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10, [10-9] JA [by gematria]

Operational_window(5-6)_FDeltaC 25-26 The operational window for

Assange extraction from the
Ecuadorian Embassy in London is
Jan. 5-6, 2018.

FDeltaC = Federal Detention Center

Assange by agreement with the

Trump administration is headed to a
Federal Detention Center of
undetermined location. Outside
USA, suggested by “Delta”

Dec. 25-26 references Washington

crossing Delaware.

With Assange returning to the USA,

the Storm Has Begun.

Secured. The path for Assange to return to

the USA has been secured at the
highest level of the U.S.
government, POTUS.

Floor is yours. This is Assange’s opportunity to

drop key files on Hilllary Clinton’s
campaign and the hoax of “Russia
Collusion” developed by CIA (with
help from Eric Schmidt) against

Twitter FW_ Twitter will be forward as mission

goes operational.

Twitter [kill_rogue] Key information will be posted on

Twitter @kill_rouge
CONF_WHITE_WHITE Confirmed: Destination Switzerland


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