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[G.R. No. 118075. September 5, 1997.]

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES , plaintiff-appellee, vs . EMILIANO

CATANTAN y TAYONG , accused-appellant.

The Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee.

Public Attorney's Office for accused-appellant.


Accused-appellant, together with one Jose Macver Ursal, were charged with violation of
PD 532, otherwise known as the Anti-Piracy and Highway Robbery Law of 1974. The
Regional Trial Court of Cebu, after trial, found both accused guilty of the crime charged and
sentenced them to reclusion perpetua. Only accused-appellant appealed. In his appeal,
accused-appellant contends that the trial court erred in convicting him of piracy as the
facts proved only constitute the crime of grave coercion, and not piracy. Accused-
appellant argues that in order that piracy may be committed it is essential that there be an
attack on or seizure of a vessel. He claims that he and his companion did not attack or
seize the shing boat of the Pilapil brothers by using force and intimidation but merely
boarded the boat, and it was only when they were already on board that they used force to
compel the Pilapils to take them to some other place. LLpr

The Supreme Court ruled that the case at bar falls squarely within the purview of piracy.
While it may be true that the Pilapils were compelled to go elsewhere other than their place
of destination, such compulsion was obviously part of seizing their boat. The Court said
that to sustain the defense and convert the case of piracy to grave coercion would be to
ignore the fact that a shing vessel cruising in Philippine waters was seized by the
accused by means of violence against or intimidation of persons, the very act punished by
PD 532.
Judgment of conviction affirmed. SCDaET


THE PURVIEW OF PIRACY, NOT GRAVE COERCION. — Under the de nition of piracy in P.D.
No. 532 as well as grave coercion as penalized in Art. 286 of the Revised Penal Code, this
case falls squarely within the purview of piracy. While it may be true that Eugene and Juan,
Jr. were compelled to go elsewhere other than their place of destination, such compulsion
was obviously part of the act of seizing their boat. The testimony of Eugene, one of the
victims, shows that the appellant actually seized the vessel through force and intimidation.
To sustain the defense and convert this case of piracy into one of grave coercion would be
to ignore the fact that a shing vessel cruising in Philippine waters was seized by the
accused by means of violence against or intimidation of persons. As Eugene Pilapil
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testi ed, the accused suddenly approached them and boarded their pumpboat and
Catantan aimed his revolver at them as he ordered complaining witness Eugene Pilapil to
"dapa" or lie down with face downwards, and then struck his face with a revolver, hitting the
lower portion of his left eye, after which, Catantan told his victims at gun point to take
them to Daan Tabogon. The incident happened at 3:00 o'clock in the morning. The sudden
appearance of another pumpboat with four passengers, all strangers to them, easily
intimidated the Pilapil brothers that they were impelled to submit in complete surrender to
the marauders. The moment Catantan jumped into the other pumpboat he had full control
of his victims. The sight of a drawn revolver in his hand drove them to submission. Hence
the issuance of PD No. 532 designed to avert situations like the case at bar and
discourage and prevent piracy in Philippine waters. LLphil



EMILIANO CATANTAN and JOSE MACVEN URSAL alias "Bimbo" were charged with
violation of PD No. 532 otherwise known as the Anti-Piracy and Highway Robbery Law of
1974 for having on 27 June 1993, while armed with a rearm and a bladed weapon, acting
in conspiracy with one another, by means of violence and intimidation, wilfully and
feloniously attacked, assaulted and in icted physical injuries on Eugene Pilapil and Juan
Pilapil, Jr. who were then shing in the seawaters of Tabogon, Cebu, and seized their
fishing boat, to their damage and prejudice. 1
The Regional Trial Court of Cebu, after trial, found both accused Emiliano Catantan y
Tayong and Jose Macven Ursal alias "Bimbo" guilty of the crime charged and sentenced
them to reclusion perpetua. 2 Of the duo only Emiliano Catantan appealed. cdtai

In his appeal, accused Catantan contends that the trial court erred in convicting him of
piracy as the facts proved only constitute grave coercion de ned in Art. 286 of the Revised
Penal Code and not piracy under PD No. 532.
The evidence for the prosecution is that at 3:00 o'clock in the morning of 27 June 1993,
the Pilapil brothers Eugene, 21, and Juan Jr., 18, were shing in the sea some 3 kilometers
away from the shores of Tabogon, Cebu. Suddenly, another boat caught up with them. One
of them, later identi ed as the accused Emiliano Catantan, boarded the pumpboat of the
Pilapils and leveled his gun at Eugene. With his gun, Catantan struck Eugene on the left
cheekbone and ordered him and Juan Jr. to " dapa." 3 Then Catantan told Ursal to follow
him to the pumpboat of the Pilapils. There they hog-tied Eugene, forced him to lie down at
the bottom of the boat, covered him with a tarpaulin up to his neck, stepped on him and
ordered Juan Jr. to ferry them to Daan Tabogon. They left behind the other pumpboat
which the accused had earlier used together with its passengers one of whom was visibly
Noting that they were already far out into the sea, Eugene reminded Catantan that they
were now off-course but Catantan told Eugene to keep quiet or he would be killed. Later,
the engine conked out and Juan Jr. was directed to row the boat. Eugene asked to be set
free so he could help but was not allowed; he was threatened with bodily harm instead.
Meanwhile Juan Jr. managed to x the engine, but as they went farther out into the open
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sea the engine stalled again. This time Eugene was allowed to assist his brother. Eugene's
hands were set free but his legs were tied to the outrigger. At the point of a tres cantos 4
held by Ursal, Eugene helped row the boat.
As they passed the shoreline of Nipa, they saw another boat. Catantan asked whose boat
that was and the Pilapils told him that it was operated by a certain Juanito and that its
engine was new. Upon learning this, Catantan ordered the Pilapil brothers to approach the
boat cautioning them however not to move or say anything.
On the pretext that they were buying sh Catantan boarded the "new" pumpboat. Once
aboard he ordered the operator Juanito to take them to Mungaz, another town of Cebu.
When Juanito tried to beg-off by saying that he would still pull up his net and harvest his
catch, Catantan drew his revolver and said, "You choose between the two, or I will kill you."
5 Juanito, obviously terri ed, immediately obeyed and Ursal hopped in from the other
pumpboat and joined Catantan.
But, as Ursal was transferring to the "new" pumpboat, its outrigger caught the front part of
the pumpboat of the Pilapils so he kicked hard its prow; it broke. The jolt threw Eugene
into the sea and he landed on the water headlong. Juan Jr. then untied his brother's legs
and the two swam together clinging to their boat. Fortunately, another pumpboat passed
by and towed them safely ashore.
Section 2, par. (d), of PD No. 532, de nes piracy as " any attack upon or seizure of any
vessel, or the taking away of the whole or part thereof or its cargo, equipment, or the
personal belongings of the complement or passengers, irrespective of the value thereof,
by means of violence against or intimidation of persons or force upon things, committed
by any person, including a passenger or member of the complement of said vessel, in
Philippine waters, shall be considered as piracy. The offenders shall be considered as
pirates and punished as hereinafter provided." And a vessel is construed in Sec. 2, par. (b),
of the same decree as "any vessel or watercraft used for transport of passengers and
cargo from one place to another through Philippine waters. It shall include all kinds and
types of vessels or boats used in fishing (emphasis supplied).
On the other hand, grave coercion as de ned in Art. 286 of the Revised Penal Code is
committed by "any person who, without authority of law, shall, by means of violence,
prevent another from doing something not prohibited by law, or compel him to do
something against his will, whether it be right or wrong."
Accused-appellant argues that in order that piracy may be committed it is essential that
there be an attack on or seizure of a vessel. He claims that he and his companion did not
attack or seize the shing boat of the Pilapil brothers by using force or intimidation but
merely boarded the boat, and it was only when they were already on board that they used
force to compel the Pilapils to take them to some other place. Appellant also insists that
he and Ursal had no intention of permanently taking possession or depriving complainants
of their boat. As a matter of fact, when they saw another pumpboat they ordered the
brothers right away to approach that boat so they could leave the Pilapils behind in their
boat. Accordingly, appellant claims, he simply committed grave coercion and not piracy.
We do not agree. Under the de nition of piracy in PD No. 532 as well as grave coercion as
penalized in Art. 286 of the Revised Penal Code, this case falls squarely within the purview
of piracy. While it may be true that Eugene and Juan Jr. were compelled to go elsewhere
other than their place of destination, such compulsion was obviously part of the act of
seizing their boat. The testimony of Eugene, one of the victims, shows that the appellant
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actually seized the vessel through force and intimidation. The direct testimony of Eugene
is significant and enlightening —

Q: Now, while you and your younger brother were shing at the seawaters of
Tabogon at that time, was there anything unusual that happened?
A: Yes.

Q: Will you please tell the Court what that was?

A: While we were shing at Tabogon another pumpboat arrived and the
passengers of that pumpboat boarded our pumpboat.
Q: Now, that pumpboat which you said approached you, how many were riding in
that pumpboat?
A: Four.
Q: When you said the passengers of that pumpboat boarded your pumpboat, how
did they do that?
A: They approached somewhat suddenly and came aboard the pumpboat
(emphasis supplied).
Q: How many suddenly came aboard your pumpboat?

A: Only one.
Q: What did that person do when he came aboard your pumpboat?
A: When he boarded our pumpboat he aimed his revolver at us (emphasis
Q: By the way, when he aimed his revolver to you, did he say anything to you?

xxx xxx xxx

A: He said, "dapa," which means lie down (emphasis supplied).

Q: To whom did he aim that revolver?
A: He aimed the revolver on me.


Q: What else did he do?

A: Then he ordered his companion to come aboard the pumpboat.

Q: What did he do with his revolver?

A: He struck my face with the revolver, hitting the lower portion of my left eye.
Q: Now, after you were struck with the revolver, what did these persons do?
A: We were ordered to take them to a certain place.

Q: To what place did he order you to go?

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A: To Daan Tabogon. 6

To sustain the defense and convert this case of piracy into one of grave coercion would be
to ignore the fact that a shing vessel cruising in Philippine waters was seized by the
accused by means of violence against or intimidation of persons. As Eugene Pilapil
testi ed, the accused suddenly approached them and boarded their pumpboat and
Catantan aimed his revolver at them as he ordered complaining witness Eugene Pilapil to
"dapa" or lie down with face downwards, and then struck his face with a revolver, hitting the
lower portion of his left eye, after which, Catantan told his victims at gun point to take
them to Daan Tabogon.
The incident happened at 3:00 o'clock in the morning. The sudden appearance of another
pumpboat with four passengers, all strangers to them, easily intimidated the Pilapil
brothers that they were impelled to submit in complete surrender to the marauders. The
moment Catantan jumped into the other pumpboat he had full control of his victims. The
sight of a drawn revolver in his hand drove them to submission. Hence, the issuance of PD
No. 532 designed to avert situations like the case at bar and discourage and prevent
piracy in Philippine waters. Thus, we cite the succeeding "whereas" clauses of the decree —
Whereas, reports from law-enforcement agencies reveal that lawless elements are
still committing acts of depredations upon the persons and properties of innocent
and defenseless inhabitants who travel from one place to another, thereby
disturbing the peace, order and tranquillity of the nation and stunting the
economic and social progress of the people;

Whereas, such acts of depredations constitute either piracy or highway

robbery/brigandage which are among the highest forms of lawlessness
condemned by the penal statutes of all countries; and,
Whereas, it is imperative that said lawless elements be discouraged from
perpetrating such acts of depredations by imposing heavy penalty on the
offenders, with the end in view of eliminating all obstacles to the economic,
social, educational and community progress of the people.
The Pilapil brothers are mere sherfolk whose only means of livelihood is shing in sea
waters. They brave the natural elements and contend with the unknown forces of the sea
to bring home a bountiful harvest. It is on these small shermen that the townspeople
depend for the daily bread. To impede their livelihood would be to deprive them of their
very subsistence, and the likes of the accused within the purview of PD No. 532 are the
obstacle to the "economic, social, educational and community progress of the people."
Had it not been for the chance passing of another pumpboat, the fate of the Pilapil
brothers, left alone helpless in a oundering, meandering outrigger with a broken prow and
a conked-out engine in open sea, could not be ascertained.
While appellant insists that he and Ursal had no intention of depriving the Pilapils
permanently of their boat, proof of which they left behind the brothers with their boat, the
truth is, Catantan and Ursal abandoned the Pilapils only because their pumpboat broke
down and it was necessary to transfer to another pumpboat that would take them back to
their lair. Unfortunately for the pirates their "new" pumpboat ran out of gas so they were
apprehended by the police soon after the Pilapils reported the matter to the local
The fact that the revolver used by the appellant to seize the boat was not produced in
evidence cannot exculpate him from the crime. The fact remains, and we state it again, that
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Catantan and his co-accused Ursal seized through force and intimidation the pumpboat of
the Pilapils while the latter were fishing in Philippine waters.
WHEREFORE, nding no reversible error in the decision appealed from, the conviction of
accused-appellant EMILIANO CATANTAN y TAYONG for the crime of piracy penalized
under PD No. 532 and sentencing him accordingly to reclusion perpetua, is AFFIRMED.
Costs against accused-appellant. cdasia

Vitug, Kapunan and Hermosisima, Jr., JJ ., concur.


1. Rollo, p. 1.
2. Decision penned by Judge Renato C. Dacudao, RTC-Br.14, Cebu, 26 May 1994.
3. To lie down.
4. A 3-bladed knife.

5. Rollo, p. 14
6. TSN, 13 January 1994, pp. 5-6.

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