings other than mortal humans, and summoned come into battle against its stated foe the weapon gains
shades possesses the same strengths and weaknesses +10 levels of Menace and confers five temporary
as shades that have crossed into the mortal world bonus levels of relevant combat Aptitude to the wielder.
through other ways and gates. This magic can be If a weapon destroys it’s target it withers into rust and
broken by casting a High Counterspell on the charmed blows away.
relic. A freed shade will be at liberty either to return to
the world of the dead or remain as an unquiet spirit in

by Christopher Johnstone
Ensnare of scuffling along slowly and any heavy physical work
Enchantment remains beyond them. Due tot he protracted casting
Immutable time, Feeble of Flesh is generally worked as a Runic
Soulburn: 5 sorcery. The curse can be lifted by a High
Woven to bind the soul of any unlucky enough to pick Counterspell.
up the enchanted item. A Character who picks up an
Ensare-Charmed item is allowed a Test of Willpower Greater Familiar
(diff. 8) if the Character succeeds the item will feel Charm
burning cold and is likely to be dropped out of shock. Permanent
If the Character fails then the magic takes affect and Soulburn: 3
the item confers on its new owner a gradual descent The Spell of the Greater Familiar allows you to ensnare
into undeath, slowly withering away flesh and leaving a single mundane creature up to the size of a bear. You
instead a Shade (See Chapter Ten, Antagonists - can see through the animals eyes, sense all that it senses
Ghosts). The whole process of decay takes about a by concentration and give commands, even if the animal
year and the owner of the item will be possessed by is far away from you. You can also issue your voice
an unnatural desire not to give it up. The item can be from the animal, a power that causes your voice to
forcibly removed but anyone who does so must also hover disembodied around the Familiar, however, you
pass a Test of Willpower to avoid deciding to now are not, able to cast spells through the creature. If a
keep it for themselves. A Character that utterly Greater Familiar is killed you suffer five levels of injury.
succumbs to the magic after a year becomes a Shade
in the service of the Sorcerer who originally Enchanted Hex of Binding
the item. Ensorcellment
Falter Hex Soulburn: 4
Ensorcellment The sorcerer utters a few words of power and works
Permanent upon the target a magic that binds the feet utterly and
Soulburn: 4 immovable to the ground. The spell does not prevent
A bleak curse, much feared and hated. The sorcerer the target from moving completely, but only holds the
lays a permanent curse upon the target that causes all feet bound and the effect only lasts as long as the
ships, chariots and horses that the target uses to fail. sorcerer keeps his gaze fixed on the target. If the
Horses will break legs, or throw the rider, ships will sorcerer breaks their stare or looks away the spell
begin leaking or be beset by charmed storms that rise shatters. A held person can defend against attacks,
out of a blue sky. Very soon, assuming the accursed either hand-to-hand or missile at a penalty of two ranks
survives initial attempts, he or she will be reduced to to combat related Aptitudes. Hex of Binding will not
travelling by foot. The curse can be lifted with a High prevent another sorcerer casting spells, however, and
Counterspell. the curse can be broken with a Lesser Counter-spell.

Feeble of Flesh Love Curse

Ensorcellment Ensorcellment
Permanent Permanent
Soulburn: 4 Soulburn: 4
Casting Feeble of Flesh requires the sorcerer to spend Causes the subject to see you as the object of their
three rounds chanting the raven-cawing syllabels of heart’s desire – in effect you create an illusion to make
this chant. Once complete the spell causes the victim yourself look, feel smell and sound like whosoever the
to become permanently afflected by a magical enchanted subject most wants to be a lover to. The
paralysing weakness. The victim of the magic is illusion lasts until the next dawn, and despite the chant’s
reduced to a decrepit state and remains capable only wording can work on either men or women.

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
While sending, the sorcerer’s mind is transported into
Raise Storm the spirit creature’s body and his real body lapses into
Charm an unconscious trance - an extremely vulnerable time.
Semi-Permanent When an injury is done to the spirit creature a wound
Soulburn: 3 causing 1 level of injury appears on the sorcerer’s real
This spell requires ten minutes of dedicated chanting, body. If the Sending Beast’s health is reduced to zero
reciting of the names of old storm demons and forsaken the sorcerer also dies. However, if the sorcerer’s real
gods of the changeful winds an rains. Once complete body is killed while Far-Walking he will remain trapped
the spell summons up a terrible storm, gale winds, in the form of the Sending Beast.
cracks of lightning and freezing sleet and rain, which Assuming that the sorcerer has a body to return to, he
will last about half an hour. If summoned on a coastline can break the spell at any point and wake from the
any nearby ships will be beset by danger until the storm trance.
passes. On land trees and flimsy houses may be If attacking or fighting while in Sending Beast form the
blowdown, and swollen rivers and mudslides become character uses the below traits. Also, while in Sending
a danger. Beast form a sorcerer cannot cast spells, but can
communicate by speaking directly into the minds of
Seeing anyone nearby.
Enchantment Least Fetch (+0 Soulburn)
Immutable Attack: Good Health: 10
Soulburn: 5 Menace: 4 Armour: 4
An Enchantment that can be woven into a crystal, a
bowl to be filled with water or ink, a shard or glass or Lesser Fetch (+2 Soulburn)
polished mirror - any surface that can be stared into Attack: Fabled Health: 15
or upon. The enchanted item allows any who look Menace: 6 Armour: 6
into it to range far and wide over the land as incorporeal
eyes. The scryer passes into a trance and is able to Greater Fetch (+4 Soulburn)
cross hundreds of leagues in a few moments. The most Attack: Mythic Health: 20
difficult aspect of this Enchantment is that the Scryer Menace: 8 Armour: 8
must somehow distinguish what is useful and what is
not among the shifting flood of images and sounds and Unseen
seeking out a particular person or place makes the Enchantment
process easier by far. Immutable
Soulburn: 5
Spell of the Far-Walker An Enchantment that must be woven into a piece or
Charm jewellery or clothing. When worn the item causes you
Semi-Permanent and everything you are carrying to become invisible.
Soulburn: 3 The wearer will not become visible again until the item
One of the most feared and whispered of arts of is removed.
sorcery, the Spell of the Far-Walker allows sorcerers
to send out their spirit in the form of a powerful half- Ward of Dispel
spectral animal, termed a Sending Beast or Fetch. Word of Power
Although, the sorcerer nominates what animal shape Instant
the Sending Beast takes each time the spell is cast the Soulburn: 3
inherent power of a Sending Beast is always the same The sorcerer utters aloud a single rune of mystery and
- a Sending Beast raven is just as dangerous as a bear. raises up a storm of power that can be used to unravel
A sorcerer can send his spirit to any place he has visited any one target spell that is in the process of being cast.
or into the presence of any person previously met. Ward of Dispel can be cast at any point during the

by Christopher Johnstone
casting of another spell. When casting Ward of Dispel
the Soulburn suffered is variable and is nominated by
the sorcerer. The opponent is then allowed to choose
to suffer an equal amount of Soulburn in order to force
through the target spell despite the attempt to dispel.
If the opponent sorcerer chooses not to suffer any
additional Soulburn then the Ward of Dispel triumphs
and the target spell is undone.
A Ward of Dispel cannot itself be dispelled, and any
single spell can only be dispelled once: ie. several
character’s cannot try to dispell the same spell over
and over. Ward of Dispel has no affect on permanent
magic, charmed relics or enchantments.

Words of Black Stone

Soulburn: 4
A powerful spell which invokes the names of demons
of rock and stone. The sorcerer lays upon the target
an ensorcellment that causes the target to turn to stone
for a hundred and one years. The magic creates what
appears to be a misshapen block of stone, weathered
and worn, but not necessarily in a shape that is easily
seen to be human or animal, except from certain angles
when struck by the right light.

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition

Chapter Six
They say it was a petty thief, a craven rag-picker, who snuck up to the lair in the mountains and stole a
bauble from the dragon’s heap of ill-gotten gold. Was it all for the sake of one trinket that a rain of fire
came to her land? Villages were burnt to husks. Men, woman, sheep, and dogs, now blackened, stinking
corpses. So now she came to the lair. For she was the queen of her tribe, and this was her duty. The
creature lay sprawled in a long coil of scales, and spines and wings about the haggard boulders of the
earth. One great amber eye watched her as she drew a short bronze sword, and readied a crude shield.
It was heavy, covered with a sheet of iron for the fire. Smoke drifted like the ghosts of the slain from its
nostrils. It snorted once, then raised a great horned head back, and fixed her with both those deep, gold
eyes. Brandishing the sword sweep she advanced, with sorcery whispering on her tongue. She would eat
its heart when this was done. For everyone knew there was sorcery in the hearts of dragons…

Characters earn Experience Points at the end of game Increasing Aptitudes

as a reward for achieving a goal, good roleplaying, 1 pt Poor to Low
clever thinking, defeating an enemy or merely for 2 pts Low to Average
surviving. Allot each Character at least Three 4 pts Average to Good
Experience Points at the end of a game session of 7 pts Good to Renowned
normal difficulty or risk. Increasing the number of 11 pts Renowned to Fabled
Experience Points to four or five can be done if the 16 pts Fabled to Legendary
adventure was highly dangerous and one or more of 24 pts Legendary to Mythic
the Characters either died or very nearly died.
Characters can save up Experience Points for later or Increasing Disciplines
spend the points right away. Experience Points are 2 pts. Rank One to Rank Two
used to increase the ranks of Aptitudes and Disciplines 4 pts. Rank Two to Rank Three
or learn new Spells. Below is a guide to spending 8 pts. Rank Three to Rank Four
Experience Points. Note that after a Character has 16 pts. Rank Four to Rank Five
been completed and finalised during Character
Generation, you cannot acquire new Disciplines at
Rank One. Nor can your Character learn Spells if you
3pts Learn a New Spell
do not already have the trait ‘Sorcerer’ (see Traits,
Sorcerer, above). The elements of magic are not
something that can be studied in this way, magic is
something inborn and immutable. If you do not choose
to take a magical talent or power during Character
Generation you cannot learn such a power later. You
can, however, improve on those magical skills and
talents that you already have.

by Christopher Johnstone

Chapter Seven
The Setting
His crown of silver was set with green jade the same colour as his eyes. And it hung loosely, at an angle
over his brow. Those deep green eyes that once, long ago were bright and keen, were now watery and
awash with snowberry wine. His face, once young and proud, wore a foolish smile on his old man’s lips.
He stumbled as he stepped from his throne. Groans and whispers arose from the shadows of the great
hall. They could all see that drink had him, they could see him stagger. But before any lord or lady could
steer him back to his seat his withered old hand fell on the riot of woven carving that was the witness-
stone. Silence fell. What strange, drunken whim would he make law? Who of the young thanes would
he send away to fetch some half-heard-of relic? What quests would his wine-besotted mind dream up?

The world of Mithgerd is a place of dark forests and Men the world may well grow more summery and
bleak wastes, snowy mountains as silver as moulten daylit until the sun never sets and the land is baked
sunlight, great and white-walled fortresses, kings of into a desert. Sorthulla the Restless, a famed explorer
the rocks and troldes and vales of shadows and cunning of the Tribe Asyneur claimed to have sailed deep into
ravens. It is a place of dangers and glories, treasures southern lands and seen there realms where the rain
glinting in the dust of ages, forsaken ruins and long- falls hot from the sky, tawny cats grow to the size of
lived creatures that have not eaten in an age. It is a oxen and lounge under an unsetting sun, and mortal
world full of traps for the unwary, it is a world of men and women have skin as dark as that of a Fire
wonders, it is a world of the fabulous and the Ettin but with the beautiful sheen of jet; claims that are
mysterious. It is a world of magic. considered boastful exaggerations by most learned
Seasons, Day and Night
In the age of Mithgerd the world is not ruled by day Enchantment of the World
and night, winter and summer in the way that it is today. Magic is an important force in Mithgerd, arguably the
The further south one travels the closer one comes to most important force, and as a concept it is something
a timing of days and seasons that will be known to the that both the players and the Gamesmaster will have
modern reader. The lands of mortal men and the Seven to come to understand. From the perspective of those
Bewitched Realms of the Aelfan experience normal who dwell in the mortal world it would be wrong to
seasons and a normal timing of day and night. Further call magic supernatural. It is, if nothing else, eminently
north, day is lost and the sun never sheds more than a natural - an expression of the power of all aspects of
twilight glow. The seasons subside into a long winter nature.
and brief summer. Further north again, in the lands of The term Enchanted applied to any place or thing that
Ettin, Troldes and Old Demons the world is always is imbued with a permanent flicker of magic.
gripped in night and winter. The sun never rises over Enchantment is measured on a five-tier scale. Those
the lands north of a line that runes through the Vale of things suffused with more enchantment have a more
Irontooth in the east and the Lake of Eistill in the West. legendary aspect, more power to do harm or good,
Mithgerd is a land of magic, no explaination can be and also a greater purpose - magic in Wayfarer’s Song
given for the charmed and everlasting winter-night of is above all else interwoven with intent. Very powerfully
the north, nor is one needed. It may also be presumed, enchanted places or objects attain a limited degree of
wrongly or rightly, that south of the lands of Mortal sentience.

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
Things, places and people may become Enchanted in guarded by a order of sorcerers, a clan or warlord.
one of several ways. All Enchanted places possess strange and magical
Blood: Blood retains the magic of that which spilled it powers, and are often attended by invisible spirits -
– and although not so powerful a transferring agent as elementals. Many Enchanted places display powers
death itself, it can be used to pass on some enchantment to extract revenge for insults or trespasses. Their
to an object or person washed in it. Blood when drunk powers are mostly associated with the elements:
will pass enchantment to the drinker. storms, rains and floods.
Death: Places or objects in the presence of either Enchanted places will tend either expel unwanted
horrific death or the death of a powerful person or visitors or entrap them and make them a part of the
creature may gather a little enchantment as it spills out. enchantment. When working to repel, an enchanted
Battlegrounds become ‘haunted’ places because of place is likely to use natural powers. Storms, flash
this. A sword used to slay a dragon may gather a little floods, mists, fogs, landslides and avalanches are some
of the dragon’s spirit and turn fiery whenever other of the potential dangers that an enchanted place may
dragons come near. use to waylay the unwanted. More dangerous is the
Forging: An object forged using magic or a place enchanted place that wants to claim a soul, rather than
reshaped by magic from an already enchanted material repel it. Such a place may use gross physical barriers
or by magic hands will gather a little magic. Human to herd a being deeper into its heart, but will have also
mortals have little skill in the forging of magical things let bleed from the earth dark phantoms, golden lures,
and although Aelfan Folks, Ettins, and Troldes all have taunting airy voices, tranquil dozing airs, and fearful
some talent for it, in this art it is the Duergar who are nightmarish visions.
the undisputed masters.
Imprinting: An object used for a particular purpose, Guardians
especially an emotional one, will gather magic over Typically a place of enchantment will ensnare, either
time. For instance a sword passed from father to son willingly or unwillingly one or more guardians. These
over three generations may gather enough magic to guardians gain enchanted powers particular to their
never break while someone of the bloodline is holding place of enchantment as long as they remain in the
it. favour of the magic. By leaving the area of enchantment
Ritual: A normal object can be intentionally made a guardian loses these powers. If a challenger
enchanted through the ritual ‘contamination’ of the approaches whom the enchantment deems more
object with magic. For instance a sword can be left in worthy of power, then it may well withdraw its magic
the enchanted shrine of a war god until it gathers a from the guardian already present.
little of the shine’s magic. This is a protracted process Typical powers of a guardian might include the ability
and usually produces nothing more than relics of least to immediately or near immediately heal any injury, the
enchantment. power to conjure illusions, or command the elementals
Remains: The bones of a powerful person or creature that are attracted to enchanted places. In some rare
or person retain some enchantment long after death. instances the enchantment may taint the guardian,
Swords made of dragon bone or staffs made from the changing mortal flesh into some weird amalgam of
arm bone of a dead wizard are examples of this sort human, and element or animal.
of relic.
Places of Enchantment When visiting the place of enchantment for the first
Scattered across the mortal earth are many places time it is a common belief that a person should perform
where sorcery and beliefs have seeped into the very a ritual of appeasement. This usually involved leaving
soil and air creating powerful inherent magic. Those an offering of green leaves, food, ale or similar. In the
who know the proper rituals and observances are able case of the enchanted waters an offering is thrown
to tap into these age-old stores of magic, and as such into the water.
those of beneficial power they are often jealously Although it is not necessary to repeat the appeasement

by Christopher Johnstone
those who err on the side of caution do so. The result Witness Stones: There are certain stones often richly
of this is that groves surrounding Enchanted objects decorated that are associated with either a spirit or
that are passed often become denuded of foliage. the power to exact revenge for a false oath sworn in
their presence. Some of these stones are used in courts,
Guardian Stones: Erected long ago, single standing others as the place for marriage vows or the ordaining
stones were placed in sites of importance to watch vows of kings or shamans.
over a fallen fortress or temple. These stones however
still have attached to them powerful spirits - often the
wraith of a sacrificial victim cursed to be forever a Sacrifice
guardian awaiting the call of a master. The rituals to Most tribes and clans of the world undertake sacrifice
summon and command the guardians chained to these in order to appease the spirits of the ancestors,
remote stones are jealously kept secrets and a elementals of the storm, wind and rain or calm the
priesthood or clan lucky enough to know this lore is savage gods of the world. Sacrifice is usually in the
often considered above insulting by virtue of their form of burnt grain, swords thrown into peat bogs or
power to exact terrible revenge through a deathly wine librated onto the earth. Sacrifices of beasts also
servant. occurs, oxen and horses in particular and other less
Healing Waters: Holy wells, streams, and springs frequent animals, crows, pigeons, black dogs and so
are well known, and much visited sites of pilgrimage on. Human sacrifice is practised but seldom, yet does
for the ill and unwell. Such places often have attendant occur. Sometimes enemies defeated in battle are
priests who know the appropriate rituals with which sacrificed, sometimes slaves are sacrificed and very
to perform while bathing the ailed parts of the body in rarely people may be sacrificed by drawn lot. Human
healing waters. sacrifices are considered a dark and desperate action,
Sacral Forges: In remote rocky places there are many and are less common now than once they were. The
ancient caves in which long ago, first tin, then bronze Morhorag still perform occasional, but regular yearly
then iron was smelted under the eye of patron gods human sacrifices (usually slaves) and the Asyneur have
and spirits. These forges have acquired such a special been known to sacrifice defeated enemies in recent
and potent magic that now any tool or weapon made times, usually when the enemy is hated, usually when
within them gathers a little blessed magic of its own. the battle has been bloody and vengeful. Other tribes
Shrines: There are many hallowed shrines, often in perform human sacrifice almost never, and the
places of natural beauty, hollows, waterfalls, deep Vanargan never.
grottos set in amongst the hills, fields and mountains. A
given shrine is usually associated with a particular
power that resides in a shrine. A shrine dedicated to Lay of the Land
fertility may allow visitors to undergo a ritual that will One very vital thing to have along with you, should
guarantee a child. A shrine dedicated to plenty may be you want to take yourself off on an adventure, is a
associated with rituals that appeal for a good harvest. map. The following is a brief description of the many
A shrine dedicated to fortune may be attended by places, both beautiful and ugly, dangerous, healing or
shamans who are able to foretell the future by certain mysterious that are found etched in the maps of
signs and rituals. Mithgerd.
Stone Circles: Even in the mythic age of Wayfarer’s
Song the builders of the ruinous, weathered old stone Sea travel
circles are a forgotten people from a forsaken age.
Sea travel is highly restricted in Mithgerd. Mortals use
Stone Circles are associated with the oldest dead many
flat bottomed barges for travel up and down rivers,
are haunted by guardian spirits. Great magic has long
through fjords and along coasts. Narrow, two or three
been worked in within these ancient and monumental
crew, fishing boats are used to move farther from shore,
circles and anyone entering into a circle gains a
but are not safe for long distances. Coracles are also
temporary +1 rank to all disciplines.
used, but likewise suffer from instability and a lack of

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
usefulness for long journeys. A primitive dragon-headed BAGOG WATERS: Powerful and turbulent river that
warship that is a precursor to the longships that will runs from the Bones of the Earth, through Urallel
one day ply the waters of the world also exits, but Forest and past the volcano of Nál before emptying
they carry no more than twenty people at most and its muddy waters into the sea.
are poorly equipped for open-ocean voyaging.
BONES OF THE EARTH: Icy and sharp mountains,
Nonetheless, these primitive longships are the only
so high they seem to scrape the stars in the heavens.
means by which mortals can sail to and from some of The Bones of the Earth are of a white and pallid stone,
the more distant islands, and a sea journey is thus always and from a great distance the mountains look like a
a risk. Aeflan folks possess more sophisticated ships rib-cage of the earth, broken and shattered, poking
and are more capable of long sea journies, as are the through flesh. Great eagles haunt these mountains,
Skalla. Duergar avoid open water as do Ettin of the white and silver of feather, and so too do Cold-Drakes
Fire, Stone and Frost tribes. Water Ettin have no need and many phantoms and Wild Folk of ice and winter-
for boats as they can swim vast distances and most of night. A few scattered towns and fortresses belonging
the Water Ettin tribe can breathe underwater. to the Mist Ettin are also to be found among these

Map One BLACKSQUALL STRAIGHTS: A stretch of cold and

stormy waters that feed into the Fjords of the Nørg
ANG ORROG ARAG: A city of Stone Ettin, monstrous Kings in the east and Grapthrosnir’s Sea in the West.
of size, carven with a hundred twinned dragons and
trees in black stone and paved with red jasper flecked CROTTANGR GOG: A range of mountains that stretch
with gold. Ruled by Queen Maethra-Gathra. from the Bones of the Earth in the north and end at

by Christopher Johnstone
the volcano of Nál at their western tip. Named for settled himself as ruler over the city. He dwells here
the Mist Ettin king Crottangr Gog who founded a realm now a pillar of shadow and flaming ice on a throne
here long ago, though his descendants have long since the size of a wagon, looking over the gifts and sacrifices
abandoned their halls since the Fire-Drake Crimson he expects from his subjects. Whether Ragnor and
Hyrrokkin came to maturity and began raiding further Aivatar are in league or disinterested in one-another
afield and into their realm. The Mist Ettin tribes have or enemies is unknown. Rumours persist that Ragnor
since wandered north and have refounded their is building an army, breeding the half-troldes of
kingdoms among the Bones of the Earth. Hammarfell with lesser demons in his service and
bringing into being a new race of twisted servants
DARK SPIRIT VALE: A wide and frozen vale haunted and warriors. If this is so, it may well be that he has
by a tribe of shadowy Wild Folk that take the form of an old score to settle with Aivatar and Hammarfell is
great, black wolves with eyes with the colour and a convenient seat from which he can chisel into her
light of stars. Few travellers come to this distant land woodland realm.
and fewer still return from it.
HIMINGLAEVA, PALACE OF: A place of ice-lace
EISTILL, LAKE OF: A dark lake forever studded with beauty, towers that gleam silver in the moonlight,
the reflected stars of the eternal night of the north. gardens of frozen flowers, waterfalls like diamonds
Himinglaeva, the Snow Queen, often sails out on Eistill and silken curtains woven from snow. The is the palace
Lake with her court and musicians about her royal of the Snow Queen Himinglaeva, ruler over the Wild
sail-barge the Sinxe. Folk of Ice and Winter, a lady of painful, terrible and
unmatched beauty and power. The Palace of
EMAG MHUL: Ruined palace of the Mist Ettin kings Himinglaeva is so far north that is under perpetual
descended from Crottangr Gog. Abandoned at the night, and is lit by spheres of netted moonlight.
time when the Fire-Drake Crimson Hyrrokkin reached Warriors, courtiers and servants of the icy Wild Folk
maturity and began raiding the Mist Ettin strongholds serve the Snow Queen. The Queen’s cool temper
and towns of the Crottangr Gog Mountains. and cruel whims are well known and any trespasser,
be they a mortal child or a king of the Frost Ettin had
GANGRATHIR, FOREST OF: A wild and dusky place, best come bearing wondrous gifts and good reason
airy and full of the glowing lights of small spirits. The for calling on this palace in the icy dark.
forest is the domain of the elder demoness Aivatar of
the Deep Woods, a creature that has taken an MORTHORAG OSORG: A vast wasteland of twisted
emerald scaled form, with demoniac face and and wind-blasted trees that stretches from the Lake
dragonish body. Aivatar is after a fashion a protector of Eistill to the coast of the south.
of the wild things of Gangrathir and no creature that
MRAGROTH TOL: A dark palace of obsidian and ivory
has the wits or shape of men, be they Trolde, Aelfan
that is the seat of the Warlock Lord Mjorn. A terrible
or Nørg is welcome in her forest. place of haunting spirits, undead guards, demoniac
servants and darker, bleaker things.
HAMMARFELL: The last town of mortal men to have
been survived in these northern lands into recent NÁL: A volcanic mountain that overlooks Bagog Waters.
years. Hammarfell was the last remnant of the The lair of the Fire-Drake Crimson Hyrrokkin is dug
Kingdom of Fjorr which once stretch as far north as into the bleak and ashy cliffs of this peak.
Ang Orrog Arag and took in much of the Forest of
Gangrathir. Since the coming of the forest demon NOXGAGA AND THOSOGOG: The grim remnants
Aivatar to the woodlands of Gangrathir the city of of two Frost Ettin brothers who thought to ambush
Hammarfell slipped into slow decline. The populace the sail barges of the Snow Queen Himinglaeva one
fell in numbers and mixed with Troldes, until they were night while she plied the dark waters of the Lake of
as much Trolde of blood as mortal man. A century Eistill. The Ettin attacked the barges by throwing great
after the last human king of Hammarfell died a new rocks into the waters and smashed one boat and its
king came to the city in the night: the terrible and ice- occupants to pieces before demanding that
crowned demon Ragnor. Ragnor exacted terrible Himinglaeva give her treasures, and herself, to them
destruction of the warriors who met him and then

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
for their pleasure. Himinglaeva politely declined and Folk. The northern hills of Vakr’s Isle are home to
cast upon the two Frost Ettin a charm that rooted Vakr, a mature she-dragon of the Cold-Drake kith,
their feet to the ground and turned their skeletons to a beautiful and white, silvery of wing and icy of eye.
mess of welded stone. The charm then slowly ate Vakr has brooded and hatched nine young drakes in
away their flesh with frozen teeth and the Ettin took the time she has dwelled in her lair on the island. Four
a week to die and once nothing was left but two stone of her children have flown west and found lairs in the
skeletons. Both Skeletons can now be seen, lichen Rime Bones, two have sought out caves in the
and moss encrusted, twisted into painful shapes on mountains of Crottangr Gog.
the shores of the beautiful Lake of Eistill.

RIME BONES: Icy islands that lie to the west of Vakr’s

Map Two
Isle. Four of Vakr’s brood have made lairs in the Rime
Bones, but the island is still largely the domain of a ASHEN FOLK LANDS, THE: In ages past a great
tribe of sea-going ice-trow, who tunnel deep into the battle was fought here between armies that are long
rocky hills and have thus far avoided the predations since forgotten out of all history. The folk who fought
or attentions of the young Cold Drakes. a great war did so for reasons unknown. The Duergar
who keep long and complicated histories rune-cut on
SHADOW IN THE NORTH: A land stalked by a vast their halls record tales of a folk called the Eldritch,
and shadow demon said to be in the service or thrall and the ancient Duergar feared them greatly. They
of the Warlock Lord Mjorn and used by him as a were said to be a shadowy folk, silver of eye with
guard to watch the northern approaches to his realm. moonlight skin. The battle they fought was a civil war
that divided their nation. The Eldritch were of a
SKERRY TORRENT: A stretch of water and islands magical sort, said by the Duergar of old to be distant
laid claim to by the tattoo-skinned tribe of Nørg known cousins of the Aelfan Folks, and the battle was fought
as the Blue Folk of the Skerries. not just with sword and axe but with terrible magic,
fire and wizard’s lightning. The land was blasted to
THROS RIVER: A wide and muddy river that at its frozen dust and ash, glassy pools of liquid sand flowed
mouth is overlooked by the Stone Ettin city of Ang and froze into the earth and the cities of the Eldritch
Orrog Arag. were reduced to ruined crags of stone. For an age
the bones of the dead lay under the icy moon so thick
TWILIGHT REALM OF MJORN: The lands ruled by they were like snow. In more recent years, while
the necromancer and Warlock Lord Mjorn. There are watchful eyes looked elsewhere, a shadow and a
none in this land who are not under his thrall or presence has come out of the land of Everlasting Night
enchantment and his palace of dark stone and ivory in the north and made a home in the dead lands. Old,
is a place of spirits and cold, dead eyes and dead dark magic has raised up a bleak fortress in the dusty
hands. Mjorn himself is rumoured to be deathless. ice and stirred the bones of the dead. The restless
Some say that he has taken out his heart and hidden it spirits of the Eldritch have been drawn out of the
away in the remotest of secret places, others that he poisonous earth and walk the earth again, tortured
has made bargains with the oldest of night gods dwell and in thrall to another greater power. None know
in the northern lands beyond the Gates of the Night, the nature of the dark spirit of the north, nor its
others that he never was mortal and is a god himself, ambitions or desires, nor even its name. The spirit is
albeit one who has taken a disguise in the mocking called by the Duergar and Irontooth Troldes alike,
shape of a mortal man. The Ashen King and his undead spirits the Ashen
URELLAL FOREST: A frozen pine forest that falls
within the realm of Himinglaeva the Snow Queen and ASLAUG’S HALLS: The once beautiful, richly carven
is inhabited by the beautiful but dangerous Folk of the and columned halls of the ancient Aelfan High King,
Pines. now the lair of the golden-scaled Fire-Drake Aslaug.
Aslaug has spread much destruction through the
VAKR’S ISLE: A wooded and hilly island, largely a Mornath Mountains and the Withered Forest.
wilderness with scattered Trolde villages and Wild
DUSKING FALLS: A sacred waterfall adorned with

by Christopher Johnstone
an old temple and many grim and hollow-eyes statues Aslaug. The Mountains and Forests of Gloam are
built by a forgotten people. The powerful Wild Folk now the seat of the Bewitched Realms of the Aelfan,
spirit Storm’s Leige dwells here and was no doubt at and the Wratock, if they still persist, are a scattered
one-time worshipped by the temple-builders. folk living secretly in the high mountains and deep,
rocky forests of these lands.
GATES OF THE NIGHT: A fortress at the very north
of the world, gripped by perpetual night and frost. HALLS OF THE MOUNTAIN KINGS: The realms
The sun never rises over the Gates of the Night and towns of the Duergar, built deep beneath and into
and it is said that if one passes this fortress and the side of the Mountains of Mallog. The towns,
citadels and stronghols of the Duergar are wondrous
strikes farther northwards, an old god of the night
to behold, carved with creatures and forests of lifelike
and all creatures of darkness, nameless and
beautiful, inlaid with veins of gold and fiery gems, red
forgotten, rules the lands beyond. The Gates of and gold and amber. High towers rise over the snowy
the Night is carved out of jagged ice and rock, set peaks of the Mallog, and each Clan of the Duergar,
with many old and perilous runes, and is ruled by with the exception of the Eitri, has raised up their
the Frost-Ettin King Urschucolla. His sons own magnificent towering court in the clouds. The
Hrorogott and Goxatargr fell into argument with Eitri have made their court in the very darkest and
their father long ago and took their followers deepest roots of the mountain, for that clan has no
south and east to found a new empire. They love of sun and their pale eyes are blind in strong
warred briefly with the Troldes of the Vale of light. The Duergar are a people who have seen many
Irontooth and then raided the Halls of the wars and troubles, they are long remembered of both
friendships and enmities, and find little to bicker over
Mountain Kings before wandering east over the
among themselves. Even the sometimes treacherous
Scoured River and out of all chronicle and history.
and dangerous Eitri are afforded all honours and
Urschucolla has since grown regretful and lonely priviledges of valued guests when they climb the
for his sons, and fears that he may die without an winding stairs from their dark lands to trade or moot
heir. Offering news of his sons is one of the few with their brethren above. The allied clans of the
means by which unwanted trespassers may spare Duergar that jointly rule the Halls of the Mountain
their lives in his frozen hall. A harp that chimes Kings, the Moutains of Mallog, Lake Mirrorgrey and
when a person speaks a lie is kept besides Thyrm Gard are the Auvarg, Bomburr, Eitri, Fjolnir,
Urschucolla’s throne for the purpose of Harr, Modsognir and Thrainn.
determining lie from truth. News that would lead
to the return of Hrorogott and Goxatargr would HROPTAR RIVER: A sluggish and misty river that
wends from Mirrorgrey Lake to the Duergar port of
undoubtedly be rewarded generously.
Thyrm Gard. The river is a major trading route and
frequented by many heavily laden sail barges. For
FJORDS OF THE NØRG KINGS: Deep fjords, a place
this reason it is also frequented by both Troldes and
of forest-clad cliffs, weedy depths and icy waters,
the Duergar warriors who hunt those creatures to
blown acros by cold winds and whipped with waves
keep the laneways safe.
the colour of dead iron. The Nørg rule these waters
without question and several Kingdoms lie beneath
IRONWOOD: A vast and gloom-woven forest, the
the waves between Blacksquall Straights and the
abode of wolves of tremendous size and ancient
River of Shadows.
intellegence, witches with skin of old wood and iron,
forest Troldes, monstrous half-breeds, and weird
creatures descended from unions between Trolde and
Ettin. Cannibal giants with two heads and wolf-heads,
GLOAM, MOUNTAINS OF: Cragged and broken
boar-tusked jaws and fur like a bear are all said to
mountain peaks, closely embraced by old forests full
walks these beshadowed woods. The worst creature
of towering and grey-barked mountain ash. These
of the Ironwood, though, is the witch Yagara Närg, a
were long ago the lands of a folk called the Wratock,
wizened, flesh-hungry witch with a house made out
a primitive people displaced by Aelfan clans that fled
of the bones of those she has eaten. The skulls of her
west after the destruction of their cities by the dragon

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
victims are ever-watchful with candle-flames in their Ettin ruled by the lord Oxthrog Anorg. The kingdom
eyes. They alert Yagara Närg by chattering and has in times past fallen to warring with the Ettin of
screaming when trespassers come near her little who dwell in the towering fortress of the Gates of the
house. Yagara Närg is widely known for having tamed Night, though in recent years a delicate peace has
and bound by magic a small Fell Drake that she rides held between these realms. The great fortresses of
through the forest in search of flesh for her pot. Oxthrog Anorg is built on stone aches and pillars that
span a field of boiling mud and pits of sulphur. The
MALLOG, MOUNTAINS OF: Domain of the Duergar, fortress is almost invisible from a distance due to the
these leaden and snowy peaks are honeycombed with perpetual clouds of stinking steam, and the air within
mines, great halls, hidden towns and strongholds of is all but unbreathable for any creature other than the
the Mountain Kings. Mallog was the name of a Fire-Ettin that dwell therein.
powerful Old Demon who was said to possess a body
of smokeless flame. The creature was slain by the RIVER OF SHADOWS: A deep and treacherous river
first seven kings of the Duergar Clans in a time that is seldom plied by boats. The waters are known
immorial. His skull is said to still be held in a secret to be the home of many Spirits of the Restless Waters
vault and bound with rune-cut chains to keep his soul (Elivagar).
from escaping and seeking revenge. A vast and
magnificent carving that depicts the battle dominates SEA OF HRÓR: Sea stretching from the Svolnir’s Bays
the central trading hall of the town of Mjthiral. to the Island of Shadows in the South. At times calm,
at times icy and toothed with storms, the sea is the
MIRRORGREY LAKE: A wide and beautiful lake, cast road of trading ships travelling between the lands of
always in the gloom of twilight and fire of sunset. the Duergar and Mortal Men and the sea-reavers
The Duergar town of Mjthiral is built on stilts and who prey on them.
pylons of stone on the shores of the lake, and many
trading vessels both Duergar and those of Mortal Men SCOURERED RIVER: A shallow and braided river
ply its waters. that runs out of the frozen north. On the eastern bank
are many great monuments carved in the shape of
MORNATH BLIGHT: An expanse of tussock, scorched skeletal creatures with draconian heads and long,
earth and frozen wastelands. The ruins of the once- grasping claws. No one knows the origin of these
grand Aelfan city of Mornath still stand at the heard monuments or their purpose, although it is generally
of the Mornath Blight. The lands are hunted often by held that they are a warning against trespassing further
Aslaug and are not to be traversed by warrior, trader, east. The Frost-Ettin Hrorogott and Goxatargr crossed
fool or madman. this river over a hundred years ago in search of new
lands with a great many followers and warriors and
MORNATH MOUNTAINS: Desolate peaks, have not been heard of since. Their father, King of
uninhabited by any living thing due to the scouring of the Gates of the Night, now grows old and awaits
Aslaug. Travellers who have been desperate or their return in his lonely hall.
foolish enough to traverse the Mornath Mountains
tell tales of being hunting by phantoms during storms SVOLNIR’S BAYS: Uninhabited, icy and windswept
and moonless nights, the nature of which is unknown. bays named after the Cold-Drake Svolnir that lairs in
By far the greatest risk, however, is that of being a sea-cave hidden in these coves. Svolnir was a
noticed by the dragon Aslaug. terrible threat to all ships in the Sea of Hrór for many
long years, but has now grown old and weary. Massive
MYRKKAN MOORS: A stinking and foetid swamp, of bulk, and still dangerous enough to deter the most
full of twisted trees and bleak mists. Since the coming overbold heroes, Svolnir hasn’t been seen winging
of Aslaug into these lands the Myrkkan Moors have the dark skies for many a year, and is now held to
grown in size and are now inhabited by smaller spend her years sleeping upon her bed of stolen gold.
dragons, and Fell Drakes in particular haunt the
unclean airs above these swamps. THYRM GARD: A bustling trading town, founded by
the Mountain Kings, but now inhabited by just as
OXTHROG ANORG, REALM OF: A kingdom of Fire-
many Mortal Men as Duergar. Thyrm Gard trades

by Christopher Johnstone
gold, treasures and gems from the Halls of the lives here, wild things are twisted and monstrous and
Mountain Kings for products of the south, wools, the spirits of the trees have turned rotten and malign.
meats, wines, meads and fish. The town is ruled by
a council of three Duergar wizards, appointed by YAGARA NÄRG’S HOUSE: See Iron Wood (Map
the Kings of the clans of the Duergar.

VALE OF IRONTOOTH: A bleak land of scoured rock Map Three

and stone ruled by the Trolde-King Noxgaga and his
clan of Iron-Troldes. The Iron-Troldes have skin as BEWITCHED REALMS OF THE AELFAN: The last
blackened and hard as pig iron, beady red pig-eyes great dominions of the Aelfan Folk. Following the fall
and a pot-bellied and gangly shape. They are much of the Aelfan Realms of the east under the assault of
feared and have a tradition of biting out the throats of Aslaug the Golden, seven kings and queens and their
their enemies when in battle in order to prove clans fled west and settled in the Forests and
themselves brave. The Iron-Troldes have in times past Mountains of Gloam, north of the Fjord of Wurums.
wagged wars against the Duergar of the Mountains Early battles between the Aelfan Folk and a race
of Mallog, though in recent years there has existed a known as the Wratock ended with the eventual victory
period of relative peace between the two folks. of the Aelfan and the departing of the original
inhabitants of these lands, possibly into the more
VRASAG THROR: Name given to an expanse of frozen remote mountains, possibly into the frozen north. The
waste west of the River of Shadows. Inhabited by a Wratock were said to be humanlike, squatter, covered
tribe of grey-skinned snow troldes, larger, more brutish in midnight blue tattoos and possessing only simple
and dimmer of wit than their cousins in the south and metals and magics. They may have been a primitive
east. Although rumoured to be in the service of the cousin of Duergar or Mortal Men. In the old histories
Frost Ettins who rule the frozen night-lands of the of the Aelfan the Wratock were called also the Half-
north, these armoured and fur-covered troldes live Duergar, and they may have been a race of mixed
almost as beasts, use no weapons or garb and lair Duergar-Mortal blood. An early accord rumoured to
together in small clans. They have neither kinship nor have been struck between the Seven Thrones of the
alliance with the Iron-Troldes of the east and will on Bewitched Realms and the great Wurums of the Sea
occasion raid both Irontooth Vale and the outlying allowed for the establishment of many sea-towers
strongholds of the Deurgar who dwell in the Mountains and beautiful towns in the deep green, forest-and-
of Mallog. Generally, however, the Snow Troldes keep cliff enclosed waters of the Fjords of Wurums. So it
themselves away from the Realm of the Fire Ettin is said, the Aelfan watch over the eggs of the Sea
King, Oxthrog Anorg. Wurum, and in exchange the Sea Wurum guard the
Fjords against attack. Seven towered and wood-
WITHERED FOREST OF ASLAUG: In ages past, an woven courts were founded when the ancestors of
airy and green woodland, the Withered Forest was the Aelfan came first to these lands and still dot the
known as the Forseti Deepwoods before the coming bewitched realms. From these havens the realms are
of Aslaug. Now airless and shadow-chocked, full of administered by the seven royal lines. The courts are
blackened trees with poisoned yellow leaves. The ruled by the Houses of Maivale Ina, Zimonat, Dainta,
Withered Forest was once the seat of twelve Aelfan Sanatal, Inuta Aldra, Velmand Ina, and Gurds Inatis.
Realms of long and age-old wonder. The ruins of the
fine courts and towers can still be seen in the forest, FJORDS OF WURUMS: An echoing maze of Fjords,
but nothing dwells here now. Long in the past Aslaug sandbars and small islands. The Fjords are dotted with
descended on the woodland realms, breathed fire and white-walled towns and towers of the Aelfan folk
venom and wrought great ruin. Many were slain and and are guarded by forces both magical and warlike.
the survivors fled west and south. What treasures Once every nine years Sea Wurums swim into the
could be got easily Aslaug gulped down into his crop Fjords to lay their eggs in the sandy bays. The young
and took away to his lair in the mountains. The forests wurums, which can grow almost to the length of a
stood for awhile fair and green in the absence of their ship before they depart for the open ocean, are avoided
Aelfan lords, but were slowly poisoned by waters by the Aelfan folks and never hunted, and in some
flowing past Aslaug’s lair. Now very little that is good bays it is said that guards are set to watch the eggs

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
before hatching. Rumours of an old accord between Irdinuht the Ceaseless. Irdinhut spends most of his
the Aelfan and the Sea Wurums are hinted at by many hours and years in the Tower of Bronze, a vast
seafarers, and it a widely believed legend of the sea structure, carven with dragons and surrounded by
that any fleet of raiders or warships that did attempt gardens that bloom all year. He takes little interest in
entry into the Fjords would find their way barred not the farmers and fisherfolk who live on his island but
merely by Aelfan illusion and Aelfan arrows, but also takes measures to protect them against raiders, and
by the teeth and coils of the great Wurums of the sea. in particular against the Sea Kings. Mists and strange
In the past, Skalla lords are known to have gathered fires settle around ships of war that approach either
together small fleets and attempted raids on Aelfan Reginn or Reginn Ingir, and it is said that ships that
waters, only to vanish utterly. persist in an attack are set upon by spectral warriors
atop steeds that gallop over the foamy waves as if
GAPTHROSNIR’S SEA: Named for the thousand year they were rutted green fields. The folk of Reginn are
old Kraken Gapthrosnir who haunts these waters and largely of mixed tribal blood, although primarily
has been the ruin of many ships of war and trade. Asyneur and Laukar in heritage, they now identify
The Gapthrosnir Sea is a stormy and wave-swept themselves as a new and separate tribe of mortal
expanse, frequented by high winds and icy gales. men, the Reginnar.

GLOAM, MOUNTAINS OF: Cragged and broken REGINN INGIR ISLAND: Meaning ‘Little Reginn’,
mountain peaks, closely embraced by old forests full this small landmass falls within the domain of Irdinuht
of towering and grey-barked mountain ash. These the Ceaseless. The island is dominated by the town
were long ago the lands of a folk called the Wratock, of Nene, a seaport that is largely left to govern itself
a primitive people displaced by Aelfan clans that fled by its sorcerous lord. The town thrives as a trading
west after the destruction of their cities by the dragon port, dealing mostly in fish, sea-ivory and wool. The
Aslaug. The Mountains and Forests of Gloam are smoky flavoured and strong alcohol Kerne which is
now the seat of the Bewitched Realms of the Aelfan, brewed via a secret method by certain priests of
and the Wratock, if they still persist, are a scattered Reginn is also traded here.
folk living secretly in the high mountains and deep,
rocky forests of these lands. MAEL, ISLAND: A wilderness island, scattered with
the ruins of blackened settlements and fortresses. The
ISLANDS OF THE SEA-KINGS: The chief islands Island of Mael is inhabited only by secretive tribes of
and dominions of the Skalla, who are called also the Nicor and the less secretive, more ferocious Nørg.
Sea Kings by the mortal men. The Skalla are probably Mael falls outside the realm of Irdinuht the Ceaseless,
related to men, though their lineage must have divided so gains none of the protections afforded by that
from the mortal kith deep in ages past. The Skalla are sorcerer’s arts. The few settlements that have been
fair skinned, with golden and amber hair and eyes of founded here by mortal men have been quickly
silver and blue. They are beautiful to look upon, their brought to ruin either by the native Nicor or Nørg,
voices are like music and their crafts are wondrous. sometimes acting in alliance, or by Skalla slavers from
The beauty and skill of Skalla silver and goldwork is the Islands of the Sea Kings.
second only to the Duergar. The Skalla, however, are
inhuman is almost every other way, their culture SEA OF GREEN SHADOWS: A vast, but relatively
regards no creature but a Skalla as being worthy of calm ocean that stretches from the Islands of Reginn
any life but slavery. The same word in used in the and Mael to the east and the Islands of the Sea Kings
Skalla language for non-Skalla and witless beasts. The to the West. Worth mention is the White Ship of
kings and queens of the Skalla adore gladiatorial Votadin, which haunts these waters: a ghostly longboat
spectacles and humorous executions, and the red- with fearsome dragon-prow, tattered sails and crew
sailed fleets of the Skalla are much feared as slave- of thin shades. The White Ship has never been known
takers and raiders. The islands of the Sea Kings include to attack or even attempt contact with a living vessel,
Seyth Raun, Seyth Nicor, Seyth Caen and Seyth though to see it is deemed an omen of terrible fortune.
SEYTH CAEN: A rocky island, largely a wilderness of
REGINN ISLAND: An island ruled over by the sorcerer cliffs and mists ruled by the Skalla House of Caen.

by Christopher Johnstone
Caen’s wealth comes largely from the Mines of Cag rocky and misty island is the home of the old Trolde-
Coig Caligog, wherein slaves labour to tap extensive Witch Hagga.
veins of gold.
SEYHT ERÚN: An island of the Sea Kings, ruled by
the House of the Raven Lords which lies east of Seyth
Nicor and north of Seyth Caen. Disputes over the Map Three
ownership of the smaller islands between Erún and
Caen has resulted in a longstanding feud and several ASYNEUR GARD: The capital and chief fortress of
short, if bloody and fierce, wars. the Tribe of Asyneur. The golden halls of Asyneur
are currently ruled by Queen Atla the Grim. The city
SEYTH LJORM: Island ruled by the Skalla house of is surrounding by three walls of white and polished
Ljorm. The House of Ljorm are reputedly ruled by stone and high watchtowers built on the Orn
sorcerer-kings who have such powers that demons Mountains field a view north and south from coast to
of the old earth bow to their will. Less kind rumours river.
whisper that the lords and ladies of Ljorm have
bedded demons and the blood of their line has been BAY OF ATHURN: A wide bay used heavily for fishing
mingled with strange and monstrous things. The island, and as a port of call for trading vessels. The bay forms
however, is not easily reached, even by strong the mouth of the River Grey Water.
seafarers and the inhabitants are less than cordial,
even to fellow Skalla. What truth there is in the BJORNTOOTH PEAKS: A range of mountains that
rumours that flit around Ljorm like bats is a matter of divides the lands of the Asyneur from the people of
conjecture. the Goddess Vanna. The mountains themselves, and
the lands to the north, down to the shores and east to
SEYTH NICOR: An island now ruled by the Skalla the North Isles are inhabited by the savage Beorga
and split between two kingdoms, North Mathrug and tribes of men. For this reason most of the battles
South Mathrug. Seyth Nicor was named originally between the Asyneur and Vannagan were fought by
for the Nicor that were once native to its shores and circling south of the Bjorntooth Peaks or else by setting
coves. The Skalla were long ago driven out of a sail in war-barges along the River Grey Water.
homeland to the east by a race of creatures they call
the Buruagog (possibly a tribe of Ettin, though their DELLINGAR WOOD: A wide and green forest of
precise identity is unknown). Upon arriving in the isles white oaks. Dellingar Wood is home to the villages,
of the west, the Skalla first attempted enslaving the homesteads and the occasional earth-fort of the
Nicor, but finding them unpliant servants, took to woodland Laukar tribesmen.
hunting the Nicor for amusement. If any Nicor now
dwell in the islands of the Sea Kings they now do so FENSLAIRS: An expanse of moors, swamp-forest and
in secret. Nicor hunting, however, remains a favourite the occasional low island that is the domain of the
sport and Nicor are sought out and captured on other Mortal Tribe of Morhorag. The death-worshippers
islands and the coasts of the mainland, in order to be are both mistrusted and feared by others, and it is
brought back to Seyth Nicor for this purpose. generally held that weirder and more perilous things
Extensive areas of Seyth Nicor are now farmed using than the Morhorag’s warrior-shamans guard the
slaves stolen mostly from the mortal realms of the murky waters and forests of the Fenslairs against
east. unwanted intruders.

SEYTH RAUN: A rocky island, crested by a forest of FJORDLANDS: Craggy cliffs, fjords and sea-lochs
thrawn and spindly trees. The Tower of Ure dominates inhabited mostly by scattered tribes of Beorga who
this island and is the chief temple of the Grey Augants, live as fisherfolk, pirates and raiders. Torrent Cove
the secretive and grim priests of the Skalla. lie on the Fallen Kingdoms side of the channel and is
home to perhaps the oldest and most powerful Nørg
SHORL: Far to the west, the island of Shorl is a place in Mithgerd, the Lurker in the Waters.
of constant and magical gloom and shadow. This

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
FOREST OF APPLES: A wondrous forest of apple and numerous that the Asyneur had to work for a
trees with golden leaves that never fall and fruit that month to erect them. Forging north the Asyneur army
never fail. The fruits of the Forest of Apples come in ransacked and razed the wood-walled towns that the
strange colours, blood red, old bronze and snowy Half-Troldes had erected in the Grey Downs and the
white, and it is said that the fruits of certain of the begotten of Skuld are now no more.
trees will grant peculiar powers. The forest is said to
have sprung from the blood of the Goddess Vanna GREY WATER RIVER: A wide, sluggish and muddy
when she was killed by the demon Geirathog Gloru. river that creeps from the mountains of Vanna to the
Cider made from the apples of the forest is widely Bay of Athurn. The river is plied regularly by sail-
held to have potent, varying and unusual properties. barges and trading ships. The only danger are
occasional River Nørg, which in ancient days lurked
FOXFIRE FENS: A stretch of swamp and mire haunted often in the reeds, but more recently have been hunted
by the flickering lights of small and fickle lights. The to dwindling numbers by Asyneur for sport.
lights are generally held to be the spirit-candles of the
folk of one of the lost cities of Mortal Men that once HENGE HILLS: Cairns and barrows erected following
dotted Vardruin Island and were razed by the Half- the battle between the Asyneur under the command
Troldes of Skuld. Legend holds that one such city of of King Irun I and the hordes of the Half-Troldes of
mortals was ruled by a sorcerer-prince, and rather Skuld. The Half-Troldes were slaughtered to the last
than let his people fall to sword and fire, to rape and and their ghosts are said to haunt these hills.
the flesh cauldron, he worked a great magic that
transformed his folk into foxes of spirit and flame. ISLE OF DEAD KINGS: The traditional resting place
These creatures were too quick and cunning to be of the royal lines of the Asyneaur. The island is pocked
caught by the half-troldes and live on in the swamps with old tombs and jutting standing stones. The kings,
and woodlands where their city used to stand. queens and their treasures have been guarded since
the days of Jalkar II by The Grey Wards of the
GLENS OF LITHRASNAIR: A sunlit and open Harrows, an order of warrior-sorcerers who walk
woodland of oaks and hazel, elm, birch and blackberry. the shores and hills of the island. The order takes into
Laukar villages dot the southern borders of the Glens its numbers twelve initiates from the city of Asyneur
of Lithrasnair, though most of the lands are ruled by Gard each twelve years. It is considered a great
the prince and magician Osg Ethunon, who is rumoured honour for a family to be chosen to provide an initiate,
to be of half-aelfan blood. however the initiate must severe all ties to the world
of the living, and passes through a false funeral, is
GREY DOWNS: Rolling hills covered with low scrub mourned for dead, left on the shores of the dead king’s
and the occasional ruin. From these hills the Half- island and then cut from their burial shroud by
Troldes of Skuld made camp and invaded the lost members of the order.
kingdoms of men that once dotted the Island of
Vardruin. Long war and bitter struggle brought about ISLE OF SHADOWS: An expanse of ruins, wastes
the fall of each of the kingdoms one after another. and dead forests haunted by the Shadowfolk of the
When the Half-Troldes of Skuld brought down the Deepest Night, whose origin and kith are unknown.
walls of the last fortress of Mortal Men of Vardruin, The Isle of Shadows was the home of the Aelfan
they took loot and women, ale, meat and mead and Folks who fled southward following the fall of the
thinking themselves safe, made camp on the southern Aelfan Kingdoms under the onslaught of Aslaug the
shores of the island. But King Irun I of the Asyneur Golden. The new kingdoms flourished for some
had long been watching the wars to the north and centuries before Aslaug stirred with hunger again and
listening to the tales of refugees who had fled to his cast his eyes south. His attack came in the dead of
court. While the Half-Troldes made themselves merry night, a comet of fire and burning bile in the storms of
a fleet of the silken-grey longships of the Asyneur winter. A war was waged against the dragon for
slid onto the sands of the island. The Asyneur warriors another hundred years before the last Aelfan fortress
fell upon the Half-Troldes before dawn and took the of the island was abandoned and the few and
raiding army by surprise. It is said that the cairns that desperate refugees who were left took to the seas
were built over the dead Half-Troldes were so high and sought safety further south, eventually to found

by Christopher Johnstone
the Kingdom of Willows. Following the last departure years in the past.
of the Aelfan, Aslaug glutted himself on what flesh
he could find and made many journeys, stuffing his ORN MOUTNAINS: Tall and jagged mountains that
crop full of gold and treasures to add to his bed in his rise to the north of Asyneur Gard. The famed fortress
northern lair. About two centuries after the departure of the Asyneur is built on a low spur of the mountains
of Aslaug, the island remained a grey and withered and watchtowers stick like spines from several of the
wasteland and a strange folk with shadow for flesh higher peaks of the range. The massive, hairy-hocked
came out of the darkness and took up abode in the Goats of Orn are rightly famed throughout Mithgerd,
Aelfan ruins. grow to the size of a small bullock and possess a
degree of intelligence that has allowed the Asyneur
KINGDOM OF WILLOWS: A of great willows and to harness them as chariot beasts.
the last home of the Aelfan Folk who fled the Island
of Shadows following the destruction and pillaging of SEA OF ELD: Often choppy and stormy waters that
their lands by Aslaug the Golden and the subsequent stand between the Island of Vardsruin and the Island
invasion by the Shadowfolk of the Deepest Night. of Shadows.
The Kingdom of Willows is ruled by Menissra, the
Sorceress of the Golden Woods, and last Aelfen SEA OF RAINS: Expanse of ocean to the west and
Queen of the line of Skellharpir the Tumult. The north of the Lands of Mortal Men.
Aelfan folk of the Kingdom of Willows have secluded
themselves into deep forests guarded by magic and SIGRUNNAR: A township of mingled Vannagan and
have little contact with the mortal tribes of men who Laukar peoples. The town forms a major trading hub
dwell west and south of their lands. for goods travelling between Vannagard to the west
and the forest realm of Dellingar Wood to the east.
MOUNTAINS OF VANNA: Tall and white-capped
peaks that are believed by the Vannagan, the People SORTHES CHANNEL: Expanse of water named after
of the Goddess Vanna, to be haunted by the spirit of the great Aelfan navigator and warrior-wizard Sorthes,
the slain goddess. Following the rape and murder of who sacrificed himself and his ship the Ivory Swan
Vanna by the demon Geirathog Gloru the land became of Midnight in order to hold off the fire and fury of
a place of shadows and hellfire ash. A hundred and the fire-drake Aslaug while the refugee ships of the
one of the most powerful of the sorcerers and warriors Aelfan sailed south to escape the hunger of the great
of the Vannagan marched on the fortress-lair of dragon. The Sorthes Channel is called by the Mortal
Geirathog Gloru centuries after the death of their Tribe Beorga the Waters of Fury and Green Fire, after
goddess, and though they were unable to slay the the same event but viewed from the shores of the
demon, they were able to bind the creature and North Isles. Now, famously, the hunting waters of
imprison it deep beneath the Mountains of Vanna. the great Drakkar, Lokkar Cove-Haunter.
From this moment spring came eternally to the
mountains and the wastes of Geirathog Gloru where STHAL: A once holy island that boasted a hundred
Vanna died burst into bud and became a forest of temples. Now fallen to ruin and swallowed by a bleak
enchanted apples. salt marsh. Sthal Island is now the lair of the Fell
Drake Leirvór.
NJUGAL’S WATER: A flat and pewter-grey lake that
is the lair and home of the Nørg, Njugal Trickshadow. VARDRUIN ISLAND: Large island to the north of
the lands ruled by the Asyneur and the Beorga. This
NORTH ISLES: Rocky islands inhabited mostly by island was once the home to several realms of Mortal
Beorga sea-reavers and pirates. Men, but each was conquered and destroyed in turn
by the Half-Troldes of Skuld.
OLG BELATHAR: Originally an outpost of the Asyneur,
high walled and heavily fortified, the city of Olg VITHRAIR GARD: A southern fortress and township
Belathar has sprawled outside its walls and grown founded by Sithneja I, the youngest daughter of Irun
fat on green fields and peaceful times since the end III. A bleak and wind-torn place of seaward towers,
of the last Asyneur-Vanargan war over two-hundred thrawn trees and sparse living, the fortress briefly

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
went to war against Asyneur Gard when questions
arose concerning the right to succession following the
death of King Geirr Spearnose. Although a peace now
holds between the two lines of Asyneur Lords, the
war was never settled and thegns from Vithrair Gard
seldom find a warm welcome in Asyneur Gard, nor
Asyneur in Vithrair Gard.

VALLEY OF MISTS: A deep and grey-misted roll of

hills that lie east of Vanna Mountains full of cold winds
and strange voices. Strange lights are seen from time
to time at the heart of the mists, but none are known
to have found out the secrets of these silvery lanterns.

VANNAGARD: The tree-woven and golden walled city

of the Vanargan Tribe. It is said of Vannagard that
there is a fountain or a garden at every corner. A
grand tower carven with wurums and roses forms
the fortified heart of the city, wherein the rulers of
the Vannagan, the Council of Gloamarye, meets and

WHISPERING WOODS, THE: Deep and tangled

forest surrounding the ruins of old human kingdoms.
Now the home of The Liege of the Hollows, a wild
spirit and king of the woods, attended by a court of
wood spirits and nymphet attendants.


by Christopher Johnstone

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition

by Christopher Johnstone

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition

by Christopher Johnstone

Chapter Seven
Swords and Fishhooks
They came once every seven years to the meadow in the mountains. Strange folk. Small and dirty and
hairy with eyes that were pink or red and skin that looked like old, white leather. They brought their
wares out of the hills. Flowers like gold and glass. Swords that no armour could withstand. Bellows that
blew a gale. A shield made of cold fire and hammered to a perfect sheen. But the mortal folk bought
very little of the stranger things. They were perhaps too afraid and definitely too poor. Other patrons
came from year to year. Creatures with golden eyes and horns and faces like mountain rock and voices
like waterfalls. They bought the great and the grand, the shimmering and the magical. But the mortal
folk bought just a little here and there. They wandered and looked. It was enough. Magic every seven
years can be a pleasant thing, but magic about the house every day can be something else entirely.

This chapter details services and goods, in particular fact possess as portable wealth. Wealth is measured
those items of craft that characters are likely to want in Marks - a unit of weight. Twelve Copper Marks is
to purchase, both mundane and enchanted. The list is worth one Silver Mark. Twelve Silver Marks is worth
comprehensive, and Players should not assume that one Gold Mark. Marks are to be thought of as a crude
all goods and services are available across all the lands representation of wealth, not an actual record of what
of Mithgerd. Larger and more elaborate purchases Characters have on their person or buried under the
will have to be sought in large cities, where craftsmen roots of an old oak.
are available. Such purchases may take some time to
complete and there may be unlooked for complications Portable Wealth
and costs in the purchasing. The costs are also to be Armband / Necklet, Copper 1 sm
treated as averages, in larger towns the costs may be Armband / Necklet, Silver 10 sm
lower, in small villagers the prices may be considerably Armband /Necklet Gold 50 sm
inflated. Armband / Necklet Bejewelled 50 sm
Belt, Tooled 10 sm
Cloak Clasp, Silver 10 sm
Common Things Cloak Clasp, Gold 15 sm
Listed below are mundane items that Characters are Dagger, Bejewelled 25 sm
likely to want to purchase. Wayfarer’s Song assumes Gilt Mirror 20 sm
that in the general course of the game Characters are Girdle, wrought-bronze 10 sm
likely to be able to afford basic food, common clothing Girdle, wrought-silver 25 sm
and personal items. Assume that the cost of keeping Glass Bauble 5 sm
Pipe, Tooled Bone 10 sm
oneself in basic food and lodgings for a month is one
Ring of Copper 1 sm
silver mark.
Ring of Silver 5 sm
Dagger, Dwarf-Silver 100 sm
Exchange Ring of Gold 10 sm
In reality there are a hundred or more types of coin to Ring, Gem Set 15 sm
Scabbard, Tooled (Sword) 25 sm
be found across Mithgerd. A simple system to measure
Sheath, Tooled (Dagger) 5 sm
wealth is used as a summary of the myriad coins,
Sheath, Tooled (Dagger) 5 sm
stones, iron ingots or jewellery that a Character will in Spices, Common, Satchel 5 sm

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
Spices, Rare, Satchel 10 sm Plate & Mug, Earthenware 4 cm
Spices, Exotic, Satchel 20 sm Thieves Tools 1 sm
Stone, Semi-Precious 10 sm Trencher, wooden 1 sm
Stone, Precious 25 sm Rope, Hemp, 10 foot 3 sm
Rope, Horsehair, 10 foot
Garb Scabbard, Plain 4 sm
Full Set of Clothing, Common 10 sm Scabbard, Tooled 8 sm
Full Set of Clothing, Decorated 30 sm Scroll Case 6 sm
Cloak of Rare Furs 30 sm Strongbox, Small 6 sm
Full Set of Clothing, Noble 50 sm Strongbox, Large 10 sm
Full Set of Clothing, Kingly 70 sm Torches, pitch (x 5) 2 sm
Walking Staff, Plain 4 sm
Walking Staff, Carven 8 sm
Everyday Things Walking Staff, Sorcerer’s 15 sm
Bedroll 1 sm Warhorn, Plain 3 sm
Backpack 6 cm Weapon Belt 1 sm
Belt pouch 2 cm Wineskin, Empty 6 cm
Blanket, Woollen 2 sm Woodsman’s Axe 12 sm
Book, Bound, Plain 6 sm Quiver, Holds 24 4 sm
Book, Bound, Tooled 15 sm
Boots, Felt 3 sm
Boots, Leathern 4 sm
Boots, Ironshod 6 sm Adder’s Tongue Woods
Bow String 2 cm Common Imbibe 20 sm
Box, Tooled Leather 1 sm (Poison: Nausea and sickness lasting two days)
Candle, Tallow 5 cm
Cauldron, Small Iron 1 sm Chewroot Woods
Cauldron, Large Iron 6 sm Common Chew 2 sm
Dagger, Eating 6 sm (Narcotic: Mild sense of happiness)
Drinking Horn 1 cm
Falconer’s Gear 1 sm Cureall Seashore
Flagon, Empty 2 cm Rare Apply 15 sm
Flagon, Beer Filled 3 cm (Curative: eases pain, can restore eyesight)
Flagon, Ale Filled 4 cm
Flago, Wine Filled 5 cm Bitternut Mountains
Fletcher’s Tools 1 sm Uncommon Imbibe 20 sm
Flint & Steel 1 sm (Allows imbiber to go without food for one day)
Gloves, Felt 2 sm
Gloves, Leathern 2 sm Bloodwort Woods
Grapple, Iron 5 sm Uncommon Apply 20 sm
Hood & Mask 6 cm (Curative: stops bleeding, soothes bruises)
Mallet, Wooden 2 cm
Musical Instrument 5 sm Dogweed Bane Fields
Oilskin Cloth 5 cm Common Imbibe 20 sm
Oxblood Ink & Quill 1 sm (Poison: Convulsions, 2 levels of injury)
Parchment, Vellum 1 sm
Pipe, Plain 2 sm Feverfew Arctic Waters
Pipe, Decorated 5 sm Rare Imbibe 50 sm
Pelt, Fur, Average 6 sm (Antidote: Only known cure for wurum poison)
Pelt, Fur, Luxuriant 10 sm
Pipeweed, Satchel 1 sm Goldsmoke Mountains
Plate & Mug, Leathern 2 cm Rare Smoke 40 sm

by Christopher Johnstone
(Narcotic: pleasant sense of lazy wellbeing) Fodder for an Oxen, per month 5 sm
Fodder for a Horse, per month 5 sm
Hawkstail Seashore Stabling and Care, Oxen 15 sm
Rare Imbibe 40 sm Stabling and Care, Horse 15 sm
(Poison: internal bleeding, 5 levels of injury) Saddlery, Common 5 sm
Saddlery, Rich 15 sm
Juniper Weed Woods Saddlery, Kingly 30 sm
Rare Smoke 50 sm Wagon 100 sm
(Reduces Soulburn by two ranks) Chariot 100 sm

Milkberry Tundra Ships and Holdings

Rare Imbibe 50 sm Hovel in a City 100 sm
(Antidote to Vesp Leaf if taken in 1 hour) House in a City 250 sm
Shop in a City 500 sm
Redroot Riverbanks Small Farm Holding 50 gm
Uncommon Imbibe 20 sm Large Farm Holding 200 gm
(Keeps imbiber awake for twenty-four hours) Build a House 300 gm
Build a Longhouse 400 gm
Smokeberry Mountains Build a Great Hall 700 gm
Common Imbibe 15 sm Build a Fortress 1000 gm
(Heightened sense of touch and hearing for one day) Furnish a House 100 sm
Furnish a Great Hall 200 sm
Tarsap Woods Furnish a Fortress 200 gm
Uncommon Tip Weapon 10 sm Great Feast for fifty 250 sm
(Poison: dizziness and temporary loss of balance) Fund a Festival for a hundred 500 sm
Coast Passage, ten leagues 10 sm
Vesp Leaf Woods Ocean Passage, ten leagues 20 sm
Rare Imbibe 50 sm Fishing Skiff 100 sm
(Poison: Heart failure, 10 levels of injury) Small Merchant Barge 150 sm
Large Merchant Barge 200 sm
Waxtassel Waterweed Small Longship 250 gm
Common Imbibe 15 sm Large Longship 700 gm
(Curative: stops internal bleeding) Kingly Longship 1000 gm
Crew and Supplies, 1 month 100 sm
Willowherb Weed Woods Mercenary Gang of Ten, 1 month 300 sm
Common Imbibe 30 sm
(Puts imbiber to sleep within hour)

Woundwort Swamps
Rare Apply 20 sm Below is a list of common weapons and armour found
(Curative: Heals 2 levels of injury over two days) in Mithgerd, the prices one would expect to pay in an
average blacksmith in a village that is not too out of
Animals the way or remote.
Common Domestic Animal 5 sm Weapons are relatively freely available in Mithgerd,
Donkey 20 sm there are few or no restrictions on who may own what
Pony 20 sm weapons, military, hunting or otherwise. In certain lands
Goat, Chariot 30 sm or at the call of certain lords or councils of elders,
Oxen, Work 30 sm there may be local laws, but generally speaking in the
Horse, Riding 30 sm wild and often besieged lands of mortals weapons are
Horse, Work 50 sm more or less commonly available.
Horse, Battle 70 sm

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
Weapons Strange & Unknown Restrictions: The axe is a weapon good for attack
There are numerous melee weapons that although but fairly poor for use in defence. At Gamesmasters
familiar to many quasi-mediaeval games are missing discretion: An axe-wielding character without a shield,
here. The stirrup has not yet been introduced to mythic who draws with a enemy (i.e. both challenger and
Mithgerd, so that to charge with a lance is suicidal to defender pass the Contest of Aptitude), in an opposed
the point of being ridiculous. Likewise horses in general affray is liable to suffer injury as if the axe-man had
are considered too valuable to use in battle by most failed the Test of Aptitude, and the enemy had passed.
kings and clans. Thus the poleaxe and pike, being If two characters attack one another with axes, the
weapons of infantry defence against cavalry are mutual clumsiness cancels out.
unknown. The ‘ball and chain’ type of weapon is also
unheard of – many remote blacksmiths have never Bludgeons
seen an iron-linked chain let alone know how to make All manner of clubs, maces, hammers cudgels,
one. Shackles, incidentally tend to be made of rope threshing flails, and mattocks are used as weapons.
and leather. Flails are always tethered with a cord of Some are makeshift, a farmer’s flail used as a
gut or leather. Crossbows, although not unheard of, weapon of desperation, others are more culturally
are primitive and require about two minutes of work significant. Some warriors use heavy, stone
at a windlass to load. They are generally considered headed war-hammers as a sign of their dedication
toys for eccentric kings, rather than effective weapons. to the god of thunder.
Other, even more exotic weapons, such as scimitars, Restrictions: Heavy, bludgeoning weapons have the
‘tiger-claws’ and bolas will result not just in unwanted same basic problem as axes – they are wonderful for
attention, but also the suspicion by locals that you are causing injuries but next to useless as defensive
either an Aelfan creature or might be dealing in weapons. The same defensive penalty rule used for
witchcraft. axes can be applied to Bludgeons.

Hand-to-Hand Arms Knives and Daggers

Below are a list of weapons used with the Character’s Knives, sometimes used in brawls or as a make-do
Affray Aptitude. These weapons are used in close weapon, are usually owned for other uses, to eat with,
combat, hand-to-hand with an opponent. carve wood or as a general-purpose tool. Knives with
a blade of about 7 to 35 cm fall into this category and
are termed ‘hadseax’. Almost all warriors carry a knife
for one other reason – they are useful to cleanly
Small hand axes tend to be woodcutting axes pressed
dispatch a mortally wounded but still living enemy.
into battle. One particular type of axe, of special
Larger single edged knives know as ‘langseax’, ranging
popularity is the ‘skeggox’ or bearded axe, with its
from 55 to 75, are exclusively used as weapons and
elongated lower curve. Some warriors also use a small
although clumsy and unbalanced, can serve as a short
axe with a thick triangular section at the socket resulting
sword to a poorer warrior.
in a very heavy blade. These are designed for throwing,
and are popular among some armies that throw the
axes on mass, and then while advancing pick up the Spears
axes and throw again. The broadaxe, or battle-axe, is Spears are the most commonly used weapon of war.
a two handed weapon, probably evolved from the Light, javelin like spears are used for throwing, heavier
axes used to slaughter animals. Used mostly by broader bladed spears can be used in melee. A ‘Mail-
wealthier, warriors and lords, these axes have a terrible Scraper’, appears to be a unique weapon of the
reputation for hacking flesh and bone in two. A mattock Norse, that did not survive into later centuries. As far
is a heavy digging axe-like tool, with two blades, one as can be told a Scraper of Mail was a thrusting spear,
turned horizontal, the other parallel, and these are often with a blade long enough to resemble a short sword,
used as poor man’s battle-axes. but rectangular and tapering to a sharp point. The
wooden shaft was completely clad in iron and an iron

by Christopher Johnstone
spike was driven through the socket. Hunting spears, range of at least ten paces, an archer in close quarters
are similar to Melee spears but often have an iron spike in an unarmed man.
through the haft to prevent a wild boar or wolf from
running up the haft. Thrown Weapons
Hand Axes, Knives, and all types of Spears can be
Staves used as effective thrown weapons. When used in close
Staves are the ubiquitous poor-man’s-weapon. quarters these weapons are used with the Affray
Generally a length of yew or ash, sometimes tipped Aptitude. When used at distance use the Ranged
with iron, staves have little ability to do more than Aptitude instead. Menace remains the same in both
trip or disarm an armoured opponent, although a instances.
swift crack to an unprotected skull can certainly
cause some damage. Slings
Restrictions: Staffs have a very low Menace but are Primarily used for hunting, and small game at that, slings
on the other hand very effective in combat when used can be used to some effect in war. Against armour
to trip, disarm or exhaust an opponent into submission. they are all but ineffective, except in the lucky case of
When using a Stave in combat you can choose to deal a slingshot striking the face. River or sea pebbles make
injury to an Opponent’s Fatigue instead of Health as up the primary ammunition. Lead shot, although not
usual (See Chapter Two, Systems - Harrying). When unheard of is less common.
you harry an opponent with a stave, however, add
one rank to the Harrying Menace you would normally Bows
use. For example—if you would normally have a Bows are used throughout Mithgerd for hunting and
Harrying Menace of 2d10 when using a Stave you to varying degrees also for war. The typical poorman’s-
increase this to 3d10. bow is made of hazelwood, measures about a pace in
length, and is termed a Self Bow. Larger, bows are
Swords made of yew, elm or ash. In some lands bows made
Swords are both the most highly prized weapons of of carved and layered antler or sea-ivory (walrus tusks)
war and the rarest. Their cost is increased by the are the province of kings.
arguable wasteful amount of iron that is used to make Arrows tend to be broad headed iron tips,
one, and their lack of any useful function outside of socketed if well made, or held in place by tangs if
battle. Swords are often handed down through of poor quality. When retrieving arrows after a
successive generations, or given as gifts from kings to battle, many will have broken: socketed arrow has
lords, and from lords to champions. a 3 in 10 chance of breaking when loosed. A cheep
The blade of a sword itself deserves some special tanged arrowhead has a 7 in 10 chance. A
mention – swords are often pattern welded, literally somewhat crueller trick is to purposely attach an
plaiting together from differing grades of steel and iron, arrowhead using beeswax, so that when it enters
adding a beautiful woven appearance to the blade. warm flesh the wax melts and the arrowhead
These highly treasured pattern welded blades often detaches. Rubbing arrows in grime or filth to cause
earn nicknames based on the shape of the intertwining infection is a dishonourable, if common enough
ribbons of metal. trick.
Swords vary from about 55 to 80 cm in length. Shorter Restrictions: The major drawback of bows is simply
55 to 70 cm blades are termed brands or short swords. that the armour and shields of Mithgerd are strong
Longer, heavier 70 to 80 cm blades are termed enough to stop most arrows. Armour penetrating
longswords or broadswords. ‘bodkin’ arrows exist to overcome mail, but a simple
shield of leather and linden wood will stop most arrows.
In the Systems chapter there are rules for hiding behind
Ranged Weapons
shields to avoid arrows (See Chapter Two, Systems -
The below weapons are used with the Character’s
Hoisting Shields).
Ranged Aptitude. They are intended for use over a

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
Rounded Stone 0 +0
Axes Price Menace Lead Shot 1 +1
Hand-Axe 10 sm 2
Throwing Axe 10 sm 3 Bows Price Menace
Skeggox (Bearded Axe) 15 sm 4 Self Bow 2 sm 1
Mattock 20 sm 5 Small Bow 5 sm 2
Battle Axe 25 sm 5 Long Bow 10 sm 3
Iron and Adorned +5 +0 War Bow 15 sm 4
Steel Edged +5 +1
Steel and adorned +10 +1 Arrows Price Menace
Twelve Fishing 5 cm +0
Bludgeons Price Menace Twelve Fowling 8 cm +0
Wood or Bone 10 2 Twelve Hunting 1 sm +0
Stone War-Hammer 15 3 Twelve Broadheads 1 sm +1
Iron and unadorned 15 4 Twelve Bodkins 3 sm +2
Iron and Adorned +5 +0
Steel Wrought +5 +1 Cheep Tanged +0 +0
Steel and adorned +10 +1 Good Socketed +1 +0
Beeswax Attached +1 +0
Knives Price Menace
Hadseax (Knife)
Scramseax (Dirk)
5 sm
10 sm
2 Armour
Langseax (Longknife) 15 sm 3 There are five broad classes of armour that a person
Iron and Adorned +5 +0 may wear to protect himself or herself from injury. The
Steel Edged +5 +1
least protective are those made from lighter, poorer
Steel and adorned +10 +1
quality materials, especially cloth and leather. The more
Spears Price Menace protective are woven of iron and steel and are stitched
Throwing Spear 10 2 with plates of metal.
Melee Spear 15 3
Mail Scraper 25 4 Designer Notes: Because of the fairly simple method
Iron and Adorned +5 +0 in which injuries are resolved in Wayfarer’s Song the
Steel Edged +5 +1 benefits of armour also need to be kept reasonable
Steel and adorned +10 +1 simple. Thus, armour provides a basic full body
protection - even though it may not strictly cover the
Staves Price Menace full body. Because, however, armour subtracts not from
Light and short 2 sm 1
the final damage to a character, but from the potential
Long and heavy 4 sm 2
of a weapon to do damage, I think the mechanic
Iron Tipped +4 sm +1
remains sensible, if a little simple, when protection is
Swords Price Menace viewed both as a function of the quality or the armour
Shortsword 25 sm 3 and the amount of body-surface it covers.
Longsword 50 sm 4
Iron and Adorned +5 +0 Patchwork Armour
Steel Edged +5 +1 Incomplete, rusted, poor quality armour, sewn together
Steel and Adorned +10 +1 from makeshift pieces of boiled leather, iron, horn, or
Pattern Welded +25 +1 chain make up what is termed Patchwork Armour.
Slings Price Menace
Poorman’s Armour
Leathern Sling 2 sm 2
Light armour commonly based on either hide or linked
rings of iron as a base material. Sea raiders especially

by Christopher Johnstone
tend towards armour made of lighter hide, augmented of metal, and thick leather riveted around the rim. Some
by stitching two layers together, passed with moss or are faced with leather or rawhide. Even smaller shields,
wool: a cheap, light and reasonably protective form of useful only for parrying, are termed bucklers. Larger,
armour that won’t drag a soul down to a watery grave. more expensive shields that extend downwards to
cover the knee are termed tower shields.
Skirmisher’s Armour Shields also provide cover from missile fire. A
An extra degree of protection can be afforded by character taking cover behind a shield is not allowed
stitching iron rings or small plates into a leather or cloth to do anything except engage in defensive actions (See
base. This somewhat stronger armour is often worn Systems, Chapter Two - Hoisting Shields).
by militia, the guards of impoverished lords, or road-
wary travellers. Armour Price Protection
Light Hide 15 sm 1
Warrior’s Armour Heavy Furs 50 sm 2
Most men of the axe and sword rely on leather stitched Patchwork 30 sm 2
Padded Leather 50 sm 3
with iron scales and perhaps a few patches of chainmail
Iron Scales 200 sm 4
covering vital areas. A warrior’s armour will often
Chainmail 300 sm 5
include a helm, usually of iron and leather, as well as Kingly Mail 500 sm 6
bindings for the arms and legs.
Shields Price Block Soak
Noble Armour Buckler 10 sm 2/10 4
Chain mail is the armour of choice amongst lords and Small Shield 30 sm 4/10 6
warriors. Mail shirts typically reach just below the Large Shield 50 sm 6/10 8
knees and have short sleeves, but longer coats, called Tower Sheild 75 sm 8/10 10
hauberks and sleeveless shirts, called sarks, are known.
Wearing a mail shirt requires you to also wear a padded
undershirt, made either of linen or felt, and stuffed with
Lesser Relics
fleece, raw wool or layers of woollen cloth. If you are Lesser Relics are also termed Enchanted Items in the
not wearing an undershirt, the mail gives no protection game. These are enchanted things that are the works
at all versus blunt crushing weapons. The prices below of mortal sorcerers. They are never extraordinarily
assume the inclusion of a padded underclothing, either powerful or dangerous, petty in their scope and small
separate or stitched to the armour. A helm, greaves in their powers. Enchanted Relics do not have enough
and occasionally good quality leather gauntlets will be magic in them to cause obsession or tainting - they are
included with Noble Armour. useful, relatively safe, tools if not overly powerful ones.
Use the below chart as a guide to the minimum cost of
Regal Armour a Lesser Relic. Such things are, however, rare and not
The finest weave of mail, linked with the utmost care, likely to be either commonly on sale. When an
and gilt with gold, and riveted with silver. Armour fit enchanted relic comes into the possession of a
for a king or queen will be of superb quality and will merchant or a family decides to sell of a magical item
be matched by a helm, greaves, and possibly gauntlets the item is likely to be offered to local lords, kings or
of similarly richly adorned steel. nobles first as a means to gain favour. Otherwise an
item may end up being auctioned or exchanged only
Shields for something of equal value - mere gold may not be
Shields as ubiquitous as they are useful. They can give enough to buy such a thing.
the edge in battle, and provide protection from a rain
of arrows or other missiles. Small, round shields, called
‘targes’ made from linden wood are the most common
variety of shield. They are often reinforced with bands

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
Cost Addiction
50 gm per Hazel Enchantment By keeping close ownership of a Greater Relic a
100 gm per Rowan Enchantment Character will slowly be drawn into its magic until
300 gm per Oak Enchantment eventually the relic obsesses the Character utterly and
totally. Relic obsession progresses in Ranks, the time
Examples of Lesser Relics is takes to move from one Rank to the next depends
Fisherman’s Blessing: A net charmed with the on the power of the relic. As soon as a Character
Augment Enchantment. Add +1 to your Craft Aptitude comes into possession of a Greater Relic his or her
when using this net. Costs 50 gm. Addiction starts at Rank One.
Ring of Light: Small copper ring woven with Least Enchantment Two Years
Enchantment of Light. Costs 50 gm. Lesser Enchantment One Year
Armband of Sooth: Steel armband made of woven Greater Enchantment Half a Year
dragons and charmed with the Enchantment of Sooth. Grander Enchantment One Month
Costs 50 gm. High Enchantment One Week
Coronet of Allure: Gold coronet woven with the
Enchantment of Beauty. Costs 100 gm. Stage One: Anxiety
Unerring Spear: Throwing spear woven with the You become afraid of loosing the Enchanted Artefact
Enchantment of Uneering. Costs 100 gm. in question – let’s call it your Precious. You keep it by
Torc of Fine Protection: Gold torc woven with two your side or hidden on your person whenever it is not
Enchantments of Protection (+2 to Armour). Costs in use.
200 gm.
Cloak of the Assassin: Black cloak of wool woven Stage Two: Fear
with the Enchantments of Quietude, Traceless Passing You know that everyone else is jealous of you and
and Conceal. Costs 200 gm. your Precious. You will not let them see it unless you
have to use it and will take any comment about your
precious as a personal comment.
Greater Relics
Greater Relics are the ancient remnants of magic from Stage Three: Obsession
a bygone age, the work of gods and godlike giants, You take out your precious in secret and gloat over it,
dripped with the blood of elder things and the poison polishing, cleaning and caressing it. When it is sensible
of dragons that were so vast that they could have sunk you will always use the Precious above any similar
the lands beneath their weight. item. For instance if your precious is a sword you will
Relics of the old age gathered magic about them never use another sword.
through in a number of ways. An object left too long in
a place rich with magic can soak up some of the Stage Four: Increased Obsession
enchantment itself. Likewise an object used to work You use you Precious to the exclusion of any other
great sorrow, or associated with heroic deeds, or feats tool or means you might have of solving a problem or
of wonder may acquire a little of the magic of those safely passing a danger. If someone tries to take you
intangible things. Relic can also be crafted, via the crafter precious away you will kill him and justify it for the
working a little of the magic of their own love, lust, good of your precious.
hate or anger into the object. Greater Relics are,
however, not easily made, and no mortal sorcerer has Stage Five: Maddness
ever made one. Certain Duergar and Aelfan are You have descended into a spiral of madness. How
rumoured to know still how to make Greater Relics. this is expressed depends upon the will of the relic. A
relic made with healing magic might force you to
ceaselessly travel as a healing beggar. A sword might
drive you to kill anyone who knows you have the relic

by Christopher Johnstone
in the first place. A cloak of the unseen may make you When planted the acorn grows into a small
as secretive as a shadow, driving you to hide away in weatherproof and warm hut, having a single room and
a cave or deep forest so that no one can find you to room for ten people to lie down. Anyone inside the
steal your precious. hut at dawn feels a sudden cold tang of air, and finds
themselves outside as the house fades to nothing and
Stage Six: Undeath shrinks into an acorn.
Magic does not respect borders of life and death and
the power of your artefact along with your own Rank Three
intractable will to live and care for it will slowly eat Task: Discover how many Elderwood acorns were
away at your life-blood and replace it with magic. You ever made
become a hollow thing an undead being whose flesh When planted the acorn grows into a large
may wither or turn to dust or shadow. Again the form weatherproof and warm inn, having several rooms, a
you take depends upon the magic that courses through stable, and a common room. It vanishes at dawn as
your precious. A Cathartic Relic will preserve you in a above.
way that is not wholly painful or unpleasant but a
Destructive one will make you a monster, wracked by Brightsorrow
torment and tortured into a shape fit to be its servant. Relic of Grander Enchantment
If ever a sword in the World of Mithgerd could be
Examples of Greater Relics said to be truly cursed then it is Brightsorrow. This
Below are some examples of Greater Relics that can wonderfully worked Broadsword, wrought from dull
be found in Mithgerd. grey steel and damasked with ribbons of silver seems
to have a ghostly flicker about it when wielded and
carries with it an air of loss and regret once its magic is
Acorn of the Elderwood
awakened. The sword originally belonged to a
Relic of Lesser Enchantment
powerful Warlord named Vorik the Red Wolf who
Crafted by Aelfan sorcerers in an age past, these
swept through the north centuries ago. It was used to
acorns apparently normal to look at but for a gilded
work such destruction and murder that the souls of
sheen and a weighty feel, spring to sudden and startling
the slain have cursed this blade going with it forever to
life when planted.
torment he who lifts it in war. When first picked up a
The Acorn’s Will: The purpose of the acorns is above
warrior will find the blade well balanced and of good
all else to provide shelter. A person overwhelmed by
quality but will not find it obviously magical in any way.
the power of an Acorn of the Elderwood, will begin to
The Will of Brightsorrow: Brightsorrow is a reaper
feel compelled to plant the acorn whenever he can
of woe. It is driven by a will to lay waste to all about it,
and invite strangers and passers by to share in the
to drink the blood of living hearts. But, the spirits that
warmth and comfort. At the most obsessive levels the
haunt Brightsorrow overwhelm the victories, honour
acorn will force you to become a forever traveller,
and the joy of its keeper. They will not permit its wielder
wandering and providing shelter wherever it is needed.
to know happiness or love. They will cause the wielder
to become suspicious of friends and covetous of the
Rank One
grey dull throbbing blade of sorrow keeping it forever
Task: None
at his side with ever a hand resting on the hilt. If a
When planted the acorn grows into a massive oak,
person is completely overwhelmed by Brightsorrow
with sheltering autumn hued leaves. It remains thus for
he will find that he cannot be slain by any weapon less
one night, and at dawn returns to being an acorn.
potent than one of Greater Enchantment. He can
however still be injured, cut and burned, simply not
Rank Two
killed unless his head is cut from his shoulders or his
Task: Discover the name of the wright who made
body brunt to ashes. The wounds however do not
your acorn
heal. Instead the wounds remain open and painful and

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
eventually the festering flesh falls away leaving behind right. Sorcerer’s are after all nothing if not suspicious
a skeletal form with glittering eyes. and secretive about their treasures.
The Will of a Charmed Ring: The will of magic rings
Rank One is often fickle and disloyal as they were made in pride
Task: Kill a foe using the blade by ancient smiths and have been worn by lords and
The blade will come to life flickering with fire. At this masters of all men. A ring will as often as not choose
point it takes on the qualities of a Weapon of Greater to slip off a finger when it becomes aware of some
Enchantment. Unawakened Brightsorrow has a powerful being nearby that might claim it. When slowly
Menace of 3d10. Once you kill an opponent using the succumbing to the power of a ring however the wielder
weapon the Menace increases to 6d10. becomes prideful himself and foolhardy in his actions.
Moreover his worst and most conceited traits become
Rank Two enlarged. Dwarrow tend to become misers and lust
Task: Use Brightsorrow and no other weapon in after gold. Men become hungry for power and
three battles. leigedom. Elves are the only folk that are not affected
Add a temporary level to all your combat Aptitudes by the Will of Charmed Rings in this way but they still
when suing Brightsorrow. become protective and obsessive about caring for their
treasured little gold ring. The power in a lesser ring is
Rank Three usually enough to keep its master in a living death
Task: Use Brightsorrow to coldly execute one or passed their time, aged and withered for long centuries
more foemen. though eventually the magic will falter and the keeper
You can now fight multiple opponents without penalty. will be allowed to rest.

Rank Four Ring of Healing

Task: Discard any other swords you own. Visit the Allows the bearer to heal all wounds upon the body of
barrow of the warlord who originally wielded an injured person by touch. Using this power inflicts
Brightsorrow and call out his name three times. His three levels of injury against the wearer of the ring
shade will appear and attack you for twelve rounds.
The shade is indestructable but you must survive this Ring of Hellfire
test. Allows the bearer to target one creature or person
Brightsorrow will now shatter the metal of any with fire (Menace 8d10). The fire counts as an
mundane weapon it comes into contact with. enchanted attack and negates all armour. Using this
power inflicts one level of Soulburn to the wearer of
Charmed Rings the ring.
Relic of Lesser Enchantment
Charmed rings are often small circlets of white or rose Ring of the Illusor
gold, plain and common to look upon though An illusory ring of power will allow its wielder to create
sometimes set with a small jewel. Such magic rings at small illusions, make leaves look like gold, or a rock
one time common and were worn by sorcerers and look like bread, or create prismatic lights and flares of
lords alike but during the Great Wars many were lost colour. Using this power inflicts one Soulburn against
or cast into fires to be melted to make the hilts of the wearer of the ring.
Runeswords to add a higher magic to their rune-cut
charms. Each of the Rings of Least Magic have woven Ring of Light
into them a single charm. Sometimes these charms are Rings of Light were wrought with the light of sun and
invoked by putting the ring on any finger but often the moon twinned with the pale gold. When worn a Ring
magic is more cunningly woven. A ring may work magic of Light continually casts a wide pool of light as bright
by placing it upon a specific finger, or by twisting it as the light of a midsummer’s day.
three times, or by throwing it from the left hand to the

by Christopher Johnstone
Ring of War
A Ring of War adds magic to the hands of they who Rank Three
wield it. When worn in battle a weapon held in the Task: Discover the made the cloak you own.
same hand as the ring counts as enchanted and gains You can turn into any species of bird that you have
+1d10 Menace. ever seen.

Ring of the Wraith-Lord Little Gold Ring

A ring of the Wraith-Lord allows a character to Relic of Lesser Enchantment
command wraiths. A wraith commanded in this way is An unassuming plain small gold ring, this relic is likely
bound in service to the ring until the bearer takes it off. to pass unnoticed under the eye of sorcerer and
At which point the bound wraiths are freed and may goldsmith alike. However once every nine days the
well be inclined to take revenge on their would-be ring begins to glow with warmth that soon becomes
master. Using this power inflicts on level of Soulburn scalding hot. Any person wearing it must remove it or
to the wearer of the ring. begins taking injuries as if they held their hand in a
small fire. White flame will lick about the ring and from
Cloak of Many Feathers it will form nine identical rings. The trick and curse of
Relic of Grander Enchantment this ring is two fold. First each ring is identical and no
Said to be gifts given by the gods to mortals, so that one, no matter how keen of eyesight can tell one from
they might better serve the gods as messengers or another. Any mark or cut made on the first ring appears
harbingers. The cloaks of many feathers impart the on all the others. Secondly the nine false rings turn to
ability to change into the form of a bird and take to the ashes on the eve before the next nine are to be formed.
air. The Will of the Little Gold Ring: Although of a small
Will of the Cloak: The will of the cloak of many magic a person will still eventually become obsessed
feathers is bent towards freedom, the enjoyment of with a Little Gold Ring. For every nine nights that a
soaring on cold winds and the thrill of airy heights. In character retains a Little Gold Ring they are deemed
time a person overwhelmed by the cloak will begin to to have wielded it once. Each time he fails a Test of
forget if he is a person who dons a falcon skin or a Will he will become more obsessed with determining
falcon who can turn into a man. His nature becomes which is the real ring and which are the false copies, a
airy and frivolous, his thoughts carefree and always task that is of course impossible. Eventually an
turning to the wilds and wide blue skies. obsessed owner of a Little Gold Ring becomes a
wizened thing, shrunken and shrivelled and greedy for
Rank One gold of any sort to gloat over.
Task: None
The first time you don the cloak while naked, you turn Rank One
into the species of the first bird you see. Until you Task: None
achieve Rank Two, this is the only form of bird the You can use the ring once per nine days.
cloak will allow you to take. You completely physically
turn into this bird and will be just as easy to injure. You Rank Two
loose all abilities to cast spells or speak while in bird- Task: discover the culture, race or folk who made
form and retain only your ability to think, and decide the ring.
to change back into a human. You can use the ring twice per nine days.

Rank Two Rank Three

Task: Discover the name of who wore the cloak Task: discover the name of the original forger of
before you. the ring.
You can turn into a single species of bird of your choice You can use the ring three times per nine days.
as well as the original bird.

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
Rank Four Rank One
Task: discover the name of the first user of the Task: None
ring who was not the maker. An Oathsword gives the normal benefits of a Weapon
You can use the ring seven times per nine days. of Lesser Enchantment and has Menace 5d10. The
sword will flare with bright light and whispers with an
Rank Five angry voice if undead come close.
Task: discover the name of every owner of the ring.
You can use the ring every day. Rank Two
Task: Swear a worthy vow and keep it.
Oathsword The Oathsword increases in Menace to 6d10. If used
Relic of Least Enchantment against undead an Oathsword temporarily increases
The Oathswords were the weapons carried by the in Menace to 8d10.
most renowned of warriors during the wars that waged
with Sorcerer-Kings and petty lords in the last age. Rosethorn
Each was woven together from spells of war, bands Relic of Grander Enchantment
of steel and ribbons of silver and strengthened in the Rosethorn is an ancient longsword, crafted with silver
furnace of battle. roses twined about the hilt and set with bands of green
The Will of an Oathsword: The magic of Oathswords and red on the blade. It is a wondrous sword and a
is of a peculiar sort and begs explaining. Each time the beauty to look upon and in shadows or poor light will
wielder of an Oathswords swears a vow upon it the at times seem to have a flicker about it pale and rose-
blade it briefly flares into flickering light and the weapon red. Rosethorn was made long ago by an Aelfan-Wight
increases one rank of enchanted potency. However if and then gifted by ruler to ruler eventually to become
the vow is not completed and fulfilled within a year the blade of Balador son of Boralor, a man who would
and a day the blade goes dull and dead never again to undertake such quest and heroic deeds in his life that
awaken its magic for he who has failed in his oath. In his spirit would go with the blade he carried after his
game terms the vow must be something achievable, death.
personal, honourable and at least fairly difficult. A
person who purposely makes an easy vow provokes Rank One
the wrath of the sword and again it will snuff out its Task: None
magic until some other hand lifts it. In purpose Rosethorn provides the normal advantages of
Oathswords are nothing if not loyal and when in the enchanted weapon, possesses Menace 6d10 and also
hands of a true hero facing a more powerful foe it will flares with light whenever another weapon is drawn
never become fickle or falter as other relics can. Given nearby.
that only persons of a very weak willpower are at risk
of becoming obsessed by a Oathsword these blades Rank Two
are both valued and often keep as heirlooms in noble Task: Discover the nature and name of Rosethorn.
families. The magic bound up in Oathswords When used to defend another from harm Rosethorn
themselves was bent against Sorcerer-Kings and the blazes with flickering fire and inflicts an extra level of
last remnants of the rule of the Sorcerer of the High injury from burns for each strike. Thus, a level three
Winter and so the swords themselves abhor undead. wound automatically scales up to a level four wound.
A wielder of a sword may find himself more lively in It can also be used to automatically parry one attack
old age than is normal but he can rest assured that the during a battle.
sword will never keep him alive against the will of nature The Will of Rosethorn: Rosethorn is a powerful relic
and the gods. and carries with it a powerful spirit. The will of that
spirit is mostly bent towards the heroic. Great quests,
wandering errant in the dark and dangerous lands and
protecting those weaker than oneself. Ideals and ethics

by Christopher Johnstone
will worm their way into the mind of the most miserable sorcerer that crafted these blades fully intended that
of Rosethorn’s bearers until they begin to act as heroic their bearers become assassin-shadows that he might
as the knights of old legends, risking their life to save then command by means of a mastering spell woven
others. If a person completely succumbs to into the blades binding them to a Ring of Greater Power
Rosethorn’s will they will become as a Paladin, perfect (see above) that has long since been lost.
in every way except for an obsession to covet and
care for the blade itself. Rosethorn has also Rank One
considerable power to draw out its master’s life but Task: None
rarely does so unless some immediate quest needs A Serpent’s Tooth gives the normal advantages of a
completion. In the unlikely event that Rosethorn’s Weapon of Lesser Enchantment and has Menace
wielder is driven to undeath their flesh will fade rather 5d10.
than wither and they will become a golden spectre,
warm and gentle but restless and terrible if angered. Rank Two
Task: Murder a person in cold blood using the
Rank Three dagger.
Task: Answer three please for help. The Serpent’s tooth now gather’s about it a poisonous
While using Rosethorn you do not suffer penalties when charm. Any cut, any slight graze inflicted with it will
fighting multiple opponents. blacken and mortify running poison into the blood-
stream. For nine days after being bitten a victim of a
Rank Four Serpent’s Tooth must pass a Test of Fortitude (diff. 7)
Task: Learn the name of the queen who gifted each night or permanently loose a rank of Fortitude. If
Rosethorn to Balador. Fortitude reaches zero the victim dies.
When you use Rosethorn to defend another person’s
life it gains the powers of a Weapon of High Sorcerer’s Oracle
Enchantment and gains Menace 7d10. Relic of Greater Enchantment
The Sorcerer’s Oracles were forged in an age past by
The Serpent’s Tooth a order of sorceresses in service to the Sorceress-
Relic of Greater Enchantment Queen Maegia. Each takes the shape of a roughly cut
Each Serpent’s Tooth is a curved long knife wrought stone, black and glassy with a flicker of red, like flame
from white steel and bound with a hilt of ivory graven at its core.
with writhing serpents. The blades were first crafted The Will of the Oracles: The Oracles, nine in all were
for the use of assassins by a sorcerer in service to originally wrought only for the benefit of those allies
Warlord Isenthane. They are as deadly now as it was and fellows of the sorcerers who made them and those
then and the blades have been used to work many mage-wights did not foresee a time when some person,
deaths and subtle murders. weak of will might look into them. As such they are
The Will of the Serpent’s Tooth: The Will of these enthralling things without any protection or shielding
blades, though not powerful is cunning and subtle. It is spells for the untrained mind. Each time a person looks
one mostly of revenge and death. It will make injuries into the Oracle and fails their Willpower they become
against the wielder seem more terrible things and increasing obsessed with looking through the oracle.
imagined wrongs will begin to haunt their head. A slow He will spend hours watching random visions as he
creep of fear and cold bitterness will at once creep slowly fatigues and eventually falls into exhausted sleep
through the keeper of a Serpent’s Tooth until they are each night. As his will slips away the Oracle becomes
unable to trust anyone and will be ready to commit the central point of light in his world. He will ignore
murder with the slightest provocation. A Serpent’s food and take water sparingly and eventually his body
Tooth that clings to its bearer and keep them alive withers and dies about him. The oracles however do
through malignant will turns them into a terrible thing not bestow an undead existence for their will is
of shadow and revenge. A bitter irony is that the ambivalent, uncaring and not sharpened to any

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
purposeful ends. Instead the spirits of those that die own. The trees are haunted by spirits and the wood
hunched over a sorcerer’s oracle become woven into has a blaze of charm in its heart, even more so than the
the spell-stone itself forever trapped in a world of wood of a common witchwood tree. The magic in
shifting visions. these staves is however small and fickle and only
increases to any power when the staff is held by a
Rank One worker of sorcery. Each stave may be carved or
Task: None wrought in varying ways as each is individual and cut
The Sorcerer’s Oracle if stared into will weave visions by a different master’s tools. Some are ornate with
and images of far away places into your mind. The elaborate heads cut to resemble dragons or horses,
visions will be disjointed and may or may not relate to others plain and shod with simple copper. A staff may
anything important to the watcher. Nonetheless they be used by any sorcerer as if it were crafted of his
will be enthralling to watch. wood of choice: thus the name.
The Will of Stave of Many Woods: In the hands of a
Rank Two person who can work no magic the staff is dull and
Task: Discover the nature of the artefact. lifeless and will seem a plain and paltry thing. If a fool
You can ask a question directly of the oracle and and weak willed hedge-wizard should lay their hands
receive a vision of the answer deep in the glassy depths on a staff only to succumb to its will he will become
of the stone. The visions are always short and often obsessive about seeking out new spells of power and
both static and cryptic. The process is also tiring and lore. The Stave has some power to keep a man
costs a level of fatigue that can only be regained through preserved passed his time but only in the most withered
sleep. and weakest of bodies.

Rank Three Rank One

Task: Discover the name of the three sorcerers who Task: Successfully cast a spell while holding the
wrought the oracles. staff
You can now project you mind’s eye through the stone A flicker of white fire comes to life about the head of
to any distant land or place you have visited before. In the staff. The flicker is enough to see by and can be
the vision you will be able to see and hear all that is dulled or brightened at will. The staff at this point can
occurring in the immediate surroundings. Again you also be used as an enchanted weapons (Menace
loose a level of fatigue to carry out this scrying. 3d10). You can also cast spells through the staff that
you would normally have to cast by touch.
Rank Four
Task: Find the ruins of the tower where the Oracles Rank Two
were crafted. Task: Successfully cast ten spells while holding the
As for Rank Three except that you can now speak in staff.
the mind of any person you see in an oracular vision. The stave gains the benefits of a Weapon of Lesser
They will hear your voice and recognise it is they have Enchantment (Menace 4d10). You no longer suffer
heard it before. Otherwise they will be confused and penalties when fighting multiple opponents.
probably afraid of your words.
Rank Three
Stave of Many Woods Task: Successfully cast twenty spells while holding
Relic of Least Enchantment the staff
A Stave of Many Woods is the name given to any By concentration you can cause the front third of the
stave cut from a grove of witchwood trees that are staff to become animate, and shape into anything – a
said to grow at the heart of the Ironwood. This grove, viper’s or dragon’s head, a claw or flailing chain. When
so long feed on magic seeping through the soil and air used to attack in this form the stave increases to
about the woods have taken up a certain magic of its Menace 7d10.

by Christopher Johnstone
Wishmonger’s Flute
Relic of Lesser Enchantment
The Wishmonger’s Flute has origins as mysterious as
any known. Some say it is a gift from the gods. Others
whisper that it is the last great work of an Aelfan
sorcerer of tremendous powers. Others still that it is
not a thing of invention at all, but is itself the illusory
satisfaction of a wish of an ancient dreamer.
The Will of the Flute: Anyone who succumbs to the
power of the flute will find themselves compelled to
travel endlessly from town to town performing and
giving each person who hears them a small taste of the
paradise of dreams unattainable.

Rank One
Task: None
The flute when played produces a wondrous and silvery
music. Anyone playing the flute gains a temporary
bonus level to their musical Aptitude (Craft).

Rank Two
Task: Discover the nature of the flute
Lights now appear, dance, bob and whir about the
player of the flute. Anyone playing the flute gains two
temporary bonus levels to their musical Aptitude.
Anyone hearing the flute must make a Test of Willpower
or devote most of their attention to it.

Rank Three
Task: Discover the names of the last three owners
of the flute
Anyone listening to the flute must make a Test of
Willpower or become connived that they are
experiencing the fruition of their heart’s desire. Illusions
appear to each individual satisfying their deepest and
truest wishes. When the music stops the illusions linger
for a few minutes then vanish.

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition

Chapter Nine
The Game
The old thing in the hills used to play a game with his dinners. He would stand over them and give them
a choice of a quick end now or a chance to go free. A game. With small stones carven into the shapes of
old gods and dragons and the pre-dead. A board of gold and steel. And no hope. No hope at all. The
thing of the hills knew all the rules and no-one else understood it at all. Not until the end was nearly
upon them. They’d have a look in their eyes the players - a sudden understanding that mingled
comprehension and regret. But by then it was too late. By then the game was all but over.

An RPG is at its heart a game in which the players are hook in the Wayfarer’s Song setting.
central. This is important to remember when plotting
out stories for your players. A clever plot in which the The Accidental Wrong
player characters are little more than observers is A wrong has been done, either by accident or by the
seldom fun for your players. RPG plots thrive on thoughtless actions of a friend, companion or relative,
interaction, and resolution of conflict by the player and must be put right - one way or another. In the
character’s themselves. Accidental Wrong the central characters are sometimes
RPG plots are also, by and large, simple; far simpler led into committing a wrong by an unscrupulous sort
than even the most basic pulp novel. An RPG plot who will then claim recompense. Sometimes both victim
also needs to be open-ended. It cannot have a definite and wrongdoer are innocent of malicious intent, but a
ending in view, only a set of prospective endings, which wrong remains a wrong and must be amended.
the players may or may not arrive at. Even trickier are
the instances when your players invent solutions to The heroes of the story are invited to join a wrestling
conflicts that you, as Gamesmaster, never envisioned. match or friendly contest of wooden swords and
In situations like this you will simply have to roll with shields. Such matches often have a grand prize at stake.
the story - make it up on the fly - and hope for the When one of the heroes takes part she accidentally
best. kills another competitor. Perhaps it is not entirely the
character’s fault. Perhaps the wrestler has a heart attack
Personal Plot-Hooks or chokes on his tongue. Either way the wrong is done
One way to provide material to work with in a game is and the family of the dead are entitled to claim
to ask each player to provide a personal motive or recompense. Will they ask for gold or silver, or
reason for adventuring. The reason can be as complex something more valuable? Will the characters agree,
as a page-long background full of intrigue and mystery and keep their honour, or ignore the right of the family
or a short one-line description about how the character and dishonour themselves?
has always wanted to own a great deal of money.
Out in the woods and wilds the urge to casually hunt
Conflict in the Game beasts for meat or pelts is often too much for a
character to resist. If your players are often setting
In the myths of the north certain plot conflicts appear
snares or hunting then this may make them a little more
and reappear through the sagas. Pitting the heroes of
wary. One day when hunting a beast, perhaps a wolf,
the story against outsiders, or monsters, or the very
or a hawk, or even an otter, the heroes find to their
elements of nature, conflict is the keystone of any story.
horror that the body of the slain beast has changed,
The following are some ideas for conflict as a plot-

by Christopher Johnstone
upon death, into that of a young man with a cloak of
skin about his shoulders. They may try to seek out the The Boast
boy’s parents, or hide the crime, but soon enough the Boasts that are made can be tricky, sometimes
boy’s father comes looking for him. His family are all dangerous to live up to. When drunk, or challenged,
of a sorcerous nature and his son was hunting for the when one’s pride is at stake or one’s honour. The
dinner table in the guise of a beast. He is within rights boast, made in idle, and then called in can be a powerful
to demand a high price in gold for the son’s murder. hook into a story.
Will he? Will he ask for something more rare? More
dangerous to acquire? The heroes wake up, rather dazed and a little worse
for wear after a night of mead and revelry in the great
The heroes find themselves surprised, outnumbered, hall of a small village. Not more than a few moments
over powered and surrounded by something or later and a burly, but equally hung-over, looking young
someone who, it seems, has chosen to waylay them braggart saunters over to them and asks them when
for no good reason. Perhaps a large band of Ettin, or they wish to be off. For, so he tells them, they were all
a sorcerer with a huge swarm of elementals at his quite adamant that a certain dangerous place or beast
command. The heroes are offered the chance to go or person nearby is of no danger at all - to them. One
free and unhurt if they perform some trivial, and boast led to another. Challenge led to challenge. And
seemingly harmless, task. Give a rose to the daughter today is the day to live up to it all. The heroes however
of a local king. Go to the woods and cut down a certain have no recollection of anything. Did they really make
tree. Stop the first person they meet and ask him a these boasts or is the village taking advantage of a
riddle. Whatever the task is, it has some hidden group of likely looking strangers to take care of
meaning or menace and the heroes, so long as they something that has been plaguing them for a while.
keep their word will find themselves responsible and Certainly if they argue that they were drunk and didn’t
blamed for a great wrong. Perhaps the rose was know what they said they’ll be mocked for cowards
poisoned? The tree a spirit in disguise? The stranger a who can’t handle their mead. What to do?
man who is the subject of a curse and is forced by
sorcery to try and answer any riddle until he has the Heroes are often asked to tell their tales, keen listeners
right answer. Perhaps he was on his way to do abound near the hearth, wide eyed children and nodding
something important? elders. But on one particular night everything the heroes
say earns a scoff from somewhere in the shadows of
A very elderly widower who is a friend or even a father the great hall. The scoffs in time turn to sniggers and
to one of the heroes makes nuisance of himself by one then to guffaws. Perhaps it is a burly thane nursing a
day simply walking into the house of a farmsteader mug of mead, or a beautiful, but feral looking warrior
and abducting a daughter to be his new wife. The maiden? Whoever it is, he or she has no respect for
practise of abducting a wife, once common, is now the heroes, and makes it clear they he or she is by far
frowned upon, if still barely tolerated, and the a better swordsman, archer, sorcerer or whatsoever it
daughter’s brothers go immediately to the local lord is that the heroes pride themselves upon. If pressed a
to demand her return or an outrageous price in gold. challenge will be suggested. Something to test their
The heroes themselves may feel that the old man has mettle. It is all in good nature of course - or is it?
gone too far, but he is set in his ways, a bit senile, and Perhaps there is something darker to the scoffs and
simply refuses to admit he has done wrong. The young derision?
woman is distraught and refuses to believe that a friend
or relative of her abductor could mean her any good. The Challenge
The lord may be understanding of an old man’s ways Lone warriors with glowing eyes who guard bridges,
to begin with, but the brothers are persistent, and soon an Ettin with a knotted axe, a thin and phantom ghost
he may take action of his own, unless the heroes can guarding an road that wends like a tunnel through a
resolve the situation. blackened wood. The ways through the lands of legend

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
are often barred by strange beings, creatures who soon as the backs of the villagers are turned he goes
demand sacrifice, gold or battle to impress them. back to his feral ways, killing and devouring anyone
hapless enough to cross his path. The king has heard
The heroes are surprised one day to find a bridge, that rumours but dismissed them. He will not hear a word
they need to cross, bared by an elderly man with a against his pet. Will the heroes take matters into their
pitted sword. He will not let them pass unless they can own hands and risk the wrath of the villagers? Will the
best him in three of five short bouts - the winner takes monster hunt them down if it learns that they have found
first blood. Whoever accepts the challenge will beat out about its trickery? Can the king be moved to believe
him the first time without any effort. He looks exhausted the heroes?
but rests and takes a drink from a wineskin. In the
next bout his fighting prowess has improved - it is a A wayworn warrior arrives at the gates of one of the
fair fight and he may either win or loose. Again he hero’s home village and asks for shelter for one or
takes a drink from the wineskin. Now he moves like a more nights. He seems pleasant, and proves himself
young man and with incredible skill. He easily, and to be quite friendly and charming, and tells many brave
with little effort outmatches the challenger. But at the stories. At the same time rumour reaches the town of
end of the last bout the man seems pleased with himself a raid on a nearby settlement by a longship that is
and offers to let the heroes pass anyway. If any of plundering the coastline. The guest is no other than the
them show an interest in his wineskin he will offer to Viking chief dressed up in fine clothing and has a band
sell it to them, for a hefty price. The wine however is of men ready to swarm the town as soon as everyone
quite normal, it is the man who is not old. He has used is asleep and he opens the gates for them. Will he carry
a small illusion to make himself look old, but is in truth out this plan easily? Perhaps he will try to drug
a young, powerful warrior. The heroes will soon everyone’s food, or ply likely warriors with more and
discover the ordinary nature of the wine, and find more mead? Will his words or actions arouse suspicion?
themselves mocked and laughed at in the next village Will the heroes rally in time if the attack comes?
they come to for falling for the old man’s trick. Will
they go back looking for revenge with a sword? Or The Test of Good Graces
perhaps there are others in the village who have been Heroes are often put to the test as much as by the
sorely tricked by the man? Perhaps he comes to visit patience they need to deal with an ill situation as with
now and again? Perhaps a less violent, more intelligent the brute skill and strength they possess to make things
plan for revenge may be in order? right if an ill situation turns worse.

The Impostor The heroes arrive tired, wet, and cold at the gates of a
Shapeshifters and mask-wearers often try their hand fine, walled fortress. Warm lights from within shine
at tricking others into thinking they are someone of invitingly. The place looks good for a nights respite,
importance, power or wealth. The tricks are usually but upon the opening of the great doors the heroes
only found out after a great deal of harm has been find themselves confronted by a terrible sight. The
done. master of the fortress is no less than a great, sharp
toothed, stony skinned Ettin, and he has come
The heroes upon their journeys come to a village personally to great and invite the weary travellers to
perched on a small hill with no walls or fortifications, his table. He seems friendly enough, but will the heroes
although the surrounding hills and coast are well known trust such a large and monstrous host, even past his
for being the haunts of raiders and Vikings. They find gate? To make matters worse, when they sit down to
that the king of this village has a ‘pet’ monster - perhaps eat a roast is served. Once the heroes have begun
a trolde or small dragon that lairs nearby and comes eating the Ettin asks them how they like the meat. Upon
to his aid if he calls it. It acts pleasant, even docile a reply, he casually mentions that, ‘it is quite tender, I
around him, and is generally much loved by the villagers. think. Yet when I killed him he said he would be tough
The problem is that the monster is two-natured. As and stringy, and that I shouldn’t bother. How odd.’

by Christopher Johnstone
Then continues eating without concern. How will the Now the land groans under the weight of unjust taxes
heroes react, and what, exactly, are they eating? The and terrible, draconian laws. The old king, however,
Ettin will no doubt take offence if his hospitality is has a plan, a means to seize back the crown but needs
spurned. just a few more strong arms to help him. The only
problem for the heroes is that the story the king is
The heroes are drawn by chance to the sound of telling is not quite true - he was once a king but it was
someone sobbing in a wooded and remote place. They he who was an unjust tyrant. The usurper has proved
find an old woman, crouched on a rock and sobbing to be a kind, and just ruler much loved by the local
hysterically. When pressed as to why she is so populace. Will the heroes realise this in time?
distraught she explains that her three sons have come
back home after being away at sea for months and are The Poisoned Gift
generally wrecking her home, causing her ruin, and Gifts given to heroes are not always what they seem.
refusing to leave. If the heroes offer to move them on A cloak may be woven of poisoned thread, a ring may
or convince them that they should respect their mother be cursed, a sword may hunger for blood that the hero
she will accept, but make it quite clear that she doesn’t wishes not to spill.
want her sons hurt. Upon arriving at the small hovel
they discover, not three living sons, but three Draugnar, A king or queen has received a gift of a jar of perculair,
dripping wet, large as oxen, and bloated and blackened sweet and aromatic mead. But once the mead is drunk
by death. The sons died at sea but have returned as the ruler immediately begins to crave more of the drink.
Undead to their home. Draugnar are powerful Undead, Riders are sent through the realm to discover the source
and though these three seem content to mop around of the drink, but none can be found.
the house breaking things and scaring the cats, they A week passes and a strange eldritch Aelfan sorcerer
need to be convinced to go restfully to their grave… arrives at the court of the ruler offering more of the
one way or another. All the while of course the old addictive mead. But there is a provisio. He wants
woman hovers nearby, clutching her apron and something in return that the ruler cannot bear to give.
weeping. Surely the heroes wouldn’t hurt her sons, no Perhaps it is a relic, stolen, which rightfully belongs to
matter what they have become, or would they? the Aelfan. Perhaps it is the ruler’s only daughter?
Perhaps it is something stranger and more charmed.
The heroes spy from a distance a large flock of black The ruler offers something else, gold, gems, riches and
ravens and crows circling their path. If they continue the Aelfan without indication of joy or anger takes it,
on they will find a battlefield, recently fought over by gives over the mead and leaves. Every week thereafter
two opposing bands of men. There are a dozen bodies the Aelfan arrives again and offers the same drink and
strewn over the ground, but perhaps the fight is asks for the same price. Again the ruler gives other
continuing somewhere close by because there are still riches and other payments. The kingdom is being ruined
cries from the dying. If the heroes follow the cries they and the lords and thanes of the ruler seek out heroes
will find that two of the warriors are still alive, but each to help. Will the heroes be able tot find a cure for the
if of an opposing kingdom. Both will threaten, cajole addiction? Will they confront the Aelfan? Follow him
and promise great things if the heroes heal the one, but back to his stronghold? Devise some clever plan to
slay the other. How will the heroes deal with this difficult trick the Aelfan into divulging the secrets of the mead.
Situation. Will allies of one or both sides arrive?
The Perilous Beast
The heroes meet a haggard man of noble bearing and Strange beasts, ancient dragons and terrible troldes
birth accompanied by a few loyal retainers. The man are forever a bane of men, dwarf and elf. And when
tells them a sad story. He was once the just and rightful savage beasts roam the night, heroes are called upon
king of a dominion not far away, but there came a day to slay the beast.
when his uncle, growing greedy and jealous seized the
throne and exiled the rightful king under pain of death. A strange monster is nightly raiding a village, hillfort or

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
stronghold. First it took sheep, then horses, then dogs, cavern asleep for a hundred years.
and now it is taking people. All the warriors of the As soon as the crown is gone the shrine begins to
tribe or clan are unable to fight the monster - in fact tremble and quake. A crevice opens and an acolyte
they are as much prey as anything else. Will the heroes crawling down into the earth looks through a thin crack
be able to face the beast toe-to-toe or might they have and sees the rousing, half-awake dragon.
to resort to other means. Traps and tricks and The dragon is an ancient elder of the world, and
weaknesses to be exploited? probably beyond the power of the heroes to subdue
even if they could get to it before it fully wakes? Can
A great and fearsome wild beast, be it a boar, bear or the thief be found in time to restore the crown to the
wolf has roamed the local countryside for years. It is shrine?
famed, but also growing older and the local king or
queen organises a hunt to once and for all bring the The Untenable Bargain
creature to ground. A fine reward is offered to the Bargains that have been made, but cannot be kept for
hunter who brings in the trophy. one reason or another are a common theme in the
legends of the north. Perhaps what was on offer was
Rumours of a fell beast gloating over a hoard of ill- too good to resist, or too good to be true? Perhaps
gotten gold reach the ears of the heroes. If they decide the bargain was struck by parties who never intended
to put an end to the creature and claim its riches then to keep their word? Or the bargain may have been
all will go well until they actually confront the beast. struck out of desperation, by those who are now
The creature will not fight but beg to be left alone. If equally desperate not to uphold their end.
pressed it will claim to be a mortal under a curse and
bound by magic to protect the hoard of an absentee An Ettin arrives at the gates of a player character’s
duergar - a duergar who went a-wandering on a journey home town. He offers to rebuild the village wall out of
years ago but has not yet returned. Will the heroes be enchanted and hardened stone, an offer the village
less than heroic and kill the pitiable creature anyway? elders find hard to resist. But, what he demands in
Or might they be able to hunt down the duergar? return is outrageous. Perhaps he asks for every horse
Discover why he has vanished and get from him the the village owns. Perhaps he asks for the hand of the
cure for the curse? chieftain’s only daughter. Will the village agree? Will
they keep their word to the letter or find a way out of
The Theft the deal?
Heroes are often called upon to put right thefts, restore
the stolen to the rightful owner, hunt down the culprit The player characters encounter a wagon of travelling
and if needs be, be the bringer of justice. Duergar. They have many great wonders and treasures
in their cart, but their prices are high. They may ask
An Ettin has stolen several relics of great power and for a night in the bed with any female characters who
importance to a local kingdom, and is demanding an may be present. They may ask to take two of a
unfair and ridiculous price for their return. Perhaps he character’s fingers and then - once the bargain is struck
wants to be declared ruler? Perhaps he wants the ten - suggest that they would like his thumbs. They may
most beautiful women in the land given to him? ask for the colour of a character’s eyes and then take
The Heroes are hired to hunt down the Ettin and bring so much that she is left blind. Can the player’s go back
back that which he stole. on their bargain? Will they?

A thief has stolen a simple gold crown from a shrine. The players characters hear tell of a queen, so
But what the thief, and indeed the priests themselves, besieged by a monstrous creature, perhaps a dragon
did not know is that the crown is more than it appears. or trolde, that he has offered either great treasures or
It had woven into it a powerful spell that has kept a the heir to his kingdom to anyone who can rid him of
dragon that dwells deep beneath the shrine in a huge the monster. But, when the player characters arrive at

by Christopher Johnstone
the hillfort they discover that another has beaten them Traits
to the kill. An unlikely and ugly Duergar has procured
Wayfarer’s Song provides only the most basic sketch
the monster’s head, and now the village is ready to
of a creature for the purposes of rules. A creature’s
riot over the prospect of keeping the bargain. Was the
Health, Armour and Menace are given as well as a
monster even real? Did the duergar really slay it?
much more limited set of Aptitudes than those used
Perhaps another hero slew the monster and took not
for Player Characters. This is to save on the time
the whole head but the tongue? The duergar may then
involved on generating creatures and antagonists. The
have found the body and taken the head for himself?
Gamesmaster will need to create a lot of antagonists
But what has delayed the genuine monster-slayer?
during the course of a game, and sometimes during a
game-session. As such, rapid and easy antagonist
Creatures of the Mythic generation can be helpful. Four antagonist Aptitudes
are described below. The corresponding Player
Mithgerd is resplendent with many colourful, monstrous,
Character Aptitudes are provided in brackets.
terrible and earth-shaking creatures. A thing to keep
Command: (Cmd) Force of mind, lore, knowledge
in mind about the creatures and monsters of Mithgerd
and willpower. (Crafts, Wayfaring, Willpower,
is that these are things of individuality and variety.
Troldes and dragons may abound, but seldom are two
Guile: (Gul) Quickness of mind, cunning and wit.
Troldes very similar to one another. Some live in fetid
(Cunning , Perception, Presence, Subterfuge)
swamps as little more than savage beasts, others are
Might: (Mgt) The creature’s physical power, strength
almost civilized woodland, homely creatures whose
and courage. This Aptitude is used for close combat
favourite dishes are foxtail soup and badger-foot stew.
in the way that Affray or Brawling are used by Player
In short Mithgerd is filled with oddities, unique
Characters. (Affray, Brawling, Courage, Fortitude)
monsters and one-off creatures. There is no race of
Prowess: (Prw) Physical dexterity, agility and deftness.
Fenris and no flight of Fafnir, just one Garm, and
Prowess is used for ranged attacks. (Dexterity,
Grendel had only his mother.
Ranged, Wit)

The Root of Monsters Traits that Exceed Rank 8

More so than in most fantasy worlds the monsters of Many mythic creatures listed below have traits that
Mithgerd should spring from the earth itself. They could exceed Rank 8, dragons for instance have a number
seep out of the forests, and arise out of the earth, be of Traits at rank 15 or higher. As the Gamesmaster
stony skinned like the mountain and icy bearded like you can deal with these extraordinarily high Traits in
the frost. For the monsters of Mithgerd are often the one of several ways. The first is to simply roll dice as
creation of that untameable, wild, untouched aspect normally but split up dice pools up to make multiple
of the earth itself. They represent that which fire and actions per round that based on pools of 8 or less.
axe cannot tame and will be unlikely to ever fully For example a Might of 20 could be divided into
destroy. three attacks of 8/8/4. Alternately you can use the dice
When creating a creature to introduce into your game pool as a single large roll, although this may result in a
your should consider the following… ‘fist full of dice’ syndrome. A third way to deal with
• What role you want it to play very large dice pools is to reduce the number of dice
• What are its personality, appearance, powers and to 8 and then add a bonus based on the remaining
knowledge points. A Might of 20 would then convert to 8d10
• What are its attributes, skills and combat abilities (+12), which generates an exceedingly difficult
• What weaknesses it may have, either physical or in challenge for player characters, as the creature’s
character minimum score Might roll result be 13 and the
maximum will range up to 20 without any other

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
of a bear gains a little majesty of the creature in life.

Talismans Any ruler or king who wields such a sceptre can force
a subject to win a Contest of Willpower or be obliged
Talismans are crafted from the body parts of enchanted to follow the ruler’s commands. Take one Soulburn
creatures. For instance the fur of a wolf when cut and when you this power is used.
fashioned into a cloak becomes a relic that may add Skull of the Bear: A bear skull scoured and marked
to the wearer’s ferocity and strength. To create a with runes will ward away wild and dangerous animals
Talisman a character must have a Craft Aptitude of at – making them wary of venturing any closer than a
least Renowned. To simply hack up a pelt isn’t enough dozen paces.
- rites and rituals need to be performed over it. Hide, Helm of the Bear: A helmet set with a bear skull
horn or tooth can however be removed from a kill and gives a +1 bonus to the menace of the attacks of the
then at a later date given to a craftsman to turn into a wearer up to a limit of 8.
Talisman - no doubt for a fee.
Example Talismans Boar skin cloak: The skin and upper skull of a boar
Below is a list of Talismans and description of their can be fashioned into a hooded cloak that instils the
powers. Treat these as examples only and consider wearer with a little ferocious magic. The wearer can
inventing new and strange Talismans if the following gain a temporary +1bonus to any combat Aptitude for
are exhausted by a Talisman crafting Character. one round. Take one Soulburn when you use this
Tusk Necklace: The wearer of a boar tusk necklace
can force one opponent to win a Contest of Willpower
Eagle-Fletched Arrow: An arrow fletched with the
or flee in panic. Take one Soulburn when you use this
feathers of an eagle gains +1 Menace to a limit of 8.
Cloak of the Skies: A cloak made of eagle feathers
Jawbone Mace: A mace made from the jawbone of
allows the wearer to choose to automatically pass a
a Wild Boar has a Menace of 6 and can harm beings
Test of Perception. Take one Soulburn when you use
that can usually only be harmed by magic or enchanted
this power.
Necklace of Feathers: A necklace made of eagle
feathers adds one rank to the Perception of a character
while worn. Drachen
Skull of the Golden Eyes: A skull of an eagle scoured Scaled Armour: The beautiful, armoured skin of a
of flesh and marked with graven runes can be made Drachen can be made into armour that provides 2
into a Talisman that when carried adds +1 to your protection versus most damage and 3 protection versus
menace when using a ranged weapon. blades and edged weapons.
Talon of the Hunter: A talon of an eagle dried and Horn of Harrowing: The horns of a Drachen can be
used as a charm allows a character to choose to wrought into a hunting horn that when blasted causes
automatically pass one hunting related Test of Aptitude. all enemies within earshot to make a test of Willpower
Take one Soulburn when you use this power. (diff. 6) or suffer a temporary one rank penalty to all
combat Aptitudes until the end of the round..
Drachen-Bone Bow: A hunting bow made from the
bone of a Drachen has 7 Menace. When used to fire
Bearskin Cloak: A bearskin cloak can be forged
at a flying target the Menace increases to 9.
into a Talisman that causes wild animals smaller than a
Drachen-Bone Flute: A flute made from Drachen
bear - such as wolves or serpents - to retreat in fear
Bone if played with an Average (Rank Three) Craft
on a failed Contest of Willpower. Take one Soulburn
Aptitude or better will cause any Drachen within earshot
when you use this power.
to act friendly towards the player on a failed Test of
Sceptre of Kings: A sceptre carved from the bone
Willpower (diff. 5).

by Christopher Johnstone
dried and worn as a talisman that wards off natural
Dragons bad weather (at discretion of Gamesmaster).
Dragon Bone Blade: A sword or similar weapon Fishhook of Bone: A fishhook made from the bone
made from the bone of a Dragon has an additional +2 of a Nørg is especially potent and (assuming there are
Menace to a limit of 9. fish present) will catch enough fish to make a meal for
Dragon Skull Helm: A helmet made from a Dragon one person in about five minutes.
Skull bestows upon the wearer the ‘Voice that Saps
the Will’ power found under Dragons (see below). Trolde
Dragon Tooth Necklace: A Necklace made from Troldestooth Necklace: A necklace made from the
the teeth of at least five Dragon makes the wearer teeth of at least five troldes gives a +1 bonus to
immune to the ‘Voice that Saps the Will’ power. Fortitude to a limit of 9.
Blood and Spittle: The blood and spittle of a Dragon Bone Hilt: Any weapon with a hilt or half Trolde bone
can be mixed together and brewed into a potion that gains a bonus +1 menace to a limit of 9.
will heal the drinker of any recent burns from heat or River Trolde Armour: River Trolde skin can be
fire. turned into a thick, leathery armour that provides 2
Horn of Maraud: The horn of a Dragon can be protection from normal attacks and complete
wrought into a hunting horn that when blasted causes protection versus acidic damage.
all enemies within earshot to make a test of Willpower Horn of Soured Wine: The horn of a River Trolde if
(diff. 8) or flee in terror. carved into a drinking horn causes any liquid poured
Fire-Scale Armour: The pelt of a Dragon can be into it to turn into a weak poison.
made into protection 3 armour. The armour provides
5 levels of protection against fire or enchanted attacks. Wolf
Fire-Scale Shield: The heaviest and thickest scales Necklace of Wolf Teeth: A necklace made from the
of a Dragon if crafted into a shield provides a Block teeth of at least five wolves makes the wearer’s immune
Blow of 8/10 and a Soak Threshold 12. to the ‘Silence of the Wolf’ power (see Wolf, below).
Tongue of the Dragon: A Dragon’s tongue, if roasted Wolf-Skin Cloak: A cloak made from the pelt and
and eaten, will grant the ability to understand and speak upper skull of a wolf adds one bonus level to the
the languages of birds, serpents and lizards. wearer’s hunting, foraging, survival and awareness
related Tests of Aptitude (at Gamesmaster’s
Nørg discretion). If a cloak is made from a wolf body then
Bone Wand: The arm bone of a Nørg can be crafted Wolf-Paws and the Howling Skull talismans cannot
and carved so that it retains some of the Nørg’s mastery be culled from the same body.
over sea and storm. The owner of a Nørg-bone wand Wolf-Paw: A mummified wolf-paw makes a charm
is able to make a Test of Willpower (diff. 7) to attempt that allows the bearer to walk silently and leave no
to summon or drive away weather at sea. A success traces when passing.
will result in a gradual change in the weather in the Howling Skull: A wolf-skull scoured of its flesh and
bone-caster’s favour. marked with the proper runes can make a potent
Nørg Hair Harp: A harp strung with twined Nørg guardian object. Placed where the hollow eyes watching
hair produces such music of profound and deep beauty over a path or approach the skull will resound with
that any who listen to it must make a Test of Willpower one powerful, and blood-chilling howl if anything
(diff. 6) or be temporarily transfixed by the song. unusual or threatening approaches. The skull is able to
Nørg Scales: The scales of a Nørg can be ground see spirits and other invisible entities.
and made into a powder that when mixed with wine
will allow the drinker the breath underwater. Wurum
Leather-Scale Armour: The scaly skin of a Nørg Blood-of-Venom Potion: The blood and bones of a
can be made into armour that provides 3 protection. serpent can be crushed and brewed into a potion that
Storm-Ward Charm: The claw of a Nørg can be when drunk removes from the character all sense of

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
remorse or pity. The effects of the potion last about a story is in the form of a hazard. Monsters can provide
one hour. excitement for players during slow moments in the plot.
Serpent Necklace: The skull of a serpent scoured, But, this is a role which is also often over-used in fantasy
and worn on a necklace will protect the wearer from games. Carefully consider what motivation a creature
poisons, giving a temporary +1 bonus to Fortitude may have for attacking a group of well armed and
when resisting a poison. Additional skulls are potentially very dangerous characters. Is there
cumulative up to a limit of 9 Fortitude. something it wants? Is it merely hungry? Will it retreat
Skull Chalice: A cup made from the skull of a Wurum if repelled on the first onslaught? Will it try and grab
turns black upon being filled with poison. After the one character and run? Perhaps the characters have
poison has been removed it returns to its normal off- something it fears?
white hue.
Sea-Wurum Skull: The skull of a Sea Wurum when Guardian
scoured of flesh and painted with ochre runes will make The guardian is a very common theme in mythic stories:
a charm that will protect a boat from sinking. the dragon gloating over stolen gold, the grave ghost
Wurum-tooth Necklace: The teeth of a Sea Wurum watching over a buried king, the spirit of the woods
can be crafted into a necklace that adds a level of watching over a sacred glade, a monstrous dog that
ability to the wearer’s Fortitude Aptitude while guards the gates to a warlord’s hillfort. A guardian is a
swimming. creature that the characters will very likely hear of well
before encountering it. It may be an active, aggressive
Trophies guardian, or one that works through machinations.
Perhaps it manipulates the elements, local spirits, or
A trophy differs from a Talisman in several ways. A other animals into acting as barriers for its defence.
trophy need no particular skill or discipline to craft – it Perhaps it will not attack at all but prefers to make
is merely a piece of corpus, a claw, a scalp, a tooth, bargains and ask riddles upon pain of death.
taken from a kill. Trophies only grant bonuses to the
wearer if they come from beasts slain by the wearer. Mentor
Only he who strikes the death blow to a creature is An important role for intelligent, magical and worldly
deemed its slayer. Taking someone else’s trophies creatures is that of the wise tutor. A creature willing to
grants no bonuses. For every five trophies collected impart knowledge and vital secrets - even for a price -
from different kills and strung on a trophy cord the may be worth more than a hundred weight of gold
wearer gains a +1 bonus to menace when fighting that marks.
creature. For instance five wolf teeth on a trophy chain
give a +1 bonus to menace when battling wolves. The
same piece of corpus cannot function as both a talisman
The peoples of Mithgerd place a lot of faith in the
and a trophy – it must be one or the other.
meaning and importance of omens. If two dragons
Be also aware that the power of trophies works both
come roaring out of the forest only to battle one another
ways. A Trolde who collects five human heads or
to the death then the soothsayers will be called and
scalps or dried out hands will gain the same +1 bonus
the importance found out. If a trolde with the head of
versus humans in battle.
a wolf kills two men is it chance, or was he sent by the
gods to express their displeasure?
Roles of Monsters
Monsters serve different and various roles in the story. Trial by Test
Below are a few ideas for you to toy with and adapt. A creature may also serve as a form of test for the
characters to pass. It may be woven with illusion to
make it appear not as it is. Will the characters realise
that the ferocious looking bear is in fact an enchanted
Arguably the most common role a creature will take in

by Christopher Johnstone
king? Will they treat the old trolde-wife with kindness,
and thus earn her respect, or with revulsion, and thus
earn her wrath? A creature may set your characters a
task to perform to earn a right to a place, object,
treasure or person.

A creature may itself be the reward and goal of an
adventure. Especially if the rules for Talismans are used,
in which case potentially powerful magic can be culled
from the bodies of dead enchanted creatures.

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition

Chapter Ten
There were weird things in the woods. Little blinking eyes in the dusk and scratching sounds and scurrying
noises. But he was never afraid of them. He had never been afraid of walking in the night down the lonely paths.
He sang his songs and carried his axe and bundle of wood and sometimes honey, if he’d found a wild hive. And
they never bothered him much. So long as he put out some butter or a cake of oats now and then. There was a
concord between them. It was something that the lord’s men did not understand when they came riding into the
woods to take the taxes due. The creatures with the blinking eyes and scurrying feet liked their butter and
oatcakes. They would not give up the bargain so easily as that and let their provider be taken away. The lord sent
another troop of men. But they did not return either. So the lord gave up on the woodcutter. He sent no more men
into the woods, and the woodcutter left out some extra butter now and then and sometimes wondered what
those screams had been he’d heard a year or so ago.

Antagonists are an important part of the game. It is the Dangerous Folks

enemies of the Players who will present the most danger
Below are brief discussions of several unusual Mortal
and obstacle to achieving riches, fame and eventual
antagonist that Characters may meet from time to time.
legend. Be the antagonists competitors with the
character for the same treasure, warriors of an enemy
tribe, guardians, monsters, a petty magicians who have Wildmen
been slighted or an inscrutable wild spirit that is an Wildmen is a term used for the folk of the forests,
incomprehensible as it is dangerous. mountains and icy fields that have in them a mixture of
human blood as well Trolde and Ettin and on occasion
Duergar. They are typically large, hunched and hairy,
Mortals sometimes have horns after the or sharp teeth, long
Mortal antagonists will be the most common opposition fingers and glinting eyes. Wildmen are not quite so
Characters are likely to meet in the day-to-day world obviously monstrous as Half-Troldes (see Troldes,
- they are also potentially the most dangerous as they below), but they are certainly not entirely human.
have what other creatures do not, social connections, Command: 3 Guile: 4
ties, loyalties and obligations that may see the Might: 4 Prowess: 5
Characters outmatched not by force or magic, but by Health: 12
simple social influence. Menace: 5 Armour: 5
Within the lands of Mithgerd there are many folks
who will be of a danger to Player Characters. There Village Witch
are the lawless men of the woods and forests, Cunning-men, witches, hags and local curse-peddlars,
village thugs, the armed thegns of unkind lords any sorcerer of even a petty sort is dangerous not just
and dark sorcerers. What follows is a summary of as worker of magic, but also as a local figure of fear
the raw combat traits typical of the commoner and influence. Folk who are afraid of a witch-master’s
sorts of antagonists. This is a to considered a very wrath may drive troublesome characters out of the
vague summary and not representative of all folk village or worse. The number of power of spells that a
who might fall into the following categories. petty witch or sorcerer will know will vary, but typically
shouldn’t exceed ten spells of average power.
Command: 5 Guile: 6

by Christopher Johnstone
Might: 1 Prowess: 2 is abroad, the Fetch remains in the mortal world, a
Health: 8 trapped and tortured spectre that will very likely seek
Menace: 3 Armour: 1 revenge. The following are the increasingly powerful
categories of Fetch that can be summoned by sorcerers.
High Sorcerer
A learned and powerful wizard, witch or sorcerer is Least Fetch
another matter entirely to that of a local hedge-magian. Command: 4 Guile: 4
Such folks will have not just mortal warriors and troops Might: 4 Prowess: 4
in their employ but enchanted things too, and should Health: 10
the Characters actually face a high sorcerer, they should Menace: 4 Armour: 4
expect to have to meet with a range of at least twenty
spells of varying power, some of which may be Lesser Fetch
profoundly and swiftly deadly. Command: 5 Guile: 5
Command: 7 Guile: 6 Might: 6 Prowess: 6
Might: 2 Prowess: 2 Health: 15
Health: 10 Menace: 6 Armour: 6
Menace: 3 Armour: 5
Greater Fetch
Fetch Command: 6 Guile: 6
The enchanted soul-wraith or sending-beast of a Might: 8 Prowess: 8
sorcerer, sent out from a trance-bound body to do the Health: 20
dark work of the mage. Fetch are typically shadowy Menace: 8 Armour: 8
looking things with glowering eyes in a roughly animal
form of the sorcerer’s choice. A Fetch can only be
harmed by sorcery or enchanted weapons. If a
Aelfan Folks
Mortal’s Fetch is killed then the sorcerer also dies. If The charmed folk of the mountains, wilds and forests,
the sorcerer’s trance-body body is slain while the Fetch with magic in their blood, and great crafts in arts
sorcerous. Long years of magic in ancestral blood have

Some Mortals...
Might Health Menace Armour
Non-Combatant Rank 1 10 1 0
Brute Gang Rank 2 12 5 1
Lawless Men Rank 3 10 4 2
Lawless Champion Rank 4 10 5 3
Lawless Prince Rank 5 12 6 4
Local Militia Rank 2 10 3 2
Local Warriors Rank 3 10 4 3
Petty Laird (landowner) Rank 4 10 5 4
Local Champion Rank 4 12 5 4
Folk Hero Rank 6 14 7 4
Lord’s Warband Rank 4 10 5 5
Thegn Rank 5 12 6 6
Royal Archers Rank 4 10 6 4
Royal Warriors Rank 4 10 6 5
Royal Guard Rank 6 12 6 6
Royal Champion Rank 7 14 7 7

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
warped the Aelfan Folks and they are born tainted. for the ownership of Duergar hoards.
They may come into the world with eyes of milky white
or blood red, silver-gold hair, gangly fingers, skin like Fullangar, Lord of the Iron Boar
moonlit wood, grey lips or sharp teeth. But the Aelfan A lesser nobleman of the Duergar clan of Harr.
Folk are proud and conceited, they do not show their Fullangar is a stout fellow, with a beard like bronze
malformed selves to the world but rather veil themselves wool and skin of ruddy, ashy hue. He is the heir of a
with illusions of beauty and wonderment. But the Aelfan great treasure handed down through generations, a
Folk draw their charms and sorceries from the magic great warhammer, rune-cut with a head in the shape
that envelops them, and as they draw on their magic, of two boar’s heads facing outward. The Iron Boar
their illusions fall away. If one of the Aelfan Folk uses has Menace 7 and grants its wielder +1 level to the
up all of his or her veil of magic then all illusions are Affray Aptitude. Speaking aloud the secret name of
lifted and their Aelfan’s true and ugly form is revealed. the boar will cause the two heads of the hammer to
An Aelfan’s magic is kept as Glomarye. An Aelfan open their mouths and issue a terrible scream that
with Glomarye Rank 10 is deeply hidden within glowing echoes for miles. Any who see the hammer scream
illusions of beauty. As Glomarye decreases the illusions are forced through magic make a Test of Courage (diff.
of become increasingly less potent and wondrous. 8) or flee in terror.
When Glomarye is reduced to 0 the Aelfan is Command: 5 Guile: 6
completely revealed. Might: 5 (+1) Prowess: 4
Health: 10
Raugund, Knight of the Mists Menace: 7 Armour: 6
An Aelfan warrior of the Gloam Wood in armour of
silver scales, who rides upon a milk white Aelfan steed
and rides beneath a pennant made of swirling mists. Ettin
Raugund has two charmed magics. His first is the power The proudest, and most honourable of any of the races
to summon thick silvery fogs. His second magic allows left upon the mortal earth, the Ettin stand well over the
him to conjure illusory sounds, be they disembodied height of a tall man, are broad of shoulder and strong
voices, strange eerie animal screams, howls or of arm. They dwell not as mere savages but as kings,
crunching footsteps. Both powers cost a single point and warriors in the high mountains, in halls resplendent
of Glomarye to invoke. with the carvings of enslaved Duergar, dressed in rich
Command: 7 Guile: 7 furs and waited on by thralls taken from mortal villages.
Might: 6 Prowess: 7 For the Ettin were once the chief servants of the gods,
Health: 10 and their bloodline is mixed with human, animal and
Menace: 6 Armour: 5 spirit blood.
Wars between men and Ettin are not as common as

Duergar they once were, but strife still occurs now and again.
Battles tend to be short when the Ettin’s size and sheer
The folk of rock and stone, iron, gold and silver, the ferocity is in their favour – but they are also rarer and
mine-folk, the beardlings and wizened creatures of the slower to multiply than men, and outnumbered in battle,
deep, dark wildernesses and mountain dells. The many Ettin have come to an end under a hail of axe
Duergar are a long-lived folk, long of memory, blows and spears.
remembering both favours and insults for long years,
crafty and cunning, and steeping in arts and lore. Throgost Stonebeard
Duergar are famed chiefly for their skills in the artisan’s A grey-fleshed Stone-Ettin, with skin carved and cut
crafts, and the wares, treasures and stonecraft of into swirling patterns and incised with elder runes. He
Duergar is much sought after. In ages past other folks, possesses a pair of sweeping ivory horns, a beard that
Mortal Men, Troldes, Aelfan and Ettin alike have lusted appears to be made of flowing obsidian and his eyes
after Duergar treasures and much blood has been spilt that are like polished moonstones. Throgost is a minor

by Christopher Johnstone
lord in the service of King Jargdorox, and has at his fox’s blood, making the whole race seem mysterious,
command a fighting band of twelve good Ettin. He has and on the border of the limits of mortal knowledge.
led several raids on the kingdoms of the Mountain
Kings and carries a number of Duergar Beards as Magpies
trophies from his belt. Terrible gossips, fools, clowns and jokers. Never trust
Command: 6 Guile: 5 a magpie and never believe what one tells you - it is
Might: 7 Prowess: 6 probably lying and if it isn’t lying it is only telling the
Health: 20 truth because the truth will be more dangerous for you.
Menace: 8 Armour: 7
Small Beasts Mice and simple minded, with fluttering, frantic minds
and little power of thought. They are very single minded
In the realm of Wayfarer’s Song, the birds and beasts and remember both injuries and favours better than
have somewhat more intelligence than those of this might be thought, though they seldom have the power
mundane world. By spell or potion a person may talk to do much in the way of either revenge or gratitude.
to sparrows or converse with dogs. Certain clever
animals, such as foxes and ravens in particular even
learn some of the mortal man’s tongue and can speak
Owls are strange, peculiar birds. Friends of the night
that well enough to be understood.
airs and it is said of spirits and Aelfan things, the oldest
and wisest of owls are said to be privy to not merely
Brocks the secrets of the dead, but also those elder secrets of
Brock, or badgers as they are more commonly called the earth itself, and of the gods who ruled the earth
today, are a stalwart, earthy folk. Rustic of wit, seldom before the gods of men had walked the green hills.
cunning, but slow to forget the wisdoms they have
learnt and often wilful to the last, the Brock is a creature
of absolutes, a folk that is known for its intractable
Proud birds, kings among crows and rooks and
nature and surprising capacity for ferocity.
magpies, the raven is not merely a bird aware of its
own majesty, but also a bird closer to magic than most
Crows other creatures. Their eyes of frozen amber take in
Crows tend to be dour, argumentative, lazy, a bit over not just the mortal world but spirits also, they can see
serious and sometimes difficulty to deal with when magic, and know sorcerers for what they are on sight.
speak the language of birds. They are far more deeply Raven are often experts in dozens of languages, know
clever than they seem on the surface and a crow who a little about sorcery but just as often refuse to show a
can be bothered to lend advice or aid can make a knowledge of anything at all, partly for the fun of it,
good friend who is worth listening to. partly because it is in their nature – a stubborn streak
runs through them as thick and solid as the black of
Foxes their feathers.
Foxes, though clever, tricky and cunning, seldom learn
much of a talent for words. They are more capable of Sparrows
repeating things they have heard, or speaking in riddles Sparrows are silly and foolish with barely the wits to
than saying anything of any real sense, and no fox carry on a conversation in language of birds, let alone
anywhere worth his salt, ever gave anyone a straight in a human tongue. Their kind almost never learns a
answer. mortal tongue and when spoken to through sorcery
One of the chief reasons for trying to make sense of a their twittering confused answers often reveal little more
fox is their capacity for rumour, and their love of than where the best butterflies and midges can be found
enchantment. They often go wandering in Aelfan realms of a summer.
and a part of that Aelfan magic has worked into the

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
Command: 4 Guile: 4

Great Beasts Might: 9

Health: 25
Prowess: 8

In the world of Mithgerd the great creatures of the Menace: 8 Armour: 8

earth, bears wolves and the like are dangerous,
intelligent and not a little magical. Boars
Wild Boar are among the most fearsome and ferocious
Bears animals that can be found lurking about the lowlands
Bears although dangerous to provoke to anger, are woods and fields. In the mythic age Wild Boar grow
slow, ponderous and honourable if sometimes greedy to the size of a small bullock, have tusks as long and
creatures. With little interest in the affairs of men or sharp as those of a trolde and are an unpredictable
other beasts the bear will walk alone, hunting honey, force of nature like no other. They are often aggressive,
rooting out grubs and munching berries to his heart’s territorial and a large male may easily break down a
content. Some learn the language or wolves, or the wood and stone wall and kill several hunting dogs to
quiet tongue that the jaw used to speak to the deer, get to a paddock of farm-sows or an orchard of apple
but only a very few, the princes of bears learn a human trees.
tongue and then they tend to speak slowly, as if each Rage: Whenever a Wild Boar is injured but not killed
word needs deep and careful rumination. by an attacker its Menace increases by 1 to a limit of
Intractable Fury: A Bear defending cubs, food or its 8 and its attack increases by one level of Aptitude.
lair gains +3 to Injury even if significantly outnumbered Command: 2 Guile: 2
- i.e. if a Bear rolls 6 Injury on a Test of Menace this is Might: 7 Prowess: 7
increased to 9 Injury when defending cubs, food or a Health: 15
lair. Menace: 6 Armour: 4
Savage Maw: Upon inflicting 6 ranks of Injury or
more (after armour has been taken into account) a Rungir of Ironwood
bear can choose to bite off a hand, foot or part of a Wild Boar: Men within a hundred leagues of the
limb. Ironwood have heard tell of Rungir and his progeny.
Command: 3 Guile: 2 For Rungir it is said is the lord and king of wild swine,
Might: 8 Prowess: 8 the last of a great race age-old and power and larger
Health: 20 than most bears. Rungir was once such a force of fury
Menace: 8 Armour: 6 that he slew hero after hero who came to take his life
with spear and torch – but his is weakening now. His
Lord of Northron Wood tusks are yellowed and chipped, his snout is wart-
Northron Wood is ruled over by a very particular king, encrusted, his eyes milky and half-blind. But the hunter
Bragar a massive golden-coated bear easily the size should beware for there is still some fire left in the
and weight of a small cottage. But Bragar is not a savage veins of the boar-god – and then of course there are
master; he is wise and rules his realm with the true his many children.
fairness that only wild things know. His court is in the Command: 4 Guile: 3
deep, deep dells where human feet have never trod Might: 8 Prowess: 8
and wherein others of his kin come ambling through Health: 20
the murky shadows and pay him greetings and bring Menace: 8 Armour: 5
him shanks of deer and wild goats to chew upon.
Generally a peaceable creature, travellers in Bragar’s Eagles
realm should have little to fear so long as they do not
Proud birds, the golden eagle soaring high above the
over-hunt the glades and are willing to share any kill
affairs of mortal men, is the king of all the air. The
with a bear be it large or small that happens upon them.
master of all that goes by wing, all that dresses in

by Christopher Johnstone
feathers. The proud falcon and quarrelsome rook alike conversing with their prey in a chill, hissing voice,
fear and respect the word of eagles. serpents of Mithgerd behave much as one would
In the age-old past, Eagles grew to sizes unknown expect. They hunt, bask and hibernate just as serpents
today, huge monstrous creatures that could blot out always have and always will.
the sun. Slowly over the years their kind have dwindled The very largest of their kind grow so huge and bulky
until a few giants might only just enough carry away a that they can find no rest on land but instead crawl
full grown man in their claws. Most eagles know a away to lurk in the deep dark seas – growing there
little of human language if only to tell bothersome ever larger to sizes that no serpent of the land could.
mortals to leave their mountain realms or risk ending Venomous Bite: Any Character who suffers five points
up as dinner for nestlings. or more of injury from a serpent is considered
Dive: An Eagle can attack from the air, diving with poisoned and must make a Test of Fortitude (diff. 6).
outstretched claws. A dive attack adds a +5 bonus to A failed Test of Fortitude deals an additional point of
Injury and two bonus levels to the Might Aptitude. Injury. The following round the Character must then
For example, if an Eagle with Might Rank 3 dives its make another Test of Fortitude, again suffering a point
skill increases to Rank 8 and any injury it inflicts is of injury if failed. This continues until the Character
increased by five ranks, for instance 4 ranks of injury succeeds the Test of Fortitude or the poison is
would become 9. otherwise cured.
Command: 3 Guile: 3 Command: 2 Guile: 2
Might: 4 Prowess: 8 Might: 4 Prowess: 10
Health: 12 Health: 5
Menace: 6 Armour: 3 Menace: 10 Armour: 2

Arngrim Roanfeather Wolves

Lord of the Mallog Mountains, Arngrim Roanfeather Wolves in the world of Mithgerd are not simple, dull
is majesty to behold hunting the cold mountain airs. beasts. For the wolves of the mythic age are a greater,
The undisputed lord of his realm, accompanied by his larger more powerful race and even the least among
feathered kith he rules the skies, hunts the earth and them stood three to four foot, and had cleverness not
makes nests of woven trees in the highest crags. For it only to understand spoken human languages but also
is said that Arngrim is such a storm of wing and claw to speak them.
that even those few young Drakkar who lurk about Wolves are among the least honourable of beasts,
the roots of his mountains in twisting caves refuse to savage, hunting creatures that delight in the taste of
rise to the air for fear of the long of clouds and winds. flesh and blood. The chiefs of their kind grow to
Command: 5 Guile: 5 tremendous size, and often learn to speak a little of the
Might: 6 Prowess: 8 local human language – enough at least to demand
Health: 15 tribute to their kingship over a forest or fens. A tribute
Menace: 8 Armour: 4 that will be either taken or given, one way or another.
Overbear: Upon successfully biting an opponent a
Serpent wolf can choose to hold on and try to bring the prey to
The serpent in the world of Mithgerd is a large, the ground. The victim is allowed a Test of Fortitude
poisonous creature with wits sharpened by wickedness each round to try and throw the wolf off. If the test
and a cruel, cold nature. Aside from their larger size fails then the victim looses one rank of Fatigue. Multiple
serpents look otherwise little different from a bright wolves will work together to try and bring down large
hued, golden-eyed adder. Especially those in the deep prey in this manner. Note that a wolf gripping hold of
and remote wilds can grow to prodigious size and from prey is unable to dodge any attacks either from the
a distance might be mistaken for a small Wurum. Aside victim or from an ally, and to do so must left go.
from being as likely to spend a moment or two Silence of the Wolf: As long as wolves outnumber
prey anything surrounded or confronted by wolves is

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
put under a wolf-charm making it unable to call out for
help. Magical Folk & Things
Command: 3 Guile: 3 There are many and varied magical creatures, fay things
Might: 4 Prowess: 3 and weird monsters in the world of Mithgerd, some
Health: 6 are humanish is shape and wits, be they small Nisse or
Menace: 4 Armour: 2 lumbering Troldes, others are huge monsters, utterly
bestial, such as the great fire-breathing dragons of elder
Golnir Flametongue power.
In the vales and valleys of the lands of Mortal Men
there lurks a thief in the night, a cunning chieftain of his Drachens
kith – the black wolf Golnir. It is said his maw is so redThe smaller kith of great dragons these much disliked,
with the blood of the slain it burns scarlet in the night but beautiful creatures can be found nesting in those
and his eyes are glowering flecks of gold. woodlands and wilder places from which they have
Command: 4 Guile: 4 not yet been chased by the arrows and stones of men.
Might: 5 Prowess: 4 When fully grown Drachens boast a wingspan only
Health: 10 about the same size as the armspan of a tall man. Swift,
Menace: 5 Armour: 3 chattering, and intelligent they are well-known as
thieves of poultry and their pelts, having a beautiful
Vargeisa, Elder Shewolf mingling of usually brassy, gold and scarlet scales are
Deep in the ancient woods dwell the last remnants of much prized. This swift flying gold-winged kin of
a race of wolves who are held by many to have been dragon is by no means as common as they once were.
the gods and sires of all wolves. If one should ever Indeed, ironically a person is increasingly more likely
meet an elder wolves it is not hard to imagine such a to encounter a Mere-Drachen in the court of a
creature padding along at the dawn of time creating all warlords or sorcerer-king, some of whom keep the
the wolf-kin just as our gods created men and Aelfan small dragons as unusual pets or guards, than in the
and duergar. wild.
Elder wolves grow to about the size of a large poney Command: 3 Guile: 3
and sometimes larger. They are long, and sleek rather Might: 5 Prowess: 5
than cumbersome and move with surprising ease Health: 15
through tangled undergrowth. Their pelts are a silvery Menace: 5 Armour: 4
white, and by the light of the sun or moon those pelts
appear dusted with grains of sparkling light. Among Lokkar Cove-Haunter
their own kind Elder Sire-Wolves are peaceful, even Beautiful, silver and blue scaled, swooping over
kind and protective of one another. But, they hold no sparkling waters catching fish on the wing and beating
illusions about their place in the scheme of things. They a dripping path up into the sky. Lokkar Cove-Haunter
are hunters. All creatures of blood and flesh that walks is a Drachen at home both in the air and water and is
in their realm are prey. graceful and agile in both mediums. Though Lokkar
The master of the last remaining Elder Wolves of the and his kin are good climbers dextrous cliff-nesters
Iron Wood is the she wolf Vargeisa - as large as a they are somewhat clumsier on the level ground than
good sized warhorse, the voice of the Caller of the most Drachen and tend to hop rather than walk
Hunt is enough to shake the nerves of the most self- smoothly.
sure heroes. In that voice is the echo of ages, of power, The average of Lokkar’s kin grows to about the weight
of nightly hunts for a thousand years. of a horse by adulthood. Lokkar himself is a giant of
Command: 6 Guile: 6 his kind and almost twice the size making him much
Might: 5 Prowess: 6 feared, much admired and much hunted in the coves
Health: 15 and fjords of his home waters of Sorthes Channel.
Menace: 7 Armour: 4

by Christopher Johnstone
Being somewhat social creatures they nest in colonies Rivalry and bickering weeds out the weeker hatchling
and often hunt in pairs or even small packs. They are early on. It takes about a century for dragonets to
known for a habit of working together to mislead, grow into fully fledged juvinile adults. During this time
beguile or ambush prey. They have been known to dragonets are wingless and spending most of their time
play quite elaborate tricks and can learn to speak hunting in and around nearby pools, river or meres. In
common mortal languages quite fluently. There are many apperance dragonets are similar to a young Wurum,
tall tales of warning concerning Lokkar pretending to and the shared ancestry of Dragons and Wurums can
be injured, hiding in reeds and calling for help, or quite plainly be seen at this stage in their life.
purposely snaring a line on a log to lure potential snacks Near their hundreth year dragonets grow wings and
closer to the water edge. begin to look more like an adult drake. They become
Command: 4 Guile: 4 still more quarrelsome and at once able to fly, fledgeling
Might: 6 Prowess: 6 drakes are typically chased out of their den and territory
Health: 20 by their mother.
Menace: 6 Armour: 6 Dragons never cease growing in their long lives,
although they become torpid and lazy in old age and
Dragons grow very slowly. A dragon that does not meet with
an unnatural end can live for two or three thousand
Long-lived, cunning, charmed of voice and greedy,
years and although slow to breed, the territory needed
Dragons are among the more terrible dangers of the
by an adult dragon is large, seldom vacated, and hard-
wild lands, mountains and forests of the earth.
won in battle. Most fledgelings are forced to seek out
The Dragons of Mithgerd are sinuous creatures,
new territory. The sudden arrival of one or more newly
winged, regally horned and bright-eyed. Their shapes
fledged young drakes is a constant threat hanging over
and colours vary from strain to strain, from bright and
towns, kingdoms or fortresses near wild lands where
golden-red, to black as soot or as green and grey and
dragons dwell.
old as mossy rocks. They are treasure-hoarders,
Dragons in Mithgerd have split and wandered into a
hunters and flesh-eaters and a single dragon can in its
number of strains. Whereas dragons of a single strain
lifetime gather great piles of heathen gold to make a
will barely tolerate one-enough long enough to mate
bed for its massive body. A fact that has led many
or settle a dispute with their claws and teeth, dragons
foolhardy heroes to plans of dragon-slaying that leads
of different strains hold no tolerance at all. If dragon
most often to a swift end. These beasts have no need
flesh were not poisonous the larger strains would likely
for servants, thanes or thralls. All is either food or
hunt the smaller, as it is dragons will either give each
treasure to them and otherwise worthless, and any
other a wide birth or if prey is scarce attack in order
attempt to approach and speak with a Dragon should
to remove a potential competitor.
be done with utmost suspicion.
Count and Count Again: All dragons have a
Being solitary of nature, Dragons are seldom found
particular knack for telling at a glance whether anything
living near one-another and except in the case of a
in their domain has been stolen, disturbed or even so
mother and brood, they do not assocaite except to
much as touched. A dragon will be able to tell if just
mate or fight over territory. After mating a female
one gold ring has been stolen from a heap of treasures.
dragon gestates up to ten or twelve eggs for nine years.
Devouring Breath: Dragons are able to breath a
At the close of this time she may seek out a new lair or
blast of fiery breath. The spew of fire can strike targets
decide that her current abode will suffice as a nursary.
a little farther than a bowshot’s distance away from
Once laid, a dragon egg can incubate for a century or
the dragon.
more and during this time the mother will leave her
Enchanted Scales: The armoured scales of a dragon
den only to seek out food or water. The serpentine
are charmed against injury and deflect both mundane
dragonets that hatch out are about the size of a bullock
weapons and anything of Lest or Lesser Enchantment.
and are capable of hunting and fending for themselves.
In practical terms this means that to actually injure a
Hatchlings are watched over by the mother but are
dragon a weapon of Greater Enchantment or better is
not brought food or protected from one-another.

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
needed. and an elder of this kith of monster is all but unkillable.
Rage: Whenever a Dragon is injured but not killed It is a lucky thing for the folk of mortal men that Cold-
by an attacker its Menace increases by 1—to a limit Drakes prefer to keep themselves to the inaccessible
of 9—and its attack (Might and Prowess) is increases and frozen lands where darkness reigns.
by one level of skill. Command: 15 Guile: 15
Voice that Saps the Will: All dragons posses this Might: 15 Prowess: 15
very dangerous, very potent natural weapon - a voice Health: 25
that saps a listeners resolve not to listen to and believe Menace: 8 Armour: 8
its words. Any Character who hears a dragon make
enticements and offers or engages a dragon in Fell-Drake
conversation enters into a Prolonged Contest of Black and ashen of skin, drooped with long and fleshy
Willpower in which the first Character to reach 10 barbs, with great milky eyes and yellowed teeth, Fell-
Victory Points wins. If the dragon reaches 10 Victory Drakes smell and look like the corpses and carrion
Points first then the Character is compelled to obey they prefer to feed on. Haunting the lonely heathers,
the dragon as long as the dragon is within sight. If the moors and mountains, Fell-Drakes hunt live prey only
Character wins then charmed voice is thrown off and when pushed to desperate hunger and even then they
the Character is left in control and with free will. prefer to put their kill aside for a few days before
devouring it. Hated by mortal men as barrow-raiders
Cave-Drake and grave-diggers, Fell-Drakes will happily dig up the
Covered in thick stony scales, and sharp juts of rock- freshly buried dead to get at both meat and whatever
like horn, Cave-Drakes are huge and sluggish, heavily treasures have been interned.
armoured, poderous creatures. Living in and about Fell-Drakes grow to about thirty paces in length but
the shallow caves and crevices of high mountains and are much thinner and more serpentine than other strains
rocky barrens, Cave-Drakes are ambush hunters, of dragon. Often their ribs show through their black
often lying half-way out of a cave and relying on their scales and even when well-fed a Fell-Drake never
rocky scales to hide them. Cave-Drakes are said to grows sleek or fat. Preferring to scavenge at night,
lie in wait for days on end when hungry and profoundly Fell-Drakes almost never emerge in daylight, find bright
patient when watching something tasty moved stadily lights painful and have been known to react aggressively
closer through slit eyes. When angered or fighting to night-time fires and lanterns.
territorial battles, Cave-Drakes raise up several brightly Command: 15 Guile: 15
colour orange, red or purple spines and fins that lie Might: 15 Prowess: 15
otherwise invisible and flat agaisnt their flesh. Health: 20
Being poor fliers, Cave-Drakes can manage at best a Menace: 8 Armour: 7
laboured, strained flight for a few minutes before sinking
back to earth exhausted. They are one of the only Fire-Drake
strains of dragon that prefers to move about lumbering Haunting mostly the cold and frozen north, the stormy
over the earth rather than through the air. mountains and stony wastes, Fire Drakes are the
Command: 15 Guile: 15 largest, most beautiful and most dangerous of all the
Might: 15 Prowess: 12 strains of dragon. Fire-Drakes are covered in a coat
Health: 30 of shimmering scales that can vary from amber to red
Menace: 10 Armour: 12 to black, gold, brass and shimmering lightning white.
Their scales sparkle like polished gems, even in dim
Cold-Drake light, and the treasures of fire-drakes can look like
Creatures of the frozen north, with scales of rock and dull things when spread beneath one of these creatures.
ice, eyes like whirling storms at sea and a breath of Fire-Drakes are powerful hunters, greedier for gold
frozen fire. Cold-Drakes are terrifying to behold, than most of their cousins in the swamps and forests,
massive in size when fully grown, ponderous, relentless and the longest lived of any of the dragon kin. A Fire-

by Christopher Johnstone
Drake can live five thousand years or more, and given up her lust for the ancient gold she beds upon.
although they often sleep away long centuries in elder Command: 20 Guile: 20
age, these creatures remain dangerous right up to the Might: 20 Prowess: 20
point of old age, which tends to come upon a dragon Health: 40
quickly, leaving it at the mercy of younger dragons Menace: 15 Armour: 10
hungry for territory.
Fire-Drakes are the most cunning of dragon kin, and Crimson Hyrrokkin
although they never take servants or build empires, it Resplendent in scales of red and vermilion, ruby and
is a common tale that a Fire-Drake will descend upon garnet, Crimson Hyrrokkin flies like a burst of flame
a town or village and demand that it be regularly feed through the blue heavens, hunting the forests and hills
and provided with gold and jewels under threat of utter that surround his lair in the volcanic mountain of Nál.
destruction. For a hundred miles wide Hyrrokkin’s hot shadow is
Command: 15 Guile: 15 feared and dreaded.
Might: 15 Prowess: 15 Command: 20 Guile: 18
Health: 40 Might: 15 Prowess: 20
Menace: 12 Armour: 8 Health: 35
Menace: 15 Armour: 12
Among the smaller and slowest growing of dragons, Leirvór of Sthal
Wood-Drakes seldom reach sizes larger than thirty The black scaled, filth-encrusted Leirvór has long
paces from beak to tail-tip. Wood-Drakes are forest dwelled in his bleak and misty salt-marshes of the island
dwellers, living in the deep woods, wild green country of Sthal, long haunted the night sky and breathed
and hills. Their scales are thick with the muted gold ribbons of fire upon any who trespass upon his realm.
and amber-green of woodlands and often moss and Leirvór of Sthal is a jealous, greedy creature that dwells
lichen hangs about their horns and hide. Their eyes are in the ruins of a once-golden hall that sits upon an isle
liquid amber, and when perfectly still a Wood-Drake in the midst of a great stretch of marsh and swamp.
can easily be mistaken for a small and jagged hill in the The isle was once a sacral place, a resting place for
loamy soil. dead kings but a hundred years ago Leirvór came out
Command: 15 Guile: 15 of the north and set his selfish eyes upon the gilded
Might: 15 Prowess: 15 roof and the heaps of treasure left for the dead and the
Health: 15 priests.
Menace: 10 Armour: 5 There are no priests of the holy isle now, only the dead,
and Leirvór ruling over them all.
Aslaug the Gildenwing Command: 18 Guile: 20
Greater than Ashen Skorir, who ravaged the halls of Might: 15 Prowess: 15
King Mereot, more powerful than Oglathnir the Health: 30
Cragged, whose scales are like shards of stone, the Menace: 12 Armour: 10
mightiest, the largest and most powerful dragon of this
age, is she who men call Aslaug the Gildenwing. She Huld
lurks in the ruins of a long forsaken fortress in the barren
Small folk of the woods, hills and moauntains, related
wastes of the north, her bed is heaped with golden
to Nisse by a distant ancestor and somewhat akin in
treasures while her cave is littered with the curved white
shape to a small person, about three to four foot in
bones of heroes. But Aslaug has not stirred in a century
height, with skin ranging from pale grey to brown to
or more – for she is old and now she sleeps long years,
tawny colours and hair that is more often shaggy and
dreams of burning cities and the coppery taste of
fur-like than well groomed. Huld are a quiet, reticent
blood… waiting, dreaming… lurking… one day she
folk, not inclined to fighting and given to disappearing
will give up her lust for life, but not before she has

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
when confronted with violence. They are hunters,
gatherers, herdsmen and farmers, build small out of River-Huld
the way settlements and do what they can to go Gold and pale skinned, River-Huld live both along river
unnoticed. banks, near lakes and in some swamps. They build
Scamper: Huld can move over rough ground, through natural houses out of willows woven together, use
tangles and undergrowth and up cliffs as quickly and bronze and iron tools and get about in coracles. River-
swiftly as a fox. Huld do not keep any domestic animals except for
Vanishing: Huld are supernaturally talented at hiding. otters which are sometimes kept as pets and
By making a Test of Dexterity a Huld can vanish into cormorants which are sometimes tethered and used
shadows, undergrowth or any cluttered background as a fishing bird. Rings of twine are used to allow a
as if it had turned invisible. cormorant’s beak to open wide enough to snare a fish
but not swallow it. Otherwise River-Huld subsist on
Crag-Huld fish and waterfowl, watercress and a few humble crops.
A tribe of Huld that live in the very farthest north, up Command: 6 Guile: 5
windy and snowy mountains and among the high peaks. Might: 2 Prowess: 5
Crag-Huld farm and ride special breeds of goat, as Health: 6
well as keep them for food, wool and milk. They are Menace: 2 Armour: 0
the only vaguely aggressive tribe of Huld and will hail
stones, spears and sling-stones down on trespassers Wood-Huld
from hidden places above them - although such attacks Large, more dangerous, quicker and more agile than
are seldom fatal. Crag-Huld are ruled by tribal other Huld, Wood-Huld are hunters first and foremost,
chieftains and indulge in an elaborate religion of spirit- are often nomadic and dress in furs and hides. They
worship which is the domain of mask-wearing, ululating ornament themselves with beads and necklaces of bone
shamans who live as hermits away from tribal and antler and although these folk tend to avoid anything
settlements. larger than themselves which is not potential game,
Command: 6 Guile: 6 they will defend themselves with spears and bows if
Might: 3 Prowess: 6 backed into an inescapable corner.
Health: 6 Command: 5 Guile: 5
Menace: 3 Armour: 2 Might: 3 Prowess: 6
Health: 7
Scavenger-Huld Menace: 4 Armour: 2
A debased and pitiful tribe of Huld that have taken to
living near or around settlements of mortal men and Kraken
stealing from the human folk as much as they can.
Who dares disturb the kraken? Fools only. There are
Scavenger-Huld are very small, only two to three feet
those who will tell you that dragons are the most
tall, ragged looking with eyes that glow very slightly in
fearsome creatures that go by land and air. Perhaps
the dark and low whispering voices. They communicate
they speak the truth, but you would be unwise to believe
with one another over long distances with a language
that there are not more terrible, more wonderful, more
made up of strange bird-song sounds. They are
horrific things lurking in the deep blue sea than upon
considered a nuisance in some part of their haunts,
the land. The kraken is one of these: black, scaly, cold,
and equally erroneously bad luck to see in certain
large as an islet, with a horned, beaked crimson-eyed
villages and a form of good-luck wood-spirit in still
head surrounded all about a mass of lashing, deadly
tentacles - each one barbed and hooked. A young
Command: 4 Guile: 6
kraken can easily drag a ship beneath the stormy
Might: 1 Prowess: 3
waters and pick off her unlucky crew, whereas an adult
Health: 4
kraken may be mistaken for an island when it lies
Menace: 2 Armour: 0

by Christopher Johnstone
basking on the sea’s surface. Skin-Changer: A Nicor is able to assume the shape
Many arms: A kraken will have between six and of any creature that it has killed and eaten.
twenty hooked, tentacle-like arms, which it will use to Command: 3 Guile: 3
rake and attack with. Treat each arm as a separate Might: 4 Prowess: 5
opponent. Attacks directed against the body of the Health: 15
kraken have to negotiate a armour of between 7 and Menace: 6 Armour: 4
9 due to the tremendous size of these creatures and
must be ranged unless a Character close enough to Nisse
actually be eaten.
The Nisse are a small, secretive and shy folk, who are
Snatch and Swallow: If a Kraken’s tentacle defeats
sometimes called the grey men or the scavenger folk
an opponent by rolling a natural 10 then the Kraken
after their habits of wearing grey and their love of
can chose to pick up the target instead of deal injury.
thievery, respectively.
Once picked up a Character will be brought near the
The Nisse are, so it is said, descended from a tribe of
mouth. The Character can either try to fight the head
mortals whose blood was mixed with shy and secretive
of the Kraken at this point or make an attack against
spirits early in the dawn of time. They became a quiet
the tentacle which will be undefended but requires an
folk who made their homes in the deep forests, among
Test of Dexterity (diff. 7). A Character who suffers
natural things and birds and beasts. Nisse have a
five or more injury from the head of a Kraken is
supernatural talent for caring for animals and some are
considered swallowed alive.
said to sneak into human towns at night to care for
mistreated horses, dogs and cattle.
Animal Arts: Nisse can speak the languages of most
Command: 2 Guile: 2
natural birds and beasts.
Might: 20 Prowess: 6
Husbandry’s Arts: Nisse possess a powerful folk-
Health: 100
magic centred on healing and caring for animals. By
Menace: 20 Armour: 20
taking a point of Soulburn a Nisse can put a spell on
an animal so that it regains health and heals all wounds
within a week.
Command: N/A Guile: N/A
Vanishing: Nisse are supernaturally talented at hiding.
Might: 12 Prowess: 12
By making a Test of Dexterity a Nisse can vanish into
Health: 10
shadows, undergrowth or any cluttered background
Menace: 8 Armour: 6
as if it had turned invisible.
Command: 6 Guile: 6
Nicor Might: 2 Prowess: 3
The Nicor are a race of scaly, draconian looking water Health: 8
creatures that are sometimes and incorrectly called sea- Menace: 4 Armour: 1
troldes, weird water-goblins or demons. They dwell
most commonly in caves and inlets around remote Nørg
coasts, are vaguely sociable, often hunting in packs
Akin to Troldes and Ettin, the ancestors of the Nørg
and have a little magic in their blood - mostly to do
took to the fens, lakes, rivers and seas of Mithgerd in
with shape-shifting and skin-changing. Nicor decorate
ages past, and down the years have hunted the muddy
themselves with tattoos, sometimes found petty tribal
depths and water margins.
kingdoms and are generally held to be both backward
Nørg are massive creatures, and the sea-going breeds
and dim witted creatures.
are larger than the greatest of Troldes. Their flesh is
Nicor seldom come out of the waters and when they
covered in horny scales and they have lost most of
do it is usually to hunt prey or lure unwitting beasts or
their body hair. What is left is kelpy and straggling,
mortals to them by taking an assumed and innocent
green and full of snails and water beetles. All strains of
seeming shape.

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
Nørg have webbed claws and feet and some strains moved into the neighbourhood.
possess powerful rudimentary tails. Command: 2 Guile: 2
Sometimes called Sea or River Troldes by mortal men, Might: 4 Prowess: 5
Nørg are, as a rule, not quite as cunning as their land- Health: 15
going cousins. The Nørg have regressed largely to the Menace: 6 Armour: 5
state of an animal, they lack any power of speech, and
hunt and behave in the manner of beasts. Nørg seldom Fen Nørg
use even basic weapon or tools, and prefer to attack Huge and slimy, yellow eyes and filth encrusted, Fen
and kill with their teeth and claws. Capable of remaining Nørg can settle down into the mud and all but vanish
underwater for up to an hour, most Nørg make dens they are so covered with growth and plants, weeds,
in hollowed out caves accessible only through muck and crawling things. They prefer to ambush prey
underwater passages. They are as inclined to hunt fish, and drag it underwater are eternally patient, sometimes
otters and turtles, as they are sheep, cattle or people allowing prey to wander past because it is just out of
and although they venture onto land from time-to-time, reach, only to go carefully and quietly through the mud
Nørg seldom wander far from a body or water. and water to move into a better position further along
Master of Storm and Wave: A Nørg may summon the prey’s path.
or drive away a change in the weather at sea. Command: 3 Guile: 3
Invocation of this power results in a gradual change in Might: 3 Prowess: 4
the direction decided by the Nørg. Health: 12
Song of the Lurer: Some Nørg, and especially Menace: 6 Armour: 4
mermaids, have a fine and enchanted power to their
voice. Anyone hearing the enchanted song of a mermaid Sea Nørg
must make a Test of Willpower or feel compelled to Massive creatures, twice as big as the largest trolde,
try and move towards the songstress. with claws like hooked swords and a mouth full of
teeth that could crush and snap the bones of a small
Cave Nørg dragon. Sea Nørg re one of the more dangerous perils
Cave Nørg dwell in the deep dark lakes and rivers of the ocean and although they usually hunt fish,
that run subterranean beneath the earth. They come to dolphins and small whales, they are not indisposed to
the surface to hunt when hungry, emerging from caves boarding a ship or even capsizing one in order to get
or resurgences of cave-water and can move swiftly at something a little different to eat.
on dry land though they prefer to swim. They are smaller Command: 3 Guile: 4
and scrawnier than most strains of Nørg, are expert at Might: 4 Prowess: 6
squeezing through spaces that look far too tight for Health: 18
their bulk and can hold their breath for almost three Menace: 7 Armour: 6
hours when submerged.
Command: 2 Guile: 3 Old Greentooth
Might: 5 Prowess: 5 When the river Nørg Old Greentooth with his slick
Health: 15 green skin, and horns dripping weeds and scum, comes
Menace: 6 Armour: 6 bursting out of murky, foaming waters brave men
quake and horses scream in panic. Old Greentooth
River Nørg will allow a sheep or oxen or person to come right to
Large, lumpish, brown and muddy of colour, green the river edge before launching out of his muddy bed
haired with hook teeth. River Nørg lurk mostly in of reeds and weeds. He seldom ventures far from
deeper, siltier waterways and prefer to live in secret, water and then only to look for wild woodtrolde wife,
taking prey only when it is alone. Too many or if poor hunting and hunger drives him elsewhere.
disappearances along riverbanks that are attributed to Command: 4 Guile: 4
drowning may well indicate that a River Nørg has Might: 4 Prowess: 4

by Christopher Johnstone
Health: 18 The most famous of Sea Nørg - called only the Lurker
Menace: 8 Armour: 7 in the Waters by locals - this monstrous beast haunts
the waters of Torrent Cove in the Fjordlands. Many
Blue Folk of the Skerries of the local villages of fisherfolk worship the Lurker in
The Blue Men of the Skerries are a particularly the Waters as a minor god and appease him with
malignant clan of sea spirits who haunt and lay claim sacrifices of cattle and sheep yearly. It is a locally held
to a stretch of ocean called the Skerry Torrent. Any belief that the Watcher of the Waters is the protector
ship that passes through the Torrent is challenged by of all sea-life - if only because he alone wishes to hunt
these Nørg, and if the captain can not answer riddles all sea-life - and any man who over-fishes the waters
put to him then the Blue Men will summon a storm to risks the wrath of this watchful Nørg.
sink the unfortunate vessel. Command: 2 Guile: 3
Command: 6 Guile: 6 Might: 7 Prowess: 5
Might: 4 Prowess: 4 Health: 18
Health: 15 Menace: 7 Armour: 7
Menace: 7 Armour: 7
Njugal Trickshadow A species of tiny dragon, about the size of a house-cat
The Njugal is a tricksome, shapeshifting Nørg that and not much more dangerous or ferocious. Puk are
dwells in a deep watery hole called also Njugal’s Water. kept as pets in some parts of the world, but can make
This Nørg is malignant and well know for taking many for troublesome and dangerous things to have in the
different shapes in order to trick hapless mortals into house. This is not due to any temperament, claws or
his clutches, to be dragged away and devoured. powers but simply because Puk, just as with larger
Among other shapes he is known to take the form of a dragons, like to steal pretty things and hoard them. A
young, golden-haired boy, a fine prancing horse, or an Puk can end up causing a great deal of trouble for a
old man. Any shape he takes can be betrayed by human owner who doesn’t realise that there is a stolen
dampness and beads of water still clinging to his hair. trove of gold, copper pots, jewellery, stones, trinkets
Njugal’s ability to shapeshift comes from a small magic and junk under the floorboards - especially should
ring that he owns, made from the bone of a sea nicor. suspicion fall on the unfortunate person and a search
It is a Ring of Grander Enchantment and though it be enacted.
grants the wearer powerful shape-changing magic it Command: 3 Guile: 8
will eventually corrupt the wearer into a trollish creature Might: 2 Prowess: 8
no different from Njugal. Health: 3
Command: 4 Guile: 6 Menace: 2 Armour: 0
Might: 3 Prowess: 3
Health: 12
Menace: 6 Armour: 6
Huge and lumpish folk, distant relatives of the Ettin,
though fatter and heavier of form and bestial of nature.
Thrasir, Lurker in the Waters
Troldes live always in the remotes, rocky, wild places
Sea Nørg are among the largest and most cunning of
of the earth. They are huge, hairy creatures, with
their kind and make their lairs around rocky shores in
knotted fists, large bellies, thick almost earthy skin,
sea caves and remote fjords. They are massive hunched
luminous eyes and sharp teeth and claws. Some tribes
creatures. Their skin is armoured with plates and scales,
possess stranger still appearance and flesh - there are
above their heavy brow sport two proud horns and a
Troldes that live in icy lands with white and blue skin
tangle of wet hair. That same skull is set with a heavy
and grey wool for beards, rock-skinned Troldes and
beak-like jaw thick with sharp teeth. Quite unlike any
iron-skinned Troldes, Skog Troldes of the woods with
other of their kin Sea Nørg have webbing between
flesh like bark and strucktly nocturnal tribes with skin
their claws and posses a stout crocodilian tail.

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
like shadows which can merge into the darkness. also be found in some tales. Water Troldes are more
Troldes with two heads are also not unheard of. often called Nørg (see above), and have green or
Troldes keep no company but their own as no muddy brown hair, skin, teeth and eyes. There also
company but their own can stand them. exist rumours of Troldes who could pass for human
Being savage and less noble relatives of Ettin, a mortals in distant lands - albeit very large or magical
Trolde’s very nature is hunger itself, and although there looking humans.
are various strains of Troldes, some having wits almost Command: 4 Guile: 4
as dull as beasts and others possessing a human Might: 9 Prowess: 9
capacity for thought and speech, Troldes are, as a rule, Health: 14
predatory creatures. Anything that walks, flies or Menace: 6 Armour: 6
crawls is fit for a Trolde’s dinner cauldron, including
among other things, wolves, grubs, crow eggs, foxes, Half-Trolde of the Wilds
rats, badgers and people. The less cunning strains of In a few dark and remote corners of the earth there
Troldes will hunt meat as an animal does, ambushing exist clans of mortal men whose blood has mingled
or running down prey, the more cunning will use traps with that of Troldes in the distant past. These half-
and snares, tricks, cajolery and even a little magic, if it trolde folk tend to be large, burly and hairy. They
can be got. Troldes can eat any flesh at all and are sometimes have vestigial horns, slightly fang-like teeth
immune to all poisons - they are the only living creatures and eyes that see well in the night. By no means
in Mithgerd that can eat dragon-flesh, though they tend universally aggressive or dangerous half-trolde clans
to prefer not to, even if a carcass is lying about for can and do exist peacefully with neighbouring tribes
free, as even Troldes suffer indigestion from dragon and individuals are sometimes sought, often at great
meat. expense, and recruited into the personal bodyguard
A large, full-grown Trolde can stand up to twice the of a warlord or chieftain.
height of a man when stooped, which is their usual Command: 6 Guile: 6
posture. Troldewives are taller and heavier than male Might: 6 Prowess: 4
Troldes, and should be considered more cunning and Health: 15
aggressive. Any Trolde cottage, den or lair that has a Menace: 6 Armour: 6
Troldewife in residence will be run by her - male Troldes
learn early in life to do as they are told, and make for Hogback the Brown
henpecked and oft-nagged husbands. Brown skinned, twisted horned with sharp, thick
Troldes vary from being curious, to sometimes helpful yellow teeth and a hunched frame. The massive Trolde
to outright malignant in their dealings with mortals. They clan chieftain Hogback the brown dwells in the hills
often appear alone, although sometimes live in close- and woodlands of the wild sometimes wandering very
knit families, usually a Trolde and Troldewife and at close to the villages and hamlets of mortal men. As
most one or two young children. Seldom more than large, and powerfully built as he are, Hogback is both
two or three Troldes ever inhabit the same cave or more and less dangerous for having developed quicker
remote hut. wits and more profound sense of curiosity than most
Troldes are known for stealing women, children, troldes. He dresses himself up in furs and stolen bits of
animals and property and are most active during the rags and is often deeply interested in the mysterious
night. Some say if daylight falls upon their skin they ways of men. Hogback will happily sit watching
turn to stone. During the long half-twilight of the secretly from the woods for hours enthralled by the
northern spring and autumn troldes become particularly peculiar ritual of washing clothes in a river, or mowing
active, able to roam all hours without fear of this a field, or building a stone wall.
unpleasant fate. His lair are often crammed with stolen ‘treasures’: iron
Many variations exist on the basic Trolde archetype. pots and copper kettles, rugs, balls of yarn, tin spoons
River, swamp or lake troldes are a particularly common or bits of rope - some of which are even put to their
variation. Troldes with wolf heads or two heads can proper use.

by Christopher Johnstone
The uglier side of Hogback the Brown is his temper and lingered about the edges of the nearest village,
and greed. He is quick to anger, and can turn blindly taking this, trying that and mimicking all manner of
destructive when upset. things. One day – while still young and naïve – Holg
Command: 4 Guile: 3 decided to try and introduce herself to the village
Might: 7 Prowess: 5 woman who lingered by the rivers slapping their wet
Health: 20 garments in a rhythmic music – and found, much to
Menace: 6 Armour: 6 her fright, they all took to their heels screaming. Slowly
though they saw she meant no harm and even gave
Kraka Gloomweaver her some rags to play with. But A trolde knows a few
Deep in the blackest heart of the web-veiled Withered secret things, and Holg knew how to talk to the minor
Forest the old, wizened witch of a troldewife called spirits of the river and asked them kindly to help her
Kraka Gloomweaver lurks and waits and works her work the rags clean – and clean they were. Cleaner
crafts. For Kraka has learnt a little of the mortal art of than the whitest snow. So Holg found herself a job
sorcery but in working the darker, blacker sorts of and has learned slowly over the years how to live more
magic she has been tainted by it. Her eyes glow like and more as the mortals do – making a hut with a
moons in the night and her flesh is stained with shadows, roof, and mastering fire and using pots of copper and
her hair is a tangle of night – and it is said by some she iron.
has made herself the master of many dark things that Her husband though has been less taken with the ways
once ruled the black woods, keeping them as pets to of men. He still spends his days hunting and trapping
amuse her or hunters to bring her flesh to feast upon. the foxes, and badgers and stoats of the forest that
Command: 7 Guile: 6 Trolde love so to skin and plop in the soup. Still if his
Might: 1 Prowess: 2 wife brings home a nice leg of mutton or shank of hog
Health: 15 now and again he doesn’t complain.
Menace: 5 Armour: 5 Command: 2 Guile: 5
Might: 1 Prowess: 2
Throrm Snowbeard Health: 15
Throrm Snowbeard is a huge, brawn-shouldered Menace: 5 Armour: 5
Trolde who hunts the northern winterlands. White-
haired and shaggy with a wide mouth full of sharp teeth The Craggan King
and great knotted hands and a hunched, shambling High in the bleak and jagged mountains that loom above
frame. Throrm hunts the colder, wilder places of the the Ironwood there sprawls a fortress of spires and
north lurking in the forests of pine and fir and roving high stone walls. Deep in the fortress, in a chamber
over tundra and icy hills. He returns each day to sleep rumoured as large as a mortal hillfort there can be found
in his lair, a small fortress carved, not built out of a the gold and ruby throne of the Craggan King. His
crag of rock and decorated with the skulls of beast eyes are old and emerald, his beard long and as grey
and man who thought they could take a chunk of flesh as a stalactite. He sits upon his throne holding court
out of old Throrm Snowbeard. and plotting the downfall of many a king who has
Command: 5 Guile: 5 through some small and unknown way offended the
Might: 8 Prowess: 6 lord of the mountains.
Health: 25 Command: 3 Guile: 3
Menace: 8 Armour: 8 Might: 6 Prowess: 5
Health: 25
Washerwife Holg Menace: 8 Armour: 10
Down a pebbly stream, past a tall stand of black and
scraggly firs Washerwife Holg plies her trade. She is Saethuna, Lady of Ice
old now, a crook-backed, sour-lipped old troldewife She is beautiful, a woman of skin both ivory and white,
who years ago grew fascinated with the ways of men hair the colour of golden dawn on snow, eyes like the

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
northern lights. But beware her touch for the Lady of Grimling Charmpeddlar
Ice is as cold as the harshest winter days and though Trow: He wanders from hamlet to hamlet, a pack on
she will take a warm man into her world there are his back jammed with every poultice, charm, folk cure
many who have discovered that the embrace of cold and talisman that has power… and many others aside.
beauty has its peril. Saethuna is a friend of the Frost Darting eyed, quick tongued little Grimling the charm-
Ettin and when not away on business of her own spends peddler is well know in his haunts, forever tracking
her days in the King’s Court at the Gates of the Night. from place to place, plying his wares, buying this selling
Command: 8 Guile: 8 that brewing up potions, powdering toads and picking
Might: 6 Prowess: 7 mushrooms by the light of an evening star.
Health: 20 Command: 2 Guile: 7
Menace: 7 Armour: 8 Might: 1 Prowess: 4
Health: 8
Old Witch Hagga Menace: 3 Armour: 3
Far to the west, out on the Island of Shorl, constant in
gloom and shadow, there dwells the old witch Hagga. Wurums
She is alone now, one of the last of her tribe of strom-
Massive relatives of dragons with a scaled serpentine
ettin but her charms are powerful and her lore ancient
body, two foreclaws which as used to move and attack
and profound. Many is the sorcerer who has sought
and a somewhat horselike head, sometimes possessing
her ought, paid a price that is forever kept unspoken,
and mane. Wurums are intelligent, cunning, poisonous
and learned of her the knowledge of many elder and
and greedy. They are not treasure hoarders as dragons
forgotten things.
are, but their lairs are often strewn with the cast-off
Command: 7 Guile: 7
belongings of those who have tried to slay them.
Might: 1 Prowess: 3
Wurums poison the water that they drink from and the
Health: 12
land about their lair. Forests turn black and withered
Menace: 4 Armour: 6
near a Wurum’s nest and often these creatures have to
slither quite far from home in order to find prey. They
Trow require larger prey but not a lot of it and even a large
Much smaller relatives to troldes the Trow tend to one can survive quite well on a deer or a goat a week,
stand only about four foot tall, have scrawny if wiry sleeping most of the time with one eye open. Some
bodies and pointed, almost vulpine faces and darting Wurums are known to nest in tangled groups of up to
black eyes. Both more sociable, and more intelligent four or five individuals and no one should assume that
than their larger cousins Trow live in dens of extended when a Wurum appears to be a single individual that it
families who build upon and dig out the den as more in fact is.
room is needed. They hunt, fish and forage but seldom Poison: The bite of Wurum is deadly venomous. Any
take the effort to plant crops. Character who suffers more than five ranks of injury
Dens of Trow are better described as a nuisance rather from one attack by a Wurum (after armour is taken
than a threat for any neighbours. They tend to keep to into account) will be poisoned. A poisoned Character
themselves occasionally trading furs or dried fish for will eventually sicken and die, although the process is
tool, and at worst are sometimes prone to raiding slow and will take weeks. The only known cure for
poultry or sheep. Wurum poison is the herb Feverfew.
Command: 3 Guile: 4 Command: 6 Guile: 6
Might: 3 Prowess: 4 Might: 10 Prowess: 10
Health: 10 Health: 30
Menace: 4 Armour: 4 Menace: 8 Armour: 8

by Christopher Johnstone
Lind Wurums Command: 6 Guile: 6
A small variety of Wurum found in southern climes. Might: 15 Prowess: 12
Lind Wurum live mostly up dales and in the foothills of Health: 35
mountains, make burrows to live in and their head looks Menace: 8 Armour: 10
a little more like that of a cat’s rather than the long and
horse-like visage of their larger relatives. Lind Wurums
are just as poisonous as their larger relatives but seldom
prey on anything larger than a sheep. Those who walk the line between life and death, not
Command: 4 Guile: 4 quite living and not quite given up from the mortal
Might: 4 Prowess: 5 world. Undead are the mortal remnants of those who
Health: 15 through sorcery, broken oath, curse or greed have
Menace: 8 Armour: 6 remained in the world of the living after death. They
can be corporeal beings of black and rotting flesh,
Muttontooth such as a Draugnar whereas others such as ghosts are
Although much feared and hated by the farming and incorporeal things of shadow, emotion and pain and
herding folk of the lowlands Muttontooth – a rather still others are trapped somewhere in between the two
large and fearsome looking Wurum is relatively states.
cowardly and prefers to avoid direct conflict with men.
Like all wurums he is a long, sinuous creatures with Draugnar
burnished scales, wingless, but armed with hefty Draugnar are a form of restless undead who through
scimitar-like teeth. Muttontooth would in fact be more their own spirit’s determined will, continue to inhabit
troublesome if he were not so lacking in wits and their body after death. Some Draugnar may remain
courage. Measuring about ten paces head to tail he restless for only a short while after death. Corpses
seldom attacks anything other than old horses and cows that resist burial, or continue fighting on the field of
and prefers to scavenge or bring down sick or lame battle after death ought to have taken them are
animals. He is mostly a mottled grey-green with smoky- whispered about over winter fires. Other Draugnar
black streaks in places and lairs in the swampy rushes become long-suffering, troublesome, wandering
of rivers and ponds near – but not too close – the corpses, sometimes staying close to their burial - at
fields of men. other times ranging far over land.
Command: 6 Guile: 7 Draugnar turn into bloated, and blackened corpses,
Might: 12 Prowess: 10 swelling up to the size of an ox and possessing
Health: 25 supernatural strength. They have glowering, baleful
Menace: 7 Armour: 8 eyes and cruel voices, but are not necessarily
predisposed to wreaking evil or havoc among the living.
Vidursorm Deathcoil There is a tale of a shepherd who upon death returned
A truly monstrous wurum, Vidursorm Deathcoil is said to watch over his flock on stormy nights as a Draugnar.
to be able to loop its body nine times around a hill Another tale of a crew of drowned sea-farers who
barrow that lies in its forest haunt. As thick about as a came out of the sea, but caused no more damage than
good sized oak, with shimmery earth and green scales the dripping of their wet clothes.
patched by moss and flecked with mud, Vidursorm Draugnar are also tremendously difficult to destroy.
moves with slow, almost imperceptible speed through Traditionally a Draugnar is beheaded and burned to
the tangled undergrowth of its lair-wood. be permanently rid of it. Other clever methods have
But beware the Deathcoil wurum for it is said its blood been employed. In one tale a young hero breaks the
quickens for the kill and after lying in ambush for hours back of an evil warlock who returned as a Draugnar
the creature will shoot out from a thicket with alarming and then rowed the Draugnar out into a fjord, first
speed and attack unfortunate prey before the victim tying it to a boulder, then throwing it into the water.
has a chance to so much as scream in shock. Will of Iron: The Draugnar’s willpower is completely

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
unnatural and almost by definition of their existence these places of power. The kings and druids may long
very, very strong. Draugnar’s are immune to mental since have turned to dusk but the guardians set to watch
charms, illusions and enchantments. eternally over the ancient earthworks remain bound to
Bloodless: Draugnar’s are very hard to kill. They take their task to this day.
no damage at all from piecing attacks, (arrows, Henge Guardians were created by sacrificing a man,
spears), and simply do not die upon receiving any blow or sometimes a wolf, bear or hound and then through
unless it is a Mortal blow to the neck. Otherwise a sorcery binding the unfortunates ghost to the site of
Draugnar has to be hacked apart and burned to destroy sacrifice. Long ago the spirits were mastered by druidic
it. sorcerers but since when a site of power falls to ruin
Black-Iron Skin: A Draugnar’s skin is particularly the sorcerers no longer come and the wraiths turn into
difficult to cut. It’s 1 armour increases to 3 versus wild, tortured and savage spirits, which will blindly
edged weapons. attack any living person who dares to trespass upon
Sorcerous Dead: The most powerful of the undead their haunts perhaps perceiving on them the face of
are those who were sorcerers in their life as more than their those who originally bound them so cruelly.
a little of the magic that has seeping into their souls Command: 4 Guile: 4
remains with them in death. Treat the wraith of a Might: 7 Prowess: 4
sorcerer as an Undead of Grander Power and allow it Health: 12
to draw on some (but not all) of the magic it knew in Menace: 6 Armour: 5
Stench of the Dead: Upon first encountering a Plague of Dead (Mogthrasir)
Draugnar all character’s have to make a test of Draugnir: From somewhere deep in the darkness of
Fortitude to resist the urge to retch at its smell. time there has descended a curse that chills the blood
Drain Life: Draugnar can only prolong their existence, of any who learn of it. A plague ghast, is on the face of
and swell their power by draining life in much the same it one of the least dangerous undead. They exist as
way as a disembodied wraith. A Draugnar must make rotting and all but mindless and shambling, clumsy husks
physical contact with the victim for one continuous of their former self: driven by a curse that fills them
minute during which time damage is done to the victim with a mindless hate for anything living. They rot until
in the same way as Wraiths. Unlike Wraiths however, only a pile of blackened bones is left and have no power
Draugnar must regularly drain life to prevent themselves to keep themselves preserved through supernatural
from loosing grip on their flesh and becoming a ghost- means. But, what makes the plague dead fearsome
thin Wraith. If the Draugnar does however deliver a things is this: Any person or creature slain by one of
critical wound to the victim, it increases a rank of the plague dead rises as a plague dead the next night.
power. When the plague dead creep into a fortress or town at
Craving for Life: If a Draugnar cannot or refuses to night it is not long before the entire place is abandoned
drain the life of living things it undergoes a slow but - and only the very, very brave dare to venture into
inevitable bodily decay eventually resulting in the lands infested with these terrible creatures.
collapse of its physical form and its passing into the Command: 5 Guile: 3
state of spectral existence as a Wraith of Least Power. Might: 7 Prowess: 3
Command: 7 Guile: 4 Health: 12
Might: 7 Prowess: 3 Menace: 5 Armour: 4
Attack: Rank 4 Health: 15
Menace: 7 Armour: 6
Unquiet spirits of the dead bound to the mortal world,
Henge Guardian (Haug Bui)
Ghosts are spectral and shadowy things, creatures of
Draugnir: Long ago when kings of bronze swords bade
darkness, made of darkness and afraid of the light.
henges, barrows and stone circles be built they
Few Ghosts appear during the day, and then only away
employed also druidic sorcerers to bind guardians to

by Christopher Johnstone
from direct sunlight. Their forms are too much like mist Drain Life: Some, but not all ghosts, are make
to survive direct light, which causes all but the most themselves more solid, and real entities and swell their
powerful shades to fade away to a thin voice until form with spirit exists: to drain life away from the living.
darkness returns. To drain life from a living being the wraith needs merely
Ghosts can come into existence in one of three different to touch the victim. This causes injury to the victim’s
ways. Swarths are the spirits of those who have died flesh, blistering the skin with cold and frost. The
while troubled by a dark secret, in deep sorrow or damage done to the body is determined by a test of
fear or in need of revenge. These are thin and feeble Menace in the usual way. More powerful wraiths are
spectres, capable of manifesting only as voices or cold more adept at draining life and have a higher menace.
winds, corpse-lights or faces reflected in water. Lost Each time a wraith does a Critical Wound by draining
souls who wander the sea are Swarths, so too are the life essence it advances a level of power.
shadows that linger on ancient battlefields or the cursed Force of Mind: Some ghosts are incapable of
shades that haunt old ruins where they died. Swarths physically manipulating the solid world in the usual
will haunt a place that had meaning to them in life and sense. They can however channel their willpower and
may seek to have some deed done that will allow them emotions into a form of raw brute strength that can
to rest. A Swarth of a murdered lover might linger about clumsily lift, throw or knock over physical things.
her hidden grave until the bones are discovered and Insubstantial Form: Ghosts can pass through solid
put properly to rest. Such spirits are usually beyond objects and cannot but harmed except by sorcery and
thoughts in words and sentences but they have a deep enchanted weapons.
sense or need, urgency even and whatever their driving Shun the Day: The bright light of day does not shine
emotion be it revenge, sorrow, bitterness or anger it well on the shadow-stuff of the soul. Ghosts, even very
will in time overcome them and make them a servant powerful wraiths, can be destroyed by daylight. Not
of that passion. merely sent back to the underworld of dripping
Shades are the spirits of those who have are summoned darkness and mournful damned, but utterly removed
or bound to the mortal world through broken oath, from existence. The length of time a ghosts can tolerate
betrayal, hatred, curse or sorcery. Shades have a little exposure to direct sunlight before it disintegrates and
magic bound up in them, and though mist and dust blows away on the wind increases with the increasing
make up most of their flesh, they have a solidness that power of the ghost.
Swarths utterly lack. When seen magically Shades will
appear much as they did in life, but blackened or Swarth
withered, dead-eyed and gaunt. Otherwise Shades Command: 5 Guile: 5
look like little more than an apparition cloaked in Might: 1 Prowess: 2
darkness. Shades are the most common form of ghost. Health: N/A
Finally there are Wraiths, those who through their own Menace: 1 Armour: N/A
bitter desire to linger in the mortal world and their own
works of evil are condemned to a sleepless death. Shade
Wraiths cling to the living world as much as through Command: 5 Guile: 5
their own sheer will, greed or love of power refusing Might: 4 Prowess: 3
to enter the spirit-world. Wraiths possess a more solid Health: 10
form than other ghosts, they contain more than a little Menace: 5 Armour: 5
of their own dead body in their shadowy innards and
are almost akin to Draugnar. As such, Wraiths cannot Wraith
pass through solid objects in the way that Swarths Command: 5 Guile: 5
and Shades can. Wraiths can interact with the physical Might: 5 Prowess: 4
world, cause harm and injury and carry objects, but Health: 15
are unable to wear clothing or armour other than what Menace: 7 Armour: 7
they carry with them as burial vestments.

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
Curses little more than mindless spectres desperate for a little
Ghosts are capable of channelling their own substance of the warmth and life of living things. Others may retain
into negative magic that can curse unfortunate mortals. a little of their former memories and desire a proper
A ghost needs to be in the presence of a mortal to burial, or revenge on whatever befell them years earlier.
invoke a curse and in so doing the ghost looses a rank Those who have kept some of their former wits will
of power. The following is a list of curses that ghosts be quite able to speak to the living although their voice
are able to weave. will consist of little more than harsh whispers.
Barren: The victim becomes unable to beget children. Command: 3 Guile: 3
If a man he cannot father children. If a woman she Might: 1 Prowess: 1
cannot become pregnant. Health: N/A
Fogged Sight: The victim’s eyesight slowly Menace: 1 Armour: N/A
deteriorates until he can only make out vague, blurred
shapes and has difficulty seeing anything further than March of Souls (Einherear)
about 20 paces. Shade: In places where there have been great battles,
Illness: The victim becomes constantly ill, and is or sieges there will be those who have perished under
plagued with coughing, sickness and fevers. The illness such pain or in wrath or went unburied and unhallowed
is non-contagious and not life threatening, simply very to the carrion-wolves that their souls are unable to go
uncomfortable. peaceably upon the path of the dead and remain behind
Luckless: Random things begin to go wrong for the as wraiths sorrow. Such wraiths are often condemned
victim. Their house may accidentally catch fire. They by their own misery to arise and re-enact the last
find a hole on their purse and no coins. They are always moments of their life. Fighting anew each stormy night
the first to be picked on in a fight. In short he suffers battling and fighting and sometimes achieving peace -
from spats of terrible luck. either through some act of revenge, or forgiveness, or
Nightmares: The victim becomes plagued by constant completion.
and terrifying nightmares associated with the wraith A March of Souls is any tract of land haunted by these
who worked the curse. These nightmares begin to take spectres which are seldom arise as anything more potent
a terrible toll on the mind preventing the victim from than Wraiths of Lesser Power. As years roll by
finding any rest in sleep. individual wraiths either give up their struggle to hold
Sapped of Magic: The victim looses the ability to on to their mortal cares, or die a second death at the
use any of his or her magical disciplines to a power hands of their fellow spectres and pass onto the path
above Rank One. of death. The numbers of ghasts thus dwindle over
Wracked: Movement becomes painful for the victim, time. until as years roll into centuries the very oldest
even merely walking, and breathing becomes a harsh ruins and battlegrounds hold not even these last
ordeal. memories of the past.
Command: 2 Guile: 2
Corpse-Candles (Eldir Nainn) Might: 4 Prowess: 4
Swarth: Called also the Wights of Dead Marshes, Health: 10
Corpse Candles are the restless spirits of those who Menace: 5 Armour: 5
have been lost to the fens, and who now wander the
swamps as flickering, insubstantial spectres. In the Saltsea Shade (Draupnir)
distance Corpse-Candles may indeed appear to be Shade: Pity the drowned dead for they are the forever
sickly lanterns or candles drifting over the swamps. lost, those whose shades are trapped at seas, tossed
But, upon closer sight they become clearly horrifying on the yellow foams of storms and forever hunting for
things - pale, luminous memories of their former selves. a way back to the dry, warm home they left behind.
Corpse-Candles will vary in their interactions with the Saltsea Shade lurk half-asleep in the waters during
living. Those that have existed longest in this half-dead calm days but on stormy nights these spectral
state begin to lose their memories of life and become apparitions are awakened and raise up from the depths

by Christopher Johnstone
to haunt the upperworld and try once again to claw or mortal that will cause the victim to die a bad death
their way to land - or more worrying for sailors - within a year and a day. The victim may wither away,
aboard a ship. or be struck by a falling tree, or suffer a massive heart
Command: 4 Guile: 3 seizure, but one way or another this curse works its
Might: 3 Prowess: 3 course. There is no known way to undo such curses
Health: 8 and it is best to be polite when dealing with Grimm.
Menace: 4 Armour: 4 Command: 10 Guile: 10
Might: 12 Prowess: 12
Ashen Folk Health: 20
Wraith: The restless spirits of the long dead race of Menace: 6 Armour: 5
enchanted cousins of the Aelfan Folk who were known
in ages past as the Eldritch. The Eldritch slew one- Farafaer, Raven-Grimm
another long ago in a fiery civil war that ruined their Farafaer was a mortal man who lived as the lord and
cities and left only a few scattered inidivuals alive, and warrior-king of a tribe over three hundred years ago.
they too in turn dwindled and died. The lands of the His soul was taken by the gods and reshaped into a
Ashen Folk are now haunted by these grey and gaunt raven, huge and black and shadowy. He has lived so
wraiths of the dead, embittered and bearing ill will to long in his raven for now that he barely remembers his
all that dare to breath the air of their ruined kingdom. life, let alone what it was once to be alive. His existence
Command: 4 Guile: 4 now consists of wandering the world doing what he
Might: 4 Prowess: 5 perceives as the will of the gods, though truth be told
Health: 15 he has not been summoned back to the thrones of the
Menace: 7 Armour: 7 gods for a century, for time passes differently for gods
and they can be distracted and forget their servants
Grimm for a few moments.
Command: 12 Guile: 15
The Grimm are peculiar spirits – beings that are
Might: 15 Prowess: 10
conflicted capable of both great evil and acts of
Health: 25
kindness. They are said to be the servants of the
Menace: 7 Armour: 5
bloodstained gods and they often take the form of
great shadowy wolves or ravens or other sacred animals
– Hawk Grimms, Owl Grimms and Hound Grimms Demons
are spoken of in some stories. Grim appear to serve
The pre-dead and the old spirits that came out of the
two functions, the first is the hunt the world for news
void at the dawn of time. Demons are things of shadow
and rumours to report to their masters the gods. The
and darkness, fire and ice, chaos and nightmare. Many
second is to deal out the rough handed justice of the
of the elder shapeless things that came out of the
gods. Those who are cowardly or curse the gods, or
darkness in ages past dwelled only a brief time in the
break an oath in the name of the gods may well expect
mortal world and returned to their cold spheres beyond
to awaken one night to the sight of a great shadowy
the stars, having found the world of warmth and light
wolf with glimmering eyes at the foot of his bed.
unpleasant. Others, however, remained and took
Fear of Doom: Most mortal things, be they human or
corporal forms that were a little of this beast and a
otherwise feel an irrational fear of Grimm on sight.
little of that, a bit of shadow and blood of flame and
These servants of the bloody and dark and divine carry
made for themselves homes in the dark places of the
with them a great sense of power and a Character that
is confronting by one must pass a Test of Courage
The Demons of Mithgerd have never been numerous,
(diff. 9) or feel compelled to keep a reasonable
and now that the old ages of magic have rolled away
distance from the shadowy thing.
Demons are fewer still. Although powerful beings,
Curse of Doom: Gimms can lay a curse on a creature
Demons do not ally easily, and tend towards lonely

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
existences sometimes ruling over other petty things,
sometimes haunting forests and caves alone. And Wild Folk
although a single Demon is a force to be feared, these The Wild Folk are the last living vestiges of the elder
creatures can be killed with powerful magic or spirits of the earth, elemental beings with bodies of
enchantment, and over the years many have been slain wood and rock, moss, water and mist. These are a
by sorcerers and warriors. long-lived race of beings, slow to anger, ponderous,
Demons do not need to eat, drink or sleep and have and long of memory, rembering ages past, favours and
no use for mundane possessions, gold, treasures or insults long after the ages have turned and turned again.
armour, though their naturally aggressive, prideful and Memories of times before fire and axe hewed much of
alien minds make them dangerous things to be near. the wilds away has left some Wild Folk hateful of things
that have the shapes and wits of men, and mortals are
Aivatar of the Deep Woods cautioned to treat these ancients with a certain degree
Aivatar is a grand and elder demon and though she is of trepedation.
sexless as with all demons, she speaks in a woman’s Wild Folk take many and varied forms, some live as
voice and prefers to be spoken of as female. Aivatar walking trees, others have bones of rock and flesh of
has taken the form of a huge green and emerald creature moss, still others consist entirely of sea foam and kelp
with a demonic and horned face, a body somewhat or have bodies so insubstantial that they exist as little
but not entirely like that of a dragon and an elegant more than a fell voice haunting cold hills.
dancing gait. She moves about her Queendom in the
Forest of Gangrathir hunting for trespassers and Elbgast
jealously guarding her lands against all who come near. Strange spirits that look like little more than knitted
She is, after a fashion, a protector of wild things, but a shadows who haunt the dark woods, and moors of
vengeful and dangerous one and a creature to be the world. Elbgast are a nasty, cruel sort of spirit, who
feared and avoided. seem to delight in waylaying mortals, tormenting animals
Command: 20 Guile: 20 and generally causing fear and terror among anything
Might: 20 Prowess: 20 they meet. Some stories suggest that the Elbgast are
Health: 50 lost souls of elves – those who in dying and unwanted
Menace: 10 Armour: 10 by the gods or by hell have been forced to enter
another state of existence, forever a shadow in the
Ragnor of Hellfrost mortal world.
A huge creature with skin of black stone, eyes of fire, Command: 3 Guile: 7
vast wings and a terrible viseage. Ragnor of Hellfrost Might: 4 Prowess: 5
is wreathed always with a blaze of cold fire and his Health: 10
breath blisters and burns. He came out of the frozen Menace: 5 Armour: 5
north in ages past and took the city of Hammarfell for
his own, killing or driving out all that lived there. Ragnor Elderwood Ancients
dwells now in the city as a sort of god, worshipped by The elder spirits of the forest - strange beings that are
a tribe of Half-Troldes which bring him sacrifices that part wood-spirit and part lesser god. They are more
he doesn’t truly want or need but is willing to accept tree than human in form, with skin like bark, beards of
as something that lends meaning to his pride and mossy growth, eyes like polished jade and warts of
conceit. fungus. Some Elderwood Ancients shamble about
Command: 15 Guile: 15 each night, moaning and creaking, whereas others seem
Might: 25 Prowess: 17 either unwilling or unable to uproot and wander in the
Health: 70 night. Elderwood Ancients were once found in most
Menace: 12 Armour: 10 forests across Mithgerd, but have in recent centuries
dwindled in numbers until now they are only to be
sought our easily in the Ironwood. A few are rumoured

by Christopher Johnstone
to live still in Dellingar Wood, though the truth of this is their native state the Foxfire Folk stand about five foot
not certain. tall, resemble lithe, sleek humans and posses a peculiar,
Command: 8 Guile: 8 almost alien beauty. They can however assume another
Might: 12 Prowess: 3 form: a small flickering ball of light and flame. In this
Health: 40 foxfire shape one of the folk possesses only senses
Menace: 8 Armour: 10 their surrounds on a spiritual level - perceiving auras
rather than physical shapes - and has no power of
Folk of the Forest speech or force.
A kith of beautiful nymphet wood spirit. Taking the Command: 2 Guile: 2
form of beautiful women, the Folk of the Forest, when Might: 4 Prowess: 6
not dancing by moonlight or singing on the Health: 8
mountainsides are said to delight in nothing more than Menace: 3 Armour: 2
beguiling, pursuing and ensnaring mortal men. It is said
that a man who can resist the charms of a Folk of the Haunting Wind (Irungar)
Forest will gain power over her, while the man who The master of the mountain peaks of the silvered snow
succumbs and gives himself to him is lost – many stories and cragged heights of the Bjorntooth Peaks. Irungar
tell of those who would not follow the sweet words of the Haunting Wind is a terrible phantom, filled with
the Folk of the Forest into the forests later finding the hate for all that go on two legs, and ever watchful to
bloodied, rotted remains of their friends who did. Folk waylay and turnback any who trespass into his realm
of the Forest are also called the Green Women or of the frozen beauty of ice and the ever-shifting beauty
sometimes the Grove Folk. of clouds.
Command: 5 Guile: 8 Command: 2 Guile: 2
Might: 3 Prowess: 2 Might: 15 Prowess: 15
Health: 15 Health: 100
Menace: 8 Armour: 4 Menace: 10 Armour: 10

Folk of the Pines Liege of the Hollows

A kin of Wild Folk who are native to the frozen forests The Liege of the Hollows dwells at the deep heart of
and wastes of the north. The Folk of the Frost are the Whispering Woods, tended by nymphet wood
arguably the most beautiful of all Wild Folk kith. They spirits and ever watching and protecting his forests.
stand about five to six foot tall in an abstracted, glittering Dressed regally in a cloak of leaves, and a helm of
human form. Their skin shimmers like moonlight on polished jet, his sword is wrought from polished jet
snow, their hair is strung with jewels of ice, their eyes his crown from amber and gold. With skin a pale
are deep and blue and clear. And yet for a mortal man greenish shade and eyes like emeralds and a beard
the Folk of the Frost are deadly, their touch is the like moss the Liege of the Hollows is a sight that is
brush of frostbite, their breath in the ice of a blizzard, terrifying by his strangeness. He is also a creature of
their fingers sharp as icicles. contradiction for he is good to those who are good to
Command: 5 Guile: 8 his forest and evil to those who hunt his subjects or
Might: 5 Prowess: 4 burn and slash his trees.
Health: 15 Command: 7 Guile: 6
Menace: 10 Armour: 4 Might: 12 Prowess: 12
Health: 30
Foxfire Folk (Irrlicht Folk) Menace: 9 Armour: 8
A kin of nymphet Wild Folk who haunt the rivers and
wooded banks of the Foxfire Fens. The Foxfire Folk Restless Waters (Elivagar)
are ephemeral to look at, with skin of shimmering There are some who say that Elivagar the Restless
golden-green and hair that falls in long fair locks. In Waters, the old green bearded, pot-bellied spirits of

Wayfarer’s Song - Second Edition
the river are those who tempt suicides into cold waters. Storm’s Liege
They are rumoured to draw the souls of the drowned A water-spirit who inhabits the sacred waterfall of
down to their palaces to be reshaped by magic and Dusking Falls deep in the wilds of the north. A
made into servants to tend the watery realms and river particularly musical supernatural he is said to know
woman to sate their lust. Whether or not there be truth eldritch tunes, and anyone, be they an infant, elderly
in the tales Elivagar remains a dangerous cunning-eyed or even a dog or cat that hears his music will not help
creatures to deal with, and many is the mortal who has but begin dancing and cavorting in time. Bards who
bargained with the weed-cloaked river spirit to his own want to learn the art of such deep music are advised
peril. by elder lore to seek out Storm’s Liege and offer to
Command: 15 Guile: 15 him a sacrifice—if he accepts he will come out of the
Might: 20 Prowess: 10 waterfall and take the bard’s hands in his and through
Health: 20 his power make blood pour from the fingertips—once
Menace: 7 Armour: 7 the wounds are healed the skald will discover a
powerful skill for every note of music (+5 Ranks to
River Woman (Ondine) Craft).
The spirits of drowned woman trapped in the icy waters Command: 15 Guile: 15
of their tomb, River Women are known for their cold, Might: 12 Prowess: 12
remote beauty. Perhaps their ghostly origin has some Health: 30
grain of truth for River Women are forever tempters, Menace: 8 Armour: 8
seemingly hopeless, lonely and love lost, craving a
warm touch - and they will beg and plead, lead and White Wreathen (Eimgeitir)
bribe anyone who comes near into their icy embrace - The White Wreathen are a kith of Wild Folk that have
but merely touching a River Woman is fatal. River made for themselves bodies out of morning mist, dew
Women cannot leave the waters and if threatened by and the songs of air in the trees and leaves of their
magic from a distane will retreat and vanish beneath woodland homes. They are beautiful to behold, but
the waves. rare, and difficult to engage in anything but the most
Command: 4 Guile: 4 superficial and riddling of conversations for the White
Might: 3 Prowess: 3 Wreathen know nothing of the urgency of human lives,
Health: 15 nor of sorrows nor loss nor any emotion. And although
Menace: 30 Armour: 4 they are sometimes kind to the lost and weary it is
merely a part of their nature, as the sun is kind to the
Snow Queen (Himinglaeva) cold.
A spirit of unmatched beauty who dwells in a realm in Command: 3 Guile: 4
the frozen north. She is a dazzling creature, with skin Might: 3 Prowess: 3
like moonlit snow, eyes like ice on fire and hair glittering Health: 8
with frost. Said to be the spirit of winter itself, she Menace: 5 Armour: 4
travels in blizzards and in the old stories will entice
young men to follow her – but like winter itself she is Wisp of Pale Sheen (Eldir)
beautiful and dangerous. Those who love her are never These tiny spirits haunt the fens and wetlands of the
seen again, some say they die instantly becoming frozen world drifting from reedbed to hollow, dancing on the
statues for her, others say they become trapped, reflection of stars in the waters and flickering along
enslaved as miserable souls for eternity. moss edged pools. The body of an Eldir is nothing
Command: 30 Guile: 30 more than a pale sheen of swamp light – so pale that
Might: 30 Prowess: 30 when on occasion a wisp does not sink below the
Health: 50 waters to rest the day until evening again comes it
Menace: 15 Armour: 8 disappears to sight under the harsh glare of the sun.
Command: 1 Guile: 2

by Christopher Johnstone
Might: 1 Prowess: 2 Afterword
Health: 6
Many people have contributed ideas, thoughts,
Menace: 4 Armour: 3
suggestions and questions to Wayfarer’s Song over
the years. There are too many now to mention all of
Woodmare you by name, but I need to thank you for the time and
The spirits of the woods are mostly a secretive and effort spent in reading and commenting on this little
vanishing lot. Their temperament is slow and game. If you are new to this game, then I hope you
ponderous, quicker in spring and near asleep in winter. have found reading it enjoyable, and hopefully you have
Their ways are strange and unknowable, and yet it is gleaned a little from the work. I tend to believe that
the spirits of the green wood that mortal man has most other people’s homebrews can provide a lot in the
often met and had dealings with - for better or worse. way of inspiration and insight into the ways and means
For there are still vast forests and many is the mortal by which a game can be written, and so, even if the
who makes a living as a woodcutter, beekeeper or game is never played, it will hopefully provide
huntsman, and many is the tale told of the green-folk something of that glimmer of a new idea. If the game is
coming out of the woods to speak, treat with and carry played, then I hope you enjoy it… or more correctly,
away another mortal. enjoy the game that you find and create here. All
Command: 5 Guile: 6 players, whether they realize it or not, create more
Might: 5 Prowess: 5 than a little of each roleplaying game they play,
Health: 12 sometimes it minor additions or removals of rules,
Menace: 7 Armour: 4 sometimes it’s a particular mood or gestalt of the
playing group. The Wayfarer’s Song that you play will
not be the same as the Wayfarer’s Song that other
people play, and it will likely be more than a little
removed from the game that I envisioned. For that, I
think we can all be grateful, for roleplaying, if nothing
else, allows us all to make real a little of our own reality,
our own world and our own times and places to live
within for a while.


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