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Research Proposal

Training and Development as a Tool for Improving Basic
Service Delivery Employees: A study on Progressive Life
Insurance Company Limited.

Prepared by :

Nargis Akter
ID 13-1-33-411-004
School of Business
Bangladesh Open University
Contact Number :01731011827

Project Guide:

Dr. Md. Maynul Islam

Prof. Management
School of Business
Contact Number: 01711955537

Submitted through :
Md. Tarikul Islam
MBA- Marketing (DU)
Co-coordinator MBA Program
Dhaka Study, Centre,, BOU
1.0Research Proposal Title:
Training and Development as a Tool for Improving Basic Service Delivery Employees: A
study on Progressive Life Insurance Company Limited.

2. Introduction:

Poor performance and corruption by the workers of municipalities has been

established as one of the major problems in the efficient provision of basic services by
municipalities; the performance and conduct of municipal employees needs to be
improved so as to improve the provision of basic services to the populous. Stredwick
(2005) emphasized that improving an employee’s per-romance and conduct is one,
amongst many solutions, towards the efficient and reliable provision of basic services
by municipalities to the public. Service delivery by local municipal authorities has
proven to be major problem in South Africa. Problems associated with service
delivery have been highlighted by the widespread protests that have characterized
South African communities (Service delivery Protests, 2011). The Constitution of the
Republic of South Africa(1996), in reference to the functions and roles of
municipalities, highlights that municipalities must structure and manage their
administration, budgeting, and planning processes in order to prioritize the basic needs
of the community and to promote the social and economic development of it. Thus,
the provision of basic ser-vices to the masses has proven to be a significant priority of
the municipalities’ charter, including that of the selected municipality in this study.
Municipalities are, therefore, faced with the challenge of how best to improve the
provision of basic services to their communities. Stredwick (2005) notes that the most
important role in human resources is to help employees improve their performance
(through employee training and development) and, by doing so, to improve the
performance of the organization. Employee training and development has become one
of the key aspects in improving employee performance in organizations, thus leading
to improved organizational performance and growth. Marquardt, Nicely, Ozag, and
Taylor (2000) highlight the significance of employee training and development and
the subsequent benefits for the organization when they note that, in future,
organizations will depend on well trained employees who will accomplish tasks and
successfully operate in the global environment. Kavas and
Dislike(2009) add that when organizations offer organizational induce-mints in the
form of developmental opportunities, employees become motivated to expend their
efforts in order to benefit the organisation. The provision of essential services by local
municipalities has-been in the spotlight for a long period of time, with many
municipal employees caught up in the snare. Municipal employees have come under
fire for poor performance and conduct in their work assume engage in corruption and
others are not qualified enough to discharge their duties to the required levels. This is
supported by Burger (2010) who suggests that the many reasons for poor service
delivery, rampant corruption, nepotism and the deployment of ‘comrades’ to positions
for which they are not qualified within local government structures, has led to the
inefficient provision of basic services to the masses, by municipalities. The problem of
poor service delivery, which is evident in sig-indicant levels of dissatisfaction with the
lack of delivery of basic municipal services such as running water, electricity and
toilets, especially in informal settlements, unemployment (officially at around 23%),
high levels of poverty, poor infrastructure and the lack of houses can, to some extent,
be solved by the efficiency of municipalities (Burger, 2010). Competent
municipalities are those that employ, skilled and qualified managerial and non
manage-rail staff offering efficient and reliable essential services to themasses. The
challenges of poor provision of basic services by local municipalities are complex.
However, much of the blame has been uniquely directed at the performance and
conduct of the employ-eyes and management of these municipalities, which has led to
the poor provision of basic services to the communities. The problem lies in the
context of how these employees’ skills, performance and conduct can be improved in
order to improve service delivery. The improvement of employees’ skills and
performance, through quality employee training and development, will lead to
improved performance by municipal employees. This will allow the selected
municipality a greater opportunity to provide its residents with efficient and reliable
basic services.
3. Statement of the Problem:

This report is prepared for fulfilling the course requirement of MBA program. As the
classroom discussion alone, cannot give proper picture of real business situation, there
for it is as opportunity for the student about real life situation through this program,
Dissertation program is very essential for every student, especially for the student of
Business Administration, which helps them to know real existing situation . For this
reason a student take dissertation program at the last stage of the MBA degree. This
report is about “Training Development of Progress Employee: A study of Progressive
Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Study on this topic because, HEM activities very important in
business organization become successful one without a sound HRM activities on the
other hand PLICL. Is the best Bangladesh. The org. can attain the goal by the
performance of the employee. The investor should have the right knowledge to
operate the employee. The appropriate training method can make the employee
effectively and efficiency. Because on the training period the employee will learn
what will he job life.? On the training period employee can achieve the knowledge
about his work style.

4. Literature review of the study:

Employee training and development Nisha (2009) notes the need for, and
appreciation of employee training and development and contends that it ensures that
the organization functions according to promulgated government regulations and has
skilled competent staff, this is supported by Marquardt et al. (2000) who highlight that
employee training and development are playing an increasingly important and
strategic role in the economic success of the U.S. organizations which recognize that
they now operate in a new global economy, an economy that involves the use of
advanced technology and increased responsiveness to customer needs. Netting (2000)
adds that employers should develop training or learning paths for employees based on
criteria such as their status, title, or job description.
Service delivery

Palmer (1998) contends that services are described by their distinctive features. These
are: intangibility, inseparability, variability (heterogeneity), perishes ability and the
inability to own a service. The above characteristics apply to all services regardless of
the type of service offered. Intangibility implies that the services cannot be touched or
tested and inseparability means that the time of production and time of consumption
are very close, or that these happen simultaneously. Hellenes (2003) explains that
variability infers that services are rarely the same because they involve interactions
with people. Lamb (2004) perceive of a service as a result of both human and
mechanical effort focused on people or objects. In the context of this study, services
refer to the efficient and effective provision of basic services that the selected
municipality should provide to its citizens. Matarirano (2005) elaborates by stating
that services are deeds, performances or efforts that cannot physically be possessed.

Relationship between the quality of training and development on service delivery

Ramalibana (2009) It should be noted that studies related to the relationship between
the quality of employee training and development on service delivery have previously
been conducted. A study associated with the relationship between the quality of
employee training and development on service deliverance was completed by who
investigated the effectiveness of staff training and developmental programmes and
policies at the Unisa Library. Quality employee training and development has an
impact on the quality of services that organisations offer to their clients, this is
supported by Ramalibana’s (2009) views on staff development as an ongoing process
that, by means of a systematic approach, serves to orient, train and develop each
member of staff to work together and to serve their customers with the skills necessary
to deliver quality service.
Relationship between the quality of employee training and development on
service delivery (Zulkifli and Duasa (2008)

An associated study, of the relationship between the quality of employee training and
development on service delivery, was also done by who investigated the determinants
and impact of training on company performance of Malaysian status companies.
Zulkifli and Duasa (2008) found that Malaysia status companies train significantly
more and provide better quality training than their local counterparts. However, they
also noted that the magnitude of the training provided was largely determined by,
amongst other things, the companies’ previous worker turnover rates.

5. The Rational of the Study:

Insurance sector is one of the strongest economic sector in our country. Insurance
provides necessary fund for executing various programs underway in the process of
economic development. For running the Insurance sector and developing the country’s
economic growth Training & Development a vital role. Proper man in a proper place
can bring a success. By selecting a proper person, Training & Development is played
a vital role.

Now a day’s proper Training & Development in a Insurance sector is a very

important. So, the Significant of my study on Training & Development Practice in
PLICL is beyond description.
6. Objectives of the study:

Objectives The objectives of the study are:

 To investigate the relationship between the quality of employee training and

development on service delivery.

 To establish recommendations on the importance and use of quality employee

training and development.
 To identify the employee perception about training programs of PLICL
 To have a clear understanding of the values of using Training in development
 To identify the problems of Training & Development and recommended some
measurers to make it more effective.

7. Methodology of the Report

The research process undertaken for this report is Exploratory and analysis of primary
data which is qualitative and I need to relevant the courses of action and additional
knowledge insight about Training & Development program of PLICL.

Sample Selection Procedure

In total 30 employees of PLICL are included in the questionnaire survey. The

questionnaires were distributed based on convenience. That means non-probability
sampling technique is adopted for the study.

 Selection of the topic: The topic of the study was assigned by my supervisor.
Before assigning the topic it was discussed with me so that, a well organized
internship report can be prepared.
 Identifying data sources: Essential data sources both primary and secondary
are indentified which will be needed to complete and work out the study. To
meet up the need of data, primary data are used and study also requires
interviewing the official and staffs were necessary.
 Collection of data & analyze: Primary data are collected by using
interviewing technique. The report is an exploratory research and for
qualitative survey open ended question was ask to the Organization official and
with all qualitative information collected through sources need to analyze
according to my goal.
 Final report preparation: On the basis of the suggestions of our honorable
faculty advisor some corrections were made to present the paper in this form.

Conducting any research requires both the primary and secondary data
 Primary Sources:
 Through face to face conversation and discussion with the employees of
Human Resource Division about their training procedure, usefulness and the
 Practical desk woks and observation under the guidance of HRD helps me to
gathered data.
 Relevant files study as provided by the concerned officers helps me to get
 Books related to courses such as “Human Resource Management on Training
& Development program” has been used as theoretical source of information.

 Secondary Sources:
 Internal Sources: Annual report of PLICL-2015 helps me a lot to gain data’s,
Different manuals and files of PLICL-2015.
 External Sources:
Data is collected from Different books and periodicals related to the various
Training & Development program and most importantly online makes
externally source able.
8. Time Schedule :

Total time required for the report preparation was three months. The details time
schedule is given below:-

Data collection 20days

Report preparation 20 days

Literature review 10 days

Analysis and findings 20 days

Report correction 10 d ay s

Final report preparation 10 days

Total time 90 Days

9. Chapter outline :

The study will be assigned towards analyzing Recruitment and selection process of
PLICL. To highlight the main issues, the whole research work will be divided into the
following chapter.

9.1.1 Chapter One : Introduction

Chapter one deals with the background of the study, statement of the problem, rational
of the study, Objective of the study, Methodology, Time schedule of the study and
limitation of the study.

9.1.2 Chapter Two: Profile of Progressive Life Insurance co. Limited.

Chapter two deals with the profile of PLICL stating the PLICL at a Historical
Background, Mission, Vision, . Business Model, Business Model Strategy, Objectives,
PLICL core values, Project Profile, Major Products.

9.1.3 Chapter Three: 3 Literature review: The study, . Service delivery

9.1.4 Chapter Four : Theoretical Frame work of Training and Development.
Chapter three deals with. Human Resource management (HRM), . Human Resource
Planning (HRP), Functions of HRM, Definition of Training, Definition of
Development, Differences between Training and Development, Training and
Development: A major strategic issue for organization, Training and Development: A
major strategic issue for organization, Benefits of Training and Development, Features
of Training and Development, Importance of Training and Development.

9.1.5 Chapter Five : Analysis and Findings

Chapter four deals with analysis and finding stating Introduction, Training and
Development System of PLICL, Process of Training and Development, Procedure of
Training need assessment, Training Methods, Trainers.

9.1.6 Chapter Six : Conclusion and Recommendations

Chapter five deals with SWOT Analysis, Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats,
Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations, Major Findings, Conclusion.

Annual Report of Progressive Life Insurance Co. Ltd 2015.

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Website: www.,
E-mail progressive&,
Service Book/ Rules of Progressive Life Insurance Company Ltd.

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