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Habits—A Repeat Performance

David T. Neal, Wendy Wood, and Jeffrey M. Quinn

Duke University

ABSTRACT—Habits are response dispositions that are ac- and explain the relevance for psychology of a reinvigorated habit
tivated automatically by the context cues that co-occurred construct.
with responses during past performance. Experience-
sampling diary studies indicate that much of everyday
action is characterized by habitual repetition. We consider
various mechanisms that could underlie the habitual con-
Within current theorizing, habits are automated response dis-
trol of action, and we conclude that direct cuing and mo-
positions that are cued by aspects of the performance context
tivated contexts best account for the characteristic features
(i.e., environment, preceding actions). They are learned through
of habit responding—in particular, for the rigid repetition
a process in which repetition incrementally tunes cognitive
of action that can be initiated without intention and that
processors in procedural memory (i.e., the memory system that
runs to completion with minimal conscious control. We
supports the minimally conscious control of skilled action). The
explain the utility of contemporary habit research for is-
relatively primitive associative learning that promotes habits is
sues central to psychology, especially for behavior pre-
shared in some form across mammalian species.
diction, behavior change, and self-regulation.
Our own interest in habits has been fueled by the recognition
KEYWORDS—habit; automaticity; motivation; goals; be- that much of everyday action is characterized by repetition. In
havior change; behavior prediction; self-regulation experience-sampling diary studies using both student and
community samples, approximately 45% of everyday behaviors
tended to be repeated in the same location almost every day
From self-help guru Anthony Robbins to the religion of Zen (Quinn & Wood, 2005; Wood, Quinn, & Kashy, 2002). In these
Buddhism, received wisdom exhorts people to be mindful, de- studies, people reported a heterogeneous set of actions that
liberative, and conscious in all they do. In contrast, contempo- varied in habit strength, including reading the newspaper, ex-
rary research in psychology shows that it is actually people’s ercising, and eating fast food.
unthinking routines—or habits—that form the bedrock of every- Although a consensual perspective on habit mechanisms has
day life. Without habits, people would be doomed to plan, con- yet to develop, common to all views is the idea that many be-
sciously guide, and monitor every action, from making that first havioral sequences (e.g., one’s morning coffee-making routine)
cup of coffee in the morning to sequencing the finger movements are performed repeatedly in similar contexts. When responses
in a Chopin piano concerto. and features of context occur in contiguity, the potential exists
But what is a habit? The cognitive revolution radically re- for associations to form between them, such that contexts come to
shaped the behaviorist view that habits rely on simple stimulus– cue responses. In what follows, we outline three views of habitual
response associations devoid of mental representation. Emerg- control that build on this understanding.
ing is a more nuanced construct that includes roles for con-
sciousness, goals, and motivational states. Fundamental
questions persist, however, especially when comparing evidence Direct Context Cuing
across neuropsychology, animal-learning, and social-cognition According to the direct-context-cuing model, repeated co-
literatures. Data from these fields support three views of habit, activation forges direct links in memory between context and
which we term the direct-context-cuing, implicit-goal, and mo- response representations. Once these links are formed via
tivated-context models. In this article, we consider these models associative learning, merely perceiving a context triggers asso-
ciated responses. Supporting evidence comes from research
in which merely activating a construct, such as the elderly
stereotype, influences the performance of relevant behaviors,
Address correspondence to David Neal, Department of Psychology,
Box 90085, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708; e-mail: dneal@ such as a slow speed of walking (e.g., Bargh, Chen, & Burrows,
duke.edu. 1996).

198 Copyright r 2006 Association for Psychological Science Volume 15—Number 4

David T. Neal, Wendy Wood, and Jeffrey M. Quinn

Readers might wonder if it is realistic that contexts cue re- have preceded rewards in the past. When contexts predict re-
sponses through this simple mechanism in the absence of an wards in this way, they energize associated responses without
implicit or explicit goal. The answer is not clear, given that activating specific goals. Evidence of the motivating quality of
social-cognition research has thus far demonstrated only a contexts comes from animal studies of the neurotransmitters that
limited version of direct-cuing effects. For example, activating mediate reward learning. For example, when monkeys first learn
the elderly stereotype influences walking speed, but it remains to that a feature of the environment (e.g., a light) predicts a reward
be demonstrated whether such activation can initiate walking (e.g., a drop of juice) when a response is made (e.g., a lever
itself. However, the direct cuing of repeated action by contexts is press), neurotransmitter activity (i.e., dopamine release) occurs
suggested by myriad findings in cognitive neuroscience that just after the reward (see Schultz, Dayan, & Montague, 1997).
reveal reduced involvement of goal-related neural structures, After repeated practice, the animal reaches for the lever when
such as the prefrontal cortex, when behaviors have come under the light is illuminated. Furthermore, the neurotransmitter re-
habitual control (see Daw, Niv, & Dayan, 2005). Furthermore, sponse is no longer elicited by the juice but instead by the light.
animal-learning research using a clever paradigm in which In this way, environmental cues can acquire motivational value.
reinforcers are devalued suggests direct control by context. Reward-predicting environments are thought to signal the
When rats initially perform an instrumental behavior (e.g., cached (or long-run future) value of an action without signaling a
pressing a bar for a food pellet), they appear to be guided by specific outcome (e.g., juice; Daw et al., 2005). This diffuse
specific goal expectations; they cease the behavior if the reward motivation may explain the rigid nature of context cuing, given
is devalued (e.g., by pairing it with a toxin; Dickinson & Bal- that cached values do not convey a specific desired outcome that
leine, 1995). In contrast, when rats have extensively repeated a could be met by substitutable means. Contributing further to the
behavior, their responses appear to be cued directly by con- rigidity of habits, neural evidence indicates that, with repetition,
textual stimuli (e.g., the bar); reward devaluation has little im- whole sequences of responses become chunked or integrated in
pact on continued performance. These data are commonly memory with the contexts that predict them (Barnes, Kubota,
interpreted as indicating that habit formation involves a shift to Hu, Jin, & Graybiel, 2005). Chunked responses are cued and
direct context cuing. implemented as a unit, consistent with the idea that habits re-
quire limited conscious control to proceed to completion. This
quality of habitual responding is frustratingly evident when, for
Implicit Goals
example, trying to fix a well-practiced but badly executed golf
Associative learning explains not only the direct binding of
swing or dance-step sequence.
contexts and actions but also the binding of contexts and goals.
As yet, the motivated-context idea has been tested primarily
In implicit-goal models, habits develop when people repeatedly
with animals. Its promise as a model of human habits comes from
pursue a goal via a specific behavior in a given context. An in-
evidence that reward-related neurotransmitter systems are
direct association then forms between the context and behavior
shared across species (e.g., in humans, dopamine is elicited by
within the broader goal system. In support, Aarts and Di-
monetary reward).
jksterhuis (2000) found in several experiments that the auto-
matic activation of habitual responses (e.g., bicycle riding) only
occurs when a relevant goal has first been made accessible (e.g., Multiple Habit Mechanisms
the thought of attending class). These studies did not measure The high degree of repetition in daily life observed in the diary
people’s real-world behavior, however, but focused instead on research of Wood et al. (2002) is likely to be a product of multiple
judgments about behavior. It remains to be seen whether such habit-control mechanisms that draw, in various cases, on direct
judgments tap the cognitive processes that actually drive be- context associations as well as on diffuse motivations. Although
havior. In addition, there is good reason to think that habit we consider implicit goals to be an implausible mediator of
performance itself does not depend on goal activation. Goal- habitual behavior, they undoubtedly contribute to some types of
driven responses tend to be dynamic and flexible, as evidenced repetition. Whether habits are cued directly or are diffusely
by people sometimes substituting behaviors that serve a common motivated, they are triggered automatically by contexts and
goal. In contrast, habits emerge in a rigid pattern such that, for performed in a relatively rigid way. These features of responding
example, a habitual runner is unlikely to substitute a cycling have important implications for theories of behavior prediction,
class for running. Thus, although implicit goals provide poten- behavior change, and self-regulation.
tially powerful guides to action, they do not plausibly explain the
context cuing of habits.

Motivated Contexts Predicting behavior is a central project in many areas of psy-

In another framework for understanding context-cued respon- chology. The automated repetition of habits sets limits on when
ses, contexts can acquire diffuse motivational value when they mindful constructs such as intentions, attitudes, and decisions

Volume 15—Number 4 199


predict future action. In illustration, Ji Song and Wood (2006) other actions that were not easily repeated into habits, inter-
predicted how often college students purchased fast food or ventions that changed intentions also changed behavior. But for
watched TV news during a week-long period from their beha- exercising and other behaviors that people could repeat into
vioral intentions and from their habits. Students acted on their habits, interventions that changed intentions had limited effect
intentions when their habits were weak or moderate in strength on behavior.
(as indicated by infrequent past performance or unstable con- Despite insensitivity to informational interventions, habit
texts). Thus, for example, students who intended to purchase fast performance should be vulnerable to changes in the perfor-
food in fact did so (Fig. 1). In contrast, students with strong habits mance context. To test this idea, Wood, Tam, and Guerrero Witt
(frequent past performance in stable contexts) repeated their (2005) examined change in college students’ habitual behaviors
past behavior regardless of their intentions. In short, the utility of of exercising, reading the paper, and watching TV upon trans-
intentions as predictors of behavior declined as habit strength ferring to a new university. In general, students performed these
increased. Intentions guided actions primarily when habits had actions when they intended to do so. However, a mark of strong
not been formed. This pattern supports the claim that habitual habits is frequent performance regardless of people’s intentions,
responding can be cued independently of people’s intentions. provided that contexts remain stable. In support, habit perfor-
Researchers sometimes equate strong habits simply with mance continued to be cued independently of intention only
frequent past performance. This may be appropriate for actions when students perceived that the context of performance was
that tend to be performed narrowly in a given context (e.g., using stable across the transfer. When the performance context
seat belts). However, for actions performed across multiple cir- changed with the transfer, apparently strong habits were no
cumstances, habits depend on contiguity between behavior and longer cued automatically, and students continued to exercise
contexts. Thus, the pattern in Figure 1 emerged when habits only if they intended to do so. Thus, context change disrupted
were assessed from frequency of past purchasing with certain performance of strong habits, bringing them under intentional
others, but not when assessed from measures of frequency alone. control. The performance of weak habits, in contrast, varied with
intentions regardless of context stability. The data for exercising
BEHAVIOR CHANGE and for newspaper reading are presented in Figure 2.
In general, change in performance contexts is likely to be an
The mechanisms of habitual control pose a particular challenge important ingredient in interventions to change many everyday
for changing behavior. Public health campaigns and other in- behaviors. This is especially true within the health domain,
formational interventions are designed to change beliefs. How- given that five of the leading health risks in the U.S. emerge from
ever, for habits, changing minds does not necessarily mean everyday repetition of action—substance abuse, obesity, to-
changing behavior. In illustration, Webb and Sheeran’s (2006) bacco use, risky sexual behavior, and inadequate exercise.
meta-analytic review compared the effectiveness of persuasive Verplanken and Wood (2006) proposed that effective habit-
messages and other interventions in changing people’s inten- change strategies might target interventions for times when
tions versus changing their behavior. For course enrollment and people are naturally changing performance contexts. For ex-
ample, to increase bus ridership, some metropolitan transit
2.5 services provide free passes and route information to new resi-
dents, a group yet to establish relevant habits and hence open to
Weak habit such influence. Also, given the importance of context cues in
Log of Fast Food Purchasing

changing habits, public policy can be oriented toward structural

Moderate habit changes and supports for desired behaviors (e.g., sidewalks to
1.5 encourage exercise).
Strong habit


Self-regulation involves monitoring and adjusting responses in

the service of the self. In current theorizing, this process occurs
by comparing current states with goals and engaging control
0 processes when the two are discrepant. Given that habits are not
Less favorable intentions More favorable intentions
guided by goals, how are they regulated? One answer comes from
Intentions to Purchase Fast Food
research on the brain systems involved with conflict monitoring
Fig. 1. Frequency of purchasing fast food over 1 week as a function of (Yeung, Botvinick, & Cohen, 2004). This work suggests that
habit strength (based on frequency of past fast-food purchasing in the negative behavioral outcomes can be detected indirectly
presence of particular other people) and the intention to purchase fast
food. Habit strength moderated the extent to which intentions guided ac- through the activation of multiple conflicting responses. For
tion. Data from Ji Song and Wood (2006). example, people asked to identify the ink color when they see the

200 Volume 15—Number 4

David T. Neal, Wendy Wood, and Jeffrey M. Quinn

1.2 0.8


Frequency of reading paper

Frequency of exercising


0.0 0.0

− 0.2
− 0.4
− 0.4
Stable context - existing habit Stable context - existing habit
− 0.8 − 0.6
Stable context - no habit Stable context - no habit
Changed context - existing habit − 0.8 Changed context - existing habit
− 1.2 Changed context - no habit Changed context - no habit
− 1.0
Less favorable intentions More favorable intentions Less favorable intentions More favorable intentions

Fig. 2. Frequency of students’ exercise (left panel) and newspaper-reading (right panel) behavior after moving to a new university as a function of
(a) whether students had an existing habit for the behavior at their old university, (b) their intentions to perform the behavior at the new university,
and (c) change in the contexts in which they performed the behavior after the move. Students with strong habits whose performance contexts
changed little across the transfer carried over their habits to the new university regardless of their intentions. In contrast, students with strong
habits who experienced a change in performance contexts carried over their habits only when the behavior was accompanied by a favorable
intention. For those without habits, behavior performance was predicted by favorable intentions irrespective of context change. Data from Wood,
Tam, and Guerrero Witt (2005).

word red written in green ink (i.e., the Stroop task) can become by context are unlikely to feel self-willed. In addition, the dis-
aware of incorrect responses by detecting the activation of two connection between habits and the self could emerge from their
incompatible responses (i.e., ‘‘red’’ and ‘‘green’’). The presence independent representation in memory. People’s sense of self is
of multiple conflicting responses is apparently a common feature informed by autobiographical memories, which are stored in the
of situations in which negative outcomes occur, and therefore declarative system. Given that habits rely on procedural mem-
can be used as a proxy for evaluating outcomes. Thus, conflict ory, they may be somewhat removed from these autobiographies
monitoring provides a precedent for self-regulation without goals. and hence from the self-concept.
Self-regulation also involves controlling the implementation
and inhibition of behavior. The automatic qualities of habits CONCLUSION
influence regulatory success through the ease with which re-
sponses are executed versus withheld. These effects of habits are Having moved beyond its behaviorist connotations, the habit
most apparent when people have limited self-control resources. construct has a valuable and expanding role in many topics of
Thus, Vohs, Baumeister, and Ciarocco (2005) showed experi- concern to contemporary psychologists. Exciting research pro-
mentally the difficulty of inhibiting habitual modes of self- grams address how habits drive consumer choices, influence
presentation when self-control resources have been reduced. large-scale social processes, become shared across individuals
Our four-day diary study (Neal & Wood, 2006) extended this and groups, and inform moral reasoning. Such applications need
investigation to the regulation of behavior in real life. For two of to be informed by continued work addressing the basic mecha-
the days, we depleted people’s control resources by requiring nisms underlying habit performance, especially the mechanisms
them to use their nondominant hand for everyday activities. by which contexts motivate responding and by which responses,
When depleted, participants were less likely to perform non- once initiated, can proceed independently of intentions and with
habitual behaviors but continued to perform habits successfully. minimal conscious control. Particularly needed is research that
They not only maintained beneficial habitual behavior, such as applies these specific mechanisms to understand the powerful
attending the gym, but also maintained bad habits, such as an effects of everyday habits observed in behavior prediction, change,
afternoon trip to Krispy Kreme. Thus, habits represent a double- and regulation.
edged sword within self-regulation; when self-control is limited, More generally, the pervasive effect of habits in everyday
people perform desirable habits but fail to inhibit undesirable behavior is a key to understanding the difficulty people fre-
ones. quently experience in changing their behavior. People often fail
Finally, habits influence the role of the self within self-regu- in their attempts at changing everyday lifestyle habits such as
lation. Because people perform these actions often, it makes their diet and level of exercise. Such failures are understandable
sense that habits would be central components of the self-con- given that cues such as time of day and location trigger repetition
cept. However, people generally consider their habits less in- of past responses. Failures to change do not necessarily indicate
formative about themselves than nonhabitual actions (Wood poor willpower or insufficient understanding of health issues but
et al., 2002). In part, this may reflect that behaviors that are cued instead the power of situations to trigger past responses. Habits

Volume 15—Number 4 201


keep us doing what we have always done, despite our best in- Ji Song, M., & Wood, W. (2006). Habitual purchase and consumption:
tentions to act otherwise. Habits and intentions guide behavior. Manuscript submitted for
Neal, D.T., & Wood, W. (2006). Ego-depletion and habits in everyday life.
Unpublished manuscript, Duke University.
Recommended Reading
Quinn, J.M., & Wood, W. (2005). Habits across the lifespan. Unpublished
Verplanken, B., & Wood, W. (2006). (See References)
manuscript, Duke University.
Wood, W., Quinn, J.M., & Kashy, D.A. (2002). (See References)
Schultz, W., Dayan, P., & Montague, P.R. (1997). A neural substrate of
Wood, W., Tam, L., & Guerrero Witt, M. (2005). (See References)
prediction and reward. Science, 275, 1593–1599.
Verplanken, B., & Wood, W. (2006). Breaking and creating habits:
Consequences for public policy interventions. Journal of Public
REFERENCES Policy & Marketing, 25, 90–103.
Vohs, K.D., Baumeister, R.F., & Ciarocco, N.J. (2005). Self-regulation
Aarts, H., & Dijksterhuis, A. (2000). Habits as knowledge structures: and self-presentation: Regulatory resource depletion impairs im-
Automaticity in goal-directed behavior. Journal of Personality and pression management and effortful self-presentation depletes
Social Psychology, 78, 53–63. regulatory resources. Journal of Personality and Social Psychol-
Bargh, J.A., Chen, M., & Burrows, L. (1996). Automaticity of social ogy, 88, 632–657.
behavior: Direct effects of trait construct and stereotype activation Webb, T.L., & Sheeran, P. (2006). Does changing behavioral intentions
on action. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 71, 230– engender behavior change? A meta-analysis of the experimental
244. evidence. Psychological Bulletin, 132, 249–268.
Barnes, T.D., Kubota, Y., Hu, D., Jin, D.Z., & Graybiel, A.M. (2005). Wood, W., Quinn, J.M., & Kashy, D. (2002). Habits in everyday life:
Activity of striatal neurons reflects dynamic encoding and recod- Thought, emotion, and action. Journal of Personality and Social
ing of procedural memories. Nature, 437, 1158–1161. Psychology, 83, 1281–1297.
Daw, N.D., Niv, Y., & Dayan, P. (2005). Uncertainty-based competition Wood, W., Tam, L., & Guerrero Witt, M. (2005). Changing circum-
between prefrontal and dorsolateral striatal systems for behavioral stances, disrupting habits. Journal of Personality and Social
control. Nature Neuroscience, 8, 1704–1711. Psychology, 88, 918–933.
Dickinson, A., & Balleine, B. (1995). Motivational control of instru- Yeung, N., Botvinick, M.M., & Cohen, J.D. (2004). The neural basis of
mental action. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 4, 162– error detection: Conflict monitoring and the error-related nega-
167. tivity. Psychological Review, 111, 931–959.

202 Volume 15—Number 4

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