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I, ___________________, Filipino, of legal age, married to ___________, and with

address at _____________________, do hereby APPOINT, NAME AND CONSTITUTE,
________________, Filipino, of legal age, married, and with address at
_____________________________, to be my true and lawful representative to act for and
in my name and stead, to do and to perform the following acts, deeds and things to wit:

1. To dispose of, sell, transfer and convey all my rights and interests over that
parcel of land covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. ______________ issued
by the Registry of Deeds for the province of _____, located at _____________,
Philippines, at the price and under such terms and conditions she may deem fit;

2. To sign and execute any and all deeds and documents necessary and
pertinent to the sale, transfer or conveyance of the aforementioned Property;

3. To accept and collect full payment in her name and/or in our joint names,
the proceeds of sale of the afore described Property and sign for the receipt thereof;

4. To pay any and all unpaid or accrued property taxes including such capital
gains and documentary stamp taxes necessary to effect the registration of the sale
and the transfer of title of the said Property to the buyer or purchaser of the same;

5. To engage the services of a reputable real estate broker, a lawyer, a tax

professional and such other professional real estate practitioner, if necessary, to
ensure the expeditious and smooth sale of the Property and to pay their respective
fees and/or commissions from the proceeds of the sale of the same;

6. To do and perform and all other lawful act and deeds necessary to
undertake the execution and finalization of sale, transfer or conveyance of the said

HEREBY GRANTING unto my representative full power and authority to sign,

execute, and deliver any and all documents, contracts, instruments and to perform every
act necessary or proper to be done in or about the premises, as fully to all intents and
purpose as I might or could lawfully do if personally present, and hereby ratifying and
confirming all that my representative shall do or cause to be done under and by virtue of
these presents.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto affix my signature this _______ day of

___________ 2017 in _________________.

Principal Attorney-in-Fact

Signed in the presence of:

__________________________ ____________________________
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Republic of the Philippines) S.S.


BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in _______________, Philippines, on

_________________________ personally appeared

Name Competent Evidence of Date and Place of Issue

Identity Presented

known to me to be the same persons who executed this instrument and acknowledged
to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, this _________________ at ________________,


Doc.No.: ____;
Page No.: ____;
Book No.: ____;
Series of 2017.

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