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Case: 17-2074 Document: 00117240313 Page: 1 Date Filed: 01/05/2018 Entry ID: 6142130



Appellant )
) Case No. 17-2074
v. )
Appellee )


PURSUANT TO FED. R. APP. P. 27(a)(3)(A)

The Appellant respectfully prefaces this legal document with the following Disclosure:

The gravity of serious legal issues addressed in the Civil Complaint against THE UNITED

STATES, this associated Appeal, and in the RELATED Appeal,1 include (but are not limited

to) evidenced allegations of TREASON under ARTICLE III, Section 3 of the Constitution,

Economic Espionage pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1832 and are believed to impact matters of

National Security. Therefore, copies of this filed MOTION are sent via email, social media

and/or certified mail to: The Executive Office of the President (EOP), the US Inspector

General - Michael Horowitz, US Attorney General - Jeff Sessions, members of the US

Senate and House of Representatives, the House Judiciary Committee, House Oversight

Committee and to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). A copy will also be made

The related Appeal references HARIHAR v. US BANK et al, Appeal No. 17-cv-1381 (Also,
lower court Docket No. 15-cv-11880).
Case: 17-2074 Document: 00117240313 Page: 2 Date Filed: 01/05/2018 Entry ID: 6142130

available to the Public. THEREFORE, ALL AMERICANS serve here as WITNESS.

Parties are additionally informed for documentation purposes, and out of the Appellant’s

continued concerns for personal safety/security.

COMES NOW the Appellant – Mohan A. Harihar who respectfully moves for this Court to

VACATE the referenced Dismissal Order and AWARD all applicable damages and requested

fees, considering the EMERGENCY motion filed on December 23, 2017 stands as


Rule 27. Motions (3) Response. (A) Time to file. Any party may file a response to a motion;

Rule 27(a)(2) governs its contents. The response must be filed within 10 days after service of

the motion unless the court shortens or extends the time.

Since to timeline for Appellees to file a response expired on January 2, 2018, it is interpreted

that The United States: 1.) agrees with meritorious arguments of the Appellant, 2.) does not

oppose vacating the referenced dismissal order, 3.) nor do they oppose the relief requested

by the Appellant.

Relief Requested

Wherefore, the Appellant respectfully requests that:

1. The briefing schedule in this case set out in the Order, dated December 7, 2017, be


2. The Court VACATE the referenced dismissal order issued September 29, 2017;
Case: 17-2074 Document: 00117240313 Page: 3 Date Filed: 01/05/2018 Entry ID: 6142130

3. The Court AWARD Mr. Harihar maximum civil damages as detailed in the original

complaint. Considering the substantial amount of damages owed to the Appellant, and the

Appellee’s decision not to oppose the requested relief, the Appellant MAY be willing to

consider a payment plan and/or alternative forms of payment to ease any burden against

The United States, and as a continued sign of GOOD FAITH. The Appellant

respectfully states that once the referenced judgements have been appropriately vacated

and damages have been rightfully awarded as stated, the intention remains to align with

The United States for the purpose of implementing the HARIHAR FCS model©

nationwide. Successful implementation will undoubtedly assist in paving the way to

historical economic growth and prosperity for our great Nation;

4. The Court AWARD punitive damages, reimbursement of legal fees as indicated, and any

other relief deemed appropriate by the Court;

5. The Court still assist the Appellant with the appointment of counsel, pursuant to 28

U.S.C. §1915, as complex legal issues still remain moving forward.

For documentation purposes, after sending a copy of this document to the President,

confirmation of its receipt is attached (See Attachment A) with the filed Court copy. If there is a

question regarding ANY portion of this Motion, the Appellant is happy to provide additional

supporting information upon request, in a separate, hearing and with the presence of an

independent court reporter.

Case: 17-2074 Document: 00117240313 Page: 4 Date Filed: 01/05/2018 Entry ID: 6142130

Respectfully submitted this 5th Day of January, 2018

Mohan A. Harihar
7124 Avalon Drive
Acton, MA 01720
[email protected]
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Attachment A
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I hereby certify that on January 5, 2018 I electronically filed the foregoing with the Clerk of
Court using the CM/ECF System, which will send notice of such filing to the following
registered CM/ECF users:

Dina Michael Chaitowitz

Mohan A. Harihar
7124 Avalon Drive
Acton, MA 01720
[email protected]

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