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Chapter 2


The literature and studies reviewed and presented provided the researchers

understanding on how to go about the present study. Though, there were limited

resources for both related literature and studies. It is hoped that the conduct of this

study will paved the way for more studies.

Local literature

Law enforcement is vital in the stability and progress of all nations. There are

laws that create the Philippine National Police in providing security and visibility in our


The RA 6975 was signed on December 13, 1990 by former president Corazon



GOVERNMENT, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES” .The creation of the Philippine

national police and the reorganization of the department of the interior and local

government in keeping with the mandated of our constitution for a police force that

national scope and civilian character.

The RA 8551 was signed on February 25, 1998. This law was called “AN ACT







The backbone of police department is patrol where produces police visibility in

our country. High police visibility discourages criminals normally, criminals think twice

before executing their plans if there is obvious presence of police officers. This practices

and laws are executed in the different areas in the Philippines.

Director General Nicanor A. Bartolome, Chief of the Philippine National Police

(PNP), ordered all policemen doing office work to go out and render at least four hours

of security patrols in their areas of jurisdiction.“They will now be conducting patrol

before they go to the office and before they go home,” said Bartolome. The target time

will be from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. in the morning and from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in

the afternoon. According to Bartolome, the PNP objective is to make use of that time on

matters that need the police concerns most, which is patrolling the streets”. It was

implemented by Bartolome in Metro Manila while he was director of the National Capital

Region Police Office (NCRPO).

After the assessment that it was effective, Bartolome said he wants to implement

it across the country because aside from policemen doing office work, he said some

policemen in other units will also be required to conduct beat patrol.

He, however, clarified that only those assigned in areas where the threat of big

rebel groups like communist and Moro rebels will be tapped for patrol. “Some of those

assigned in internal security operations will be used for visibility because we all know

that it is an essential component to prevent crime,” said Bartolome.

Moreover, Abat (2013) stated that in Davao City, the police station is increasing

police visibility in communities to reduce the numbers of crimes. Most of the policemen

are outside for advocacy programs and to maximize visibility. And also don’t let the ride

in a mobile since mostly they are on foot patrol to observe more the community safety,

this way they could easily establish connection with the community against criminal

acts. Policemen also go house-to-house in different villages in subdivision within the

area of their responsibilities to make sure that they are safe by the police force.

Hence, Rińen (2014), stated that Cebu City is further strengthening police

visibility in public areas where implemented by the police as part of their strategy to

lower street crimes in program dubbed Metro Cebu Comprehensive Deployment

System (MCCDS) which in this program they will maximize police visibility out in the

streets to prevent crimes from happening and witness more augmentation of policemen

out in the streets in beat, foot, and mobile in covert operations. “The response to street

crimes is always police presence”, apart from increasing the number of policemen in

foot and mobile patrols, other strategies that will be employed the establishment of

checkpoints, deployment of covert personnel and with all these done in random manner.

Some of the study focuses on police visibility just like, Rińen (2014), statement

that Cebu City is further strengthening police visibility in public areas where

implemented by the police as part of their strategy to lower street crimes in program

dubbed Metro Cebu Comprehensive Deployment System (MCCDS) which in this

program they will maximize police visibility out in the streets to prevent crimes from

happening and witness more augmentation of policemen out in the streets in beat, foot,

and mobile in covert operations. “The response to street crimes is always police

presence”, apart from increasing the number of policemen in foot and mobile patrols,

other strategies that will be employed the establishment of checkpoints, deployment of

covert personnel and with all these done in random manner.

Reviewed studies and literature are all commonly concerned about the patrol

programs held in order to prevent crime and to strengthen the relationship between the

community and the law enforcers because of police visibility. But there will be some that

will talk about negative feedbacks coming from the civilian.

Police officers have only a set of narrowly defined objectives- and a body of law

that is continually subjected to revision and interpretation - to guide them. Given the

urgency of the plight in which police usually find themselves, it is a wonder that the

police are able to perform their duties with as little controversy as they do. There is no

question that many times police are forced to act intuitively. Yet, this is not the

characterization of police that is rendered to the public. Police work is rarely presented

to the public in a positive light. The mainstream liberal media seem to think that police

work is not entertaining unless it is in a dilemma.

The thousands of acts each day that police officers perform are rarely

recognized. Groups that profit from police controversies begin campaigns demonizing

police. Their propaganda campaign is used to discredit the police and simple errors

bring them to the front pages of newspapers.

Public perception of the police becomes disfigured. Experts define public

perception as the difference between an absolute truth based on facts and a virtual truth

shaped by popular opinion, media coverage and/or reputation. Celebrities, politicians

and even police organizations faced the same scrutiny by the public they serve, and it

can be very difficult to overcome a negative public perception.

To reverse this negative public perception, the Philippine National Police

continues to reinvent its policing system. It is implementing programs to regain public 12

supports and trust thus, it has adopted the ideals of a strong police-community relation.

However, while the programs are ideal, attitudinal problems of some police personnel

hinder successful implementation.

At present, the operational management at police stations is deemed soaked

with systems that fail due largely, to the inability of Chiefs of Police (COPs) to optimize

utilization of human and material resources. This is aggravated by a bad work culture

and work habits of police elements at the station. Among these are the 1-day-duty-one-

day-off practice, 15-30 work appearances, details of personnel to politicians and

wealthy businessman, details to secure vital installations that are not public corporation,

etc. Programs on police-community relations and peace and order also fail because of

the mindset of some police officers that is not consistent with the intent of the framers of

the PNP law. There is also a perception of poor leadership ability of small unit leaders

who, despite appropriate training, have not learned how to exercise small unit


The primary concern of patrol program is to reduce offending behavior and

victimization or violent crimes, reduced crime rates, and have provided safer


Therefore, safety is a freedom from harm or danger and the state of being safe

which every person assures in the place they were living and for their daily lives. People

need to feel safe at all times under any circumstances. It does not matter if you are at

home, at work, at school, travelling at social event or in desperate need of emergency

assistance. Police visibility became a most powerful tool of the Philippine national police

in preventing crimes and the so called would be criminals.

In determining the age or the maturity of the respondents, it is important to

exclude those immature peaple in order to obtain better information from them.

According to study, maturity can be understood as a developmental concept, including

the categories of physical, intellectual, emotional and social development. It is the

processes of physical and intellectual development are usually completed during

adolescence; it is the categories of emotional and social development that are of most

relevance in considering the maturity of young adults.

Development of those areas of the brain concerned with higher order cognitive

processes and executive functions, including control of impulses and regulation and

interpretation of emotions, continues into early adulthood; the human brain is not

‘mature’ until the early to mid-twenties.

Foreign Setting

In every states there will always be different methods or programs established for

the safety of everybody, most especially in the prevention of crimes in order to maintain

peace and order. The high visibility of the police is the major requirement for the

community to stay at peace and the most common police operation of the law enforcers.

Edward Davis, the Chief of Police of California from 1969-1978, postulated that

the ability of the police to perform their duties is dependent upon public approval of

police existence, actions, behavior, and the ability of the police to secure and maintain

public respect. The police feels public acceptance when its existence, actions and

behavior are not routinely criticized, maligned, or branded with unacceptable languages

or treated with synonymous situation that can already be considered as a hostile

environment. The need for public acceptance is imperative as it will truly be difficult for

police officers to work under a stressful scenario as it can also spark human emotions

and cultivate friction points.

According to Levinson (2004), “the patrol exercise is not only limited to crime

control but also provide visibility to reduce the fear within the neighbourhood”. This

builds stronger relationship between police and community and wins the resident trust.

Therefore, patrolling is one way of securing, protecting, preserving the life and property

and assuring the safety of the people in the community.

The utilization of police resources for random preventive patrol activities is,

however, ineffective at deterring crime and apprehending offenders. Research suggests

that targeted preventive activities in strategic zones where the majority of crimes occur,

or when treatments driven by specific policies or practices aimed at meeting

strategically defined goals are utilized, is far more effective in reducing crime (Sherman

& Weisburd, 1995).

According to the research (Bohm & Haley, 2005), law enforcement is locally

controlled and structurally decentralized so that each department is responsible for the

policies and procedures that govern how the organization will carry out its statutory

duties to serve the community. The major functions of a police department include the

following: protect life and property; enforce the laws; prevent crime; preserve the peace;

arrest violators; and serve the public. Local, county and state governments, as well as

the federal government, enact laws that give authority to the individual agencies to carry

out these assigned duties. Crime control, one of the primary duties of law enforcement,

is carried out through the services of patrol officers and criminal investigators.

Police departments must provide service to the community often with limited

resources. When crime is discovered by an officer or reported to the police department,

the first officer arriving on the scene is usually the patrol officer in whose district the

incident occurred (Adams, 2001). It is logical therefore that the first responding patrol

officer would be in the best position to gather valuable and timely information about the

crime. Assigning a patrol officer to conduct a preliminary investigation maximizes the

chances for the case to be closed at, or shortly after, the first contact with the scene

(McDevitt, 2005).

The likelihood that a crime is detected and its offender charged is a central

component of the standard economic model of crime. The economics literature has

barely devoted any attention to studying the determinants of crime detection in detail.

While the institution with the responsibility for crime detection, the police, has been the

focus of much recent work, most such efforts have been directed to studying its reduced

form effect on crime. Typical approaches include examining whether police numbers,

police composition or high visibility patrolling are associated with lower crime rates. The

implicit assumption is that a change in these variables can lead to higher chances of

catching offenders, which has an immediate deterrence effect as well as an

incapacitation effect over longer horizons. However, very little work has examined

directly whether the police can actually increase the detection rate with either higher

numbers or, especially, with different operational practices (Di Tella and Schargrodsky

2004, Klick and Tabarrok 2005, Becker 1968, Ehrlich 1973).

The most important and most controversial instrument used by police forces to

apprehend offenders is responding rapidly when alerted to a crime. The effectiveness of

rapid response policing seems self-evident. By arriving more quickly, police officers

should be able to arrest any suspect and/or prevent the destruction or contamination of

physical evidence. Arriving at the crime scene relatively quickly should, however, allow

an officer to find witnesses to the crime, question them before their recollections worsen

and encourage witness and victim cooperation by signaling efficiency and dedication.

Moreover, suspect will be named relatively more often when the police are faster in

attending the scene.

According to the research, (UN, 2004 and Ekablom, 2005), the meaning of crime

prevention is the act of reducing the opportunity to commit crime it entails any action

designed to reduce the actual level of crime and the fear of crime. This prevention

include primary crime prevention for example avoiding disorganized community,

abandoned buildings and broken down cars which can be used as a cover for criminals,

second crime prevention for example prediction and identification of spotted places,

people and environment that may influence crime to occur, and take measure for the

prevention for example, setting security cameras, alarm systems, visibility of police

officers for patrolling, this make offenders to be afraid of being arrested when

committing crime. Tertiary crime prevention, this focuses on prevention after a crime has

occurred for example arresting the offenders soon after the crime and send them to the

court of law.

Michael (2005) stated that crime is one of the main threats to public and individual

safety, and is an obstacle for social, political, and economic development worldwide. In

the world crime, is influenced by globalization, technological development, economic

hardship, religious beliefs, and need for power, the crime rate in developed and

industrialized countries is considered to be higher than under developed countries.

Interpol (2013) also stated that most of the North America Countries, like Canada and

United States, South America countries like Brazil, Argentina Uruguay, Paraguay,

Mexico and Colombia and southern Asia countries, are the leading nations to have high

rate of crime because of highly and organized criminal groups. For example the rate of

crime for those countries for the period of 2013 are, Guatemala 71.31, Honduras 68.32,

Canada 68.70 México 50.40 Elsalvador 64.35, Costa Rica 61.40, United states 50.15,

Venezuela 81.50, Afghanistan 82.51, Pakistan 63.75, also the kind of crimes which are

common in those countries are, fraud, money laundering, homicide, motor vehicle theft,

cyber crime, house breaking, kidnapping, robbery, terrorism, illegal drug business.

According to African Policing civilian oversight forum (2010), to their book

common standards for policing on East African, point out the role of the police as:

Protect life, liberty and security of the person, maintain public safety and social peace,

adhere to the rule of law as an essential element to human security, peace and the

promotion of fundamental rights and freedoms. They also argue that, the police will fulfill

their functions in accordance with the rule of law. The police will not arbitrarily arrest or

detain and will only deprive persons of their liberty in accordance with the law, promptly

inform accused persons of the reason for their arrest and any changes brought them –

this must be communicated to the accused persons in a way and manner they

understand, act in a manner that upholds the presumption of an accused person’s

innocence until proven guilty in accordance with the law, ensure that arrested persons

are brought promptly before an authorized and competent judicial authority, ensure that,

upon arrest, detention and charge, there is a presumptive right to bail or bond, ensure

the right of detained person to challenge the lawfulness of their detention.

It is important to distinguish between the ideas of ‘police’ and ‘policing’. ‘Police’

refers to a particular kind of social institution, while ‘policing’ implies a set of processes

with specific social functions. ‘Police are not found in every society, and police

organizations and personnel can have a variety of shifting forms. ‘Police’, however, is

arguably a necessity in any social order, which may be carried out by a number of

different processes and institutional arrangement. A state-organized specialist police

organization of the modern is only one example. The police are agents of the state,

established for the maintenance of order and enforcement of law.

The most popular strand of political economy is the Marxist model. Its main

argument is summarized by the famous statement by Karl Marx in the Preface to A

Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy (1970). According to Marx, in the social

production of their existence, men inevitably enter into definite relations, which are

independent of their will, namely relations of production appropriate to a given stage in

their development of material sources of production. The totality of these relations of

production constitutes the economic structure of society, the real foundation, on which

arises a legal and political superstructure and to which correspond definite forms of

social consciousness. The mode of production of material life conditions the general

process of social, political and intellectual life. Marx strongly argued that the economic

structure of society determines the character of the superstructure, which includes the

political, legal, cultural and religious relations, and institutions of society. However, this

does not imply a unidirectional model. Account is also taken of dialectical relations a

form of feedback process in which the superstructure also influences the economic

substructure. (

Random preventive patrol strategies are based on the idea that visible police

presence in an area provides a general deterrent effect on crime and that,

subsequently, the general public’s fear of crime is reduced by that same police

presence. It would be expected, as a result, that crimes that would normally take place

in fairly public areas, such as general property offenses or street crimes, would be

more significantly impacted by preventive patrolling practices, whereas offenses

typically committed in relative seclusion would be less susceptible to the deterrence.

In an intensified drive against criminality, police visibility certainly plays a big role

in maintaining peace and order. The mere presence of a policeman in a busy area

could always deter a criminal from pulling off his trade. That is why patrolling, even in

remotest areas, has become an essentially part of police routine to prevent

lawlessness. It cannot be denied that criminality thrives in the absence of security.

However, crimes of different types will never succeed if safety measures are put in

place. But how safe a certain place is greatly depends on how the police force works.

This only means maintaining peace and order has become easier with the help

of patrol cars, motorcycles, and street cameras, among others. There is no doubt that

these pieces of equipment are giving the authorities the advantage against criminals.

With all these resources, however, it would still boil down to visibility. The need for

police presence in every street around the city is what counts in the heightened battle

against criminality. A roving police team cannot only deter crime. It can also create a

feeling of safety and security among the people.

Chapter 3

This chapter contains the discussion of the methods and techniques that were

used in gathering data and other information related to the study. It represents the

research design, the research setting, respondents of the study, the research

instruments used, and procedure in gathering data.

Research Design

This study is designed to know the effectiveness of police visibility in the assigned

area for the researchers. It includes the survey conducted in order to know the opinions

of the respondents regarding the police visibility program of Philippine National Police.

The researcher used the descriptive type of writing on this research paper to be able to

understand this study. It is used to obtain information concerning the current status of

phenomena to describe what exists with respect to variables or conditions in a situation.

The method involved range from the survey which describes the status quo, the

correlation study which investigates the relationship between the variable and the

developmental studies which seek to determine changes over time. It reveals conditions

or relationships that exist between the police and the community.

Descriptive method encompasses all the data gathered useful in adjusting or

meeting the existing phenomenon. The survey study was employed to measure the

existing event without inquiring into why it exists. As widely accepted, the descriptive

method of research is a fact-finding study that involves adequate and accurate

interpretation of findings. Descriptive research describes a certain present condition.

Relatively, the method is appropriate to this study since it aims to describe the present

condition of police visibility. The technique that was used under descriptive method is

the normative survey approach and evaluation, which is commonly used to explore

opinions according to respondents that can represent a whole population. The survey is

appropriate in this study because it enables the researcher in formulation of

generalizations. Specifically, two types of direct-data survey are included in this study.

These are questionnaire survey and interviews. Interviews with the residents in

Barangay Cogon and Carmen randomly. The direct-data type of survey is a reliable

source of first-hand information because the researcher directly interacts with the

participants. The purpose of employing the descriptive method is to describe the nature

of a condition, as it takes place during the time of the study and to explore the cause or

causes of a particular condition. The researcher opted to use this kind of research

considering the desire to acquire first hand data from the respondents so as to

formulate rational and sound conclusions and recommendations for the study.

Two types of data were used: the primary and the secondary data. The primary

data were derived from the answers respondents gave in the self-administered

questionnaire prepared by the researcher. In addition, the information obtained from the

interview also provided primary research data that supported the study. The secondary

data on the other hand, were derived from the findings stated in published documents

and literatures related to the research problem. These were based from the recent

literatures related to police visibility program of Philippine National Police.

As used in this research, gathered and treated data are about the police visibilty

in terms of conducting patrol, elimination of the crime, time response, police-civilian

relation, and maintenance of peace and order.

Research Setting

The research covers the police visibility program of Philippine National Police. In

connection to this, the assigned areas for the survey were Barangay Cogon and

Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City. It covers population of the residents recorded in the

barangay demographic profile.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study covers twenty five (25) residents of Barangay

Carmen same as in Barangay Cogon who were randomly interviewed in gathering

information on this study. But in Barangay Cogon, the researcher interviewed eighteen

(18) street vendors and only seven (7) residents who live in Barangay Cogon because

the researcher were not very familiar with the place. All of these participants were

selected through random sampling. This sampling method is conducted where each

member of a population has an equal opportunity to become part of the sample. As all

members of the population have an equal chance of becoming a research participant,

this is said to be the most efficient sampling procedure.

Herein, there were fifty (35) participants for the questionnaire survey and fifteen

(15) individuals for the interviews. The respondents were given time to complete the

survey questionnaire upon request. After collecting the questionnaires, the responses

will be analyzed and recorded.

One the other hand, for the personal interviews, most of the interviewees were

given time according to their convenience. Choices were given for the interviewees who

will answer the interview questions. There were only fifteen (15) participants who were

given a chance to share their time and talk about their opinions related to this study.

Sampling procedure

The researchers purposely sampling distributed twenty five (25) questionnaires

among respondents of Carmen , Cagayan de oro and another twenty five (25)

distributed to Cogon Cagayan de oro city. For the total of fifty (50) questionnaires have

been given to the respondents

Research Instrument

The information was obtained by the researcher through printed questionnaires

and conducted the survey by interviewing respondents randomly. The questionnaires

that the researchers made were two (2). The first one was designed for the basic

information about the respondents like what is the name, age, and etc. The last one was

designed for the questions about the police visibility relating to the conduct of patrol,

elimination of crime, time response, police-civilian relation, and maintenance of peace

and order.

Procedure of Gathering Information

The researchers gathered information from the Internet, published books and

unpublished theses to choose a topic for research. After deliberation and pieces of

advice from the thesis adviser, the researchers finally had their topic. The researchers

began to collect information about the topic and started to construct their statement of

the problem, conceptual framework, and sample questionnaire. These are submitted to

their professor for improvement and verification.

As the survey was conducted, the researchers ask the permission of the

respondents if the researcher could borrow a few minutes to sustain the information

needed for the study through interview. The interview will be related to the study. The

questionnaires will be given to the respondents while the interview is on going. The

respondents were instructed to answer the questions in the questionnaire and will be

given oral instruction if the respondent cannot understand the contents. The information

gathered will be evaluated and analyzed to finalize the said information.

Statistical treatment

The following statistical tools were employed in this study:

1. Frequency was utilized to trace the profile of the respondents in terms of sex,

age, civil status, and educational attainment.

2. Average computing was utilized to trace the profile of the respondents in

terms of sex, age, civil status, and educational attainment.

3. Frequency and average computing was utilized to trace to determine the

numbers of respondents in terms of answering the questionnaires.

Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter contains how the data were organized, analyzed and interpreted. It

also discusses the implications of the collected data and careful analyses were utilized

to correct the assumptions of the study to actual data gathered based on the stated

problems of the study.

Problem No. 1: What are the profile of the respondents according to Age, Gender,

Educational Attainment and Civil Status?

1. Profile of the Respondents

1.1 Age

Table 1.1.1 Profile of the Respondents According to Age. (Barangay Carmen Respondents)

Age Frequency Percentage (%)

20 Below 14 18.67
21-30 28 37.33
31-40 19 25.33
41 Above 14 18.67
Total 75 100

As shown in Table 1.1.1, most of the respondents (37.33%) or 28 were 21-30

years old. Second in number were 19 respondents with a percentage of 25.33% were in

31-40 years old. The respondents who were in 20 below and 41 above have the same

frequency (14) and percentage (18.67%). The table shows that majority (37.33%) of the

respondents were in the ages of 21-30 years old. The table indicates that the

respondents who were in 21-30 years old were more active in answering the questions

relating to the Police Visibility Program of the Philippine National Police in Barangay


Table 1.1.2 Profile of the Respondents According to Age. (Barangay Cogon Respondents)

Age Frequency Percentage (%)

20 Below 18 24
21-30 21 28
31-40 29 38.67
41 Above 7 9.33
Total 75 100

Table 1.1.2 shows that the majority of the respondents were in the ages of 31-40

wherein their frequencies are 29 with the percentage of 38.67%. Second in the number

are the respondents who were in the ages 21-30 with the frequency of 21 respondents

and percentage of 28%. Third in the number are the respondents who were in 20 below

with a frequency of 18 respondents and percentage of 24%. The least are the

respondents who were in the ages 41 above with the frequency of 7 respondents and

percentage of 9.33%. This simply states that the respondents who were in the ages 31-

40 years old were more active in answering the questions relating to the study.

1.2 Gender;

Table 1.2.1 Profile of the Respondents According to Gender. (Barangay Carmen Respondents)

Gender Frequency Percentage (%)

Male 34 45.33
Female 41 54.67
Total 75 100

Table 1.2.1 shows the profile of the respondents according to gender. It shows in

the table that majority of the respondents were female (54.67%) with a frequency of 41

while the male respondents have the percentage of 45.33% with a frequency of 34. This

simply indicates that there were more females than males in Barangay Carmen.

Table 1.2.2 Profile of the Respondents According to Gender. (Barangay Cogon Respondents)

Gender Frequency Percentage (%)

Male 46 61.33
Female 29 38.67
Total 75 100

Table 1.2.2 shows that males were more active in answering the questionnaire

relating to the study with the percentage of 61.33% for males while females have the

percentage of 38.67%.

1.3 Educational Attainment

Table 1.3.1 Profile of the Respondents According Educational Attainment. (Barangay Carmen


Educational Attainment Frequency Percentage (%)

Elementary 8 10.67
High School 33 44
College 22 29.33
Vocational 12 16
Total 75 100

Table 1.3.1 shows that the majority of the respondents in terms of educational

attainment were in high school with the frequency of 33 respondents and percentage of

44%. Next are the respondents who were in college with the frequency of 22

respondents and percentage of 29.33%. Third in the number are the respondents who

were in vocational course with the frequency of 12 respondents and percentage of 16%.

The least were the respondents who were in elementary with the frequency of 8

respondents and percentage of 10.67%. The table indicates that majority of the

respondents who answered the questionnaires relating to police visibility were from high

school in terms of educational attainment.

Table 1.3.2 Profile of the Respondents According Educational Attainment. (Barangay Cogon Respondents)

Educational Attainment Frequency Percentage (%)

Elementary 0 0
High School 36 48
College 28 37.33
Vocational 11 14.67
Total 75 100

Table 1.3.2 shows that the respondents who were in high school have the

greatest number of frequency (36) and percentage (48%). Secondly, the respondents

who were in college have the frequency of 28 respondents and percentage of 37.33%.

Respondents who were in vocational course have the lowest number of frequency (11)

and percentage (14.67%). As for the elementary, there was no respondent at all. The

table simply indicates that the respondents who were in high school were the majority

who answered the questionnaires relating to the police visibility in their barangay.

1.4 Civil Status

Table 1.4.1 Profile of the Respondents According to Civil Status. (Barangay Carmen Respondents)

Civil Status Frequency Percentage (%)

Single 20 26.67
Married 31 41.33
Divorced 0 0
Widow 8 10.67
Separated 16 21.33
Total 75 100

Table 1.4.1 shows that respondents who were married are the majority who

answered the questionnaires related to the study with the frequency of 31 respondents

and percentage of 41.33%. The respondents who were single have the frequency of 20

respondents and percentage of 26.67%. Next are the respondents who were separated

with the frequency of 16 respondents and percentage of 21.33%. Lastly, respondents

who were divorced have no frequency and percentage at all. This simply indicates that

married respondents were more active in answering the questionnaires related to the


Table 1.4.2 Profile of the Respondents According to Civil Status. (Barangay Cogon Respondents)

Civil Status Frequency Percentage (%)

Single 21 28
Married 38 50.67
Divorced 0 0
Widow 11 14.67
Separated 5 6.67
Total 75 100
Table 1.4.2 shows that married respondents are the majority who answered the

questionnaires related to the study with the frequency of 38 respondents and

percentage of 50.67%. The respondents who were single have the frequency of 21

respondents and percentage of 28%. Next are the respondents who were widow have

the frequency of 11 respondents and percentage of 14.67%. Lastly, the respondents

who were separated have the frequency of 5 and percentage of 6.67%. This simply

indicates that respondents who were married have the greatest weight of percentage.

Problem No. 2: What are the police visibility programs of the Philippine National Police?

2.1 Conduct of Patrol

Table 2.1.1 Distribution of the Respondents According to Conduct of Patrol (Barangay Carmen


Conduct of Patrol Strongly Strongly Percentage

Agree Disagree
Agree Disagree (%)
1. There is high
visibility of the police
23(30.67%) 44(58.67%) 8(10.67%) 0(0%) 75 (100%)
on duty in your
2. There is a
presence of police on
37(49.33%) 29(38.67%) 9(12%) 0(0%) 75 (100%)
duty in every corner of
the barangay.
3. They are using
equipment in their 25(33.33%) 44(58.67%) 6(8%) 0(0%) 75 (100%)
conduct of patrol.
4. The police on duty
are roaming around 24(32%) 43(57.33%) 8(10.67%) 0(0%) 75 (100%)
your barangay.
5. They are
conducting patrol 24/7 27(36%) 41(54.67%) 7(9.33%) 0(0%) 75 (100%)
in your barangay.

Table 2.1.1 shows that the majority (44) were saying they agree in the high

visibility of the police in their barangay with the percentage of 58.67%. In question

number two, majority (37) of the respondents answered strongly agree with the

percentage of 49.33%. For question number three, the majority (44) answered agree

with the percentage of 58.67%. In question number four, the majority (43) answered

agree with the percentage of 57.33%. The last question were answered agree by 41

respondents with the percentage of 54.67%. This simply indicates that the police in

Barangay Carmen need little more improvement in their conduct of patrol.

Table 2.1.2 Distribution of the Respondents According to Conduct of Patrol (Barangay Cogon


Conduct of Patrol Strongly Strongly Percentage
Agree Disagree
Agree Disagree (%)
1. There is high
visibility of the police
37(49.33%) 24(32%) 14(18.67%) 0(0%) 75 (100%)
on duty in your
2. There is a
presence of police
on duty in every 24(32%) 36(48%) 15(20%) 0(0%) 75 (100%)
corner of the
3. They are using
equipment in their 31(41.33%) 26(34.67%) 18(24%) 0(0%) 75 (100%)
conduct of patrol.
4. The police on duty
are roaming around 24(32%) 40(53.33%) 11(14.67%) 0(0%) 75 (100%)
your barangay.
5. They are
conducting patrol
35(46.67%) 28(37.33%) 12(16%) 0(0%) 75 (100%)
24/7 in your

Table 2.1.2 shows that majority of the respondents in question number one

answered strongly agree with the frequency of 37 respondents and percentage of

49.33%. In question number two, majority of the respondents answered agree with the

frequency of 36 respondents and percentage of 48%. For question number three, the

majority answered strongly agree with the frequency of 31 respondents and percentage

of 41%. Next question was answered agree by the majority of respondents with the

frequency of 40 respondents and percentage of 53.33%. The last question was

answered strongly agree by the respondents with the frequency of 35 respondents and

percentage of 46.67%. The table simply states that the police in Barangay Cogon gave

the respondents a good service in terms of conduct of patrol.

2.2 Elimination of crime

Table 2.2.1 Distribution of the Respondents According to Elimination of Crime (Barangay Carmen


Elimination of Strongly Strongly Percentage

Agree Disagree
Crime Agree Disagree (%)

1. The police
visibility helps in the
23(30.67%) 36(48%) 16(21.33%) 0(0%) 75 (100%)
reduction of the

2. Need of the police

visibility in your 53(70.67%) 22(29.33%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 75 (100%)

3. The crime rate

decreases in your 18(24%) 36(48%) 21(28%) 0(0%) 75 (100%)

4. You feel safe

going out at night in 22(29.33%) 35(46.67%) 18(24%) 0(0%) 75 (100%)
your barangay.

5. The police
conduct any
program in reducing 32(42.67%) 27(36%) 16(21.33%) 0(0%) 75 (100%)
the crime rate in
your barangay.

Table 2.2.1 shows that in question number one, majority answered agree with the

frequency of 36 respondents and percentage of 48%. In question number two, majority

of the respondents answered strongly agree with the frequency of 53 respondents and

percentage of 73.67%. For question number three, majority of the respondents

answered agree with the frequency of 36 respondents and percentage of 48%. In

question number four, majority of the respondents answered agree with the frequency of

35 respondents and percentage of 46.67%. for the last question, majority of the

respondents answered strongly agree with the frequency of 32 respondents and

percentage of 42.67%. The table states that the police in barangay Carmen are not very

effective in terms of eliminating crimes.

Table 2.2.2 Distribution of the Respondents According to Elimination of Crime (Barangay Cogon


Elimination of Strongly Strongly Percentage

Agree Disagree
Crime Agree Disagree (%)

1.The police visibility

helps in the
29(38.67%) 38(50.67%) 8(10.67%) 0(0%) 75 (100%)
reduction of the

2. Need of the police

visibility in your 67(89.33%) 8(10.67%) 0 0(0%) 75 (100%)

3. The crime rate

decreases in your 12(16%) 29(38.67%) 34(46.33%) 0(0%) 75 (100%)

4. You feel safe

going out at night in 18(24%) 26(34.67%) 31(41.33%) 0(0%) 75 (100%)
your barangay.

5. The police
conduct any
program in reducing 24(32%) 38(50.67%) 13(17.33%) 0(0%) 75 (100%)
the crime rate in
your barangay.

Table 2.2.2 shows that majority of the respondents answered agree for question

number one with the frequency of 38 respondents and percentage of 50.67%. In

question number two, majority of the respondents answered strongly agree with the

frequency of 67 respondents and percentage of 89.33%. For question number three,

majority of the respondents answered disagree with the frequency of 34 respondents

and percentage of 46.33%. In question number four, majority of the respondents

answered disagree with the frequency of 31 respondents and percentage of 41.33%.

For the last question, majority answered agree with the frequency of 38 respondents

and percentage of 50.67%. This simply indicates that police in barangay Cogon should

improve their way of eliminating the crime.

2.3 Police-Civilian Communication

Table 2.3.1 Distribution of the Respondents According to Police-Civilian Communication (Barangay

Carmen Respondents)

Police-Civilian Strongly Strongly Percentage

Agree Disagree
Communication Agree Disagree (%)

1. The police on duty

communicate to your 42(56%) 33(44%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 75 (100%)
fellow civilians.

2. The police on duty

26(34.67%) 40(53.33%) 9(12%) 0(0%) 75 (100%)
are approachable.

3. The police on duty

do their job as the
39(52%) 36(48%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 75 (100%)
protector of your

4. The police on duty

treat you with 58(77.33%) 17(22.67%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 75 (100%)

5. The police on duty

do a good job
21(28%) 45(60%) 9(12%) 0(0%) 75 (100%)
serving your

As shown in table 2.3.1, majority of the respondents answered strongly agree

with the frequency of 42 respondents and percentage of 56%. In question number two,

majority of the respondents answered agree with the frequency of 40 respondents and

percentage of 53.33%. For the question number three, majority of the respondents

answered strongly agree with the frequency of 39 respondents and percentage of 52%.

In question number four, majority answered strongly agree with the frequency of 58

respondents and percentage of 77.33%. For the last question, majority answered agree

with the frequency of 45 respondents and percentage of 60%. The table indicates that

the police in barangay Carmen have a good relation with the community.

Table 2.3.1 Distribution of the Respondents According to Police-Civilian Communication (Barangay Cogon


Police-Civilian Strongly Strongly Percentage

Agree Disagree
Communication Agree Disagree (%)

1. The police on duty

communicate to your 46(61.33%) 29(38.67%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 75 (100%)
fellow civilians.

2. The police on duty

26(34.67%) 37(49.33%) 12(16%) 0(0%) 75 (100%)
are approachable.

3. The police on duty

do their job as the
31(41.33%) 44(58.67%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 75 (100%)
protector of your

4. The police on duty

treat you with 57(76%) 18(24%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 75 (100%)

5. The police on duty

do a good job
26(34.67%) 41(54.67%) 8(10.67%) 0(0%) 75 (100%)
serving your

As shown in table 2.3.1, in question number one, majority of the respondents

answered strongly agree with the frequency of 46 respondents and percentage of

61.33%. In question number two, majority of the respondents answered agree with the

frequency of 37 respondents and percentage of 49.33%. For question number three,

majority of the respondents answered agree with the frequency of 44 respondents and

percentage of 58.67%. In question number four, majority of the respondents answered

strongly agree with the frequency of 57 respondents and percentage of 767%. For the

last question, majority of the respondents answered agree with frequency of 41

respondents and percentage of 54.67%. This table indicates that the police in barangay

Cogon have good relationship with the community.

2.4 Time Respond

Table 2.4.1 Distribution of the Respondents According to Time Respond. (Barangay Carmen


Strongly Strongly Percentage

Time Respond Agree Disagree
Agree Disagree (%)

1.The police
23(30.67%) 37(49.33%) 15(20%) 0 (0%) 75 (100%)
immediately to any
calls from civilian.

2.The police arrive

immediately at the 21(28%) 39(52%) 15(20%) 0 (0%) 75 (100%)
reported incident.

3.The police know

how to manage their
24(32%) 35(46.67%) 16(21.33%) 0 (0%) 75 (100%)
time when they are
on duty.

4. The police give 23(30.67%) 45(60%) 7(9.33%) 0 (0%) 75 (100%)

their best to arrive
immediately at the

reported incident.

5. The time respond

of the police is 11(14.67%) 29(38.67%) 35(46.67%) 0 (0%) 75 (100%)

Table 2.4.1 shows that majority of the respondents in question number one

answered agree with the frequency of 37 respondents and percentage of 49.33%. In

question number two, majority of the respondents answered agree with the frequency of

39 respondents and percentage of 52%. For question number three, majority of the

respondents answered agree with the frequency of 35 respondents and percentage of

46.67%. In question number four, majority of the respondents answered agree with the

frequency of 45 respondents and percentage of 60%. For the last question, majority of

the respondents answered disagree with the frequency of 35 respondents and

percentage of 46.67%. The table states that the police in barangay Carmen should

improve their work in terms of time response.

Table 2.4.2 Distribution of the Respondents According to Time Respond. (Barangay Cogon Respondents)

Strongly Strongly Percentage

Time Respond Agree Disagree
Agree Disagree (%)

1.The police
19(25.33%) 33(44%) 23(30.67%) 0 (0%) 75 (100%)
immediately to any
calls from civilian.

2.The police arrive

immediately at the 17(22.67%) 21(28%) 37(49.33%) 0 (0%) 75 (100%)
reported incident.

3.The police know

how to manage their
27(36%) 35(46.67%) 13(17.33%) 0 (0%) 75 (100%)
time when they are
on duty.

4. The police give

their best to arrive
29(38.67%) 40(53.33%) 6(8%) 0 (0%) 75 (100%)
immediately at the
reported incident.

5. The time respond

of the police is 7(9.33%) 31(41.33%) 37(49.33%) 0 (0%) 75 (100%)

Table 2.4.2 shows that majority of the respondents answered agree with the

frequency of 33 respondents and percentage of 44%. In second question, majority of

the respondents answered disagree with the frequency of 37 respondents and

percentage of 49.33%. For question number three, majority of the respondents

answered agree with the frequency of 35 respondents and percentage of 46.67%. In

question number four, majority of the respondents answered agree with frequency of 40

respondents and percentage of 53.33%. For the last question, majority of the

respondents answered disagree with the frequency of 37 respondents and percentage

of 49.33%. The table indicates that police in barangay Cogon should try another way of

technique terms of time respond.

2.5 Maintenance of Peace and Order

Table 2.5.1 Distribution of the Respondents According to Maintenance of Peace and Order (Barangay

Carmen Respondents)

Maintenance of Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Percentage

Peace & Order Agree Disagree (%)

1.The crime rate in

your barangay 23(30.67%) 37(49.33%) 15(20%) 0 (0%) 75 (100%)

2.The police on
duty respond to
31(41.33%) 44(58.67%) 0(0%) 0 (0%) 75 (100%)
trouble happening
in your barangay.

3.The police
implement the
41(54.67%) 34(45.33%) 0(0%) 0 (0%) 75 (100%)
ordinance in your

4. The police
quickly solve
crimes and arrest 19(25.33%) 23(30.67%) 33(44%) 0 (0%) 75 (100%)
criminals in your

5. The police are

always aware in
17(22.67%) 45(60%) 13(17.33%) 0 (0%) 75 (100%)
the happenings in
your barangay.

Table 2.5.1 shows that majority of the respondents in question number one

answered agree with the frequency of 37 respondents and percentage of 49.33%. In

question number two, majority of the respondents answered strongly agree with the

frequency of 31 respondents and percentage 41.33%. In question number three,

majority of the respondents answered strongly agree with the frequency of 41

respondents and percentage of 54.67%. For question number four, majority of the

respondents answered disagree with the frequency of 33 respondents and percentage

of 44%. For the last question, majority of the respondents answered agree with the

frequency of 45 respondents and percentage of 60%. This simply indicates that the

police barangay Carmen should improve their way of maintaining peace and order.

Table 2.5.2 Distribution of the Respondents According to Maintenance of Peace and Order (Barangay

Cogon Respondents)

Maintenance of Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Percentage

Peace & Order Agree Disagree (%)

1.The crime rate in

your barangay 15(20%) 42(56%) 18(24%) 0 (0%) 75 (100%)

2.The police on duty

respond to trouble
45(60%) 30(40%) 0(%) 0 (0%) 75 (100%)
happening in your

3.The police
implement the
47(62.67%) 28(37.33%) 0(0%) 0 (0%) 75 (100%)
ordinace in your

4. The police quickly

solve crimes and
17(22.67%) 34(45.33%) 24(32%) 0 (0%) 75 (100%)
arrest criminals in
your barangay.

5. The police are
always aware in the
26(34.67%) 29(38.67%) 20(26.67%) 0 (0%) 75 (100%)
happenings in your

As shown in table 2.5.2, in question number one, majority of the respondents

answered agree with the frequency of 42 respondents and percentage of 56%. In

question number two, majority of the respondents answered strongly agree with the

frequency of 45 respondents and percentage of 60%. For question number three,

majority answered strongly agree with the frequency of 47 respondents and percentage

of 62.67%. In question number four, majority answered agree with the frequency of 34

respondents and percentage of 45.33%. The last question was answered agree by

majority of the respondents with the frequency of 29 respondents and percentage of

38.67%. This simply indicates that the implementation of ordinance was good but it

needs more effort in order decrease the crime rate in barangay Cogon.


This chapter presents the summary, findings, conclusions and recommendation

based on the data presented, analyzed and interpreted.


The aim and purpose of this study is to determine the independent variables and

dependent variables of the study entitled “ POLICE VISIBILITY PROGRAM OF


The independent variables show:

• Age

• Sex

• Civil Status

• Educational attainment

While dependent variables are:

• Conduct of Patrol

• Response Time

• Police-Civilian Communication

• Elimination of Crime

• Maintenance of Peace and Order

The result of this study will give ideas to researchers on programs of PNP on

selected barangays. This will broaden the researcher’s perspective on how effective

and efficient the programs are conducted by the PNP in order to sharpen the remedies

of programs in maintaining peace and order in the respective barangays.

The statistical treatments employed are the frequency and percentage being

computed. The independent, dependent variables and the data collected will be used

for the analysis and interpretation for this study. This study involved seventy five (75)

respondents in barangay Carmen and seventy five (75) respondents in barangay

Cogon, Cagayan de Oro City.


Most of the respondents, participated in our survey in barangay Carmen were

composed of 54.67% of females and 45.33% of males. While in barangay Cogon are

composed of 38.67% of females and 61.33% of males. The respondents willingly give

their answers on the provided questions in the survey instrument.

In terms of age most elders can easily understand and more knowledgeable of

the programs of the PNP in the respective barangays. They are aware of what’s

happening in the community they are wiser than the younger ones.

Majority of the respondents in Barangay Carmen are females wherein the

percentage is 54.67% and in Cogon is 61.33%. Females are more attentive than males

because they appreciate the efforts of the PNP organization in securing their lives and

properties through the help of the organizations programs conducted in their barangays.

Moreover in terms of civil status most married persons are sensitive than single

since married couples wants more action to the community since they are more

practical in nature.

Persons who attained higher education are capable of understanding to the

programs of the PNP. They tend to understand the purpose and objective of the

programs for pursuing peace and order in the community.


Drawn from the findings of this study are the following conclusions:

The effectiveness of conduct of patrol in barangay Carmen and Cogon are rated

as effective.

 To have a rating of very effective police authorities should follow proper

procedure in conducting patrol. They shouldn’t patrol in the same street at

the same time so that the soon to be criminals won’t familiarize their

patrolling hours.

The effectiveness of response time in Carmen and Cogon was perceived as


 To be very effective, police administrators should more increase the

facilities and vehicles in order to respond immediately. Inefficient

communication can result in confusion and false expectation.

The effectiveness of police-civilian communication was perceived by the

respondents as effective. Police enforcers are approachable by the people in the


 To be very effective police enforcers should set as a good role model in

the community so that the people will respect and trust them. A good

relationship between the public and the police officer is very important in

preventing crimes.

The effectiveness in terms of elimination of crime was rated as effective by the

respondents. In somewhat way the soon to be criminals in Carmen and cogon lost its

passion and desire to commit crime because of the presence of the police enforcers.

 To be very effective police enforcers must be more attentive and active so

that it will be a factor to eliminate would be criminals.

In terms of effectiveness in maintenance of peace and order the respondents

rated it as effective. The respondents feel and see how law enforcers make an effort for

pursuing peace and order in the barangays.

 To be very effective they must pursue police visibility so that the

community will feel safe.


From the data and findings of this study the following recommendation are drawn

and endorse.


I. Law enforcement officers must conduct patrol every day and night in their

respective jurisdictions.
II. Law enforcers must gain more patience especially in entertaining

III. Must develop and practice a more prim proper person to person

communication during patrolling.

IV. Should give their best as if they could, in promoting the peace and order to

ensure the safety of live and property of the people in the community.
V. Should strive their duties in creating a solution on how to lessen the

problem existing in order to get satisfactory of the people.


I. Create programs that would be a tool in having a good relationship to the

people. Such as conducting awareness programs to the community.

II. Create suitable programs to the law enforcers by selecting subordinates

whose knowledgeable , skillful , abilities are best suited for a particular job
III. Conducting free seminars to persons who would like have some

knowledge about self-defense.

IV. Create a website that will inform the people of the current trends of

criminal behavior and what are the ways to avoid it.

V. Create a force of visibility in places where in crimes mostly committed.


I. Must closely monitor the performance of deployed officers assigned in

their area of responsibility in order to make them aware and to catch those

deployed officers who are not properly doing their duties.

II. Should increase the facility used by law enforcers such as communication

and mobility in order to easy them to respond directly to places where

crimes frequently happened.

III. PNP officials must maintain organizing and managing the lower ranks to

have an harmonious organization.

IV. PNP officials must set as a good example to their subordinates
V. They must be responsible in orders that they will give to the lower ranks.

They should make sure that the orders are understood to avoid

misinterpretation or confusion.


I. Must trust the police officers
II. Must help police officers to eliminate crime through their cooperation.


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