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Owens Corning | Milestones

REVISED: 03.31.17

First prepared by Don Eberts and Katie Steele, 1888 – The first attempt at commercial
with thanks to the following people for information production of mineral wool occurs in
provided: Dale Kleist, Jack Thomas, Roy Smith, Cleveland, Ohio.
John Marshall Briley, Edward Hamlin Everett
(The Bottle King), G. Wallace Chissman, Curtis *****
W. (Bud) Abbott, Bob Pistole, Pat Pacella, Joe
Doherty, Frank Brisley, Ray Brinkley, Tom 1892 – March: The first continuous tank
Powers Jr., Pat Trzaskowski, Pete Liutan, Fred furnace begins operating at the EDWARD H.
Heumann, Rodger Hood, John Knerr Sr., Bill EVERETT COMPANY, supplementing its day
Dent, Ray Osburn, Doug Blenkhorn, Rod tanks and pot furnaces.
Irving, Carl Rimmel, Tom DeSloover, Pat
Crouch, Sharon Lowe, Dick Miller, Bob Holler, 1893 – An actress, Miss Georgia Cayvan,
Bob Venia, Carol Murray, Michelle Hamman, models a dress and parasol made of
Patty Rupert and many others. Last updated Hammesfahr glass cloth at the Columbian
by Bill Hamilton through March 31, 2017. Exposition in Chicago. The dress is made by
***** create additional interest in its cut glass
exhibition at the fair. The dress, impossibly
1870 – John Player patents the steam-jet method heavy and brittle, proves impractical for
of manufacturing mineral wool insulation from ordinary wear. (The dress is presently in
molten slag. Other names for this type of product storage at the TOLEDO MUSEUM OF ART.)
are “slag wool” and “rock wool.”
1873 – October 1: The NEWARK STAR GLASS COMPANY is manufacturing between 30 and
WORKS is founded by Wm. Shields, D. G. King, 40 tons of glass bottles daily, employing 500
D. E. Stevens, W. E. Atkinson, & D. C. men at the main works and 50 more at the
Winegarner. The plant covers two acres, has one sand quarry near Black Hand Gorge on the
green glass pot furnace, and its glass for bottles Licking River.
and jars is “...unsurpassed anywhere for purity
and whiteness.” The plant site is bounded by Oak 1897 – C. C. Hall begins successful
Street on the north, the B&O tracks on the west, commercial manufacture of mineral wool
and Furnace Street (an extension of what would insulation in Indiana. A stream of molten slag
later be called Stanberry Street) on the east. The is hit with a steam jet; the slag is torn into
site extends just past Log Pond Run on the south. droplets which are propelled outward by the
The furnace is in the northeast corner of the steam blast, trailing slag fibers behind them.
property. Much of the land later incorporated in The fibers are collected in a box.
the Newark plant is owned by Wm. Shields. Approximately 20%-30% of the approximate
19 pounds per cubic foot weight of the mineral
***** wool, thus formed and collected, is composed
of droplets or “shot.”
1880 – Herman Hammesfahr, an American
showman, patents a glass cloth made of coarse *****
spun fibers gathered in bundles and woven
together with silk threads. 1901 – Newark’s Bottle Factory #6 is built.
This building will become known as the “High
1880 – August 28: Edward H. Everett buys the School Building.” The origin of the name is
NEWARK STAR GLASS WORKS. uncertain. Perhaps the most plausible
explanation is that many 12-14 year old boys
1885 – December 9: The NEWARK STAR went to work in the factory as apprentices
GLASS WORKS is renamed the EDWARD H. instead of to high school; thus, the factory
EVERETT COMPANY. became their substitute for an academic or
vocational high school education.

1901 – Spring: Fire, caused by lightning, burns
much of the Newark plant to the ground. 1915 – Crude fiberglass insulation is
manufactured in Germany using the Gossler
1902 – January: Reconstruction of the Newark Process: molten streams of glass are
plant begins; Bottle Factory #7 is built. collected on a slowly revolving, horizontal
drum, then cut off the drum and fluffed by
1904 – First use of spun glass insulation in hand to make a heavy insulation of uneven
Europe. density.

1904 – October 11: The EDWARD H. EVERETT 1915 – Building #30, the “Pot House Building,”
COMPANY becomes part of the OHIO BOTTLE is completed at Newark. Clay boots and
COMPANY. channels for continuous bottle furnaces are
made in the building. (The name derives from
1905 – May 6: The NEWARK MACHINE BOTTLE the clay pots, similar to the boots and
COMPANY is established at the Newark plant to channels, which were used for hand blown
make glass bottles using Michael J. Owens’ bottle manufacture.)
invention: the automatic bottle machine.
1905 – August 25: the AMERICAN BOTTLE retains its name but becomes a subsidiary of
1906 – May: Michael J. Owens achieves the first
commercial production (6-10 bottles per minute) 1922 – A new automatic batch plant is built at
of machine-made bottles in the Southwest corner Newark. (This plant is essentially still in use.)
of Newark’s Factory #7. (This portion of Building
#7 is still standing. In addition to this achievement, 1923 – Newark’s Building #1 is built as a
this part of Building #7 would later be the bottle warehouse. The monitor roofs cover
laboratory where the steam blown wool, bonded two railroad tracks running the full length of
mat, staple fiber, continuous fiber, aerocor staple, the building. (This building today houses the
direct melt bonded mat, direct melt continuous Newark Wool Factory.)
fiber, textile mat impregnating, electrode melting,
submerged arc melting, and rotary wool 1925 – CORNING GLASS briefly experiments
processes would be developed.) with making glass wool.

1906 – Bottle Factory #8 is built, it will later 1927 – Seven companies sell 30,000 tons of
become the Newark Wool Factory Furnace Hall - mineral wool insulation per year in the United
Building #8. States.

1907 – Bottle Factory #9 is built and is the first 1927 – Russell Games Slayter, a consulting
glass factory with automatic batch handling engineer, invents a method for blowing
equipment (Newark’s present Buildings #‘s 4,5, mineral wool insulation into attics and walls of
and 6 now stand on the site.) houses.

1909 – The Licking River floods the Newark plant, CORPORATION OF AMERICA are by this
temporarily interrupting production. time developing processes to manufacture
mineral wool batts continuously. Mineral wool
1910 – The AMERICAN BOTTLE COMPANY’s is blown onto a settling conveyor, instead of
Newark plant is the largest bottle factory in the into a collecting box; the mineral wool thus
world. formed is conveyed through a fabrication
section, to be slit to width and cut to length,
1914 – Hand blown bottle manufacturing is and then conveyed to a packing station.
discontinued at Newark.

1929 – In Germany, Rosengarth and Hager
patent a process in which a stream of molten 1931 – July: Games Slayter hires John R
glass falls onto a spinning, horizontal disk “Jack” Thomas as his full-time research
supported from below. The molten glass is flung assistant.
off the disk by centrifugal force to make a crude
form of glass wool. The Hager Process resembles 1932 – February: Experimental filter
the cotton candy spinners found at county fairs, production is moved from Evansville to O-I’s
spinning a doughnut of crude glass fibers with Columbus, Ohio bottle plant. Tapping a boot
high shot content into a collection box. on a milk bottle furnace provides continuous
glass feed.
1929 – May 1: William B. Levis, head of the
ILLINOIS GLASS COMPANY, effects a friendly 1932 – February: After a six-week sales trip,
merger between his company and the OWENS Frank Myers returns with total orders for 36
including the Newark plant, become part of the 1932 – February 5: The first commercial
new enterprise: the OWENS-ILLNOIS GLASS shipment of a fiberglass product – a “Dust
COMPANY with William E. Levis as its CEO. Stop” filter – is made.

***** 1932 – Jan Irvine and Frank Myers begin to

build sales of “Dust-Stop” furnace filters by
1930 – July 18: Excess bottle-making capacity, persuading blower manufactures to promote
due to prohibition and higher throughputs per the filters to furnace manufacturers in order to
bottle machine, cause OWENS-ILLINOIS to close sell more blowers.
the Newark plant The furnaces are abandoned
hot, when the furnaces cool, they rupture, 1932 – April 17: First commercial production
dropping broken refractory and molten glass into of “Dust-Stop” fiberglass furnace filters
the furnace hall basements. The plant is left in a occurs. Production rate is approximately 1,000
dreadful state with only a skeleton crew filters per day.
disassembling equipment for shipment to other,
still operating O-I plants. 1932 – An experimental insulation wool
machine, similar to a continuous mineral wool
1930 – ARTHUR D. LITTLE consultants suggest batt production machine, is built. Coarse glass
that OWENS-ILLINOIS use its excess glass- fibers are sprayed with latex as a protective
making capacity to manufacture glass mineral coating and binder; the process is not
wool insulation. Despite recurrent pressure to end successful.
the costly research effort, William E. Levis gives
his full support then and throughout the 1930’s to 1932 – August 17: Dale Kleist, a young
the fiberglass experiments and production. assistant to Jack Thomas, is assigned the
experiment of using a metalayer gun, fed with
1931 – February: Leonard Soubier and Joe glass from a milk bottle furnace, to attempt to
Wright conduct experiments in making glass weld architectural glass block halves together
mineral wool at O-I’s Alton, Illinois bottle plant; the to form a vacuum-tight seal. Instead of
result is heavy, full of shot, and more expensive to producing a continuous stream of molten
make than mineral wool. glass, the gun only produces fine glass fibers!
Kleist is very frustrated. Jack Thomas walks
1931 – Spring: The experimental apparatus is by, watches for a few moments, grabs some
removed for transfer to O-I’s Evansville, Indiana of the fibers, and takes off like a child with a
bottle plant. truckload of new toys saying “glass fiber!”
Jack Thomas immediately recognizes that
1931 – April: Games Slayter, hired as a these fine fibers are the insulation-quality
consultant by OWENS-ILLINOIS’ Vice President, fibers that Games Slayter has been seeking.
C. B. Belknap, to develop glass block inspects Slayter, Thomas, and Kleist realize that
crude fibers hanging from the roof joists at Alton applying a jet of compressed air smoothly to a
and concludes that they might make good fine stream of molten glass avoids the
filtration media. He foresees that finer fibers could disruption of glass flow inherent in the mineral
make suitable insulation material. wool and current fiberglass forming

processes. The result is a much finer fiber with intertwine, resulting in a felted mat of great
lower shot content. resiliency but very little weight

1932 – Fall: Dale Kleist orders a stranger to get 1933 – Jack Thomas installs the first
his hands off of the experimental glass wool he is fiberglass insulation in a refrigerator; asphalt
making and thereby meets Harold Boeschenstein, is used as a binder.
the Vice President and General Manager of the
Boeschenstein is interested in the fiberglass COMPANY agrees to market fiberglass
experiments. insulating wool under its own trademark: “Red
1932 – Fall: An experiment with a gigantic version
of the metalayer gun causes an explosion and fire 1933 – Spring: Refractory orifices must be
which disrupts milk bottle production and replaced every 8 hours due to abrasion by the
threatens to burn the plant down. The result is molten glass. The idea of lining the refractory
increased pressure to either discontinue or move orifices with a precious metal insert, or
the fiberglass experiments from the Columbus “bushing,” is conceived to retard orifice wear
plant. and ensure constant glass stream diameters.
Ed Fletcher machines the first bushings,
1932 – Fall: Dale Kleist suggests to Games which are installed on the filter machine
Slayter the concept of using steam instead of forehearth. Bushings soon develop into
compressed air to attenuate glass fibers. Kleist separate assemblies attached beneath
believes that steam would be cheaper and refractory orifices.
produce a much finer fiber. Slayter tells Kleist to
show him how this should be done. Kleist, 1933 – March: Games Slayter has Jack
designs, supervises construction of and Thomas conduct experiments at PROCTOR &
successfully operates a steam blower which SCHWARTZ in Philadelphia using glass wool
makes glass wool fine enough to be used as a instead of natural fibers on textile processing
commercial insulation and cheap enough to machinery. These experiments indicate the
compete with mineral wool. The blower runs at possibility of substituting glass fibers for
200 lb/hr producing a long-fiber wool of 80-100 natural or other synthetic fibers in textile
HT diameter. (The experiment is brought to an applications.
abrupt end: the boilers are nearly drained by a
steam demand of 20,000 lb/hr and the police 1933 – July: The first sale of experimental
arrive to discover the cause of the horrendous glass fiber insulation as a substitute for
noise disturbing the Saturday morning calm.) asbestos and silk in electrical wire
Nonetheless, this is the start of commercial applications occurs.
fiberglass insulation production.
1933 – October: The first commercial
1932 – The U. S. Navy Bureau of Ships begins installation of “Red Top” insulation occurs in a
using fiberglass “White Wool” insulation for building in Wheaton, Illinois.
horizontal spaces in new warship construction.
White Wool is unsuitable for vertical spaces; 1933 – October 2: First experimental
being unbonded, it settles into a heap at the production of Staple Sliver or “Glass Cotton”
bottoms of bulkheads. takes place. Staple yarns will be
manufactured until the 1970’s for use as yarns
1932 – December: Slayter, Thomas, Kleist, Ed in insulating electrical wire and cable and for
Fletcher, Hany V. “Snuffy” Smith, Al Simison, D. other purposes.
C. “Shorty” Simpson, W. MI. Bergin, George
Lannan, J. K. Park, Ben Boyd, and others develop 1933 – December: ARTHUR D. LITTLE
the steam-blown fiberglass process used to make consultants working with O-I develop the first
insulation and filter media for the next 42 years. completely successful filter adhesive. The
Steam is used instead of compressed air due to adhesive, applied to the coarse filter fibers,
cost. The jet of steam smoothly applied to multiple causes dust to adhere to the fibers.
fine streams of molten glass attenuates the
streams into fibers. The multiple fibers naturally 1933 – December 5: Expanding fiberglass
experiments increasingly interfere with bottle

production. Plant management is concerned that 1934 – Oil emulsion is first mixed and sprayed
balls of fiberglass wool might get inside the milk on fiberglass wool and filter media fibers
bottles. Moreover, viscous milk bottle glass is immediately downstream of the bushings to
seen to be unsuitable for fiberglass manufacture. prevent fiber break-up. The building where the
The decision is made to relocate the fiberglass mixing is done becomes known as the “Oil
operations to the closed Newark, Ohio plant. Fred House” (Building #20).
Schlotter is the first plant manager, Ben Boyd is
the first wool factory superintendent and Bill 1934 – November 28: First experimental
Bergin is the first plant engineer. Work begins at Bonded Mat machine begins making battery
Newark to mine debris out the former Bottle separator mat in Building #7 Pilot plant.
Factory #8 and recondition the #2 (later “B”) and
#3 (later “C”) furnaces and to prepare the former 1935 – Games Slayter invents the concept of
Bottle Factory #7 as a laboratory and machine applying asphalt coated Kraft paper to White
shop. The Newark plant becomes part of OWENS Wool as a vapor barrier.
ILLINOIS (Onized) Industrial Materials Division.
1935 – Dale Kleist and Frank Vanucci use the
1934 – Spring: F. W. “Doc” Atkinson develops Edgerton high speed “spark” photography
and builds the first bushing transformer and process to photograph glass “vee” jets for
flexible busbar assembly. This equipment allows analysis purposes.
precise temperature control of the bushing,
thereby allowing precise regulation of glass flow 1935 – Spring: To improve fiberglass wool
and viscosity. pack formation, Slayter and Kleist design steel
chutes positioned beneath each wool machine
1934 – May 7: Filter media production begins in bushing. The chutes direct the steam and
Newark on equipment relocated from Columbus fiberglass blast downward into an enclosed,
to the Southwest end of Building #7. streamlined-steel “forming hood.” They are
initially installed on C-1 and C-2 white wool
1934 – May 15: The Research Laboratory is machines.
moved from Columbus to Newark, Games Slayter
becomes an O-I employee. 1935 – Spring: The C-Furnace bushings are
repositioned in two lines running along the
1934 – June 6: White Wool production begins at machine flow direction and at right angles to
Newark on two 30 inch wide machines each with the furnace backwall. This results in a
8 bushings fed from the #3 (later “C”) furnace at a considerable improvement and establishes
maximum furnace pull rate of 25 tons per day. the bushing layout for all future wool
The bushings are positioned in a single line machines.
across the machines, parallel to the backwall of
the furnace. 1935 – Al Simison and ARTHUR D. LITTLE
consultants experimentally combine fiberglass
1934 – October: J. L. Tucker uses a hand loom wool with a Bakelite binder, thus making the
and Staple fibers to produce the first woven glass first fiberglass-reinforced plastic material.
1935 – August 30: Jack Thomas and Dale
1934 – Granular batch is supplemented by re- Kleist make the initial patent application for
melting huge quantities of Canada Dry Ginger Ale glass wool manufacture. OWENS-ILLINOIS’
bottles and other bottles abandoned since the legal department advises not issuing the
1930 closing of the Newark plant. The bottles patent to ensure secrecy.
didn’t make the best quality fiberglass, but at least
the plant site is cleared. 1935 – September: Dr. Urban E. Bowes, O-I’s
Director of Research, proposes the use of
1934 – Resenting production interruptions by borosilicate glass formulas for fiberglass
Slayter’s research team, the plant erects an 8-foot insulation; borosilicate glasses eliminate
high fence separating Building #7, the research fiberglass wool disintegration due to moisture
building, from the rest of the plant; a pass-key is attack or “weathering.”
required to open the gate. In time, relations
improve and the fence comes down. 1935 – George Gregory, a consultant to

potential growth of the fiberglass building 1936 – May 17: Two-thirds of Building #7 at
insulation market; CORNING opens negotiations Newark burns to the ground. The probable
with OWENS-ILLINOIS. O-I management sees cause is spontaneous combustion of coatings
potential advantage in tapping CORNING on early sample filters stored in the loft of the
GLASS’s unique knowledge of glass formulations, building. Samples, models, and most early
especially borosilicate glasses. records are lost in the fire. The South end of
the building and the experimental laboratory it
1935 – October 14: William E. Levis of OWENS- contains survive the fire; the machine shop
ILLINOIS GLASS COMPANY and Amory and chemical lab equipment are salvaged and
Houghton of CORNING GLASS agree to pool temporarily relocated to other buildings.
their knowledge and share the costs of fiberglass
developments. 1936 – Experiments with bentonite-saturated
fiberglass pipe insulation begin on the second
1935 – Slayter and Thomas conceive the idea of floor of the Newark “High School” Building
mechanically-pulled, as opposed to steam-blown, (formerly Bottle Factory #6). The bentonite is
glass fibers for textile applications; this fiber type intended to improve K value but is not very
would be known as “Continuous Fiber” or “Glass successful.
1936 – Manufacture of Metal Mesh Blankets,
1935 – November: First experiments are White Wool tied to steel mesh fabric, begins
conducted in Continuous Fiber manufacture. for use in insulating boilers and turbines.
Fibers are drawn from the bushing over a flannel
pad, saturated by a steady drip feed of a starch 1936 – CORNING GLASS develops the 12
based size, and wound on a phenolic tube on a foot wide Norwood Stitcher sewing machine to
G-21 type Winder. Forming packages are “built” sew White Wool batts to paper or cloth
by a horizontal, rotating Traverse Wheel: pins backings to make insulation suitable for
projecting from the rim of the wheel engage the installation in walls.
fiber, pulling it across the face of the revolving
winding tube. When the pin disengages from the 1936 – Fall: Three experimental continuous
fiber, the fiber tension pulls the fiber in the fiber bushings and winders are operating in
opposite direction across the winding tube until the Building #7 Pilot plant.
the fiber is engaged by the next Traverse Wheel
pin. (Later, water mist sprays are placed above 1936 – December: Games Slayter and Ed
the size application pad to cool the filaments, thus Fletcher invent “Curly Wool.” This product is
giving rise to the term “Pre Pad Sprays.”) Henry made by using intermeshing spur-gear-type
Snow builds and operates the first continuous pullers to pull filaments just downstream of the
unit. bushing. The resulting product looks and feels
similar to steel wool. Intended to be a
1935 – Blowing Wool is first made using a two- commercial insulation product, production
stage cuber. This machine proves unsatisfactory proves uneconomical: the glass would have to
and is soon replaced by shredders, which are be of optical quality and the spur gear pullers
rolled to the discharge ends of the wool lines to would have to pull glass at speeds in excess
make Blowing Wool from virgin White Wool. of 40,000 feet per minute! The equipment is
used periodically over the years to make small
1935 – Newark’s Bottle Factory #9 and other quantities of Curly Wool for catalyst media,
decrepit buildings are razed. filters, missile silo insulation, and other special
purposes. It is moved to Huntingdon in 1972
1936 – January 17: FIBERGLAS, spelled with one and later moved to Ashton where it is
“S”, is first used as a trademark on O-I fiberglass abandoned in 1974.
products. The trademark is rendered in an
elegant, cursive script. 1937 – A-1 Filter Machine is temporarily
installed on the North side of Newark’s
1936 – OWENS-ILLINOIS helps CORNING Building #8; it remains in place for the next 18
GLASS establish experimental wool and other years!
equipment at CORNING’s plant in Corning New
York. 1937 – September: E-1 Machine, 30 inches
wide with a 2 ton furnace, is built to

manufacture specialty Navy Wool insulation. It 1938 – November 1: OWENS CORNING
takes an hour to make one roll of this insulation FIBERGLAS CORPORATION is announced;
(27-30 lb./B.O.H.). Harold Boeschenstein (“Beck”), formerly O-I’s
Vice President and General Sales Manager, is
1937 – On “Dustop” filters, O-I changes the named President and General Manager.
expanded metal retainers, used to hold the Games Slayter and W. Paul Zimmerman,
fiberglass media in place, to perforated metal formerly Manager of O-I’s Glass Fiber and
plates. The plates are the metal sheets used by Block Division, become Vice Presidents; A. C.
soft drink companies to punch out metal disks to Freligh, formerly of CORNING GLASS,
be made into bottle caps! becomes Secretary, and Harry K Winkle, of
O-I, becomes Comptroller. General offices are
1937 – October 20: Building #7, rebuilt in Art located in Toledo in the Second National Bank
Deco glass blocks and tile, is dedicated as the and Toledo Trust Buildings. Ownership of the
OWENS-ILLINOIS Research Laboratory; stock: 47-1/2% to O-I and 47-1/2% to
Research and Development is located in this Corning, with the remaining 5% held for
building until the construction of the Granville purchase by the OWENS CORNING
Technical Center. executives. In addition, $2,100M of preferred
stock is split 5 for O-I to 1 share for Corning to
1937 – November: Six Continuous Fiber Winders account for the value of the Newark plant
in the “High School” Building produce E glass at turned over by O-I to OWENS CORNING.
the rate of one pound per hour per machine. Equipment is transferred from Corning, New
York to Newark. 543 people are employed at
1937 – Jack Thomas patents the design of a Newark.
centrifugal spinner with a single row of holes,
supported from overhead. This design permits 1938 – Production of glass marbles, replacing
glass fibers produced by the spinner to be cullet, begins and improves the reliability of
collected on a moving conveyor belt beneath the the Continuous Forming process. Marbles are
spinner instead of in a box as with the Hager made by melting batch in desk-sized “day
Process. The patent is shelved in favor of tanks” and hand ladling molten glass into the
continuing development of the steam blown marble machines. The design of the marble
process. This is the first real rotary process making machines is adapted from machines
patent. used by the AKRO AGATE COMPANY to
make the glass spheres used by children to
1938 – Forty Continuous Winders are now play “marbles.”
operating, along with 10 Staple Winders in the
“High School” Building. 1938 – Experimental production of asphalt-
saturated fiberglass expansion joints for
1938 – Economic recession and competition from highway construction begins on the second
improved forms of mineral wool cause OWENS- floor of the “High School” Building.
ILLINOIS to operate the Newark FIBERGLAS
plant at half-capacity. Continuing losses and 1938 – Al Simison and Bill Bergin patent a
experimental costs prompt OWENS-ILLINOIS and thermosetting phenol- formaldehyde resin and
CORNING GLASS to consider spinning off the oil emulsion blend for use as a binder in
experimental fiberglass operations as a separate manufacturing fiberglass insulating wool.
company to “sink or swim” on its own. As Harold
Boeschenstein puts it, O-I and Corning decide 1938 – December31: OWENS CORNING
“ stake the boy and put him on his own.” sales for 1938 total $2,555,000; employment
is 632 people.
1938 – June 28: The patent for glass wool
manufacture (2,121,802) is granted to Jack 1939 – W. Paul Zimmerman “Zim” sponsors
Thomas and Dale Kleist. addition of a 100 foot long curing oven to the
C-1 White Wool machine to cure phenolic-
1938 – October 31: Papers incorporating the based binder applied in the forming hood to
fiberglass operation as a separate company are make rigid and semi-rigid fiberglass insulating
filed with the state of Delaware. wool; Slayter is very skeptical.

1939 – March: C-I Machine successfully produces
the first PF (Permanent Form) wool. PF wool 1940 – The Continuous and Staple twisting
gradually replaces Sewn Blanket insulation, and weaving operations are transferred from
permits improved residential and commercial the “High School” Building to the second floor
insulation, and opens new opportunities for of Building #2.
insulation of naval construction and industrial
insulation applications. Insulation is made from 1940 – The first graphite roll-type size
1/2 inch to 6 inches in thickness at line speeds applicators begin to replace size-saturated
ranging from 125 feet per minute to 6 feet per flannel pads in the Continuous Forming
minute. Process.

1939 – Molded Pipe production, using PF binder, 1940 – February: People in the Toledo Trust
begins in the “High School” Building. Uncured PF Building are moved to the National Bank
wool is placed in molds, which are inserted into Building in the first Toledo office move.
presses and there cured to the desired pipe
insulation shapes. The presses are modified 1940 - September: #1 Bonded Mat Machine
automobile tire presses. begins operation in Newark.

1939 – Dr. Fay V. Tooley becomes Director of 1940 – Experiments in using heat sintering
Glass Research, Development and Control. and heat sintering combined with bentonite
instead of the phenolic-formaldehyde binder
1939 – July 11: FIBERGLAS CANADA is to make semi-rigid batts and pipe insulation
incorporated. prove unsuccessful.

1939 – OWENS CORNING has an attention- 1941 – The Consolidated Batch Plant is
catching display at the World’s Fair in Flushing installed in Newark’s Building #17 to make
Meadows, New York. Staple and continuous batch briquettes to replace cullet in the
yarns are manufactured on-site and fiberglass continuous forming bushings. Intended to
samples and booklets are given to visitors. (The reduce batch segregation, the result is exactly
operation even runs at a profit!) the opposite. Experiments continue for some
time, but the process is never successful.
1939 – The U. S. Navy Bureau of Ships makes
OWENS CORNING insulation the standard 1941 – Experiments begin with heat cleaning
insulation for all horizontal and vertical spaces in and treating fiberglass cloth in Newark. The
all new warship construction. heat treatment gives the cloth a “better hand”,
making it more flexible. Heat cleaning proves
1939 – December 29: OWENS CORNING and to be a key element in making fiberglass
the DUPLATE SAFETY GLASS COMPANY fibers suitable for use as reinforcements in
establish FIBERGLAS CANADA. Each founding plastic laminates.
company holds a 50% share of FIBERGLAS
CANADA. Later, PPG will buy out the DUPLATE 1941 – June 2: The Ashton, Rhode Island
SAFETY GLASS interest. plant begins operations. Ashton is a 73-year-
old former textile factory purchased by
1939 – December 31: OWENS CORNING net OWENS CORNING and equipped to
loss is $11,555 on sales of $3,800,000; OWENS manufacture Continuous and Staple fibers.
CORNING employs 1,080 people. Ashton thus becomes the second OWENS
CORNING manufacturing plant.
1941 – September: Fiberglas Canada begins
1940 – The World’s Fair exhibit continues. A new textile production at the DUPLATE SAFETY
feature is a conventional 10 HP motor contrasted GLASS plant in Oshawa, Ontario.
to a fiberglass-insulated 10 HP motor built on a 5
HP frame. This graphic demonstration of the 1941– OWENS CORNING employs 2,955
efficiency of fiberglass insulation and its potential people.
for reducing motor size and weight greatly
impresses General Electric, Westinghouse, and 1942 – Throughout World War II, OWENS
electrical engineers from many other companies. CORNING runs at capacity. The principle

product is Navy Board, a PF board insulation
covered with woven Continuous Fiber cloth for 1942 – September 23: Newark’s #1
use in insulating warships. Navy Board is applied Continuous Marble Furnace begins
to bulkheads and ceilings; the exposed woven production; marble day tanks are gradually
glass cloth surface is painted. Thus, lightweight, replaced by continuous marble furnaces.
non-flammable insulation and finished wall
surface are combined in one product. OWENS 1942 – December 30: Newark’s Building #12,
CORNING manufactures the PF boards and the “Old Power House” is converted into “New
Continuous yarn; the yarn is woven into cloth Continuous Forming” with the installation of 80
primarily by contract weavers; then, the woven Continuous Winders for Navy Board cloth
cloth is shipped to Newark where it is applied to facing yarn production. The 40 winders in the
the boards on a machine in the new “Navy Board” “High School Building” are now known as “Old
Building #5. More than 22,000,000 square feet of Continuous Forming.”
Navy Board are made in 1942 alone.
1943 – OWENS CORNING establishes
1942 – Harold “Beck” Boeschenstein becomes offices in the Willis Day building, occupying
involved with the Federal Government’s War half of the second floor.
Production Board, ultimately becoming that
organization’s Operations Vice Chairman. This 1943 – May: The combined employee total for
vital work forces Beck to be absent from OWENS Newark and Ashton is 5,150 people.
CORNING during much of World War II. W. Paul
Zimmerman assumes overall management 1943 – October 1: OWENS CORNING begins
responsibility during Beck’s absence. to operate the Federal Government’s
Reconstruction Finance Corporation-owned
1942 – Process Engineering is located in Building plant, formerly the SUSQUEHANNA SILK
#2 at Newark while a new engineering group, MILLS, in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania as a
headed by Henry “Hank” Hogendobler, is textile plant to provide additional Continuous
established in Toledo to design plant buildings Fiber for Navy Board manufacture.
and additions required by the war effort.
1943 – October: The Spiral Wire Traverse,
1942 – White Wool insulation, special Navy Wool replacing the cumbersome Traverse Wheel
insulation, Bonded Mat, battery separators, sewn design, is developed and first used on
blankets, metal mesh blankets, and Staple Continuous Winders in Huntingdon. Drawing
electrical wire insulation are among the products an analogy from his reel-type lawn mower one
which comprise the remainder of OWENS weekend inspires George Beach, the inventor.
CORNING’s production.
1943 – Navy Board production is in excess of
1942 – OWENS CORNING works jointly with the 40,000,000 square feet.
U. S. ARMY AIR FORCE to develop low-
pressure, plastic laminates for use in structural 1943 – OWENS CORNING’s highest wartime
aircraft parts. These laminates are made by hand employment is 6,390 people.
lay-up methods from fiberglass cloth impregnated
with resin. It takes up to 6 hours to cure laminates 1943 – December 31: More than 900 people
1/8 inch thick. are employed at the Huntingdon plant.

1942 – Screw-type batch chargers begin to 1944 – January: Newark’s wartime

replace gravity feed and hand shoveling of batch employment peaks at 3,675 people.
into furnaces. Attempts to feed scrap wool into the
furnace as cullet cease; the practice causes 1944 – Spring: The first prototype boat hull
furnace upsets. made from fiberglass reinforced plastic is
completed. It consists of glass cloth cured
1942 – June: Full scale production of AE (Asphalt over a flimsy canoe-type hull. (It collapses
Enclosed) and AE-F (Asphalt Enclosed-Floor) during a two-mile trial on the Licking River
board begins in Newark. PF boards are coated on during the spring flood!)
all sides with asphalt and used for cold storage
room insulation on land and in the holds of 1944 – Navy Board production is in excess of
refrigerated ships. 60,000,000 square feet.

Building #5 at Newark. The result is fibers
1944 – Invention of improved polyester resins and composed of pure silica dioxide. The process
the Low-Pressure Bag Molding Process is sold to the R L THOMPSON COMPANY for
decreases cure time for fiberglass plastic $25,000. Years later, pure silica dioxide fibers
laminates. will become critically important to the
aerospace industry.
1944 – Superfine fiber is developed in Newark;
flame-attenuated fibers are used for life jacket 1946 – The first FRP fishing rods, serving
flotation media and for aircraft insulation; trays, and pleasure boats are marketed.
Superfine is gradually renamed Aerocor, after its
use in aircraft. 1946 – Dr. Fay Tooley resigns from OWENS
CORNING to teach at the University of Illinois
1944 – December 31: Highest wartime sales are but remains a consultant to OWENS
$58,499,000. CORNING for the rest of his life.

1945 – Having outgrown its space in the National 1946 – OWENS CORNING purchases the
Bank Building, the Toledo engineering group Huntingdon plant from the Federal
moves to the Gardner Building. Government.

1945 – #1, #2, #3, & #4 Superfine Machines are 1946 – May: Newark’s “High School” Building
in production in Building #5 at Newark; each is demolished and replaced by the present
machine produces at the rate of 50 lbs./hour. Building #41.
(Later, when Aerocor machines are built in
Kansas City and Santa Clara, the Newark [plant 1946 – November 1: The Kansas City, Kansas
01] machines will be renumbered: #1 becomes plant begins operations after OWENS
#11; #2 becomes #12, and so on.) CORNING acquires a war-surplus plant, built
1945 – An experimental machine in Newark is conversion to an insulation plant.
used to make the first Continuous Strand Mat
(Swirl Mat, T-35 Mat) and the first Chopped 1946 – December 31: OWENS CORNING
Strand Mat (T-36 Mat) products for use in FRP sales are approximately $32,200,000.
1947 – The first fiberglass underground pipe
1945 – August: Newark ceases to be a textile wrap is produced.
plant as both “Old” and “New” Continuous
Forming Departments are shut down shortly after 1947 – OWENS CORNING invents the Pre-
the Japanese surrender. The equipment is Forming Process for making FRP parts. The
transferred to Ashton and Huntingdon. Textile first commercial product made using pre-
Engineering people move from Newark to Ashton. forming is the Eames one-piece FRP chair.
Their drawings are identified by the “AG” (Ashton
General) code. 1947 – OWENS CORNING develops the first
pre-mix materials for FRP production.
1945 – OWENS CORNING works with William
Stout to develop the Stout-Scarab automobile: the 1947 – September 10: The Federal
first automobile with an FRP body. The Stout- Government initiates an antitrust lawsuit
Scarab does not go into production. against OWENS CORNING, alleging an
unlawful monopoly of the fiberglass industry.
1946 – Ashton begins commercial production of
“Coronized” fiberglass fabric. Coronizing is the 1948 – OWENS CORNING is reorganized
continuous heat treating and dyeing process, into three operating divisions: Wool Products,
which makes it possible to offer fiberglass fabrics Textile Products, and Pacific Coast.
as a suitable material for draperies and other
decorative purposes. 1948 – The Textile Products Division offices
are established in New York City under Jack
1946 – Experiments with refining fiberglass fibers Thomas with a Textile Products Division
rinsed in hot and cold water after having been engineering group headed by Chief Engineer
leached in hot sulfuric acid are conducted in

Vic Boeker. Meanwhile, the Textile R&D 1950 – GUSTIN-BACON, taking advantage of
Laboratory is established in Ashton. the Antitrust Settlement, acquires OWENS
CORNING technology and begins
1948 – OWENS CORNING develops Chopped manufacture of Ultralite, a product similar to
Strand for FRP applications. OWENS CORNING’s later Aeroflex product.
(In 1968, GUSTIN-BACON is bought by
1948 – OWENS CORNING develops the Matched CERTAINTEED; in 1970, SAINT GOBAIN
Metal Die Molding Process for FRP. buys CERTAIN-TEED.)

1948 – December 1: FIBERGLAS CANADA 1950 – LIBBEY-OWENS-FORD acquires

opens the Sarnia, Ontario wool plant OWENS CORNING technology through the
Antitrust Settlement and begins manufacture
1948 – In France, SAINT GOBAIN has developed of wool and textile products in North Carolina
the Crown Process for making glass wool from and at Waterville, Ohio. In 1956, L-O-F
the Hager Process. In the Crown Process, a acquires GLASS FIBERS, an independent
molten glass stream falls onto a horizontal company with a plant in Defiance, Ohio. In
rotating disk; supported from below. The disk is December 1958, JOHNS-MANVILLE buys the
fitted with a rim perforated with several layers of entire L-O-F fiberglass operation.
multiple holes. Molten glass is pushed through the
holes by centrifugal force; the holes help establish 1950 – December 31: OWENS CORNING
fiber diameter. The resulting fibers are collected in sales are $78,765,000.
a box.
1949 – May: The first acoustical tile machine acquires OWENS CORNING technology
begins operation in Newark. through the Antitrust Settlement and begins
manufacture of textile and Aerocor type
1949 – At Newark, Charley Stalego patents products. (Later, its Shelbyville, Indiana
Process 50: A centrifugal spinner with a single Aerocor plant is sold to CERTAINTEED; then,
row of holes and supported from overhead is under Federal Trade Commission pressure,
heated by a combustion burner. A molten glass resold by CERTAINTEED to KNAUF.)
stream falls onto the spinner; molten glass is
pushed through the holes by centrifugal force. 1951 – Supply and Contracting operations
The resulting fibers are collected on a moving begin in the Eastern Division.
conveyor belt. The process remains in the
experimental stage. 1951 – OWENS CORNING introduces
SONOFACE Acoustical Tile.
1949 – July 5: OWENS CORNING opens the
Santa Clara, Calif. plant, the first U.S. plant 1951 – July 10: OWENS CORNING opens the
designed from ground up as an insulation plant. Anderson, South Carolina plant, the first plant
designed as a fiberglass textile &
***** reinforcements plant. Factory A at Anderson
is the first plant with direct melt Continuous
1949 – June 23: The Antitrust Lawsuit is settled Process furnaces: 28-10 bushing furnaces
with these provisions: No plant divestitures; pre- each feeding 10 Continuous Winders.
1938 patents offered to all free of royalties; post-
1938 patents offered at reasonable fees; OWENS 1951 – July 16: The Missouri River overflows
CORNING cannot control FIBERGLAS CANADA; its banks and floods the Kansas City plant to a
all existing agreements with foreign firms are depth of 12 feet; production is quickly
terminated; future foreign agreements must be resumed.
non-restrictive; OWENS-ILLINOIS and CORNING
GLASS may continue to hold OWENS CORNING 1951 – September 17: Newark’s Building #27
stock; but the parent companies are prohibited is completed as the Engineering Center,
from voting their stock except as permitted by a housing the Corporate Engineering function
Federal court. headed by Harry V. Smith, Manager,
Engineering Division.

1951 – October: FIBERGLAS CANADA’s Guelph, K factor’; that is, low conductivity factor
Ontario, textile plant begins production. meaning high insulating or ‘R’ factor.)

1951 – September 17: #22 Battery Separator 1954 – Newark’s F-1 PF Wool Machine is
Machine begins production of Bonded Mat battery converted to the PF Laminar Process.
separators in the new Building #28 at Newark. Conversion of additional machines in Newark
and Kansas City follows. The process
1951 – Games Slayter discloses Process 50 to combines the steam blown PF design with a
SAINT GOBAIN; SAINT GOBAIN develops the complex system of fiber collecting drums and
TEL and SUPER-TEL fiberizers by combining cyclones and air-recirculated powdered
their Crown Process with OWENS CORNING’s phenolic binder applied by contact rolls to the
Process 50. fiber veil. A pair of lobed rollers running the
length of the forming hood laps the binder-
1951 – December 31: OWENS CORNING net coated veil. The size of the fiber collecting
income is $6,000,000 on sales of $97,400,000; cyclones and binder recirculating baghouses
OWENS CORNING employs 8,559 people. results in the construction of the “Laminar
Towers” at the two plants. The powdered
1952 – Spring: The first fiberglass roving is made phenolic binder presents a constant fire and
by OWENS CORNING for use in FRP fabrication. explosion hazard.

1952 – OWENS CORNING stock is publicly 1954 – May: Dale Kleist discovers SAINT
offered on the NYSE: 1/3 public ownership; 1/3 by GOBAIN’s progress in fiberizer design;
OWENS-ILLINOIS, and 1/3 by CORNING negotiations between OWENS CORNING and
GLASS. Over the succeeding years, both SAINT GOBAIN regarding licensing fiberizer
gradually sell their shares; these shares come to
be largely owned by institutional investors. 1954 – June 8: Bob Russell files his patent for
bushing fin shields; bushings so equipped are
1952 – Neoprene coated Aerocor is made for the used for the first time in Anderson.
first time on the former #12 Aerocor machine.
1954 – August: Aerocor and bonded mat
1953 – The A and B Unitile acoustical tile lines operations are relocated from FIBERGLAS
are installed in Newark’s Building #5. CANADA’s Oshawa plant to the Sarnia plant.
With this relocation complete, the Oshawa
1953 – GENERAL MOTORS and KAISER- fiberglass operations are discontinued.
WILLYS COMPANY each announce the first
production automobiles with bodies made entirely 1954 – November 17: #11 Machine in
of FRP by the hand spray-up method into Newark, used as an experimental machine, is
matched metal die molding: the Chevrolet equipped with RF (Rotary Fiber) fiberizers,
Corvette (10,000 units) and the Kaiser-Darrin based on SAINT GOBAIN’s SUPER-TEL
(1,000 units). OWENS CORNING manufactures design, thus becoming the first OWENS
the reinforcement fibers. CORNING machine to make centrifugally
spun fiberglass wool.
1953 – Chopped Strand Mat commercial
production begins in Huntingdon. 1955 – OWENS CORNING PERMA-PLY
roofing material is introduced for Built Up Roof
1953 – Fiberglass window screen cloth is first (BUR) insulation covering.
commercially made.
1955 – The former H. C. Penney farm, near
1953 – Beamed yarns are introduced. Granville, Ohio, is purchased as a future site
for a research and testing facility. The Newark
1953 – April 1: OWENS CORNING agrees to Pioneering Laboratory, under Games Slayter,
become the distributor of OWENS-ILLINOIS high- moves into the former dairy barns on the site.
temperature asbestos-reinforced calcium silicate Beginning then (and for many years
insulation. The O-I brand name of “K-Lo” is afterward), the Technical Center is managed
changed to “Kaylo.” (The tradename signifies ‘low by Howard “Ike” Myers. Ike acquires adjacent
land as it becomes available. He also

manages a herd of cattle on the site. The cattle “All Fiber” is used to signify the near total
are regularly sold for meat. In the meantime, they absence of shot in wool made by this
keep the grass mowed. improved fiberizer design. The Sales
Department requests some method of
1955 – The first ram-type Blowing Wool Bagger is distinguishing the new AF insulation from the
installed in Newark. Offware wool is shredded; the standard PF product. In response to this
nodules drop on to a belt conveyor that feeds a request, red dye is added to the AF Wool
bucket elevator, which, in turn, feed the nodules binder, thus dyeing the AF Wool PINK.
into the bagger. Bags are sewn shut.
1957 – AF development work is concentrated
1955 – March 31: “General Engineering,” formerly on #70 Machine in Kansas City.
part of “Research, Development, and
Engineering” is formed, reporting directly to 1957 – ASAHI textile plant at Shonan, Japan,
Harold Boeschenstein. Harry V. Smith is named begins production.
Chief Engineer; he and his staff move to Toledo.
Most of the General Engineering people remain in 1957 – April 1: #70 Machine in Kansas City
Newark under Deputy Chief Engineer Jerry becomes the first production machine making
Holschlag. The mission of General Engineering is the pink AF Wool. At this time, AF Wool is
to be “...primarily responsible for the application of suitable only for light-density insulation
sound engineering principles throughout the products. All light density wool machines, with
company.” THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF the exception of Newark’s B-1 Machine, are
CORPORATE ENGINEERING AS AN rapidly converted from PF Wool to AF Wool

1955 – November 15: Battery Separator 1957 – November 26: The “Comfort
production ceases. Conditioned Home” program, developed by
Tyler Rogers, is launched to promote
1955 – December 31: OWENS CORNING net residential insulation sales. Ty Rogers, known
income is $10,945,000 on sales of $161,294,000. as “the conscience of the company,” is the
leading authority on the use and performance
1956 – January: The Battery Separator machines of Fiberglas materials.
are dismantled and the new A-2 Filter Machine is
installed in Newark’s Building #28. 1957 – Harold Boeschenstein is selected by
Forbes magazine as one of its “Fifty Foremost
1956 – September 22: #70 Machine in Kansas Business Leaders”. The citation reads:
City, the first production machine designed for RE “Typifying the businessman of dynamic and
Wool production, begins operation. mobile imagination, he built a great company
out of a good idea, creative salesmanship,
1956 – November 1: In Japan, ASAHI FIBER and courage. By mastering a field where no
GLASS COMPANY, LTD. is formed with 40% markets or even engineering techniques
OWENS CORNING ownership. existed, he has helped to prove once again
that one of our nation’s greatest resources lies
1956 – November 17: OWENS CORNING opens in its continuing ability to produce business
the Barrington, New Jersey insulation plant. The leaders of boldness and pioneering spirit”.
Wool Machine and the GUSTIN-BACON designed
P-20 pipe insulation machine are in place. 1958 – Wool and textile production begin at
the VITRO FIBRAS, S.A., plant in Mexico City.
1956 – December 28: In Mexico, VITRO-FIBRAS,
S.A. is chartered with 40% OWENS CORNING 1958 – A breakthrough is achieved with the
ownership. The Mexico City plant opens in 1958. first automatic textile forming winder,
designed by Roy Smith.
1956 – W. Paul “Zim” Zimmerman, Executive Vice
President, retires. 1958 – February 15: Newark’s new furnace
hall, Building #8 is completed. The new
1956 – December 28: #11 Experimental Machine building is built over and around the existing
in Newark makes the first AF (All Fiber) fiberglass 1906- vintage Building #8; the old building is
wool, using the first AF fiberizer design. The term then dismantled inside the new building. Wool

plant production is maintained throughout the other heavy density wool machines, with the
construction and demolition work. exception of Newark’s B-2 Machine, are
rapidly converted from PF Wool to AF Wool
1958 – April 1: General Engineering is relocated production. The Laminar Process is now
from Newark’s Building #27: General Engineering obsolete; the “Laminar Towers” in Newark and
(Wool) moves to the Davis Building in Toledo; Kansas City are abandoned.
Richard S. “Dick” Grant is named Chief Engineer,
replacing Harry Smith. Glass Technology and 1959 – December 31: OWENS CORNING net
Newark plant offices occupy building #27. income is $16,171,000 on sales of
1958 – In Newark, C-1, the first PF Wool
Machine, and C-2 White Wool Machine are torn *****
out and replaced by C4 AF Wool Machine.
1960 – H. I. “Dutch” Glaser develops Beta
1958 – May: OWENS CORNING purchases bushings to make Beta fiberglass fabric
OWENS-ILLINOIS’ Berlin, New Jersey Kaylo suitable for aerospace applications.
insulation plant. The plant manufactures
asbestos-reinforced calcium silicate insulation for 1960 – February: FIBERGLAS CANADA
use in high temperature applications (above starts its Edmonton, Alberta wool plant.
1960 – July: OWENS CORNING completes A
1958 – August 7: AUSTRALIAN FIBRE GLASS & B wings and supporting facilities at its new
PTY. LTD. is established with 40% OWENS textile plant in Aiken, South Carolina.
CORNING ownership.
1960 – August: Harry Jones replaces Bill
1959 – The commercial roll roofing machine at Steitz as the head of Eastern Divisional
the plant in Santa Clara, Calif., is equipped to Engineering.
produce Fiberglas-reinforced shingles being
developed by Owens Corning. The machine 1960 – August: The marble melt facility begins
ceased operations in December 1986, nearly 10 production at Dandenong, Australia.
years after the company acquired a nationwide
network of shingle plants. 1960 – October: The Granville Technical
Center is completed. Research and
1959 – June: The AF wool plant in Sydney, New development operations are transferred to
South Wales, Australia, begins production. Granville from Newark’s Building #7 and from
Ashton. Granville houses more than 250
1959 – Wool production begins at ASAHI’s employees.
Ibaraki, Japan, plant.
1960 – FIBERGLAS CANADA builds its
1959 – Apron size applicators are used for the Edmonton, Alberta plant.
first time.
1959 – January 21: In Newark, the Licking River is established.
floods, breaking the Manning Street Dike and
flooding the plant to a depth of 7 feet; full 1960 – FIBREGLASS SOUTH AFRICA PTY.
production is resumed by February 5th. Flood LTD. formed with 24½% OWENS CORNING
damage to the laboratory operations combined ownership.
with the inadequate Newark laboratory facilities
accelerates construction of a new research and 1961 – February: Wool production begins at
testing facility on the Granville site. the Auckland, New Zealand, plant.

1959 – Kansas City experiments with “Flip Flap” 1961 – The first Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic
bucket-type lappers. (FRP) manufacturing facility begins operation
at Huntingdon.
1959 – Winter: Barrington’s U-1 Machine
becomes the first machine to make heavy density
AF Wool products. Following this success, all

1961 – The P30 textile process is “boot legged” 1962 – December 31: OWENS CORNING net
from the development of large Beta bushings. income is $14,400,000 on sales of
$253,300,000; OWENS CORNING employs
1961 – OWENS CORNING develops the Filament 10,672 people.
Winding Process for the manufacture of ballistic
missile nose cones, rocket engine cases, thrust 1963 – January 1: Gen. Lauris Norstad,
chambers, and nozzles. retired NATO Supreme Allied Commander
1961 – The first FRP one-piece shower stalls are as a Director and President of OWENS
manufactured. CORNING International.

1961 – September 29: The Granville Technical 1963 – A pilot plant for the purpose of
Center is dedicated to Games Slayter. The manufacturing fiberglass underground
dedication plaque reads: “Dedicated to Games gasoline storage tanks by the Filament
Slayter who envisioned glass-one of man’s oldest Winding Process is built at the Granville
and most available materials-in fibrous form for Technical Center.
significant new uses. His imagination, inventive
resourcefulness, faith, and capacity to stimulate 1963 – Dandenong, Australia marble melt
others have, over the past thirty years, led to the textile operation begins production.
development of mass production processes and
to scores of Fiberglas products that have become 1963 – Beta Yarn is first made; it is used,
a part of everyday living throughout the world.” among other purposes, in NASA spacesuits.

1962 – Air Conveying and flat belt separators 1963 – February 28: FIBRAS Y LANA DE
begin to replace belt conveyors and bucket VJDRIO FIBRA-GLASS S.A. is formed with
elevators on Blowing Wool Baggers. Air 55% OWENS CORNING ownership in
Conveying is designed to eliminate trash and Colombia.
rubbish from being mixed in with the wool
nodules; it accomplishes this purpose and 1963 – March: The Sydney, Australia, plant is
improves production rates besides. closed as wool production begins at
1962 – “Big John” collets are developed.
1963 – April 1: AE and AE-F Board production
1962 – SCANDANAVIAN GLASFIBER is formed ceases; equipment is dismantled.
in Sweden with 40% OWENS CORNING
ownership. The Falkenburg plant opens in 1963. 1963 – Aiken C Wing is completed.

1962 – April: The General Products Engineering 1963 – October: The Waxahachie, Texas
Laboratory is established in Newark under Roger insulation plant begins operation with V-1
Roth while the Textile Process Engineering machine.
Laboratory is established in Anderson under Roy
Smith. The Eastern Divisional Engineering 1963 – November 1: OWENS CORNING’s
department is dissolved; its mechanical, electrical, 25th Anniversary is observed with a full day of
and facilities engineers transfer to Toledo while its work
textile process engineers relocate to the Process
Engineering Laboratory in Anderson. 1963 – November: Aeroflex duct liner
manufacture begins at Newark on #1 Aeroflex
1962 – November 7: William E. Levis, retired Machine.
Chairman and CEO of OWENS-ILLINOIS dies of
a heart attack at the age of 71. Harold 1963 – OWENS CORNING employment totals
Boeschenstein says: “We, at OWENS CORNING, 11,500 people.
owe to Bill Levis the opportunity we have today to
make Fiberglas the most significant and enduring 1963 – December 19: Harold Boeschenstein
of all his fine accomplishments.” becomes Chairman; Gen. Lauris Norstad
becomes President of OWENS CORNING.

1963 – December 31: Games Slayter retires and 1966 – Process 100: “Flip Flap” lappers and
is replaced as Vice President of Research by moving hood sides begin to be installed on AF
John H. “Jack” Thomas; Slayter continues to work Wool Machines. This concept is developed
for OWENS CORNING as a consultant. from OWENS CORNING’s Finnish licensee.

1963 – Textile production begins at Springs, 1966 – OWENS CORNING builds and opens
South Africa, plant. Factory D at Anderson in 6 months time; this
is the first 100 bushing direct-melt Continuous
1964 – Structures made of OWENS CORNING Process furnace, a Laird Froberg/Roy Smith
reinforced plastics dominate the 200 pavilions of patent.
the New York Worlds Fair.
1964 – Glass Technology moves to Newark’s introduces an OWENS CORNING reinforced
Building #7; Building #27 becomes the Machine automobile tire following a joint development
Parts Manufacturing Shop (MPMS). effort with OWENS CORNING.

1964 – February 28: Bogotá, Colombia wool line 1966 – March 7: OWENS CORNING opens
begins production. its first European textile plant at Battice,
1964 – May 7: Production begins at the Newark
Adhesive (Polyol) Factory. 1966 – Winter: The Colombian fiberglass
operation is reorganized as OWENS
production at its fiberglass insulation plant in with 85% OWENS CORNING ownership.
Candiac (Montreal), Quebec.
1967 – The “Box Board” Filter is introduced.
1964 – October: The first application of computer This filter design has an all-cardboard frame
control of glass melting furnaces (or any other and media retainer, thus making obsolete the
manufacturing process) using an IBM 1710 use of bottle cap blanks as retainers. The new
computer, is successful at Newark. design lends itself to more-automated
production. Box Board filters are made in
1964 – October 15: Games Slayter, the “Father of Newark and Barrington.
Fiberglas,” dies at the age of 68 of a heart attack
at the Columbus, Ohio airport 1967 – Rotary Wool Separators begin to
replace flat belt separators on Blowing Wool
1965 – March 15: OWENS CORNING Baggers.
1967 – “Penclones,” OWENS CORNING’s
1965 – D wing at Aiken is completed. wool plant dust collector design, begin to
replace outmoded cyclone collectors. Dick
1965 – OWENS CORNING net sales exceed Yawberg coins the term from the terms
$335,000,000. “PENthouse” and “cyCLONE” since the new
design combines features of both of the older
1965 – Harry Winkle retires. designs.

1966 – The General Products and Textile Process 1967 – June: Waxahachie’s V-1 machine
Engineering Laboratories are dissolved; their becomes the first wool line to be equipped
people are split between Toledo and Granville. with Process 100, moving hoodsides, and
“BB” fiberizers. (The “BB” designation stood
1966 – Aiken E Wing is completed. for “Big Boy” or “Big Bastard,” depending on
the individual and his mood.)
1966 – Production of fiberglass underground
1967 – October: Harold Boeschenstein retires
gasoline storage tanks begins at Huntingdon.
as Chairman but remains a Director, Gen.
Lauris Norstad becomes Chairman and CEO;
1966 – Continuous Strand Mat production begins John H. “Jack” Thomas becomes President;
in Huntingdon.

William W. “Bill” Boeschenstein becomes reinforced to take the weight of the Printroom
Executive Vice President files.

1968 – November: OWENS CORNING is 1969 – September: First textile production at

reorganized into groups defined by market and Bogotá, Colombia.
product families: Construction Group, Textile &
Industrial Group, Special Products Group, and the 1969 – DIFISTAC, the first in-line chopped
International Group. strand process, is installed in Anderson’s
Factory A.
1968 – OWENS CORNING replaces its logo, a
rectangle with rounded corners and serifed letters, 1969 – September: OWENS CORNING
with a new logo consisting of a sharp-edged opens its Anderson Corporate Engineering
rectangle with Helvetica lettering identifying Office in the “Big House,” the former J. D.
“Owens/Coming Fiberglas.” Hammett/Nichols home, leased from
1968 – The 300 millionth fiberglass filter is
produced at Newark. 1969 – December 31: OWENS CORNING net
income is $24,716,000 on sales of
1968 – By this time, all AF Wool machines are $487,399,000.
equipped with Process 100 forming sections.
1969 – The PR-1 type fiberizer, which eliminated
the “slinger cup”, is invented and rapidly replaces 1970 – January 5: OWENS CORNING
the BB type fiberizers on most AF Wool FIBERGLAS FIBRAS DE VIDRO, LTDA. is
machines. (“PR” is an acronym for “Proprietary organized in Brazil.
1970 – April: Valparaiso, Indiana fiberglass
1969 – Production of underground storage tanks
tank plant begins production.
begins at Valparaiso, Indiana.
1970 – May: Production begins at the
1969 – April/May: A glass-melting furnace at the
Christchurch, New Zealand, plant
plant in Santa Clara, Calif., is converted to a cold-
top electric-melt furnace that relies solely on
1970 – The Bloomington, Illinois urethane
electricity for melting, instead of combustion. The
foam plant is purchased from UNARCO
first in the fiberglass insulation industry, the cold
crust on top of the melting batch prevents
pollution at its source by trapping and incinerating
1970 – December 16: Dr. Walter Hibbard,
volatile components that would otherwise become
formerly Vice President, Research and
particulate emissions requiring treatment.
Development, is named Vice President,
Technical Services.
1969 – May: The Jackson, Tennessee
reinforcement plant is opened; tire cord is a major
1971 – April 15: Harold Boeschenstein retires
1969 – July 21: OWENS CORNING personnel
1971 – RM-1 Roofing Mat Machine begins
begin moving into the new Fiberglas Tower, to fill
operation in Kansas City. It produces a high-
20 of the 28 floors. The Fiberglas Tower is the
strength continuous strand mat for use in
first high rise building to use the open office
roofing materials. (Two more RM machines
concept OWENS CORNING accepts a 25-year
will be built, one each in Kansas City and
lease on the building.
1969 – September: Corporate Engineering moves
1971 – Conroe, Texas fiberglass tank and
from the National Bank Building to the newly
pipe plant opens.
completed Fiberglas Tower. Corporate
Engineering occupies the 9th, 10th, and half of
the 11th floors. The 9th floor is specially

1971 – P-333 Fiberizers begin to replace the
original Aerocor fiber forming process except for 1972 – December 31: OWENS CORNING net
#92 Machine in Santa Clara. income is $35,800,000 on sales of
$615,300,000; OWENS CORNING employs
1971 – May 11: Production begins in Karhula, 17,000 people.
Finland, plant.
1973 – January: Direct melt bonded mat
1971 – July 1: Fairburn, Ga. wool plant begins production is discontinued at FIBERGLAS
production. CANADA’s Sarnia wool plant.

1971 – August 19: Gen. Norstad remains 1973 – May: The first S.A.L. (Simultaneous
Chairman; John H Thomas becomes Vice Adjustable Lapping) system is installed on
Chairman; William W. Boeschenstein becomes Waxahachie’s new V-2 AF Wool Machine.
President and CEO.
1973 – Valparaiso, Indiana resin plant is
1971 – September: Rio Claro, Brazil plant opens. completed.

1971 – The first experimental SAL lappers are 1973 – The last research and development
installed on C-4 line in Newark. This system will operations at Ashton are moved to Granville.
eventually replace many of the “flip-flap” type
bucket lapping systems on wool lines. 1973 – Spring: L’Ardoise, France textile plant
begins production.
1971 – December 31: OWENS CORNING sales
1973 – Huntsville plant is severely damaged
surpass $500,000,000 for the first time.
by a tornado; production is quickly resumed.
1971 – Wool production begins as ASAHI’s
1974 – March 17: Newark’s B-1 Machine, the
Ibaraki, Japan, plant.
last steam blown wool machine in production,
is shut down and dismantled, thus ending
1972 – Experimental development of production of steam blown fiberglass
Simultaneous Adjustable Lapping (S.A.L.) begins insulation wool. The AF Wool process now
on C-4 line at Newark. makes all wool production.
1972 – January: Huntsville, Alabama bathing 1974 – October 1: Dr. Robert Doban replaces
fixtures and plumbing components plant is Dr. Walter Hibbard as Vice President,
opened. Technical Services.
1972 – Bakersfield, California tank assembly 1974 – OWENS CORNING opens a special
facility opens. temporary plant in Tukwila, Washington to
produce the insulation for the Trans-Alaska
1972 – Aiken B Wing is converted to Pipeline project.
reinforcements production.
1975 – The Pontiac Silverdome, with its 10
1972 – October 23: Harold “Beck” Boeschenstein acre Fiberglas fabric roof, opens.
dies at the age of 76. The Toledo Blade
editorializes: “...his zest for life, his genuine 1975 – Dale Kleist retires and begins work as
interest in people and their problems, and his a consultant for OWENS CORNING.
zeal...combined to make him an extraordinary,
memorable individual.” 1975 – OWENS CORNING expands to
occupy the entire Willis Day building.
1972 – November: A new type of fiberglass
reinforcement replaces asbestos in Kaylo 1975 – The Delmar, New York insulation plant
insulation products. is completed but not opened due to lack of
1972 – December 31: Gen. Norstad and John R
Thomas retire; William W. Boeschenstein remains
President and CEO.

1975 – February: Vermiculite Insulation (VI) 1978 - OWENS CORNING is awarded the
production begins at FIBERGLAS CANADA’s new $180,000,000 contract to provide the 105 acre
Toronto VI plant. OWENS CORNING fabric roof system for the
HAJ TERMINAL in Saudi Arabia.
1975 – November: OWENS CORNING sells its
interest in the Karhula, Finland, plant, the 1978 – OWENS CORNING’s affiliate in
company operating the plant is renamed Dammam, Saudi Arabia begins producing
AHLSTROM GLASSFIBRE INDUSTRY. large diameter fiberglass reinforced plastic
1976 – -January 1: A small wool line begins
production at the Calamba plant near Manila, the 1978 – OWENS CORNING purchases wood
Philippines licensee plant. fiberboard plants in St Helens, Oregon and
Meridian, Mississippi.
1976 – June: The Delmar plant begins production.
1978 – The first wet process mat line, for
1976 – Fiberglas roofing fabric coating and making roofing shingle mat, is installed at
fabrication facilities are installed in Ashton and Aiken.
Hazleton, Pennsylvania, respectively, in
anticipation of the Haj Terminal project 1978 – Fiberglass mat-based shingles are
being manufactured at six of the former FRY
1976 – November 14: FIBERGLAS CANADA roofing plants. OWENS CORNING will quickly
begins production at its Moncton, New Brunswick turn the shingle industry around so that
insulation plant fiberglass mat-based shingles dominate the
1976 – December 31: OWENS CORNING sales
exceed $1,000,000,000 for the first time.
1978 – May 31: A joint venture between
1977 – March: Colombian operation changes from
subsidiary to affiliate status and is renamed manufacture insulation in Europe is
FIBERGLAS COLOMBIA, S.A. announced. Construction begins at Vise’,
1977 – October: The first OWENS CORNING
Mark VII electric melt furnace is completed on 1978 – September 14: FIBERGLAS CANADA
Newark’s F-S Wool Machine. begins production at its new wool plant at
Toronto, Ontario.
1977 – OWENS CORNING purchases the
LLOYD FRY ROOFING COMPANY and its 1978 – December: Aerocor production ceases
subsidiary, the TRUMBULL ASPHALT at FIBERGLAS CANADA’s Sarnia plant
begins the work of upgrading all the plants and 1979 – The Amarillo, Texas reinforcements
converting the roofing plants to the manufacture plant begins production. Amarillo is the largest
of Fiberglas mat-based shingle production. OWENS CORNING reinforcements plant. The
Amarillo furnaces are equipped with special
1977 – Factory E at Anderson begins operation. equipment to pelletize the batch with the
This new direct-melt facility replaces the now intention of improving furnace emissions and
obsolete Factory A, which, except for the increasing furnace output
DIFISTAC operation, is shut down.
1979 – Huntsville’s new Sheet Molding
1977 – November 18: An era ends as A-2 Filter Compound (SMC) line begins production.
Machine ceases production. For cost reasons,
filter media is changed from fiberglass to 1979 – A new specialty high strength
polyester fiber. Production of polyester fiber filters reinforcements plant opens in Columbia,
begins at a new facility in Obetz, Ohio. Thus ends South Carolina. The plant is designed and
the history of the first fiberglass product to gain managed by OWENS CORNING under a
commercial acceptance. Federal Government contract as PIEDMONT

1979 – W. Paul “Zim” Zimmerman dies at the age 1982 – July: Production begins at the
plant at Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
1979 – OWENS CORNING acquires the stock of
the AMERICAN BORATE COMPANY. 1982 – October: P-80 molding media
production begins in Newark.
1979 – OWENS CORNING sales surpass the
$2,000,000,000 mark. 1982 – Newark’s Molded Pipe operation is
completely revamped by relocating the
1979 – October 12: The Vise’, Belgium wool plant operation to Building #28, dedication of A-S
begins operation. Furnace (formerly A-2 Filter Furnace) to pipe
media production, installation of the new
***** ASAHI Machine, and transfer of the truck
ovens, for large diameter pipe insulation, from
1980 – May: Production begins at the new wool Barrington. The old Newark molded pipe
plant in Dandenong, Australia. equipment and the P-20 Process in Barrington
are obsolete and torn out.
1980 – August 15: For the first time, OWENS
CORNING uses UNITED ARTISTS’ cartoon 1982 – OWENS CORNING acquires the
character the “Pink Panther” to help promote DERBIGUM AMERICA CORPORATION.
sales of pink Fiberglas insulation. Roger Butler of
the OGILVY & MATHER advertising agency in 1982 – OWENS CORNING introduces SSL II
New York City suggests the idea. pipe insulation with its unique self-sealing
closure system.
1980 – Corporate Engineering begins its CAD
(Computer Aided Design) operation. 1983 – After 42 years of operation, the
Ashton, Rhode Island, textile plant is closed
1980 – FIBERGLAS CANADA’s Mission, British and sold.
Columbia wool plant is completed.
1983 – Production of ThermaCube blowing
1980 – Bakersfield tank manufacturing plant wool begins in Newark.
1983 – IMOD is implementing its “Total
1981 – New asphalt plant at Memphis, Tennessee Quality Management” philosophy.
begins production.
1983 – March: The LaGrange, Georgia foam
1981 – NORSK GLASFIBER A/S at Birkeland, sheathing plant begins production.
Norway becomes an OWENS CORNING
subsidiary. 1983 – July: The Camp Hill, Pennsylvania
foam sheathing plant starts up.
1981 – The mat production plant at Apeldoorn,
The Netherlands becomes an OWENS CORNING 1984 – February: FIBERGLAS CANADA
subsidiary. closes its Moncton plant due to lack of
business. Plant equipment is either distributed
1981 – Cratec, an improved in-line chopped among the other Fiberglas Canada plants or
strand process, is expanded in Anderson’s sold.
Factory D.
1984 – East Moline, Illinois becomes the third
1981 – OWENS CORNING introduces its NuKon foam sheathing plant.
engineered insulation system for nuclear power
plants. 1984 – OWENS CORNING begins marketing
double-wall underground storage tanks.
1981 – Production from the second wet process
mat line for roofing shingles begins at Aiken. 1984 – Auburndale, Florida tank plant begins

1984 – The Fort Smith, Arkansas plant begins
production. This plant houses the third wet 1986 – August 12: WICKES COMPANIES,
process mat line for roofing shingles. Wet process INC. presents an unsolicited offer to purchase
mat largely supersedes the roofing mat made on OWENS CORNING at $74 per share;
the RM machines; all RM machines except OWENS CORNING’s Board of Directors
Kansas City’s RM-2 machine are shut down and rejects the offer.
torn out.
1986 – November 5: OWENS CORNING’s
1984 – Newark’s #2 Bonded Mat Machine, the stockholders formally approve a restructuring
last such machine in service, ceases production. plan which focuses on OWENS CORNING’s
core businesses of INSOD, IMOD, and
1984 – OWENS CORNING buys out BAYER and International. The restructuring is designed to
becomes sole owner of the Vise’, Belgium plant. give shareholders value superior to the
WICKES offer. This approval defeats the
1984 – OWENS CORNING buys 60% of WICKES raid and thereby preserves OWENS

1984 – December: FIBERGLAS CANADA 1986 – November: Implementation of the

purchases the Victomix plant at Victoriaville, restructuring plan begins: personnel cuts are
Quebec. The plant manufactures modified made in Toledo and at all plants and other
bitumen roofing products. OWENS CORNING facilities; the new
Aerospace and Strategic Materials Segment
1984 – Harry Winkle dies at the age of 82. companies are sold; the Jackson plant is
closed; the Huntsville plant and the FRP
1985 – The 100,000th Fiberglas underground bathing/plumbing fixtures business are sold;
storage tank is completed. Camp Hill, LaGrange, and East Moline plants
and the foam sheathing business are sold; the
1985 – K-S Machine in Kansas City is completed Meridian and St Helens plants and the wood
using the former DM-1 fabrication equipment fiberboard business are sold; P-80 and the
acoustical board equipment and business are
1985 – March: The PIEDMONT PRODUCTS plant sold; the decision is made to stop producing
in Columbia, S.C. is mothballed when the Federal Aerocor insulation; and the Supply Division is
Government cancels its contract with OWENS consolidated. Monies raised from the
CORNING. cutbacks and sales are applied to reduce the
$2,500,000,000 debt incurred due to
1985 – OWENS CORNING forms its new restructuring.
Aerospace and Strategic Materials Segment by
purchasing HITCO, LADDISH COMPANY, and 1987 – May 12: The color Pink is registered
from ARMCO, INC. The purchase is made to insulation. OWENS CORNING thus becomes
increase profitability in existing OWENS the first company to trademark a color.
CORNING businesses and to promote
accelerated growth through the development of 1987 – March: The transfer of MPMS from
high-performance materials. Newark to its new facility in Ridgeview Plant in
Duncan, South Carolina is completed.
1986 – June: OWENS CORNING announces its
corporate goal as “Profitable Growth.” Principles 1987 – March: The Newark Regional Office is
in support of this goal are: “Concentrate on made a permanent part of Corporate
profitability; Focus our growth; Serve our Engineering.
customers’ needs; Emphasize technology;
Demand competitive excellence; Create a 1987 – July 1: Newark’s #15 Aerocor
challenging environment; Act with integrity.” machine, the last Aerocor machine in service,
ceases production.
1986 – August 1: The Columbia plant resumes
production as PALMEITO PRODUCTS, INC. 1987 – July: Restructuring debt is refinanced
(PPI), an OWENS CORNING subsidiary, making at lower interest rates.
special high strength reinforcements.

1987 – December 31: Restructuring debt is
reduced to $1,600,000,000 due to better than 1989 – April: FIBERGLAS CANADA’s Mission,
anticipated performance, faster than anticipated British Columbia plant is shut down.
sales of assets, and higher than anticipated prices
for asset sales. 1989 – August 8: The decision to mothball the
Morehead City Derbigum line is announced.
1988 – The Barrington plant is closed; Delmar’s
DM-1 machine is restarted using the former 1989 – August 11: Faced with the impending
Barrington U4 fabrication equipment sale of PPG’s interest in FIBERGLAS
1988 – The now obsolete Amarillo batch PPG’s 50% ownership for $193 million.
pelletizing equipment is dismantled. OWENS CORNING thus becomes the sole
1988 – OREMET, the last component of the
Aerospace and Strategic Materials Group, is sold. 1989 – December 31: OWENS CORNING
has sales of $3,000,000,000; the debt is
1988 – OC BIRDAIR, the manufacturer of Beta reduced to $1,482,000,000; OWENS
fabrics, is sold. CORNING employs 18,300 people.

1988 – Experimental manufacture of Fibron *****

lineals begins at the former fabric coating and
fabrication plant in Hazleton, Pennsylvania. The 1990 – May 1: Dr. Sharell L. Mikesell
FRP lineals with a pink fiberglass insulation core becomes Vice President, Technology,
are a new concept in window, door, and skylight replacing Dr. Mike Griffith.
1990 – August 7: The first Fiberglas Windows
1988 – September 12: General Lauris Norstad are installed in a home in Washington, D.C.
dies at the age of 81.
1990 – September: SHANGHAI YAO HAU
1988 – October 17: Bill Boeschenstein announces GLASS WORKS plant begins production of
the Mission Statement of the “New OWENS marble melt process.
CORNING” as “Winning through Quality
Performance.” “Our mission is to expand our 1990 – October 1: Bill Boeschenstein retires;
global leadership by building quality performance Max Weber becomes Chairman of the Board
and the highest standards of excellence into every and CEO.
facet of our operation.”
1990 – November 8: FIBERGLAS CANADA’s
1988 – October 21: Max O. Weber becomes Central Engineering Department, headed by
President, William W. Boeschenstein remains Chief Engineer Doug Blenkhorn, now reports
Chairman and CEO. to Walt Reed, Vice President, Corporate
1988 – October 31: OWENS CORNING people
celebrate the 50th anniversary of their company’s 1991 – January: FIBERGLAS CANADA
founding with a salute to their glorious past and closes the Victoriaville roofing plant.
dedication to build an even more brilliant future.
1991 – January 16: OWENS CORNING sells
1988 – November 1: The next 50 years begins. its “TUFF-N-DRI” basement waterproofing
1989 – January 1: Dr. Robert Doban retires; Dr. Wichita, Kansas.
Michael Griffith replaces him.
1991 – January 22: FIBERGLAS CANADA
1989 – March 22: The Columbia PALMETTO announces the closing of the Sarnia, Ontario
PRODUCTS plant ceases production due to wool plant.
cancellation of a specialty fibers contract. Its
equipment is dismantled and either transferred or

1991 – February 13: A new window assembly 1991 – December 31: Max O. Weber,
plant is announced. The plant is located in Chairman and CEO, announces his retirement
Martinsville, Virginia. to concentrate on his fight against cancer.

1991 – April 25: FIBERGLAS CANADA’s Textile 1992 – January 1: FIBERGLAS CANADA’S
Reinforcement and Resins organization (TR&C) is Central Engineering Department ceases to
incorporated in the OWENS CORNING industrial exist as a separate entity; its people and
Materials Group (IMG). functions become part of Corporate
Engineering’s Construction Products
1991 – May: Roofing product production is Engineering and Industrial Materials
discontinued at Morehead City; asphalt production Engineering departments.
1992 – January 23: Glen H. Hiner, 57,
1991 – July: The Fort Lauderdale, Morehead City, formerly Vice President, GE Plastics Division,
and Martinez asphalt plants are offered for sale. becomes OWENS CORNING’s new
Chairman and Chief Executive officer. He
1991 – August: The Construction Products Group identifies his top three priorities as “customer
(CPG) forms its New Products Division to develop satisfaction, individual dignity, and
and expand window products and other new shareholder value.” He also announces plans
business opportunities. to maintain current levels of R&D funding, but
to reallocate more of that funding to long-
1991 – August: The sale of the DERBIGUM range research.
roofing assets, including the Kansas City
Derbigum plant, is announced. 1992 – February 6: Glen Hiner announces
that OWENS CORNING will reserve $800
1991 – September 17: John H. “Jack” Thomas million to cover all potential asbestos claims.
dies just two days short of his 84th birthday. Dale In consequence, OWENS CORNING stock
Kleist says: “He was a wonderful man. Everyone soars nearly 30 percent in one day, closing at
who worked with him respected him. He knew 36-5/8! In succeeding weeks, the stock price
what he was talking about, and you better know stabilizes in the high $30s per share.
what you were talking about when you were
talking with him.” Former Treasurer Carl 1992 – February 9: Dr. Fay Tooley dies at the
Scarborough sums it up:” He was very creative.” age of 83.

1991 – September 23: The Industrial Materials 1992 – March 22: Continued operation of the
Group (IMG) announces the establishment of Morehead City Trumbull Asphalt plant through
plant Technical Service Organizations (TSOs) to 1993 is announced.
be located at the Aiken, Amarillo, Anderson, and
Huntingdon plants. The TSOs will perform the 1992 – April 9: OWENS CORNING
functions of product, process, industrial, and announces its plans to renew its lease and
project engineering. The TSOs report to the renovate its offices in the Fiberglas Tower.
Science and Technology organization through Renovation of the Willis Day Building is also
Granville. announced.

1991 – September: The Toufen, Taiwan, 1992 – May 17: OWENS CORNING’s
insulation plant begins production. Derbigum business is sold to WATERPROOF
ROOFING SYSTEM, a subsidiary of DERBIT
1991 – October 18: OWENS CORNING BELGIUM S.A.
announces increased reserves to cover costs of
asbestos litigation. The stock market reacts: the 1992 – July: Glen Hiner chairs OWENS
stock drops 38% of its market value. Reflection by CORNING’s first Global Leadership
analysts and reassurance from OWENS conference. The meeting of worldwide
CORNING management cause the stock to management personnel and customers
stabilize in the low $20’s per share. focuses on understanding and promoting the
themes of Customer Satisfaction, Individual
Dignity, and Shareholder Value.

1992 – July 20: Ms. Paula H. J. Cholmondeley 1993 – February 5: OWENS CORNING
became the first female member of Owens- announces the planned reopening of the
Coming senior management. She was appointed Jackson, Tennessee plant as a wet chop
Vice President, Business and Strategy facility scheduled for April, 1994.
Development, reporting to Chairman and CEO
Glen Hiner. 1993 – March: 92 Employees stay at the
Huntingdon plant two or three straight days
1992 – July 31: Sheree L. Bargabos becomes the through two feet of snow driven by 50 mph
first female Plant Manager. She is appointed Plant winds. Only three orders missed their
Manager of the Oklahoma City, Oklahoma facility. promised dates thanks to their dedicated
(She subsequently became Plant Manager at work.
Toronto before the Oklahoma City plant was
transferred to Schuller International.). 1993 – April 19: OWENS CORNING commits
to “Corporate Stewardship,” which ensures
1992 – August 19: OWENS CORNING that proper use of its products will cause no
announced that the OC-Tanks subsidiary will be adverse effects on human health and the
dissolved and the tank business will once again environment, and to operate its manufacturing
become a division of OWENS CORNING. plants in a manner that protects the
environment and the health of its employees
1992 – August 28: OWENS CORNING completes and neighbors.
the sale of the Ft Lauderdale Trumbull Asphalt
plant to KOCH MATERIALS COMPANY. 1993 – April 24: Max O. Weber dies at the
age of 63. Larry Solari remembers that Max
1992 – September 9: OWENS CORNING publicly would say, “You guys are getting too
introduces its new logo, a square with an arc theoretical. Why don’t you go and talk to a few
symbolizing global commitment and the words customers and find out what the real world is
“Owens Coming.” Chairman and CEO Glen Hiner like?”
stated that the new logo will “…signify the
beginning of a new era – a new era of growth, 1993 – April 28: Production begins at the
pride, and fulfillment.” Lucky OWENS CORNING reinforcement plant
in Kimchon, South Korea.
1992 – October: AURA, a new insulation concept,
consisting of a panel of thermally crafted glass 1993 – May 5: OWENS CORNING
fibers in a stainless steel container, is introduced announces the sale of the Guararema, Brazil
to the market. Its initial application is in rock wool and calcium silicate insulation plant
refrigerators, where it allows volume increases of to a new Brazilian company, ROCKFIBRAS.
25 per cent and elimination of chlorofluorocarbon
refrigerants. 1993 – May 5: OWENS CORNING’s
European operations are revitalized by
1992 – December 23: Dr. Sharell L. Mikesell, Vice centralizing customer and administrative
President, Science and Technology, renames the services, investing to increase capacity by 25
Granville Technical Center. The new name, percent, focusing the manufacturing facilities,
Science and Technology Center, is chosen to and closing the Falkenberg, Sweden plant
emphasize what the organization is accountable
for and to emphasize its ever-increasing role in 1993 – June 2: OWENS CORNING
the achievement of the corporate goals. announces the acquisition of VERA A/S, a
manufacturer of fiberglass-reinforced plastic
1992 – December 31: OWENS CORNING pipe, in Sandefjord, Norway.
announces a joint venture to produce fiberglass-
reinforced plastic pipe in Botswana. 1993 – June 15: PINKPLUS, a new
polyethylene-enclosed insulation product for
1993 – January 25: OWENS CORNING the retail market is introduced at a New York
announces a joint venture with ETERNIT-AG to City news conference. The product is initially
make fiberglass-reinforced pipe in Mochau, made at Delmar and Newark.
1993 – July 1: OWENS CORNING announces
the start of manufacture of Knytex specialty

reinforcement fabrics in a joint venture with
Hexcel Corporation. The manufacturing plant is 1994 – January 3: OWENS CORNING’s
located in Seguin, Texas. corporate structure is reorganized into ten
business units and five staff functions, all
1993 – July 9: The Asia/Pacific Group is reporting to Chairman and CEO Glen Hiner.
established in Hong Kong to take total Four of the ten business units are located
responsibility for OWENS CORNING’s effort outside the United States, underlining the
throughout the region. commitment to global growth. The
reorganization is intended to promote speed,
1993 – July 27: Kansas City stops production agility and rapid decision making.
while threatened by the flooded Missouri River.
The levee holds and the plant resumes production 1994 – January 3: Owens-Coming announces
six days later. the selection of the Middlegrounds in
downtown Toledo as the location of the new
1993 – August 24: STOUGHTON COMPOSITES, World Headquarters.
INC. and OWENS CORNING form a new
partnership to manufacture 48 foot refrigerated 1994 – January 6: Dr. Sharell L. Mikesell
and non-refrigerated shipping containers, based announces reorganization of Science and
on OWENS CORNING’s roving, continuous Technology to better-align the function with
strand mat, and VIBRIN polyester resin. the new corporate structure. Dr. Mikesell
assumes direct responsibility for all Science
1993 – August 24: AURA insulation, originally and Technology operations in Europe. Dr.
tested at R50 per inch, now achieves thermal Grant Carruth replaces Walt Reed as Vice
ratings as high as R94 per inch. President, Engineering.

1993 – September 16: OWENS CORNING swaps 1994 – January: Fiberglas-epoxy blankets
its Oklahoma City commercial roofing plant to made by the Owens-Coming-Hexell joint
SHULLER (Manville), in exchange for SHULLER’s venture, prove their worth by preventing
Savannah, Georgia, residential roofing plant and collapse on serious damage to a bridge and a
a shingle production line currently in SHULLER’s hotel, both within 20 miles of the epicenter of
Waukegan, Illinois plant. OWENS CORNING the Los Angeles earthquake.
continues to make R-625 mat made on RM-2 in
Kansas City but the product is now sold to 1994 – March 2: Owens-Coming announces
SHULLER. OWENS CORNING thus exits the plans to relocate Engineering offices in Toledo
commercial roofing business and gains valuable to the Science and Technology Center in
assets for its residential roofing business. Granville.

1993 – September 20: Huntingdon, OWENS 1994 – March 8: OWENS CORNING, the city
CORNING’s second-oldest operating plant, of Toledo, the Lucas County Port Authority
celebrates its 50th anniversary. and the state of Ohio announce an agreement
in principle to build the new World
1993 – October 4: Glen Hiner announces that Headquarters on the Middlegrounds site.
OWENS CORNING will leave the Fiberglas Tower
by 1996 and build a new World Headquarters at 1994 – March 14: The Jackson plant re-start
either the Middlegrounds in Toledo, or at a 90- commences with the furnace light off – one
acre site in Monclova Township, west of Toledo. day ahead of schedule.
OWENS CORNING and the building owner were
unable to reach agreement on performing 1994 – April 28: Owens-Coming accepts its
federally mandated renovation to the 25-year old first order for Eternit synthetic slate roofing
building. shingles one week after assuming exclusive
sales representation in the Western United
1993 – November 2: Engineering presents its first States.
Vendor Safety Award to Foundry & Steel of
Anderson, South Carolina. 1994 – May 1: The Business Conduct
Helpline, a 24 hour, 7-day per week resource
1993 – November 4: The Gaborone, Botswana for answers on ethical and lawful behavior,
pipe plant is dedicated. begins operating.

1994 – May 11: OWENS CORNING acquires UC 1994 – July 27: WeatherLock, a new
Industries, the world’s second-largest producer of fiberglass mat-reinforced asphalt composition
extruded polystyrene foam. The pink FOAMULAR product with a self-adhesive backing is
product is used for sheathing and other introduced by the residential roofing business.
construction purposes. UC is headquartered in Installed between roof decks and shingles,
Parsippany, New Jersey with manufacturing tiles, or other roofing, WeatherLock helps
plants in Tallmadge, Ohio and Rockford, Illinois, prevent weather damage caused by ice dams
and a distribution center in Tacoma, Washington. and wind-driven rain.

1994 – May 11: The Charleston, West Virginia 1994 – August 18: OWENS CORNING
Shared Services office is officially dedicated. announces its goal to create a “megabrand”
capable of unifying OWENS CORNING’s
1994 – May 26: The new Asia/Pacific diverse businesses under a single umbrella
headquarters is opened in Hong Kong with an image around the world. New advertising,
announcement of plans to invest $150 million in ingredient branding, Freestyle Skiing
10 new production facilities in the People’s sponsorship, and expanded use of the
Republic of China over the next two years. corporate mark all form part of the campaign,
along with a new tagline: “OWENS
1994 – June 1: Glen Hiner and local dignitaries CORNING: We make the Difference”.
sign a formal commitment to build the new World
Headquarters on the Middleground site. 1994 – August 31: The relocation of all
Engineering people, formerly based in Toledo,
1994 – June 2: Owens-Coming purchases the to the Science & Technology Center,
fiberglass insulation business of PILKINGTON Granville, is completed.
PLC in the United Kingdom. The acquisition adds
glass fiber insulation manufacturing plants at 1994 – September 9: A partnership
Ravenhead, St. Helens and Pontyfelin, South agreement among OWENS CORNING
Wales; a rock wool plant at Queensferry, North Engineering; AVCA Corporation of Toledo,
Wales; the KITSONS INSULATION PRODUCTS Ohio, and Jacobs-Sirrine Engineers of
LTD. distribution company; and 50 percent of the Greenville, South Carolina is signed. The
United Kingdom’s building insulation market. partnership will allow OWENS CORNING
Engineers to concentrate on growth projects
1994 – June 3: A new ventures pilot plant at Mt. and providing technical leadership with AVCA
Vernon, Ohio is announced. and Jacobs-Sirrine engineers addressing day-
to-day project responsibilities.
1994 – June 28: OWENS CORNING Eternit
opens its joint venture pipe plant in Mochau, 1994 – September 22: OWENS CORNING
Germany. announces the development of a revolutionary
new glass fiber trademarked Miraflex. Miraflex
1994 – July 7: OWENS CORNING Corsabe, and fiber is made with two different types of glass
Catalana d’Iniciatives announce their joint venture and curls naturally after it is formed. Insulation
GRP pipe company OWENS CORNING TUBS S. can be made without phenol-formaldehyde
A. and its plant to be located in Camarles, near binder. Because Miraflex fiber curls naturally,
Barcelona, Spain. the product can be compressed more than
traditional glass fiber insulation and is
1994 – July 12: OWENS-CORNING therefore easier to transport, store and
CHANGCHUN GUAN DAO COMPANY LTD., an handle. Sheathed in pink polyethylene and
OWENS CORNING joint venture, breaks ground produced at the Mt. Vernon plant, it is
for a pipe plant in Changchun, Jilin Province, the marketed as “PINKPLUS WITH MIRAFLEX”.
Peoples Republic of China.
1994 – December 23: Owens Corning sold its
1994 – July 21: The first non-residential use of fiberglass underground storage tank division
Fibron windows is the replacement of old to Fluid Containment, Inc.
casement windows in the renovation of the
Engineering Sciences Building (#70) at the 1995 – January: OWENS CORNING
Science & Technology Center, Granville. introduces the Prominence line of shingles,

using a patented system for applying granules subsidiary of Partek North America, Inc. The
that allows the shingles to compete with laminates sale price was not disclosed. Partek North
at much lower investment. America, owned by Partek Corporation of
Finland, produces and markets rock wool-
1995 – OWENS CORNING and Mahindra and based insulation for industrial, commercial and
Mahindra establish a joint venture in India to build horticultural purposes. "This acquisition
a manufacturing facility for reinforcements in reflects our commitment to the market for
Taloja, India. mechanical insulation products," said Alan D.
Booth, president, Insulation-North America for
1995 – OWENS CORNING opened two plants in OWENS CORNING. "Rock wool products will
China, one in Guangzhou for insulation and complement our current glass fiber insulation
another in Changchun for large-diameter, glass products and give us a more complete
fiber-reinforced pipe. offering for mechanical and commercial
applications." OWENS CORNING's
1995 – Acquired Western Fiberglass Group, impending acquisition involves the Phenix
Soltech, Inc., Fiber-Lite, Falcon Manufacturing City, Ala. operation, as well as Partek's North
and Delsan Industries, Inc. American pipe insulation business.

1995 – Launched Advantage 2000, an enterprise- 1996 – May 23: OWENS CORNING
wide information systems reengineering effort announced the acquisition of British-owned
designed to give the company world class Linpac Insulation, a major name in the
operating capabilities through the pairing of insulation market in the UK and with
simple, common and global processes with state- developing business in Continental Europe.
of-the-art information technology. Advantage The new company will be known as OWENS
2000 will replace more than 200 outdated and CORNING PolyFoam. The terms were not
incompatible computer systems with fewer than a disclosed. OWENS CORNING is one of the
dozen integrated systems. world's leading manufacturers of insulation
products for the building industry, and its
1995 – 1Q: In China, the company announced portfolio in Europe already includes a variety
plans to form a joint venture in Nanjing to of glass and rock wool insulation products.
manufacture Pink Foamular® extruded The acquisition adds Linpac's extruded
polystyrene (XPS) foam insulation products. polystyrene (XPS) "PolyFoam" products
offering high compressive strength and low
1995 – 1Q: In Colombia, OWENS CORNING water absorption, with a range of high
established a joint venture to manufacture and performance specialty applications.
market large-diameter glass reinforced plastic
(GRP) pipe for municipal water and wastewater 1996 – June: Paid first dividend since
systems. recapitalization in 1986.

1995 – 1Q: The company’s Botswana pipe plant 1996 – June: Filed a lawsuit under the Federal
was awarded the company’s largest product Racketeering statutes (RICO) against three
order, a contract to supply $75 million of GRP pulmonary function testing facilities and their
pipe for the North-South Carrier pipeline in principals. The lawsuit alleged a massive
Botswana. scheme to defraud the company by
generating falsified medical test results. The
1996 – January 2: The company’s name is alleged false results were intended to
changed to OWENS CORNING, with no hyphen substantiate the filing and settlement of tens
and no modifier such as company or corporation. of thousands of asbestos-related claims
The move is made to more closely reflect the logo against OWENS CORNING.
adopted four years earlier, and to signal the
company’s move to supply more than glass fiber 1996 – 2Q: Recorded a $ 542 million after-tax
materials. A new ticker symbol, OWC, charge to account for asbestos claims
corresponds to the new name. anticipated after 1999.

1996 – May 3: OWENS CORNING officials 1996 – 2Q: The newly renamed Engineered
announced that they have agreed in principle to Pipe Systems business opened a new facility
acquire assets from Partek Insulations, Inc., a in Cordoba, Argentina, and announced a new

joint venture in Turkey which is expected to start
production in the first half of 1997. Both plants will 1996 – 4Q: Opened an Application
manufacture and market large-diameter glass Development Center in India and announced
reinforced plastic (GRP) pipe for municipal water plans for another development center in
and wastewater systems. China.

1996 – September: Announced a new strategic 1996 – 4Q: Introduced the Pink Panther and
thrust for OWENS CORNING – a new way to do PINK building materials in Asia, Latin America
business – called System Thinking™. System and Europe.
Thinking enables our businesses to combine
individual parts and tasks with integrated solutions 1997 – January 9: OWENS CORNING
and processes. It’s a shift from a product announced today it has acquired the balance
orientation to system-driven solutions across all of the equity in the KNYTEX COMPANY, one
our lines of business. The first implementation of of the world’s leading manufacturers of
the new initiative was the System Thinking for the specialty reinforced glass fiber fabrics. Terms
Home™. were not disclosed. Founded in 1975, Knytex
was acquired by Hexcel Corporation in 1987.
1996 – September: Began moving into new World In 1993,OWENS CORNING acquired an
Headquarters along the banks of the Maumee equity stake in Knytex to form a joint venture
River in Toledo, Ohio. Campus setting with three- with Hexcel. In the transaction announced
story building reflects changes in the culture to a today, OWENS CORNING bought out its
flatter organization and greater teamwork. partner’s interest in the venture.
Headquartered in New Braunfels, Texas,
1996 – September 4: OWENS CORNING today Knytex has approximately 160 employees.
announced it has acquired the Celfortec foam The facility will be combined with OWENS
insulation business in Canada. The Celfortec CORNING’s specialty glass fiber fabrics plant
extruded polystyrene foam insulation business in San Vicente, Spain, to form OWENS
was a division of Celfort Construction Materials, CORNING Fabrics. Together, the two units
Inc., a subsidiary of Jannock Limited. Terms of will have sales this year of more than $50
the acquisition were not disclosed. Celfortec has million.
approximately 80 employees at its manufacturing
facility in Valleyfield, Quebec. Sales for 1995 were 1997 – January 14: OWENS CORNING
about Canadian $20 million. The operation will be announced the launch of Advantex™ glass
a part of OWENS CORNING’s Specialty & Foam fiber reinforcement, a new industry standard
Products business segment. with enhanced heat and corrosion resistance.
Produced with a new glass formulation
1996 – September 30: OWENS CORNING today developed by the company’s scientists,
announced that it has agreed to purchase a Advantex glass fiber combines the electrical
majority interest in Acoustical Fibreglass and mechanical properties of the current
Insulation (Mnfg) (Pty) Ltd., the largest South industry standard – E-glass – with higher heat
African manufacturer of glass fiber reinforcements resistance and the acid-corrosion properties
and glass fiber and rock wool insulation. When of E-CR glass.
the transaction is completed later this year,
OWENS CORNING will own 51 percent, while 1997 – March: The Shanghai insulation plant
current AFI owners will hold the remaining 49 shipped its first products. The plant, which
percent. The new company will be known as manufactures glass fiber insulation materials
OWENS CORNING South Africa (Pty) Ltd. The for thermal and acoustical applications, is
terms were not disclosed. Headquartered in OWENS CORNING's second insulation plant
Johannesburg, South Africa, AFI is a privately in China, following Guangzhou, which started
held company with about 600 employees at its up in 1996.
manufacturing facilities in Springs and Babelegi,
South Africa. 1997 – March 3: OWENS CORNING today
announced the acquisition of Polypan Nord
1996 – 4Q: Formed a joint venture for large- S.P.A., a manufacturer of extruded
diameter, glass-reinforced plastic (GRP) pipe in polystyrene foam insulation products based in
Egypt, the company's second partnership for pipe Italy. Terms of the acquisition were not
in the region. disclosed. Renamed OWENS CORNING

Polypan, the operation will be assigned to commence no later than Tuesday, June 3,
OWENS CORNING’s Building Materials Europe 1997. Following the tender offer, and
and Africa business segment. The OWENS assuming the purchase by the OWENS
CORNING Polypan operation has approximately CORNING subsidiary of a majority of the fully
70 employees at its manufacturing facility in Turin, diluted outstanding Fibreboard shares
Italy. pursuant to the tender offer, the remaining
outstanding Fibreboard shares would be
1997 – March 31: OWENS CORNING today converted in the merger into $55.00 per
announced that it has acquired the business of share, in cash. As a result of the merger,
Falcon Manufacturing of California, Inc., a Fibreboard will become a wholly owned
producer of expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam subsidiary of OWENS CORNING. The
insulation products. Terms of the acquisition were merger, OWENS CORNING’s sixteenth
not disclosed. Headquartered in Los Angeles, acquisition during the past three years and the
Calif., Falcon Manufacturing of California largest to date, will substantially strengthen
manufactures, fabricates and distributes EPS the company’s offering in building materials
foam products that are sold to the building trade systems and provide Fibreboard the
industry in the Western United States. The resources for continued growth. Assuming
company will become an integral part of OWENS expected synergies, the merger is expected to
CORNING’s Specialty and Foam Products be accretive to OWENS CORNING in 1997
business division. and on an ongoing basis, excluding one-time,
non-recurring fees. The companies expect the
1997 – May 13: To expand its presence in the transaction to close early in the third quarter
telecommunications market, OWENS CORNING of 1997.
announced today it has acquired assets of The
Stewart Group, a manufacturer of reinforcement 1997 – July 3: The merger of Fibreboard
products for the telecommunications industry. Corporation with a wholly owned subsidiary of
Terms of the acquisition were not disclosed. OWENS CORNING became effective at the
Headquartered in Markham, Ontario, Canada, opening of business today. As such,
The Stewart Group manufactures and markets a Fibreboard became a wholly owned subsidiary
composite central strength member for of OWENS CORNING.
telecommunication cable using proprietary
advanced Glassline technology. The Stewart 1997 – July 15: The company announced
Group has approximately 20 employees. In plans to sell the Pabco business – a producer
addition to the site in Canada, a new facility in of molded calcium silicate insulation,
Duncan, SC, will also produce the fireproofing board and metal jacketing – which
telecommunication cable products. With this was part of the Fibreboard acquisition.
acquisition, OWENS CORNING will market a
complete line of glass fiber products that protect 1997 – July 29: OWENS CORNING
and reinforce fiber optic and copper announced an asset purchase agreement with
telecommunication cable. The company already AmeriMark Building Products, Inc., a specialty
manufactures a line of flexible reinforcements for building products company serving the
telecommunication cable. exterior residential housing industry. The
acquisition will strengthen OWENS
1997 – May 28: OWENS CORNING (NYSE/TSE: CORNING’s vinyl siding capacity, making the
OWC) and Fibreboard Corporation (AMEX: FBD) company a North American leader in that
today announced that they have entered into a industry. In addition, the acquisition enhances
definitive merger agreement providing for OWENS CORNING’s position in the fast-
OWENS CORNING to acquire all of the growing company-owned distribution channel
outstanding shares of Fibreboard Corporation for for vinyl siding and vinyl windows.
$55.00 per share. Under terms of the merger
agreement, approved by the Boards of Directors 1997 -- 3Q: OWENS CORNING introduced
of both companies, a wholly owned subsidiary of two new insulation products in the quarter
OWENS CORNING will launch a cash tender aimed at the professional insulation
offer for all of the issued and outstanding shares contractors and independent insulation
of Fibreboard common stock at $55.00 per share, dealers. A new loosefill product, ProPink™
net to the seller. The tender offer will be subject to insulation, is a pink, unbonded blowing wool
customary conditions and is expected to designed for the professional insulation

contractor. For independent building materials Corporation, the other partner. The name of
dealers who want to differentiate their offering the business was changed to AOC, L.L.C.
from competitors, the company introduced Yellow
Jacket™ insulation, a product line focused on the 1998 – April 17: OWENS CORNING said it is
needs of those dealers and their professional exploring the possible sale of the Glass Fiber
customers. Yarns and Specialty Materials portion of its
Composites Systems Business. With sales of
1997 – October 2: The company announced that about $300 million in 1997, the company's
it completed the purchase of the assets of yarn business is the world's second largest
AmeriMark Building Products, Inc., a specialty producer of glass yarns, and the largest
building products company serving the exterior producer of fine yarns. Glass fiber yarns are
residential housing industry. used in a variety of applications, including
laminates for printed circuit boards, reinforcing
1997 – November 7: OWENS CORNING and its fabric for uses including packaging, roofing
Fibreboard subsidiary filed suit against the and facade cladding and filtration media. The
tobacco industry for damages incurred by asset sale includes manufacturing facilities in
smokers exposed to asbestos. The lawsuit Aiken, SC, and Huntingdon, Penn., and
asserted that asbestos workers who smoked affects about 1,500 employees.
incurred lung cancer, asbestosis and other
diseases at rates far greater than those who did 1998 – June 25: OWENS CORNING
not smoke. While former asbestos manufacturers announced the formation of a wholly owned
have paid billions for those injuries, tobacco subsidiary, called INTEGREX™, designed to
companies have paid nothing. The action seeks to capitalize on its materials testing and litigation
recover the tobacco companies' share for injuries management expertise by offering these
to smokers exposed to asbestos whose claims services to customers and external
were paid by OWENS CORNING and Fibreboard organizations. INTEGREX, which derives its
Corporation – now a subsidiary of OWENS name from the words "integrated" and
CORNING – which total in the billions of dollars. "expertise," is composed of two new and
innovative businesses: OWENS CORNING
1998 – January 9: The company announced Testing Systems and OWENS CORNING
lowered earnings expectations for 1997 and said Litigation Management Systems.
it launched a major restructuring program. Due to
continued pricing pressures in its Insulating 1998 – September 30: OWENS CORNING
System business, the company has lowered its and Glass Holdings Corporation, a U.S.
earnings estimate to about $3.00 per share for subsidiary of Groupe Porcher Industries,
1997, excluding restructuring and other charges. headquartered in Badinières, Ysère, France,
A pre-tax charge totaling approximately $250 said they established a joint venture to own
million will be taken for restructuring and other and operate OWENS CORNING's former
related costs to reduce overhead, close glass fiber yarns and specialty materials
manufacturing facilities and enhance business. The new enterprise, named
manufacturing productivity with the objective of Advanced Glassfiber Yarns LLC, serves the
becoming the low-cost supplier. The restructuring industrial, construction and electronics
will eliminate approximately 2,200 jobs, or 9 markets with glass fiber yarns and specialty
percent of the workforce. materials. Glass Holdings owns 51 percent of
the new enterprise and OWENS CORNING
1998 – January 15: OWENS CORNING owns the remaining 49 percent.
announced the sale of its Pabco business. The
company announced its intentions to sell the 1998 – 4th Quarter: The company successfully
business in July, shortly after acquiring the entered several partnership ventures during
business as part of Fibreboard Corporation. the second half of the year which enable it to
leverage its marketing and technological
1998 – April 1: The company announced that it strength into new areas without incurring large
has completed the sale of its interest in the capital expenditures. In Composites, these
ALPHA/OWENS CORNING L.L.C. joint venture, a partnerships will bolster OWENS CORNING's
manufacturer and marketer of unsaturated market position in supplying new value-added
polyester and vinylester resins. The company’s materials:
interest was sold to the joint venture an Alpha

-- A joint marketing agreement with Composite the growing and fragmented market segment,
Materials, LLC, to develop markets and estimated to be in excess of $3 billion.
electronic applications for conductive fibers;
-- An agreement with Pyramid Operating 1999 – 1st Quarter: The company dedicated
Systems to develop, market and sell its new plant making Advantex® glass fiber
applications for Pyramid's system for reinforcements in Taloja, India.
composites molding;
-- An agreement to establish a joint venture 1999 – March 18: The company acquired a
with DSM Performance Polymers to market a majority share of its glass fiber reinforcements
long fiber reinforced polypropylene material joint venture in Kimchon, Korea, now called
system targeted at automotive applications; OWENS CORNING KOREA.
-- A joint venture with the GEON COMPANY
to manufacture and market material systems 1999 – 1st Quarter: Following a licensee's
based on a unique technology for reinforced decision to close an Australian plant making
thermoplastic polymers. glass fiber reinforcements, the company
-- In Building Materials, an alliance with established OWENS CORNING Australia to
Simonton Windows® to manufacture OWENS serve the former licensee's customer base
CORNING-branded windows. This agreement and to develop and grow the market for
better utilizes the company's resources by composite systems in Australia and New
focusing on its strengths in brand and Zealand.
1999 – 1st Quarter: Plans were announced to
1998 – December 15: The company announced a install a continuous filament mat (CFM) line at
National Settlement Program (NSP) under which the company's plant in Guelph, Ontario,
more than 50 plaintiffs' law firms have agreed to Canada. The new line will add approximately
resolve more than 176,000 asbestos cases 8,000 metric tons of CFM capacity and is
against the company. The program settles close expected to be operational in the first quarter
to 90 percent of the company's existing backlog of 2000. The investment follows recent
and establishes procedures and fixed payments increases of CFM capacity at OWENS
for resolving future claims without litigation, for a CORNING's facilities in Battice, Belgium, and
term of at least 10 years. Under the NSP, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania.
OWENS CORNING will make payments for
pending claims of approximately $1.2 billion, 1999 – May 7: Owens Coming said its wholly
primarily in 1999 and 2000. Payments will be owned INTEGREX subsidiary is being
made from the company's available cash and reorganized and expanded to support the
credit resources, including its existing bank lines. processing of claims under the company's
Payments on future claims would begin in 2001 National Settlement Program for asbestos
and will be subject to an annual aggregate cash litigation and to provide a focal point for the
flow cap. Glen Hiner, chairman and CEO, said, growth of service businesses.
“The National Settlement Program is a major
achievement towards resolving OWENS 1999 – May 26: The company announces new
CORNING's liabilities in one of the largest and joint marketing alliances with Style-Mark Inc.,
longest-running mass tort litigation in the history Vantage Products Corp. and Seamless Gutter
of the United States. It dramatically reduces the Corp., that build on OWENS CORNING’s
high cost of legal defense and the risk of extensive Exterior System offerings of vinyl
excessive verdicts against OWENS CORNING, siding, roofing, vinyl windows and a host of
makes more predictable the costs of our asbestos exterior accessories. These new alliances
liability going forward, and enables the company create one of the broadest lines of functional
to focus on capital-efficient growth.'' and decorative accessories, which help
contractors provide homeowners with an
1999 – January 22: OWENS CORNING exterior package suited to their distinct tastes
announced the formation of a dedicated Acoustic and personal style.
Systems Business to capitalize on the strength of
its brand, its long history of acoustic research, 1999 – June: OWENS CORNING re-opened
and its expanding acoustics product offering. The its insulation plant in Candiac, Quebec. One
company said it is taking a leadership position in of two lines was brought up initially to produce
100 million pounds of light density insulation

products. When the plant was mothballed in 1998, advanced for the inner box and endgate
it was the company's highest-cost insulation manufacturing process. Originally developed
facility. Today it is one of the lowest-cost facilities as the Programmable Powdered Preform
with a streamlined workforce and a focused Process (P4), the technology was introduced
product line. by the company in 1993 and more recently
had been installed as an example of
1999 – June 23: The United States Supreme advanced composites technology in the
Court overturned the global class settlement of all National Composites Center in Kettering,
asbestos personal injury claims against the Ohio. The pickup truck box will be the first
company’s wholly owned subsidiary, high-volume commercial application of a new
FIBREBOARD CORPORATION. While the Court generation of the preform technology, and the
returned the case to the lower courts for further largest automotive part made to date using a
proceedings, it appears unlikely that the preform.
settlement can overcome the many hurdles for
approving a limited-fund class under Rule 23 1999 – September: Ford announces plans for
(b)(1)(B), as set forth by the Court’s opinion. a sport utility vehicle in the 2001 model year
If, as expected, the global class settlement is that will have an open cargo area made with
finally disapproved, Fibreboard’s insurance advanced composite materials. The
settlement will become effective. Under the composite box will resists dents, scratches
insurance settlement, which received final Court and rust – problems that have traditionally
approval in 1997, Fibreboard will receive an plagued pickup truck owners. The boxes are
insurance settlement of approximately $1.9 billion, the largest composite parts ever made for
which will be used to resolve Fibreboard’s light trucks. OWENS CORNING supplies
asbestos claims. reinforcements for the application. The
company predicts the use of composites in
1999 – 2nd Quarter: The company increased truck boxes and open cargo areas will grow
laminate shingle capacity during the quarter with from zero today to more than 30,000 metric
the conversion of roofing lines at plants in Denver tons annually within the next five years.
and Portland. The laminate and specialty roofing
markets have been experiencing an annual 1999 – September 7: OWENS CORNING said
growth rate in excess of 20 percent. it will invest $13 million in Concord, North
Carolina, to establish a 61,000-square-foot
1999 – November 2: The company announced fabrication operation that will employ about 90
plans to invest another $30 million installing its people. The new building will consolidate
new RHOAD™ manufacturing technology bushing fabrication in one location, and being
platform at the insulation plant in Delmar, New close to an international airport will make it
York. Early installations have produced positive easy to ship parts around the world. The
results at the company's insulation facilities. The company expects to begin production as soon
RHOAD platform emphasizes high productivity as next March. The company would move
and low cost. Components include the company's some equipment from its facilities in Anderson
best fiberizing, production controls, glass fiber and Ridgeview, South Carolina. Those
melting and forming technologies. CEO Hiner said facilities will remain open and focus on other
the company plans to install the RHOAD platform activities.
across our North American manufacturing system
to support its lowest-cost and highest-quality 1999 – September 22: Enron and OWENS
manufacturing position. CORNING, two experts in the field of energy
conservation, announced a more than $1
1999 – August 18: OWENS CORNING billion ten-year agreement for total energy
announced its participation with General Motors management services at 20 of OWENS
and others in the GM composite pickup truck box CORNING’s major manufacturing facilities
program. GM said it developed a truck box made located throughout the United States. The
of advanced composite materials that can agreement is an innovative approach through
withstand brutal punishment like no other product which Enron AND OWENS CORNING will
currently offered in the marketplace. OWENS jointly implement an energy savings program
CORNING pioneered the robot-directed fiber designed to decrease energy consumption
preform technology that GM, Cambridge and costs for OWENS CORNING.
Industries and OWENS CORNING have

Through the agreement, Enron will supply or 1999 – November 5: The company said it has
manage all energy commodity requirements expanded its relationship with ImproveNet
including electricity and natural gas; mitigate risks through a multi-year alliance and a $10 million
of price volatility through Enron’s expertise in equity investment. The innovative relationship
managing large commodity portfolios; and design, provides OWENS CORNING with a major
build and finance certain energy infrastructure stake in the country's most popular online
projects. home improvement service and provides
ImproveNet expanded consumer reach and
1999 – October: OWENS CORNING's proprietary increased information resources. OWENS
Silentex™ muffler filling system has been CORNING will also have a seat on the
specified by Toyota for five vehicle models built in ImproveNet board of directors. OWENS
Japan, the first applications of the technology in CORNING had previously launched a
Asia. Silentex muffler technology is an integrated marketing alliance with ImproveNet that
system using high-temperature glass fiber includes a presence on the OWENS
insulating material, patented muffler filling CORNING Web site through a new offering
machinery and a cost-effective filling process. called Do-It-For-Me Service, powered by
OWENS CORNING receives licensing revenue ImproveNet™, along with content integration
for the Silentex system as well as sales of on both sites, co-op marketing in the
composite materials. First introduced in Europe, traditional and online media, and matching
Silentex muffler filling technology migrated to services.
North America on its way to being adopted by
Toyota. 1999 – November 9: In Turkey, OWENS
1999 – October 13: OWENS CORNING unveiled international heavy construction contractor
its “Great Exterior Makeover,” a project in and leading builder of mass housing and Light
Cleveland, Ohio, that renovated five homes using Rail Transit Systems, dedicated a pilot project
the company’s full offering of exterior products. of affordable homes for families displaced by
Each house showcased one of the company’s a major earthquakes in Turkey. OWENS
Exterior Design Collections – new ideas in color CORNING and YAPI MERKEZI first became
and style for the outside of the home. The new partners in 1996 in a joint venture making
Collections group OWENS CORNING’s exterior large-diameter glass fiber-reinforced pipe for
products into thematic categories – Garden™, water and wastewater projects.
Hometown™, Monticello™, Lodge™ and
Tidewater™ – to help consumers make 1999 – November 17: OWENS CORNING
coordinated product and color choices that match and Trus Joist MacMillan announced a
their tastes and the styles of their homes. strategic alliance to develop and deliver
acoustical products, systems and services to
1999 – September 15: OWENS CORNING and residential and commercial customers. The
IKO Industries announced a joint venture to build alliance combines OWENS CORNING's
and operate a factory that will make wet-formed building materials leadership, Trus Joist
glass fiber mat used mainly in the production of MacMillan's strength in engineered lumber,
roofing shingles. The state-of-the-art factory will and both companies' brand appeal among
be capable of making about 75 million squares of builders, contractors, and home and building
mat annually, and will allow OWENS CORNING owners.
to support growing demand for high-style laminate
shingle systems. 1999 – December 17: The company formed a
partnership with BUILDNET, the leading e-
1999 – November 3: To strengthen its position in business and project management software
the roofing accessories market, OWENS provider for the U.S. residential construction
CORNING announced an equity investment in industry. OWENS CORNING signed a
Northern Elastomeric, Inc. (NEI), a Brentwood, Founding Member Agreement through which
N.H. manufacturer of self-adhesive roofing BUILDNET will provide electronic commerce
underlayment. This investment gives the company services, as well as marketing and
50 percent ownership in NEI, which manufactures promotional services. OWENS CORNING has
WeatherLock® Series waterproofing also become a minority equity shareholder in
underlayment. privately held BUILDNET. OWENS
CORNING's Internet partnerships are

positioning the company as the leading building largest glass fiber mat facility, is expected to
materials enterprise on the Web. begin in June 2001. When fully operational,
the plant will have an estimated capacity of 90
***** million csf (hundred-square-feet). The plant's
state-of-the-art machine will be the only one in
2000 – January 1: OWENS CORNING purchased the world capable of producing mat 5 meters
the exclusive North American license to wide (16.4 feet) and in a 234-centimeter (92
manufacture and distribute the Vail Metal inches) roll.
Systems, LLC line of metal and copper shingles.
OWENS CORNING also purchased all of the 2000 – March 20: OWENS CORNING
physical assets of Vail Metal Systems. Prior to announced that DaimlerChrysler specified its
this agreement, OWENS CORNING marketed Silentex™ noise control system for the mufflers
Vail Metal Systems' products under a licensing of several of its vehicles built in Europe.
agreement as part of OWENS CORNING's Vehicles using Silentex muffler-filling
MiraVista(R) line of specialty roofing products. technology for the rear muffler include the
The metal roofing market is estimated to be in Mercedes-Benz A-class (small), and the
excess of $100 million and growing faster than the Mercedes-Benz C-class (mid-size).
roofing market as a whole. DaimlerChrysler also plans to specify Silentex
technology for the rear muffler of E-class
2000 – January 12: The company broke ground Mercedes-Benz (standard) and for the rear
for a new Cultured Stone® manufacturing plant in mufflers of all other new Mercedes-Benz
Chester County, South Carolina. The new facility models later in 2000.
will support Cultured Stone's growth agenda, and
will complement existing plants in Napa, 2000 – January 20: General Motors' Saturn
California, and Navarre, Ohio. Division has had great success using an
acoustical door insulator made with OWENS
2000 – January: The company announced an CORNING's proprietary new VersaMat™
agreement to sell the Falcon Foam expanded system, representing the first large-scale
polystyrene business to Atlas Roofing. This action application for this material. The company has
is part of OWENS CORNING's commitment to signed a contract that covers parts for up to
raise cash and focus on its core businesses by 250,000 vehicles through 2001.
divesting certain non-strategic assets. Closing is
anticipated by the end of the first quarter. 2000 – April 4: OWENS CORNING
strengthened its presence in the growing but
2000 – January 31: The company signed a fragmented acoustics market by acquiring
memorandum of understanding with Alcopor Conwed Designscape, a leading producer of
Group, a leading Swiss producer of building fabric-wrapped acoustic wall panels that help
materials, to form a joint venture with OWENS improve sound quality in commercial and
CORNING's European Building Materials institutional settings, such as offices,
Systems business. The joint venture company auditoriums and classrooms.
would include OWENS CORNING's European
Building Materials Systems business and be 2000 – April 7: The company formed a
controlled jointly by Alcopor Holding AG and strategic alliance with THEO KALOMIRAKIS
OWENS CORNING. THEATERS, INC., a premier home theater
designer. The alliance will integrate OWENS
2000 – February 2: The company announced the CORNING’s leading edge acoustic technology
closing of the sale of its Falcon Foam business to and systems INTO THEO KALOMIRAKIS
Meridian, Miss.-based Atlas Roofing Corp. THEATERS’ new affordable line of theater
OWENS CORNING chairman CEO Glen Hiner designs.
said the sale supports the company's intent to
focus on its core businesses. 2000 – June 5: OWENS CORNING, the world
leader in building materials systems, and
2000 – March 30: FIBERTEQ LLC, a joint venture Alcopor Group, the Swiss leader in foam
between OWENS CORNING and IKO Industries, insulation systems, have successfully
selected Danville, Illinois, as the site of a $50 completed the formation of a European joint
million wet-formed glass fiber mat facility. venture to expand their building Materials
Production at the plant, which will be the world’s business within Europe. OWENS CORNING's

European Building Materials Systems Business is other liabilities and provide a suitable capital
already a major producer of mineral wool and structure for long-term growth. All of OWENS
extruded polystyrene foam insulation systems in CORNING's U.S. operating subsidiaries and
the U.K., Belgium, Italy and Spain. The Alcopor certain other U.S. subsidiaries filed Chapter
Group is the largest manufacturer of expanded 11 petitions. None of the company's other
polystyrene insulation systems in Switzerland and subsidiaries, joint ventures and affiliates,
operates various units in Germany and Eastern including all operations located outside the
Europe. Important strategic and operational United States, were included in the filing.
synergies are expected as a result of this venture
through expanded geographical coverage of 2000 – November 13: OWENS CORNING
Western and Eastern European markets and and Armstrong World Industries Inc., one of
accelerated development of business activities. the largest manufacturers of interior finishing
Alcopor Holding AG will have the majority interest solutions, have formed a strategic alliance
in the joint venture, which will be led by newly that will lead to the transition of their
appointed CEO Jean-Francois Santicoli. Soundsoak® acoustical wall products to
OWENS CORNING. Under the terms of the
2000 – July 7: OWENS CORNING expanded its agreement, Armstrong will continue to
roofing accessories product line with the manufacture the Soundsoak product line and
introduction of nine new VentSure® ventilation OWENS CORNING's Acoustic Systems
products, including new slant back, round top, Business will assume responsibility for
square hood and rotating turbine vents. The product line strategy, sales and service.
company said its goal is to provide contractors
with a complete roofing system that works 2000 – November 15: Maura Abeln Smith was
together to produce superior performance. named to the newly created post of Chief
Restructuring Officer. Smith will continue as
2000 – July 13: OWENS CORNING and Premdor senior vice president, general counsel and
Inc., one of the largest worldwide manufacturers, secretary while providing the leadership
marketers and merchandisers of quality needed to restructure the company and
residential and commercial doors are joining develop a plan of reorganization as required
forces to launch the OWENS CORNING by last month's voluntary filing under Chapter
QuietZone™ Acoustic Door System. The strategic 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.
partnership provides homeowners, builders and
contractors with the first-ever interior, pre-hung 2000 – November 16: Following approval by
acoustic door for the home. the Bankruptcy Court, OWENS CORNING
acquired assets from Foundry & Steel Inc., in
2000 – September 13: OWENS CORNING Anderson, South Carolina, and Amarillo,
announced franchise opportunities for its Texas. The acquisition secures for OWENS
innovative Basement Finishing System. The CORNING the expertise and operational
franchise opportunity, a new way of doing capability of a long-time glass textile and
business for the company, gives contractors a reinforcements vendor, and also broadens the
simple, premium-quality solution for finishing capability of the company’s Manufacturing
basements. It also provides homeowners with a Solutions Business.
beautiful, affordable way to create usable living
space without the inconvenience of traditional 2000 – December 8: OWENS CORNING
basement renovations. OWENS CORNING’s hosted an open house at its Irving roofing
Basement Finishing System will be available plant to give customers a look at its new $40
exclusively through authorized franchisees. million state-of-the-art production line for
laminated roofing shingles. The new
2000 – October 5: To address the growing production line in Irving is OWENS
demands on its cash flow resulting from its multi- CORNING’s ninth and largest to date for
billion dollar asbestos liability, the company laminated shingles, the fastest-growing
voluntarily filed for reorganization under Chapter segment of the residential roofing market.
11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. The filing in
Wilmington, Delaware, will enable OWENS 2001 – January: In his first weekly
CORNING to refocus on operating its business Perspectives of the new year, Chairman and
and serving its customers, while it develops a plan CEO Glen Hiner announced a goal of being
of reorganization that will resolve its asbestos and Clear and Free by ’03. “By ‘clear,’ we mean

that the company will have developed and the first home theater system that includes all
presented a plan of reorganization approved by of the elements in one complete, affordable
creditors and the Bankruptcy Court,” said Hiner. package. It is a totally installed solution and is
“By ‘free,’ we mean that our plan of reorganization a valuable sales package for builders.
will include a trust that will resolve all current and
future asbestos claims against the company. We 2001 – March 5-9: OWENS CORNING turned
expect that the trust will be funded by a package the spotlight on employees during a special
of assets, including stock of the new Owens Recognition Week celebration honoring
Corning, as well as notes and cash sufficient to outstanding accomplishments by individuals
satisfy the estimated total liability of Owens and teams. Titled, "Simply the Best," the
Corning. We need to put this emotionally and event focused on employees efforts and how
financially draining chapter in our history behind they positively impact the company's success.
us once and for all.” A different award category was showcased
each day during the week. “This is a time to
2001 – January 8: OWENS CORNING and THEO celebrate not only our company’s highest
KALOMIRAKIS ENTERPRISES, a subsidiary of achievements, but the day-to-day heroics that
THEO KALOMIRAKIS THEATERS – the world's make this Company excel,” said Chairman
leading designer and manufacturer of home and CEO Glen Hiner. “Please accept my
theaters – formed a strategic alliance that will lead sincere thanks for all you do!”
to the transition of their SelectSound® Acoustic
Room System to TKE. Under the terms of the 2001 – March 8: Dr. Warren W. Wolf, vice
agreement, OWENS CORNING will continue to president, chief scientist and director of
manufacture the SelectSound Acoustic Room Science and Technology, announced his
System and TKE will assume responsibility for intention to retire at the end of July. Until then,
product line strategy, marketing, sales and Chairman Hiner asked Dr. Wolf to continue as
service. chief scientist, serve as a consultant to the
CEO and lead a special assessment of the
2001 – January 22: David T. Brown was named company's technology. His replacement as
executive vice president and chief operating leader of the technology function is Frank
officer for OWENS CORNING with responsibility O'Brien-Bernini, vice president, Technology
for all operating businesses of the company for the Insulating Systems Business. O’Brien-
throughout the world. “Dave brings enormous Bernini retains his current position and takes
credibility and experience with him as he assumes on the additional responsibility for the
his new position,” said Chairman and CEO Glen technology function across the company as
Hiner in announcing the promotion. “Dave has vice president, Owens Corning Science and
earned the respect of the entire Owens Corning Technology.
team and has clearly and consistently
demonstrated the leadership and communication 2001 – March 12: OWENS CORNING
skills to make him an effective, highly respected announced its intent to renovate the
and trusted leader. His immediate objective,” company's oldest fiberglass insulation facility,
continued Hiner, “will be to ensure that our located in Newark, OH. The “Newark
company stays focused on profitable, global Reinvention” involves significant investment
growth through execution and teamwork.” by the company to upgrade Newark's facilities
to world-class capabilities. Infrastructure will
2001 – February 10: OWENS CORNING unveiled be improved, outdated buildings and
the Visionaire FX™ Personal Entertainment equipment torn down, and a complete
Center, a complete home theater environment program of modernization undertaken. It is
that looks and feels like a real movie theater. The expected that the Reinvention Plan will not
system, which will be marketed to builders, comes only improve Newark's cost position, but also
complete with all of the elements required to enhance quality control, productivity and
create a movie theater environment in the home: safety.
video projection system, letterbox-format screen,
Dolby Digital surround sound, architectural 2001 – March 13: OWENS CORNING and
components (theater chairs, speaker columns, Armstrong World Industries Inc., one of the
acoustical panels, etc.) and installation by largest manufacturers of interior finishing
OWENS CORNING Sound Professionals. The solutions, formed a strategic alliance that will
Visionaire FX Personal Entertainment Center is incorporate Armstrong ceiling tiles into

OWENS CORNING's Basement Finishing delivery to automotive OEMs and Tier One
System. The Basement Finishing System is suppliers. The companies will pool
delivered through authorized, independent complementary resources to develop
franchisees, giving builders a simple, easy, advanced Structural Reaction Injection
premium-quality solution for finishing basements. Molding (SRIM) and Reinforced Reaction
It also provides homeowners a beautiful, Injection Molding (RRIM) technologies as
affordable way to create usable living space alternatives to steel and aluminum in
without the inconvenience associated with structural automotive applications.
traditional basement renovations.
2001 – October: Energy Mission: Possible, a
2001 – March 14: The company announced the program developed in the Composite Systems
sale of nearly all of its Engineered Pipe Systems Business, became a corporate-wide initiative
business to SAUDI ARABIAN AMIANTIT and part of the company’s overall strategy to
COMPANY, a joint stock company headquartered manage energy cost and demand. The three-
in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. Amiantit has been a fold energy management strategy also
business and joint venture partner with OWENS includes creative procurement efforts and
CORNING since 1977. demand side management. The goal is to
develop a competitive advantage by reducing
2001 – May 21: The Cultured Stone business energy costs 20 percent by 2005.
dedicated its newest and most advanced facility
for making manufactured stone veneer in 2001 – August 2: A Residential Solutions and
Chester, SC. The 200,000-square-foot facility is Services business was formed by combining
the third plant operated by the business. The three existing businesses – Home Repair and
other two are in Napa, Calif., and Navarre, Ohio. Improvements, Visionaire FX Home Theatre
System and Basement Finishing System. The
2001 – May 22: OWENS CORNING announced new business will serve a time-constrained
that its new Visionaire FX™ Personal segment of the population that wants to
Entertainment Center is available as a franchise purchase service work for their homes.
opportunity. The company’s objective is to
establish a national network of franchisees that 2001 – November 16: The company
will be licensed to sell and install the Visionaire FX introduced TruPave paving mat, a high-
system. By franchising the system, it will provide performance, non-woven fiberglass/polyester
direct local market access and an effective fabric designed for hot-mix asphalt
working relationship with the custom homebuilder. pavements. TruPave mat resists shrinking
and stretching during application, and it is
2001 – July 13: The Fabwel business announced recyclable.
its intent to close an aluminum building products
facility in Plant City, Fla. The decision was based 2001 – November: The Basement Finishing
on continued softening in market demand and System franchise network achieved its first
news that a major customer will produce their own million-dollar month. The network of 25
parts internally. Some production at Plant City, franchisees reported combined sales of more
which employed 45 people, was moved to than 70 basement installations, putting them
Douglas, Ga. over the million-dollar mark for the first time in
the short history of the business. Owens
2001 – July 17: Owens Corning and the U.S. Corning makes and fabricates the materials
Department of Energy expanded their successful and receives a portion of each sale as the
Energy Savers Partnership Program to include a franchiser.
new Energy Savers Home Energy Quiz. The new
quiz helps homeowners determine their home’s 2001 – November 19: Conwed Designscape,
current energy-efficiency level and offers tips to a division of Owens Corning, announced a
make improvements. distribution agreement with Fabryka Melbi
Balma S.A., a manufacturer of European
2001 – July 26: The Automotive Solutions design office furniture. Conwed Designscape
Business and the Automotive Business Group of launched nine lines of Balma office furniture,
Bayer Corporation announced an alliance to including freestanding desks and conference
develop advanced polyurethane/glass fiber and storage components.
composite technologies and accelerate their

2001 – November 20: The Insulating Systems Automotive management. The business is a
Business announced plans to close the plant in part of the Composite Solutions Business.
Tucker, Texas, by the end of the year. The Tucker
plant employed 57 people and manufactured light 2002 – January 24: The Residential Solutions
density insulation. The decision to close the and Services business changed its name to
facility was based on continued economic HOMExperts business. Incorporating Home
softening, decline in regional demand and system Repair and Improvements, Basement
costs. Finishing System and Home Theater
Systems, the HOMExperts business gives
2001 – December 4: Owens Corning acquired builders the opportunity to outsource
Wall Technology Inc., a Broomfield, Colo.-based specialized home services they might not
company supporting the company’s commitment have the resources to offer to homeowners.
to establish a leadership position within the The business also gives Owens Corning a
growing acoustics market. Wall Technology direct link to consumers.
produces both custom acoustical wall systems
and specialty ceilings designed to improve both 2002 – January 29: Responding to growing
the aesthetics and acoustic performance of consumer interest in leisure time amenities for
commercial and institutional space. the home, Owens Corning introduced a line of
premium fencing, decking and railing
2001 – December 17: Owens Corning extended products. The Generations™ line of FDR
the warranties of its Oakridge Architectural series products is composed of vinyl and high-
shingles, providing its contractor customers with a strength composite materials and offers
significant competitive advantage. The enhanced homeowners a viable alternative to traditional
coverage extends up to a 50-year limited product wood and metal products that virtually
warranty and wind resistance coverage of up to eliminates the need for maintenance.
90 mph.
2002 – February 4: The Insulating Systems
2001 – December 18: The board announced a Business announced plans to increase the
management succession plan for the retirement manufacturing capacity for its ProPINK
of Chairman and CEO Glen Hiner, whose unbonded loose fill and Advanced
departure will be effective April 18, 2002. David T. ThermaCube Plus products by more than 30
Brown was named chief executive officer, percent. Capacity increases will be
president and board member; Chief Financial implemented at plants in Salt Lake City, Utah;
Officer Michael H. Thaman was named chairman Toronto, Ontario; Edmonton, Alberta; and
of the board; and Maura Abeln Smith, who is chief Santa Clara, California. In addition, the
restructuring officer, general counsel and company said it will increase bag coverage on
secretary, was also elected to the Board of ProPINK insulation by 17 percent by April 1,
Directors. All board appointments are effective making it the most productive unbonded loose
January 1, 2002, and all management changes, fill product in the industry.
including Thaman’s election as chairman, are
effective April 18, 2002. Brown will be responsible 2002 – February 22: The Fabwel division
for all day-to-day operations and the overall changed its name to Owens Corning
performance of the company. Thaman will Fabricating Solutions. Founded in 1972, the
continue as chief financial officer with an added business is a custom fabricator and supplier
focus on the financial reorganization strategy, as of exterior components to the recreational
well as all matters associated with corporate vehicle, manufactured housing, residential
governance. Smith will continue to lead the cargo trailer, light commercial building and
Chapter 11 reorganization as well as carry on her marine markets. The business was acquired
duties as general counsel and secretary. in June 1997.

2002 – January: Owens Corning broke ground for 2002 – March 10: A new brand campaign was
a 57,000-sq.-ft. Automotive Solutions Center in launched to communicate the message that
Novi, Mich. The site was chosen for its proximity no one does more than Owens Corning to
to Detroit-based customers. Scheduled to open in make homes better, more comfortable and
the second quarter, the center will house more enjoyable places to live. The campaign
administrative staff, scientists, engineers and OC features sports-themed advertising in sports-
oriented media. The centerpiece was title

sponsorship of the NIT college basketball four categories surveyed – familiarity, brand
tournament. Fans also saw Owens Corning brand used, brand used most and highest quality
ads during the NHL, NCAA, MLB and the LPGA. rating. Owens Corning’s asphalt/fiberglass
roof shingles were recognized as the most
2002 – April 12: Employees had the opportunity to familiar brand, while its ridge vent systems
bid farewell to retiring Chairman and CEO Glen were named most familiar brand, brand used
Hiner. COO Dave Brown kicked off the reception and brand used most.
with comments about the great impact Hiner had
on Owens Corning and said a most sincere thank 2002 – May 9: The HOMExperts Home
you on behalf of all employees. Hiner, with his Repair and Improvements business
wife Ann at his side, reflected on his 10 years with purchased the assets of Chicago-based Odd
the company and expressed his wishes for a Jobs, LLC, a handyman services business.
future of growth and tremendous success. The acquisition enables the HOMExperts
business to accelerate its presence into the
2002 – April 17: Owens Corning changed its Chicago market within the next year. Owens
ELAMINATOR Insulating Systems from Corning’s HOMExperts Home Repair and
licensing agreements to a network of franchises. Improvement business is dedicated to
The move follows Owens Corning’s creation of providing reliable, high-quality home repair
franchise opportunities for its Basement Finishing and improvement services for homeowners.
System, first offered in early 2000, which had
signed up more than 25 franchise holders. The 2002 – May 30: OC™ Automotive dedicated
patented ELAMINATOR System includes its new Automotive Solutions Center in Novi,
equipment and processes for installing insulation Mich. Built to accelerate the growth of
on the roofs of pre-engineered metal buildings. composites in the automotive market, the
center brings together the company’s
2002 – April 18: Dave Brown became the sixth strengths in application development, program
chief executive officer of Owens Corning. Mike management and technical expertise. The
Thaman became the company’s sixth chairman of facility features a prototype lab that allows the
the board of directors. business to demonstrate new technology. The
business is focused on four key areas for
2002 – April 23: Dave Brown held his first all- growth in composites by automakers –
employee meeting as CEO. He said he wanted to structures, closures, interior and exterior
convey one message: “It’s a new day, we have a acoustic systems.
bright future and I want you to be part of it.”
Brown also told employees they are going to build 2002 – June 7: The company announced an
a great company together, and that the keys to agreement with Knauf Distribution SAS,
the profitable growth of the Company are: granting Owens Corning exclusive marketing
behaving like One Company, powerfully engaging and sales rights for Knauf’s Fibracoustic
every employee and becoming obsessed with the ceiling and wall products in North America.
customer. He concluded by saying, “Owens Conwed, an Owens Corning company, will
Corning as one company is our customers’ market the product as Fibersorb™ acoustic
fondest dream, our competitors’ biggest fear, and ceilings and walls. Constructed of random
our employees’ greatest opportunity.” wood fibers and a hard cement-like coating,
Fibersorb products are engineered for
2002 – April 29: Wall Technology, Inc., a part of acoustical performance and abuse resistance.
the Acoustic Systems Business, signed an
agreement with Innovative Interiors and 2002 – June 14: The Vinyl Siding, Metals and
Construction of Golden, Colo., making Innovative Distribution businesses were integrated in a
Interiors a nationwide certified Eurospan stretched newly formed Siding Solutions Business.
ceiling system installer. The Eurospan system Integrating the businesses is expected to
provides high-performance acoustics with a improve customer service by providing one
smooth, monolithic appearance. face to the market while better focusing
resources on profitable growth. SSB employs
2002 – May: Several company products were 3,300 employees in 181 facilities, and has
rated highly in a study published in Builder projected sales of approximately $1.1 billion in
magazine. Owens Corning’s PINK insulation and 2002.
Cultured Stone brand were rated highest in all

2002 – July 18: Ninety days into the process of is a measure of how long a fiber stays in the
evolving as One Company, CEO Dave Brown body if inhaled, in the potential health effects
held an all-employee meeting to address progress of airborne fibers.
in tearing down silos and show how employees
are becoming engaged in pleasing customers. 2002 – August 1: The company re-dedicated
Brown also identified five areas of strategic focus its Science and Technology Center to mark
for growth: Employee Engagement, Customer the creation of a more integrated work
Experience Second to None, Leverage the Brand, environment at the site in Granville, Ohio. An
Transform the Supply Chain and Performance Integration Project launched more than a year
Obsessed. earlier moved most of the site’s 375
employees into one complex. Sharing
2002 – July 18: The company introduced a new workspace and resources is expected to
theme line – Innovations For Living – to reflect the increase the speed of innovation by bringing
essence of the company’s brand. The theme is together knowledge and needs.
based on focus group sessions conducted in
several locations with consumers, customers and 2002 – September 17: Owens Corning said it
product specifiers. Research showed that will no longer offer the MiraVista product line,
innovation, knowledge, integration and leadership including shake, slate, designer metal and
are the pillars on which the corporate brand can copper shingles. The company will instead
stand. Innovations For Living was developed to focus on its core asphalt roofing business with
emphasize innovation and the products and premium laminate shingles, which are a better
solutions Owens Corning provides that enhance fit for the company’s distributor, contractor
everyday lives. and sales networks. The Adelanto, Calif.,
plant will close by the end of the year, and the
2002 – July 23: Owens Corning announced the copper/metal shingle operations in Denver,
acquisition of its first Basement Finishing System Colo., will be discontinued.
franchise – Certified Basements, Woodbridge, Va.
The company-owned franchise will allow Owens 2002 – September 19: The company exited
Corning to develop a greater understanding of the the integrated home theater business, which
day-to-day operation of a Basement Finishing had marketed systems under the VisionaireFX
System franchise. trademark. Acceptance of the innovative
concept did not grow quickly enough to
2002 – August: The International Agency for support the business. Most systems were
Research on Cancer (IARC) revised its installed in new homes priced at more than
classification of the carcinogenic potential of glass $800,000, and the falling stock market and
wool. In 1987, IARC had determined that glass downturn in the economy significantly
wool was a “possible human carcinogen.” In impacted that market.
October 2001, IARC reviewed the scientific data
now available and removed insulation glass wool 2002 – October 10: Owens Corning
from the list of possible carcinogens. A report introduced ProPINK FastBatt™ insulation – a
documenting the science behind this change in flexible, fiberglass insulation batt with a
flangeless Kraft facing. Designed for
classification was made available through IARC
installation in the wood framed cavities of
and the agency issued a press release stating exterior wall assemblies, ProPINK FastBatt
that "Epidemiologic studies published during the insulation is engineered to improve
15 years since the previous IARC Monographs productivity during installation. “Friction fit”
review of these fibers in 1988 provide no evidence application requires no stapling to hold the
of increased risks of lung cancer or of batt in place. In addition, the flangeless Kraft
mesothelioma (cancer of the lining of the body facing provides the vapor retardant membrane
cavities) from occupational exposures during required by most building codes.
manufacture of these materials, and inadequate
evidence overall of any cancer risk." The IARC 2002 – October 16: The Fabricating Solutions
conclusion was based in part on the extensive Business announced plans to close
research published by Owens Corning scientists manufacturing facilities in Douglas, Ga., and
in peer-reviewed scientific literature that Waco, Texas, by Dec. 13, 2002. The facilities
illuminated the critical role of fiber durability, which produced vertical-seam residential and light
commercial metal products for the

manufactured housing and specialty roofing 2002 – October 30: Owens Corning received
markets. The business will continue to focus on a $1.9 million grant from the National Institute
the recreational vehicle, cargo and specialty of Standards and Technology for research
fabrication markets. and development work to enhance the
performance of rigid nano-composite foam
2002 – October 22: The OEM Solutions Group insulation while discovering a new blowing
announced a consolidation of several operations agent for use during production of the foam.
and closing of three facilities. The facility in Grand The U.S. Department of Commerce Advanced
Rapids, Mich., closed Oct. 11, 2002. Operations Technology Program grant is for three years
will cease at Hebron, Ohio, by Nov. 8, 2002, and and will enable Owens Corning scientists and
at Angola, Ind., by Nov. 15, 2002. The Angola and engineers to develop advanced micro-cellular,
Grand Rapids operations serviced the acoustical nano-composite rigid foam building materials
tack panel market for office furniture with much higher structural strength and
manufacturers. The Hebron facility manufactured thermal insulation performance than existing
the fiberglass media used by the other two plants. materials, using environmentally benign
The changes affected 63 employees in Grand blowing agents to replace HCFCs.
Rapids, 24 employees in Angola and 44
employees at the Hebron facility. 2002 – October 31: The HOMExperts™ Home
Repair and Improvements Business acquired
2002 – October 22: Owens Corning announced the assets of California-based Home Finishes,
plans to sell the high-temperature mineral wool LLC, a company providing skilled construction
pipe and board plant in Phenix City, Alabama. The labor to the home improvement and building
facility, employing 122 people, was purchased industries in Los Angeles, San Francisco and
from Partek Insulation, Inc. in 1996. Sacramento. The three cities join a growing
list of markets with HOMExperts services –
2002 – October 24: CEO Dave Brown hosted an Boston, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Chicago,
employee meeting to review a new strategic plan Indianapolis, Denver, Atlanta, and
developed by the leadership following a Washington, D.C.
comprehensive analysis of the company’s 28
individual business units. Brown said the plan 2002 – November 5: In an industry first,
balances short-term financial needs with long- Owens Corning achieved Underwriters
term requirements for success. He also outlined Laboratories (UL) acoustical listing for its
the Framework for Change, which encompasses Conwed and Wall Technology fabric wall
the company’s purpose – delivering solutions, panels. The listing verifies that noise reduction
transforming markets and enhancing lives – its coefficients are being achieved and provides
One Company strategic intent and the five third-party assurance of acoustical
Strategic Areas of Focus – creating customer performance.
experiences second to none, transforming the
supply chain, leveraging the brand, engaging 2002 – November 8: The Exterior Systems
employees and becoming performance obsessed. Business exited the fence and deck systems
business effective immediately. The move
2002 – October 29: While reporting financial included all Owens Corning branded fencing,
results for the third quarter, Owens Corning decking and railing products.
announced additional charges for asbestos-
related liabilities of $1.381 billion for Owens 2002 – November 18: Owens Corning
Corning and $975 million for Fibreboard, for a announced its title sponsorship of the
total charge of $2.356 billion. The reserve for Preseason National Invitation Tournament
asbestos liability was increased because the (NIT), November 18-29, 2002. A national
company determined that asbestos claims to be advertising campaign is planned to
submitted in Chapter 11 are higher than the accompany the principal sponsorship of the
company’s prior reserve. While the charge was event, which is one of the country’s most
significant in terms of reported results, it was an prestigious college basketball tournaments.
accounting reserve that did not require the
company to pay any cash at the time it was 2002 – November 21: The Siding Solutions
recorded. Business announced plans to sell the metals
business, the Atlanta vinyl siding plant and its
Florida manufacturing operations. The metals

business, acquired in 1997, includes plants in Ohio, at least through the first quarter of 2003.
Roxboro, N.C.; Bellwood, Va.; Ashville, Ohio; and The facility employs about 50 people.
Beloit, Wisc., along with an office in Raleigh, N.C.
The Atlanta siding plant services the 2003 – January 6: The Exterior Systems
manufactured housing market, a highly Business introduced the Berkshire™
competitive, low margin/low growth industry Collection featuring a premium laminate
segment. The Florida manufacturing operations shingle with the upscale look of slate and the
include the Bradenton Window Plant and the durability and performance of an asphalt
Lakeland Door Plant. shingle. Using a patented manufacturing
process, precise granule drops create
2002 – December 3: The company closed its shingles with unique color tabs. These then
glass fiber reinforcements manufacturing facility in blend with three other complementary colors
Wrexham, North Wales, U.K. “Despite significant to create an attractive shingle. The collection
performance improvements achieved by includes 12 shingle colors and a limited
employees at Wrexham, manufacturing costs lifetime warranty, including 15-year algae
remain too high to compete in the markets served resistance and 110 mph wind resistance
by the facility,” said Dick Lantz, president of the warranties. Even the method of packaging is
Composite Solutions Business. “We looked very unique as Berkshire shingles are packaged
hard to find alternative options for the Wrexham face up with no need to flip and spin the
facility but we could not identify any structure that product during installation.
would allow the facility to succeed.” The facility
employed 230 people and manufactured 2003 – January 17: Owens Corning filed a
fiberglass roving and chopped strand mat. Plan of Reorganization with the United States
Bankruptcy Court in Delaware. The company
2002 – December 10: Advanced Glassfiber Yarns filed the joint plan with 17 of its United States
LLC, a joint venture formed in 1998 by Owens subsidiaries, the Official Committee of
Corning and Groupe Porcher Industries, filed for Asbestos Claimants and the Legal
Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Owens Corning Representative for future asbestos personal
maintains a 49 percent share of AGY, which is a injury claimants. “The filing is an important
global supplier of glass fiber yarns used in a milestone for Owens Corning,” said CEO
variety of electronic, industrial, construction and Dave Brown. “This plan advances our
specialty applications. AGY said it expects daily objective of emerging from Chapter 11 as
operations to continue without disruption during quickly as possible as a strong and
Chapter 11. competitive company well positioned to serve
our customers.” The plan provides for partial
2002 – December 19: After trading on the New payment of creditors’ claims in the form of
York Stock Exchange for nearly 50 years, Owens new common stock, notes of the reorganized
Corning shares were removed and began trading company and cash. Since all classes of
instead on the Over-The-Counter Bulletin Board unsecured creditors will not receive full value
under a new trading symbol – OWENQ. The for their claims under the plan, existing
exchange said Owens Corning shares had fallen common stock of Owens Corning will be
below their continued-listing standards. cancelled and current shareholders will
Specifically, average market capitalization during receive no distribution or other consideration
a 30-trading-day period was less than $50 million in exchange for their shares.
and the average closing price was less than $1
during that period. CEO Dave Brown said 2003 – January 24: Owens Corning
delisting from the NYSE does not affect business announced a sponsorship that created an
operations or the restructuring efforts. alliance in building science technology. The
Environments For Living® program,
2002 – December 19: Owens Corning announced developed by Masco Contractor Services and
plans to curtail production of MIRAFLEX® two leading companies in building science,
insulation and eventually exit the product line. enables builders to enhance the overall
While consumer and industry response has been livability of their homes while providing peace
positive, demand for the product never reached of mind regarding energy use. With the
the levels needed to efficiently produce the sponsorship, Environments For Living will be
material. The company said it planned to continue available through Owens Corning Certified
operating the manufacturing plant at Mt. Vernon, Energy Professionals.

Climate RESOLVE (Responsible
2003 – February: Owens Corning introduced OC Environmental Steps, Opportunities to Lead
Molding Mat Fabrics for closed molding processes by Voluntary Efforts) program is part of a
in the marine industry. The new glass fiber fabrics presidential initiative to reduce greenhouse
are stronger than traditional molding mat and offer gases including carbon dioxide, which result
greater stability. The new fabrics provide a from the burning of fossil fuels in power
superior surface on finished parts, reduce plants, factories, offices, homes and
processing time and increase ease of handling for transportation.
boat builders. Their flexibility and versatility also
allow more freedom in boat design. 2003 – April 1: SABIC EuroPetrochemicals
said it will acquire Owens Corning’s 50
2003 – February: According to a survey of the percent share in StaMax BV, a joint venture
country’s top 50 homebuilders by Home Builder formed in 1999, giving SABIC full ownership
Executive magazine, Owens Corning ranks highly of the company that produces StaMax® P
with homebuilders across the country. In its long glass fiber polypropylene composite
annual Innovations Award issue, the magazine material. Owens Corning will be the sole
gave top honors for 2002 to Owens Corning supplier of PerforMax® glass fiber. StaMax
insulation and roofing products. BV will use Owens Corning’s patented
process and proprietary glass fiber to produce
2003 – March: The Brazilian magazine Exame and sell material in Europe.
included Owens Corning in its list of the 100 Best
Companies to Work for in Brazil. Companies are 2003 – April 1: The Composite Solutions
selected for achieving the highest scores in the Business introduced six new products at the
areas of compensation, benefits, career JEC trade show for composites in Paris. The
opportunities and training, safety, degree of trust new products include three Single End Type
in company management, work and company 30® rovings, OC® FM 8686 continuous
pride, communication, workplace atmosphere and filament mat, OC® VL 8101 glass
social responsibility. reinforcement mat, and an OC® Veil
Technologies reinforced composite core.
2003 – March 4: FORTUNE magazine ranked
Owens Corning fifth in the building materials/glass 2003 – April 1: Owens Corning Automotive
category of its 2003 list of America’s Most- reported progress in developing an integrated
Admired Companies. Companies were ranked by composite speaker panel that will make
more than 10,000 executives, directors and distributed mode loudspeakers (DMLs)
securities analysts on eight criteria including commercially viable in the automotive market
social responsibility, innovation, long-term in the near future. The composite speaker
investment, use of corporate assets, financial panel offers numerous benefits to auto
soundness, quality of products/services and manufacturers including lower systems costs,
quality of management. increased space savings, greater design
flexibility and weight reduction. A prototype of
2003 – March 5: Alcoa Home Exteriors, Inc. the composite speaker panel was displayed at
acquired the Owens Corning vinyl production the composites show in Paris.
facility in Atlanta, Ga.
2003 – April 21: Conwed Designscape, an
2003 – March 19: Employees at Newark, Ohio Owens Corning company, launched its
successfully passed an ISO 9001:2000 quality innovative Respond® Access Ceiling. The
management system audit. Newark had been downward accessible, torsion-spring ceiling
registered to ISO 9002:1994, but the ISO 9000 system is easily opened for access to pipes,
series of standards was revised and this was the ducts, wiring and sprinklers. The system was
plant’s first attempt to meet the revisions. ISO designed and developed at the Owens
9001 registration is required by several of the Corning Science & Technology Center in
plant’s customers. Granville, Ohio.

2003 – March: Owens Corning joined leading 2003 – April 22: Owens Corning announced
companies in working with the Business its participation in the Built Green Colorado™
Roundtable on improving energy efficiency and program, the largest green building program
greenhouse gas reduction. The Roundtable’s in the United States. Introduced in 1995, Built

Green Colorado now has more than 100 builder in three major areas: OHSAS 18001, ISO
members and implemented its program in more 14001 and ISO 9001-2000. The plant thus
than 13,000 Colorado homes. Eleven percent of became one of the first companies in France,
all new homes built in Colorado in 2002 as well as the first Owens Corning facility, to
conformed to Built Green standards. integrate the three separate quality
management systems in depth. In 2000,
2003 – May 7: In a surprising move, long-time L’Ardoise also became the first Owens
competitors Owens Corning and Saint-Gobain Corning facility to have its environmental
announced plans to form a joint venture and build management system certified ISO 14001.
a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility for glass
fiber reinforcements. The 50/50 joint venture will 2003 – June: Owens Corning received the
produce reinforcements to be sold in equal shares United States Certificate of Registration for
through the Owens Corning and Saint-Gobain the color PINK trademark as applied to
Vetrotex sales networks. Production is planned for packaging on roofing shingles. The
late 2004. The companies said the joint venture registration officially extends the company’s
springs from a need to meet customer needs trademark rights for the color PINK to roofing
while working within the composites industry to shingles.
enlarge the market by replacing traditional
materials. 2003 – June 25: Owens Corning received
GREENGUARD Certification™ from the
2003 – May 9: IIG MinWool LLC acquired the GREENGUARD Environmental Institute for
assets of the Phenix City, Ala. plant that insulating products including PINK fiber glass
manufactures high temperature mineral wool pipe batts and rolls, all blowing wools, Foamular
and board products. MinWool is a unit of the extruded foam, QuietZone batts and acoustic
Industrial Insulation Group (IIG). floor mat, SelectSound black acoustic blanket
and FoamSealR ridged sill gasket.
2003 – May 12: A crew of HOMExperts™ Certification demonstrates that the products
technicians turned a Southwestern-themed room contribute minimal emissions to indoor
into a gorgeous living space on the talk show, environments. Owens Corning is the first
Oprah. Taped in March, the home improvement manufacturer to receive certification for
segment featured a room makeover. HOMExperts extruded foam board products.
donated about 12 days to the project but
promoted its name and brand on a national level. 2003 – May: Lloyds Register Quality
Results were so impressive the producers asked Assurance Ltd. (LRQA) recommended the
the crew to participate in an upcoming kitchen Aiken, S.C. plant for certification in ISO
makeover. 9001:2000, ISO 14001:1996 and OHSAS
18001:1999. This is the first triple-certification
2003 – May 15: The Roofing Systems Business for quality, environmental and health and
introduced WeatherGuard® HP shingles, safety in North America.
featuring patented TruLoc™ granule retention
technology to help retain granules during harsh 2003 – June 30: With industry-leading
weather. Featuring a UL 2218 Class 4 rating, 130 TruColor® Protection Technology, Owens
mph wind warranty and algae-resistant granules, Corning elected to back its HomeSide®
WeatherGuard® HP shingles are available in Collection of vinyl siding with the best
coastal regions and other appropriate markets. warranty in the industry, including
unsurpassed fade protection coverage. The
2003 – May 28: Owens Corning completed the company’s limited lifetime warranty on the
sale of its residential aluminum building products collection covers a color change of Delta E 4
business to Sun ALSCO LLC, an affiliate of Sun for the term of the warranty. Most standard
Capital Partners Inc. Owens Corning also signed siding warranties provide coverage for a color
a supply agreement with Sun ALSCO to distribute change of Delta E 7.
aluminum building products through the Owens
Corning Norandex/Reynolds distribution centers. 2003 – July 15: Owens Corning took a stand
for safety with a town hall meeting and
2003 – June 9: An audit by the Bureau Veritas teleconference focusing entirely on that
Quality International (BVQI) in France subject. “There is nothing more important than
recommended the L’Ardoise plant for certification delivering on our promise of safety,” said Mike

Thaman, chief financial officer, as he opened the Assurance Ltd. (LRQA). The recommendation
meeting in Toledo. CEO Dave Brown participated makes Jackson one of the few Owens
from Amarillo, Texas where he reported on the Corning facilities to receive this distinction for
plant’s dramatic improvement in safety an integrated management system including
performance. “This is a time for us to choose,” environmental, quality and health and safety
said Brown. “We need to take a stand around processes.
safety. The days of incremental improvements are
gone. We have one objective: zero injuries.” 2003 – October: Current and retired
employees of the Waxahachie, Texas plant
2003 – July 28: The Owens Corning Basement came together over a two-day period to mark
Finishing System (BFS), a division of the plant’s 40 years in operation.
HOMExperts™, announced it now has more than
50 franchises in the U.S. Invented in 1997, BFS 2003 – October 27: The Composite Solutions
introduced a franchise network in 2000 with dozen Business presented three innovative marine
franchises. To date, there are 54 franchises and products at an industry trade show – OC®
more than 3,000 basement finishing systems FlowTex™ fabrics, a line of fabrics that allow
have been installed nationwide. closed-mold parts to be processed up to 40
percent faster; OC® ME 3021 multi-end
2003 – July 30: Owens Corning and Saint-Gobain continuous roving; and OC® VL 8860 print
announced plans in July to build their previously blocking surfacing veil. Owens Corning said
announced joint manufacturing venture in the company is putting significant focus on
Xicohtencatl, Tlaxcala, Mexico, adjacent to a developing the depth and quality of its offering
Saint-Gobain Vetrotex America facility. to the marine market.
Construction began in August.
2003 – November: The Owens Corning World
2003 – September 4: Owens Corning celebrated Headquarters building in Toledo, Ohio was
the opening of a $30 million manufacturing one of three office buildings in the U.S.
expansion at the Veil Technologies facility in highlighted for innovative architecture in the
Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. The expansion is November issue of Architectural Record
designed to support the company’s global growth Review.
in the specialty non-woven reinforcements market
and double the plant’s capacity for making glass 2003 – November 17: Owens Corning and
fiber non-woven mat. NEPTCO Inc. announced an agreement to
combine both companies’ glass-based rigid
2003 – September 18: Owens Corning strength element and flexible reinforcement
announced the establishment of Owens Corning businesses. The products are used to
(Shanghai) International Trading Co. Ltd. The manufacture copper and fiber optic
subsidiary, which will import, export and distribute telecommunications and data transmission
building materials, is the company’s seventh in cables. Owens Corning also said it will cease
China. Owens Corning began operating a glass production at Duncan, S.C. in second quarter
fiber insulation plant in Guangzhou in 1995, of 2004.
followed by a plant in Shanghai in 1997. Owens
Corning (China) Investment Co. Ltd. was 2003 – December: Owens Corning re-
established in 1996 to manage the company’s dedicated the Springfield, Tenn. fiberglass
investments in the country. In 1999, Owens manufacturing plant. The facility, which
Corning opened the country’s first extruded fabricates acoustical and thermal insulation
polystyrene foam board manufacturing facility in products for customers such as General
Nanjing and formed its first wholly foreign-owned Motors/Saturn and Electrolux, was severely
enterprise in Anshan, Liaoning Province, to damaged by a tornado May 5, 2003.
produce glass fiber insulation in Northeast China.
A vinyl siding production line was added at 2003 – December: The Commercial and
Anshan in 2002. Industrial Insulating Systems Business
introduced an improved product for the
2003 – September: The Jackson, Tenn., plant external insulation of heating, air conditioning
was recommended for certification in ISO and dual-temperature ducts. Named SoftR™
9001:2000, ISO 14001:1996 and OHSAS All Service Duct Wrap, the product was
18001:1999, by Lloyds Register Quality

developed in response to customer requests to wind energy market. At the time of the
improve standard duct wrap. announcement, India had the fifth largest
installed windmill capacity.
2003 – December 16: The company announced
plans to increase capacity for light density and 2004 – February 23: Owens Corning
loose fill fiber glass insulation. In 2004, Owens announced a $30 million upgrade of its
Corning said it would upgrade and restart a Jackson, Tenn., facility to significantly
mothballed light density production line at Kansas increase glass fiber capacity. The expansion
City. In 2005, the company will increase capacity of the plant, which manufactures glass for
at Fairburn, Ga. through the installation of its residential and commercial roofing products
RHOAD™ technology. For loose fill insulation, and also specialty glass applications, was
already completed upgrades in Newark, Ohio, scheduled to be completed by August 2004.
Salt Lake City, Utah, and Santa Clara, Calif. will The expansion also reflects the company’s
be joined by expansions in Toronto, Ontario in commitment to the environment and energy
February, 2004. efficiency. Working with the Department of
Energy and a nearly $1 million DOE Grant, an
2004 – January 29: In a meeting with employees Owens Corning-led team is developing oxy-
at the facility in Nappanee, Ind., the Fabricating fuel fired technology for other parts of the
Solutions Business reported plans to rename the glass making process – which to date has
division Owens Corning Fabwel. The new name is been used only in melting. When complete,
expected to leverage the collective strengths of the new technology will use less natural gas
the Owens Corning and Fabwel brands. The and have lower C02 and NOx emissions.
business has been the leading supplier of exterior
products to the RV market for more than 32 2004 – February 23: The company announced
years. plans to close the Aeromat operation at
Newark, Ohio, by May, 2004. The 15
2004 – February 4: Owens Corning said it will employees who work in that area of the plant
divest its Vytec vinyl siding operation, a division of were to be absorbed into other parts of the
the company’s Siding Solutions Business. The facility. The Aeromat area produced duct liner
unit produces several lines of vinyl siding and insulation using recycled fibers from other
accessories under the Vytec brand. Owens wool operations at Newark. After the closing,
Corning said it remains committed to the vinyl Newark provided only an equivalent rotary
siding business and it will retain its Owens product – H2V – made on the C4 line.
Corning Homeside and Norandex Reynolds lines
of siding and accessories. 2004 – February 23: To meet the growing
demand for higher-end roofing products,
2004 – February 17: At the World of Concrete Owens Corning introduced the Woodcrest™
Show, Owens Corning introduced the Weep and Woodmoor™ Collections, roofing
Guard™ Extruded Polystyrene Insulation System shingles that combine the stylishly rugged
– the first system to reduce labor costs by appearance of wood shake with unmatched
combining rigid foam insulation with a mortar ease of installation for contractors.
control device. Specially designed for use as the Significantly reducing application time, the
bottom course in a masonry cavity wall, the Weep features of the Woodmoor and Woodcrest
Guard system offers a long list of features and Collection include the SureNail ™ extra wide
benefits including a special J-shaped drainage nailing area; the ability to be installed either
mat that catches mortar droppings but allows the left or right and still get the same visual
water to pass through the mat and out weep effect; and WoodStart™ starter strip – a one
holes. piece, laminated starter shingle that provides
two layers of protection.
2004 – February 19: The company said it will add
glass fiber knitting capability at the Taloja, India, 2004 – March: The Exterior Systems Business
plant operated by Owens Corning India Limited, a found another way to add value to the
joint venture between Owens Corning and Cultured Stone® brand – it introduced a
Mahindra & Mahindra, India. The investment adds Select Installer Program. Based on the
fabric knitting to the plant’s existing glass roving infrastructure of the company’s Preferred
operations to supply growing market demand in Contractor Program, the Select Installer
India and surrounding regions, especially for the Program adds brand value for contractors and

consumers. The new program is for masons and designers, workmen and neighbors race
installers who apply Cultured Stone brand against time to completely renovate a home or
manufactured stone veneer. apartment in seven days. Owens Corning
contributed both Oakridge Pro 30 shingles
2004 – March 22: Owens Corning Automotive and PINK fiberglass insulation to a home
(UK) Ltd., acquired the automotive assets of UK- project in San Bernadino, Calif. The
based Lancaster Fibre Technology Ltd. Lancaster company’s Room Finishing System – a
Fibre Technology has traditionally supplied product being tested by a Basement Finishing
automotive solutions to the UK auto industry System franchisee – will be featured in the
based on Owens Corning Silentex® automotive remodeling of a New York City apartment.
noise control technology – Advantex® direct Owens Corning products and services have
rovings, silencer filling packs and Silentex™ filling also been featured during the year on Bob
machines. Vila’s HOME AGAIN™, The Oprah Winfrey
Show and the Home & Garden Television
2004 – March 30: At the JEC Composites Show in (HGTV) network.
Paris, Owens Corning introduced two new
products – OC® Continuous Filament Mat (CFM) 2004 – May: For the 50th consecutive year,
8635, a new glass-fiber, non-woven product for Owens Corning was included in the
use in infusion molding in the marine industry, and FORTUNE magazine ranking of the 500
OC SE 1200 Type 30 single-end roving for largest U.S. companies based on revenues.
knitting and weaving in the wind energy and The FORTUNE 500 also lists the company as
marine markets. Manufactured with number one in the Building Materials, glass
Owens Corning Advantex® glass, CFM 8635is the category. The company’s ranking for 2003
only CFM tailored for the infusion process. It was 350. Since the lising began in 1955,
provides customers up to 25 percent faster 1,877 companies have appeared on it. Of that
infusion versus other CFM products, and an all- total, 71 including Owens Corning have made
glass system for molders concerned about using the list every year it has been published.
organic materials in below-waterline applications.
OC SE 1200 Type 30 roving sets new standards 2004 – May: Owens Corning reported leasing
in dynamic fatigue properties when used in space at the Granville, Ohio, Science &
polyester resins systems. Technology Center to Varo Engineers, Ltd., a
multi-disciplined engineering firm based in
2004 – April: Owens Corning announced the central Ohio. An engineering supplier to
relocation of the Asia Pacific Building Materials Owens Corning, Varo said it will move about
headquarters from Hong Kong to Shanghai, 30 engineers and designers to the facility.
China, and the opening of a fifth representative
office, in Wuhan, Hebei Province. Sales offices 2004 – May 10: Owens Corning again led all
are also located in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing manufacturers in the number of projects
and Nanjing. The move of the Asia Pacific honored in the Vinyl Siding Institute’s annual
headquarters places the business in the heart of Awards of Distinction program. Projects using
the largest commercial base in the region. Owens Corning siding received nine of the 36
awards given by the Institute in 2004. Three
2004 – April 2: Owens Corning acquired the awards were for Vytec projects and six for
outstanding shares of Vitro Fibras, a Mexican- Norandex/Reynolds projects.
based joint venture with Vitro S.A. de C.V, for
$71.5 million. Owens Corning previously held a 40 2004 – June 24: Spurred by strong demand
percent ownership position in the venture, which for rigid extruded polystyrene foam insulation,
was formed in 1957. The operation manufactures Owens Corning announced plans to build a
a wide range of light-density fiber glass products new 50,000-square-foot manufacturing plant
as well as molded pipe, board and composite in Gresham, Ore. Scheduled to begin
reinforcements. It has manufacturing operations operation in 2005, the facility will supply the
in Mexico City and three OEM fabrication facilities Foamular® and Celfortec® brands to
in Mexicali, Monterrey and San Luis Potosi. customers throughout the western United
States and western Canada.
2004 – May: Owens Corning products were used
on remodeling projects for ABC’s Extreme 2004 – July: Owens Corning completed
Makeover: Home Edition. In the series a team of construction of two new fiberglass pipe

insulation lines at OC Mexico in Mexico City. The expansion, to be complete in early 2005, will
expansion, which doubles the plant’s pipe be the second at the facility in the past year.
capacity, is part of a series of investments to fill a The project will implement new furnace
void in the North American pipe insulation technology which will improve efficiency,
marketplace caused in part by a fire that reduce costs and limit disruption to the plant’s
destroyed a competitor’s facility. current production during construction and
start up. Other recent capacity upgrades
2004 – July: The company announced plans for included Kansas City, Fairburn, Newark, Salt
new shingle and insulation plants in China. The Lake City and Santa Clara.
new shingle plant in east China, scheduled to
open at the end of the year, is the first Owens 2004 – September: Startup of a new fabrics
Corning shingle plant in China and the first operation to support the Wind Energy market
Chinese facility to manufacture international in India was celebrated at the Taloja, India,
standard glass fiber asphalt shingle products. plant of Owens Corning India Ltd., a joint
Already China’s largest manufacturer of glass venture between Owens Corning and
fiber wool insulation products, Owens Corning Mahindra & Mahindra. The celebration was
also began building a new fiberglass insulation carried out in the traditional Indian style with a
facility in Tianjin, China. The new facility will be coconut breaking ceremony to symbolize
the company’s fourth glass fiber insulation and selfless service and breaking of the ego.
fifth building materials plant in China. Further
west, Owens Corning signed a three-year lease 2004 – September: Owens Corning
agreement with Hubei Poly Glass Fibre Co. Ltd. operations in Europe and Asia took a big step
near Wuhan, Hubei Province. toward making Six Sigma a way of life by
launching a training program aimed at
2004 – July: Owens Corning’s PROPINK reaching nearly 90 percent of the workforce in
Complete™ Blown-in Wall System and those regions. The Six Sigma process allows
QuietZone™ SOLSERENE™ Fabric Ceiling the company to look at everything it does –
System were named as two of the winning from product development, invoicing, and
products in Building Products magazine’s 2004 shipping to manufacturing – and uncover
MVP Awards contest, which honors innovative ways to eliminate defects, reduce direct costs
new products in the marketplace. and achieve capital efficient growth.

2004 – July 22: The great minds driving Owens 2004 – September 28: Owens Corning said it
Corning innovations were honored at a Science & is initiating the process to build a 150-million-
Technology Innovation Celebration in Granville, pound-per-year light density fiberglass
Ohio. Thirty-eight individuals received Slayter insulation plant for the Southeastern United
Awards, which honor the best-of-the-best in States. Production could begin as early as the
technical achievement yielding high business third quarter of 2006 due to recent advances
impact. Three individuals received Marzocchi in the company’s proprietary RHOAD™
Awards, which recognize specific patent manufacturing platform, which will allow the
milestones that contribute to Owens Corning’s facility to be constructed nearly 15 percent
intellectual property. faster than previously possible.

2004 – August 5: Owens Corning said it will 2004 – October: Employees at Candiac,
upgrade its Summit, Ill., facility to produce Quebec celebrated the fifth anniversary of the
laminated shingles in addition to standard three- plant’s reopening and fifth consecutive year
tab roofing products. With the investment, the with the best efficiencies and cost per pound
Summit plant joins the company’s fast-growing within the Insulating Systems Business for
nationwide network of laminated shingle light density products. Built in 1964 near
manufacturing facilities to meet demand for Montreal, Candiac supplies residential
laminates, which represent nearly 60 percent of fiberglass insulation to Quebec, the Maritimes
the residential roofing market. and part of Ontario. In 1998, Candiac closed
its doors due to market and cost
2004 – August 24: Owens Corning announced considerations. Employees, union leaders and
plans to expand fiberglass light density and loose government officials later succeeded in
fill insulation capacity by another 20 percent in developing a plan to make the plant
Toronto, Canada. The multimillion dollar

competitive by the industry’s best standards and it home improvement and remodeling programs
reopened in 1999. including The Oprah Winfrey Show; Inside
Edition; HGTV’s Curb Appeal; and CNNfn’s
2004 – October 25: The Composite Solutions Open House.
Business introduced OC® FlowRo™ woven-
roving-based fabrics for closed molding, which 2004 – November: The Composite Solutions
infuse 10 times faster than current options and at Business plant in Rio Claro was named
a significantly lower price than competing among the 100 Best Companies to Work
products. OC FlowRo fabrics are 100 percent For® in Brazil for the third consecutive year.
fiberglass, combining woven roving and The list is published annually in Exame, a
continuous filament mat in a patent-pending business magazine in Brazil.
2004 – November 9: The Composite Solutions
2004 – October 28: Owens Corning said it plans Business added a production line in Rio Claro,
to invest $50 million in the Amarillo, Texas Brazil to meet demand for OC Molding Mat
composites facility for process automation, reinforcement, which, when used in
computer/control upgrades, a furnace rebuild and conjunction with closed-cavity bag molding
other changes to accommodate new products that (CCBM), is up to three times faster than hand
will be made at the plant. Robotic technology will or spray lay-up. OC Molding Mat combines a
be used to automate the fiberglass reinforcement non-woven core with two stitch-bonded outer
manufacturing process, which will significantly layers of binder-free chopped fiberglass.
improve safety, ergonomics and quality control, Owens Corning has an exclusive license with
and also provide a 30 percent increase in Arctek Inc., to market and sell CCBM
capacity. Installation of the first robot prototype is technology in South America.
scheduled for April 2005.
2004 – November 30: Owens Corning Fabwel
2004 – October 28: Owens Corning said it will introduced an exterior panel for recreational
invest $31 million to expand capacity for Cultured vehicles that is exceptionally durable and 20
Stone® brand stone veneer 70 percent by the end percent lighter than traditional materials. The
of 2005. The initiatives include a $16 million all-composite CTEC™ panel reduces total
expansion at the Chester, S.C. facility, which will vehicle weight, thereby increasing cargo
double the plant’s capacity and be in production capacity and allowing designers to
by the fourth quarter of 2005. Another $15 million differentiate vehicles by incorporating more
in equipment upgrades are planned for all three features and amenities. The patent-pending
Cultured Stone facilities – in Napa, Calif., all-composite CTEC panel is comprised of
Navarre, Ohio and Chester. layers of Owens Corning fiberglass
reinforcements and polyester resins.
2004 – October 28: The reinforcements plant in
L’Ardoise, France, held a celebration in honor of 2004 – December 6: Owens Corning
the facility’s recovery from a devastating flood that announced construction of a $5.9 million plant
closed the plant and left thousands homeless only in Chung Nam Province, South Korea to
10 months before. The L’Ardoise plant had been produce glass fiber asphalt roofing shingles.
evacuated and closed on Dec. 3, 2003. It took Scheduled to begin operation in the fourth
until the end of January before the first furnace quarter of 2005, the new plant will be the
could be lit again. The second furnace and one of second Owens Corning shingle plant to be
its two glass delivery channels was started May built outside the U.S. (the first is in China),
17. Burners in the second channel were lit Sept. and the first facility in South Korea to
6, and the plant was operating at full capacity in manufacture international standard glass fiber
October. asphalt shingles. The company began selling
roofing shingles in South Korea in 1995.
2004 – November: Fans of the ABC television
network’s Extreme Makeover: Home Edition saw 2004 – December 7: To help mattress
a lot of Owens Corning people and products manufacturers comply with California’s open-
during the year. The company was a regular flame-resistance standard TB603 without
participant on the show which each week making manufacturing changes, Owens
remodels or rebuilds a family’s home to meet their Corning introduced the first one-step
needs. Owens Corning also participates in other composite solution, Owens Corning Fire

Resistant (FR) Filler Cloth. Comprised of fire- America. RheTech will market the product
resistant and self-extinguishing fibers, FR Filler under the RHEMAX trade name. RheTech
Cloth is bonded directly to standard non-FR filler said it will begin production of the product in
cloth, which then looks, feels and installs like the third quarter of 2005 at a facility in
traditional materials applied to the bottom of no- Michigan using PerforMax® roving developed
flip mattresses. Together, the materials are specifically by Owens Corning for LFTP
inherently fire-resistant without chemical
treatment, shielding foam and other “comfort
materials” within the mattress and foundation.
2005 – February 9: Owens Corning introduced
2005 – January: Owens Corning joined the a newly formatted QuietR™ Acoustic Duct
Alliance for Sustainable Built Environments, a Liner with enhanced acoustical performance
consortium of companies embracing that provides superior abuse resistance while
sustainability. The goals of the Alliance include meeting all national and state building code
educating the building industry, reducing the thermal requirements. The newest addition to
impact that built environments have on the natural the company's already extensive line of air
environment and demonstrating green thinking as handling products, QuietR Acoustic Duct Liner
a successful business strategy. The Alliance is also inhibits the penetration of dirt, dust and
also involved in furthering the U.S. Green Building other pollutants found in HVAC systems.
Council’s LEED (Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design) green building rating 2005 – March: Owens Corning fiber glass
system. insulation products have been certified to
contain an average of 35 percent recycled
2005 – January 13: Norandex/Reynolds content by leading third-party certifier
showcased its new Cedar Reflections® line of Scientific Certification Systems. The increase
vinyl siding at the 2005 International Builders’ of five percent makes the company’s
Show. The new line captures the natural look and certification level the highest in North
visual read of cedar but delivers performance and America.
cost benefits not found with natural materials.
Cedar Reflections siding has color fast properties 2005 – March: Owens Corning expanded its
made possible through the use of exclusive global technical reach with a new Science and
ColorHold® technology developed by Norandex/ Technology Center in Shanghai, China. The
Reynolds. Center will focus on developing new
applications and solutions to support the
2005 – January 13: Also at the Builders’ Show, company's core and growth businesses in
Owens Corning introduced three new products residential and commercial construction,
that joined the company’s comprehensive energy, automotive/transportation, electronics,
insulating accessory line in February: marine and infrastructure markets.
WeatherProtectR™ Waterproofing System, the
only fully integrated below-grade moisture 2005 – March: A multimillion dollar expansion
resistance system designed for use with was launched at the glass fiber reinforcement
polystyrene foam applications; WEATHEResist™ mat plant in Aiken, S.C. Expected to begin
Door and Window Flashing Tape, the only pliable, production in the second quarter of 2006, the
asphalt-based stick tape that can be installed new line will include technology that allows
without a primer at temperatures as low as 20 Owens Corning and Georgia-Pacific to
degrees Fahrenheit; and PINKCap™ Attic Stair transform the gypsum wall board industry
Insulator, a polystyrene foam product that reduces from paper to glass fiber veil. Coated glass
air leaks through attic stairwells. veil provides moisture and mold resistance,
improved product stability and superior fire
2005 – February 9: Owens Corning and RheTech, resistance compared to wood or foam
Inc., announced a licensing agreement under sheathing.
which RheTech will manufacture and sell a
proprietary Owens Corning-developed long-fiber 2005 – April: Owens Corning expanded its
glass/polyolefin thermoplastic (LFTP) in North global technical reach with a Development

Support Laboratory in Rio Claro, Brazil. The September 2004 that it was conducting a
facility is equipped to mirror customer procedures study to build a plant. The project is
and processes such as hand lay-up, spray up and contingent on final approval by the Board and
resin transfer molding. A collaborative all environmental and construction permits.
arrangement with a local university augments the The facility could begin production in the third
lab's testing capabilities and processing quarter of 2006 if market demand continues to
techniques. be strong. Designed to produce Flexible Duct
Media (FDM), the plant will also have the
2005 – April 4-6: For the first time ever, Owens capability to make other light density
Corning exhibited at the International Construction insulation products.
and Interiors Exhibition in Moscow, Russia.
Known as MosBuild, the show is one of the most 2005 – July 21: Owens Corning Construction
important for the Russian building and Services (OCCS) announced the acquisition
construction industry. The company was there to of HomeReady, a company that provides
introduce the Owens Corning brand, meet with flooring installation services in Southern
existing and potential customers and explore California, the Bay area and Las Vegas. The
opportunities in the Russian building and acquisition allows OCCS to expand its
construction markets. business in key regions as well as in services
that complement its existing business.
2005 – April 5: Owens Corning introduced a low-
seed single-end Type 30® roving for electrical 2005 – July 26: A monsoon dumped a record
applications such medium and high-voltage 37 inches of rain in a 24-hour period in the
transmission and distribution insulators. Known as Mumbai region of India resulting in serious
SE 8400 LS, the new roving combines the anti- flooding at the company’s Taloja facility. The
corrosion, electrical and mechanical benefits of flooding resulted in power outages that
boron-free Advantex® E glass manufactured caused the eventual shutdown of the plant’s
using state-of-the-art melting technology. furnace used to make glass fiber
Minimizing microscopic bubble voids or "seeds" in reinforcements.
the glass prevents the formation of hollow
filaments that can cause failures. 2005 – August 1: The company announced
the start of a $25 million expansion of its
2005 – May 19: Groundbreaking for the Aiken, S.C. plant to support the recent launch
company’s Korean shingle plant took place in the of a composite application that is transforming
Inju Industrial Complex in Asan City, 80 the building materials industry. Scheduled to
kilometers south of Seoul. Scheduled to start start in the second quarter of 2006, the plant’s
production in the fourth quarter of 2005, the third production line will make a new glass
facility will make more than 10 million square mat facing for G-P Gypsum's next generation
meters of roofing shingles annually in a wide of DensArmor™ Plus, a paperless interior
variety of styles including three-tab, six-sided and wallboard product that offers moisture and
premium laminate. mold resistance.

2005 – May: The Commercial Interiors Business 2005 – August 4: OC™ Automotive unveiled
Unit of OEM Fabricating Solutions exited the AcoustiMax™ substrate, a light-weight glass-
office furniture market. The UTOPIA® and Valu mat composite material for vehicle interiors
Line groups of office furniture were sold to that is 45 percent stronger and 20 percent
Spectrum Industries. The products were part of quieter than competing systems. Fabricated in
the April 2000 acquisition of Conwed Louisville, Ky., AcoustiMax substrate provides
Designscape, the volume leader in acoustic improved structural and acoustical properties
panels in North America. in headliners, trunk liners, door modules, seat
backs and package trays.
2005 – May 23: Cordele, Ga., was named as the
location for a new Owens Corning fiber glass 2005 – August 15: Owens Corning celebrated
insulation facility. The company announced in 25 years with the Pink Panther, a United Artist

cartoon character. Used to promote sales of the
company’s PINK products, the Pink Panther has 2005 – November 14: Owens Corning agreed
done a wonderful job. By the end of his first to sell the assets of Owens Corning
decade on the job the company found consumer Manufacturing Solutions (OCMS) in Anderson,
preference for its PINK insulation products was S.C., to a German company named Dietze &
more than five times stronger than the closest Schell. The OCMS business produces
competition. precision equipment and parts used in the
glass fiber reinforcement manufacturing
2005 – August 18: The Tian Jin, China, plant process. OCMS was known as Foundry and
completed a successful start-up of a new Steel prior to acquisition by Owens Corning in
extruded foam line. Located about 120 kilometers 2000.
from Beijing, the Tian Jin plant serves the
northern China market and is the second plant 2005 – November 16: The Original Equipment
making extruded foam board in China. The first Manufacturers Solutions Group (OEM)
foam line, also the first extruded foam line in announced it will discontinue operations at
China, was installed in the Nanjing plant. plants in Johnson City, Tenn., and Dallas,
2005 – September 19: Owens Corning received
the Distinguished Supplier Award for 2005 from 2005 – December 1: Owens Corning Fabwel
MFG, a transportation and wind energy company said it will open a new Science and
based in Ashtabula, Ohio. MFG has been an Technology center in Elkhart, Ind., that will
Owens Corning customer since 1948 and was the allow the company to bring recreational
company’s design and application partner for the vehicle (RV) industry component solutions
first Corvette. MFG continues to supply parts for and expertise to the doorstep of major RV
the high performance sports car. manufacturers. OC Fabwel has been a
leading producer of RV components for more
2005 – September 29: Owens Corning Fabwel, a than 30 years.
business that fabricates fiberglass, aluminum and
steel products for the recreational vehicle (RV) 2005 – December 8: Owens Corning said it
and cargo trailer industries, announced the agreed to acquire the composites business of
acquisition of Wolverine Fabricating Inc., a Asahi Fiber Glass in Japan. The acquisition
producer of side walls and other products for the includes a glass manufacturing facility in
RV industry. Located in Riverside, Calif., Ibaraki, near Tokyo, and a range of high-
Wolverine makes exterior side walls, fold-down performance glass fiber reinforcement
ramp doors, motor home basement doors and full products to support customers in Asia. The
interior walls. acquisition is expected to be completed in the
second quarter of 2006.
2005 – September 29: Owens Corning introduced
SE 2350, a revolutionary Type 30® roving 2005 – December 15: OC Korea's Kimchon
reinforcement for high-pressure pipe applications. Plant received the 2005 Energy Saving Grand
Ideal for epoxy-based pipe applications that Prize from its provincial government. The
distribute oil, chemicals and other corrosive plant was selected as the outstanding energy
materials, SE 2350 offers a 17 percent saving business because it implemented a
improvement in burst strength over competing power demand and management tool to
products. reduce energy consumption, and because of
its energy saving education efforts.
2005 – November 3: Lowe's named Owens
Corning its 2005 Supplier of the Year in the 2005 – December 19: Norandex/Reynolds,
building materials category. Lowe's is a $38 billion the distribution arm of the Owens Corning
company with more than 4,000 active suppliers, Siding Solutions Business, was recognized as
including 300 building materials suppliers the 2005 Dealer of the Year by Window and
competing against Owens Corning for the award Door Magazine. The award honors a single
in one of 18 categories being recognized. supplier involved in sales, marketing and

installation of windows and doors. 2006 – March: To expand its presence and
Norandex/Reynolds won in the Leadership in the meet market demand in China, Owens
Professional Market category. Corning opened a facility in Beijing to produce
Cultured Stone® manufactured stone veneer,
2006 – January 4: To meet increasing customer branded as Langeo Stone™. Langeo is a
demand for more energy-efficient homes, Owens short form of Michelangelo, the great Italian
Corning announced a multi-million dollar capacity sculptor and painter who inspired the
expansion to produce an additional 60 million company’s stone products in China.
pounds per year of unbonded fiberglass loosefill
insulation. Owens Corning said it will convert its 2006 – March 23: Owens Corning announced
idled facility in Mount Vernon, Ohio, to produce it was the first insulation manufacturer to
the product. The facility is expected to be qualify for a new GREENGUARD Product
operating by the third quarter of 2006. Emission Standard for Children and Schools.
The GREENGUARD Environmental Institute
2006 – February 9: The National Inventors Hall of developed the school certification in response
Fame in Akron, Ohio announced that three to rising concern over asthma and other
Owens Corning innovators – Dale Kleist, Dr. respiratory conditions that are sometimes
Russell Games Slayter and John T. "Jack" associated with poor indoor air quality.
Thomas – would be inducted posthumously into
the Hall of Fame on May 5. Collectively, the trio 2006 – March 27: The company’s Fabwel
invented the process for making glass fiber business opened a 16,000-square-foot
insulation in commercial quantities. Their innovation center in Elkhart, Ind. The facility
innovations also led to the formation of Owens was created to support product development
Corning in 1938. and new business opportunities for
recreational vehicle manufacturers. For more
2006 – February 22: Owens Corning reported than 30 years, Fabwel has been a leading
annual sales exceeding $6 billion in 2005, the first manufacturer of RV components and side
time the company had surpassed that milestone. walls, and a fabricator of fiberglass, aluminum
and steel materials for the marine and
2006 – February 23: Owens Corning announced it transportation businesses worldwide.
had added a second glass fiber knitting line at the
Taloja plant of Owens Corning India Ltd., a joint 2006 – March 28: Owens Corning announced
venture with Mahindra & Mahindra of India. The the addition of a new glass fiber knitting line at
new capital investment, coming only two years a facility north of São Paulo in Brazil.
after the installation of the first fabrics weaving
line at Taloja, was intended to increase the 2006 – April 6: Owens Corning introduced
production of multi-axial fabrics to support that new technology for its Oakridge PRO® Series
country’s growing wind energy market. Shingle that offered faster installation, higher
wind performance and a better appearance
2006 – February 28: Owens Corning announced a immediately after installation. SureNail®
breakthrough single-end roving and knitted fabric Technology included a wider nailing area with
trademarked WindStrand™, which was expected a clearly defined nailing zone, the highest
to allow wind turbine manufacturers to increase wind resistance ratings of any entry-level
blade lengths by as much as 6 percent and laminated shingle (110 mph for Oakridge PRO
deliver up to 12 percent more power – for up to 20 30 shingles, and 130 mph for Oakridge PRO
percent less cost than any competing solution 40 and Pro 50), and instant, flat installation.
then on the market. The high performance
product, which was scheduled to be commercially 2006 – April 20: In celebration of Earth Day,
available in late 2006, would be the first Owens Corning honored longtime energy-
application of a new HiPer-tex™ reinforcement efficiency ambassador the Pink Panther with
platform, which resulted from a revolution in glass the new title of CEO - Chief Energy Officer -
melting, fiberizing and sizing technology. and his very own energy blog. Available at, the

Weblog addresses hot button energy issues and Corning to emerge from bankruptcy in 2006.
provides information on energy-saving tips and
products – all while having a little fun. 2006 – May 30: The Aiken, S.C., plant
dedicated a new coating line that used new
2006 – May: Integration celebrations held in technology to make glass fiber mat that
Tokyo and Ibaraki, Japan marked the completion replaced the paper facings traditionally used
of the company’s acquisition of the composites in gypsum wallboard. Aiken’s third, the line
business of Asahi Fiber Glass Co., Ltd. produced the facing for G-P Gypsum's next
Announced in December 2005, the deal officially generation of DensArmor® panels. The
closed on May 1, 2006. The acquisition included a panels featured a glass mat facing that
factory in Ibaraki, about one hour from the heart finished like paper-faced wallboard, resulting
of Tokyo. The acquisition expanded the in the first completely paperless interior
company’s portfolio with several new products for wallboard that offered moisture and mold
composite applications in Asia. Key patents, resistance.
product formulas and innovative technologies
were also part of the acquisition. 2006 – June 21: The Retail Sales Finance unit
of GE Consumer Finance announced a multi-
2006 – May: Owens Corning World Headquarters year agreement with Owens Corning to
in Toledo, Ohio earned the Environmental provide roofing contractors with the most
Protection Agency's Energy Star certification. This comprehensive and flexible financing
means the building was in the top 25 percent of programs available for their homeowner
energy efficient buildings in the US. Between customers as part of the Owens Corning
1998 and 2006, the company reduced energy use Preferred Contractor Program.
in Toledo by 25 percent and has saved more than
$1.7 million in electricity costs. 2006 – June 29: Owens Corning and Bulk
Molding Compound Inc. of West Chicago, Ill.,
2006 – May: The company’s reinforcement plant launched a joint venture named FastTrak
in Taloja, India passed a significant milestone by Application Development Corporation. Initially
re-lighting its glass melting furnace. The plant focused on the North American market, the
shut down nearly one year before when a joint venture was designed to help speed the
monsoon dropped more than 37 inches of rain in development of thermoset composite bulk
24 hours, causing catastrophic flooding and molding compounds (BMC) as a material of
forcing an abrupt shutdown of the furnace. All 320 choice over steel, wood and aluminum. The
plant employees were evacuated safely. The joint venture was based in Addison, Ill., near
furnace developed cracks in the crown (ceiling) BMCi's headquarters and BMCi was
and superstructure because of the uncontrolled responsible for day-to-day operations.
cooling. The utility, batch and wastewater
treatment facilities were also badly damaged. 2006 – July: The major credit-rating agencies
– Standard & Poor's (S&P) and Moody's –
2006 – May: Owens Corning Latin America ranked the credit of Owens Corning at
headquarters moved from Mexico City to emergence from Chapter 11 as "investment
Monterrey. The move placed the office in the grade." This was good news as the company
heart of the decision-making center for customers prepared to issue debt under its Plan of
and other key players in the building materials Reorganization. In their descriptions of factors
and composites industries. that influenced the ratings, S&P and Moody's
noted the company’s healthy cash flow, low
2006 – May 10: Owens Corning announced it had debt (planned at emergence), strong brand
reached an agreement in principle with the name and product profile.
representatives of each of its key creditor groups
on the terms of a Chapter 11 plan of 2006 – July 17: The Franchising business
reorganization. This represented a significant introduced SunSuites™ Home Additions, the
milestone in the company's Chapter 11 first all-fiberglass sunroom installation system.
proceedings and paved the way for Owens Fiberglass frames offered many benefits over

other materials including increased durability, through a wall treated with the company's
stability and thermal performance. In addition, highest level noise control solution, QuietZone
SunSuites additions used Energy Star rated, Quiet Retreats™.
double-insulated fiberglass windows which
provided year-round comfort and up to 40 percent 2006 – September: Owens Corning was
savings in energy costs. The windows and doors ranked as one of the 100 most innovative
were also low maintenance and resisted companies in the field of business technology
corrosion, warping, rotting and cracking. The by InformationWeek in their annual
sunrooms were initially introduced by Basement InformationWeek 500 report. For the previous
Finishing System™ franchises in seven markets. 18 years, InformationWeek had identified and
honored the nation's most innovative users of
2006 – July 25: Owens Corning signed an information technology with its annual listing.
agreement to acquire the Modulo/ParMur Group, Owens Corning made the list more than 10
a market-leading manufacturer and distributor of times but at 68th this was the first time the
decorative wall claddings in Europe. The company had been in the top 100.
acquisition furthered the global growth of the
Cultured Stone business in the European market. 2006 – September 16: Dr. Warren W. Wolf,
Based in Bray-sur-Seine, France, the retired Owens Corning Vice President and
Modulo/ParMur Group designed, made and Chief Scientist Emeritus, received the glass
marketed manufactured stone veneer wall and industry's prestigious Phoenix Award. Dr.
floor products under the Modulo and ParMur Wolf, who retired from Owens Corning in
brands. The Group had nearly 150 employees 2001 after 33 years of service, was the 36th
and operated manufacturing sites in Bray-sur- Phoenix Award winner and the third individual
Seine and Forbach, France, and Turda, Romania. from Owens Corning to receive the honor.
The others from Owens Corning were Dr. Fay
2006 – July 27: Owens Corning and Saint-Gobain V. Tooley, Director of Research and
jointly announced discussions to merge the Development in the early 1940s before
Owens Corning Reinforcements Business and the returning to the University of Illinois as
Saint-Gobain Reinforcement and Composites Professor of Glass Technology, the first
Businesses – known as Vetrotex – into a new winner of the award; and William W.
company to be called Owens Corning-Vetrotex Boeschenstein, Chairman and Chief
Reinforcements. The partnership would establish Executive Officer when he received the honor
a global reinforcement and composite fabric in 1985. The presentation to Dr. Wolf noted
company with worldwide revenues of his leadership regarding the health aspects of
approximately $1.8 billion (euro 1.5 billion) and fiberglass.
10,000 employees. While the companies had not
yet reached a definitive agreement, it was 2006 – October: The Delmar, N.Y., insulation
anticipated the transaction would be structured as plant celebrated its 30th anniversary with an
a joint venture with Owens Corning owning a 60 open house.
percent equity interest and Saint-Gobain owning
the remaining 40 percent. After a minimum of four 2006 – October 18: The Composite Solutions
years, Saint-Gobain would have an option to sell Business introduced game-changing
its 40 percent stake to Owens Corning. reinforcement formulations and technology for
thermoplastics. New products included
2006 – August: Owens Corning launched a cross- MicroMax™ strand that enabled electronics
country tour to educate consumers about ways to designers to continue miniaturization with
control unwanted noise in the home and help composite materials, PerforMax® strand
promote the company’s QuietZone® residential products for a variety of special-purpose
noise control building products. The Quiet Down applications, and SE 4121 single-end roving
America Tour visited leading home shows for long fiber thermoplastics (LFTP) and
throughout the country. Tour attendees heard a direct-long fiber thermoplastics (D-LFTP).
live comparison of common household appliance
noise through an untreated wall and again 2006 – October 19: The Roofing and Asphalt

Business said it discontinued manufacturing bondholders and asbestos creditors each
operations at two locations due to a weakening naming two appointees.
building materials market and decreased demand
for some products. The business discontinued 2006 – November 1: Owens Corning stock
operations at the Jessup, Md., roofing and asphalt began trading on the New York Stock
plants and ceased oxidation operations at the Exchange under the ticker symbol "OC."
Detroit, Mich., asphalt facility.
2006 – November 13: To celebrate the
2006 – October 23: Owens Corning attended its company's official return to the New York
last U.S. Bankruptcy Court hearing. There were Stock Exchange, Chief Executive Officer
no new issues raised at the hearing. Dave Brown, Chief Financial Officer Mike
Thaman, General Counsel Steve Krull and the
2006 – October 25: Owens Corning was selected Pink Panther rang the opening bell at the New
as one of 24 recipients of the U.S. Environmental York Stock Exchange.
Protection Agency (EPA) 2006 SmartWay
Excellence Award and was given the distinction of 2006 – November 16: Owens Corning
"Shipper of the Year." The awards recognized employees held a global Town Hall meeting to
accomplishments and leadership in the EPA's celebrate the company’s emergence from
SmartWay Transport Partnership, a program Chapter 11. Employees each received
designed to reduce greenhouse gases and air certificates for 100 shares of the company’s
pollution by developing fuel-saving and energy- new stock.
efficient practices in the freight industry.
2006 – December 18: Owens Corning
2006 – October 31: After six years and 26 days announced it would exit the HOMExperts®
with countless meetings, negotiating sessions, business and concentrate its growth in
court hearings and judicial rulings, Owens construction services on franchising. The
Corning emerged from Chapter 11 and began a HOMExperts business primarily provided pre-
new life out from under the cloud of asbestos. The and post-close service solutions for home
exit from bankruptcy took place 68 years to the buyers. Services included preparing a home
day after the company's founding in 1938. for closing, delivering move-in and concierge
services, and providing home maintenance
Emergence came 30 days after District Court services.
Judge John Fullam approved the company’s sixth
amended joint plan of reorganization, a 2006 – December 18: The National Business
consensual plan supported by all of the Aviation Association honored the company
company’s major creditors. with a 60-year safety award for outstanding
achievement in maintaining safe flying
Under the terms of the court-approved Plan of operations. Owens Corning started its Aviation
Reorganization, a separate and independent Department in 1946.
524(g) Trust was established and funded to
compensate those who were harmed by the 2007 – January 8: A project exploring the use
company’s products containing asbestos. Owens of high-performance roving and nano-based
Corning financed payments to creditors using a foam in wind, ballistic and transportation
combination of cash on hand, new equity and applications won an $8 million, three-year
debt. The company incurred about $1.8 billion of award from the Ohio Department of
new debt financing. About 131.4 million shares of Development. The company's share of the
new stock were issued. grant is $2.8 million.

The size and composition of Owens Corning 2007 – January 15: Owens Corning made its
Board of Directors changed as a result of the final contribution of cash and stock to the
agreement with creditors. The company had the 524(g) trust that was set up to compensate
right to appoint 12 directors and another four were asbestos claimants as part of the company’s
to be appointed by the company’s creditors with Plan of Reorganization. The transfer of 28

million shares of stock and $1.4 billion in cash reinforcements business and the Saint-
was the last payment that Owens Corning will Gobain reinforcements and composites
ever be required to make for its historic asbestos business (known as Vetrotex) into a new
liability. company that will be named OCV
2007 – January 24: The world headquarters of
Owens Corning joined just 36 other buildings in 2007 – March 8: Owens Corning was again
the United States to earn the prestigious Silver named to FORTUNE magazine's Most
Certification under the U.S. Green Building Admired Companies list. Owens Corning
Council's Leadership in Energy & Environmental maintained its ranking of fourth within the
Design (LEED) Existing Building program. LEED Building Materials/Glass segment, slightly
certification of an existing building is a significant closing the gap within its peer group. This is
achievement because it is generally easier to the fifth year the company has made the list.
design environmental features into new
construction. The building previously earned an 2007 – April 3: WindStrand™ fabric, a high-
Energy Star rating, ranking it among the top performance reinforcement for wind turbine
25 percent of energy-efficient buildings in the U.S. blades developed by Owens Corning in
cooperation with SAERTEX, won a JEC
2007 – January 31: Faced with declining sales Innovation Award, one of the composite
and rising costs that outpaced productivity gains, industry's most prestigious awards for
the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) technical achievement. WindStrand
Products Group closed its plant in Brantford, reinforcements are expected to enable a new
Ontario, Canada. generation of wind turbine blades that
produce up to 12 percent more energy. The
2007 – February 7: Owens Corning introduced blades can be longer for about the same
Duration™ Series shingles with SureNail® weight as blades made with traditional E-glass
Technology. Due to a liberal nailing area, reinforcements.
contractors reported improved productivity and
greater accuracy. Duration Series shingles also 2007 – April 18: President and Chief
deliver greater wind protection – resisting up to Executive Officer Dave Brown said he plans to
category three hurricane-force winds. retire in 2007. Upon his retirement, Brown will
be succeeded by Mike Thaman, who currently
2007 – February 7: Owens Corning launched a serves as chairman of the Board and chief
mission to protect builders and homeowners from financial officer. A search for Thaman's
a noisy, energy-sucking monster dwelling in successor as CFO is underway. In his new
America's basements – uninsulated, unsealed role, Thaman will retain the title and
sheet metal ductwork. In a national "Monster responsibilities of chairman of the Board.
Campaign," Owens Corning began telling the
market on how fiberglass ducts – which are 75 2007 – April 24: Solidifying one of the most
percent more energy efficient than uninsulated, successful and long-standing corporate brand
unsealed sheet metal ducts – help keep homes initiatives in entertainment licensing history,
quieter and reduce utility bills. MGM Consumer Products announced the
renewal and extension of its Pink Panther
2007 – February 19: The market development character license agreement with Owens
team in Mexico opened a new line of Silentex® Corning. The global licensing deal will extend
noise control system bagging to supply the for an additional 15-year term and is exclusive
region's automotive market. The equipment is at to the categories of building materials; home
the Mexico City plant which manufactures glass and commercial building construction;
fiber reinforcements for Latin America. improvement and repair product and service;
fiberglass and industrial materials; and
2007 – February 20: Owens Corning and Saint- thermal and acoustical commercial industrial
Gobain announced they had signed a joint- materials.
venture agreement to merge the Owens Corning

2007 – April 26: Harold Boeschenstein, Owens solutions throughout the South Asian
Corning chairman and chief executive officer from Association for Regional Cooperation
1938 to 1967, was inducted into the U.S. countries (SAARC) and the states of the Gulf
Business Hall of Fame. Cooperation Council (GCC).

2007 – June 28: Owens Corning introduced a 2007 – August 27: The Cultured Stone
Commercial Energy Calculator for metal building business announced that it has changed its
owners, the company’s third energy calculator, name to Owens Corning Masonry Products.
the others being for residential construction and Under the new name, the business will avoid
ducts. The calculators help builders and owners any perceived conflict between its various
reduce energy costs, decrease payback times brands and the business unit name. In
and understand tax deduction qualifications under addition, the name will encompass new
the U.S. Energy Policy Act of 2005. business and product ideas that could
facilitate continued growth of the company.
2007 – July 17: To address regulatory concerns
associated with the proposed formation of a joint 2007 – August 31: The company announced
venture between Saint-Gobain's reinforcement the sale of the Siding Solutions Business to
and composites business and the company’s Saint-Gobain for $371 million. The sale
reinforcements business, Owens Corning said it includes the company's Norandex/Reynolds
will divest its facilities in Battice, Belgium; distribution business with 153 U.S. distribution
Birkeland, Norway; and Huntingdon, Pa. The centers in 38 states. Also included were vinyl
companies also announced they are in active siding manufacturing facilities in Claremont,
discussions regarding the potential conversion of N.C.; Joplin, Mo.; and London, Ontario.
the proposed joint venture into an outright
acquisition by Owens Corning. 2007 – August 31: Owens Corning closed its
facility in Riverside, Calif., that was part of the
2007 – July 23: Owens Corning opened a Fabwel business producing laminated fiber-
masonry products showroom in Paris, France. reinforced plastic panels and doors for
The showroom displays Owens Corning Cultured recreational vehicles.
Stone® manufactured stone veneer products, as
well as the Modulo® and ParMur™ brands of 2007 – September: Duncan Palmer joined the
interior and exterior decorative wall claddings. company as Chief Financial Officer (CFO). He
succeeded CFO Mike Thaman, who is also
2007 – July 27: Owens Corning signed a definitive Chairman of the Board and will become Chief
agreement to acquire Saint-Gobain's Executive Officer (CEO) upon current CEO
Reinforcement and Composites business. The Dave Brown's retirement later in the year.
acquired business includes 20 plants, including 12
glass fiber reinforcement plants, six fabrics plants 2007 – September 7: Owens Corning agreed
and two plants that produce both reinforcements to sell its continuous filament mat business in
and fabrics. In 2006, the business had sales of Huntingdon, Pa., as well as related marble
approximately $900 million, with about 4,500 production assets in Anderson, S.C., to AGY,
employees. a leading global producer of fiberglass yarns
and high-strength fiberglass reinforcements.
2007 – August: Building Materials Asia Pacific
received its first large order for FOAMULAR® 2007 – September 17: Owens Corning
Metric extruded foam insulation from RMZ Corp., announced the sale of its Fabwel unit in two
a leading developer in South India that is transactions. Its composite panel business
expanding aggressively across the country. was sold to Crane Composites and included a
manufacturing facility in Goshen, Ind., and a
2007 – August 23: Owens Corning formed a new-business development center in Elkhart,
collaborative agreement with Anutone Acoustics, Ind. The metals fabrication, fiberglass-
India's foremost acoustics technology company, reinforced plastic lamination and Midwest
to promote jointly-branded, architectural acoustic recreational vehicle door business was sold to

Euramax International Inc., including facilities in Products announced plans to close its
Nappanee and Bourbon, Ind. Cultured Stone® manufactured stone veneer
plant in Navarre, Ohio.
2007 – September 25: Owens Corning won a
contract to provide 5,000 cubic meters of 2007 – November 15: Owens Corning
FOAMULAR® XPS foam insulation for the main introduced the industry's first paper-free all
stadium for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, service jacket for fiberglass pipe insulation
China. Both the opening and closing ceremonies with the launch of Evolution™ Paper-Free
will be held in National Stadium, also known as ASJ. The innovative product dramatically
the “Bird's Nest.” improves mold prevention in commercial
structures by eliminating paper, which can be
2007 – September 28: Owens Corning a food source for mold and mildew.
announced a $45 million capital investment to
improve Factory D at the composites plant in 2007 – November 29: The Non-Woven
Anderson, S.C. Factory D produces dry-use Technologies business signed two
chopped strand (DUCS) and the project will agreements with Vitrulan Textilglas GmbH, a
expand the facility so it can increase DUCS leading supplier of glass-based wall covering
production. The plant will invest in new materials in Europe. One agreement calls for
equipment, including a furnace structure, oxygen- a long-term supply of special mineral-coated
firing system, improved computer control glass tissue for use as wall covering; the other
equipment, and upgraded safety and oven is a joint development agreement for a new
equipment. product based on glass veil.

2007 – October 10: manufacturing facilities in 2007 – December: The Owens Corning
Linnton, Ore., and Brookville, Ind., were Roofing and Asphalt Business sold its asphalt
recognized as national leaders in worksite safety processing facilities in Moorhead City, N.C.
by being accepted into the U.S. Department of and Ennis, Texas.
Labor's Occupational Safety & Health
Administration's Voluntary Protection Program 2007 – December 6: Mike Thaman became
(VPP). While there are millions of work sites in the the company’s seventh chief executive officer
U. S., fewer than 1,800 have been accepted into as he assumed the primary executive
VPP. The Linnton plant is the only asphalt responsibility for the company succeeding
manufacturing facility in the U. S. to achieve VPP Dave Brown who retired as a director and
Star status and only the 16th in Oregon. officer of Owens Corning. Thaman holds the
titles of chairman of the Board, president and
2007 – October 15: Owens Corning launched a CEO.
fall promotional campaign for insulation that urged
home owners to look in their attics. Chances are 2008 – January: At the end of 2007, the
they need more insulation. The ads explain how Owens Corning recordable incidence rate
most homes need at least 15½ inches of (RIR) stood at 1.37 – which was below the
insulation. “If you can see the wooden beams or company’s target of 1.4. The rate was a 26-
joists in your attic, you need more insulation.” An percent decrease from the 2006 RIR of 1.86.
estimated 60 million homes in the U. S. are In addition, the 2007 year-end Safety
under-insulated. Assessment for Effectiveness (SAFE) score
was 64, surpassing the target of 54.The
2007 – October 31: Owens Corning completed company’s baseline SAFE score taken at the
the acquisition of Saint-Gobain's Reinforcements beginning of 2007 was 39.
and Composite Fabrics businesses. The
expanded Owens Corning Composite Solutions 2008 – January: Owens Corning received
Business now has 42 production facilities in 16 honors at the 2008 China Building Energy
countries. Efficiency Annual Forum, jointly sponsored by
two divisions of the China Ministry of
2007 – November 7: Owens Corning Masonry Construction. In addition, Owens Corning was

named to the China Building Energy Conservation
Information Annual List. 2008 – April 30: U.S. builders voted and
Owens Corning is their preferred brand.
2008 – January 23: Owens Corning became a Builders said they use Owens Corning PINK
Climate Leaders Partner with the U.S. Fiberglas™ insulation and Cultured Stone®
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), joining veneers more than competitive products. U.S.
other companies committed to reducing builders also voted Owens Corning roofing
greenhouse gas emissions. products the most recognizable brand in the
market. Results are from the 2008 brand
2008 – January 29: Lumbermen’s named Owens study from the publishers of Builder
Corning its 2007 Vendor of the Year for building magazine.
2008 – May 1: Implementing required
2008 – February 6: The non-woven technologies European regulatory remedies, Owens
business became part of the OCV business family Corning completed the sale of two composite
by changing its name to OCV™ Non-Woven manufacturing plants in Battice, Belgium, and
Technologies. The business shares the same Birkeland, Norway.
branding as OCV™ Reinforcements and OCV™
Technical Fabrics. 2008 – May 13: Owens Corning became a
sponsor of LBM Journal’s Certified Green
2008 – February 13: Owens Corning Masonry Dealer program and renewed its sponsorship
Products introduced ProStone™ manufactured with Masco Home Services’ Environments for
stone veneer, a quality stone veneer option for Living Certified Green program.
use when affordability is a key consideration.
2008 – May 15: Owens Corning was named a
2008 – February 14: Owens Corning announced partner in the U.S. Environmental Protection
plans to discontinue operations at OCV™ Agency's Green Power Partnership, a
Technical Fabrics facilities in New Braunfels, voluntary program that encourages
Texas, and Ridgeway, S.C. Many products will be organizations to buy green power as a way to
transferred to the Technical Fabrics facilities in reduce the environmental impact of
Brunswick, Maine, and Wichita Falls, Texas. purchased electricity. To qualify, Owens
Corning purchased 25,000 MWh of renewable
2008 – March 28: Owens Corning reported the energy credits that are 100 percent wind
development of new foam blowing agent generated to offset the electricity consumption
technology that will result in a more than a of the company’s foam insulation plant in
70 percent reduction in greenhouse gas Gresham, Ore.
emissions and zero ozone depletion.
2008 – June 4: Owens Corning announced
2008 – April 21: Owens Corning said it will further receipt a grant from Mexico's National
invest in the composite materials industry by Counsel of Science and Technology to
expanding glass fiber reinforcement production continue to innovate new ways to insulate
capacity by about 40 percent at its Amarillo, concrete housing structures. The grant was
Texas, facility in 2008. The expansion will one of 15 awarded in a program to help
increase the company’s ability to meet market Mexico remain competitive through
demand in North America for Advantex® single- innovation.
end roving products.
2008 – June 10: Owens Corning introduced
2008 – April 23: Owens Corning made the new accessories within its roofing system.
FORTUNE 500 list for the 54th consecutive year Roofing Essentials™ accessories include:
in 2008. The annual list ranks companies based  RapidFlow™ gutter drainage protection
on revenue. In its May 5, 2008, edition,  WeatherLock® Flex underlayment
FORTUNE magazine lists Owens Corning at 431,  Fiberglas™ reinforced felt underlayment
compared with 355 in 2007.  A reengineered WeatherLock® G

granulated self-sealing ice and water barrier
2008 – July 15: The Mexico City, Mexico,
2008 – June 25: Owens Corning Masonry OCV™ Reinforcements plant produced its first
Products, LLC introduced Del Mare pallet of ShieldStrand™ direct roving made
Ledgestone™, Ancient Villa Ledgestone™ and with high-performance glass. The product was
Aged Tumbled™ textures to the Cultured Stone® ready only 11 days after the plant installed its
product line, expanding the brand's offering to first bushing for the new glass. The Mexico
more than 25 distinct textures. City plant converted from Advantex® glass to
high-performance glass.
2008 – June 25: The GREENGUARD
Environmental Institute announced that Owens 2008 – July 29: Owens Corning announced
Corning Masonry Products is the first plans to more than double production capacity
manufactured stone veneer maker to qualify for at its glass fiber composites facility in Gous-
its GREENGUARD Indoor Air Quality Certified® Khrustalny, Russia. Owens Corning acquired
and the even more stringent GREENGUARD the facility as part of its 2007 acquisition of
Children & SchoolsSM product emission standards. Saint-Gobain's composites businesses.
The certifications are for the entire line of Cultured
Stone® and ProStone™ veneer products. 2008 – August 4: Chairman and CEO Mike
Thaman announced that Karel Czanderna will
2008 – June 26: Owens Corning announced that join Owens Corning as the company’s new
it has begun to systematically measure and group president of building materials.
reduce greenhouse gas emissions from its vehicle Czanderna will be responsible for the building
fleet. The company said it joined the PHH materials group, which includes the
GreenFleet program developed by PHH Arval and company’s insulation, roofing and asphalt,
Environmental Defense Fund in an effort to masonry products and construction services
reduce fuel consumption and operating costs, businesses.
improve efficiency and reduce emissions from
vehicle fleets used by its North American sales 2008 – August 6: Owens Corning Masonry
force. Products (OCMP) business announced the
acquisition of Derwent Stone, a manufactured
2008 – June 30: Owens Corning released its 2007 stone veneer (MSV) company located near
Sustainability Report highlighting the company's Newcastle, England. The transaction gives
commitment to operating its business with three OCMP manufacturing capacity in the United
balanced outcomes of economic growth, Kingdom and a distribution agreement in
environmental stewardship and social progress. Ireland and the United Kingdom with Fernhill
Stone, the largest distributor of MSV in
2008 – July 7: Owens Corning said it entered into Ireland.
an agreement with Sun Edison LLC to provide
solar-generated energy through the installation 2008 – September 11: Owens Corning
and operation of a 206 kilowatt solar photovoltaic launched a full set of business solutions to
(PV) system on the roof of its Gresham, Ore. help its building materials customers enter an
facility. The facility's solar PV system is scheduled emerging and growing market category – re-
to be installed and operating by the fourth quarter insulation. The solutions are designed to
of 2008. enable channel partners to expand into re-
insulation and/or accelerate their current re-
2008 – July 8: Owens Corning said the company insulation businesses. The solutions include
has made significant progress throughout its products, marketing and sales tools, and the
history in dramatically improving the energy and Owens Corning AttiCat® Expanding Blown-In
material efficiency of the production of glass fiber PINK Fiberglas™ Insulation product and
products. Today, Owens Corning uses only portable machine.
9 percent of the energy needed 50 years ago to
melt glass for its insulation and glass 2008 – October 9: Leveraging the attention-
reinforcement products. getting power of its spokes-cat The Pink

Panther™, Owens Corning focused national 2008 – December 15: Owens Corning
attention on the amount of energy used to heat partnered with T. Boone Pickens by endorsing
and cool buildings. According to the U.S. the Pickens Plan to advance energy
Department of Energy, 40 percent of U.S. energy independence and energy efficiency in homes
is used by buildings, yet most Americans believe and buildings. The Pickens Plan calls for
transportation and industry are the largest reducing United States dependence on
offenders. foreign oil through investment in domestic
renewable resources, such as wind and solar,
2008 – October 14: Owens Corning announced and the use of natural gas as a transportation
that it will reduce its total U.S. greenhouse gas fuel. For the first time, the Plan now also calls
emissions by 25 percent per unit of production for increased energy efficiency in homes and
from 2006 to 2012. The company has committed buildings.
to this new goal as part of the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) Climate Leaders 2008 – December 18: The company
voluntary program. announced the formation of a strategic
alliance to help communities reduce energy
2008 – October 21: Molded Fiber Glass use by up to 50 percent and CO2 emissions
Companies (MFG) named Owens Corning its by up to 80 percent versus standard
Supplier of the Year. developments. The Alliance, which is focused
on developments, campuses and entire
2008 – October 31: Owens Corning celebrated its communities, includes Owens Corning, MVV
70th anniversary. Official paperwork establishing decon GmbH, an international consulting
the company was signed on Oct. 31, 1938. subsidiary of Mannheim, Germany-based
MVV Energiedienstleistungen GmbH, and
2008 – November 18: The company announced it Garforth International LLC, a Toledo and
has increased the certified recycled content in its Brussels, Belgium-based provider of energy
PINK Fiberglas™ insulation to a minimum of 40 productivity solutions.
percent. At this level of recycled content, the
amount of waste glass diverted from landfills 2009 – January 22: Owens Corning
could form a two-lane glass highway that extends introduced a line of new cool roof shingles
1.3 times around the world, based on the quantity that help reduce roof temperatures, lower
of Fiberglas insulation produced in 2007. The energy bills and reduce wear and tear on air
certification, supplied by third-party certifier conditioners. The shingles are part of the
Scientific Certification Systems, reflects a Duration® series with SureNail® technology.
5 percent increase over its prior level and
maintains the product line’s status as the 2009 – February 9: Lumbermen’s gave
fiberglass insulation with the highest level of Owens Corning its 2008 Innovation Leader
certified recycled content in North America. Award for the company’s AttiCat® blown-in
insulation system.
2008 – November 25: Owens Corning announced
that it was named Vendor of the Year by 84 2009 – March 5: Owens Corning introduced
Lumber, one of the nation's leading suppliers of TruLo® Max Lo Odor, Low-Fuming asphalt,
building materials to professional builders. This is the first-ever asphalt product for built-up
the fifth time Owens Corning has been named roofing systems to combine fume suppression
Vendor of the Year by 84 Lumber. at the kettle with low odor on the roof. TruLo
Max asphalt traps 90 percent of the fumes at
2008 – December 2: The company announced the kettle and reduces 55 percent more odor-
that it was named both the 2008 Overall Supplier causing compounds on application.
of the Year and Building Products Supplier of the
Year by Lowe's. Owens Corning was selected 2009 – March 24: Owens Corning announced
Overall Supplier of the Year for the first time and the development of AdVeil™ non-woven glass
for the Building Products category a third time. veil incorporating a technology with benefits
for the cushion vinyl flooring industry. AdVeil

glass veil is pre-filled with a proprietary inorganic technology to Fiber Glass Industries, Inc.,
formulation that reduces plastisol use up to 30 Amsterdam, N.Y.
percent compared to conventional glass veil.
2009 – July 7: Owens Corning said the
2009 – March 24: A window lineal application company is supporting its wind blade
combining Twintex® co-mingled glass fiber and fabrication customers in Asia by expanding
polymer reinforcements with polyvinylchloride capacity to produce technical fabrics at its
(PVC) that eliminated steel inserts and improved manufacturing facilities in Chanzhou and
energy efficiency, received one of the industry's Doudian, China and Taloja, India. The
highest awards at JEC Composites in Paris, the investment adds about one-third more knitting
world's largest exhibition for composite materials. capacity to the three plants' existing fabrics
operations. The expansion was expected to
2009 – April 20: Owens Corning made the be completed during the third quarter.
Fortune 500 list for the 55th consecutive year in
2009. The annual list ranks companies based on 2009 – July 15: Owens Corning said it had
revenue. Fortune magazine listed Owens Corning started manufacturing zero ozone-depleting
at 422, compared with 431 in 2008. FOAMULAR® Extruded Polystyrene (XPS)
rigid foam insulation. The new blowing agent
2009 – May 6: Owens Corning became the first technology developed by Owens Corning
insulation and masonry veneer manufacturer to meets the requirements of the Montreal
have products approved under the National Protocol that calls for the phase-out of
Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Research hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) 142b by
Center Green Approved Products seal of 2010. The company's new plant in Gresham,
approval. The mark documents that a building Ore., is the first facility in the Western U.S. to
product contributes to specific green practices for meet requirements of the protocol. The
National Green Building Certification. company also said it converted its Rockford,
Ill., insulation plant to the new blowing agent.
2009 – May 7: Two employee teams won the
Board of Directors’ Cup for projects that best 2009 – July 30: Owens Corning held a media
exhibit the company’s purpose of Delivering launch for EnergyComplete™ with Flexible
Solutions, Transforming Markets and Enhancing Seal Technology, a whole home insulation
Lives. The Uninterrupted Type 30® Supply Team and air sealing system. Installed in two parts,
for OCV™ Reinforcements in India was awarded the EnergyComplete system uses a new
the cup earlier in the year, and the second award foam-based sealant to reduce air leakage,
went to the Project Prince Team for its work at addressing a major source of energy loss, and
redesigning shingles. proven PINK FIBERGLAS™ insulation to
deliver exceptional thermal performance. The
2009 – May 13: Owens Corning said its fiberglass system was introduced to customers and the
and foam insulating products were used in industry two months earlier after of 18 months
constructing four buildings for the 2010 World of product and field developments.
Expo in Shanghai, China.
2009 – October 5: Owens Corning told high-
2009 – May 28: Owens Corning announced the performance reinforcement customers it
installation of North America's largest SolarWall® is back in the S-glass business with
system of 2008 at the company's Toronto-area breakthrough technology that allows large-
insulation manufacturing facility. The use of scale availability. The company said melting
SolarWall technology demonstrates the and fiberizing innovations enable production
company's commitment to sustainability and of quantities that can help transform S-glass
renewable energy, and a strong sense of reinforcements from a niche market to broad-
environmental stewardship. scale use. The new product is available for
two key end-use markets – ShieldStrand® S
2009 – June 23: Owens Corning announced that for ballistics and XStrand® S for industrial
it had licensed its Twintex® reinforcement use. Owens Corning developed S-glass in the

early 1960s for filament-wound rocket motor approximately 203 industrial facilities in the
casings. The trademark, technology and U.S. that have been awarded LEED
equipment for making the original S-glass fibers certification. LEED is a green building
were spun off with the company’s glass fiber certification program recognizing superior
yarns business in 1998. achievement in design, construction and
2009 – October 5: Owens Corning said it
expanded its relationship with The Home Depot®, 2009 – October 30: The 100 shares of Owens
the world's largest home improvement retailer, Corning stock that eligible employees
through a new strategic insulation partnership. received in celebration of the company’s
Starting in January 2010, Owens Corning PINK emergence from Chapter 11 in 2006 – the
Fiberglas™ insulation will be sold in more than Bright Future stock award – vested, giving
2,200 of The Home Depot's stores across North employees control over their shares. The
America. value (trading price) of the shares at the close
of trading on the vest date was $22.11. Award
2009 – October 6: Owens Corning introduced shares were sold on behalf of most
Innovision™ fiberglass windows developed to participants in Brazil, China, Korea and
meet the demands of extreme environments. Mexico. Others could sell or keep their shares
Innovision windows feature the first fully bonded as a part of their investments.
frame and sash made without mechanical
fasteners. A high-impact structural mull adhesive 2009 – November 3: The Owens Corning
is injected into the frame and sash corners to Roofing business announced a program that
create a permanent, air- and water-tight joint for will simplify recycling asphalt shingles for its
long term stability and reliable performance. Preferred Roofing Contractors. The company
is the first roofing manufacturer to connect
2009 – October 15: Owens Corning and Ripple contractors with convenient recycling facilities
Glass, LLC, announced a strategic alliance to through a national strategic alliance. Based on
help reduce the amount of glass sent to landfills in a pilot conducted in Indiana, Owens Corning
the Kansas City area. In what is believed to be said it will roll out the program nationally,
America’s first self-contained metropolitan starting in the Midwest. In addition to keeping
recycling system, residents will be able to drop off shingle waste out of landfills, contractors who
jars and bottles at one of 60 locations around the recycle shingle tear-offs benefit by promoting
city. Ripple will collect, sort and crush the glass, the sustainable practice to homeowners.
then ship it to the local Owens Corning plant to be
melted and spun into fiberglass insulation. 2009 – November 9: Owens Corning and
solar services provider SunEdison announced
2009 – October 21: Owens Corning ranked 56th the activation of a 440 kilowatt (kW)
in Newsweek magazine's first-ever "Green photovoltaic (PV) solar system at the Owens
Rankings," which examine and rate America's 500 Corning facility in Kearny, N.J. Under a long-
largest publicly traded companies on term solar power services agreement (SPSA),
environmental footprint, policies and practices. Owens Corning will use a PV solar system at
Owens Corning scored 80.66 out of a possible Kearny that is financed, constructed and
100 and ranked fourth in the General Industrials maintained by SunEdison. The system will
sector. produce more than 522,000 kilowatt hours
(kWh) of solar energy in the first year of
2009 – October 22: The Gresham, Ore. plant operation alone. Over 20 years, the system
received Leadership in Energy and Environmental will produce more than 9.5 million kWh,
Design (LEED®) Gold certification for new enough energy to power 893 average U.S.
construction from the U.S. Green Building Council homes for a year, according to SunEdison
(USGBC). The plant, which manufactures projections.
FOAMULAR® extruded polystyrene foam
insulation, is the only LEED Gold-certified 2009 – November 11: Owens Corning
insulation facility in the U.S. and one of announced significant advancements in the

use of recycled content. Owens Corning Summer Harvest and Pacific Wave to Merlot.
Fiberglas® insulation products have the highest
certified recycled content for fiberglass insulation 2010 – February: The Hajj Terminal at
in North America. With an additional 10 percent King Abdul Aziz International Airport, in
recycled content, Owens Corning residential and Jeddah, Saudia Arabia, received the
commercial insulation products in North America American Institute of Architects’ Twenty-Five
now are made with at least half recycled glass Year Award for designs that stand the test of
content (minimum 50 percent). In addition to time for a quarter-century. Designed by
keeping glass out of landfills, using recycled Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, the facility
content also helps reduce the company's energy includes 210 fiberglass-fabric tent structures
use and CO2 emissions as melting recycled glass that cover 2.8 million square feet and serve
requires significantly less energy. Additionally, the millions of pilgrims journeying to the holy city
company's Cultured Stone® and ProStone® of Mecca. Owens Corning produced the glass
brands are the first manufactured stone veneer fibers and installed the fabric in 1985.
products to receive third-party validation for
recycled content. UL Environment Inc., a 2010 – February 2: Owens Corning introduced
subsidiary of Underwriters Laboratories, provided the OptiLiner™ banded liner system designed
the third-party testing and validation for a to provide advanced energy efficiency for
minimum 35 percent recycled content. metal buildings. Combining thermal insulation
with a banded liner that seals roof and wall
2009 – December 9: Owens Corning announced cavities, the new OptiLiner™ system creates a
the addition of glass fiber knitting equipment at its vapor retarder with condensation control that
facility in Rio Claro, northwest of Sao Paulo in improves the functionality and energy
Brazil, doubling its capacity for making fiberglass performance of the building envelope.
technical fabrics. The addition is the third
expansion of capacity since the plant was 2010 – February 10: Owens Corning
established three years ago. A portion of the new introduced OptiFlow™ wet-use chopped
capacity began production in September; the strand reinforcements that help improve
balance was installed by year end. Demand for productivity in higher-flow-rate gypsum
fiberglass fabrics is growing in Brazil, driven by processes. OptiFlow™ fibers are designed to
wind blade fabricators based in the region. reduce feeding flow variation up to 50 percent
compared with earlier product generations.
2009 – December 15: Chairman and CEO Mike They help reduce clumps and assist in
Thaman met with U.S. President Barack Obama improving production rates with new
and four members of the labor and business technology that helps manage fiber forming,
communities in a roundtable discussion to talk moisture and fuzz.
about job creation and energy efficiency. The
meeting was held at The Home Depot store in 2010 – February 10: Owens Corning
Alexandria, Va. In a statement after the meeting, announced that its glass fiber veils for carpet,
President Obama called on Congress to establish ceilings and flooring are the first in the glass
incentives for Americans to make energy non-woven industry to be GREENGUARD
efficiency investments in their homes, helping the Indoor Air Quality Certified®. The products
U.S. turn the corner on energy efficiency while were also certified for the more stringent
putting people to work. GREENGUARD Children & SchoolsSM product
emissions standard. The qualifications joined
2010 – January 19: Owens Corning launched the certifications of a wide variety of Owens
Duration® Series Shingles Designer Colors Corning products and showcased the
Collection, a line of roofing shingles featuring company's continued commitment to
vibrant color combinations that help home and sustainable industry leadership.
building owners make a colorful statement. The
Designer Colors Collection offers seven colors 2010 – March 3: Owens Corning announced
modeled after those found in life and are meant to its support of U.S. President Obama's
evoke feelings that match their names – from $6 billion HOMESTAR program that promotes

the creation of tens of thousands of U.S. jobs and in the past two years, most often used and
encourages consumers to make energy-saving quality. For the past 16 years, builders have
home improvements, including sealing and selected Fiberglas™ insulation as the
insulating. insulation they prefer and use most. For the
eleventh year in a row, builders chose
2010 – March 15: Owens Corning ranked 94th in Cultured Stone® as the manufactured stone
Corporate Responsibility magazine's 11th annual veneer most recognized and most used, and
list of "100 Best Corporate Citizens," which is use it more often than the next two brands
known as the world's top corporate responsibility combined. Owens Corning ridge vent products
ranking based on public information. Owens swept first place in all four areas of evaluation
Corning achieved the top 100 from among 1,000 for the last four years.
of the world's largest companies.
2010 – April 20: Owens Corning introduced
2010 – April 14: Owens Corning reported a study Versetta Stone™ panelized stone veneer, a
that showed how the company's boron-free non-structural, masonry wall cladding that
Advantex® E-CR glass fiber outperforms installs with the ease of a siding product. The
standard E-glass reinforcements in stressed fastening system enables quick installation
laminates in a corrosive environment. The study with a nail gun or screws, eliminating the need
combined corrosion and stress testing and for mortar.
examined the composite laminates using SEM
(Scanning Electron Microscopy) and EDX (Energy 2010 – May 18: Owens Corning launched
Dispersive X-ray) spectroscopy. Advantex® glass FliteStrand® S reinforcements, an addition to
fibers demonstrated superior corrosion resistance its high-performance glass family. The launch
compared to E-glass in composite structures also marked the company’s return to the
exposed to a solution of 10 percent sulfuric acid. aerospace market. Owens Corning divested
the S-2 glass business 12 years earlier but
2010 – April 14: Owens Corning said it is returned in October 2009 with new direct-melt
establishing an excellence center for technical technology and S-glass products targeted for
fabrics in Zele, Belgium. The facility will have both defense and industrial market applications.
pilot- and full-scale state-of-the-art production
equipment for developing, testing and evaluating 2010 – June 2: Applied NanoStructured
new fabric technologies before production and Solutions LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of
use by customers. In addition to equipment for Lockheed Martin Corporation signed a joint
weaving, stitching and assembling multi-axial development agreement with Owens Corning
fabrics, the center will have a laboratory for to support the commercialization of carbon-
testing new fabric technologies in infusion molding enhanced reinforcements. The companies
and other closed-mold processes. plan to combine the carbon infusion
technology of ANS with Owens Corning
2010 – April 14: Owens Corning launched a reinforcement expertise to create a family of
global competition to find new applications for next-generation composite materials. The
composite materials. The Composite App companies expect the carbon-enhanced
Challenge offered $250,000 in development reinforcements to provide mechanical
grants and cash to draw entrants in four properties with customizable electrical and
categories to help resolve some of society's thermal conductivity.
pressing issues – Infrastructure Durability, Fuel
Efficiency, Renewable Energy and Protection 2010 – June: America’s largest distributor of
from Harm. building products, BlueLinx, gave Owens
Corning its Partnership of the Year Award for
2010 – April 16: In the 2010 Hanley-Wood Brand its loyalty and its work to create a strong link
Use Study, U.S. builders again ranked Owens between the two companies.
Corning number one in insulation, manufactured
stone, and roofing ridge vent systems across all 2010 – June: The largest independent
four areas of evaluation – most recognized, used insulation contracting organization in the U.S.,

Insulate America, voted Owens Corning its 2010 – October 13: Due to weakness in
Supplier of the Year for 2009. demand, Owens Corning curtailed production
at insulation plants in Eloy, Ariz., and Salt
2010 – July: Owens Corning broke ground to Lake City, Utah. The Salt Lake City plant
expand its reinforcement plant in Gous- curtailment was immediate and affected 20
Khroustalny, Russia. Doubling production capacity employees. Eloy employed 43 and shut down
will help meet the region’s growing demand for Dec. 1. Salt Lake City made loosefill insulation
glass fiber composites. while Eloy made batt insulation.

2010 – July: The second largest privately held for- 2010 – October 27: Owens Corning said
profit, U.S. homebuilder, David Weekley Homes, continued strong cash generation allowed the
gave Owens Corning an "A" rating for quality and company to repurchase 3.7 million shares of
its "Partners of Choice Award." stock in the third quarter of 2010.

2010 – September: Owens Corning received a 2010 – December 20: Owens Corning
100 percent score on the 2011 Corporate Equality announced definitive plans to sell its North
Index (CEI). The Human Rights Campaign American masonry products business to Boral
Foundation's ninth annual CEI shows 338 Industries. The divestiture takes place in two
businesses achieved the top rating of 100 percent stages: Owens Corning will sell a 50 percent
this year. Owens Corning has earned the highest stake the business to Boral, who will assume
mark every year since 2004. The average rating operational control on Jan. 1, 2011. The
for Fortune 500 companies is 85 percent. business will be operated jointly until 2014, at
which time Owens Corning will sell its
2010 – September 9: Owens Corning was added remaining 50 percent. All employees in Napa,
to the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index for its Calif.; Chester, S.C.; and Toledo, Granville
sustainability initiatives. Inclusion means the and Wooster, Ohio, who were employed by
company ranks in the top 10 percent of the the masonry products business, became Boral
biggest 2,500 companies worldwide based on employees at the beginning of 2011.
long-term economic, environmental and social
criteria. 2011 – January 12: Owens Corning launched
its EcoTouch™ PINK™ FIBERGLAS™
2010 – September 13: Owens Corning Insulation platform with PureFiber™
announced a decision to divest its fiberglass Technology. The platform’s features include:
reinforcement plant in Capivari, Brazil. The o Natural materials and a formaldehyde-free
company determined that divestiture will facilitate formulation
long term planning given the uncertainty of o GREENGUARD Children & Schools SM
negotiations with the Brazilian competition certification and verified to be formaldehyde
authority. The plant was part of the 2007 free, meeting stringent standards for indoor air
acquisition of the Saint-Gobain reinforcements
and composite fabrics businesses. o A minimum of 30 percent post-consumer
recycled content and 50 percent total
2010 – October: The largest home improvement recycled content – the highest certified
retailer in the North America, the Home Depot, percentage in the fiberglass insulation
named Owens Corning its Supplier of the Year for industry
building materials, the company’s highest supplier
honor. Other green building certifications include the
Environmental Protection Agency's ENERGY
2010 – October: Newsweek magazine named STAR®, the National Association of Home
Owens Corning one of the greenest companies in Builders' National Green Building Standard
America. The company placed 57th among the and the U.S. Green Building Council's
500 largest publicly traded companies in America Leadership in Energy and Environmental
in the magazine’s 2010 Green Ranking. Design (LEED®).

2011 – February 16: Owens Corning said its

recordable injury rate improved 23 percent in innovation by launching several new products:
2010, marking the ninth consecutive year of o Non-woven glass fiber veil improving
safety improvement. During that period the performance of flooded lead-acid
company reduced injuries more than 90 percent. batteries in stop-start engines
o SE1550, a single-end Type 30® roving
2011 – February 23: Owens Corning said it for fabrics and pre-pregs that is
reached a definitive agreement to sell its glass compatible with all major thermoset
fiber reinforcement plant in Capivari, Brazil, to resin systems and weaving processes
Chongqing Polycomp International Corporation. o HiLight™ multi-end roving for
The transaction was expected to close in the translucent panel applications
second quarter of 2011. o XStrand® H high-performance
reinforcement for long-span pultrusion
2011 – March: For the second consecutive year, o HydroStrand™ high-performance
Owens Corning was named to the Corporate glass fiber for composites in high-
Responsibility Magazine list of "100 Best temperature fluid applications
Corporate Citizens™." The company's ranking of o Two new grades of short glass fiber
68th moved it up 26 positions from 2010. The list reinforcements for polypropylene (PP)
is recognized as the world's leading corporate in automotive applications
responsibility ranking based on public information.
2011 – April 14: The Owens Corning global
2011 – March 9: Owens Corning held an opening headquarters building in Toledo, Ohio,
ceremony for its new plant at Hangzhou, China. became the third existing building in Ohio to
Reinforcement production, which started in earn gold certification under the U.S. Green
December 2010, augments output from an Building Council (USGBC) Leadership in
existing facility nearby. The new plant is the Energy & Environmental Design (LEED®)
company’s eighth composite production site in Existing Building (EB) program. To achieve
Asia. the award, the building’s design and operation
met stringent standards as an energy-
2011 – March 14: Owens Corning announced the efficient, environmentally responsible and
availability of the first-ever chemical resistance healthy place to live and work. The building
guide for glass fibers to help engineers select the earned silver certification under LEED-EB in
optimum reinforcements for fiberglass-reinforced 2007.
polymer (FRP) applications in corrosive
environments. The guide contains test results, 2011 – May 2: At a conference in Berlin,
specifications and information about industry Owens Corning introduced Ultrapipe™
standards for glass fiber compositions used in fabrics, a new family of products can improve
FRP. the performance of glass-based cured-in-
place pipe (CIPP) relining solutions. The
2011 – March 22: Owens Corning announced proprietary construction of Ultrapipe fabrics
plans to more than double capacity at its glass allow superior impregnation, enhanced
fiber reinforcement facility in Tlaxcala, Mexico. ultraviolet (UV) curing compared to existing
The additional capacity was expected to be CIPP fabrics and higher laminate mechanical
operating in early 2012. The expansion supports performance.
increasing global demand for glass
reinforcements and is the fourth increase 2011 – May 6: Owens Corning made the
announced by the Composite business in recent Fortune 500 list for the 57th consecutive year.
months. Increases were also announced in The annual list ranks companies based on
Yuhang, China; Gous-Khroustalny, Russia; and revenue. Fortune magazine listed Owens
Besana, Italy. Corning at 448 with $4.9 million in revenue,
compared with 432 in 2010.
2011 – March 29: During JEC Composites in
Paris, the world’s largest composites show, 2011 – May 16: Owens Corning announced it
Owens Corning demonstrated its commitment to is producing preformed acoustic inserts for

automotive mufflers at its glass reinforcements Owens Corning EcoTouch™ insulation and
plant in Amarillo, Texas. The preforms are part of Deck Defense® roofing underlayment to its
the company’s proprietary Silentex® noise control annual 101 Best New Products list.
solutions produced using its patented Advantex®
glass. The preformed inserts are easy to use, 2011 – August 2: Owens Corning reported the
offer outstanding noise reduction and can acquisition of FiberTEK Insulation LLC and
withstand the increasing temperatures of low- FiberTEK Insulation West LLC. The
emission exhaust systems. acquisitions include manufacturing plants in
Lakeland, Fla., and Nephi, Utah, and expand
2011 – June: For decades, Owens Corning the company’s loosefill insulation capacity
scientists led the research investigating the safety while strengthening its ability to serve the
of the glass fibers used in insulation. As a result, North American market.
10 years ago glass fibers were removed from one
international list of possible carcinogens. Since 2011 – September 6: Owens Corning
then, an Owens Corning team worked to achieve announced plans to open a China Composites
the same result on the U.S. National Toxicology Center in Shanghai in early 2012. The center
Program (NTP) list. Finally, this month, NTP will focus on customer activities including
removed a specific glass fiber – the kind Owens prototyping, testing, designing and developing
Corning uses in its insulation – from its list of new solutions, particularly in renewable
possible carcinogens. The impact of the NTP energy, residential and commercial building
decision is that Owens Corning insulation and vehicle components. The team will be
products no longer have to carry a label warning part of a global network including innovation
of potential cancer-causing effects under the sites in Granville, Ohio; Chambery, France;
Federal Hazard Communications law. Zele, Belgium; Apeldoorn, Netherlands; and
Ibaraki, Japan. The facility in Shanghai will
2011 – June 29: Owens Corning released its fifth help ensure deep understanding of local
annual Sustainability Report, outlining the needs and trends.
company’s environmental footprint reduction
performance relative to seven key aspects of 2011 – September 9: Owens Corning said it
resource consumption, waste and air emissions. teamed up with vendor DuPont to create a
The company said it met three of its seven goals SAFER barrier around auto racetracks. In
already and was confident that six of the goals will SAFER (steel and foam energy reduction)
be achieved by 2012. The seventh goal, involving barriers, Owens Corning Hydrovac®
volatile organic compounds, generated a 14 technology combines with a DuPont
percent improvement since 2002 and had already Formacel® foam expansion agent to create a
begun to benefit from the company’s recent foam that absorbs energy during impact. The
conversion to EcoTouch™ insulation. The Hydrovac process is used for making Owens
company also announced new 2020 goals Corning FOAMULAR® extruded polystyrene
targeting reductions in energy, greenhouse gas, insulation. In March, the Midwest Roadside
water, toxic air emissions, particulate matter, and Safety Facility at the University of Nebraska
waste-to-landfill measures, as well as supplier completed testing to certify the use of
sustainability and life-cycle assessments. FOAMULAR® insulation with the DuPont
expansion agent on all NASCAR and IRL
2011 – July 12: The Indo-American Chamber of (Indy Racing League) tracks. As racetracks
Commerce (IACC) honored Owens Corning India refresh existing barriers or add new ones,
as the best U.S. company operating in India for they are expected to use FOAMULAR®
the manufacturing sector. The award was based insulation.
on the company’s human capital management,
corporate social responsibility and overall 2011 – September 29: The Science and
contribution to Indo-U.S. business. Technology Center in Granville, Ohio,
celebrated its 50th anniversary. Employees
2011 – July 22: Professional Builder and and retirees reflected on the can-do spirit of
Professional Remodeler magazines named innovation that began with the first pioneering

lab on the site.
2012 – February 7: Owens Corning said it was
2011 – October 5: EcoTouch™ insulation became honored in two categories during the
the first fiberglass insulation certified by the U.S. TechColumbus 2011 Innovation Awards
Department of Agriculture (USDA) as a biobased ceremony. The company won the Green
product. The certification is part of a new labeling Innovation Award for the Foamular® blowing
initiative to identify products with ingredients agent conversion, and EcoTouch™ insulation
made from renewable plant materials. won for Outstanding Product in a company
with more than 250 employees.
2011 – October 7: Owens Corning received two
distinct honors from The Home Depot (THD) 2012 – February 8: Owens Corning
during THD’s annual supplier meeting: Owens announced the first-ever lifetime guarantee
Corning was the only company named program for an insulating and air-sealing
Environmental Partner of the Year and Marketing system. The EnergyComplete™ System
Innovation Partner of the Year. Performance Guarantee assures that Owens
Corning’s EnergyComplete products will
2011 – December 8: Owens Corning said it again continue to perform, maintaining their sealing
received a perfect score of 100 percent on the durability and thermal performance properties,
2012 Corporate Equality Index (CEI). The for the life of the home.
company has achieved a 100 percent CEI rating
every year since 2004. The CEI is published by 2012 – March 27: Owens Corning launched
the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation, FoodContact™ glass fiber for reinforced
a civil rights organization working to achieve plastic. The new product helps manufacturers
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) of kitchen appliances and food-processing
equality. The 2012 CEI rated 850 companies on a equipment comply with upcoming European
scale of 0 to 100 percent relative to 40 specific regulations for materials that will come into
policies and practices. Owens Corning was one of contact with food and drinking water.
190 companies to achieve a perfect score.
2012 – April 23: Owens Corning said it had
2012 – January 31: Owens Corning said its been recognized by Maplecroft Climate
roofing business will work in partnership with Innovation Indexes as a leader in the
Solexel to develop and commercialize reliable, innovation of clean-tech solutions and new
high-performance, affordable and sustainable products, the mitigation of climate change
solar roofing solutions. The two companies related risks and the management of carbon
received a grant from the U.S. Department of emissions. The rating of the 360 largest U.S.-
Energy for projects to help shape the next based companies ranks Owens Corning 80th
generation of solar energy. The grant made it among the top 100 companies with a market
possible to use Solexel’s technology to create capitalization of more than $1 billion.
solar roofing that is beautiful and easy to install. In
addition, Owens Corning said it recently acquired 2012 – May 7: Owens Corning made the
technology and intellectual property from a Fortune 500 list for the 58th consecutive year
Fortune 500 company that will speed up delivery in 2011. The annual list ranks the largest
of an initial solar roofing product. companies in the U.S. based on revenue.
Fortune magazine listed Owens Corning at
2012 – February 1: Owens Corning launched a 454 with $5.3 billion in revenue, compared
next generation of Duration® shingles. Called with 448 in 2011. The company has been in
TruDefinition® Duration® Series Shingles, the the list every year since Fortune started it.
new line features a woven, engineered-fabric strip
that reinforces the nailing zone, resulting in a 2012 – May 17: Owens Corning said it
tough, thick fastening area. Other features include launched the Architectural Information Center,
a highly visible nailing zone for fast, easy an online portal for architects and building
installation, shingles that lay flat on a roof, higher- material specifiers. Available at
contrast color blends and two new colors., the Web-based

resource provides commercial building industry globally. Designed for spray-up applications
professionals with immediate access to product including marine, sanitary, swimming pools
literature and case studies, guide specifications, and transportation, OptiSpray solutions
online American Institute of Architects (AIA) and provide optimum wetting for good surface
Continued Education System (CES) training finish and mechanical strength in the finished
courses and more. product. The family of solutions includes
OptiSpray™, OptiSpray™ H and OptiSpray™
2012 – May 31: Owens Corning said it will donate F rovings.
up to $1 million in cash and gifts-in-kind to Habitat
for Humanity International over three years to 2012 – September 6: Owens Corning
support house construction and revitalization welcomed customers to its new China
projects nationwide. The Owens Corning Composites Center in Shanghai and said the
Foundation donated $200,000 for 2012 and center would help grow their businesses. The
pledged $200,000 per year for 2013 and 2014. Center is a state-of-the-art research and
Owens Corning anticipates gift-in-kind donations development site equipped for composite
of $400,000 over the same three-year period, processes such as pultrusion, filament
providing fiberglass insulation, roofing materials winding, vacuum infusion and thermoplastic
and other products to support Habitat's affordable molding. It also is set up to host training
housing projects. seminars.
The center is a direct response to customer
2012 – July 5: Owens Corning said it acquired requests for local solutions.
joint venture partner Northern Elastomeric Inc.
The company and NEI have been part of a joint 2012 – September 13: Owens Corning scored
venture since 1999 making self-adhered roofing a “three-peat” with the Dow Jones
and specialty underlayments, flooring materials Sustainability World Index. For the third
and tapes used in roofing and gutter applications. consecutive year, the company earned a
It currently makes WeatherLock® waterproofing place in the index for its sustainability efforts.
underlayment for Owens Corning’s roofing The DJSI World Index lists the top 10 percent
business. of the world's 2,500 largest companies based
on long-term economic, environmental and
2012 – June 26: Owens Corning released its sixth social criteria.
annual Sustainability Report, highlighted by year-
over-year intensity reductions in all environmental 2012 – September 14: Employees joined
goals set and an impressive list of innovation- company leaders, government officials and
driven achievements. Among the key customers for the official opening of the new
accomplishments highlighted in the report is a furnace and production line at the plant in
reduction in waste-to-landfill intensity by 22 Tlaxcala, Mexico. The new furnace at the
percent in 2011, representing an absolute glass reinforcements plant more than doubles
reduction of more than 37,000 metric tons. Owens the facility’s capacity to support growing
Corning also reduced its toxic air emissions demand for assembled rovings in the
intensity by 37 percent last year for an absolute Americas and throughout the world. The new
reduction of 236 metric tons. furnace makes Advantex® glass for the
assembled rovings and also for dry-use
2012 – August 3: Owens Corning announced the chopped strands.
sale of its VersaMat® polyester mat business
based in Louisville, Ky., to Indratech Performance 2012 – September 20: Owens Corning was
Fiber Systems. The company said the sale ranked 165th on a list of the top 500
supports the Composite Solutions Business’ technology innovators in the United States,
strategy of focusing on glass-based composite according to InformationWeek magazine. Of
applications. the manufacturing companies on the list,
Owens Corning was ranked ninth.
2012 – September 4: Owens Corning announced The company’s ranking improved from last
that OptiSpray™ roving solutions are available year when it was included in the 251-500

range. InformationWeek does not assign Foundation. The U.S. civil rights organization
individual rankings for companies in that bracket. works for equality for members of the gay,
lesbian, bisexual and transgender community.
2012 – October 17: Owens Corning issued The company has achieved a 100 percent
$600 million in new bonds maturing in 2022 at an rating every year since 2004.
interest rate of 4.20 percent, the lowest-cost bond
ever issued in the history of the company. The 2012 – November 28: Owens Corning said the
proceeds will retire up to $350 million of existing furnace built to last 10 years in Kimchon,
bonds maturing in 2016 and 2019, and repay Korea is now 15 years old and is still going
outstanding borrowings under a revolving credit strong. It is one of the longest running
facility. furnaces in Owens Corning history. A furnace
rebuild is scheduled for next September. By
2012 – October 30: To celebrate the new furnace then, the Kimchon furnace will be 16½ years
at its plant in Gous-Khroustalny, Russia, Owens old.
Corning leaders cut ribbons twice – in the morning
with local authorities and in the afternoon with 2012 – December 11: Owens Corning Latin
customers. The investment in Gous-Khroustalny America said it launched an integrated
is the company’s latest step to increase its global insulation system – called PINK Insularis – to
capacity to produce composite material and reduce home temperatures in emerging
particularly to service the Russian and CIS markets for people who cannot afford air
markets. Now with double production capacity, conditioning. Owens Corning developed the
the plant manufactures corrosion-resistant system through a joint project with CEMEX,
Advantex® glass locally for roving and wet-use one of the world’s leading cement and
chopped strands (WUCS), as well as other concrete manufacturers. The system uses
reinforcement products. FOAMULAR® insulation panels inside molds
that form the concrete walls and roofs and can
2012 – November 1: Owens Corning noted it was reduce a home’s inside temperature by as
beginning its 75th year. The company said it will much as 44 degrees. The system complies
celebrate the anniversary during the next 12 with existing regulations for sustainable
months as it weaves an OC@75 observance housing, and allows for faster construction,
throughout many existing events on the company less labor and lower interior finishing costs.
calendar. The year will culminate on Oct. 31, 2013
– 75 years after officials signed the paperwork to 2013 – January 11: The Taloja, India,
establish Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation. composites plant won second place in the
glass category of the 2012 National Energy
2012 – November 15: Owens Corning announced Conservation Awards. The plant saved 1520
receipt of UL-certified ISO-compliant megawatt-hours in electrical energy and
Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for its 35,784 megawatt-hours in thermal energy.
unfaced and kraft-faced EcoTouch® PINK®
FIBERGLAS™ insulation with PureFiber® 2013 – January 21: Owens Corning
technology and its unbonded loosefill insulation. employees improved their safety performance
An EPD is an internationally recognized, tool that for the 11th year in a row in 2012. Compared to
reports the environmental impact of goods or 2011, employees achieved 9 percent fewer
services. An industry first for fiberglass building injuries, a 10 percent reduction in the
insulation in North America, the EPDs describe recordable incidence rate to 0.45, and a 30
the environmental impact of the products based percent reduction in the severity of injuries,
on an established set of category rules and based on lost and restricted workdays. In
independently verified life cycle assessment addition, 62 percent of the company’s facilities
(LCA) data from cradle-to-grave. completed the year without a recordable
injury, the highest level in company history.
2012 – November 15: Owens Corning again
achieved 100 percent in the Corporate Equality 2013 – January 22: Owens Corning unveiled
Index published by the Human Rights Campaign high-performance building material offerings

featuring products that combine comfort with  BASF contributes knowledge of
energy efficiency and performance: thermoplastic resins
 EnergyComplete® sealant, an expanding  TenCate Advanced Composites brings
foam for joints and other openings its expertise in manufacturing
 Total Protection Roofing System™, a  Owens Corning brings the technology
collection of products designed to work to develop fabrics and glass
together including ventilation, hip and reinforcement solutions
ridge shingles, underlayment, ice and
water barriers, and starter shingles 2013 – March 26: Siemens Wind Power in
 ResidentialComplete™ wall systems with Denmark said it started making a new 55-
FOAMULAR® insulation, EcoTouch® meter blade using Owens Corning
insulation and JointSealR® foam joint tape Ultrablade™ fabrics. The blade, which is
mainly for moderate wind conditions, will be
2013 – February 6: Owens Corning said it will one of the workhorses in the Siemens
expand its Oakridge® shingle product line with a portfolio. Siemens engineers are relying on
collection of new Artisan Colors. The warm, rich the increased stiffness of Ultrablade fabrics
shades will help meet growing demand for more for the longer blade. Each blade consumes
vibrant roof colors with bold color combinations 2.4 tons of Ultrablade material, or 7.2 tons of
that add contrast and depth for a dramatic view Owens Corning material per turbine.
from the street.
2013 – April 10: The Composite Solutions
2013 – March 7: Owens Corning announced an Business said it recently opened a new
agreement with Tanaka Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K. and laboratory in Apeldoorn, Netherlands, to
Tanaka Kikinzoku International K.K. to purchase energize work in the car battery market.
Tanaka Kikinzoku (Suzhou) Co., Ltd (TKS). TKS During the previous few years, sales of non-
is a producer of glass fiber-making bushings and wovens for the car battery market grew by
other parts, and it services various glass double-digits. With more growth expected, the
industries in China. TKS will become a part of science and technology team is building the
Owens Corning GlassMetal Services, a wholly company’s expertise in the start-stop battery
owned business that makes bushings and related business. A start-stop battery system shuts
parts for the glass fiber industry. TKS has been down and restarts the engine to reduce idling
operating since 2006. time. This reduces fuel consumption and
2013 – March 13: Owens Corning received an
Innovation Award in the sustainability category at 2013 – May 6: Owens Corning made the
the JEC Europe trade show. The award was for FORTUNE 500 list for the 59th consecutive
energy-saving façade panels made from year in 2013. The annual list ranks the largest
composite materials. The panels help builders publicly owned companies in the U.S. based
comply with new insulation requirements for on 2012 revenue. FORTUNE magazine lists
European buildings. Known as the COFAHè Owens Corning at 476 with $5.2 billion in
solution, the façade panels replace aluminum and revenue. Last year the company ranked 454.
other materials with a composite/aluminum profile The company has been on the list every year
combination. They use Owens Corning XStrand® since it started.
H high modulus glass, Unifilo® continuous
filament mat and Cem-FIL® AR glass. 2013 – May 7: Owens Corning said
EcoTouch® insulation with PureFiber®
2013 – March 14: Owens Corning announced its technology is now available for metal
inclusion in a strategic alliance with BASF and buildings. The insulation was developed for
TenCate Advanced Composites to develop use by architects, design/build contractors,
thermoplastic composites that will help the metal building insulation contractors and
automotive industry produce lighter, stronger and building owners. The insulation features a
more environmentally efficient products. In the formaldehyde-free formula made of natural
alliance: materials.

capability and a research and development
2013 – May 15: Owens Corning and the center to support growing glass non-woven
Constellation company announced a 2.6- products activity serving the building materials
megawatt solar generation project that will supply market..
clean energy to the insulation plant in Delmar,
N.Y. Scheduled for completion in late 2013, the 2013 – June 24: Owens Corning announced a
solar project is designed to supply more than manufacturing supply alliance with Xingtai
6 percent of the plant’s annual electricity needs. It Jinniu Fiberglass Company. Under the
will also support Owens Corning’s 2020 alliance, Jinniu will provide a sure source of
environmental footprint goals for energy use and customized boron-free glass fiber
the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. reinforcements from its current furnace
capacity in China. Owens Corning will bring to
2013 – May 29: EnergyComplete® sealant won the alliance its technology for environmentally
Design Journal’s 2013 ADEX Platinum Award for sustainable manufacturing. Both companies
Design Excellence. Design Journal’s ADEX will continue to operate separately.
(Awards for Design Excellence) is one of the
largest programs recognizing the design of 2013 – June 25: Owens Corning issued its
furniture, fixtures, finishes and building materials seventh annual Sustainability Report and said
marketed to the design trade. it achieved all seven of its original
environmental footprint goals and is making
2013 – June 3: Owens Corning said it completed progress toward its 2020 targets. Also in the
the acquisition of Thermafiber Inc., a leading report, the company noted its 11th
manufacturer of mineral wool commercial and consecutive year of safety improvement.
industrial insulation products. The acquisition,
which includes a 145,000-square-foot 2013 – July 22: Owens Corning China said it
manufacturing location in Wabash, Ind., provides officially launched EcoTouch® insulation
Owens Corning with a broad insulation portfolio earlier in the month with celebrations at five
now encompassing fiberglass, foam and mineral sites. More than 300 employees attended
wool insulation products. Thermafiber's insulation events in the regional headquarters in
products support fire block, fire blanket and Shanghai and four building materials plants in
curtain wall applications. Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin and Nanjing.
The celebrations recognized employees for
2013 – June 4: Owens Corning announced a their efforts in converting all China lines to
strategic alliance with glass fiber producer EcoTouch technology over the past year.
Taishan Fiberglass, a subsidiary of the China
National Materials Group (Sinoma), and one of 2013 – August 6: The Xi’an, China, insulation
the largest cement companies in the world. The plant lit its new furnace in a recent ceremony
two companies will grow the use of alkali-resistant that included many customers, suppliers and
glass products sold under the brands Cem-FIL®, distributors. About 70 guests joined Building
Anti-CRAK® and Slurry-FILTM. Manufacturing for Materials Asia-Pacific leaders, the project
the alliance will be based in China. Owens team, functional representatives and
Corning research and development centers will employees in the ceremony. The new
provide support, as well as develop applications insulation plant is the company’s fifth building
for the reinforcements. Taishan will focus on materials facility in China. It will make
China, Japan, Korea, the Association of EcoTouch™ insulation with PureFiber®
Southeast Asian Nations, South Africa, and Saudi technology, which the company recently
Arabia. Owens Corning will serve markets across launched in China.
the rest of the world.
2013 – August 28: Builder and Professional
2013 – June 19: Owens Corning announced a Remodeler magazines listed Owens Corning
$130 million investment in North America to EnergyComplete® Sealant as one of the 101
expand its glass non-wovens business. The new best new products for the past year.
facility will feature state-of-the-art manufacturing

2013 – September 11: Owens Corning introduced company leaders rang the closing bell on the
two products at China Composites Expo 2013 in New York Stock Exchange. On Thursday,
Beijing. The company re-launched Advantex® Oct. 31, the official date of the company’s
SE2307 roving for pipes and introduced anniversary, a special town hall meeting was
Ultrablade® triaxial fabrics for wind blades. held at World Headquarters.

2013 – September 12: For the fourth year in a 2013 – November: Owens Corning held an
row, Owens Corning was part of the Dow Jones official opening for its new fiberglass
Sustainability World Index. And for the first time, reinforcement facility in Xi’an, China. The
the company led the building materials industry plant extends the company’s footprint in
category. The index lists the top 10 percent of the western China.
world's 2,500 largest companies based on long-
term economic, environmental and social criteria. 2013 – December 9: For the 10th year in a
row, Owens Corning received a perfect score
2013 – September 19: Owens Corning joined with on the Corporate Equality Index. The Human
several other large U.S. companies to call for Rights Campaign Foundation publishes the
meaningful energy and climate legislation. The annual report on workplace equality for
effort was organized by nonprofit group Ceres lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders.
and its business network, Business for Innovative Owens Corning is one of 303 major U.S.
Climate & Energy Policy. businesses that earned top marks in 2013.

2013 – September 30: The National Safety 2013 – December 19: Owens Corning
Council’s said Owens Corning will receive the announced a UL-certified Environmental
Council’s highest honor in 2014 – the Green Product Declaration for its FOAMULAR®
Cross for Safety medal. The award goes to an extruded polystyrene insulation. An industry-
organization that shows a “steadfast commitment first in North America for XPS rigid foam
to improving safety and health in the workplace insulation, the EPD describes the
and beyond. The medal recipient exhibits safety environmental impact of the products based
leadership at all levels of the organization, boasts upon an established set of product category
an outstanding safety record and is committed to rules and independently verified life cycle
improving the quality of life in the communities assessment data from cradle-to-grave.
where its employees work and live.”
2014 – January 29: In its Sustainability
2013 – October 15: Owens Corning leaders joined Yearbook, RobecoSAM awarded Owens
with Constellation and the New York State Energy Corning the Industry Leader and Gold Class
Research and Development Authority to dedicate Sustainability Award in the building products
a solar field that supplies about 6 percent of the sector. The annual yearbook recognizes the
electricity used by the plant in Delmar, N.Y. most sustainable companies around the
Constellation financed and built the system, and world. Owens Corning is the only U.S.-based
will own and maintain it. Owens Corning buys the company to receive the award in the building
electricity under a 20-year agreement. products category.

2013 – October 22: Owens Corning announced it 2014 – February 12: Owens Corning
will build a glass non-wovens plant in Gastonia, announced plans to establish a quarterly
N.C. The plant will be finished in mid-to-late 2015, dividend to its stockholders. The company
create 110 new jobs by the end of 2016 and said the board of directors’ decision to declare
invest more than $120 million in the N.C. Certified a dividend expresses its confidence in the
Gastonia Technology Park. company’s long-term financial outlook and
ability to generate cash. The company will
2013 – October 31: Owens Corning sites around make an initial quarterly payment of 16 cents
the world celebrated the company’s 75th per common share on April 3, to shareholders
anniversary with a week of special activities. of record on March 14. Owens Corning had
OC@75 celebration week began Monday as not paid a dividend since 2000.

2014 – February 17: The Kearny Rebuild and 2014 – April 17: Stockholders approved all
Service Team received the Board of Directors’ four proposals at the annual meeting,
Cup for 2013. The team rebuilt the Kearny, N.J., including one declassifying the board of
roofing plant after it was badly damaged from directors.
Hurricane Sandy in October 2012. While the plant
was being extensively repaired and upgraded, 2014 – June 2: Owens Corning made the
team members serviced customers without Fortune 500 list for the 60th consecutive year.
missing an order and safely completed the rebuild The annual list ranks the largest companies in
on time and on budget. the U.S. based on revenue. Fortune magazine
listed Owens Corning at 475 with $5.29 billion
2014 – March 12: At the JEC Europe trade show in revenue in 2013. Owens Corning is at the
in Paris, Owens Corning earned a JEC Innovation top of the magazine’s "building materials,
Award for its work with Russia’s PolyPlastic glass" category and has been on the list every
Group. The companies developed a new grade of year since Fortune magazine started it.
polypropylene composite material reinforced with
Owens Corning Performax® 249 chopped glass 2014 – June 26: The Building Materials Group
strands. The new material helped deliver key introduced a new wall system for brick
performance features for a Russian maker of buildings – the CavityComplete™ Wall
washing machine tubs. System for Steel Stud with Masonry Veneer.
Commercial buildings with steel stud framing
2014 – March 13: In a proxy statement and and brick exteriors are one of the most
annual meeting notice filed with the U.S. popular building styles, representing about 30
Securities and Exchange Commission, Owens percent of all buildings built.
Corning asked stockholders to approve the
declassification of the board of directors. If 2014 – July 1: In its eighth annual
approved, declassification would mean the entire Sustainability Report, Owens Corning
board stands for election annually, beginning in described improvements in five of its six
2017. Currently, the board is divided into three environmental footprint goals: energy use,
classes. Stockholders elect one class each year greenhouse gas, particulate matter, toxic air
and members in that class serve a three-year emissions and water use. The sixth goal,
term. waste to landfill, lost ground; the company
exceeded the 2010 baseline by 6 percent in
2014 – March 27: Owens Corning EcoTouch® 2013. The most improved area was toxic air
Fiberglas™ insulation received a 2014 Product & emissions – an improvement of 62 percent
Project of the Year Award from Environmental from the baseline. The company also declared
Leader, a leading daily trade publication for its intent to expand its “handprint” – the
energy, environmental and sustainability news. Its positive effects of Owens Corning products
annual top products list honors companies making and the company’s work to drive energy
“the biggest difference in the field of energy, efficiency through the increased use of its
environmental and sustainability management.” products in buildings, cars, wind turbines, etc.

2014 – April 10: Owens Corning received the 2014 – July 3: Owens Corning was named a
highest honor of the National Safety Council, the 2014 Eco-Leader by Green Builder Media.
2014 Green Cross for Safety medal. NSC The firm publishes Green Builder Magazine,
presents the award annually to an organization the largest circulation magazine in the
with outstanding safety performance and a construction trade.
commitment to improving the quality of life in the
communities where its employees work and live. 2014 – July 30: Owens Corning said it will
During the past 12 years, Owens Corning has license its S-glass technology exclusively to
eliminated nearly 95 percent of recordable AGY. Starting Aug. 1, AGY will assume
injuries, as defined by the U.S. Occupational commercial and operating responsibility for all
Safety & Health Administration. of Owens Corning’s S-glass-related business.

reinforcing glass non-wovens were introduced
2014 – Sept. 11: For the fifth year in a row, to the European market in June 2013. The
Owens Corning was part of the Dow Jones solution uses a bio-based binder system with
Sustainability World Index. For the second time, high tensile strength performance and does
the company led the building materials industry not contain any formaldehyde.
category. Owens Corning was evaluated against
22 individual criteria covering economic, 2014 – Nov. 3: Owens Corning streamlined its
environmental and social factors. The company organization into three reporting business
scored higher than the industry average in all 22 units: Composite Solutions, Insulation, and
of the criteria and was the industry leader in six. Roofing and Asphalt. The company said it will
no longer have a defined Building Materials
2014 – Oct. 7: The Certified Energy Expert™ Group. All of the functions solely supporting
program earned a Brand Builder Award from the Building Materials Group structure were
Hanley Wood, a strategic marketing company that eliminated under the new structure.
serves the residential, commercial design and
construction industries. The insulation contractor 2014 – Nov. 19: Owens Corning announced
program won in the category of Best Customer results of its cash tender offers to purchase its
Support Program. 9 percent Senior Notes due 2019 and its
6.5 percent Senior Notes due 2016, for an
2014 – Oct. 12: Aon Hewitt named Owens aggregate purchase price of up to
Corning to its list of Top Companies for Leaders $400 million. The offers were fully subscribed.
in North America. The list honors companies that
excel at building and growing strong leaders. 2014 – Nov. 21: For the 11th year in a row,
More than 180 companies were part of the year’s Owens Corning earned a perfect score on the
study by Aon Hewitt, a global talent, retirement Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality
and health solutions business. Owens Corning Index and was designated as a Best Place to
was ranked 25th in North America. Work for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender equality. Owens Corning was one
2014 – Oct. 14: Owens Corning removed the of 366 major U.S. businesses that earned top
INNOVATIONS FOR LIVING® tagline from its marks for the year.
logo. The company said beginning on this day it
would use only the company’s brandmark with the 2015 – Jan. 19: The ProPINK® High
red shield logo. Performance Conditioned Attic System was
launched as part of an expanded offering of
2014 – Oct. 15: Owens Corning introduced two building science-based systems. The system
products to its suite of sheet molding compounds. is designed to deliver better air, thermal and
 Advantex® ME1975, a new glass fiber moisture performance in unvented attics
multi-end roving, designed for use in SMC where the HVAC unit is placed in the attic
Class A applications in automotive and space.
 Advantex® ME1510, designed to provide 2015 – Jan. 23: For the second year in a row,
optimal wetting performance with glass Owens Corning was named an industry leader
content as high as 60 percent in epoxy- in the building products sector of the
based SMC applications, resulting in RobecoSAM Annual Sustainability Yearbook.
lighter and stronger products that can The company also earned a gold class rating.
replace traditional metal in structural RobecoSAM is an investment firm focused on
applications in the automotive and sustainability investing.
industrial markets
2015 – Jan. 29: Asia-Pacific employees from
2014 – Oct. 16: Owens Corning said it was the composites, insulation and roofing
building a new facility in Gastonia, N.C., that will businesses joined forces to operate under one
help meet demand for Sustaina® non-woven roof in Shanghai, China.
glass fiber fabric. Sustaina® surfacing and

2015 – Feb. 4: The Owens Corning Foundation
said it will donate $1.1 million in cash and gifts-in- The glass fiber innovations are designed to
kind to Habitat for Humanity International over improve composites performance in
three years. The partnership will support house automotive, industrial and telecommunication
construction and revitalization projects across the applications.
United States. The Owens Corning Foundation
has donated $200,000 for 2015 and pledged 2015 – April 13: Owens Corning Canada
$200,000 per year for 2016 and 2017. received the 2015 Industry Partner Award
Additionally, Owens Corning anticipates gift-in- from EnerQuality, Canada’s leading certifier of
kind donations of $500,000 over the three years. energy efficient and Energy Star qualified
2015 – Feb. 16: The Project Red Fuji Team won
the Board of Directors' Cup for 2014. Ten teams 2015 – April 17: Owens Corning was voted
were nominated for the cup, the highest award the top green brand of insulation and roofing
given at Owens Corning. The Project Red Fuji products by Green Builder Media readers. The
Team faced a challenge in 2014 as Owens publication reported the news in its annual
Corning was exiting the S-glass business and Readers' Survey, which focuses on
licensing that technology to AGY. A customer understanding product preferences of the
(who asked not to be identified) was in the middle green building professionals.
of its commercial ramp-up of a new product.
Faced with a potential shortage of S-glass, the 2015 – April 22: Owens Corning said the
customer expressed a desire to continue working company's board of directors approved a
with Owens Corning. A division-wide team, $90 million investment in a new mineral wool
supported by corporate accounting, devised an S- plant. The plant, which will begin operations in
glass production campaign at the Mexico City late 2016, will support growth of the North
plant that met the customer's needs with American mineral wool insulation business.
favorable commercial conditions for Owens
Corning. 2015 – April 22: Owens Corning reported that
in 2014, the company's Roofing and Asphalt
2015 – Feb. 27: Owens Corning glass Shingle Recycling Program helped keep about
reinforcements helped a customer earn the 2.4 billion pounds of used shingles out of
Golden Trowel award for its flat concrete floor. landfills. The program, which recognizes and
Zorzin Group, an Owens Corning customer, set a promotes independent shingle recycling
world record for its flat strip of concrete for a centers across the U.S., grew 33 percent over
distribution center greater than 10,446 square 2013. Shingle recycling became available in
meters. The winning floor used Owens Corning's eight new markets and 12 new locations.
Cem-FIL® glass reinforcements. More than 65 percent of people living in the
The Golden Trowel awards are given annually by U.S. now have access to shingle recycling in
Face Construction Technologies of Norfolk, their market.
Virginia, for the flattest and most level floor slabs
placed in the world. 2015 – April 23: Owens Corning established a
Center of Excellence for Advanced Modeling
2015 – March 11: Owens Corning introduced five and Mimics in Granville, Ohio. The center
new products at the JEC Europe 2015 show and reflects the company's commitment to working
conference in Paris, France: closely with customers and finding new
 PulStrand™ 4100 single-end roving for applications for glass fiber composites.
 Performax® SE4850 roving for 2015 – April 27: Owens Corning Roofing
polypropylene DLFT (direct long-fiber launched a national media campaign to help
thermoplastics). drive pull-through sales of shingles and
 TeleStrand™ 2000 UV series roving. roofing components and build awareness and
 HydroStrand® 258 chopped strands. preference for the brand. The campaign
 OC Paneluxe™ multi-end roving. included a 30-second commercial that aired

on national network radio stations. plant in China. The event was a critical
milestone for an alliance between Owens
2015 – May 18: Ava Harter joined the company as Corning and Jizhong Energy Group (JZEG)
senior vice president, general counsel and using Owens Corning technology and Jinniu's
corporate secretary. manufacturing capacity to produce world-class
products made with Advantex® glass.
2015 – June 8: Owens Corning made the Expanding manufacturing capacity through
FORTUNE 500 list for the 61st consecutive year. alliances was said to be a key growth strategy
The annual list ranks the largest companies in the for the Composite Solutions Business. The
U.S. based on 2014 revenue. Fortune magazine "asset-light" approach helped Owens Corning
listed Owens Corning at 498 with $5.27 billion in grow until market conditions justify
revenue. The company has been on the list every investments in its own capacity.
year since Fortune started it. Last year the
company ranked 475. 2015 – August 26: Owens Corning relied on
building science to develop a line of pipe
2015 – June 22: Owens Corning said the insulation products for commercial
company recently accepted honors from three construction and relied on Newark, Ohio, pipe
organizations: factory employees to learn new skills so they
 Computerworld 2015 Best Places to Work could safely manufacture it. The new Owens
in IT Corning ASJ Max FIBERGLAS™ Pipe
 2015 CIO 100 Award from CIO magazine Insulation is designed for hot and cold,
 Top Companies for Leaders in North concealed and exposed pipes in commercial
America from Aon Hewitt, a global talent, and industrial buildings. Manufacturing ASJ
retirement and health solutions business Max FIBERGLAS Pipe Insulation was the
biggest product change at the Newark pipe
2015 – July 6: During the Pacific Coast Builder factory in 20 years.
Conference in San Diego, California, Bob
Raymer, technical director for the California 2015 – September 3: Owens Corning Brazil
Building Industry Association, publicly was again named a Great Place to Work. The
acknowledged Owens Corning ProPink® High Great Place to Work Institute gave the honor
Performance Conditioned Attic System as a cost- to Owens Corning and 134 other companies
effective way to meet 2016 code requirements. out of 1,454 participating businesses. Owens
Corning ranked in the top 30.
2015 – July 10: Owens Corning said it will build its
new Thermafiber® mineral wool plant in Joplin, 2015 – September 10: For the sixth year in a
Missouri. The company will move into an existing row, Owens Corning was part of the Dow
303,000-square-foot facility and invest nearly $90 Jones Sustainability World Index. And once
million to purchase and install equipment at the again, for the third time, the company led the
site. The project will create more than 100 jobs. building materials industry category. The Dow
The plant will make mineral wool insulation for Jones Sustainability Indices follow a best-in-
commercial, residential and industrial applications. class approach, including companies across
all industries that outperform their peers in
2015 – July 16: Owens Corning announced strong many sustainability metrics.
progress in reducing its environmental footprint
and improving the environmental impact and 2015 – October 30: Owens Corning
transparency of its products as the company announced more ambitious sustainability
released its ninth annual sustainability report. The goals to reduce greenhouse gas and toxic air
company said it operates with 46 percent less emissions, along with new renewable power
absolute greenhouse gas emissions than at its initiatives that will continue to expand the
peak in 2007. company's impact through sustainability. The
new 2020 sustainability goals are to reduce
2015 – July 17: An Advantex® glass furnace greenhouse gas intensity by 50 percent and
started production in the Xintai Jinniu Fiber Glass toxic air emissions intensity by 75 percent

from its 2010 baseline. environmental stewardship.

2015 – October 30: Leaders from Owens Corning 2015 – November 18: The Owens Corning
and energy provider Constellation joined Foundation Inc. made a $1 million
employees from the corporate office in Toledo, commitment to support the educational
Ohio, to dedicate a new solar parking canopy. mission of the Toledo Museum of Art. The gift,
The solar parking canopy is designed for 3 million to be paid over a five-year period, will help to
kilowatt-hours per year of electricity, which was underwrite art education programs and the
the single largest parking lot solar installation in Museum’s 2020 Vision that focuses on
the Midwest region of the United States. expanding educational outreach to more
Constellation will own and maintain the solar culturally diverse audiences.
canopy system and sell back all of the electricity
to Owens Corning over a 20-year supply 2015 – November 18: The company continued
agreement. to boast a perfect score on the Human Rights
Campaign Corporate Equality Index. In the
2015 – November 2: Owens Corning is the 2016 results, Owens Corning earned a 100
number one insulation brand preferred by building percent score for the 12th year in a row. This
professionals, according to three industry surveys: meant Owens Corning strived for a workplace
 2015 Hanley Wood Builder Brand Study where all employees felt they could reach their
 2015 Green Builder Media annual true potential. It was named a Best Place to
Readers' Choice survey Work for gay, lesbian, bisexual and
 Remodeling's 2015 Brand Use Study transgender equality.

The surveys are conducted annually among 2015 – November 19: Owens Corning was
builders and remodelers. They track brand named a 2016 Green Building Project Partner
preferences across categories in the building for Make It Right. As the official insulation
materials industry. In the insulation category, partner, Owens Corning contributed cash and
fiberglass brands compete with cellulose, spray insulation to the organization. Founded by
polyurethane foam and rigid foam board. actor Brad Pitt in 2007, the nonprofit's goal is
building sustainable, affordable homes for
2015 – November 10: Owens Corning introduced communities in need. In 2015, Owens Corning
a mobile app that put the power of a thermal donated $65,000 in cash and insulation to a
vision home energy audit into the hands of Make It Right build at Fort Peck Indian
homeowners, contractors and remodelers. The reservation in Montana.
free Owens Corning Comfort Tracker™ app
works with the FLIR ONE thermal imaging camera 2015 – November 23: Owens Corning ranked
to show air and thermal leaks in a home. The app 27th in the top 50 best internships in the U.S.,
allows contractors and homeowners to turn their according to a survey through For
iPhone, iPad or Android device into a tool that can quality of life during the internship, the
help improve a home's energy performance. company ranked 21st. Owens Corning was
the leading manufacturing company. To
2015 – November 17: Owens Corning expanded compile the rankings, Vault surveyed more
product transparency across core commercial and than 5,800 interns at 102 intern programs.
residential product offerings. The move helped
architects, builders, mechanical engineers and 2016 – January 14: Owens Corning earned
specifiers meet the growing criteria of green the 11th spot on the 2016 Best Companies for
building certifications. The company introduced Leaders list from Chief Executive magazine.
six registered material health certificates through The annual ranking names 40 top public
the Cradle to Cradle Certified program and five companies globally in leadership
new environmental product declarations development.
summarizing product life cycle assessments. The
transparency reflected Owens Corning's industry- 2016 – January 18: Owens Corning signed
leading commitment to sustainability and technology licensing and manufacturing

supply agreements with Shandong Fiberglass 2016 – March 24: Owens Corning made the
Group Co. Ltd. in China. The strategic relationship Forbes list of "America's Best Employers" for
leverages Owens Corning Advantex® glass fiber 2016, ranking 138th among 500 employers
reinforcements and chopped strand technology across 25 industries.
and expertise to produce chopped strand
products for the thermoplastics industry using the 2016 – April 14: Owens Corning received the
Shandong Fiberglass manufacturing platform. Energy Star Partner of the Year award for its
The companies continue to operate as separate energy management during 2015. Energy
commercial entities. Star is a U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency program that helps businesses and
2016 – January 21: For the third year in a row, customers protect the climate through energy
Owens Corning was named the industry leader in efficiency. Owens Corning is one of 16,000
the building products sector of the RobecoSAM partners that drive the program's success.
annual Sustainability Yearbook. The company
also earned a gold class rating for the third time. 2016 – April 21: Owens Corning completed its
acquisition of InterWrap, a leading
2016 – February 10: The company reported $550 manufacturer of roofing underlayment and
million of adjusted earnings before interest and packaging materials.
taxes, which grew by 46 percent for the best year
of earnings growth in the history of the company. 2016 – May 3: Owens Corning was listed 43rd
All three businesses improved during 2015. Net on Corporate Responsibility magazine's
sales for 2015 were $5.4 billion. annual list of "100 Best Corporate Citizens." In
2015, Owens Corning ranked 68th, and in
2016 – February 16: Owens Corning said 2014 was not on the list at all.
employees continued to maintain a high level of
safety performance in 2015 with 7 percent fewer 2016 – June 6: Owens Corning made the
injuries than 2014. Fortune 500 list for the 62nd consecutive
year. The annual list ranks the largest
2016 – February 24: To accelerate the growth of companies in the U.S. based on 2015
the Roofing Components business, Owens revenue. Fortune listed Owens Corning at 480
Corning agreed to acquire InterWrap, a leading with $5.35 billion in revenue. Last year the
maker of synthetic roofing underlayment and company ranked 498.
packaging materials, for $450 million. InterWrap
primarily produces synthetic roofing 2016 – June 7: The new plant in Gastonia,
underlayment, including the Titanium® and N.C. officially opened with a ribbon-cutting
RhinoRoof® brands. ceremony. The glass non-wovens plant is the
single-largest capital investment in the
2016 – March 4: Owens Corning made the short company's 78-year history.
list of "15 Award-Winning Companies We Want to
Work for Now," published by The Muse. The 2016 – June 16: Owens Corning was again
Muse is an online resource that offers subscribers named one of the best places to work by
a behind-the-scenes look at companies, career information and business technology
advice from experts and access to private career professionals. In Computerworld’s annual
coaches. Best Places to Work in IT list, Owens Corning
ranked fourth among the top 100 large
2016 – March 8: Owens Corning launched a new organizations, up three places from 2015.
PipeStrand™ range of products for high- and low-
pressure filament winding applications, which 2016 – July 6: Two Insulation Business plants
compose the largest glass reinforcement market recently marked significant milestones. On
in the world with 655,000 tons of roving sold per June 25, the Delmar, N.Y. plant celebrated its
year. Applications include power and energy; 40th anniversary, while on July 1, the
petrochemicals; marine; and water distribution. Fairburn, Ga. plant observed 45 years.

2016 – July 28: Owens Corning released its 10th national benchmarking survey and report on
annual sustainability report and announced corporate policies and practices related to
significant progress in reducing its environmental lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
footprint. In addition, the report detailed ways the workplace equality.
company is making a positive impact around the
world. 2016 – December 7: Owens Corning today
said it will donate fiberglass composites,
2016 – July 29: The 120 insulation contractors expertise and funding to a restoration program
who make up Insulate America voted Owens at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The company
Corning the Insulate America Vendor of the Year. announced an agreement with the Concrete
Preservation Institute to restore the historic
2016 – August 1: The Insulation Business earned Battleship Row mooring quays. The. quays
the "Partners of Choice" award from David are the last structures remaining from the
Weekley Homes, the largest privately held U.S. attack on Dec. 7, 1941.
homebuilder. The award marked the fifth time
Owens Corning, along with its contractors and 2017 – January 11: Two plants took the
distributors, achieved a top score. company to a new level in sustainable
manufacturing by piloting and certifying two
2016 – August 24: Owens Corning announced Living Products in 2016. The Mt. Vernon plant
plans to invest $110 million to expand capacity at first certified unbonded loosefill in early 2016.
its Composites operations in India. The This includes brands such as AttiCat®,
investment will support the growing India glass ProCat™, and ProPink® L77 insulation. Later
fiber market through the installation of a state-of- in the year, the Santa Clara plant certified
the-art 80,000-ton glass melter at the company’s EcoTouch® Unfaced insulation. The
existing facility in Taloja, India. The new melter is International Living Future Institute created
expected to start operations in early 2018. the Living Product Challenge to highlight
products being made more sustainably. Living
2016 – September 7: The plant in Kansas City, Products are said to function as elegantly and
Kan., was honored by the Kansas Water efficiently as anything found in the natural
Environment Association. The plant was one of world.
six companies to earn a new platinum award
recognizing water reduction efforts, a good 2017 – January 25: Owens Corning was
relationship with the state of Kansas and 100 named one of the world's most sustainable
percent compliance on environmental reporting companies for the fourth straight year.
for five or more years. RobecoSAM, a sustainability investment
specialist, gave Owens Corning the Gold
2016 – September 9: For the seventh straight Class distinction in its annual Corporate
year, Owens Corning was part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Assessment. Owens Corning
Sustainability World Index. The company led the scored within 1 percent of the top score
building materials industry category for the fourth globally. In addition, Owens Corning was
year in a row. named an Industry Mover. This distinction is
limited to firms that achieve the largest
2016 – November 23: For the second consecutive proportional improvement in their performance
year, LM Wind Power recognized Owens Corning over the prior year. Owens Corning increased
as its Most Collaborative Supplier. The award its overall score by 5 points, the biggest leap
recognized supply agility, proactive idea in its history.
generation, supply chain synergy creation and
cost control across the value chain. 2017 – February 6: Owens Corning received
asthma & allergy friendly® certification for its
2016 – December 5: The Human Rights Pure Safety™ high-performance insulation –
Campaign Foundation announced its 2017 CEI the building products industry's first product to
ratings and Owens Corning earned a perfect earn the asthma & allergy friendly®
score for the 13th consecutive year. The CEI is a Certification from the Asthma and Allergy

Foundation of America. Pure Safety insulation has
up to 65 percent less dust than comparable
insulation and is mold and mildew resistant.

2017 – February 8: In 2016, Owens Corning

achieved record levels of both adjusted earnings
before interest and taxes and free cash flow. The
company reported 2016 adjusted EBIT of $746
million, up from $550 million in 2015. Operating
cash flow and free cash flow improved by more
than $200 million each in 2016. The company
delivered record free cash flow of $570 million.

2017 – February 25: Former Chairman and CEO

William W. "Bill" Boeschenstein died at the age of
91 in Hobe Sound, Fla. Boeschenstein joined the
company in 1950 and served as chief executive
officer from 1973 to 1990, and chairman from
1981 to 1990. During his tenure, Owens Corning
grew annual sales from about $615 million to
about $3 billion. He was perhaps best known for
leading the organization through a hostile
takeover attempt that began in 1986.


THE PINK PANTHER™ & © 1964 – 2017 Metro-

Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The color PINK is a registered trademark of Owens



CERTIFIED Mark is a registered certification mark
used under license through the GREENGUARD
Environmental Institute.

LEED is a registered trademark of U.S. Green Building


© 2017 Owens Corning


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