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1. A Slave and a Lion

Once a slave ran into a jungle to get rid of the cruelties of his master. There he
saw a lion crying with pain. He noticed that there was a thorn in his paw. The
slave took pity on him and pulled out the thorn. The lion gratefully licked his
hands and went away. After some days, the slave was arrested. He was thrown
before a hungry lion as his punishment. But the people were surprised to see that
the lion began to lick his hands. In fact, it was the same lion whom the slave had
helped in the jungle.
(i) Do good, have good.
(ii) Kindness never goes unrewarded.

2. A Farmer and His Sons

Once an old farmer had three quarrelsome sons. He was much worried about
them. Once he fell ill seriously. He sent for his sons. He asked them to bring a
bundle of sticks. When the bundle was brought, he asked them to break it one by
one. They all tried their best but failed to break it. Then the farmer untied the
bundle and asked each son to break a single stick. They broke all the sticks easily.
Thus the farmer advised them that they would be strong when united and weak
when separated.
(i) Union is strength.
(ii) United you stand, divided you fall.

3. A Woodcutter and the Angel

Once a woodcutter was felling a tree on the banks of a river. By chance, his
axe fell into the water. He became upset. Suddenly an angel appeared there.
Having heard his sad story, the angel dived into the river and brought out a golden
axe. The woodcutter refused to take it because it was not his axe. The angel dived
again and brought out a silver axe. It was also refused by the same reason. The
angel dived again and brought out the woodcutter's iron axe. The woodcutter
accepted it happily. Impressed by his honesty, the angel also gifted him the other
two axes.
Honesty is the best policy.

4. Two Friends and a Bear

Once two friends set out on a journey. While passing through a jungle they
saw a bear coming towards them. One of them climbed up a tree but the other
could not. However, the later knew that the bear did not eat the dead. So he lay
down and held his breath. The bear sniffed him and went away considering him
dead. The selfish friend climbed down the tree and asked what the bear had said
in his ears. The later said that it had advised me to beware of selfish friend. So he
said him good-by and continued his journey alone.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.

5. A Foolish Stage
Once a stage was drinking water at a stream. He happened to see his reflection
in the water. He felt proud of his beautiful horns but despised his thin legs.
Suddenly he saw a pack of hounds at a distance. He ran as fast as his legs could
help him. Soon he left the hounds far behind. He had to pass through a thick forest
of bushes. His horns got caught in a bush. He tried hard to pull his horns out of it
but all in vain. By now the hounds came up. They fell upon him and tore him to
(i) Pride hath a fall.
(ii) All that glitters in not gold

6. Three Friends and a Bag of Gold

Once three friends set out on a journey to seek a job. While passing through
a jungle, they found a bag full of gold coins. They decided to divide them
equally among themselves. After sometime, they felt hungry. One of them went
to fetch food. He decided to kill the other two. He bought some poison and
mixed it in their food. The other two were even greedier. When the man arrived
there, they fell upon him and killed him. As they were hungry, they began to eat
the food. As soon as they ate it, they fell senseless and died.
(i) Greed is a curse.
(ii) As you sow, so shall you reap.

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