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1. APPLICATION ............................................................................................................... 3
2. METER SET................................................................................................................... 3
3. BASIC REQUIREMENTS AND OPERATIONAL SAFETY ........................................... 3
4. INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................. 4
5. METER DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 5
6. ND20 ProgramMING ..................................................................................................... 8
7. RS-485 INTERFACE ................................................................................................... 21
8. ERROR CODES .......................................................................................................... 29
9. TECHNICAL DATA ..................................................................................................... 30
10. ORDERING CODES ................................................................................................... 33
The N20D meter is a digital programmable panel meter destined for the
measurement of 3-phase 4-wire network parameters in balanced and unbalanced
systems with the simultaneous display of measured quantities and digital
transmission of their values. The meter enables the control and optimization of power
electronics devices, systems and industrial installation operations
The meter ensures the measurement of: rms values of voltage and current, active,
reactive and apparent power, active, reactive energy, power factors, frequency, 15,
30, 60 minutes’ mean active power, archive of power profile, THD and harmonic
measurements. Additionally, the current value in the neutral wire is calculated.
Voltages and currents are multiplied by given voltage and current ratios of measuring
transformers. Indications of power and energy take into consideration values of
programmed ratios. The value of each measured quantity can be transmitted to the
master system through the RS-485 interface. The relay output signals the overflow of
the chosen quantity, and the impulse output can be used for the consumption check
of 3-phase active and reactive energy. The meter has additionally a continuous
current output.
The meter has a galvanic separation between respective blocks:
- supply,
- measuring inputs,
- voltage and current inputs,
- analog output,
- RS-485 output,
- impulse output.


The set of the ND20 meter is composed of:

1. ND20 meter 1 pc.
2. user’s manual 1 pc.
3. guarantee card 1 pc
4. seal 1 pc.
5. holders to fix the meter in the panel 4 pcs


In the safety service scope, the ND20 meter meets to requirements of the
EN 61010 -1 standard.

Observations Concerning the Operational Safety

▪ All operations concerning transport, installation, and commissioning as well as

maintenance, must be carried out by qualified, skilled personnel, and national
regulations for the prevention of accidents must be observed.

▪ Before switching the meter on, one must check the correctness
of connection to the network.

▪ Before removing the meter housing, one must switch the supply off and
disconnect measuring circuits.

▪ The removal of the meter housing during the guarantee contract period may
cause its cancellation.

▪ The ND20 meter is destined to be installed and used in industrial

electromagnetic environment conditions.

▪ One must remember that in the building installation, a switch or a circuit-breaker

should be installed. This switch should be located near the device, easy accessible
by the operator, and suitably marked.

The ND20 meter is adapted to be fixed on a panel by means of holders. The fitting
way is presented on the fig.1.
Housing overall dimensions: 96 x 96 x 77 mm. At the rear side of the meter, there are
screw terminal strips which enable the connection of external wires with a cross-
section up to 2.5 mm².
One must prepare a 92.5+0.6 x 92.5+0.6 mm cut-out in the panel. The material
thickness which the panel is made from should not exceed 15 mm. Insert the meter
from the frontal panel side with the disconnected supply voltage. After the insertion
into the hole, fix the meter by means of holders.

1 2

Fig. 1. Meter fitting

Fig. 2 Meter overall dimensions


5.1. Current Inputs

All current inputs are galvanically isolated (internal current transformers). The meter
is adapted to co-operate with external measuring current transformers. Displayed
current values and derivative quantities are automatically recoun in relation to the
introduced external current transformer ratio. Current inputs are defined in the order
as 1 A or 5 A.

5.2. Voltage Inputs

Quantities on voltage inputs are automatically converted acc. to the introduced ratio
of the external voltage transformer. Voltage inputs are defined in the order as
3 x 57.7/100 V, 3 x 230/400 V.

5.3. Connection Diagrams

Direct measurement
in a 4-wire network.

Semi-indirect measurement
in a 4-wire network.

Indirect measurement with
the use of 3 current
transformers and 2 or 3
voltage transformers in a
4-wire network.

Fig 4. Meter connection diagrams in a 4-wire network.

6. ND20 ProgramMING

6.1. Frontal Panel

16 15 14 13 12






1 2 3 4 5 6

Fig 5. Frontal panel

Description of the frontal panel:
1 – abandon push-button – ESC 11 – units of displayed values
2 – push-button to displace to the left 12 – symbols of digital data transmission
3 – push-button to decrease the value 13 – multipliers of basic values
4 – push-button to increase the value 14 – symbols of alarm switching on/occurrence
5 – push-button to displace to the right 15 – symbols of harmonic value, THD display
6 – acceptance push-button - ENTER 16 – symbols of energy flow
7 – symbol of displayed value of 17 – symbols of min / max quantities
averaged active power 18 – symbols of quantity affiliation to
8 – display field of mean values, frequency, time, respective phase
power guard 19 – symbols of power, energy character
9 – display field of basic quantities, energy, THD, 20 – symbol of 3-phase quantity display
harmonics, date (rows 1, 2, 3)
10 – symbols indicating the display of power
factor, power tangent and THD (row 4)

6.2. Messages after Switching the Supply on
After switching the supply on, the meter performs the display test and display the ND 20
meter name, rated current and voltage, the current program version, and next displays the
measured values.

where: n.nn is the number of the current program version

or the number of the custom-made version.

Fig. 6. Message after starting the meter

Caution! If on displays the message Err Cal or Err EE appears, one must contact
the service shop.

6.3. Monitoring of Parameters

In the measuring mode, quantities are displayed acc. to settled tables.
The pressure of the push-button (left) or push-button (right) causes the
transition between displayed quantities. The pressure of the push-button
(Enter) causes the transition between mean and additional displayed values. The
pressure of the push-button (down) causes the monitoring of the minimum
value, however the pressure of the push-button ( up) causes the monitoring of
the maximum value.
The pressure of the (ESC) push-button during the monitoring of these values,
erases suitably minimum or maximum values. During the operation in the measuring
mode of all harmonics (ALL-table 3), instead of harmonic energy, harmonic
percentage values are displayed.
Through and push-buttons, one can switch between successive
harmonics. The harmonic no is alternately displayed with the value.
The error display is described in the chapter 8.
When displaying the reactive power, a marker indicating the load character is
displayed, capacitive ( ) or inductive ( )

Displayed quantities in the field 9 (fig. 5.)
Table 1
L1,V L1-2,V L1,A L1,W L1,Var L1,VA L1,PF L1,tg
Backlit symbols L2,V L2-3,V L2,A L2,W L2,Var L2,VA L2,PF L2,tg kWh
L3,V L3-1,V L3,A L3,W L3,Var L3,VA L3,PF L3,tg
row 1 U1 U12 I1 P1 Q1 S1 PF1 tg1 Imported
Displayed row 2 U2 U23 I2 P2 Q2 S2 PF2 tg2 energy
values row 3 EnP
U3 U31 I3 P3 Q3 S3 PF3 tg3


Backlit symbols L2, THD U L2, THD I
-, kWh kVarh kVarh

row 1 reactive reactive Uh1 V / Ih1 A /

inductive capacitive THD1 % THD1 %
exported energy energy
Displayed row 2 Uh2 V / Ih2 A /
active / /
values THD2 % THD2 %
energy reactive reactive
row 3 positive negative Uh3 V / Ih3 A /
energy energy THD3 % THD3 %


Displayed symbols kWh L2, THD I L3, THD I c
row 1
imported Uh1n* % exported cos(ϕ1) year
Ih1n* %
Displayed harmonic harmonic
row 2 Uh2n* % Ih2n* % cos(ϕ2) month
values active. active
row 3 Ih3n* %
energy Uh3n* % energy cos(ϕ3) day
* Harmonic voltage (current) of L1, L2, L3 phases for n-harmonic

Displayed quantities in the field 8 (fig. 5.)

Table 2
3L A A W Var VA PF tg W
Displayed values Imean ΣP ΣQ ΣS PF tg ΣP 3-phase
in the row 4 I(N) (15 min or
3-phase 3- phase 3-phase 3-phase 3-phase 3-phase 30 min or 60 min)

Backlit symbols c Hz %
Displayed values Consumption of
in the row 4 ordered power
cos(ϕ) 3-phase hour : minutes frequency (in 15, 30 or 60
minutes’ time)

The exceeding of the upper indication range is signaled on the display by upper
horizontal lines, however the exceeding of the lower range is signaled by lower
horizontal lines.
In case of averaged power measurement ΣP3-phase, single measurements are carried
out with a 15 seconds’ quantum. Suitably to the 15 min, 30 min, 60 min selection, 60,
120 or 240 measurements are averaged. After starting the meter or the power
erasing, the first value will be calculated after 15 seconds since the meter switching
on or erasing. Till the time to obtain all active power samples, the value of averaged
power is calculated from already measured samples.
The current in the neutral wire I(N) is calculated from phase current vectors
The value of consumed ordered power can be used for a previous warning against
the exceeding of ordered power and to escape of fines related with it. The
consumption of ordered power is calculated on the base of time interval set for the
synchronization of the mean active power and the value of ordered power (section
6.5.1). the consumption example is presented in the section 6.5.3.

The alarm switching on is signaled by the lighting of the AL1 inscription ( in the mode
AL1-3: of AL1, AL2, AL3 inscriptions). The end of alarm duration at the alarm
signaling support switched on, is indicated by the pulsation of the AL1 inscription ( in
the mode AL1-3: of AL1, AL2, AL3 inscriptions).

6.4. Operating Modes

Fig. 7. Operating modes of the ND20 meter.

6.5. Parameter Settings
For the configuration of ND20 meters, a free LPCon software is destined and is
available on the /en/ web site

Fig 8. Setup menu

The entry in the programming mode is carried out through the pressure and holding
down of the push-button during ca 3 sec. The entry in the programming mode
is protected by the access code. If there is not such a code, the program transits into
the programming option. The inscription SET is displayed (in the first row) and the
first group of PAr parameters. The monitoring of parameters is always available
through the pressure and holding down the push-button during ca 3 sec.
6.5.1. Setting of Meter Parameters
Select the PAr mode in options (by or push-buttons) and approve the
choice by the push-button.

Table 3
Item Parameter Desi- Range Notes/description Manufac-
name gnation turer’s
1 Introduction of SECU oFF, 0 – without code 0
the access 1… 60000
2 Ratio of the tr_I 1 … 10000 1
3 Ratio of the tr_U 0.1…4000.0 1
4 Synchroniza- Syn 15, c_15, Synchronization of mean active power: 15
tion of mean c_30, c_60 15 - 15 minutes’ walking window (record
active power synchronized with the clock every 15
c_15 – measurement synchronized with the
clock every 15 minutes.
c_30 – measurement synchronized with the
clock every 30 minutes,
c_60 – measurement synchronized with the
clock every 60 minutes,
5 Number of the nhAr tHd, ALL, tHd – THD tHd
measured 2…21, ALL – successive calculations of harmonics
harmonic/THD inserted in registers
2…21 – harmonic number ( in this mode, the
active energy is calculated)

6 Storage of erLi oFF, on oFF – storage of only correct values (from on

minimum and the measuring range).
maximum on – storage of also error occurrences in
values with measurements (values in registers 1e20 and
errors 1e20)
7 Way to q_t trGLE, sInUs trGLE
calculate TrGle: Q = S 2 − P2
reactive power k

sinUs: Q = ∑U i * I i * sin (∠U i , I i )

i =1
k – harmonic number, k = 21 for 50 Hz,
k = 18 for 60 Hz
8 Way to En_q cAP, sIGn cAP – inductive and capacitive energy cAP
calculate sIGn – positive and negative energy
reactive energy
9 Display backlit diSP oFF,1…60, off – disabled, on – enabled, 1..60 – time in on
on seconds of backlit support since the push-
button pressure.
10 Erasing of En 0 no, EnP, no – lack of actions, EnP – erasing of active no
watt-hour Enq, EnH, energy, Enq – erasing of reactive energy,
meters ALL EnH – erasing of harmonic energy. ALL –
erasing of all energy.
11 Erasing of PA 0 no, yES yES – erasing of power no
mean active
12 Erasingof PAr0 no, yES yES – erasing of archive no
mean active
power archive
13 Ordered power PAor 0…144.0 Ordered power for forecasting the power 100.0
consumption in % of the rated value
14 Manufacturer’s dEf no, yES Restoration of manufacturer’s parameters of no
parameters the group.

The automatic erasing of energy is carried out:

- for active energy when changing: voltage or current ratio;
- for reactive energy when changing: voltage or current ratio, the way of reactive
power calculation;
- for energy of harmonics when changing: voltage or current ratio, when changing
the measured harmonic number.

Values are set by means of and push-buttons, however the position of the
set digit is selected by means of and push-buttons. The active position is
signaled by the cursor. The value is accepted by the push-button and resigned
by the pressure of the push-button. During the acceptation, the value insertion
possibility in the range is checked. In case when the value is set beyond the range,
the meter remains in the parameter edition mode, however the value is set on the
maximum value (when the value is too higher) or on the minimum value (when the
value is too lower).

6.5.2. Setting of Output Parameters
Select the out mode in options and approve the choice by the push-button.

Table 4
Item Parameter name Desi- Range Notes/description Manufac-
gnation turer’s
1 Quantity on the An_n table 6 oFF
continuous output (code
acc. to the table 6)
2 Type of continuous An_A 0_20, 4_20 The selection 4_20 causes the 0_20
output switching on of the minimum
output current limitation on the
level ca 3.8 mA.
3 Lower value of the input AnIL -144.0…144.0 in % of the rated quantity value 0
4 Upper value of the input AnIH -144.0…144. 0 w % of the rated quantity value 100.0
5 Lower value of the output AnOL 0.00 … 24.00 in mA 0
6 Upper value of the output AnOH 0.00 … 24.00 in mA 20
7 Output operation mode Antr nor, Operating mode of the nor
AnOL, continuous output:
AnOH nor – normal work,
AnoOL – set value AnOL,
AnOH – set value AnOH,
8 Output value at error AnEr 0 … 24 in mA 24
9 Number of impulses Io_n 5000 … 20000 Number of impulses for 1 kWh 5000
10 Address in MODBUS Adr 1…247 1
11 Transmission mode trYb 8n2, 8e1, 8o1, 8n2
12 Baud rate bAUd 4.8 k, 9.6 k, 9.6 k
19.2 k, 38.4 k
13 Manufacturer’s dEf no, yES Restoration of manufacturer’s no
parameters parameters of the group

6.5.3. Setting of Alarm Parameters

Select the ALr mode in options and approve the choice by the push-button.

Table 5
Item Parameter name Desi- Range Notes/description Manufac-
gnation turer’s
1 Quantity in the alarm AL_n Table 6 P
output (code acc. to the
table 6 )
2 Alarm type AL_t n-on, n-oFF, Fig. 9. n-on
on,oFF, Hon,
HoFF, AL1-3
3 Lower value of the input ALoF -144.0…144.0 in % of the rated quantity value 99
4 Upper value of the input ALon -144,0…144,0 in % of the rated quantity value 101

5 ALdt 0 … 900 in seconds ( for quantities 0
Time delay of the AL._n =P_ord. the delay
switching reaction occurs only when switching the
alarm on.
6 AL_S oFF, on In the situation when the oFF
support function is enabled,
after the retreat of the alarm
state the alarm symbol is not
blanked but begins to pulsate.
In the AL1-3 alarm mode, the
signaling support is always
enabled, independently of the
setting. The signaling exists till
the moment of blanking it by
Support of the alarm
means of the and
occurrence signaling
combination (during 3
The function concerns only
and exclusively the alarm
signaling, then relay contacts
will be active without support,
acc. to the selected type of

7 Interlocking of a renewed AL._b 0…900 in seconds 0

alarm switching on
8 Manufacturer’s dEf no, yES Restoration of manufacturer’s no
parameters parameters of the group.

The write of the value ALon lower than ALoF switches the alarm off.

Selection of the monitored value:

Table 6

Value for the

Item/ value percentage
in register Kind of quantity conversion of alarm
4015 values and outputs
00 off lack of quantity /alarm disabled/ none
01 U_1 voltage of phase L1 Un [V] *
02 I_1 current in the phase wire L1 In [A] *
03 P_1 active power of phase L1 Un x In x cos(0°) [W] *
04 q_1 reactive power of phase L1 Un x In x sin(90°) [var] *
05 S_1 apparent power of phase L1 Un x In [VA] *
06 PF1 active power factor of phase L1 1
07 tg1 tgϕ coefficient of phase L1 1
08 U_2 voltage of phase L2 Un [V] *
09 I_2 current in the phase wire L2 In [A] *
10 P_2 active power of phase L2 Un x In x cos(0°) [W] *
11 q_2 reactive power of phase L2 Un x In x sin(90°) [var] *
12 S_2 apparent power of phase L2 Un x In [VA] *
13 PF2 active power factor of phase L2 1
14 tg2 tgϕ coefficient of phase L2 1

15 U_3 voltage of phase L3 Un [V] *
16 I_3 current in the phase wire L3 In [A] *
17 P_3 active power of phase L3 Un x In x cos(0°) [W] *
18 q_3 reactive power of phase L3 Un x In x sin(90°) [var] *
19 S_3 apparent power of phase L3 Un x In [VA] *
20 PF3 active power factor of phase L3 1
21 tg3 tgϕ coefficient of phase L3 1
22 U_A mean 3-phase voltage Un [V] *
23 I_A mean 3-phase current In [A] *
24 P 3-phase active power 3 x Un x In x cos(0°) [W]
(P1 + P2+ P3) *
25 q 3-phase reactive Power 3 x Un x In x sin(90°)
(Q1 + Q2 + Q3) [var] *
26 S 3-phase apparent Power 3x Un x In [VA] *
(S1 + S2 + S3 )
27 PF_ A 3-phase active power factor 1
28 Tg_ A 3-phase tgϕ coefficient 1
29 FrEq frequency 100 [Hz]
30 U12 phase-to-phase voltage L1-L2 3 Un [V] *
31 U23 phase-to-phase voltage L2-L3 3 Un [V] *
32 U31 phase-to-phase voltage L3-L1 3 Un [V] *
33 U4_A mean phase-to-phase voltage 3 Un [V] *
34 mean active power 3 x Un x In x cos(0°) [W]
35 Used percentage of the ordered 100%
active power (consumed energy)
*Un, In – rated values of voltages and currents

a) n-on b) n-OFF

c) On d) OFF

Fig. 9. Alarm types: a),b) normal c) disabled d) enabled.

Remaining types of the alarm:

− H-on – always enabled;
− H-oFF – always disabled,
− AL1-3 – in this mode, the alarm quantity must be from the range:0-7. When
the alarm appears on whichever phase, the relay will be enabled and the
suitable symbol will be lighted
− ( AL1 – phase 1, AL2 – phase 2,
AL3 – phase 3. It will be disabled only when all alarms disappear. Alarms
operate in the n-on mode with identical hysteresis thresholds ALof and ALon for
each phase.The alarm condition withdraw is signaled by the pulsation of the
alarm symbol regardless of the set support value of the alarm signaling. The
blanking of the signaling support follows after pressing and push-
buttons (during 3 sec).
Example no 1 of alarm setting:
Set the alarm of n-on type for the monitored quantity P – 3-phase active power,
version: 5 A; 3 x 230/400 V. Switching the alarm on, after exceeding 3800 W,
switching the alarm off after decreasing 3100 W.
Calculate: rated 3-phase active power: P = 3 x 230 V x 5 A = 3450 W
3450 W – 100 % 3450 W – 100 %
3800 W – ALon % 3100 W – ALoF %
It appears: ALon = 110 % ALoF = 90 %
Set: Monitored quantity: P; Kind of alarm: n-on, ALon 110, ALoF 90.0.
Example no 2 of alarm setting:
Set the alarm of earliest warning about the possibility to exceed the ordered 1 MW
power on the level 90% at the hourly accounting. Measuring current transformer
2500:5 A, voltage : 230 V, Instantaneous maximum import of power: 1.5 MW.
Calculate: rated 3-phase active power of the ND20 meter: P = 3 x 230 V x 2500 A
(500 * 5 A) = 1.725 MW (500 * 3450 W) – 100%;
90% of ordered power / rated power = 90.0% * 1 MW / 1.725 MW = 52.1 % of the
rated meter value (rounding down).
The’ ordered hourly power (energy for consumption): 1 MWh / 4 quarters = 900 MWs,
90% - 810 MWs. Remaining 10% at maximum power import would be used in time:
900 MWs / 1.5 MW = 60 s

Fig 10. Measurement of used ordered 15 minutes’ active power consumption
synchronized with the clock, with alarm set on a 90% consumption.

Set: Monitored quantity:P_ord, Kind of alarm: n-on, ALon = 90.0, ALoF = 89.9,
Tr_1 = 500, Syn = c_60, Time delay ALdt = 0 or 240 s.

An example of the parameter value utilization of ordered active power to switch the
alarm on is presented on the fig. 10.
The time delay is set on 0 sec.
In the calculated example, for remaining 10% of ordered power, at the maximum
power consumption, devices could still work during 60 sec without exposing
customers to fines. when setting the time delay ALdt on 60 sec, the alarm would not
be enabled.

6.5.4. Setting Date and Time

Select the dAtE mode in options and approve the choice by the push-button.
Seconds are reset after setting hour and minute values.
Table 7
Lp. Parameter name Designation range Remarks/description Manufacturer’s
1 Hour, minute t_H 0…23, 0..59 0.00
2 Month, day t_d 1…12, 1…31 1.01
3 Year t_y 2001 … 2100 2001

6.6. Configuration of THD Measurement, Harmonics and
Energy for the Harmonic
The meter has 3 work modes related to the THD and harmonic calculation. When
setting the parameter of the harmonic number:
- tHd – the meter measures every 1 second only the THD value for currents and
voltages, the result is exposed on the display and expressed in registers in
percentages. Energy of harmonics is reset and particular harmonics include the error
value (1e20);
- All – the meter measures harmonics from 2 up to 21, for 50 Hz frequency (from 2
up to 18 for 60 Hz frequency). Energy of harmonics is reset.
- 2 – 21 – measurement of the selected harmonic value, every 1 second, the result is
exposed on the display and in basic units (V, A) in registers. Energy for the given
harmonic is counted up.
The switching of the harmonic number or the change of voltage or current ratio
resets energy for harmonics.

6.7. Archive – Active Power Profile

The ND20 meter is equipped with an archive allowing to store up to 9000
measurements of mean active power. Mean active power PAV is archived with a 15,
30, 60 minutes’ interval of time, synchronized with the real time clock. In case of
operation in the 15 minutes’ walking window mode, the archiving is performed in the
same way as for the 15 minutes’ interval of time (fig. 11). The direct access to the
archive is for 15 records including the date, time and value placed in the range of
addresses 1000 -1077. The position of the first (oldest) archived sample is placed in
the register 1000, however the position of the last archived sample (youngest) is
placed in the register 1001. the value of the first record, from 15 available records
placed in registers 1003 – 1077, is written in the register 1002. The write of the first
read out record value (1 – 9000) causes the data updating of 15 records for readout.
In registers, in which samples were not already been written, are 1e20 values.
The archive is organized in the shape of a circular buffer. After writing the 9000 th
value, the next overwrites the oldest with number 0, and the successive, the next
with number 1, etc.
If the value of the register 1000 is higher than 1001, that means that the buffer was
overflowed one time at least. Eg, the value 15 in the register 1000, and 14 in the
register 1001 means, that there were already more than nine thousand samples and
oldest samples are from the record 15 up to 9000, next from the record 1 to the
youngest record with number 14.
The change of the current or voltage ratio, kind of mean power, causes the archive
The reset of averaged power or the change of averaging time does not erase the
The automatic erasing of the archive and averaged power is performed when
changing the voltage or current ratio.

Fig. 10. Measurement of 15 minutes’ mean active power synchronized with the clock.

Parameter set of the serial ND20 meter link:
▪ identifier: 0xBC
▪ meter address:1..247
▪ baud rate: 4.8, 9.6, 19.2, 38.4 kbit/s,
▪ working mode: Modbus RTU,
▪ information unit: 8N2, 8E1, 8O1, 8N1,
▪ maximum response time when requesting for
archive: 1000 ms.
▪ maximum response time at remaining
requests: 750 ms.
▪ maximum quantity of read out registers in one request
- 40 registers – 4-byte registerss
- 80 registers – 2-byte registers
▪ implemented functions: 03, 16, 17,
- 03 - readout of registers,
- 16 - write of registers,
- 17 - device identification,
Manufacturer’s settings: address 1, baud rate: 9600 baud, RTU 8N2 mode,
Map of ND20 meter registers
In the ND20 meter, data are placed in 16 and 32-bit registers. Process
variables and meter parameters are placed in the address area of registers in a
way depended on the variable value type. Bits in 16-bit registers are numbered
from the youngest to the oldest (b0-b15). 32-bit registers include numbers of
float type in IEEE-754 standard. Sequence of 3210 bytes – the oldest is
transmitted as the first.

Table 8
Type of
Address range Description
Archive of the averaged power profile. The table 9 includes the
1000 – 1077 (16 bits)/
register description.
Integer The value is placed in one 16-bit register. The table 10 includes the
4000 – 4053 register description. Registers for write and readout.
(16 bits)
Value placed in two successive 16-bit registers. Registers include
7000 – 7121 the same data as 32-bit registers from the area 7500 – 7659.
(2x16 bits)
Registers for readout. Sequence of bytes (3-2-1-0).
Float Value placed in one 32-bit register. The table 11 includes the
7500 – 7659 register description. Registers for readout.
(32 bits)
Value placed in two successive 16-bit registers. Registers include
7800 – 8038 the same data as 32-bit registers from the area 7660 – 7779.
(2x16 bits)
Registers for readout. Sequence of bytes (3-2-1-0).
Float Value placed in one 32-bit register. The table 11 includes the
7660 – 7779 register description. Registers for readout.
(32 bits)

Table 9
of 16 bit- Description
1000 R Position of oldest archived mean power.
1001 R Position of youngest archived mean power
1002 R/W First available record – NrBL (range 1…9000)
1003 R Year of archived mean power with number NrBL + 0
1004 R Month * 100 + day of archived mean power with number NrBL + 0
1005 R Hour * 100 + minute of archived mean power with number NrBL + 0
1006 R Value of archived mean power with number NrBL + 0
1007 R float type – 4 bytes in sequence 3-2-1-0
1008 R Year of archived mean power with number NrBL + 1
1009 R Month * 100 + day of archived mean power with number NrBL + 1
1010 R Hour * 100 + minute of archived mean power with number NrBL + 1
1011 R Value of archived mean power with number NrBL + 1
1012 R float type – 4 bytes in sequence 3-2-1-0
… … …
1073 R Year of archived mean power with number NrBL + 14
1074 R Month, day of archived mean power with number NrBL + 14
1075 R Hour, minute of archived mean power with number NrBL + 14
1076 R Value of archived mean power with number NrBL + 14
1077 R float type – 4 bytes in sequence 3-2-1-0

Table 10
Register Ope-
Range Description By default
address ration
4000 RW 0…60000 Protection - password 0
Interlocking time of the renewed switching of the
4001 RW 0…900 [s] 0
relay output on
Ordered mean power *10
4002 RW 0…1200 [‰] 1000
of nominal signals
4003 RW 0 Current transformer ratio 0

4002 RW 0 Reserved 0
4003 RW 1...10000 Current transformer ratio 1
4004 RW 1...40000 Voltage transformer ratio *10 10
Synchronization of mean active power:
0 – 15 minutes’ walking window (record
synchronized every 15 minutes with the clock)
1 – measurement synchronized every 15 minutes
4005 RW 0..3 with the clock 0
2 – measurement synchronized every 30 minutes
with the clock
3 – measurement synchronized every 60 minutes
with the clock
Number of the measured harmonic/
0 – THD, 1 – all harmonics are successively
4006 RW 0…22 0
measured and placed in registers 7660-7780, 2…21
– harmonic number with energy.
Storage way of minimum and maximum values 0
4007 RW 0,1
0 – without errors, 1 – with errors
Way to calculate reactive power:
0- Q= S 2 − P2
4008 RW 0.1 1 - Q = ∑ U i * I i * sin (∠U i , I i ) 0
i =1
k – harmonic number, k = 21 for 50 Hz
k = 18 dla 60 Hz

Way to calculate reactive energy:

4009 RW 0.1 0 – inductive and capacitive energy 0
1 – positive and negative energy
Display backlit: 0 – disabled, 1-60 – backlit time in
4010 RW 0…61 seconds since the push-button pressure, 61
61 – always enabled
Erasing of watt-hour meters:
0 – without changes, 1- erase active energy,
4011 RW 0…4 0
2 – erase reactive energy, 3 – erase energy of
harmonics, 4 – erase all energy.
4012 RW 0.1 Erasing of mean active power PAV 0
4013 RW 0.1 Erasing of the averaged power archive 0
4014 RW 0.1 Erase min and max 0
Quantity on the alarm relay output
4015 RW 0.1..35
(code acc. to the table 6)
Output type: 0 – n-on, 1– n-oFF, 2 – on, 3 - oFF,
4016 RW 0..6 0
4 – H-on, 5 – H-oFF, 6 - AL1-3
4017 RW Lower alarm switching value of the ratek input range 990
4018 RW Upper alarm switching value of the ratek input range 1010
Delay of the alarm switching ( for quantity AL_n =
4019 RW 0..900 s P_ord – rgister 4015 =35, the delay occurs only 0
when the alarm is switched on.
4020 RW 0.1 Alarm signaling support 0
Quantity on the continuous output no 1/ code acc. to
4021 RW 0,1..35 24
the table 6 /
Continuous output type: 0 – 0...20 mA; 1 – 4…20
4022 RW 0.1 0
-1440..0..1440 Lower value of the input range in [o/oo] of the rated
4023 RW 0
[o/oo] input range.

-1440..0..1440 Upper value of the input range in [o/oo] of the rated
4024 RW 1000
[o/oo] input range.
4025 RW Lower output range value of the output [10 uA] 0
[10 uA]
4026 RW 1..2000 [10 uA] Upper output range value of the output [10 uA] 2000
Manual switching of the analog output 1:
0 – normal work,
4027 RW 0..2 0
1 – set value from the register 4026,
2- set value from the register 4027,
4028 RW 0…24 [mA] Analog output value when error 24
4029 RW 1000…20000 Number of impulses for the impulse output 5000
4030 RW 1..247 Address in the MODBUS network 1
Transmission mode: 0->8n2, 1->8e1, 2->8o1,
4031 RW 0..3 0
3 ->8n1
Baud rate: 0->4800, 1->9600 2->19200,
4032 RW 0..3 1
3 ->38400
4033 RW 0.1 Update the transmission parameter change 0
4034 RW 0...2359 Hour *100 + Minutes 0
4035 RW 101…1231 Month * 100 + day 101
4036 RW 2009…2100 Year 2009
Record of standard parameters (together with the
4037 RW 0,1 0
reset of energy and min, max, averaged power)
4038 RW 0..15258 Imported active energy, two older bytes 0
4039 RW 0..65535 Imported active energy, two younger bytes 0
4040 RW 0..15258 Exported active energy, two older bytes 0
4041 RW 0..65535 exported active energy, two younger bytes 0
4042 RW 0..15258 Reactive inductive energy, two older bytes
4043 R 0..65535 Reactive inductive energy, two younger bytes
4044 R 0..15258 Reactive capacitive energy, two older bytes 0
4045 R 0..65535 Reactive capacitive energy, two younger bytes 0
4046 R 0..15258 Imported harmonic active energy, two older bytes 0
4047 R 0..65535 Imported harmonic active energy, two younger bytes 0
4048 R 0..15258 Exported harmonic active energy, two older bytes 0
Exported harmonic active energy, two younger
4049 R 0..65535 0
4050 R 0..65535 Status register – description below 0
4051 R 0..65535 Serial number, two older bytes -
4052 R 0..65535 Serial number, two younger bytes -
4053 R 0..65535 Program version (*100) -

In parenthesis [ ], suitably is placed: resolution or unit.

Energy is made available in hundreds of watt-hours (var-hours) in double 16-bit register, and
for this reason, one must divide them by 10 when calculating values of particular energy from
registers, ie:
Imported active energy = (register 4038 value x 65536 + register 4039 value) /10 [kWh]
Exported active energy = (register 4040 value x 65536 + register 4041 value) /10 [kWh]
Reactive inductive energy = (register 4042 value x 65536 + register 4043 value) /10 [kVarh]
Reactive capacitive energy = (register 4044 value x 65536 + register 4045 value) /10 [kVarh]
Imported active harmonic energy = (register 4046 value x 65536 + register 4047 value) /10 [kWh]
Exported active harmonic energy = (register 4048 value x 65536 + register 4049 value)/ 10 [kWh]

Status register:
Bit 15 – „1” – damage of the non-volatile memory Bit 7 – „1” – the interval of averaged power is not
Bit 14 – „1” – lack of calibration or erroneous Bit 6 – „1” – frequency for THD calculation beyond
calibration intervals
− 48 – 52 for frequency 50 Hz,
− 58 – 62 for frequency 60 Hz
Bit 13 – „1” – error of parameter values
Bit 5 – „1” – voltage too low for frequency
Bit 12 – „1” – error of energy values
Bit 4 – „1” – too low voltage of phase C

Bit 11 – „1” – error of phase sequence Bit 3 – „1” – too low voltage of phase B
Bit 10 – current range „0” – 1 A~; 1” – 5 A~ Bit 2 – „1” – too low voltage of phase A

Bit 9 Bit 8 Voltage range Bit 1 – the RTC time battery is used up
0 0 57.7 V~ Bit 0 – state of relay output „1” – On, „0” - off
0 1 230 V~

Table 11
Address Address
of 16-bit of 32-bit Description Unit
registers registers
7000 7500 R Voltage of phase L1 V
7002 7501 R Current in phase L1 A
7004 7502 R Active power of phase L1 W
7006 7503 R Reactive power of phase L1 var
7008 7504 R Apparent power of phase L1 VA
7010 7505 R Power factor (PF) of phase L1 -
7012 7506 R Ratio of reactive power/active power of phase L1 -
7014 7507 R Voltage of phase L2 V
7016 7508 R Current in phase L2 A
7018 7509 R Active power of phase L2 W
7020 7510 R Reactive power of phase L2 var
7022 7511 R Apparent power of phase L2 VA
7024 7512 R Power factor (PF) of phase L2 -
7026 7513 R Ratio of reactive power/active power of phase L2 -
7028 7514 R Voltage of phase L3 V
7030 7515 R Current in phase L3 A
7032 7516 R Active power of phase L3 W
7034 7517 R Reactive power of phase L3 var
7036 7518 R Apparent power of phase L3 VA
7038 7519 R Power factor (PF) of phase L3 -
7040 7520 R Ratio of reactive power/active power of phase L3 -
7042 7521 R Mean 3-phase voltage V
7044 7522 R Mean 3-phase current A
7046 7523 R 3-phase active power W
7048 7524 R 3-phase reactive power var
7050 7525 R 3-phase apparent power VA
7052 7526 R Mean power factor (PF) -
7054 7527 R Mean ratio of reactive power/ active power -
7056 7528 R Frequency Hz
7058 7529 R Phase-to-phase voltage L1-2 V
7060 7530 R Phase-to-phase voltage L2-3 V
7062 7531 R Phase-to-phase voltage L3-1 V
7064 7532 R Mean phase-to-phase voltage V
7066 7533 R 3-phase 15, 30, 60 minutes’ active Power (P1 + P2 + P3) W

7068 7534 R Harmonic U1 / THD U1 V/%
7070 7535 R HarmonicU2 / THD U2 V/%
7072 7536 R Harmonic U3 / THD U3 V/%
7074 7537 R Harmonic I1 / THD I1 A/%
7076 7538 R Harmonic I2 / THD I2 A/%
7078 7539 R Harmonic I3 / THD I3 A/%
7080 7540 R Cosinus of angle between U1 and I1 -
7082 7541 R Cosinus of angle between U2 and I2 -
7084 7542 R Cosinus of angle between U3 and I3 -
7086 7543 R 3-phase mean cosinus -
7088 7544 R Angle between U1 and I1 °
7090 7545 R Angle between U2 i I2 °
7092 7546 R Angle between U3 i I3 °
7094 7547 R Current in neutral wire (calculated from vectors) A
Imported 3-phase active energy (number of overflows in 100 MWh
7096 7548 R register 7549, reset after exceeding 99999999.9 kWh)

Imported 3-phase active energy ( counter totting up to kWh

7098 7549 R
99999.9 kWh)
Exported 3-phase active energy (number of overflows in 100 MWh
7100 7550 R
register 7551, reset after exceeding 99999999.9 kWh)
Exported 3-phase active energy (counter totting up to kWh
7102 7551 R
99999.9 kWh)
3-phase reactive inductive energy (number of overflows in 100
7552 R
7104 register 7553, reset after exceeding 99999999.9 kVarh) Mvarh
3-phase reactive inductive energy ( counter totting up to kvarh
7553 R
7106 99999.9 kVarh)
3-phase reactive capacitive energy (number of overflows in 100
7554 R
7108 register 7555, reset after exceeding 99999999.9 kVarh) Mvarh
3-phase reactive capacitive energy ( counter totting up to kvarh
7555 R
7110 99999.9 kVarh)
Imported 3-phase active harmonic energy (number of 100 MWh
7556 R overflows in register 7557, reset after exceeding
7112 99999999.9 kWh)
Imported 3-phase active harmonic energy ( counter totting kWh
7557 R
7114 up to 99999.9 kWh)
Exported 3-phase active harmonic energy (number of 100 MWh
7558 R overflows in register 7559, reset after exceeding
7116 99999999.9 kWh)
Exported 3-phase active harmonic energy ( counter totting kWh
7559 R
7118 up to 99999.9 kWh)
7120 7560 R Time – hours, minutes -
7122 7561 R Time – month, day -
7124 7562 R Time – year -
7126 7563 R Analog output control Ma
7128 7564 R Voltage L1 min V
7130 7565 R Voltage L1 max V
7132 7566 R Voltage L2 min V
7134 7567 R Voltage L2 max V
7136 7568 R Voltagee L3 min V
7138 7569 R Voltage L3 max V
7140 7570 R Current L1 min A
7142 7571 R CurrentL1 max A
7144 7572 R Current L2 min A
7146 7573 R Current L2 max A
7148 7574 R Current L3 min A
7150 7575 R Current L3 max A
7152 7576 R Active power L1 min W
7154 7577 R Active power L1 max W
7156 7578 R Active power L2 min W

7158 7579 R Active power L2 max W
7160 7580 R Active power L3 min W
7162 7581 R Active power L3 max W
7164 7582 R Reactive power L1 min var
7166 7583 R Reactive power L1 max var
7168 7584 R Reactive power L2 min var
7170 7585 R Reactive power L2 max var
7172 7586 R Reactive power L3 min var
7174 7587 R Reactive power L3 max var
7176 7588 R Apparent power L1 min VA
7178 7589 R Apparent power L1 max VA
7180 7590 R Apparent power L2 min VA
7182 7591 R Apparent power L2 max VA
7184 7592 R Apparent power L3 min VA
7186 7593 R Apparent power L3 max VA
7188 7594 R Power factor (PF) L1 min -
7190 7595 R Power factor (PF) L1 max -
7192 7596 R Power factor (PF) L2 min -
7194 7597 R Power factor (PF) L2 max -
7196 7598 R Power factor (PF) L3 min -
7198 7599 R Power factor (PF) L3 max -
7200 7600 R Ratio of reactive/active power L1 min -
7202 7601 R Ratio of reactive/active power L1 max -
7204 7602 R Ratio of reactive/active power L2 min -
7206 7603 R Ratio of reactive/active power L2 max -
7208 7604 R Ratio of reactive /active power L3 min -
7210 7605 R Ratio of reactive/active power L3 max -
7212 7606 R Phase-to-phase voltage L1-2 min V
7214 7607 R Phase-to-phase voltage L1-2 max V
7216 7608 R Phase-to-phase voltage L2-3 min V
7218 7609 R Phase-to-phase voltage L2-3 max V
7220 7610 R Phase-to-phase voltage L3-1 min V
7222 7611 R Phase-to-phase voltage L3-1 max V
7224 7612 R Mean 3-phase voltage min V
7226 7613 R Mean 3-phase voltage max V
7228 7614 R Mean 3-phase current min A
7230 7615 R Mean 3-phase current max A
7232 7616 R 3-phase active power min W
7234 7617 R 3-phase active power max W
7236 7618 R 3-phase reactive power min var
7238 7619 R 3-phase reactive power max var
7240 7620 R 3-phase apparent power min VA
7242 7621 R 3-phase apparent power max VA
7244 7622 R Power factor (PF) min -
7246 7623 R Power factor (PF) max -
7248 7624 R Ratio of mean 3-phase reactive/active power min -
7250 7625 R Ratio of mean 3-phase reactive/active power max -
7252 7626 R Frequency min Hz
7254 7627 R Frequency max Hz
7256 7628 R Mean phase-to-phase voltage min V
7258 7629 R Mean phase-to-phase voltage max V
7260 7630 R Mean active power min W
7262 7631 R Mean reactive power max W
7264 7632 R Harmonic U1 / THD U1 min V/%
7266 7633 R Harmonic U1 / THD U1 max V/%
7268 7634 R Harmonic U2 / THD U2 min V/%
7270 7635 R Harmonic U2 / THD U2 max V/%
7272 7636 R Harmonic U3 / THD U3 min V/%
7274 7637 R Harmonic U3 / THD U3 max V/%

7276 7638 R Harmonic I1 / THD I1 min A/%
7278 7639 R Harmonic I1 / THD I1 max A/%
7280 7640 R Harmonic I2 / THD I2 min A/%
7282 7641 R Harmonic I2 / THD I2 max A/%
7284 7642 R Harmonic I3 / THD I3 min A/%
7286 7643 R Harmonic I3 / THD I3 max A/%
7288 7644 R Cosinus of angle between U1 i I1 min -
7290 7645 R Cosinus of angle between U1 i I1 max
7292 7646 R Cosinus of angle between U2 i I2 min -
7294 7647 R Cosinus of angle between U2 i I2 max -
7296 7648 R Cosinus of angle between U3 i I3 min -
7298 7649 R Cosinus of angle between U3 i I3 max -
7300 7650 R Mean 3-phase cos min -
7302 7651 R Mean 3-phase cos max -
7304 7652 R Angle between U1 i I1 min °
7306 7653 R Angle between U1 i I1 max °
7308 7654 R Angle between U2 i I2 min °
7310 7655 R Angle between U2 i I2 max °
7312 7656 R Angle between U3 i I3 min °
7314 7657 R Anlgle between U3 i I3 max °
7316 7658 R Current in neutral wire min A
7318 7659 R Current in neutral wire max A
7800 7660 R U1 – harmonic 2 %
… … … … …
7838 7679 R U1 - harmonic 21 %
7840 7680 R U2 - harmonic 2 %
… … … … …
7878 7699 R U2 - harmonic 21 %
7880 7700 R U3 - harmonic 2 %
… … … … …
7918 7719 R U3 - harmonic 21 %
7920 7720 R I1 - harmonic 2 %
… … … … …
7958 7739 R I1 - harmonic 21 %
7960 7740 R I2 – harmonic 2 %
… … … … …
7998 7759 R I2 - harmonic 21 %
8000 7760 R I3 - harmonic 2 %
… … … … …
8038 7779 R I3 - harmonic 21 %
8040 7780 R Consumed ordered power %
In case of a lower exceeding the value -1e20 is written in, however after an upper exceeding
or error occurrence, the value 1e20 is written.

During the meter operation, messages about errors can occur. Reasons of errors
are presented below.
- Err1 – when the voltage or current is too small when
- Pfi, tgϕi, cos, THD, harmonic below 10% Un , In,
-f below 10% Un,.
- I(n), below 10% In;
- bAd Freq – When measuring harmonics and THD, if the frequency
value is beyond the interval 48 – 52 Hz for 50Hz i 58 – 62
for 60 Hz;
- Err bat – is displayed when the battery of the internal RTC clock is
used up. The measurement is carried out after switching
the supply on and every day at midnight.
One can disable the message by the push-button.
The disabled message remains inactive till the renewed
switching of the meter on.
- Err CAL, Err EE – are displayed when the meter memory is damaged. The
meter must be sent to the manufacturer.
- Err PAr – are displayed when operating parameters in the meter are
incorrect. One must restore manufacturer’s parameters
(from the menu level or through RS-485.
One can disable the message by the push-button.
- Err Enrg – are displayed when energy values in the meter are
One can disable the message by the push-button.
Incorrect energy values are reset.

- Err L2 L3 – error of phase sequence, one must interchange the

connection of phase 2 and phase 3

---- or ---- - lower overflow. The measured value is smaller

than the lower measuring quantity range
---- ----
or - upper overflow. The measured value is higher
than the upper measuring quantity range or
measurement error.


Measuring ranges and admissible basic errors Table 12
Measured value Indication range* Measuring range L1 L2 L3 ∑ Basic error
Current 1/5A 0.00 .. 60 kA 0.02 .. 6 A~ • • • ± 0.2%
Voltage L-N 0.0 .. 1.04 MV 2.9 .. 276 V~ • • • ± 0.2%
Voltage L-L 0.0 .. 1.92 MV 10 .. 480 V~ • • • ± 0.5%
Frequency 47.0 .. 63.0 Hz 47.0 .. 63.0 Hz • • • ± 0.2%
Active power -9999 MW ..0.00 W -1.65 kW ..1.4 W .. • • • • ± 0.5%
1.65 kW
.. 9999 MW
Reactive power -9999 Mvar ..0.00 var -1.65 kvar ..1.4 var .. • • • • ± 0.5%
1.65 kvar
.. 9999 Mvar
Apparent power 0.00 VA .. 9999 MVA 1.4 VA .. 1.65 kVA • • • • ± 0.5%
Power factor PF -1 .. 0 .. 1 -1 .. 0 .. 1 • • • • ± 2%
Tangent ϕ -1.2 .. 0 .. 1.2 -1.2 .. 0 .. 1.2 • • • • ± 2%
Cosinus ϕ -1 ... 1 -1 ... 1 • • • • ± 1%
ϕ -180 ... 180 -180 ... 180 • • • ± 0.5%
Imported active 0 ..99 999 999,9 kWh • ± 0.5%
Exported active 0 ..99 999 999,9 kWh • ± 0.5%
Reactive inductive 0 ..99 999 999,9 • ± 0.5 %
energy kVarh
Reactive 0 ..99 999 999,9 • ± 0.5%
capacitive energy kVarh
THD 0...400% 0...400% • • • ± 5%
* Depending on the set tr_U ratio (ratio of the voltage transformer: 0.1…4000.0)
and tr_I ratio (ratio of the current transformer: 1…10000)

Caution! For the correct current measurement the presence of a voltage higher than
0.05 Un is required at least in one of the phase.

Power input:
- in supply circuit ≤ 6 VA
- in voltage circuit ≤ 0.05 VA
- in current circuit ≤ 0.05 VA
Display field dedicated display LCD 3.5”,
Relay output relay, voltageless NO contacts
load capacity: 250 V~/ 0.5 A~ (AC1)
Analog output current 0(4)…20…24 mA
load resistance ≤ 250 Ω
resolution 0.01 % of the range
basic error 0.2%

Serial interface RS-485: address: 1..247
mode: 8N2, 8E1, 8O1,8N1
baud rate: 4.8, 9.6, 19.2, 38,4 kbit/s
transmission protocol: Modbus RTU
response time: 1000 ms (requests about
response time: 750 ms (remaining requests)
Energy impulse output output of O/C type (NPN), passive of class A EN 62053-31; supply voltage 18...27V,
current 10...27mA
Constant of O/C type output impulse 5000 - 20000 imp./kWh
independently of set tr_U, tr_I ratios
Protection grade ensured by the casing
from frontal side IP 65
from terminal side IP 20
Weight 0.3 kg
Overall dimensions 96 x 96 x 77 mm

Reference and rated operating conditions

- supply voltage 85…253 V d.c or a.c. (40...400 Hz)

20…40 V d.c. or a.c. (40…400 Hz)

- input signal: 0 .. 0.005..1.2In; 0.05..1.2Un for current, voltage

0 .. 0.1..1.2In; 0..0.1..1.2Un; for power factors Pfi,
frequency 45..63 Hz; sinusoidal ( THD ≤ 8% )
- power factor -1…0…1
- ambient temperature -25..23..+55 °C
- storage temperature -30..+70 °C
- relative humidity 25 ... 95 % (condensation inadmissible)
- admissible peak factor :
- current intensity 2
- voltage 2
- external magnetic field 0...40...400 A/m
- short duration overload (5 s)
- voltage inputs 2 Un (max.1000 V)
- current inputs 10 In
- operating position any
- preheating time 5 min.
Battery of the real time clock: CR2032
Additional errors:
in % of the basic error
- from frequency of input signals < 50%
- from ambient temperature changes < 50%/10 ºC
- for THD > 8% < 100%
Standards fulfilled by the meter:
Electromagnetic compatibility:
- noise immunity acc. to EN 61000-6-2
- noise emissions acc. to EN 61000-6-4
Safety requirements:
according to EN 61010 -1 standard
▪ isolation between circuits: basic
▪ installation category: III
▪ pollution level: 2
▪ maximum phase-to-earth voltage:
- for supply and measuring circuits 300 V
- for remaining circuits 50 V
▪ altitude above sea level: < 2000 m

Table 13

Meter of network parameters ND20 X X X X XX X X

Current input In:

1 A (X/1) 1
5 A (X/5) 2
Voltage input (phase/phase-to-phase) Un:
3 x 57.7/100 V 1
3 x 230/400 V 2
Analog current output:
without analog output 0
with programmable output: 0(4)…20 mA 1
Supply voltage:
85…253 V d.c. or a.c. (40…400 Hz) 1
20…40 V d.c. or a.c. (40…400 Hz) 2
Kind of version:
standard 00
custom-made* XX
Polish P
English E
other X
Acceptance tests:
without extra quality requirements 0
with an extra quality inspection certificate 1
acc. to customer’s requirements* X

*After agreeing with the manufacturer.

Example of Order:
When ordering please respect successive code numbers.

The code: ND20- 2-2-1-1- 00- E-1 means:

ND20 – meter of network parameters of ND20 type
2 – current input In : 5 A (x/5),
2 -- input voltage (phase/phase-to-phase) Un = 3 x 230/400 V,
1 – with programmable analog output,
1 – supply voltage: 85…253 V a.c./d.c.,
00 – standard version
E – all descriptions and user’s manual in English,
1 – with an extra quality inspection certificate.

The ND20 meter does not require any periodical maintenance.

In case of some incorrect operations:

After the dispatch date and in the period stated in the guarantee card:

One should return the instrument to the Manufacturer’s Quality Inspection Dept.

If the instrument has been used in compliance with the instructions, we guarantee

to repair it free of charge.

The disassembling of the housing causes the cancellation of the granted guarantee.

After the guarantee period:

One should turn over the instrument to repair it in a certified service workshop.

Our policy is one of continuous improvement and we reserve

the right to make changes in design and specifications of any

products as engineering advances or necessity requires and to

revise the above specifications without notice.

ND20- 09/01 (20.09.2010)


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