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= 250/350 Chess Endgame Puzzles =

= by Famous Chess Composers =

Published by Bohdan Vovk
Demo Version Demo Version

250/350 Chess Endgame Puzzles

by Famous Chess Composers
A Best Selection for Endgame Study

Nice Luck!
Copyright © 2017 Bohdan Vovk. All rights reserved.
Demo Version
Table of Contents

Introduction and Copyright Notice …......... 3

How to Buy the Full Version ....................... 4

The Chess Endgame Puzzles ..................... 5

The Chess Notation Used ........................... 11

The Solutions …........................................... 12

Demo Version 3
Introduction and Copyright Notice

Dear Chess Player,

Thank you for downloading the Demo version of 2 chess pdf ebooks “250/350
Chess Endgame Puzzles by Famous Chess Composers.” The Demo version
includes the first 24 puzzles of the Full version.

The Full version consists of 2 ebooks:

- eBook 1 (250 Chess Endgame Puzzles).
- eBook 2 (Chess Endgame Puzzles 251-350).

The puzzles were selected for the chess master rated 1200-2400 on the FIDE
scale and for the unrated advanced player. I hope you will learn many new,
unbelievable but very logical, winning ideas in the chess endgame.

Bohdan Vovk
The Chess Team
The Programming Team

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Copyright Notice
Demo version: Free distribution, no change of the content. As Is.
Full version: For your personal use only. You may use for coaching. You may
print one copy. You may keep one copy on your personal computer. You may
keep one copy on CD as a back-up copy. No distribution. As Is.

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Copyright © 2017 Bohdan Vovk. All rights reserved.

Demo Version 4
How to Buy the Full Version

General Information
1. The price of one license to legally use the Full version is $7.00 USD.
2. You will be able to download the product immediately after ordering as a
single .zip file. To unzip the file, use WinZip, WinRAR, 7-Zip or similar
program; or Windows 7 or later. The unzipped file includes 2 ebooks in one
folder (250-puzzles.pdf and 350-puzzles.pdf).
3. To read the pdf ebooks, you will need any PDF reader installed on your
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4. After ordering, you will be provided with the technical support e-mail.
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How to Buy the Full Version

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Demo Version 5
Chess Endgame Puzzles 1-4

(1) Sarrat J, 1808 (2) Bone W, 1843

Win Draw
Study solution 1 on page 12 Study solution 2 on page 12

(3) Herlin T, 1847 (4) Kling J, 1849

Draw Win
Study solution 3 on page 12 Study solution 4 on page 12
Demo Version 6
Chess Endgame Puzzles 5-8

(5) Bone W, 1850 (6) Kling J, Horwitz B, 1851

Win Win
Study solution 5 on page 12 Study solution 6 on page 12

(7) Kling J, Horwitz B, 1851 (8) Kling J, Horwitz B, 1851

Win Draw
Study solution 7 on page 12 Study solution 8 on page 13
Demo Version 7
Chess Endgame Puzzles 9-12

(9) Kling J, Horwitz B, 1851 (10) Kling J, Horwitz B, 1851

Win Win
Study solution 9 on page 13 Study solution 10 on page 13

(11) Campbell J, 1855 (12) Loyd S, 1858

Draw Win
Study solution 11 on page 13 Study solution 12 on page 13
Demo Version 8
Chess Endgame Puzzles 13-16

(13) Loyd S, 1858 (14) Steinitz W, 1862

Win Win
Study solution 13 on page 13 Study solution 14 on page 13

(15) Cook E, 1864 (16) Watkinson J, 1866

Draw Win
Study solution 15 on page 14 Study solution 16 on page 14
Demo Version 9
Chess Endgame Puzzles 17-20

(17) Loyd S, 1878 (18) Horwitz B, 1884

Win Win
Study solution 17 on page 14 Study solution 18 on page 14

(19) Horwitz B, 1884 (20) Horwitz B, 1884

Win Win
Study solution 19 on page 14 Study solution 20 on page 14
Demo Version 10
Chess Endgame Puzzles 21-24

(21) Teed F, 1885 (22) Berger J, 1887

Win Win
Study solution 21 on page 15 Study solution 22 on page 15

(23) Cook E, 1887 (24) Salvioli C, 1887

Win Win
Study solution 23 on page 15 Study solution 24 on page 15
Demo Version 11
The Chess Notation Used

K - King
Q - Queen
R - Rook
B - Bishop
N - Knight (since K is already used)

+ - Check
++ - Double Check
# - Checkmate

x - Capture

=Q - Pawn Promotion to Queen

=R - Pawn Promotion to Rook
=B - Pawn Promotion to Bishop
=N - Pawn Promotion to Knight

!! - Brilliant Move
! - Good Move
?? - Blunder
? - Bad Move

{ 1. … g5 2. e5} - If Black moves g5, then White will move e5.

1-0 - The game ends in a win for White.

0-1 - The game ends in a win for Black.
1/2-1/2 - The game ends in a draw.

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Demo Version 12
Solutions 1-7

(1) Sarrat J, 1808

1. b6! ab { 1. … cb 2. a6! ba 3. c6 } 2. c6! bc
3. a6 1-0
Back to puzzle 1 on page 5

(2) Bone W, 1843

1. Rc7+! Kxc7 2. d6+ Qxd6 { 2. … Kxd6 3. Bb4+ }
3. Bf4 Bg6+ 4. Kg5! 1/2-1/2
Back to puzzle 2 on page 5

(3) Herlin T, 1847

1. Rd8+ Qb8 2. Rg8! Qxg8 1/2-1/2
Back to puzzle 3 on page 5

(4) Kling J, 1849

1. Ra4! Qxa4 { 1. … Qc8 2. Rh3+! Qxh3 3. Ra3+ }
2. Rh3+ Kf4 3. Rh4+ 1-0
Back to puzzle 4 on page 5

(5) Bone W, 1850

1. c7+! Kxc7 { 1. … Qxc7 2. Ba5 Qxa5 3. Nc6+ }
2. Bf4 Qxf4 3. Nd5+ 1-0
Back to puzzle 5 on page 6

(6) Kling J, Horwitz B, 1851

1. g5! Ke6
{ 1. … b3 2. gh c4 3. h7 c3+ 4. Kc1 b2+ 5. Kb1 }
2. gh Kf6 3. Kc2 c4 4. Kc1! c3
{ 4. … d3 5. Kd2 b3 6. Kc3} ...or... { 4. … b3 5. Kb2 d3 6. Kc3 }
5. Kc2 1-0
Back to puzzle 6 on page 6

(7) Kling J, Horwitz B, 1851

1. e4! fe { 1. … Kxd4 2. ef Kd5 3. Kd2 Ke4 4. f6 }
2. f5 Kd3 { 2. … Kd5 3. Kd2 }
3. f6 e3 4. Kd1! e2+ 5. Ke1 1-0
Back to puzzle 7 on page 6
Demo Version 13
Solutions 8-14

(8) Kling J, Horwitz B, 1851

1. Rc7+ Kd4 2. Rd7+ Ke4 3. Re7+ Kf5
4. Re1!! de=Q+ 5. Kxe1 Ke4 6. Kd2 1/2-1/2
Back to puzzle 8 on page 6

(9) Kling J, Horwitz B, 1851

1. f5! e6
{ 1... gxf5 2. e6 fxe6 3. g6}
2. fxe6 fxe6 3. f4 Kb8 4. f5! exf5
5. e6 Kc8 6. e7 1-0
Back to puzzle 9 on page 7

(10) Kling J, Horwitz B, 1851

1. Qg8+! Kd4 2. Qg7+ Kd5 3. Qf7+ Kd4
4. Qf4+ Kd5 { 4. … Kd3 5. Qd2# } 5. Qd6# 1-0
Back to puzzle 10 on page 7

(11) Campbell J, 1855

1. Bd2! g2 2. Ba5!! g1=Q 3. b4 Qxd4 1/2-1/2
Back to puzzle 11 on page 7

(12) Loyd S, 1858

1. Nh3! gh 2. Kf2 h2 3. Ng3# 1-0
Back to puzzle 12 on page 7

(13) Loyd S, 1858

1. Rc8+! Rxc8 2. Na7! Rc1 3. Nc6+ Rxc6+
4. Kxc6 Ka7 5. Kc7 1-0
Back to puzzle 13 on page 8

(14) Steinitz W, 1862

1. h7+ Kg7 2. h8=Q+! Kxh8 3. Kf7 Rf1+
4. Bf6+ Rxf6+ 5. Kxf6 Kg8 6. g7 1-0
Back to puzzle 14 on page 8
Demo Version 14
Solutions 15-20

(15) Cook E, 1864

1. Rb7+ Kc8 2. Rb5! c1=Q 3. Rc5+! Qxc5 1/2-1/2
Back to puzzle 15 on page 8

(16) Watkinson J, 1866

1. Rg6+ Kh3 2. Rg1!! hg=Q+ 3. Kxg1 Kg3
{ 3. … Re2 4. d6 Kg3 5. Kf1 Re6 6. d7 Rxe7 7. d8=Q }
4. Kf1 Kf3 5. e8=Q Rd1+ 6. Qe1 1-0
Back to puzzle 16 on page 8

(17) Loyd S, 1878

1. f8=R! { 1. f8=Q? Rf4+ 2. Qxf4 }
1. … Rc4 2. Rc8 Kg4 3. c7 Kf5
4. Rf8+ Ke6 5. c8=Q+ 1-0
Back to puzzle 17 on page 9

(18) Horwitz B, 1884

1. Rh2! Rf1 2. Rbd2! Rg1 3. Rde2+ Kd1
{ 3. … Kf1 4. Rhf2# }
4. Kf2! 1-0
Back to puzzle 18 on page 9

(19) Horwitz B, 1884

1. Ke7!
{ 1. Bxg7? f5 g5 3. f7
{{ 3. Bh6 Bd5 4. Bxg5 Kg6 }} 3. … Bxf7 4. Kxf7 }
1. … Kh8 2. Ke8! Kh7 3. Kf8 Kh8
4. Bxg7+ Kh7 5. Bd4 f5 6. gf Bd5
7. f7 Kh6 8. Be3+ Kh7 9. Ke7 1-0
Back to puzzle 19 on page 9

(20) Horwitz B, 1884

1. Bf3+ Kh6 2. g4 Kh7 { 2. … Bh7 3. g5# }
3. g5 Kh8 4. Be4 Bh7 5. Bxh7 Kxh7
6. Kxf7 Kh8 7. Kg6 Kg8 8. Kh6 Kh8
9. g6 Kg8 10. g7 1-0
Back to puzzle 20 on page 9
Demo Version 15
Solutions 21-24

(21) Teed F, 1885

1. Kf7! h5 { 1. … Kh8 2. Kg6 } 2. h4! Kh6
3. Kf6 gh 4. g5+ Kh7 5. Kf7 h3
6. g6+ Kh6 7. g7 h2 8. g8=Q h1=Q
9. Qg7# 1-0
Back to puzzle 21 on page 10

(22) Berger J, 1887

1. f7 Rf1 2. Bf6 Re1+ 3. Kd7 Rd1+
4. Kc7 { 4. Kc6? Rd8! 5. Bxd8 Kg7 }
4. ... Rc1+ 5. Kb7 Rb1+ 6. Ka7
{ 6. Ka8? Rg1! 7. f8=Q Rg8 } 1-0
Back to puzzle 22 on page 10

(23) Cook E, 1887

1. g4 b5 2. g5 b4 3. g6 b3
4. g7 b2 5. g8=Q b1=Q 6. Qg6+ 1-0
Back to puzzle 23 on page 10

(24) Salvioli C, 1887

1. d5! ed { 1. … Kc5 2. d6 }
2. f5 gf { 2. … Kc5 3. f6! Kc6 4. e6 }
3. e6 fe 4. h5 f4 5. g6 f3
6. Kd2 { 6. Kd1 } 6. … hg 7. h6! a3
8. h7 a2 9. h8=Q 1-0
Back to puzzle 24 on page 10

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