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CTMS Links to the New Zealand Curriculum

At CTMS Spanish learning will link to our Rich Learning Experiences Implementation Plan and our Te Reo Maori Implementation Plan.

Priority will be given to the following; central city locality of CTMS, culture of the school, regular school community review, responding to areas of
student need, learning through arts and culture, accessing experts, where available, celebrating cultural diversity

For all students at CTMS to use learning another
language as a means to communicate and connect with
people from other cultures.,

 To introduce children to Spanish language in a variety of contexts.
 For children to enjoy the experience of exploring another language by speaking Spanish and exploring the culture of Spanish speaking countries.
 Where appropriate, make contact with the wider Spanish speaking community and access resources to enhance learning opportunities.
 To learn about the values of another culture through social and cultural contexts.
 To celebrate the richness of other cultures through their language and their culture by accessing performance opportunities from the wider community.
 To appreciate the history and heritage of other cultures.
 To develop opportunities for cultural and educational collaboration between Spanish speaking schools.
 To liaise, where appropriate, with the embassies of Spanish speaking countries.
 To celebrate learning at CTMS by having regular Spanish Days throughout the year.
 To communicate with the school community about the Spanish programme through newsletters.
Goals for Students

 Appreciate and value the process of learning a new language.

 Acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes to equip them for living in a world of diverse people.
 To use language to make meaning by increasing their understanding of linguistics in relation to their own first language.
 To celebrate the richness of Spanish speaking cultures by engaging actively in celebration days.
 Increase their understanding of their own culture and their place in the world.
 Develop their receptive skills of listening, reading and viewing and their productive skills of speaking, writing, presenting and
 Learn about relationships between different words and different structures and how language is organized.
 Explore learning a language through different learning strategies eg pair and group work, speaking to each other in Spanish, games.
 Use the School Agreement to guide their thinking and their actions.

Goals for Teachers

 Engage actively during Spanish lessons.

 Support the Spanish teacher both in class and in within the school community.
 Promote the vision and aims of the Spanish Implementation Plan.
 Improve their own Spanish language acquisition through engaging in informal learning opportunities.
 For our Spanish Teacher to work towards building a successful Spanish learning programme.

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