Donkey Game Eng

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2-4 players
15+ min.

Wooden donkey and 60 wooden sticks in 4 different colours.

Aim of the game

The aim is to be the first player to get rid of all your sticks by placing them on the donkey’s back.

Game preparations
The donkey is placed in the middle of the table. Each player chooses one of the 4 colours and takes
all the 15 sticks in that colour.

How to play
The youngest player begins and places the first stick on the donkey’s back, on top of the red circle
(the saddle). The turn goes to the next player in clockwise direction, who places the next stick etc.
Each player can only place one stick on each turn. If on your turn one or more sticks happen to fall
down from the saddle, you must take all these fallen sticks to yourself – regardless of the colours of
the sticks, you must now get rid of them on your following turns.

The winner
The player who is the first one to get rid of all his/her sticks wins the game.

Good luck!

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