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Controllable synthesis, characterization and microwave absorption properties of magnetic

Ni1−x Cox P alloy nanoparticles attached on carbon nanotubes

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2008 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 125303


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J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 125303 (7pp) doi:10.1088/0022-3727/41/12/125303

Controllable synthesis, characterization

and microwave absorption properties of
magnetic Ni1−xCoxP alloy nanoparticles
attached on carbon nanotubes
Yongjie Li, Cunzhen Zhu and Chunming Wang
Department of Chemistry, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, People’s Republic of China
E-mail: [email protected]

Received 29 February 2008, in final form 21 April 2008

Published 29 May 2008
Online at

Ni1−x Cox alloy nanoparticles (x = 0.25, 0.50, 0.75), with diameters in the range 8–18 nm were
uniformly attached on the surface of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) by electroless
plating, and were characterized by transmission electron microscopy, energy-dispersive x-ray
spectrometry, x-ray diffraction analysis, vibrating sample magnetometry and vector network
analysis. Magnetization measurement indicates that both coercivities and saturation
magnetizations decreased linearly with increasing Ni concentration in Ni–Co–P deposits. The
complex permittivities of MWNT–olefin matrix composites also decreased linearly with
increasing Ni concentration while the complex permeabilities increased slightly, which were
measured in the range 2–18 GHz. The microwave absorbing properties enhanced with
increasing Co concentration and a maximum reflection loss of −26.84 dB was obtained at a
frequency of 7.75 GHz when the matching thickness was 2.5 mm and x = 0.75.

1. Introduction An alternative approach is coating support media of low

density with polymer or metallic materials [15, 16]. A
In recent years, the problem of electromagnetic interference recent development in absorber technology is to produce
(EMI) has attracted considerable attention due to the explosive absorbers that are thin, flexible and strong. Carbon nanotubes
growth in the application of electronic devices such as mobile (CNTs) are very suitable as supporting media for this purpose
phones, local area networks, personal computers and radar because of their low density, good thermal and chemical
systems [1–3, 12]. EMI can cause severe interruption in stabilization.
electronically controlled systems. Furthermore, overexposure CNTs are attracting increasing scientific and technological
to microwave energy can be potentially harmful to biological interest with their novel properties and potential applications
systems [4]. Amongst effects that have been reported [17]. The study of metal-coated CNTs is now becoming a
were structural rearrangement of protein due to nonthermal promising and challenging area of research owing to their
microwave effects [5], increase in heart-beat rate [6], inducing unique applications such as nanoelectronic devices [18],
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) strand breaks in rat brain cells support media in heterogeneous catalysis [19, 20], fuel cells
[7], weakening of immune responses [8] and the possibility [21, 22], magnetic recording [23] and microwave absorbers
of cancer [9]. To overcome the electromagnetic interference [16]. As is well known, there have been various approaches
problems, electromagnetic wave absorbing materials with the for depositing metallic nanoparticles such as Ni [24,25], Fe–Ni
capability of absorbing unwanted electromagnetic signals are [26], Fe–Co [27], Cu [25], Pd [28–30], Pt [29, 31], Ag [29, 31]
suggested [3] and are therefore very attractive. Conventional and Au [29, 31] on the surface of CNTs by electrochemical
absorbing materials such as ferrites and metallic materials deposition [24], electroless plating [25], wet chemistry [26,
have been studied widely [3, 4, 10–14]. Although presenting 27], chemical evaporation deposition [28], solid-state reaction
good absorption properties these materials are too heavy. [29], supercritical carbon dioxide deposition [30] and chemical

0022-3727/08/125303+07$30.00 1 © 2008 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 125303 Y Li et al

Table 1. Bath composition and operating conditions for electroless

nickel–cobalt coating.
Chemical reagent Concentration
Nickel sulfate, hexahydrate 0.05–0.15 mol l−1
Cobalt sulfate, heptahydrate 0.05–0.15 mol l−1
Sodium citrate 40 g l−1
Ammonium sulfate 40 g l−1
Sodium hypophosphite, monohydrate 15 g l−1
Operating conditions
pH (adjusted using NaOH) 9.03–9.05
Bath temperature 80 ◦ C

decoration [31]. As for bimetallic systems or alloys, Ni–Co

alloys are interesting for their remarkable magnetic properties
and a slight variation in the composition of the Ni–Co alloy can
cause substantial changes in the coercivities and microwave Figure 1. XRD patterns of the Ni1−x Cox P alloy nanoparticles
absorbing properties. Therefore, the control of composition is attached on CNTs: (a) x = 0.25; (b) x = 0.50; (c) x = 0.75.
often a key element in optimizing the magnetic properties in
a magnetic material. Since there are no literature reports on using a vibrating sample magnetometer ((VSM) Lakeshore
Ni–Co alloy nanoparticles attached on CNTs, we are interested 7304). The sample, containing 25 wt% Ni–Co–P–CNT
in the preparation of Ni–Co alloy nanoparticles attached on particles that were mixed with olefin by heating up, was
CNTs with a controllable composition. The main objectives made into a toroidal-shaped sample with an outer diameter of
of this work are to prepare Ni1−x Cox alloy nanoparticles 7.0 mm and an inner diameter of 3.0 mm for the microwave
(x = 0.25, 0.50, 0.75) attached on the surface of CNTs by measurement. The complex permeability and permittivity
electroless plating, to characterize the coated CNTs and to of the composite were investigated using a vector network
investigate the magnetic, microwave dielectric and absorptive analyzer (Agilent E8363B) in the frequency range 2–18 GHz.
properties of the prepared samples. The reflection losses were calculated using the measured
complex permittivity and permeability.
2. Experimental
3. Results and discussion
The multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) purchased from
Shenzhen Nanotech Port Co. Ltd (China) have an outer 3.1. XRD characterization
diameter in the range 40–60 nm (with lengths of up to a
few micrometres). The procedure employed for preparing Figure 1 shows the XRD patterns of the heat-treated samples
Ni1−x Cox alloy nanoparticles attached on CNTs is as follows. at 500 ◦ C for 3 h, which displays the presence of the
In a typical synthesis, MWNTs (100 mg) were treated with crystal structure of Ni1−x Cox (x = 0.25, 0.50 0.75) alloy
boiling HNO3 (68% 50 ml) for 5 h, washed with distilled water nanoparticles. As seen, when x = 0.25 and 0.50 the XRD
and then fully dispersed in a solution of 10 g l−1 SnCl2 for spectra in figures 1(a) and (b) show that the peaks at 2θ values
60 min with continuous stirring at room temperature. After of 37.4◦ , 43.4◦ , 62.9◦ and 75.3◦ correspond to the crystal planes
washing with distilled water, the Sn2+ -sensitized nanotubes of (1 1 2), (4 1 1), (0 0 4) and (4 0 4) of crystalline Ni1−x Cox
were further activated in an aqueous solution of 0.25 g l−1 alloy (JCPDS75-1328), respectively. It is clear that the peak
PdCl2 for another 150 min with continuous stirring at a at the 2θ value of 26.3◦ is caused by the CNTs. However, as
temperature of 40–50 ◦ C. The activated nanotubes were seen from figure 1(c), when x = 0.75 the peaks at 2θ values of
washed with distilled water and then introduced into an 31.2◦ , 44.6◦ , 59.1◦ and 64.9◦ correspond to the crystal planes
electroless-plating bath. The composition of the plating of (3 1 3), (2 2 1), (1 3 0) and (8 0 2), respectively, agreeing well
solution and the reaction conditions are given in table 1. By with standard cards (JCPDS75-1329 and JCPDS76-2283). It is
varying the molar ratio of the nickel and cobalt salts in the evident that the amorphous nature of the deposits still remains
solution with atomic ratios of Ni : Co = 3 : 1, 1 : 1 and 1 : 3, when the temperature of the heat treatment is below 300 ◦ C
respectively, Ni1−x Cox alloys were prepared. according to [32]. After the heat treatment at 300 ◦ C for 1 h,
Phase analysis of the coated CNTs was carried out by the XRD pattern reveals the presence of fcc nickel, bct nickel
a x-ray diffraction analyzer ((XRD) Rigaku D/max-2400 phosphide (Ni3 P) and hexagonal Ni5 P2 phases. It can be seen
Cu K-α radiation, λ = 0.1541 nm) in the 2θ range from 20◦ that the Ni5 P2 phase disappeared, but a tetragonal Ni12 P5 phase
to 80◦ . The morphologies and composition of coated CNTs was formed after annealing at 400 ◦ C for 1 h. Finally, when
were characterized using a transmission electron microscope being annealed at 480 ◦ C, the Ni12 P5 phase vanishes and the
((TEM) JEM-1200EX) and an energy-dispersive x-ray (EDX) Ni phase and the Ni3 P phase increase strongly. It is also clear
spectrometer attached on a scanning electron microscope that the effect of mole ratios CoSO4 /(CoSO4 + NiSO4 ) on
((SEM) JSM-5600LV/KEVEX Sigma). The static magnetic the phase transformation behaviour of electroless Ni–Co–P
property of coated CNTs was measured at room temperature deposits is trivial [32]. Although Huang et al only discussed

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 125303 Y Li et al

can be seen that the Ni1−x Cox alloy nanoparticles are in

the form of irregular dots and are dispersed disorderly and
unsystematically on the outer sidewall of the CNTs. And
it can also be seen that Ni1−x Cox alloy nanoparticles could
be obtained in the inner sidewall of the CNTs. These entire
phenomena could be explained as follows. The MWNTs
have ultra-small size, high chemical stability and large surface
area and have no autocatalytic capability. Thus, only the
sensitized and activated position on CNTs can be nucleated
and subsequently plated. The Pd-activation procedure in
the pretreatment step of CNTs assured the elimination of
the passive condition of the surfaces, making them suitable
for electroless plating due to the presence of chemically
deposited Pd nuclei that initiate nickel and cobalt deposition.
However, the activation process of the nanotube surface does
not produce a uniform distribution of palladium compared
with the large surface to be plated. This is because MWNTs
were subjected to oxidation pretreatment using HNO3 solution
[34], so as to remove impurities and generate sufficient
numbers of functional groups, such as –OH, –COOH and
–C=O, on the surfaces. These surface functional groups
have stronger attraction forces towards metal ions than bare
CNT surfaces and some even have ion exchange capabilities,
such as carboxylic acid groups. Therefore, they are believed
to work as metal-anchoring sites in order to facilitate metal
nuclei formation and metal deposition. In fact, this process
is somewhat similar to electroless deposition that requires
some imperfect sites on the substrate surfaces to anchor and
hold the reduced metals. Caturla et al [35] also found a
Figure 2. TEM images of the Ni1−x Cox P alloy on CNTs at different very irregular distribution of palladium after activation of
atom ratios of (a) x = 0.25; (b) x = 0.50; (c) x = 0.75.
polycrystalline graphite with Sn/Pd, with large areas of the
surface not covered by palladium. Therefore, Ni1−x Cox
the crystallization process of specimen Ni65.8 Co19.6 P15.6 after alloy nanoparticles could not be obtained perfectly uniform
heating at the temperatures of 260, 300, 420 and 480 ◦ C for 1 h, on the outer surface of CNTs. In addition, owing to the
the phase transformation processes of different compositions capillary function, Ni1−x Cox alloy nanoparticles can also
of Ni–Co–P alloy particles are similar to each other in the be encapsulated in the cavities. The average values of the
range 250–435 ◦ C. Therefore, Ni–Co–P ternary alloy deposits nanoparticles’ size measured from TEM images were 9.0 nm,
attached on MWNTs transformed into different crystal planes 10.0 nm, 20.0 nm for x = 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, respectively. With
but similar mixture crystallizations of α-Co, Ni and Ni3 P in this the increase in nickel concentration , the size of nanoparticles
paper. Although the Ni1−x Cox alloy only comprises a small decreases. This trend is consistent with the trend of the
portion of the samples, its peaks are much stronger and sharper changes in the size that were calculated from the Debye–
than those of CNTs, revealing the high crystalline structure of Scherrer formula, but the alloy size measured from the TEM
the nanoparticles. The average sizes of the Ni1−x Cox alloy image is slight larger than that calculated from the Debye–
nanoparticles which were calculated by using the Debye– Scherrer formula under the same molar ratio of nickel to
Scherrer formula [33] based on the full-width at half-maximum cobalt. The possible reasons for this discrepancy include the
(FWHM) of the (1 1 2) diffraction peak are 8.18 nm, 8.53 nm, contributions of microstrains to line broadening [36] and the
18.39 nm when x = 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, respectively. The 2θ of differences between volume-weighted averaging in XRD and
the (1 1 2) diffraction peak are 37.18◦ , 37.44◦ , 36.65◦ , and the number-weighted averaging for TEM. These results indicate
FWHM are 1.08◦ , 1.04◦ , 0.518◦ when x = 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, that the size of Ni–Co alloy nanoparticles could be controlled
respectively. The results indicated that the alloy sizes decrease by adjusting the ratio of nickel to cobalt in the mixed solution of
with the increase in nickel concentration, which is caused by sulfates, and these CNTs are efficient templates in the synthesis
the fact that the Co atom radius (1.25 Å) is bigger than the Ni of nanoscale metal alloy nanoparticles.
atom radius (1.24 Å). The chemical composition of the Ni1−x Cox alloy
nanoparticles on the CNTs was analysed using the energy-
dispersive x-ray spectrometer attached to the scanning electron
3.2. TEM images and EDX analysis
microscope. The EDX spectrum of an individual nanoparticle
Figure 2 shows the TEM images of Ni1−x Cox (x = 0.25, shows nickel, cobalt, phosphorus and carbon. Figure 3 is
0.50, 0.75) alloy nanoparticles attached on MWNTs. It shown as an example. It is clear that carbon is caused

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 125303 Y Li et al

Figure 4. Hysteresis loops of the Ni1−x Cox P-CNT nanoparticles

measured at room temperature.

Table 2. Magnetization data for Ni1−x Cox on CNTs at room

Figure 3. The EDX spectrum of the Ni0.75 Co0.25 alloy on CNTs. temperature.
Samples (Ni1−x Cox ) Mr /Ms Hc (Oe) Ms (emu g−1 )
by MWNTs. The EDX quantitative microanalysis shows
the following: Ni (73.35 at%) and Co (20.16 at.%) in x = 0.25 0.36 319.75 14.29
Ni0.75 Co0.25 ; Ni (42.72 at%), Co (43.93 at%) in Ni0.50 Co0.50 ; x = 0.50 0.29 368.34 16.67
x = 0.75 0.22 369.91 29.32
Ni (32.18 at%) and Co (55.94 at%) in Ni0.25 Co0.75 . In addition,
autocatalytic nickel–cobalt deposition was preformed using
sodium hypophosphite as the reducing agent, giving electroless vibrating sample magnetometer with an applied field of
nickel–cobalt deposits along with a simultaneous deposition −10 000 Oe  H  10 000 Oe. Figure 4 shows the
of phosphorus from the electroless bath. Therefore, the hysteresis loops of the samples with Ni0.75 Co0.25 , Ni0.50 Co0.50
electroless nickel–cobalt deposit was a Ni–Co–P ternary and Ni0.25 Co0.75 alloys attached on CNTs, which are the
alloy, as confirmed by the EDX examination. Thus, the typical loops of a soft magnet. Coercivity and saturation
phosphorus content in Ni1−x Cox P alloys is 6.49 at%, 13.36 at% magnetization values for all samples are listed in table 2.
and 11.88 at% when x = 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75, respectively. The coercivity of Ni–Co alloy nanoparticles decreased with
It was noted that the composition of the Ni1−x Cox alloys increasing Ni content; this trend can be well correlated with
attached on the surface of CNTs formed from their mixed the size of the Ni1−x Cox alloy nanoparticles, i.e. the size
sulfate solution was close to but different from the original of nanoparticles decreased with increasing Ni content. The
composition of sulfates. The reasons can be explained behaviour is in good agreement with the theoretical predictions
as follows: for electroless Ni–Co–P plating, the oxidizing of the random-anisotropy model (RAM) [26]. On the other
and reducing reactions and their standard Gibbs free energy hand, the coercivity of the Ni-containing particle is lower than
changes [37] can be represented as below: that of the Ni-free particle because of the random distribution
H2 PO− − −
2 + H2 O = H2 PO3 + 2H + 2e ,
G◦ = −96.5 kJ, of the particles [26]. It is noted that the differences in the
coercivity of Ni1−x Cox alloy nanoparticles are small when
x = 0.5 and 0.75.
2H2 PO−
+ −
+ 4H + 2e = 2P + 4H2 O, ◦
G = +48.3 kJ, The dependence of the saturation magnetization of the
(2) Ni1−x Cox alloys at room temperature on Co concentrations
Ni2+ + 2e− = Ni, G◦ = +54.0kJ, (3) is shown in table 2. The saturation magnetization values
of the Ni1−x Cox alloy nanoparticles are 14.29 emu g−1 ,
Co2+ + 2e− = Co, G◦ = +48.3 kJ. (4) 16.67 emu g−1 and 29.32 emu g−1 when x = 0.25, 0.50 and
From the value of G◦ for each reaction, it is clear that Ni, 0.75, respectively. It is noted that a comparison of the
Co and P can all be reduced by sodium hypophosphite and the magnetic characteristics of electroless Ni–Co–P deposits of
trend of reduction for Ni is larger than Co. Additionally, the this study reveals that the saturation magnetization increased
catalytic activity of Ni for the reaction of (1) is better than that with increasing Co content of the deposits. This can be mainly
of Co [38]. Therefore, the concentration of Ni in a Ni–Co–P attributed to the cobalt atom’s substitution of the nickel atom in
ternary alloy is always larger than Co. the deposits and the fact that the nickel atom has a much smaller
magnetic moment than the cobalt atom. The Bohr magnetons
3.3. Magnetic measurements (MB ) of Co atom and Ni atom are 1.7 and 0.6, respectively.
Therefore, the magnetic moment of cobalt is better than that
The magnetic properties of CNTs impregnated with Ni–Co of nickel. The P atom is nonmagnetic. The Co content of
deposits were investigated at room temperature using a the Ni0.25 Co0.75 layer is the largest; therefore, the Ni0.25 Co0.75

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 125303 Y Li et al

Figure 5. Frequency dependence of the complex relative dielectric Figure 6. Frequency dependence of the complex relative magnetic
permittivity for the Ni1−x Cox P alloy nanoparticles attached on permeability for the Ni1−x Cox P alloy nanoparticles attached on
CNTs: (a) x = 0.25; (b) x = 0.50; (c) x = 0.75. CNTs: (a) x = 0.25; (b) x = 0.50; (c) x = 0.75.

coating possesses better magnetism than the Ni0.75 Co0.25 and originates from orientation polarization, atomic polarization
Ni0.50 Co0.50 coatings. Rivero et al [39] reported a linear and electronic polarization. Normally, the resonance that
increase in the magnetic moment with the increase in the cobalt originates from vacancy or pores usually dominates in the
content for electrodeposited Ni–Co–P amorphous ribbons and low frequency regions, provided that there exist space charges
Matsubara [40] also reported an increase in the saturation in the materials. High frequency resonances are attributed
magnetization of electroless Ni–Co–P deposits with increased to atomic and electronic polarizations [44]. The values of
cobalt content. the complex relative dielectric permittivity of metal or oxide
particles are usually constant in the microwave frequency
3.4. Microwave and absorption properties range or decrease with increasing frequency [42–46]. The
most probable mechanism of resonance in this frequency
Figure 5 illustrates the real and imaginary parts of the range is electronic or ionic polarization, because the high
complex relative dielectric permittivity versus frequency for dielectric constant and the dielectric loss of ferroelectric
the prepared powder–olefin composites. As shown in figure 5 materials in the microwave frequency region was explained
the powder–olefin composites exhibit a slightly decreased by domain wall polarization or dynamics of polar clusters,
real part εr of the complex relative dielectric permittivity and electronic displacement (optical polarization) and ionic
except for a little variation that was observed at around displacement (infrared polarization) have contribution to the
14 GHz. The average values of the real part εr of the dielectric constant that is too small: εr ≈ 10 in most ionic
complex relative dielectric permittivity of Ni1−x Cox alloy crystals [47]. The imaginary part εr of the complex relative
nanoparticles attached on CNTs are increased regularly when dielectric permittivity in figure 5 is almost constant between
the x values increased from 0.25 to 0.75. The reason for the 3 and 13 GHz, but increases slightly for frequencies below 3
difference in the complex relative dielectric permittivity of and above 13 GHz. The dielectric loss in the samples can be
the three samples may be the different composition contents described as being due to the contributions from both the dc
of the plated Ni–Co–P layers. The electrical resistivities at conductivity and the ac conductivity or ion jump and dipole
25 ◦ C of Ni and Co are as follows: Ni—6.84 × 10−8  m; relaxation based on the expression [3, 4]
Co—6.64 × 10−8  m; thus, the electrical conductivity of
cobalt is better than nickel, and their electrical conductivities εr = [σdc /(ωε0 ) + εac

], (5)
are all higher than phosphorus, which is nonconductive. It
can be seen from the EDX analysis that the concentration of where σdc is the dc conductivity, ω is the angular frequency,

metals in Ni1−x Cox alloy nanoparticles increases along with ε0 is the permittivity of free space and εac is the ac loss
the increased x values. Therefore, the increased average values contribution at high frequencies. The expression shows that
of the real part εr of the complex relative dielectric permittivity dc conduction loss is inversely proportional to the frequency,
of Ni1−x Cox alloy nanoparticles could be attributed to better hence, the reason for the increase in εr for the materials with
metallic behaviour of cobalt and nickel atoms than the a decrease in frequency in the low-frequency regime. Similar
phosphorus atom. However, the real part values of the complex behaviour has also been observed for LiZn ferrites [4].
relative dielectric permittivity are comparatively smaller than The frequency dependence of the complex relative
those observed for the metal powder or fibre composites magnetic permeability for Ni1−x Cox alloy nanoparticles is
as reported in the literature [41–43]. The lower real part shown in figure 6. One feature of the data is that the values of
value of complex relative dielectric permittivity is of great the real part µ of the complex relative magnetic permeability
advantage for striking a balance between permeability and for the three samples are close to each other and all decrease
permittivity, thus decreasing the reflection coefficient of the slightly with increasing frequency except for a little variation
absorber compared with other metal magnetic materials for around the frequency of 14 GHz. The three samples show
microwave absorbing application. Generally the permittivity an almost constant imaginary part µ of the complex relative

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 125303 Y Li et al

powder with better magnetism results in a larger microwave

loss. The Co content of the Ni0.25 Co0.75 layer is the largest,
and the Ni0.25 Co0.75 coating possesses better magnetism than
the Ni0.75 Co0.25 and Ni0.50 Co0.50 coatings. Therefore, the
reflection loss is enhanced along with the increased x values in
Ni1−x Cox P ternary alloys. Additionally, from the permittivity
and permeability data shown in figures 5 and 6, it seems that
the dielectric loss shows a significant change compared with
magnetic loss for these three samples. However, according to
expressions (6) and (7), it can be seen that the combinations of
both µr and εr determine the reflection loss. Thus, the primary
variation of reflection loss with frequency can be considered
to be the integrated result of dielectric loss and magnetic
loss. Compared with conventional ferrites of high density, the
Figure 7. Frequency dependence of the reflection loss for the density of these magnetic CNTs is very low and CNT-based
Ni1−x Cox P alloy nanoparticles attached on CNTs at the thickness of substances have good mechanical property;therefore, this is
2.5 mm: (a) x = 0.25; (b) x = 0.50; (c) x = 0.75. an effective way of reducing the weight of absorbing materials
in the Ku-band. In short, the prepared samples exhibit good
magnetic permeability in the frequency range 2–18 GHz. This absorption performance in the 2–18 GHz frequency band and
is most likely caused by the intrinsically small magnetic loss appear to be potential microwave-absorbing materials. Further
tangent (tan δM ) of the MWNTs used in this study. study is in progress to adjust the permeability and permittivity
The normalized input impedance Zin of a single metal- to improve the absorbing properties and expand the absorbing
backed microwave-absorbing layer is given by [48] bandwidth.
µr 2πf d µr εr
Zin = tanh j , (6) 4. Conclusions
εr c
In summary, Ni1−x Cox alloy nanoparticles (x = 0.25, 0.50,
where µr and εr are the relative complex permeability and
0.75) attached on the surface of MWNTs were prepared
permittivity, respectively, of the composite medium, c is the
by electroless plating with a controllable composition.
velocity of electromagnetic waves in free space, f is the
The characterization techniques show that Ni–Co alloy
frequency of microwaves and d is the thickness of the absorber.
nanoparticles are transformed into the crystal structure after
The reflection loss is related to Zin by [48]
heat treatment and are in the form of irregular dots and
 Zin − 1  dispersed disorderly and unsystematically in the cavities or
RL = 20 lg  . (7)
Zin + 1  attached on the external surface of CNTs. The magnetic
measurement shows that both coercivity and the saturation
Thus, the surface reflectance of an absorber is a function of magnetization decrease with increasing Ni concentration. In
six characteristic parameters, namely, µr , µr , εr , εr , f and addition, along with increasing Co concentration, the position
d. Figure 7 shows the calculated reflection loss as a function of the reflectivity peak moves to a lower frequency and a
of the frequency for Ni1−x Cox alloy nanoparticles plated on maximum reflection loss of −26.84 dB was obtained at the
CNTs at a matching thickness of 2.5 mm. When the x value frequency of 7.75 GHz when the matching thickness was
is up to 0.75, the peak value reaches the maximum value 2.5 mm and x = 0.75. The results evidently demonstrate
of −26.84 dB corresponding to the frequency of 7.75 GHz. that electroless plating is a promising method of fabricating
Additionally when x values are 0.25 and 0.50, the peak values Ni–Co alloy nanoparticles coated on CNTs for applications in
are −9.83 dB and 11.28 dB corresponding to the frequencies suppression of electromagnetic wave interference.
of 11.49 GHz and 9.98 GHz, respectively. It is clear that
the position of the strongest reflectivity peak is shifted to Acknowledgment
a lower frequency with increasing Co content, which may
result from the different compositions of the powders. It This work was supported by the National Natural Science
can also be concluded that the difference in the microwave Foundation of China (grant no. 20577017).
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