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Heirs of Maglasang vs Manila Banking Corp promissory notes executed by the Sps.

Maglasang, specifically, its "right to

foreclose the same within the statutory period."

Facts: In this light, respondent proceeded to extra-judicially foreclose the mortgage

covering the Sps. Maglasang’s properties and emerged as the highest
bidder at the public auction. There, however, remained a deficiency on Sps.
Maglasang’s obligation to respondent. Thus respondent filed a suit to
The spouses Flaviano and Salud Maglasang (Sps.Maglasang) obtained a credit line recover the deficiency amount of ₱250,601.05 as of May 31, 1981 against
from respondent in the amount of ₱350,000.00 which was secured by a real estate the estate of Flaviano.
mortgage executed over seven of their properties. They availed of their credit line by
securing loans in the amounts of ₱209,790.50 and ₱139,805.83 on October 24, 1975
and March 15, 1976, respectively, both of which becoming due and demandable The RTC decided in favor of the respondent.
within a period of one year.
The petitioners elevated the case to the CA on appeal, contending, inter alia,
that the remedies available to respondent under Section 7, Rule 86 of the
Rules of Court (Rules) are alternative and exclusive, such that the election
After Flaviano Maglasang (Flaviano) died intestate, his widow Salud Maglasang
of one operates as a waiver or abandonment of the others. Thus, when
(Salud) and their surviving children, herein petitioners appointed their brother
respondent filed its claim against the estate of Flaviano in the proceedings
petitioner Edgar Maglasang (Edgar) as their attorney-in-fact. Edgar filed a verified
before the probate court, it effectively abandoned its right to foreclose on the
petition for letters of administration of the intestate estate of Flaviano before the then
Court of First Instance.

The CA denied the petitioners’ appeal and affirmed the RTC’s Decision.

The probate court, issued a Notice to Creditors for the filing of money claims against
Issue: Whether or not, after the respondent foreclosed the mortgage, the
Flaviano’s estate. Accordingly, as one of the creditors of Flaviano, respondent
respondent may still file a claim against the estate? (No)
notified the probate court of its claim in the amount of ₱382,753.19.

During the pendency of the intestate proceedings, Edgar and Oscar were
able to obtain several loans from respondent, secured by promissory notes
which they signed. Claims against deceased persons should be filed during the settlement
proceedings of their estate. Such proceedings are primarily governed by
special rules found under Rules 73 to 90 of the Rules, although rules
In an order, the probate court terminated the proceedings with the surviving
governing ordinary actions may, as far as practicable, apply suppletorily.
heirs executing an extra-judicial partition of the properties of Flaviano’s
Among these special rules, Section 7, Rule 86 of the Rules (Section 7,
estate. The loan obligations owed by the estate to respondent, however,
Rule86) provides the rule in dealing with secured claims against the estate:
remained unsatisfied due to respondent’s certification that Flaviano’s
account was undergoing a restructuring. Nonetheless, the probate court
expressly recognized the rights of respondent under the mortgage and
SEC. 7. Mortgage debt due from estate. – A creditor holding a claim against
the deceased secured by a mortgage or other collateral security, may
abandon the security and prosecute his claim in the manner provided in this In this case, respondent sought to extra-judicially foreclose the mortgage of
rule, and share in the general distribution of the assets of the estate; or he the properties previously belonging to Sps. Maglasang (and now, their
may foreclose his mortgage or realize upon his security, by action in court, estates) and, therefore, availed of the third option. Lest it be misunderstood,
making the executor or administrator a party defendant, and if there is a it did not exercise the first option of directly filing a claim against the estate,
judgment for a deficiency, after the sale of the mortgaged premises, or the as petitioners assert, since it merely notified the probate court of the
property pledged, in the foreclosure or other proceeding to realize upon the outstanding amount of its claim against the estate of Flaviano and that it was
security, he may claim his deficiency judgment in the manner provided in the currently restructuring the account. Thus, having unequivocally opted to
preceding section; or he may rely upon his mortgage or other security alone, exercise the third option of extra-judicial foreclosure under Section 7, Rule
and foreclose the same at any time within the period of the statute of 86, respondent is now precluded from filing a suit to recover any deficiency
limitations, and in that event he shall not be admitted as a creditor, and shall amount as earlier discussed.
receive no share in the distribution of the other assets of the estate; but
nothing herein contained shall prohibit the executor or administrator from
redeeming the property mortgaged or pledged, by paying the debt for which
it is held as security, under the direction of the court, if the court shall
adjudged it to be for the best interest of the estate that such redemption shall
be made.

As the foregoing generally speaks of "a creditor holding a claim against the deceased
secured by a mortgage or other collateral security" as above-highlighted, it may be
reasonably concluded that the aforementioned section covers all secured claims,
whether by mortgage or any other form of collateral, which a creditor may enforce
against the estate of the deceased debtor.

In our jurisdiction, the remedies available to the mortgage creditor are deemed
alternative and not cumulative. Notably, an election of one remedy operates as a
waiver of the other. For this purpose, a remedy is deemed chosen upon the filing of
the suit for collection or upon the filing of the complaint in an action for foreclosure of
mortgage, pursuant to the provision of Rule 68 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure.
As to extrajudicial foreclosure, such remedy is deemed elected by the mortgage
creditor upon filing of the petition not with any court of justice but with the Office of the
Sheriff of the province where the sale is to be made, in accordance with the
provisions of Act No. 3135, as amended by Act No.4118.

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