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Islamic Coin Auction 22
Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Venue: CIPFA
The Council Chamber
3 Robert Street
London WC2N 6BH

1.30 pm precisely

Baldwin's Celebrating 140 Years

A. H. Baldwin & Sons Ltd

11 Adelphi Terrace Arabian Coins and Medals (LLC)
London WC2N 6BJ P O Box 30450
Tel: +44 (0)20 7930 9808 Dubai
Fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450 United Arab Emirates
email: [email protected] Tel: 00971 4 2246 400
website: Fax: 00971 4 2226 288
Date of Sale: Tuesday 25 September 2012
One Session 1.30 pm Lots 3001-3602

Public View: Tuesday 25 September 2012

A H Baldwin and Sons Ltd
11 Adelphi Terrace, London WC2N 6BJ

10.00 am - 1.30 pm

Viewing at all other times by appointment at

11 Adelphi Terrace during the preceding one week
9.30 am - 4.00 pm, Monday to Friday

Order of Sale: Arab Sasanian Lots 3001-3042

Umayyad Lots 3043-3086
Abbasid Revolutionary / Abbasid Lots 3087-3335
Idrisid of the Maghrib / Aghlabid / Zirid of Qayrawan / Al-Murabitid Lots 3336-3347
Hafsid / Merinid / Sa’dian Sharifs / ‘Alawi Sharifs / Tulunid / Ikhshidid Lots 3348-3374
Fatimid Lots 3375-3419
Crusader Imitations / Hamdanid / Burid / Ayyubid Lots 3420-3462
Bahri Mamluk / Burji Mamluk / Ziyadid / Najjahid / Sulayhid Lots 3463-3476
Ayyubids in the Yemen / Rasulid / Amirs of Oman / Mukramid Lots 3477-3485
Amirs of Nejd / Sa’udi Hijaz / Rum Seljuq / Saljuq Governors of Hamadhan Lots 3486-3491
Ottoman / Mahdi of the Sudan / Khujistanid / Dulafid / Saffarid Lots 3492-3508
Banijurid / Samanid / Amirs of Bust / Su’lukid / Alid of Tabaristan Lots 3509-3528
Zaydi Imam of Hawsam / Ziyarids of Tabaristan / Buwayhid Lots 3529-3536
Kakwayhid / Ghaznavid / Great Seljuq / Seljuqs of Kirman / Iraq Seljuq Lots 3537-3559
Lu’luid of Mosul / Zangid of Mosul / Batinid / Ilkhans Lots 3560-3582
Mehrebanid / Aq Qoyunlu / Safavid / Timurid / Qajar Lots 3583-3591
Hotaki Afghan / Salghurid / Chaghatayid Khans / Shaybanid Lots 3592-3595
Manghit of Bukhara / Khans of Khiva / Afghanistan Lots 3596-3599
Miscellaneous Lots 3600-3602

Currency: Pounds Sterling (GBP)

Buyer’s Premium: 20% (plus VAT)

Catalogue Editor: André de Clermont

Cataloguers: André de Clermont, Graham Byfield
Consultant: Robert Darley-Doran
Design and Layout: Seth Freeman
Photography: Laurent Stainvurcel
Arab Sasanian

3006 Khusraw II type, Silver Drachm, GY = Jayy 37,

4.12g (Walker p.15: RB 3 but mint GY; A 4).
3001 Yazdigird III type, Silver Drachm, SK= Sijistan
Good very fine. £150-200
20, 3.96g (A 1). Extremely fine, rare. £350-400

3007 Khusraw II type, Silver Drachm, ŠY = uncertain

3002 Yazdigird III type, Silver Drachm, SK = Sistan 20, mint 29, 3.96g (A 4). Extremely fine, rare. £350-400
3.41g (Walker 4:3; A 1). Good very fine and
rare. £200-250

3008 Khusraw II type, Silver Drachm, BYSH =

Bishapur 48?, obv Hephthalite countermark,
3003 Yazdigird III type, Silver Drachm, NAR = 3.90g (Walker p.19: 25; A 5; countermark number
Narmashir 20, 4.12g (A 2). Extremely fine and 45 p. cxliv). Good very fine. £200-250
rare. £350-400

3009 Khusraw II type, Silver Drachm, BYSH =

3004 Khusraw II type, Silver Drachm, BYŠ = Bishapur Bishapur 49, 4.01g (Walker p.21:30; A 5). Good
25, 3.96g (Walker p.6: ANS 1; A 4). Good very very fine. £120-150
fine. £120-150

3010 Khusraw II type, Silver Drachm, NHR = Nahr

3005 Khusraw II type, Silver Drachm, BYŠ = Bishapur Tira?, date uncertain, 3.97g. Good very fine, very
27, 3.96g (A 4). Good very fine. £150-200 rare. £450-500
3011 ‘Abd Allah b. Amir (c.41-45h), Silver Drachm,
BYŠ = Bishapur 44h, 3.81g (A 6). Very fine. £100-120 3017 ‘Ubayd Allah b. Ziyad, Silver Drachm, GD =
Jayy 60, 4.06g (Walker p.68:99; A 12). Good very
fine. £100-120

3012 Ziyad b. Abi Sufyan (45-54h), Silver Drachm,

APRŠ = Abarshahr 54h, 4.05g (A 8). Very fine,
rare. £350-400
3018 ‘Ubayd Allah b. Ziyad, Silver Drachm, KRMAN?
= Kirman 60, 4.03g (Walker p.66:96; A 12). Good
very fine. £150-200

3013 Ziyad b. Abi Sufyan, Silver Drachm, ST = Istakhr

54h, 4.01g (A 8). Very fine, scarce. £200-250

3014 Ziyad b. Abi Sufyan (45-54h), Silver Drachm

DA = Darabjird 43, 3.77g (A 8; Walker p.40:58);
3019 ‘Ubayd Allah b. Ziyad, Silver Drachm, BH =
‘Ubayd Allah b. Ziyad (53-67h), Silver Drachm,
Bihqubadh 61, 3.81g (A 12). About extremely
BJRA = Basra 57, 2.80g (Walker p.58: Ox 2; A 12).
fine. £350-400
Both very fine, the second clipped. (2) £150-200

3015 ‘Ubayd Allah b. Ziyad (54-64h), Silver Drachm, 3020 ‘Ubayd Allah b. Ziyad, Silver Drachm, GD = Jayy
DA + SW = Darabjird 49, 4.08g (Walker -; A 12). 62h, 4.07g (A 12). Extremely fine, scarce. £120-150
Good very fine and rare. £200-250

3016 ‘Ubayd Allah b. Ziyad, Silver Drachm, SK = 3021 ‘Abd Allah b. al-Zubayr (60-73h), Silver
Sistan 56, 3.75g (Walker p.64:92; A 12). Good very Drachm, DA = Darabjird 53, 3.72g (Walker p.33:
fine. £100-120 ANS 7; A 16). Very fine and scarce. £150-200
3022 ‘Abd Allah b. al-Zubayr, Silver Drachm,
3027 Salm b. Ziyad (c.61-65h), Silver Drachm, MRW
KRMAN = Kirman 65, countermark lillah, 3.88g
= Marw 63h, 4.07g (A 18). About extremely
(Walker -; A 16). Very fine and scarce. £200-250
fine. £150-200

3023 ‘Abd Allah b. al-Zubayr, Silver Drachm, 3028 ‘Umar b. ‘Ubayd Allah (c.67-70h), Silver
KRMANAHR = Narmashir 67, 3.89g (A 16). Very Drachm, ST = Istakhr 70, 3.76g (Walker p.102: 205;
fine. £250-300 A 21). Fine and scarce. £120-150

3024 ‘Abd Allah b. al-Zubayr, Silver Drachm, 3029 ‘Umar b. ‘Ubayd Allah, Silver Drachm, ART
KRMAN? = Kirman 67, countermark lillah, 3.51g = Ardashir Khurra 68h, 3.59g (A 21). Very
(A 16). Very fine and scarce. £300-350 fine. £200-250

3025 Talha b. ‘Abd Allah (64-66h), Silver Drachm, SK 3030 ‘Atiya b. al-Aswad (c.71-76h), Silver Drachm,
= Sistan 64, 3.60g (A 26). Clipped, very fine. £200-250 KRMAN = Kirman 74h, 4.10g (A 28). About
extremely fine, rare. £350-400

3026 Mu’sab b. al-Zubayr (67-71h), Silver Drachm,

KRMANAHR = Narmashir 67, 3.16g (Walker 3031 ‘Atiya b. al-Aswad, Silver Drachm, KRMANGV
p.103: -; A 17). Partial ragged edge, very fine and = ? 74h, 3.38g (Walker p.111: Th.15; A 28). Partial
very rare. £250-300 ragged edge, about very fine and rare. £200-250
3037 al-Qatari b. al-Fuja’a (c.69-79h), Silver Drachm,
3032 ‘Abd Allah b. Umayya (c.74-77h), Silver Drachm, BYŠ = Bishapur 75h, 3.94g (A 33). About extremely
SK = Sistan 75, 3.29g (A 30). Partial ragged edge, fine. £600-800
very fine and very rare. £250-300

3038 al-Qatari b. al-Fuja’a, Silver Drachm, DA =

Darabjird 75h, 3.99g (A 33). About extremely
fine. £800-1000
3033 al-Muhallab b. Abi Sufra (75-79h), Silver
Drachm, Istakhr 76, 3.70g (Walker p.115-116 for
mint; A 31). Very fine. £120-150

3039 al-Qatari b. al-Fuja’a, Silver Drachm, DA =

Darabjird 76h, 4.10g (A 33). Extremely fine and
rare. £2000-2500

3034 al-Muhallab b. Abi Sufra, Silver Drachm, BYŠ -

Bishapur 76, 3.85g (Walker p.114:224; A 31). Very
fine. £120-150

3040 al-Qatari b. al-Fuja’a, Silver Drachm, KRMAN-

BN 77h, 4.00g (A 33; SICA I: 320). Good very fine,
very rare. £2000-2500

3041 al-Hajjaj b. Yusuf (75-95h), Silver Drachm, ART

3035 al-Muhallab b. Abi Sufra, Silver Drachm, DA = Ardashir Khurra 80h, 3.71g (A 35.2). Very
= Darabjird 76h, 3.97g (A 31). About extremely fine. £150-200
fine. £250-300

Abbasid Governors of Tabaristan

3042 Sa’id, Silver ½-Drachm, TAPWRSTAN PYE 126,

with the patronymic ibn da’laj, 1.74g (A 59). Some
3036 al-Muhallab b. Abi Sufra, Silver Drachm, ST = corrosion in outer reverse field, about extremely fine,
Istakhr 78h, 3.94g (A 31). Very fine, rare. £200-250 very rare. £300-350

3045 † temp. ‘Abd al-Malik, Silver Dirham, al-Basra

3043 temp. ‘Abd al-Malik (65-86h), Gold Dinar, 78h, 79h, 2.71g (Klat 168). Very fine. £120-150
4.23g (A 125). Extremely fine. £400-450

3044 temp. ‘Abd al-Malik, Gold Dinar, 84h, 4.08g 3046 † temp. ‘Abd al-Malik, Silver Dirham, al-Basra
(A 125). Very fine. £250-300 80h, 2.92g (Klat 169). Extremely fine. £80-100

3047 † temp. ‘Abd al-Malik, Silver Dirham, Tawwaj 82h, 2.91g (Klat 199, the only date recorded, 2 refs). Extremely fine
and very rare. £10,000-12,000
Tawwaj was an important commercial town on the trade route between Shiraz and the port of Jannaba in the province of Fars. It is known
for only a single Umayyad reform-style Dirham, although it is likely that additional dates will be discovered.

3048 3049

3048 † temp. ‘Abd al-Malik, Silver Dirham, Jayy 79h, 2.90g (Klat 253b). Cleaned, extremely fine. £500-600

3049 † temp. ‘Abd al-Malik, Silver Dirham, Jayy 80h, 2.93g (Klat 254). Extremely fine. £350-400
3056 temp. ‘Abd al-Malik, Silver Dirham, Nahr Tirâ
3050 † temp. ‘Abd al-Malik, Silver Dirham, Jayy 81h, 80h, 2.83g (Klat 638). Cleaned, good very fine and
2.89g (Klat 255b). Good very fine. £200-250 rare. £2000-2500
Nahr Tirâ is a town in Khuzistan in south-western Iran.

3051 † temp. ‘Abd al-Malik, Silver Dirham, Suq al-

Ahwaz 80h, 2.75g (Klat 484). Cleaned, very
fine. £200-250
3057 temp. al-Walid I (86-96h), Silver Dirham, Irminiya
95h, 2.88g (Klat 49). Good extremely fine. £350-400

3052 temp. ‘Abd al-Malik, Silver Dirham, Fil 79h,

2.78g (Klat 514). Very fine, though ex-mount, very
rare. £4000-4500 3058 temp. al-Walid I Silver Dirham, al-Taymara 92h,
2.66g (Klat 208). Very fine. £100-120

3053 † temp. ‘Abd al-Malik, Silver Dirham, al-Kufa

81h, 2.82g (Klat 542). Extremely fine. £100-120
3059 temp. al-Walid I, Silver Dirham, Darabjird 91h,
2.90g (Klat 292). Extremely fine. £120-150

3054 temp. ‘Abd al-Malik, Silver Dirham, Mah al-

Basra 79h, 2.71g (Klat 550). About extremely fine,
and scarce. £2500-3000 3060 temp. al-Walid I, Silver Dirham, Hamadan 91h,
2.83g (Klat 668a). About extremely fine and very
rare. £500-600

3055 † temp. ‘Abd al-Malik, Silver Dirham, Mah-

al-Kufa 79h, 2.91g (Klat 554). A little deposit, 3061 temp. al-Walid I, Silver Dirham, Darabjird 95h,
extremely fine. £4000-5000 2.90g (Klat 296). Good extremely fine. £120-150
3068 temp. al-Walid I, Gold Dinar, 94h, 4.30g (A 127).
3062 temp. al-Walid I, Silver Dirham, Ramhormuz Scratches on the obverse, slightly crimped, extremely
90h, 2.44g (Klat 383). Horn silver, good extremely fine. £250-300
fine. £120-150

3069 temp. Sulayman (96-99h), Gold Dinar, 97h, 4.26g

(A 130). Extremely fine. £300-350

3063 temp. al-Walid I, Silver Dirham, Surraq 90h, 3070 temp. Sulayman, Silver Dirham, Darabjird 98h,
2.86g (Klat 464). Very fine. £250-300 2.88g (Klat 299). Extremely fine, scarce. £150-200

3071 temp. Sulayman, Silver Dirham, Ardashir Khurra

97h, 2.80g (Klat 41). Very fine. £150-200

3072 temp. Sulayman/’Umar, Gold Dinar, 99h, 4.25g

(A 130). Good very fine. £250-300

3064 † temp. ‘Abd al-Walid I, Gold ⅓-Dinar, no mint,

91h, 1.44g. A few scuffs, very fine and very 3073 temp. Sulayman/’Umar, Gold ⅓-Dinar, 99h,
rare. £1500-2000 0.96g (A 130 B). Undulating surface, very fine and
rare. £120-150

3065 temp. al-Walid I, Silver Dirham, Mahay 92h,

2.71g (Klat 558a). Very fine, rare. £200-250
3074 temp. ‘Umar (99-101h), Silver Dirham, Sijistan
100h, 2.77g (Klat 442a). Small piercing near border,
very fine, rare. £1200-1500

3066 temp. al-Walid I, Silver Dirham, Manadhir 92h,

3.25g (Klat 616). About very fine, rare. £350-400

3067 temp. al-Walid I, Silver Dirham, Harat 93h, 2.85g 3075 temp. ‘Umar II, Silver Dirham, Sijistan 100h, 2.44g
(Klat 656a). Very fine. £100-120 (Klat 442a). About very fine and rare. £1500-2000
3076 † temp. ‘Umar II / Yazid II, Gold Dinar, Ifriqiya 101h, 4.26g (A 132C; Bern 44Ca). Narrow flan variety, good very fine
and very rare. £15,000-20,000
By this time the legends on the gold Dinars in both east and west followed the same wording and pattern, with the exception of the Umayyad
mints in Ifriqiya and al-Andalus which bore their mint names in the reverse marginal legend

3077 temp. Hisham, Gold Dinar, 106h, 4.24g (A 136). Good very fine. £300-350

3078 † temp. Hisham, Gold Dinar, Ifriqiya 114h, 4.26g (Bernardi 43 Ca). Metal defect on the obverse at 3 o’clock, otherwise
good very fine and very rare. £35,000-40,000

3079 † temp. Hisham, Gold Dinar, Ifriqiya 122h, 4.27g (Bernardi 43Ca, the latest dinar recorded from Ifriqiya). Slightly
double struck on the obverse, otherwise extremely fine and very rare £35,000-40,000
It is possible that this coinage was struck to support the first Muslim campaign against the Byzantines in Sicily.
Abbasid Revolutionary

3080 † temp. Hisham, Silver Dirham, al-Mubaraka 117h,

2.91g (Klat 575). Good extremely fine. £150-200 3087 temp. Abu Muslim (130-136h), Copper Fals,
Sijistan 131h, 3.17g (A 208). About very fine, very
rare. £250-300

3081 temp. Marwan II (127-132h), Silver Dirham,

al Jazira 128h, 2.88g (Klat 224). Good extremely
fine. £200-250
3088 temp. Abu Muslim, Silver Dirham, Marw 132h,
2.45g (A 206.3; Klat 606). Very fine. £200-250

3082 temp. Marwan II, Gold Dinar, 129h, 3.99g (A 141).
Slightly clipped, scratches in obverse field, very fine,
a scarce date. £250-300

3089 † temp. al-Saffah (132-136h), Silver Dirham,

Ardashir Khurra, 134h, 2.92g (Low 2027).
Extremely fine. £200-250
3083 temp. Marwan II, Silver Dirham, Sijistan 129h,
2.90g (Klat 447 but annulets as 446). Good very
fine and very rare. £3000-3500

3084 † temp. Marwan II, Silver Dirham, al-Kufa 129h,

2.84g (Klat 549). Scarce, very fine. £100-150

3090 † temp. al-Mansur (136-158h), Gold Dinar, no mint

136h, 4.26g (A 212; Bern 51). Good extremely
fine. £350-400

3085 temp. Marwan II, Silver Dirham, Dimashq

130h, 2.46g (Klat 474, 3 refs). Very fine and very
rare. £4000-5000
3091 † temp. al-Mansur, Gold Dinar, no mint, 143h,
When Marwan II moved his seat of government northwards 4.24g (Ber 51; Low 202). Scratches to reverse,
to his old gubernatorial territories in the Jazira, the mint of
Damascus lost much of its importance and its coins becomes obverse extremely fine, a scarce date. £350-400
much rarer. The year 130h is the rarest date in the entire
Damascus series.

3086 Anonymous, Fals/Pashiz, Zaranj, undated, 3092 temp. al-Mansur, Gold Dinar, 144h, 4.22g (A 212).
1.69g (A 49). Fine and rare. £120-150 Extremely fine. £250-300
3093 † temp. al-Mansur, Gold Dinar, no mint 152h, 4.22g
3100 † temp. al-Mahdi, Gold Dinar 161h, 4.10g (A 214;
(A 212; Bern 51, C0057 without pellet). Small scrape
Bern 1588). Good very fine. £250-300
on the reverse, otherwise good very fine. £200-250

3101 temp. al-Mahdi, Gold Dinar, no mint 163h, 4.26g

3094 temp. al-Mansur, Gold Dinar, 154h, 4.23g (A 212).
(A 213). Extremely fine. £250-300
Good extremely fine. £300-350

3102 temp. al-Mahdi, Gold Dinar, no mint 166h, 4.24g

(A 213). About extremely fine. £240-280
3095 † temp. al-Mansur, Silver Dirham, Arminiya 154h,
2.82g (A 213; Low 675). Very fine. £150-200

3103 † temp. al-Mahdi, Gold Dinar 167h, 4.13g (A 214;

Bern C0081). Extremely fine. £300-350
3096 temp. al-Mansur, Gold Dinar, 155h, 4.23g (A 212).
Lustrous, good extremely fine. £300-350

3104 † temp. al-Mahdi, Gold Dinar, no mint, 168h,

pellet below “8”, 4.24g (A 214; Low 331ff). Few
3097 † temp. al-Mahdi (158-196h), Gold Dinar 159h, light marks, otherwise extremely fine. £350-400
4.25g (A 214; Bern C0069). From slightly rusty
dies, extremely fine. £250-300

3105 temp. al-Hadi (169-170h), Gold Dinar, 169h,

3.88g, letter “D” in upper obverse field = Da’ud?
3098 temp. al-Mahdi , Gold Dinar, 160h, 4.23g (A 214). (A 216; Bern 57, 4 examples recorded). Clipped,
Extremely fine. £250-300 about very fine and very rare. £400-500

3106 temp. al-Hadi/Harun al-Rashid, Gold Dinar,

3099 temp. al-Mahdi, Gold Dinar, 165h, 4.24g (A 214). 170h, without governor, 3.99g (A 216/218; Bern 51).
Hairline scratches, extremely fine. £250-300 Slightly clipped, very fine and rare. £300-350
3114 † temp. Harun al-Rashid, Gold Dinar, 184h,
3107 † temp. Harun al-Rashid, Silver Dirham, Sijistan citing al-Amin, 4.23g (A 218.3; Bern 75). Very
172h, citing Huzaima b. Hazim, 2.70g. Good fine. £200-250
fine. £200-250

3115 † temp. Harun al-Rashid, Gold Dinar, 184h,

3108 † temp. Harun al-Rashid (170-193h), Gold Dinar, citing Ja’far, 4.24g (A 218.11; Bern 69). Good
no mint, 174h, citing Da’ud, 4.21g (A 218.9; very fine. £250-300
Low 26). Good very fine. £600-800

3116 temp. Harun al-Rashid, Gold Dinar, 186h, citing

3109 † temp. Harun al-Rashid, Gold Dinars (2), 175h, al-Amin as heir, 4.15g (A 218.3; Bern 75). A soft
without governor, 4.16g (A 218; Bern 51); 174h, striking, nearly extremely fine. £250-300
citing ‘Umar (A 218.8; Bern 66). First very fine, the
second poor. (2) £350-400

3117 temp. Harun al-Rashid, Gold Dinar, (Misr) 187h,

with governor Khalid, 3.99g (A 218.12; Bern 70).
3110 temp. Harun al-Rashid, Gold Dinar, (Misr) 176h, Slightly clipped, good very fine. £250-300
with governor Ibrahim, 4.11g (A 218.10; Bern 68).
Slightly clipped, very fine and very rare. £1000-1200

3118 † temp. Harun al-Rashid, Gold Dinar, (Madinat

al-Salam) 190h, letter “H” for Harun in lower
3111 temp. Harun al-Rashid, Gold Dinar, (Misr) 178h, obverse field, 4.26g (A 218.4; Bern 71). Brilliant,
with governor Ja’far, 4.24g (A 218.11; Bern 69). good extremely fine. £400-450
Full flan, extremely fine, rare as such. £400-450

3119 † temp. Harun al-Rashid, Gold Dinar, (Misr) 191h,

3112 † temp. Harun al-Rashid, Gold Dinar, 181h, citing Li’l-Khalifa, 4.22g (A 218.13; Bern 73). Extremely
Ja’far, 4.22g (A 218.11; Bern 69). Good very fine. £300-350
fine. £250-300

3120 temp. Harun al-Rashid, Gold Dinar, 191h, initial

3113 † temp. Harun al-Rashid, Gold Dinar, 182h, citing “H” for Harun in lower obverse field, 4.22g
al-Amin, 4.20g (A 218.3; Bern 75). Good very (A 218.4; Bern 71). Minor scratch in reverse field,
fine. £250-300 about extremely fine. £300-350
3121 temp. Harun al-Rashid, Gold Dinar, (Misr) 193h, 3127 al-Ma’mun, Gold Dinar, al-Iraq 200h, citing
Li’l Khalifa, 4.23g (A 218.13; Bern 75). About Dhu’l-Riyasatayn with vizier’s laqab ‘Ayn
extremely fine. £300-350 below, 4.27g (A 222.12; Bern 105). Extremely fine,
rare. £350-400

3128 al-Ma’mun, Gold Dinar, al-Iraq 201h, citing

3122 temp. Harun al-Rashid, Silver Dirham, Dimashq Dhu’l-Riyasatayn, 4.19g (A 222.12; Bern 103).
185h, with his heir al-Ma’mun, 2.86g (A 219.10; Good very fine. £250-300
Lowick 595). About very fine, very rare. £200-250

3129 † temp. al Ma’mun, Silver Dirham, Isfahan 201h,

3123 temp. al-Amin (193-198h), Gold Dinar, (Madinat citing the Vizier Dhu’l-Ri’asatayn, 2.95g (A 223.4).
al-Salam) 194h, citing al-’Abbas, 4.25g (A 220.5; Very fine. £120-150
Bern 79). About extremely fine. £300-350

3130 al-Ma’mun, Gold Dinar, al-Maghrib 202h, with

Li’llah al-Fadl/Dhu’l-Riyasatayn, 4.23g (A 222;
3124 † al-Ma’mun (194-218h), Gold Dinar, al-Iraq 199h Bern 93). Good very fine, rare. £350-400
citing Dhu’l-Riyasatayn, 4.22g (A 222.12; Bern
104). Full flan, good very fine, rare. £400-450

3131 al-Ma’mun, Silver Dirham, Samarqand, 202h,

3125 al-Ma’mun, Gold Dinar, (Misr) 196h, with citing al-Rida as heir, 3.02g (A 224). Very fine,
governor ‘Abbad, 4.26g (A 222.2; Bern 83). Good scarce. £300-350
very fine. £250-300

3126 al-Ma’mun, Gold Dinar, (Misr) 198h, with 3132 † al-Ma’mun, Silver Dirham, Madinat al-Salam
governor al-Mutallib, 4.21g (A 222.4; Bern 85). 203h, Humayd below, 2.98g (A 223.7). Extremely
About extremely fine. £300-350 fine. £120-150
3133 † al-Ma’mun, Gold Dinar, 203h, with letter H = al-
Kufa? in lower obverse field, 4.11g (A 222; Bern
107). About very fine, rare. £250-300 3139 † temp. al Ma’mun, Silver Dirham, Fars 208h,
2.93g (A 223.5; Low 2046). Good very fine and
rare. £350-400

3134 † temp. al Ma’mun, Gold Dinar, no mint, 204h, rev

lillah in field, 4.22g (A 222.14). Very fine. £300-350
3140 † al-Ma’mun, Silver ½-Dirham, al-Muhammadiya
209h, 1.52g (A 223H). Contemporary suspension loop,
heavily toned, very fine and very rare. £250-300

3135 † al-Ma’mun, Gold Dinar, (Madinat al-Salam)

205h, Lillah, 3.83g (A 222.14; Bern 109). Graffiti
in fields on both sides, otherwise extremely fine, 3141 † al-Ma’mun, Gold Dinar, (Misr) 210h, citing
rare. £300-350 ‘Ubayd Allah b. al-Sari, 4.24g (A 222.9; Bern 96).
Slightly clipped, good very fine. £250-300

3142 † al-Ma’mun, Gold Dinar, (Misr) 211h, citing

3136 † al-Ma’mun, Silver Dirham, Madinat al-Salam ‘Ubayd Allah b. al-Sari, 4.22g (A 222.9; Bern 96).
206h, Lillah, 2.93g (A 223.5). Good extremely About uncirculated, rare. £500-600
fine. £100-120

3143 al-Ma’mun, Silver Dirham, Ma’din Bajunays

211h, citing Yusuf b. Sa’id, 2.93g (A 223.8; Lowick -,
3137 † al-Ma’mun, Silver Dirham, Madinat al-Salam an unrecorded date for the mint). Very fine and
208h, Lillah, 2.86g (A 223.6). Toned, extremely very rare. £200-250
fine. £100-120

3138 † al-Ma’mun, Gold Dinar, (Misr) 208h, citing

‘Ubayd Allah b. al-Sari, 4.09g (A 222.9; Bern 96). 3144 † al-Ma’mun, Silver Dirham, Damashq 214h,
Slightly clipped, good very fine. £250-300 2.55g (A 223.6). Very fine, very rare. £250-300
3145 3146 3147

3145 al-Mu’tasim (218-227h), Silver Dirham, Isfahan 221h, 2.90g (A 226). Edge break, good very fine, rare. £250-300

3146 † al-Mu’tasim, Silver Dirham, Madinat al-Salam 226h, 2.98g (A 226). Good very fine. £150-200

3147 † al-Wathiq (227-232h), Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 230h, 4.29g (A 227; Bern 152 Jh). Extremely fine. £450-500

3148 al-Mutawakkil (232-247h), Gold Dinar, Makka 234h, 4.12g (Bern 155 Ef, 2 examples recorded). Very fine and very
rare. £15,000-20,000

3149 3150

3149 † al-Mutawakkil, Gold Dinar, Misr 240h, 4.19g (A 229.3; Bern 158 De). About extremely fine. £300-350

3150 † al-Mutawakkil, Gold Dinar, Marw 246h, 3.20g (A 229.3; Bern 158 Ph). About very fine and rare. £350-400

3151 † al-Mutawakkil, Gold Dinar, Arminiya 246h, 4.21g (Bern 158 Kb, 2 refs). Some scratches in the fields, otherwise very
fine and very rare. £6000-8000
3152 3153

3152 † al-Mutawakkil, Gold Dinar, Misr 247h, 4.17g (Bernardi 158 De). Weakly struck, obverse very fine, reverse fine,
scarce. £400-500

3153 al-Muntasir (247-248h), Silver Dirham, Surra man Ra’a 248h, 2.76g (A 232). Traces of mounting, about very fine,
rare. £250-300

3154 † al-Musta’in (248-251h), Gold Dinar, Makka 249h, 4.14g (Bernardi 161 Ef, 1 ref). Weakly struck, very fine and very
rare. £25,000-30,000

3155 3156

3155 † al-Musta’in, Gold Dinar, San’a’ 249h, 2.87g (Bernardi 161 El). Very fine, very rare. £400-500

3156 † al-Musta’in, Gold Dinar, Misr 250h, 4.00g (A 233.2; Bern 161 De). Extremely fine. £350-400

3157 3158

3157 al-Musta’in, Gold Dinar, Samarqand 251h, 4.50g (A 233; Bern 161 Qc). Very fine. £300-350

3158 † al-Mu’tazz (252-255h), Gold Dinar, Misr 252h, 4.09g (A 235.1; Bern 162 De). Very fine. £250-300
3159 † al-Mu’tazz, Gold Dinar, Makka 252h, 4.11g (Bernardi 162 Ef, 2 refs). Very fine and very rare. £80,000-100,000
In 160h/777 CE the Makam Ibrahim, the stone behind which the Prophet Muhammad prayed when he performed the circumnambulation of
the Holy Ka’ba, and which bears the footprints of the Prophet Ibrahim impressed into its surface at the time that he was building the Holy
House, was brought to the abode of al-Mahdi in Makka when he performed the pilgrimage. In the next year, when the makam was raised
carelessly by one of its keepers, it fell down and cracked; it was repaired on the order of al-Mahdi and its upper and lower parts were braced
with gold. Al-Mutawakkil in 241h / 655-656 CE improved the pedestal of the makam, embellished the makam itself with gold and ordered
the building of a cupola over the makam (cf al-Sinjari, Mana’ih al-karam bi-akhbar Makka wa‘l Haram, ms. Leiden fol. 120b). In 252h / 866 CE
the makam was stripped of its gold by the Governor of Makka Ja‘far bin al-Fadl; the gold was then melted down for minting Dinars, which he
spent in the struggle against the rebel Isma’il bin Yusuf bin Ibrahim (see al-Sinjari op.cit. fols. 120a ult. - 120b; for Isma‘il bin Yusuf see al-Fasi,
al-‘Ikd al-thamin, ed. Fu’ad Sayyid, Cairo 1383/1963, iii, 311, no 383). A thorough restoration of the Makam was carried out in 256h / 870 CE
by the Governor ‘Ali bin al-Hasan al-Hashimi (see al-Fasi op. cit. vi, 151, no. 2050).
The gold for the famous Dinar of the caliph al-Mu‘tazz dated 252h, which so eloquently symbolises the importance of this sacred spot, came
from the covering of the Makam Ibrahim.
(The information for this note is based on the Encylopaedia of Islam, 2nd edition).

3160 3161 3162

3160 al-Mu’tazz, Gold Dinar, Marw 253h, 4.23g (A 235; Bern 162 Ph). Very fine. £400-450

3161 † al-Muhtadi (255-256h) Silver Dirham, Madinat al-Salam 256h, 2.81g (A 238). Slightly ragged edge but good very fine,
rare. £200-250

3162 † al-Mu’tamid (256-279h), Silver Dirham, Dimashq 257h, 2.88g (A 240). Slightly crimped, very fine and rare. £300-350

3163 3164 3165

3163 † al-Mu’tamid Gold Dinar, Misr 258h, citing the amir Nahrir, 4.14g (A 241; Bern 174 De). Very fine, rare. £350-400

3164 † al-Mu’tamid, Gold Dinar, San’a’ 259h, 2.91g (A 1055; Bern 172 El). Good very fine. £250-300

3165 al-Mu’tamid, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 262h, 3.89g (A 239.5; Bern 173 Jh). Very fine and rare. £450-500
3169 † al-Mu’tamid, Gold Dinar, Samarqand 276h,
3166 † al-Mu’tamid, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam
citing his brother al-Muwaffaq 3.26g (A 239.5;
263h, citing his brother al-Muwaffaq 3.75g
Bern 177 Qe). About very fine. £250-300
(A 239.5; Bern 177 Jh). Slightly clipped, good very
fine, rare. £300-350

3170 al-Mu’tamid, Gold Dinar, Hamadhan 277h,

3167 † al-Mu’tamid, Gold Dinar, Samarqand 273h, 4.28g (Bernardi does not record this mint for this
citing his brother al-Muwaffaq 4.08g (A 239.5; type). Good very fine, small edge weakness, very
Bern 177 Qe). Very fine. £300-350 rare. £2500-3000
This is a pure Abbasid coin from Hamadhan, struck during
the period when the town was ruled by the Dulafid princes
Ahmad and later ‘Umar bin ‘Abd al-‘Aziz.

3168 al-Mu’tamid, Gold Dinar, Wasit 274h, 3.76g

(Bernardi 184 Jm, 1 ref). Good very fine and very
rare. £2500-3000 3171 al-Mu’tadid (279-289h), Gold Dinar, San’a’
Although Dirhams from the mint of Wasit during this reign 283h, 2.92g (A 1056; Bern 211El). Good very
are well known, dinars are exceptionally rare. fine. £250-300

3172 † al-Mu’tadid, Gold Medallion Dinar, Barda’a 286h, 4.13g (Bernardi does not record a Dinar from this mint for al-
Mu’tadid). Extremely fine and very rare. £15,000-20,000
This remarkable and very beautiful coin was struck in the Azeri city of Barda’a, probably while al-Mu’tadid was on military campaign in
the region. Its broad flan and especially elegant legends make it clear that it was intended for presentation to members of the caliph’s court
and army.
3173 † al-Muktafi (289-295h), Gold Dinar, San’a’ 290h, 2.88g (A 1057; Bern 226 El). Good very fine. £300-350

3174 al-Muktafi, Gold Dinar, Qasr 291h, 3.98g (A 243; Bern -). Unpublished, very fine and excessively rare. £5000-6000
The location of this mint is unknown as the mintname, Qasr, simply means castle.

3175 † al-Muktafi Gold Dinar, Makka 291h, 3.86g (Bernardi 216 Ef, 1 ref). About extremely fine and very rare. £15,000-20,000

3176 al-Muktafi, Gold Dinar, Misr 292h, 4.03g (A 243; Bern 226 De). Good very fine. £350-400
3177 † al-Muktafi, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 292h,
3183 al-Muqtadir (295-320), Gold Dinar, Dimashq
4.18g (A 243.1; Bern 226 Jh). Good very fine. £300-350
301h, 4.01g (A 245; Bern 242 Ge). Good very fine,
rare. £1200-1500

3178 † al-Muktafi, Silver Dirham, Makka 292h, 2.86g

(A 244.1). Good very fine, very rare. £3500-4000
3184 al-Muqtadir, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam
301h, 3.78g (A 245.2; Bern 242 Jh, this date not
recorded). Crimped with flan crack, otherwise
extremely fine, very rare. £600-800

3179 al-Muktafi, Gold Dinar, Mah al-Kufa 293h, 4.62g

(Bernardi 226 Mr, 2 refs). About extremely fine and
very rare. £2500-3000

3185 al-Muqtadir, Gold Dinar, Misr 302h, 4.18g (A 245.2;

Bern 242 De). Extremely fine. £300-350

3180 al-Muktafi, Gold Dinar, Wasit 293h, 4.03g

(Bernardi 226 Jm, 1 ref). Extremely fine and very
rare. £2500-3000

3186 † al-Muqtadir, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam

303h, 4.23g (A 245.2; Bern 242 Jh). Good very
fine. £350-400

3181 † al-Muktafi, Silver Dirham, Misr 294h, 2.85g

(A 244.1). A full clean strike, about extremely fine,
rare. £250-300

3187 al-Muqtadir, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam

306h, 4.42g (A 245.2; Bern 242 Jh). A soft strike,
good very fine. £350-400

3188 † al-Muqtadir, Silver Dirhams (3), Wasit 307h,

3182 † al-Muktafi, Silver Dirham, Tiflis 294h, 2.93g 315h, 320h, with heir Abu’l -’Abbas, 4.05g, 3.46g,
(A 244). Crude strike but good very fine, extremely 3.57g (A 246.2). First holed, good very fine, the
rare. £1500-2000 others extremely fine. (3) £150-200
3189 † al-Muqtadir, Gold Dinar, Mah al-Basra 307h,
3.57g (A 245.2; Bern 242 Mq). Good very fine, 3195 † al-Muqtadir, Gold Dinar, Hamadhan 312h, 4.25g
rare. £350-400 (A 245.2; Bern 242 Mu, this date not recorded).
About extremely fine. £400-450

3190 † al-Muqtadir, Gold Dinar, San’a’ 307h, 1.90g (A 1058;

Bern 237 El). Good very fine, scarce. £300-350
3196 al-Muqtadir, Gold Dinar, al-Muhammadiya
312h, 3.93g (A 245.2; Bern 242 Mh). Very
fine. £300-350

3191 al-Muqtadir, Gold Dinar, Qumm 308h, 2.96g

(A 245.2; Bern 242 Mn). Very fine, rare. £400-450

3197 al-Muqtadir, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam

313h, 4.10g (A 245.2; Bern 242 Jh). Good very
fine. £350-400

3192 al-Muqtadir, Gold Dinar, al-Muhammadiya

310h, 3.78g (A 245.2; Bern 242 Mh). Softly struck
in centre, good very fine. £350-400

3198 † al-Muqtadir, Gold Dinar, Qumm 313h, 3.45g

(A 245.2; Bern 242 Mn). Good very fine and
rare. £400-450

3193 al-Muqtadir, Gold Dinar, Nisibin 311h, 4.49g

(Bernardi does not record this date for this mint).
About extremely fine and very rare. £3000-3500
Bernardi recorded a single example of a Dinar struck in
Nisibin (Nusaybin) for al-Muqtadir dated 313h.
3199 al-Muqtadir, Gold Dinar, Hamadham 313h,
3.41g (A245; Bern 242 Mu). Very fine. £250-300

3194 † al-Muqtadir, Gold Dinar, Hamadhan 311h, 3.70g

(Bernardi 242 Mu). Broad flan, extremely fine and 3200 † al-Muqtadir, Gold Dinar, San’a’ 315h, 1.89g
rare. £1200-1500 (A 1058; Bern 241 El). Extremely fine. £300-350
3201 al-Muqtadir, Gold Dinar, Suq al-Ahwaz 316h, 3204 † al-Muqtadir, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam
4.58g (A 245.2; Bern 242 Nf). Extremely fine. 317h, 4.15g (A 245.2; Bern 242 Jh). Extremely
£300-350 fine. £350-400

3202 al-Muqtadir, Gold Dinar, al-Karaj 317h, 3.78g 3205 al-Muqtadir, Gold Dinar, al-Karaj 318h, 2.67g
(A 245.2; Bern 242 Jg). Very fine, rare. £500-600 (A 245.2; Bern 242 Jf). Crudely struck, good very
fine. £500-600

3203 al-Muqtadir, Gold Dinar, Qumm 317h, 3.76g 3206 † al-Muqtadir, Gold Dinar, Mah al-Kufa 318h,
(A 245.2; Bern 242 Mn). Good very fine. £450-500 4.01g (A 245.2; Bern 242 Mr). Very fine. £300-350

3207 † al-Muqtadir, Gold Donative Heavy Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 318h, 15.94g. An unpublished coin, good very fine and
of the highest rarity. £35,000-40,000
3208 † al-Muqtadir, Gold Dinar, al-Ahwaz 319h, 4.45g 3213 † al-Muqtadir, Gold Dinar, Tustar min al-Ahwaz
(A 245.2; Bern 242 Nd). Full well centred strike 320h, 4.65g (A 248; Bern 243 Ne). Extremely
extremely fine. £300-350 fine. £300-350

3214 † al-Muqtadir, Silver Dirham, Makka 296h,

without heir, 2.81g (A 246.1). Very fine and very
rare. £3000-3500

3209 † al-Muqtadir, Gold Dinar, ‘Aththar 319h, 2.76g

(Bernardi 249 Eo, 1 ref). Extremely fine and very 3215 † al-Muqtadir, Silver Dirham, Filastin 299h, with
rare. £7000-8000 heir Abu’l -’Abbas, 2.57g (A 246.2). Very fine,
rare. £300-350

3216 † al-Muqtadir, Silver Dirhams (4), al-

Muhammadiya 298h, Shiraz 307h, Suq al-Ahwaz
310h, Surra man Ra’a 319h, with heir Abu’l -
’Abbas, 3.17g, 2.86g, 3.56g, 3.23g (A 246.2).
Generally about very fine. (4) £120-150
3210 † al-Muqtadir, Gold Dinar, al-Ahwaz 320h, with
heir and Vizier Amid al-Dawla, 4.53g (A 248;
Bern 243 Nd). Extremely fine. £300-350

3217 † al-Muqtadir, Silver Dirham, Antakiya 300h,

with heir Abu’l -’Abbas, 2.99g (A 246.2). Slightly
crimped, very fine, scarce. £150-200

3211 † al-Muqtadir, Gold Dinar, Filastin (320h), with 3218 † al-Muqtadir, Silver Dirhams (3), Madinat al-
heir and Vizier Amid al-Dawla, 3.91g (A 248; Salam 300h, 303h, 304h, with heir Abu’l -’Abbas,
Bern 243 Gn). Parts of outer legend weakly struck, 2.70g, 2.30g, 3.06g (A 246.2). Full flan, good very
good very fine, rare. £400-500 fine or better. (3) £150-200

3212 † al-Muqtadir, Gold Dinar, Suq min al-Ahwaz 3219 † al-Muqtadir, Donative Silver Dirham, Madinat
320h, 4.16g (A 248; Bern 243 Nf). About extremely al-Salam 302h, 2.84g (A 246A). Extremely fine,
fine. £250-300 rare. £800-1000
3226 al-Muqtadir, Donative Silver Dirham, Madinat
3220 † al-Muqtadir, Heavy Silver Dirham, Wasit 303h, al-Salam 310h, 3.56g (A 246A). Good very fine,
with heir Abu’l -’Abbas, 4.81g (A 246.2). Very rare. £800-1000
fine, scarce. £150-200
3227 † al-Muqtadir, Silver Dirhams (3), Madinat al-
Salam 311h, 312h, 319h, with heir Abu’l -’Abbas,
2.65g, 3.85g, 2.95g (A 246.2). First and last uneven
very fine, the second good very fine. (3) £120-150

3221 † al-Muqtadir, Heavy Silver Dirham, Madinat al-

Salam 304h, with heir Abu’l -’Abbas, 5.84g
(A 246.2). Good very fine, scarce. £150-200
3228 † al-Muqtadir, Silver Dirham, Filastin 312h, with
3222 † al-Muqtadir, Silver Dirhams (3), Madinat al- heir Abu’l -’Abbas 3.21g (A 246.2). Planchet defect
Salam 305h, 309h, 310h, with heir Abu’l -’Abbas, across obverse, otherwise very fine, rare. £250-300
3.56g, 5.34g, 3.07g (A 246.2). First two better than
very fine, the third extremely fine. (3) £150-200

3229 † al-Muqtadir, Silver Dirham, Harran 313h, with

heir Abu’l -’Abbas, 5.14g (A 246.2). Very fine,
rare. £150-200
3223 † al-Muqtadir, Silver Dirham, Harran 306h, with
heir Abu’l -’Abbas, 4.06g (A 246.2). Flatly struck
by mintname, about very fine, rare. £80-100

3230 † al-Muqtadir, Donative Silver Dirham, Madinat

al-Salam 313h, 2.88g (A 246A). Slightly crimped,
fine, rare. £600-800

3224 † al-Muqtadir, Silver Dirham, al-Rahba 306h, 3231 † al-Muqtadir, Silver Dirhams (2), Mah al-Kufa
with heir Abu’l -’Abbas, 3.21g (A 246.2). Good 317h and al-Kufa 308h, with heir Abu’l -’Abbas,
very fine, very rare. £200-250 3.12g, 3.02g (A 246.2). Very fine, the first rare.
(2) £150-200

3225 † al-Muqtadir, Silver Dirhams (2), Dimashq 308h, 3232 † al-Muqtadir, Silver Heavy Dirham, Madinat
312h, with heir Abu’l -’Abbas, 2.77g, 3.45g (A 246.2). al-Salam, 318h, 6.44g (A 246.2). About very fine,
Both unevenly struck, very fine, rare. (2) £200-250 rare £150-200
3239 † al-Qahir, Gold Dinar, Hamadhan 321h, with
3233 † al-Muqtadir, Silver Dirham, Tarsus 318h, with heir Abu’l-Qasim, 4.13g (A 250.2; Bern 277 Mu).
heir Abu’l -’Abbas, 3.22g (A 246.2). About About extremely fine, rare. £450-500
extremely fine, rare. £200-250

3234 † al-Muqtadir, Silver Dirham, al-Karaj 318h, with 3240 † al-Qahir, Gold Dinar, Hamadhan 321h, without
heir Abu’l -’Abbas, 2.60g (A 246.2). Weak outer name of heir, 4.39g (A 250.1; Bern 275 Mu).
legends, about very fine, rare. £80-100 A crude strike, very fine, rare. £450-500

3241 † al-Qahir, Gold Dinar, al-Karaj 321h, with heir

3235 † al-Muqtadir, Silver Dirham, Misr 320h, with Abu’l-Qasim, 3.38g (A 250.2; Bern 277 Jf). Good
heir Abu’l -’Abbas, 3.59g (A 246.2). Extremely very fine, rare. £400-450
fine, rare. £250-300

3242 † al-Qahir, Gold Dinar, al-Kufa 321h, with heir

Abu’l-Qasim, 2.58g (A 250.2; Bern 277 Jg). Good
very fine, rare. £450-500
3236 al-Muqtadir, Silver Dirham, Tarsus 320h, citing
the vizier ‘Amid al-Dawla, 2.69g (A 249). Very
fine, rare. £150-200

3243 † al-Qahir, Gold Dinar, Qumm 321h, with heir

3237 † al-Qahir (320-322h), Gold Dinar, al-Ahwaz Abu’l-Qasim, 3.99g (A 250.2; Bern 277 Mn).
321h, with heir Abu’l -Qasim, 4.65g (A 250.2; Weakly struck around date, good very fine and
Bern 277 Nd). Extremely fine. £350-400 rare. £400-450

3238 † al-Qahir, Gold Dinar, al-Ahwaz 321h, without 3244 † al-Qahir, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 321h,
name of heir, 4.29g (A 250.1; Bern 275 Nd). with heir Abu’l-Qasim, 3.92g (A 250.2; Bern 277
Extremely fine. £300-350 Jn). Extremely fine. £350-400
3245 † al-Qahir, Gold Dinar, Mah al-Basra 321h, with
heir Abu’l-Qasim, 3.68g (A 250.2; Bern 277 Mq). 3251 † al-Qahir, Gold Dinar, al-Ahwaz 322h, with heir
Good very fine. £350-400 and revenge motto, 4.45g (A 252; Bern 278 Nd).
Extremely fine. £300-350

3246 † al-Qahir, Gold Dinar, Suq min al-Ahwaz 321h,

without name of heir, 4.62g (A 250.1; Bern 275
Nf). Extremely fine. £300-350 3252 † al-Qahir, Gold Dinar, Suq min al-Ahwaz 322h,
with name of heir and revenge motto, 3.92g
(A 252; Bern 278 Nf). Extremely fine. £300-350

3247 † al-Qahir, Gold Dinar, Tustar min al-Ahwaz

321h, without name of heir, 4.09g (A 250.1; Bern
275 Ne). Good very fine. £300-350
3253 † al-Qahir, Gold Dinar, Tustar min al-Ahwaz 322h,
with name of heir and revenge motto, 3.95g (A
252; Bern 278 Ne). Extremely fine. £300-350

3254 † al-Qahir, Silver Dirhams (3), Madinat al-Salam

321h, al-Kufa 321h, Surra man ra’a 322h, with
heir Abu’l-Qasim, 2.38g, 3.54g, 2.29g (A 251.2).
First very fine, the second holed, very fine, the last obverse
3248 † al-Qahir, Gold Dinar, al-Kufa 321h, with heir extremely fine, reverse blank. (3) £150-200
Abu’l-Qasim, 3.31g (A 250.2; Bern 277 Jg). Good
very fine, rare. £400-450

3255 al-Qahir, Gold Dinar, Hamadhan 321h, with

3249 † al-Qahir, Gold Dinar, Filastin 321h, with heir heir Abu’l-Qasim 4.84g (A 250.1; Bern 277 Mu).
Abu’l-Qasim, 2.73g (A 250.2; Bern type 277, mint Small flat area in striking, good very fine and
not recorded). Outer legends weak in places, very rare. £350-400
fine, very rare. £800-1000

3250 al-Qahir, Gold Dinar, al-Karaj 321h, with heir 3256 † al-Radi (322-329h), Gold Dinar, al-Ahwaz
Abu’l-Qasim 3.55g (A 250.1; Bern 277 Jf). Good 322h, 5.10g (A 254.1; Bern 285 Nd). Good very
very fine, rare. £500-600 fine. £300-350
3263 † al-Radi, Gold Dinar, Misr 323h, 4.16g (A 254.1;
3257 † al-Radi, Gold Dinar, Tustar min al-Ahwaz Bern 285 De). Extremely fine. £300-350
322h, 4.22g (A 254.1; Bern 285 Ne). Extremely
fine. £300-350

3264 † al-Radi, Gold Dinar, Tustar min al-Ahwaz 323h,

5.03g (A 254.1; Bern 285 Ne). About extremely
fine. £300-350
3258 † al-Radi, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 322h,
4.41g (A 254.1; Bern 285 Jn). Holed at 3 o’clock,
good very fine. £200-250

3265 † al-Radi, Gold Dinar, Tustar min al-Ahwaz

323h, 5.47g (A 254.1; Bern 285 Ne). Good very
fine. £250-300

3259 al-Radi, Gold Dinar, Misr 323h, 4.40g (A 254.1;

Bern 285 De). Very fine. £250-300

3266 † al-Radi, Heavy Gold Dinar, Suq al-Ahwaz 324h,

7.63g (A 254.1; Bern 285 Nf). About extremely
fine. £400-500

3260 † al-Radi, Heavy Gold Dinar, Suq al-Ahwaz 323h,

6.94g (A 254.1; Bern 285 Nf). Very fine and
rare. £400-500

3267 † al-Radi, Heavy Gold Dinar, Tustar min al-

Ahwaz 324h, 6.47g (A 254.1; Bern 285 Ne). About
extremely fine. £400-500

3261 † al-Radi, Gold Dinar Amiri, San’a’ 323h, 1.92g

(A A1059; Bern 287 El). Good extremely fine.

3268 † al-Radi, Gold Dinar amiri, San’a’ 325h, 1.83g

(A A1059; Bern 286 El). Good very fine. £300-350

3262 † al-Radi, Gold Dinar, Wasit 323h, 4.56g (A 254.1; 3269 † al-Radi, Donative Silver Dirham, no mint 325h,
Bern 285 Jm, 2 examples recorded). A full round 2.89g (Ilisch D111.22; A 255c). Mount marks, very
strike, extremely fine, very rare. £1500-2000 fine and very rare. £500-600
3270 † al-Radi, Silver Medallion Dirham, Madinat al-Salam 325h, 14.45g. Extremely fine and very rare. £60,000-80,000
This magnificent coin is unusual in several respects. It mixes legends normally found on the reverse with the abbreviated kalima usually
found on the obverse, and includes a beautiful floral device. This was probably taken from the plasterwork designs used in decorating the
rooms of the caliphal palaces in Madinat al-Salam and Surra man ra’a (Samarra). It is one of the masterpieces of all Islamic numismatics.

3271 † al-Radi, Gold Dinar, Mah al-Basra 326h, 3.41g 3274 † al-Radi, Gold Dinar, Qumm 327h, 3.71g (A
(A 254.1; Bern 285 Mq). Good very fine, very 254.1; Bern 285 Mn). Softly struck, very fine
rare. £1200-1500 and rare. £450-550

3272 † al-Radi, Gold Dinar, Hamadhan 326h, 3.73g 3275 † al-Radi, Gold Dinar, Qumm 328h, 3.12g (A
(A 254.1; Bern 285 Mu). A crude striking, good 254.1; Bern 285 Mn). A crude striking, good very
very fine. £500-600 fine, rare. £500-600

3276 † al-Radi, Silver Dirham, Irbil 329h, 2.72g (A 255.2).

3273 † al-Radi, Gold Dinar, al-Maragha 327h, 2.96g The only recorded date for this coin in silver, softly
(A 254.1; Bern 285 Ke). Very fine, rare. £1200-1500 struck, about very fine, very rare. £350-400
3277 † al-Radi, Silver Dirhams (4), Surra man ra’a’ 323h,
Halab(?) 323h, Ras al-’Ayn 323h, al-Rafiqa 327h,
3.49g, 3.98g, 2.83g, 4.86g (A255). First holed, third
coin fine, the others good very fine. (4) £120-150

3278 † al-Radi, Silver Dirhams (6), Madinat al-Salam

322h, 323h, 324h, 325h, 326h, 327h, 2.78g, 2.80g,
3.43g, 3.28g, 4.44g, 3.09g (A 255). All good very 3284 † al-Mustakfi (333-334h), Silver Dirham, Madinat al-
fine or better. (6) £250-300 Salam 334h, with heir Abu’l Hasan Muhammad,
2.83g (A 263). Very fine, rare. £150-200

3279 † al-Muttaqi (329-333h), Gold Dinar, Wasit 329h, 3285 † al-Muti’ (334-363h), Gold Dinar, Baysh 335h, 2.76g
with chief amir Abu’l –Husayn Bajkam, 3.67g (A 1062). Good very fine, very rare. £2000-2500
(A.A 258; Bern 309Jm). Good extremely fine and
rare. £800-1000

3286 † al-Muti’, Gold Dinar, ‘Aththar 338h, 2.76g (A 1062).

Good extremely fine, very rare. £2500-3000

3280 † al-Muttaqi, Silver Dirham, Madinat al-Salam

329h, with chief amir Abu’l-Huseyn Bajkam
3.97g (A 258). Extremely fine. £150-200

3287 † al-Muti’, Gold Dinar, Baysh 342h, 2.66g (A 1062).

Good very fine, very rare. £2000-2500

3281 † al-Muttaqi, Gold Dinar, Misr 329h, 4.07g (A 256;

Bern 306 De, 2 examples recorded). Holed at
3 o’clock, very fine and very rare. £450-550

3288 † al-Muti’, Donative Silver Dirham, without mint

or date, a hare within a hexagon and legend
surrounding on both sides, 2.58g (Ilisch -). Edge
segment broken away, otherwise about very fine,
extremely rare. £500-600

3282 † al-Muttaqi, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 331h,

citing joint amirs Sayf al-Dawla and Nasir al-
Dawla, 4.55g (A 260; Bern 312 Jh). Extremely
fine. £350-400

3283 † al-Mustakfi, Silver Dirhams (2), Madinat al-

Salam 333h, Antakiya 334h, 3.77g, 4.62g with 3289 † al-Muqtafi (530-555h), Gold Dinar, Madinat al-
chief amir al-Muzaffar Abu’l-Wafa (A 264). Weak Salam 552h, 1.97g (A F266). Clipped, very fine,
strikings, about very fine, rare. (2) £200-250 very rare. £800-1000
3290 † al-Mustanjid (555-566h), Gold Dinar, Madinat 3296 al-Nasir, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 591h,
al-Salam 555h, 2.49g (A 266). Good very fine, very 4.51g (A 268). Crimped, very fine, rare. £400-450
rare. £600-800

3291 † al-Mustanjid, Gold Dinar, al-Hilla 557h, 1.92g

3297 al-Nasir, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 597h,
(A 266). Faint hairline crack, good very fine,
6.38g (A 268). A full strike, very fine, rare. £450-500
extremely rare. £4000-5000

3292 † al-Mustanjid, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam

561h, 1.38g (A 266). A crude striking, extremely 3298 † al-Nasir, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 598h,
fine, very rare. £800-1000 5.84g (A 268). Good very fine, rare. £600-800

3293 † al-Mustanjid, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam

564h, 1.36g (A 266). Struck off-centre, about 3299 † al-Nasir, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 600h,
extremely fine, very rare. £600-800 6.41g (A 268). Very fine. £400-500

3294 † al-Mustanjid, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 3300 al-Nasir, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 601h,
565h, 1.09g (A 266). A crude striking, about 5.93g (A 268). A full strike, about extremely
uncirculated, very rare. £800-1000 fine. £450-500

3295 † al-Nasir (575-622h), Gold Dinar, Madinat al-

Salam 589h, 3.67g (A 268). Good very fine and 3301 † al-Nasir, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 603h,
rare. £450-500 8.21g (A 268). Good very fine. £500-600
3307 † al-Nasir, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 613h,
3302 † al-Nasir, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 604h, 3.97g (A 268). About extremely fine. £500-600
5.63g (A 268). Very fine. £400-500

3308 † al-Nasir, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 614h,

12.46g (A 268). Exceptional weight, good very
fine. £600-800
3303 al-Nasir, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 606h,
6.53g (A 268). Good very fine. £450-500

3309 † al-Nasir, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 615h,

6.39g (A 268). The date very weakly struck, otherwise
good extremely fine. £500-600

3304 † al-Nasir, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 607h,

4.54g (A 268). Outer legends weak in parts, good
very fine. £500-600

3310 † al-Nasir, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 616h,

2.21g (A 268). Badly struck on the reverse, very
fine. £150-200

3305 al-Nasir, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 609h,

8.25g (A 268). Good very fine. £350-400

3311 † al-Nasir, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 617h,

3.36g (A 268). Good very fine. £300-350

3306 al-Nasir, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 611h,

5.65g (A 268). A crude strike with some weakness, 3312 † al-Nasir, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 618h,
otherwise brilliant, good extremely fine. £450-500 8.42g (A 268). Good very fine. £400-500
3319 † al-Musta’sim (640-656h), Gold Dinar, Madinat
3313 † al-Nasir, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 620h, al-Salam 640h, 5.02g (A 275). Good extremely
5.62g (A 268). Good very fine. £350-400 fine. £400-450

3314 al-Nasir, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 621h,

3.20g (A 268). Minor weakness in places on edge, 3320 † al-Musta’sim, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam
otherwise brilliant, good extremely fine, a scarce 641h, 6.43g (A 275). Good very fine. £350-400
date. £450-500

3315 al-Zahir (622-623h), Gold Dinar, Madinat al- 3321 † al-Musta’sim, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 642h,
Salam 622h, 7.29g (A 270). Outer legend blundered 4.57g (A 275). Good extremely fine. £400-450
on both sides, otherwise a well centred strike, good
extremely fine and rare. £1000-1200

3322 † al-Musta’sim, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam

3316 † al-Zahir, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 622h, 643h, 2.11g (A 275). Very thin flan with clear trace of
2.35g (A 270). Small piercing, a crude striking, through striking, about uncirculated. £350-400
about very fine, rare. £300-350

3317 al-Zahir, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 623h, 3323 † al-Musta’sim, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam
5.03g (A 270). Unevenly struck, extremely fine, 644h, 10.24g (A 275). Outer legends weak in places,
very rare. £1000-1200 extremely fine. £600-800

3318 al-Mustansir (623-640h), Gold Dinar, Madinat

al-Salam 623h, 3.35g (A 271). Very fine and 3324 † al-Musta’sim, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam
rare. £400-450 645h, 5.97g (A 275). Very fine, a scarce date. £400-450
3325 al-Musta’sim, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 3331 al-Musta’sim, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam
646h, 8.30g (A 275). A full strike, good very 652h, 6.98g (A 275). Some weakness, good very fine,
fine. £450-500 very rare date. £500-600

3326 † al-Musta’sim, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 3332 † al-Musta’sim, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam
647h, 8.75g (A 275). Good very fine, a scarce 654h, 7.52g (A 275). Extremely fine, a very rare
date. £500-600 date. £600-800

3333 † al-Musta’sim, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam

3327 † al-Musta’sim, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 655h, 7.23g (A 275). Outer legends weak in places,
648h, 5.58g (A 275). About extremely fine, a rare good extremely fine, a rare date. £600-800
date. £600-800

3334 Copper Fals, Istakhr 159h, in name of al-Rabū b.

Khatir?, 3.63g (A 325; Miles Persepolis 383-390).
3328 † al-Musta’sim, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam Good fine. £100-120
649h, 6.91g (A 275). Outer legends weak in places,
good extremely fine, a rare date. £600-800

3335 Copper Fals, Zaranj, undated, 3.03g (A -,

unrecorded mint for Abbasid copper). Good fine,
3329 † al-Musta’sim, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam very rare. £200-250
650h, 6.99g (A 275). Extremely fine. £500-600

Idrisid of the Maghrib

3330 al-Musta’sim, Gold Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 3336 † ‘Ali b. Muhammad (221-224h), Silver Dirham,
651h, 7.05g (A 275). Brilliant, about uncirculated. al-‘Aliya 233h, 1.76g (A 424). Good very fine,
£500-600 rare. £150-200
Aghlabid Al-Murabitid

3337 † ‘Abd Allah I (196-201h), Silver Dirham, Ifriqya

201h, 2.52g (A 437). Extremely fine and very
rare. £300-350 3343 Abu Bakr b. ‘Umar (448-480h), Gold Dinar,
Sijilmasa 455h, 4.17g (A 461.2; Hazard North
Africa 31). Good very fine. £600-800

3338 Ziyadat Allah I (201-223h), Gold Dinar, 207h,

Masrur below on obverse, 4.17g (A 438; Bern 124).
Full flan, very fine, scarce. £350-400

3344 Abu Bakr b. ‘Umar, Gold Dinar, Sijilmasa 456h,

4.18g (A 461.2; Hazard 32). Slightly creased, good
very fine. £600-800

3339 Muhammad II (250-261h), Gold Dinar, 260h,

with Hasan below on reverse, 4.19g (A 446;
Bern 137). Dig in obverse field, good very fine,
rare. £350-400

Zirid of Qayrawan

3345 Abu Bakr b. ‘Umar, Gold Dinar, Sijilmasa 477h,

4.16g (A 461.2; Hazard 48). About extremely
fine. £700-800

3340 † temp. al-Mu’izz b. Badis (406-454h), Gold Dinar,

Madina ‘Izz al-Islam wa’l-Qayrawan 441h, 4.42g
(A 458). Extremely fine £300-350

3346 Yusuf b. Tashufin (480-500h), Gold Dinar,

Sijilmasa 485h, 4.17g (A 464.1; Hazard 79).
Extremely fine. £700-800
3341 † temp. al-Mu’izz b. Badis, Gold Dinar, Madina
‘Izz al-Islam wa’l-Qayrawan 444h, 4.36g (A 458).
Well centred, extremely fine. £300-350

3342 † temp. al-Mu’izz b. Badis, Gold Dinar, Madina 3347 Yusuf b. Tashufin, Gold Dinar, Aghmat 495h,
‘Izz al-Islam wa’l-Qayrawan 445h, 4.13g (A 458). 4.15g (A 461.1; Hazard 68). About extremely
Extremely fine, a rare date. £400-450 fine. £700-800
Hafsid Sa’dian Sharifs

3348 Abu-Yahya Abu Bakr II (710-747h), Gold Dinar,

no mint, undated (719-747h), ornamental Kufic 3353 † Abu’l -’Abbas Ahmad II (986-1012h), Gold
script, 4.71g (A 507.2; Hazard 588). Good very fine Dinar, Marrakush 1012h, 4.57g (A 565.2). About
and rare. £500-600 extremely fine. £1000-1200

3349 † Abu-Yahya Abu Bakr II, Gold Dinar, Qafsa,

undated, 4.60g (Haz 587; A 507). Good very fine,
a rare mint. £1200-1500 3354 † Abu’l-Mahalli (usurper 1021-1022h), known on
his coinage as Abu’l-‘Abbas Ahmad al-Mahdi,
Gold Dinar, Marrakush 1021h, 4.56g (Album
K573). Weakly struck in parts, otherwise about
extremely fine and very rare. £3500-4000
“Abu Mahalli” claimed descent from the Prophet
Muhammad’s uncle al-‘Abbas. He devoted his life to Allah,
named himself the Mahdi (Messiah) and waged holy war
to end the rule of the Sa‘adian Sharifs. Abu Mahalli led his
followers to confront the Sa‘adian ruler, who put up no
3350 † Abu’l-Abbas Ahmad II (755-758h), Gold Dinar, resistance. He took on all the trappings of royalty, won great
Qustantina, undated, 4.69g (Haz -; A 510). Weak popularity and took advantage of the available gold to strike
in parts on border, very fine and a very rare beautiful coins with elegant Maghribi ornamentation in his
own name. However, having assured his followers of his
mint. £1500-2000 divine power, he was killed in battle by a single shot, and
Marrakesh returned to Sa‘adian rule.

‘Alawi Sharifs

3355 temp. Isma’il al-Samin (1083-1139h), Gold

3351 † temp. Abu Yahya Abu Bakr (642-656h), Gold Dinar Bunduqi, Hadrat Fas 1091h, 3.45g (A 583;
Dinar, without mint or date, 4.28g (A 520). Eustache 22). Full and well centred strike, good
Slightly crimped, very fine. £350-400 very fine. £300-350

3352 † Abu-’Iman Faris (749-759h), Gold Dinar, 3356 † Isma’il al-Samin, Gold Bunduqi, Fas 1120h,
Madinat Fas, undated, 4.48g (A 531). Good very 3.42g (A 583; Eustache -, date not recorded for this
fine. £500-600 mint). Weakly struck, very fine, rare. £300-350
3357 † Isma’il al-Samin, Gold Bunduqi, Fas 1123h, 3363 Harun, Gold Dinar, Misr 288h, 4.16g (A 667;
3.44g (A 583; Eustache -, date not recorded for Bern 215 De). About extremely fine. £250-300
this mint). Good very fine, rare. £300-350


3358 Moulay Sulayman (1206-1238h), Gold ¼-Bunduqi,

Fas 1207h, 0.83g (A 619A; Eustache 455). Very
fine and very rare. £600-800

Tulunid 3364 † Muhammad b. Tughj (323-334h), Gold Dinar,

Misr 333h, 4.10g (Bacharach MG333a; A 674).
Extremely fine. £350-450

3359 Ahmad b. Tulun (254-270h), Gold Dinar, Misr

270h, 4.28g (A 661; Bern 191 De). Superbly struck, 3365 Muhammad b. Tughj, Gold Dinar, Filastin 333h,
good extremely fine. £300-350 3.66g (A674; Bach 42). Unevenly struck, very
fine. £250-300

3366 Muhammad b. Tughj, Silver Dirham, Dimashq

3360 Khumarawayh (270-282h), Gold Dinar, al-
334h, 3.03g (A 675; Bach 137). About very fine,
Rafiqa 276h, 2.44g (A 664; Bern 193 Hn). Slightly
very rare. £250-300
crimped, very fine. £250-300

3367 † Abu’l Qasim Unujur (334-339h), Gold Dinar,

3361 Khumarawayh, Gold Dinar, Misr 278h, 3.99g
Filastin 335h, 4.21g (A 676; Bach 68). Very
(A 664; Bern 193 De). Extremely fine. £250-300
fine. £200-250

3362 † Harun (283-292h), Gold Dinar, Hims 285h, 3.70g

(Grabar 75; A 667). Two indented stamps in central 3368 Abu’l Qasim Unujur, Silver Dirham, Hims
field between legends on the reverse, otherwise good 336h, 2.68g (A 677; Bach 186). Very fine and very
very fine and very rare. £1000-1200 rare. £300-350

3369 † Abu’l Qasim Unujur, Gold Dinar, Misr 339h,

3.91g (A 676; Bach 57). Good extremely fine. £250-300
3375 al-Mahdi ‘Ubayd Allah (297-322h), Gold Dinar,
al-Mahdiya 318h, 4.07g (A 688; Nicol 62). Date
weakly struck, good very fine, rare. £1500-2000

3370 Abu’l Qasim Unujur, Gold Dinar, Misr 340h

(A 676; Bach 58). Extremely fine. £300-350

3371 Abu’l Qasim Unujur, Gold Dinar, Misr 342h,

4.41g (A 676; Bach 60). Good very fine. £250-300 3376 † Abu Yazid Makhlad b. Kaydad, Rebel at al-
Qayrawan (333-334h), Gold Dinar, al-Qayrawan
333h, 4.13g (Nicol 201). Full flan, lightly polished
on high points, very fine and very rare. £4000-5000

3372 Abu’l Qasim Unujur, Gold Dinar, Misr 343h,

4.52g (A 676; Bach 61). Extremely fine. £350-400 3377 Isma’il al-Mansur (334-341h), Gold ¼-Dinar/
Tari, al-Mansuriya undated, 1.04g (A 695; Nicol
Fatimids 223). Very fine and very rare. £300-350

3373 † Abu’l Qasim Unujur, Gold Dinar, Misr 348h,

4.29g (A 676; Bach 66). Extremely fine and
rare. £400-500 3378 al-Mu’izz (341-365h), Gold Dinar, al-Mansuriya
343h, 3.70g (A 697.1; Nicol 391). Two light scraches
in centre on obverse, very fine. £300-350

3374 † ‘Ali b. al-Ikhshid (349-355h), Gold Dinar, Misr

353h, rev letter Kaf (for Kafur) in lower field, 3379 al-Mu’izz, Gold ¼-Dinar, al-Mahdiya 350h, 0.98g
3.89g (Bach MG353b; A 678). Flaw in reverse field, (A 698; see Nicol 470 for type, date not recorded
uncirculated. £400-500 for this mint). Very fine, very rare. £200-250
3380 3381 3382

3380 al-Mu’izz Gold Dinar, Misr 362h, month Jumada II, 4.01g (A 697.1; Nicol 367). About extremely fine. £350-400

3381 al-Mu’izz, Gold Dinar, Misr 360h, month Jumada II, 4.15g (A 697.1; Nicol 359). Very fine and rare. £350-400

3382 al-Mu‘izz, Gold Dinar, Misr 363h, 4.l6g (Nicol 368). About extremely fine. £250-300

3383 † al-Mu’izz Gold Dinar, Bakka (= Makka) 363h, 2.78g (Nicol Fatimids 385, 1 ref). Crude, about extremely fine and very
rare. £40,000-50,000
This coin provides evidence of the Fatimid struggle against the Qaramita invaders of Syria and Palestine. Fatimid Dinars from Makka are
confirmed in the name of al-Mu’izz in 363h, 364h and 365h, and in that of al-‘Aziz only in 366h. Clearly this can be regarded as an effort by
the Fatimids to safeguard the Holy City from a conquest by the heretical Qaramita.

3384 3385 3386

3384 al-Mu’izz, Gold Dinar, Misr 365h, 4.16g (A 697.1; Nicol 371). Good very fine. £250-300

3385 al-Mu’izz, Gold Dinar, Misr 365h, 4.15g (A 697.1; Nicol 371). Good very fine. £250-300

3386 al-’Aziz (365-386h), Gold Dinar, al-Mansuriya 367h, 4.14g (A 703; Nicol 748). Good very fine. £300-350
3394 al-Zahir (411-427h), Gold ¼-Dinar, Siqiliya 424h,
0.96g (A 715; Nicol 1427). Very fine. £150-200
3387 † al-’Aziz, Gold Dinar, Sijilmasa 374h, 4.01g (Nicol
566, 2 recorded). Slightly clipped, very fine and
extremely rare. £4000-5000

3395 al-Zahir Gold Dinar, al-Mansuriya 426h, 4.14g

3388 al-’Aziz, Gold ¼-Dinar, without mint or date, (A 714.1; Nicol 1568). Crudely struck, good very
1.00g (A 704; Nicol 852). About extremely fine, fine. £250-300
rare. £200-250

3396 al-Mustansir, Gold ¼-Dinar, Siqiliya 429h, 0.95g

(A 721; Nicol 1753). Vey fine. £150-200

3389 al-Hakim (386-411h), Gold Dinar, al-Mansuriya

394h, 4.15g (A 709.2; Nicol 1137). Very
fine. £250-300

3397 al-Mustansir (427-487h), Gold Dinar, Sabra

439h, 4.10g (A 719.1; Nicol 1749). Very fine and
rare. £500-600
3390 al-Hakim, Gold Dinar, Misr 394h, 4.12g (A 709.2;
Nicol 1080). Good very fine. £250-300

3398 al-Mustansir, Gold Dinar, Tarablus 439h, 3.84g

(A 719.2; Nicol 1993). Good extremely fine. £300-350

3391 al-Hakim, Gold Dinar, Misr 395h, 4.17g (A 709.2;

Nicol 1081). Good very fine. £250-300

3399 al-Mustansir (427-487h), Gold Dinar, Misr 439h,

3392 al-Hakim, Gold ¼-Dinar, Siqiliya 397h, 1.03g 4.08g (A 710.2; Nicol 2119). About extremely
(A 721; Nicol 935, one example recorded). Good fine. £250-300
very fine, rare. £200-250

3393 al-Hakim, Gold ¼-Dinars (2), Siqiliya 39xh, mint

off flan, and (Siqiliya) 401h (A 710). Both good 3400 al-Mustansir, Gold Dinar, Tarablus 442h, 4.00g
very fine. (2) £250-300 (A719A; Nicol 1997). Extremely fine. £300-350
3401 † al-Mustansir, Gold Dinar, Sur 447h, 4.19g (Nicol
1926; A 719A). Good very fine. £300-350

3402 † al-Mustansir, Gold Dinar, Sur 450h, 3.41g (Nicol

1929; A719A). Full broad flan, about extremely 3407 † al-Amir, Gold Dinar, Asqalan 509h, 4.10g
fine. £350-400 (Nicol 2506, 3 refs). About extremely fine and
rare. £5000-6000
al-Amir succeeded al-Must‘ali in 495h and struck most
of his coinage in Egypt. This rare Dinar comes from the
Palestinian mint of Asqalan, south of Acre, which for a time
was the chief Fatimid port in Palestine before its conquest
by the Crusaders.

3403 al-Amir (495-524h), Gold Dinar, Misr 504h, 4.00g

(A 729; Nicol 2523). Lustrous extremely fine.

3408 al-Amir, Gold Dinar, al-Iskandariya 510h, 4.23g

(A 729; Nicol 2455). Good very fine. £250-300

3404 al-Amir, Gold Dinar, al-Iskandariya 506h,

4.44g (A 729; Nicol 2450). Struck from rusty dies,
extremely fine. £300-350

3409 al-Amir, Gold Dinar, Misr 512h, 4.31g (A 729;

Nicol 2534). About extremely fine. £300-350

3405 al-Amir, Gold Dinar, al-Iskandariya 507h, 4.35g

(A 729; Nicol 2451). Small scratch in obverse centre, 3410 al-Amir, Gold Fractional Dinar, without mint
extremely fine. £300-350 or date, 0.75g (A 731; Nicol 2570). Good very fine,
rare. £250-300

3406 al-Amir, Gold Dinar, al-Iskandariya 509h,

3.49g (A 729; Nicol 2454). Virtually uncirculated. 3411 al-Hafiz (526-544h), Gold Dinar, Misr 528h, 4.14g
£400-450 (A 735.2; Nicol 2617). Very fine, rare. £400-450
3412 al-Hafiz, Gold Dinar, Misr 536h, 4.20g (A 735.3; 3421 “al-Amir” type, Gold Bezant, mint and date
Nicol 2627). Extremely fine, rare. £600-800 illegible, 3.63g (A 730). Softly struck, extremely
fine and a rare type. £350-400

3413 al-Hafiz, Gold Dinar, Misr 540h, 4.50g (A 735.3;

Nicol 2634). Good very fine, rare. £550-650 3422 “al-Amir” type, Gold Bezant, mint and date
illegible, 3.86g (A 730). Good very fine. £250-300


3414 al-Fa’iz (549-555h), Gold Dinar, al-Iskandariya

55xh, 3.49g (A 741). Crudely struck, very fine,
rare. £400-450

3423 Nasir al-dawla and Sayf al-dawla (330-356h),

Silver Dirham, Halab 334h, 1.66g (A 748). About
extremely fine. £150-200

3415 al-’Adid (555-567h), Gold Dinar, Misr 556h,

4.02g (A 744.1; Nicol 2691). Good very fine,
rare. £500-600

3416 Gold ¼-Dinars (11), different types. Generally

fine, some better. (11) £500-600
3424 Nasir al-dawla and Sayf al-dawla, Silver
3417 Gold ¼-Dinars (11), different types. Generally Dirham, al-Mawsil 347h, 2.98g (A 748). About
fine or better. (11) £500-600 extremely fine. £200-250

3418 Gold ¼-Dinars (12), different types. Generally

fine or better. (12) £550-650

3419 Gold ¼-Dinars (4), “Windmill” type. All very

fine. (4) £300-350

3425 ‘Uddat al-dawla Abu Taghlib/al-Ghadanfar

Crusader Imitations (358-369h), Silver Dirham, Nisibin 360h, 2.73g
(A 750.1). Very fine, rare. £200-250

3420 Anonymous, Gold Bezant, no mint or date,

3.43g (Malloy, Preson and Seltman, Coins of the 3426 ‘Uddat al-dawla Abu Taghlib/al-Ghadanfar,
Crusader States 4a). Edge split, otherwise good very Silver Dirham, Nisibin 361h, 4.13g (A 750.1).
fine and rare. £300-350 Flatly struck in part, very fine, rare. £200-250

3433 al-Nasir Salah al-din Yusuf I, Gold Dinar, al-

3427 Abaq b. Mahmud (534-549h), Billon Fractional Qahira 581h, 3.16g (A 785.2; Balog 41). Extremely
Dirhams (2), without mint or date, 1.06g, 1.07g fine. £350-400
(A 784). Both very fine. (2) £150-200


3434 al-Nasir Salah al-din Yusuf I, Gold Dinar, al-

Qahira 584h, 4.38g (A 785.2; Balog 44). Good
fine. £200-250

3428 al-Nasir Salah al-din Yusuf I (564-589h), Gold

Dinar, al-Qahira 568h, citing his Zangid suzerain
Nur al-Din Mahmud, 4.19g (A 785.1; Balog 2).
About extremely fine, rare. £1200-1500
3435 al-Nasir Salah al-din Yusuf I, Gold Dinar, al-
Qahira 586h, 3.94g (A 785.2; Balog 46). Outer
border partially flattened, good very fine. £200-250

3429 al-Nasir Salah al-din Yusuf I, Gold Dinar, al-

Qahira 571h, 4.23g (A 785.1; Balog 13). A crude
strike, very fine, rare. £600-800 3436 al-Nasir Salah al-din Yusuf I, Gold Dinar, al-
Qahira 588h, 4.34g (A 785.2; Balog 48). Good very
fine. £300-350

3430 al-Nasir Salah al-din Yusuf I, Gold Dinar, al-

Qahira 573h, 4.61g (A 785.1; Balog 15). About 3437 al-Nasir Salah al-din Yusuf I, Gold Dinar, al-
very fine. £250-300 Iskandariya 581h, 3.62g (A 785.2; Balog 54).
Clipped, very fine. £250-300

3431 al-Nasir Salah al-din Yusuf I, Gold Dinar, al-

Qahira 578h, 4.87g (A 785.2; Balog 38). Very 3438 al-Nasir Salah al-din Yusuf I, Gold Dinar, al-
fine. £300-350 Iskandariya 583h, 4.87g (A 785.2; Balog 56). Good
very fine. £250-300

3432 al-Nasir Salah al-din Yusuf I, Gold Dinar, al- 3439 al-Nasir Salah al-din Yusuf I, Gold Dinar, al-
Iskandariya 579h, 4.04g (A 785.2; Balog 52). Iskandariya 586h, 4.95g (A 785.2; Balog 59). Very
Struck from rusty dies, extremely fine. £300-350 fine. £250-300
3440 al-’Aziz ‘Uthman (589-595h), Gold Dinar, al- 3447 al-’Adil Abu Bakr I, Gold Dinar, al-Iskandariya
Qahira 589h, 4.87g (A 794; Balog 184). Very 598h, 4.50g (A 801.1; Balog 255). Extremely
fine. £250-300 fine. £300-350

3448 al-’Adil Abu Bakr I, Gold Dinar, al-Iskandariya

3441 al-’Aziz ‘Uthman, Gold Dinar, al-Qahira 592h, 600h, 4.78g (A 801.1; Balog 257). Very fine. £250-300
4.79g (A 794; Balog 187). Good very fine. £250-300

3449 al-’Adil Abu Bakr I, Gold Dinar, al-Iskandariya

3442 al-’Aziz ‘Uthman, Gold Dinar, al-Iskandariya 604h, 4.62g (A 801.1; Balog 261). About extremely
591h, 4.78g (A 794; Balog -, unrecorded date). fine. £300-350
Very fine, rare £350-400

3450 al-’Adil Abu Bakr I, Gold Dinar, al-Iskandariya

609h, 4.96g (A 801.1; Balog 267). Good very
3443 al-’Aziz ‘Uthman, Gold Dinar, al-Iskandariya
fine. £250-300
593h, 3.65g (A 794; Balog 193). Good very fine,
scarce. £300-350

3451 al-’Adil Abu Bakr I, Gold Dinar, al-Iskandariya

3444 al-Mansur Muhammad (595-596h) Gold Dinar, 613h, 5.76g (A 801.2; Balog 270). About extremely
al-Iskandariya 596h, 3.86g (A 799; Balog 229). fine. £300-350
Traces of mounting, about very fine, rare. £200-250

3452 al-’Adil Abu Bakr I, Gold Dinar, al-Iskhandariya

614h, 6.46g (A 801.2, Balog 271). Struck on heavy flan,
3445 al-’Adil Abu Bakr I (592-615h) Gold Dinar, al-
gouge on obverse, very fine and rare. £500-600
Qahira 596h, 4.95g (A 801.1; Balog 233). Broad
flan, good very fine, rare. £350-400

3453 al-Kamil Muhammad I (615-635h), Gold Dinar,

3446 al-’Adil Abu Bakr I, Gold Dinar, al-Qahira 608h, al-Qahira 616h, 4.32g (A 811.1; Balog 364). Crease
4.28g (A 801.1; Balog 243). Good very fine. £300-350 line, good very fine. £250-300
3454 † al-Kamil Muhammad, Gold Dinar, al-Iskandariya 3460 al-Kamil Muhammad I, Gold Dinar, al-
618h, with Qaramanid Lion countermark, 3.54g Iskandariya 618h, 5.58g (A 811.1; Balog 387).
(Balog 387). Coin and countermark both extremely Extremely fine. £350-400
fine, very rare. £600-800
This countermark is recorded for silver and copper coins,
but not on gold coins

3461 al-’Adil Abu Bakr II (635-637h), Gold Dinar, al-

Qahira 636h, 4.36g (A 818; Balog 505). Good very
fine. £300-350
3455 al-Kamil Muhammad I, Gold Dinar, al-Qahira
626h, 4.41g (A 811.3; Balog 373). Traces of double
striking, good very fine. £250-300

3462 al-Salih Ayyub (637-647h), Gold Dinar, al-

Qahira 641h, 4.31g (A 822.2; Balog 521). Good
very fine, rare. £400-450
3456 al-Kamil Muhammad I, Gold Dinar, al-Qahira
629h, 7.64g (A 811.3; Balog 376). Good very
fine. £300-350 Bahri Mamluk

3457 al-Kamil Muhammad I, Gold Dinar, al-Qahira

631h, 5.15g (A 811.3; Balog 378). Very fine. £250-300

3458 al-Kamil Muhammad I, Gold Dinar, al-Qahira

633h, 4.77g (A 811.3; Balog 380). Good very
fine. £300-350 3463 † al-Ashraf Musa (649-650h), Gold Dinar, al-
Qahira 649h, 5.08g (Balog Coinage of the Mamluks 3).
Good very fine and very rare. £4000-5000
All coins in the name of al-Ashraf Musâ II were actually
struck by the Mamluk ruler Aybak, who used the Ayyubid
Musâ as a formal justification for his own de facto rule, while
Musâ was really a son of al-Ma’sud Yusuf, the last Ayyubid
ruler of the Yemen. The legends on this coin, however, make
out that he was a son of al-Salih Ayyub, the last effective
3459 al-Kamil Muhammad I, Gold Dinar, al-Qahira Ayyubid ruler of Egypt behind whose authority Aybak
635h, 6.87g (A 811.3; Balog 382). About extremely manipulated the ephemeral six-year-old puppet ruler, Musâ.
While this coin is entirely Ayyubid in its form and legends it
fine. £300-350 is emphatically one of the first Mamluk issues.
3470 Qansuh II al-Ghuri, Gold Ashrafi, Dimashq
918h, 3.33g (A 1041; Balog 884). Good very
fine. £150-200
3464 al-Salih Hajji II (first reign, 783-784h), Gold
Dinar, Dimashq 784h, 7.52g (A 964; Balog 514).
Very fine, rare. £450-500

3471 Qansuh II al-Ghuri, Gold Ashrafi, Dimashq

919h, 3.34g (A 1041; Balog 885). Very fine. £150-200

3465 al-Salih Hajji II, Gold Dinar, Halab date off flan,
2.61g (A 964; see Balog 515 for type). Partially
struck flat, otherwise extremely fine. £400-450 Ziyadid

Burji Mamluk

3472 † al-Muzaffar b. ‘Ali (c.371-435h), Gold Dinar,

Madinat ‘Aden 403h, 3.81g (A 1071). Extremely
fine and very rare. £3500-4500

3466 al-Zahir Barquq (784-791h), Gold Dinar, Halab

787h, 10.85g (A 972; Balog 547). Some border
weakness, good extremely fine. £500-600

3467 al-Nasir Faraq (801-808h), Gold Dinar, al-Qahira

date off flan, 9.25g (A 977). Lustrous extremely
fine. £450-500

3473 † al-Muzaffar b. ‘Ali, Gold Dinar, Madinat ‘Adan

406h, 5.15g (as Album 1071). Extremely fine and
extremely rare. £3500-4000
3468 Qansuh II al-Ghuri (906-922h), Gold Ashrafi, This previously unrecorded coin copies the design of a
no mint 910h, 3.34g (A 1041; Balog 872). Good Fatimid dinar of al-‘Aziz in having two concentric circles of
very fine. £150-200 legends. It is also unusual in being from the mint of ‘Adan
while nearly all other Ziyadid coins were struck in Zabid.


3469 Qansuh II al-Ghuri, Gold Ashrafi, no mint 3474 Jayyash b. al-Mu’ayyad (465-482h), Gold Dinar,
912h, 3.33g (A 1041; Balog -, date not recorded). Zabid (4)65h (A 1074). Good very fine and
Partially struck flat, very fine. £120-150 rare. £250-300
Sulayhid Mukramid

3475 al-Mukarram Ahmad (439-473h), Gold Dinar,

‘Adan (4)75h, 2.33g (A 1076). Good very fine and 3480 † Nasir al-din ‘Ali (401-427h), Gold Dinar,
rare. £250-300 ‘Uman 411h, 4.40g (A 1164). Extremely fine and
rare. £1200-1500

3476 temp. ‘Arwa bint Ahmad, Queen (484-532),

Gold Dinar, mint uncertain (either ‘Adan or
Zabid) 485h, struck in the name of her deceased 3481 † Nasir al-din ‘Ali, Gold Dinar, ‘Uman 417h,
husband al-Mukarram Ahmad, 2.38g (A 1077). 4.02g (A 1164). Crudely struck, very fine and
Extremely fine. £250-300 rare. £1000-1200

Ayyubids in the Yemen

3482 † Nasir al-din ‘Ali, Gold Dinar, ‘Uman 422h, 5.03g

(A 1164). About extremely fine, rare. £1200-1500
3477 † al-Mu’azzam Turanshah (569-575h), Gold Dinar,
‘Aden 573h, 2.18g (A A1087). Good very fine, very
rare. £1500-2000


3483 † Nasir al-din ‘Ali, Gold Dinar, ‘Uman 424h, 4.20g

(A 1164). Good very fine, rare. £600-800

3478 † al-Mujahid Sayf al-Islam ‘Ali (721-764h), Gold

Dinar, ‘Aden 735h, obv sword at centre, 4.20g
(A M1108). Pierced and plugged twice, otherwise
very fine and extremely rare. £3000-3500

3484 † Nasir al-din ‘Ali, Gold Dinar, ‘Uman 427h,

Amirs of Oman 4.35g (A 1164). Parts of outer legend weakly struck,
otherwise extremely fine, rare. £1200-1500

3479 † Hallaj b, Hatim (358-361h), Silver Dirham,

‘Uman 359h, 3.01g (A 1164). Slightly ragged
borders, otherwise about extremely fine and extremely 3485 † Abu’l Hasan (427-430h), Gold Dinar, ‘Uman 430h,
rare. £2500-3000 6.04g (A 1166). About very fine, rare. £500-600
Amirs of Nejd

3490 † ‘Ala al-din Kaykubadh I, Gold Dinar, Siwas

3486 † Anonymous, temp. Ghalib b. Ma’Sud, Copper 623h, citing caliph al-Zahir, 4.49g (A 1211.1).
Mahmudi, Makka, 121(9)h, 21.43g (KM 1). Good Extremely fine and very rare. £2000-2500
very fine, rare. £800-1000

Saljuq Governors of Hamadhan

3491 Shams al-Ma’ali Fulad Arslan (c.467-484h), Gold

3487 † Anonymous, temp. Yahya b. Surer/Abdul Dinar, Hamadhan, date off flan, 2.96g (Album
Muttalib and Ibn Awn, Copper ¼-Mahmudi, A1707). Weak strike and off centre, otherwise fine
Makka, 12xxh, 4.17g (KM 5). Good very fine, very and rare. £250-350
rare. £1000-1200

Sa’udi Hijaz Ottoman

3492 † Selim I (918-926h), Gold Sultani, Qustantiniyya

3488 † ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Sa’ud, ½-Qirsh, Umm al-Qura,
918h, 3.53g (A 1311; NP 116). Some deposit, very
1344/2h (KM 3). Uncirculated with traces of
fine. £800-1000
original lustre. £70-90

Rum Seljuq

3493 Suleyman I (926-974h), Gold Sultani, Bursa 926h,

3.46g (A 1317; NP 163). Good very fine. £350-400

3494 † Selim II (974-982h), Gold Sultani, Janza 974h,

3.48g (A 1324; NP 231). Slight flan flaw to centre,
very fine and rare. £400-500
3489 † Kaykawus II (first reign 643-647h, second reign
655-658h), Gold Presentation Dinar, without
mint name, undated, 4.20g. Good very fine and
very rare. £4000-5000
The names of the Sultan Kaykawus II appear on the obverse
and that of the Abbasid Caliph al-Musta’sim on the reverse of
this Dinar. It is an unpublished piece that is unusual in that
it lacks both mint name and date, which suggests that it was
intended for presentation to members of the Sultan’s court. It
3495 Ahmad I (1012-1026h), Silver ‘uthmani, San’a’
is uncertain to which of the two reigns of Kaykawus the coin (10)12h, 0.62g (A 1124). About very fine and
belongs as al-Musta’sim was on the throne during both. rare. £100-120
Mahdi of the Sudan

3496 † Osman III b. Mustafa (1168-1171h), Gold

1½-Funduq, Islambul 1168h, 5.05g (NP 592).
Lightly creased, pierced, otherwise very fine and
rare. £400-500

3497 Mahmud II (1223-1255h), Gold 5-Qirsh, Misr

1223/29h, without value below toughra, 0.32g
(KM 211). Extremely fine, scarce. £120-150
3501 † Anonymous temp. al-Mahdi (1298-1317h), Gold
“Guinea”, “Misr” 1255h, RY 2, 7.14g, the normal
weight of an Egyptian Guinea is 8.50g (Krause
Mishler 3). Scuffed surfaces and lightly polished,
otherwise about extremely fine. £6000-8000
It is recorded that when the Mahdi seized power in the
Sudan he used an Egyptian Guinea bearing the tughra of
the Ottoman Sultan ‘Abd al-Majid as a pattern for his gold
coinage. It is clear that this coin is a reasonable copy, but that
it would only fool those who had to accept it in Umdurman
(Khartoum), the Mahdi’s capital. The weight of this coin
3498 Abdul Mejid (1255-1277h), Silver 20-Qirsh, matches that of the Ottoman Lira (7.2g) rather than that of
Misr 1255/2h, 27.84g (KM 232). Very fine and the Egyptian Guinea (8.50g). It is said that fiscal difficulties
caused the Mahdi to withdraw his initial good coinage from
rare. £800-1000
circulation before his death.


3499 Abdul Mejid with Muhammad Bey, Gold 100-

Piastres, Tunis 1273h, 19.33g (KM 130). Very fine,
scarce. £800-1000

3502 † Ahmad b. ‘Abd Allah (c.261-268h), Broad Silver

Dirham, Nishapur 268h, 5.83g (A 1396). Good
very fine, rare. £200-250


3500 † ‘Abd al-‘Aziz (1277-1293h), Gold 5-Guineas/

500-Ghurush, Misr 1277h, RY 15, 42.63g (KM 265).
Small edge knock at 9 o’clock on the obverse, otherwise
extremely fine and very rare. £8000-10,000
This magnificent Five Guinea / 500-Ghurush coin was struck
in tiny numbers as gifts for the Khedive’s family and court. 3503 Ahmad b. ‘Abd al-’Aziz (265-280h), Gold Dinar,
Records of the Egyptian mint indicate that only 56 pieces of Hamadhan 274h, 4.08g (Bern 202 Mu, 2 refs).
this denomination were ever struck. Very fine and very rare. £2000-2500
Saffarid Samanid

3504 Ya’qub b. al-Layth (247-265h), Copper Fals,

Madinat Zaranj 249h, 2.70g (A B1402). About 3510 † Nasr II b. Ahmad (301-331h), Gold Dinar,
very fine, very rare. £200-250 Samarqand 308h, 4.26g (A 1449). About extremely
fine. £250-300

3505 Muhammad b. ‘Amr, as Viceroy in Shiraz

for his father ‘Amr (272-274h), Silver Dirham, 3511 † Nasr II b. Ahmad, Gold Dinar 3.46g, Naysabur
Shiraz 272h, 2.97g (A 1403). Good very fine and 311h (Bern 269 Pj). A little crimped, very
rare. £250-300 fine. £200-250

3506 ‘Amr b. al-Layth (296-298h), Silver Dirham 3512 Nasr II b. Ahmad, Gold Dinar, al-Muhammadiya
(double weight), Naysabur 284h, 5.95g (Album 314h, 3.67g (A 1449; Bern 269 Mh). Good very
1402N). Extremely fine and rare. £800-1000 fine. £250-300

3507 Khalaf b. Ahmad (second reign, 360-369h),

Gold Fractional Dinar, Sijistan 361h, 1.02g
(A 1417). About extremely fine. £120-150
3513 † Nasr II b. Ahmad, Gold Dinar, Naysabur, 315h,
4.36g (A 1449). Good very fine. £240-280

3508 Tahir b. Khalaf (390-392h), Gold Fractional

Dinar, Sijistan 391h, 0.70g (A 1424). About
extremely fine, very rare. £200-250

3514 † Nasr II b. Ahmad, Gold Dinar, Naysabur, 317h,

3.72g (A 1449). Good extremely fine. £300-350

3509 Muhammad b. Ahmad (260-285h), Silver

Dirham, Tayiqan 284h, 4.12g (A 1433). Very fine, 3515 Nasr II b. Ahmad, Gold Dinar, al-Muhammadiya
rare. £120-150 318h, 3.92g (A 1449). Very fine. £200-250
3516 † Nasr II b. Ahmad, Caliph al-Qahir, Gold Dinar, 3522 Nah II b. Mansur (365-387h), Gold Dinar, Herat
Naysabur 321h, 4.06g (Bern 250-300). Good very 382h, with Governor ‘Amid al-dawla, 3.70g
fine. £250-300 (A 1468). Very fine. £250-300

Samanid Rebel

3517 † Nasr II b. Ahmad, Gold Dinar, al-Muhammadiya

323h, 2.44g (Bern 300 Mh). Good very
fine. £250-300

3523 Ahmad b. Sahl (303-308h), Silver Dirham,

Naysabur 307h, obv field: Ahmad bin Sahl, rev
field: al-Muqtadir ha, 3.27g (Album B453, but
unrecorded variety where Ahmad bin Sahl does
not include the name of his nominal overlord
Nasir II bin Ahmad). Cleaned, about extremely
fine and rare. £500-600
3518 † Nasr II b. Ahmad, Gold Dinar, al-Muhammadiya
325h, 3.93g (A 1449). A full broad flan, but weakly
struck, very fine £300-350

Amirs of Bust

3519 † Nasr II b. Ahmad, Gold Dinar, al-Muhammadiya

329h, 3.62g (A 1449). Good very fine. £250-300

3524 Bekchur (349-350h), Copper Broad Heavy Fals,

Bust 349h, 5.22g (A C1478). Very fine and
rare. £150-200

3520 Nuh II (331-343h), Gold Dinar, Naysabur 340h,

4.13g (A 1454). Good very fine. £250-300

3521 Nuh II b. Nasr, Silver Dirham, Naysabur 342h,

obv field: Muzaffar, rev field: al-Mustakfi billah/al- 3525 † Ahmad b. ‘Ali, Mule Gold Dinar, al-Shash 308h,
malik al-Mu’ayyad/Nuh bin Nasr, 2.47g (A 1456). with a Samanid reverse die, 2.55g. Weakly struck,
Cleaned, extremely fine. £300-350 fine to very fine and rare. £700-800
Alid of Tabaristan

3531 † Bisutun b. Wushmagir (357-367h), Gold Dinar,

Sariya 358h, 3.81g (A 1532). About extremely fine
3526 al-Hasan b. Zayd (250-270h), Silver Dirham, and very rare. £1500-2000
Jurjan 269h, 4.75g (Album 1523). Very fine and
rare. £400-500

3527 al-Hasan b. al-Qasim (first reign, 306-311h),

Gold Dinar, fi khilafa abi-Muhammad bi-Amul
309h, 3.97g (type unpublished by Vardanyan in 3532 † al-Marzuban (367-372h), Gold Dinar, Suq al-
Numismatic Chronicle 2010). Very fine and very Ahwaz 367h, 4.23g (A 1567). Extremely
rare. £2000-2500 fine. £250-300

3533 † al-Marzuban, Gold Dinar, ‘Uman 369h, 4.40g

3528 temp. al-Hasan b. al-Qasim (second reign, 314- (A U1567). Struck from rusty dies, good very fine,
316h), Gold Dinar, al-Muhammadiya 316h, 3.52g rare. £800-1000
(A E1524). Unevenly struck, very fine. £250-300
3534 † Rukn al-Dawla, as independent ruler, Gold
Dinar, Sawa 345h, 2.41g (A 1546A). Nearly
Zaydi Imam of Hawsam extremely fine, rare. £500-600

3535 † Baha’ al-Dawla (379-403h), Gold Dinar, ‘Uman

3529 Ja’far b. Muhammad, al-Tha’ir fi Allah (c.319-
397h, 3.49g (A 1573). Struck from a rusty die, very
351h), Silver Dirham, Hawsam 341h, 3.78g
fine, a rare mint. £600-800
(Stern, Amul, p.272, c; Album K1524). Crude,
very fine and very rare. £1000-1200
3536 † Baha’ al-Dawla, Gold Dinar, ‘Uman 401h, 4.04g
(A 1573). Struck from rusty dies, good very fine, a
rare mint. £600-800
Ziyarids of Tabaristan


3530 † Mardawij b. Ziyar (315-323h), Gold Dinar,

Hamadhan 322h, citing the Caliph al-Qahir
and his heir Abu’l-Qasim, 3.50g (A 1530; Bern 3537 † ‘Ala al-Dawla Muhammad (398-433h), Gold
280Mu, 2 examples recorded). Good very fine and Dinar, Isfahan 432h, 4.00g (A 1590). Good very
very rare. £500-600 fine, rare. £300-350
Great Seljuq

3538 Faramurz (433-443h), Gold Dinar, Isfahan 435h,

3.07g (A 1592.2). Edge weakness, extremely
fine. £200-250 3545 † Tughril Beg (429-455h), Gold Dinar, Nishapur
435h, 2.45g (A 1665). Extremely fine. £300-350

3546 † Tughril Beg, Gold Dinar, Naysabur 436h, 4.09g

(A 1665). Extremely fine. £250-300

3539 Faramurz, Gold Dinar, Isfahan 435h, 2.77g

(A 1592.2). Extremely fine. £200-250

Ghaznavid 3547 Alp Arslan Muhammad (455-465h), Gold Dinar,

Madinat al-Salam 457h, 2.77g (A 1670; Jafar
SMS 4578). Weakly struck in parts, very fine,
rare. £1000-1200

3540 Mahmud (389-421h), Gold Dinar, Naysabur 400h,

5.28g (A 1606). About extremely fine. £250-300

3548 † Ghiyath al-din Muhammad (492-511h), Gold

Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 500h, 3.58g (A 1683;
Jafar, Y. Baghdad S.MS 500). Brilliant, good
extremely fine. £300-350

3541 Mahmud, Gold Dinar, Naysabur 402h, 2.90g

(A 1606). About extremely fine. £250-300

3542 † Mahmud, Gold Dinar, Naysabur 413h, 3.69g

(A 1606). Good very fine. £200-250

3549 † Ghiyath al-din Muhammad, Gold Dinar,

Madinat al-Salam 501h, 2.06g (A 1683; Jafar, S.MS
501). A crude striking but extremely fine. £250-300

3543 † Mahmud, Gold Dinar, Naysabur 415h, 4.32g

(A 1606). About extremely fine. £200-250

3550 † Ghiyath al-din Muhammad, Gold Dinar,

Madinat al-Salam 503h, 3.08g (A 1683; Jafar S.MS
503). Brilliant, good extremely fine. £300-350

3551 † Ghiyath al-din Muhammad, Gold Dinar,

3544 Mahmud, Gold Dinar, Naysabur 418h, 4.65g Madinat al-Salam 503h, 3.08g (A 1683; Jafar S.MS
(A 1606). About extremely fine. £250-300 503). Brilliant, good extremely fine. £300-350
3552 Malik Shah (465-485h), Gold Dinar, Sawa 466h, 3559 † Ghiyath al-din Ma‘sud (527-547h), Gold Dinar,
2.55g (A 1674). Crimped, extremely fine and very Madinat al-Salam 531h, 2.64g (A 1691; Jafar S.MS
rare. £1000-1200 531A). Ragged flan, very fine. £250-300

Lu’luid of Mosul

3553 † Malik Shah, Gold Dinar, Shiraz 434h (sic), 4.09g.

Good very fine and very rare. £600-800

3560 † Rukr al-din Isma’il (657-660h), Gold Dinar, al-

Mawsil, date off flan (A 1877). Good very fine,
very rare. £500-600

Lu’lu’id Imitation
3554 † Barkiyaruq (486-498h), Gold Dinar, Madinat
al-Salam 487h, 4.45g (A 1682.1). Good extremely
fine. £500-600

Seljuqs of Kirman

3561 “Badr al-din Lu’lu’” (631-657h), Gold Dinar,

contemporary non-Islamic copy, “al-Mawsil”
“64?h”, 5.78g. Good very fine. £300-350

3555 † Qara Arslan Qawurd b. Da’ud (440-465h), Gold

Dinar, Jiruft 448, 3.18g (A 1697.1). Extremely Zangid of Mosul
fine. £400-500 3562 Nasir al-din Mahmud (6136-631h), Gold Dinar,
al-Mawsil date illegible, 5.15g (A 1869). Usual
crude strike, very fine. £250-300


3556 Turan Shah, Gold Dinar, Bamm 483h, 3.47g

(A 1700). Extremely fine and very rare. £500-600 3563 † Muhammad I b. Buzurgumid (532-557h),
Gold ¼-Dinar, Kursi al-Daylam 555h, 1.42g
Iraq Seljuq (A 1918). A bold strike, good very fine and very
rare. £2000-2500
The first ruler of the Isma’ili sect of Islam, Muhammad I bin
Buzurgumid, regularly placed his own name in the obverse
field of his coinage, and in the reverse field ‘Ali wali Allah
Mustafa li-din Allah Nizar, which are the name and caliphal
titles of the founder of his faith Nizar, the long-dead heir
of the Fatimid Caliph al-Mustansir. In the event, after al-
Mustansir’s death in 487h / 1094 CE, Nizar fled to Alexandria
3557 † Mughith al-din Mahmud (511-525h), Gold where he took the title al-Mustafa li-din Allah. Nizar then
Dinar, Madinat al-Salam 520h, 2.54g (A 1688; mounted an abortive revolt but was captured and murdered.
Jafar S.MS 520). Crimped, very fine. £250-300 Some of his followers broke away from the Fatimids, and
later became famous as the Batinids or Assassins of Alamut in
northern Iran. Their coinage began under Muhammad I bin
3558 † Mughith al-din Mahmud, Gold Dinar, Madinat Buzurgumid and continued for the remainder of the dynasty.
al-Salam 523h, 3.20g (A 1688; Jafar S.MS 523). It is a popular series, both because of its rarity and the light it
Crimped, very fine. £250-300 shines on the development of the Isma’ili branch of Islam.

3571 Abu-Sa’id, Gold Dinar, type C, Bazar 719h,

7.83g (A 2198; Diler 488, unrecorded in gold).
3564 Abaqa (663-680h), Gold Dinar, Shiraz date off flan, Good very fine and rare. £800-1000
7.37g (A 2126.1). Good very fine, rare. £500-600

3565 Gaykhatu (690-694h), Gold Dinar, Tabriz, date

missing, 4.44g (A 2158.1). Some edge weakness,
good very fine. £250-300

3572 † Abu Sa’id, Gold Dinar type C, Qays (720h),

8.72g (A 2198; Diler 488). Crude strike with weak
3566 † Baydu (694h), Gold Dinar, mint off flan (Tabriz) borders, very fine. £350-400
(69)4h, 3.62g (Diler Ba-248; A 2164). Very
fine. £200-250

3573 Abu Sa’id, Gold Dinar, type D, Baghdad 722h,

8.85g (A 2202; Diler 502). Very fine. £450-500
3567 Ghazan Mahmud (694-703h), Gold Dinar, mint
and date illegible, 9.93g (Diler 260). Weak strike,
very fine and very rare. £1000-1200

3574 † Abu Sa’id, Gold Dinar, type F, Siwas 726h,

7.92g (A 2208; Diler 506, this mint and date
combination not recorded by Diler). Slight edge
3568 † Ghazan Mahmud, Gold Dinar, Tabriz 699h, 4.25g crack at 9 o’clock on reverse, otherwise good very fine
(Diler 281; A 2170). Good very fine. £350-400 and rare. £500-600

3569 † Uljaytu (703-716h), Gold Dinar, mint illegible, 3575 Abu Sa’id, Gold Dinar, type C, Shiraz 728h,
71xh, 4.97g, probably a contemporary Anatolian with mint on both sides, 7.33g (A 2198; Diler 493).
copy (A 2186). Extremely fine. £500-600 Very fine. £500-600

3570 † Abu Sa’id (716-736h), Gold Dinar, type C,

Tabriz 719h, 7.85g (A 2198; Diler 488). Very 3576 Abu Sa’id, Gold Dinar, type G, Baghdad 729h,
fine. £450-550 9.68g (A 2212; Diler 525). Good very fine £500-600
3582 Anonymous temp. Taghay Timur Khan (737-
3577 Abu-Sa’id, Gold Dinar, type G, Rayy 729h, 7.40g 754h) or Sulayman Khan (739-746h), Gold
(A 2212; Diler records only silver for this type). Dinar, Shaykh Kabir (Shiraz) 740h, 4.45g (type
Slight weakness on border, good very fine and very unrecorded in gold by Diler). About extremely
rare. £800-1000 fine and very rare. £2500-3000
This Dinar was struck at a time when the political confusion
in what remained of the Ilkhan state left the mint officials
so perplexed that they simply did not know who to name
on the coinage of Shiraz. This coin from the shrine of the
Great Shaykh may have been used as a way of generating
income for the establishment and as a souvenir for visitors
to take away.

3578 † Abu Sa’id, Gold Dinar, type G (729-733h), Mehrebanid

without mint and date, 3.58g (A 2212 for type).
About uncirculated, very rare. £500-600 3583 Nasir al-din Muhammad (659-718h), Cast
Album states in his Checklist that this coin is a contemporary Copper Heavy Fals, without mint or date, 17.82g
Anatolian imitation, very rare in gold (p.236:554) (A 2355B). Very fine, rare. £120-150

Aq Qoyunlu

3579 Musa Khan (736-737h), Gold Dinar, Tabriz 736h,

8.52g (Diler Ms 690). Unevenly struck, very fine 3584 † Hasan (857-882h), Gold Ashrafi, without mint or
and very rare. £5000-6000 date, 3.37g (A 2511). Good very fine, rare. £450-550
The style of this Dinar is identical to the last coinage
type of Abu-Sa’id, with the square Kufic kalima on the
“religious” side of the coin. This type was subsequently
employed by Arpa Khan, Musa Khan, Muhammad Khan
and Taghay Timur. The design may have enabled a common
exchangeability between the coinages of these short-lived
rulers. Although the gold coins were not struck to any fixed 3585 Rustam (897-902h), Gold Ashrafi, no mint
weight standard, and therefore varied considerably in value
from coin to coin, the silver was issued to a fixed standard of (Tabriz), no date, 3.40g (A 2531). Very fine and
2.88g for the Double Dirham. rare. £300-350


3586 Shah Isma’il I (907-930h), Gold Ashrafi, Tabriz,

3580 Muhammad Khan (736-738h), Gold Dinar, type no date, 3.36g (A 2569). Very fine. £150-200
A, Tabriz 737h, 7.08g (A V2226; Diler 695). Good
very fine, rare. £1500-2000

3587 † Ismail I (907-950h), Ashrafi, al-Ruha 922h, 3.22g

(A 2569). Severe scratch, otherwise very fine and
very rare. £500-600
3581 Sulayman (739-746h), Gold Dinar, type C,
Maragha 74xh, 8.91g (A F2248; Diler 773). Flat 3588 † Ismail I, Ashrafi, Tabriz 922h, 3.46g (A 2569).
strike in parts, very fine, rare. £800-1000 Good very fine. £250-300
Timurid Manghit of Bukhara

3596 † temp. Nasrullah (1242-277h), Gold Tilla,

Bukhara-yi Sharif 1273/1275h, 4.56g (A 3035).
Extremely fine. £200-250
3589 Timur (771-807h), Gold Fractional Dinar,
Khwarazm 781h, 1.16g (A V2366). Very fine, very 3597 temp. Muzaffar al-din, as Russian vassal, Gold
rare. £700-800 Tilla, Bukhara-yi Sharif 1294h, 4.56g (A 3038).
Extremely fine. £200-250

3590 Nasir al-din Shah, Gold Tomans (2), Tihran Khans of Khiva
1299h, 1311h (KM 933, 937); Ahmad Shah, Gold
Toman, (Tihran) 1334h (KM 1274). All good
extremely fine. (3) £400-500

3598 Qutlugh Murad Khan (1271-1272h), Gold ½-

Tilla, 1271h, 2.27g (A 3084.1). About extremely
fine, very rare. £1000-1200

3591 Nasir al-din Shah, Gold Double Toman,

commemorating the Shah’s return from Europe
(Tihran), obv 1299h, rev 1307h, 5.69g (KM 943). Afghanistan
About extremely fine and very rare. £1800-2200
A number of commemorative medals were struck to mark 3599 Muhammad Nadir Shah, Gold 20-Afghanis/
Nasir al-din Shah’s stately progress through the courts of Amani 1350h, 5.97g (KM 925). Good very
Europe, where he was wined and dined and left behind
many stories of his imperial ways. This coin was struck at
fine. £150-200
the time of his triumphal return home. Unfortunately some
of his ungrateful subjects did not show proper respect for
him and he was assassinated by one of them in 1313h.
Hotaki Afghan
3600 Islamic Gold Coins (4), Ghaznavid, Ibrahim,
Dinar, no mint (Ghazan), no date (A 1637);
Salghurid, Abish bint. Sa’d, Dinar, (Shiraz), date
off flan (A 1928.1); Mangkit, temp. ‘Abd al-Ahad,
jeweller’s copy of Tilla, 1216 (sic) (A 3041); Iran,
Roca Shah, Pahlavi, Tistan 1307h (KM 1114).
Generally very fine, the last better. (4) £500-600
3592 Ashraf Shah (1137-1142h), Gold Ashrafi, Isfahan
1137h, 3.47g. About extremely fine, rare. £400-450 3601 Islamic Silver Coins (3); Rasulid, al-Mansur
‘Umar, Dirham, Zabid 644h (A 1100.4 type D);
Salghurid Khwarizmshahs, ‘Ala al-din Muhammad,
Dirham (Ghazna type), without mint or date
3593 Abish bint Sa’d (663-684h), Gold Dinars (5), (A 1721); Zangid of Aleppo, al Salih Isma’il,
without mint or date (A 1928.1). Crude irregular Dirham (Halab), c.571-575h (A 1852). All good
strikes, extremely fine. (5) £800-1000 very fine or better, the last rare. (3) £100-120

Chaghatayid Khans 3602 † Abbasid Silver Dirhams (6), al-Yamama, temp.

al-Mahdi, 165h, 2.90g (Lowick 571), 166h, 2.96g
3594 Qabul Khan (767-769h), Silver 1/6-Dinar, (Lowick 573), 167h, 2.85g (Lowick 578h), 168h, 2.54g
Badakhshan (768h), 1.26g (A C2012). Very fine, (Lowick 579); temp. al-Mahdi/al-Hadi, 169h, 2.52g
rare. £100-120 (Lowick 169h); temp. al-Hadi, 170h, 2.81g (Lowick
586). Very fine or better. (6) £8000-10,000
Shaybanid The earliest mint place to be established in the Arabian
peninsula was al-Yamama, the district around today’s Saudi
Arabian capital, al-Riyadh. The first coin was dated 165h and
3595 Muhammad Shaybani (905-916h), Silver ½-“nim” continued to be struck each year until 170h. After this date
Tanka, Herat, date off flan (914h), 2.48g (A 2979); the mint of al-Yamama is believed to have ceased operation,
Safavid, Shah ‘Abbas I (995-1038h), Silver but the reason for this is unclear. A Dirham mint may have
Shahi, Qandahar, date off flan, 2.34g (A 2633). been opened there in order to extract taxes from the rich date
groves which grew in the oases of the region.
Both very fine, first rare. (2) £150-200
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Consignment Deadline : 26 December 2012

April 2013
Baldwin’s Hong Kong Coin Auction 54, Far Eastern and World Coins, Medals and Banknotes Hong Kong, 5 April 2013
Consignment Deadline : 18 February 2013
Apex Philatelic, Postal Auction 123, General Stamps Postal, 25 April 2013

May 2013
Baldwin’s Auction 77, The Bentley Collection (Part 3), British Sovereigns London, 7 May 2013
Baldwin’s Auction 78, British and World Coins and Medals London, 8 May 2013
Consignment Deadline : 25 February 2013

June 2013
Baldwin’s Summer Argentum Auction, Coins and Medals London, 1 June 2013
British and World Coins, Commemorative Medals, in conjunction with the London Coin Fair, Holiday Inn
Consignment Deadline : 2 May 2013

[N.B: These dates are provisional only and may be subject to change. Additional dates may be added later.]

For enquiries with items for direct purchase or inclusion in one of our auctions please contact us
at [email protected] or on +44 (0)20 7930 6879.

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