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Mrs. Lydia Ariza is a resident of Naguilian,La Union, 56y/o is married
and granted with only son(Arnel Ariza). The patient is diagnosed with paranoid
schizophrenia. The patient had in and out of the hospital because of psychotic
illness.8 months Prior to admission the patient started to have behavioral
changes, poor sleep and irritable mood. Patient also verbalized that someone will
kill her. She is also uttering assaultive words and visual hallucinations. However
the is able to do household chores. There were no consultations done but instead
was given medications until the patient refuses to take it. The patient started to
talk incomprehensible words to herself. She stopped doing household chores and
was not able to take care of her herself.seh started to become violent and began
to hit her husband on his head. She was then brought to BGHMC was admitted
and was managed as a case of paranoid schizophrenia.
The patient was diagnosed with case of paranoid schizophrenia. She
had several admissions in this institution. There were no previous hospitalizations
due to general medical condition. There are no known allergies to food and to

A. Setting: psychiatric ward of BGHMC inside the female ward. We were with
the 5 other patient and 12 student nurses. Aside from that we have the
patient’s watcher, Arnel Ariza, son of the patient. She appears interested
to converse with us.
After one hour of nurse patient interaction student will be able to:
1. Build trust and rapport by demonstrating trust
2. Establish therapeutic environment and privacy
3. Establish mode of communication acceptable to both patient and to the
N- magandang  Giving facts or
hapon po ma’am relevant
siyak gayam ni information
Jennifer Long would help
ken isuna met ni facilitate
Cherry Ladinez. establish
Dakami ti rapport and
student nurse yo therapeutic
tadta hanggang communicatio
6pm. n
 Greeting the
patient would
let patient
identify she is
part of the

 The patient
P- she nods and serious but is
looked at the not hesitant
floor to continue
with the

N- kumusta kayo  Recognizing

ngay met the feelings of
nma’am? the patient
 Patient shows
P- mayat met cooperation
ngem hanak and is able to
maka takki verbalize her

N- kayat yo ba ti  Shows
danum? initiative to
address to
 Helps the
patient to
solutions to

P- haanen uray  Conversant to

mandamdaman the student
nakung nurses

N- ocge po,  Shows

agibaga kayo initiative to
lang nu address to
kailangan yo ti patient’s
danum. needs
 Shows
willingness to
P- ocge(nods accept
head) suggestions

N- apay ayna  Trying to

gayam ti ayan yo orient the
tadta ma’am? patient with
her location.
Helps the
patient to
recall where
she is.

P- adda tayo  The patient

ditoy psychiatric shows she is
ti BGHMC oriented with
reality and ha
sa good
retention and

N- apay ayana ti  Trying to

nagapuan yo explore the
ma’am? origin of the
patient and to
let the patient
recall her
origin to
present reality
P- taga Naguilian  The patient is
kami. Ijay kami conversant
nga dinmakkel and is able to
ken nagskwela answer
nak ijay questions

N- anya ngai me  Giving

ti kayat yo nga opportunity to
pasarutaan tayo patient to
tadta? open topics
she might to
talk about

P- dakayo ah nu  Shows she is

anya ti kayat yo willing to talk
nga some things
maamuan(yawns about her but
and appears is not able to
sleepy) start
N- nanag ibaga  Allowing the
yo lang ah nu patient to take
makaturturog some time to
kayo rest

P- wen nakung
kayat ko nga  She addresses
maturog biological

N- ceg garud  Informing the

ma’am maturog patient about
kayo pay when to
sakaminto return.
agsubli nu bigat  Builds a more
ti kastoy metlang trusting
nga oras relationship
with the

P- ocge salamat!  Looking

forward that
the students
will return.
N- wen ma’am  Ensuring the
salamat din! patient.

Objectives of the first nurse patient interaction were met. The student
nurse was able to establish rapport. Therapeutic communication also was
achieved. And lastly, we established mode of communication acceptable to both
the patient and the student nurse by talking in either Ilocano or in tagalong.

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