Reverse Engineering Case2013

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Reverse-Engineering a Closed-Box Hardware and

Software Linux Embedded System

Rafael Zurita, Rodolfo del Castillo, Miriam Lechner, Eduardo Grosclaude

Departamento Ingenierı́a de Computadoras - Facultad de Informática

Universidad Nacional del Comahue
Abstract— Linux embedded systems are often found in closed- XWindow protocols. Commercial brochures and product doc-
box products. The present work documents the process by which umentation provide minimal specs, i.e. the device is marketed
such a closed-box, off-the-shelf product, has been analysed to as a Linux 2.4 embedded system1 . However, there is no
study how it is built, how it is powered by Linux, and how its additional documentation to architecture or software internals.
software can be updated or modified to adapt the device to other Encore Electronics Inc. does not provide the source code
usages. The final result, after the described procedure is applied,
to the installed software, nor any compiling and installing
is a generic, embedded Linux development board, suitable for
arbitrary purposes. Our practical experiments targeted an Encore instructions as required by the GPL licence Linux is released
ENTC1000 product marketed as a thin client device for remote under[2].
As the ENTC-1000 device is a modern embedded system,
available for purchase in our country, understanding its archi-
I. I NTRODUCTION tecture and behavior is of interest to our Department. Knowing
its internals will allow us an inexpensive way to experiment
Dozens of embedded devices such as toasters, mobile with embedded Linux for academic purposes.
phones, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, TV decoders, clocks,
home network routers, game consoles, are used in daily life.
Most of these, unlike domestic PCs, are bound to perform a II. L EGAL BACKGROUND
single function. This single function makes them qualify as When repurposing a closed-box hardware and software
embedded systems [REF]. system, the knowledge we need about its internals can be
However, these household items are no longer as simple obtained either by having a complete written documentation
as they were once. Some years ago, most of these devices of the target device, or by directly experimenting with it. This
were just mechanical and electrical artifacts. Today’s appli- experimentation is called reverse engineering and can be driven
ances integrate electronic circuits, sensors, microcontrollers, by several activities and tools. This is the method we used for
microprocessors, and are capable to perform a sophisticated this case study.
array of functionalities. As reverse engineering happens to be illegal in some
Such complexity comes along with the need to have the countries, a question is raised about the legal status of our
device run an operating system, as several functionalities procedure. In our particular case, the goal in using reverse
need to be concurrently managed. Vendors opt for Linux in engineering is exactly to reuse the hardware for a different
many cases due to low cost and easy customisation [REF purpose. This goal matches the terms in the act Ley Argentina
ELECTROLUX BRAZIL ANDROID ROUTER]. N◦ 24.240 de Defensa del Consumidor, which allows this
action provided the product has been purchased legally.
In our region, acquisition of embedded Linux systems for
research or development is a complex and expensive prospect.
If we were to build, say, a sophisticated robotic device, then
our best strategy would be reusing as many parts as possible A. Hardware Architecture
from other previous work, and choosing off-the-shelf, ready-
made hardware and software components to be repurposed. We must know first the hardware architecture in order
to understand the behavior of an embedded Linux device.
Many embedded devices are available in our regional In a modern embedded system, the main component is a
market for study or customization. Most of them come with the microcontroller or microprocessor (CPU). Nowadays, many
required hardware to run an embedded Linux system, although systems integrate a system-on-a-chip (SOC) device containing
they not always make this claim. Typical devices capable to the CPU and most of an embedded system’s components, in a
run a Linux system are TP-Link home routers or Android- single chip [3].
equipped mobile phones.
We also need to know about other components existing in
The ENTC-1000 embedded system is a proprietary product the system. Coming after the CPU, most important components
of Encore Electronics Inc. [5], working as a remote desktop
terminal supporting RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) and 1 This kernel version was released in 2001.
µClinux) kernel [?].
• a minimalistic filesystem containing, at the very least,
a C library (usually uClibc or eglibc) and a busybox
shell [?]. Busybox is a small executable program
optimized for embedded systems. Busybox is capable
of performing roughly the same work as many basic
UNIX utilites like ls, cp, etc.
Sometimes a fourth software component set is found in the
system. These are the vendor’s own applications and hardware
drivers. Vendors’ applications are seldom of interest for our
research; however, drivers are of prime importance. If closed
source drivers are present in the system, then the work of
preparing an embedded Linux system supporting the whole
hardware will be utterly difficult, due to the lack of access
to source code. In our experience with ENTC-1000 we did
not find any closed source drivers, so this issue is beyond the
scope of this article.
The work done at this stage was preparing two complete re-
Figure 1. Encore ENTC-1000 board placement embedded Linux systems: Amstrong and emDebian.
The documentation for preparing embedded Linux systems
is broadly and publicly available (REFERENCIAS). There
are memory modules (RAM and Flash types) and communica- are dozens of Linux distributions for embedded systems, or
tion modules (such as serial or USB). These devices, together development environments for embedded systems. With these
with the CPU, give an overview to what the boot process or tools, preparing a system targeted to a specific device is an
operational regime of the system will be like. easier task. Some of these projects are Openwrt, Buildroot or
OpenEmbedded (REFERENCIAS).
In practice, the architecture of an embedded system can be
known by detaching the circuit board from the enclosing case. Once we have the knowledge of how to build (i.e. compile,
This enables us to visually inspect and list the main system configure) and operate the software components for the target
components. Most of the time, from this listing we can get the architecture, we must determine whether the original firmware
needed ID of components or chips so as to reach its public can be modified.
documentation. This documentation is known as data sheets
or, sometimes, programming manuals. IV. S OFTWARE ACCESS
As we disassembled the ENTC-1000 (see Figure 1), we A. Serial interface
identified a Cirrus EP3907A SOC as the main component.
This chip encloses an ARM920T main processor running at There are several ways to access an embedded Linux
200MHz. The board also holds two 32MB Samsung SDRAM system. The most usual way is through a serial console. In
memory modules and one 16MB Intel Flash embedded mod- Linux systems, the serial console allows to look at the kernel
ule. error messages and to interact with the boot manager.
Although Encore does not public any documentation, Cir- Most embedded systems have a UART (Universal Asyn-
rus Logic does. Cirrus has released detailed documentation chronous Receiver-Transmitter) controller, which is used
of the Cirrus 3907 SOC [6]. Cirrus Logic also distributes mainly for debugging and development, but is also used by
programming software and Linux source code for experimen- Linux as a predetermined serial interface. The UART translates
tation. Our search was completed by finding documentation information in parallel form, coming from the system bus, to
for experimental lab boards published by Cirrus Logic. These data in serial form, so as to be transmitted through different
design papers are very useful to firms employing Cirrus ports. In embedded systems, usually the UART controller is
Logic’s SOC, as they can take them as a reference design a part of the CPU, so that, even when there is no exposed
for their own developments. connector in the board, the controller is there.
During our work with ENTC-1000, the pins of the UART
B. Software architecture were not identified or labeled, but present. We identified the
On the software side, the architecture typically consists of ground (GND) and direct current (VCC) pins by means of a
three essential components: multimeter and an oscilloscope. Then, using the GND pin, the
rest of the exposed pins in the board were tested to identify
• A bootloader for an embedded system, usually Das transmission (TX) and reception (RX) lines.
U-Boot [4]. Other bootloaders are closed source boot
managers. To establish that the UART lines we had found were the
right ones, we connected an RS-232 level converter to them,
• A Linux kernel, or, when the system lacks a memory and then to a PC. We finally used the minicom communications
management unit (MMU), a uClinux (also called program to obtain some visual information. This information
was, however, meaningless as the operating serial transmission We took a small sample program in ARM assembly
speed for the original firmware was unknown. language from Cirrus Logic as a start. Once assembled, the
resulting object version for this program is smaller than 2048
B. Taking control bytes. By incrementally modifying the program source2 , we
were able to discover the missing information about the
Once we knew the software components, we conducted architecture.
access tests to the original system, at least at three levels in
We were mainly interested in the addresses where the
the architecture :
software components (bootloader, Linux kernel and the root
• Through TCP/IP connections, as soon as the original file system) could be found inside the Flash memory. Hence,
firmware is operating; when executed, our program looks for the physical addresses
of the internal Flash memory. To do so, the program reads
• by connecting to the boot manager; consecutive memory locations, starting from the physical ad-
dress 0x60000000, looking for the string “CRUS”. We chose
• by accessing the boot ROM software.
the 0x60000000 address based on possible values listed on
The goal at the first two stages is to get root access to the SOC documentation. The “CRUS” token is defined as the
the closed Linux system. For the boot manager, we seek to keyword for the CPU to identify the boot address when probing
access the minimal command interpreter offered by some boot different addresses for booting code.
managers. The first two test cases did not yield useful results. We loaded our small probe program through the serial
We went on deeper in the architecture, trying to reach for download feature of the Boot ROM process. The “CRUS”
operating stages earlier to the execution of the boot manager. token was found on the Flash memory at the address
Using the available hardware architecture and program- 0x60001000. As the CPU, during the boot process, will try
ming documentation, we analyzed the hardware reset process to execute any code written after that memory location, it was
and the way the ENTC-1000 internal CPU begins executing a proper place to locate the bootloader component software.
instructions. Our last goal during this stage was to find the last valid
physical address for RAM memory. After modifying our probe
Communication with the CPU program to do some few trial and error tests, the program
found that limit, and we modified the U-Boot bootloader RAM
As stated in the documentation at hand, Cirrus Logic settings accordingly.
EP9307 SOC has a Boot ROM memory which supports taking
the UART as a program source to initialize the processor. On C. Booting an Alternative Linux Embedded System
system reset, the ARM920t CPU begins the execution of code
at address 0. The SOC honors the “Hardware Configuration” Knowing how to execute a small program after a hardware
controls to select the device that appears at address 0. We reset event, and having the RAM and Flash addresses, we were
found a switch labeled ”boot mode select” on the ENTC-1000 ready to deploy an alternative Linux embedded system over
board, with which we experimented to select Boot ROM, thus the device. Our first step to accomplish this was to prepare a
mapping it to address 0 to be executed. small bootloader to be sent into RAM through the serial line.
We chose U-Boot, configured for this particular device.
Upon a system reset, Cirrus Logic EP9307 will work
After we successfully executed the bootloader, and were
together with the Boot ROM software in a mode called ”serial
logged into its minimal -but powerful enough- command line,
download” which allows us to send some code bytes to be
we had to decide how to re-layout software within the Flash
executed by the CPU. The sequence of steps is as follows:
memory, hence modifying the original software, to achieve our
1) Initialize UART1 to 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 goal.
stop bit Using U-Boot TFTP 3 utilities and networking capability,
2) Output a “<” character over the serial connection we transferred a Linux 3.X kernel 4 to a particular address in
3) Read 2048 characters from UART1 RAM. Now the two main pieces of software (bootloader and
• If our serial peer does not send 2048 bytes, kernel) required to boot a system were ready on RAM.
go on with boot process using internal Flash The next step was to copy RAM content over the Flash.
memory For this we used a copy (cp.b) command available in U-Boot
• If serial peer sent 2048 bytes, store them in command line, the physical RAM addresses where U-Boot
internal buffer, output “>” through serial link and the Linux kernel were loaded, and the start address for
to indicate successful read Flash memory (found when probing for the “CRUS” token as
4) Turn on Green LED described in the previous section).
5) Jump to the start of the internal Boot Buffer
Finally, it is worth mentioning that we modified the U-Boot
After several reset tests, the minicom communication pro- configuration in Flash so as to load and boot automatically
gram on the PC got the “<” character. This confirmed some 2 While taking into account the size restrictions imposed by the serial
hypotheses: the wired connections between PC and board were downloader feature of the Boot ROM code.
functional, and the Boot ROM code was being executed. Afer 3 Trivial File Transfer Protocol
that, it was able to download a specific program as the first 4 Latest available at the time the article was written is 3.8.8, original was
code to be executed by the ARM core. 2.4
from the address where the Linux kernel was saved on Flash. R EFERENCES
The Linux kernel we built was prepared to load the root file [1] S. Heath, Embedded Systems Design, Second Edition. Newnes, 2002.
system (the last remaining major piece of software needed for ISBN-13: 978-0750655460
a functional system) from a usb storage device. As a result of [2] Free Software Foundation, GNU General Public License.
this process, we modified the Encore ENTC-1000 firmware,
thus offering at least two new interesting features: [3] S.B. Furber, ARM System-on-chip Architecture, Second Edition.
Addison-Wesley Professional, 2000. ISBN: 8131708403
• A modern and customizable bootloader, accesible [4] Denx, U-Boot bootloader.
through a serial line. [5] Encore Electronics, Encore Thin Client ENTC-1000.
• An updated Linux kernel, prepared to boot different [6] Cirrus Logic, EP93xx User’s Guide.
Linux operating systems from a USB port. manual/EP93xx\ Users\ Guide\ UM1.pdf

This functionalities lead us to a wide range of options

to reuse the Encore ENTC-1000 device. From here we are
ready to start our programming tests based on Linux embedded
systems, without being required to go through the troublesome
process described above. The new device is just boot-and-use.


We used reverse engineering in order to understand the
architecture, functioning and programming of a modern Linux
embedded system.
Our knowledge has been increased through the experience
and documentation process itself. The resulting system allows
for academic experimentation based on embedded Linux,
running on a commercial embedded hardware which can be
repurposed for specific needs.
We chose the Encore ENTC-1000 embedded system for
this experience as it met our expectations about device cost
and capabilities. However, at first sight, our chances to be able
to research and reuse the system were not clear.
As a result of our experience, we have been able to
understand its internal functioning, and moreover, the device
has been reused to provide the following functionalities in a
production environment:

• Print server for USB printers without networking

• DHCP server for small internal subnets at University.
• Brain for research robot, tied to a microcontroller and
a set of sensors.
• Embedded Linux system for learning and experimen-
• DNS experimental server.

As future work, we consider the fact that there may be still

some time ahead until the acquisition of specialized hardware
for embedded systems can be made affordable to public educa-
tional institutions. Until that moment can be reached, we aim
to build standardized guidelines required for a methodology
allowing the reuse of commercial Linux embedded systems.
Even when such hardware is available for development, reverse
engineering experience on comercial Linux embedded systems
can be thought as a method to encourage learning about the
architecture and functioning of embedded systems.

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