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My Life Story and

the Law of Attraction . . .
ach and every component that
makes up your life experience is
drawn to you by the powerful Law
of Attraction’s response to the thoughts you
think and the story you tell about your
life. Your money and financial assets; your
body’s state of wellness, clarity, flexibility,
size, and shape; your work environment,
how you are treated, work satisfaction, and
rewards—indeed, the very happiness of your
life experience in general—is all happening
because of the story that you tell.

I Will Tell My Story

as I Want It to Be . . .
f you let your dominant intention
be to revise and improve the content
of the story you tell every day of
your life, it is our absolute promise to
you that your life will become that ever-
improving story. For by the powerful Law
of Attraction—the essence of that which is
like unto itself, is drawn—it must be!

Whatever I Desire,
I Can Acquire . . .
he Eternal Laws of the Universe
steadily hold the promise of
expansion and joy. Under-
standing the Laws will reawaken within
you the knowledge of your purpose
and your own personal power as you
remember how to access the power of the
Universe that creates worlds.
If this time-space reality has within it the
ability to inspire a desire within you, it is absolute
that this time-space reality has the ability to yield
you a full and satisfying manifestation of that same
desire. It is Law.

Achieving Success Is
My Natural Birthright . . .
ou are meant to succeed, and
failure should feel bad to you.
Life is supposed to go well
for you—and when it does not, there
is something wrong. But what is wrong
is not something that is outside of you
over which you have no control. What
is wrong is within you—and you do
have control. And taking control is not
difficult to do once you understand the
basis of who-you-are, the basics of the Law
of Attraction, and the value of your personal
Emotional Guidance System.

My Every Story Is Attracting

Its Vibrational Match . . .
very thought that you think is
vibrating at a very personal frequency
. . . and by the powerful Law of Attraction
(the essence of that which is like unto itself,
is drawn), that thought is now attracting
another thought that is its Vibrational
Match. And now, those combined thoughts
are vibrating at a frequency that is higher than
the thought that came before; and they will
now, by the Law of Attraction, attract another
and another and another, until eventually the
thoughts will be powerful enough to attract
a “real life” situation or manifestation.

I Am the Creator of
My Own Life Experience . . .
ou are the creator of your own life
experience, and as the creator of
your experience, it is important to
understand that it is not by virtue of your
action, not by virtue of your doing—it is not
even by virtue of what you are saying—that
you are creating. You are creating by virtue of
the thought that you are offering.
You cannot speak or offer action
without thought-vibration occurring at the
same time; however, you are often offering a
thought-vibration without offering words or
action. Children or babies learn to mimic the
vibration of the adults who surround them
long before they learn to mimic their words.

Money Is Not the

“Root of Evil” or of Happiness . . .
his important subject of money
and financial success is not the
“root of all evil,” as many have
quoted—nor is it the path to happiness. So
when you are able to successfully control
something like the subject of money that
affects most of you all day, every day, you
will have accomplished something rather
significant—for not only is it certain
that your financial success must improve,
but the evidence of that success will then
prepare you for deliberate improvement
in every aspect of your life experience.

I Am the Attractor
of My Every Experience . . .
ou are meant to live an
expansive, exhilarating, good-
feeling experience. It was your
plan when you made the decision to
become focused in your physical body
in this time-space reality. You were born
knowing that you are a powerful Being;
that you are good; that you are the creator
of your experience, and that the Law of
Attraction (the essence of that which is like
unto itself, is drawn) is the basis of the
Universe, and you knew it would serve
you well. And so it has.

I Can See My World

Through the Eyes of Source . . .
y choosing better-feeling thoughts
and by speaking more of what
you do want and less of what you
do not want, you will gently tune yourself
to the vibrational frequency of your
Broader Perspective. To see your world
through the eyes of Source is truly the
most spectacular view of life, for from
that vibrational vantage point, you are
in alignment with—and therefore in the
process of attracting—only what you
would consider to be the very best of
your world.

I Can Deliberately
Choose to Feel Better Now . . .
ot only does the thought you are
choosing right now attract the
next thought and the next . . . and
so on—it also provides the basis of your
alignment with your Inner Being. As you
consistently and deliberately think and
speak more of what you do want and less
of what you do not want, you will find
yourself more often in alignment with
the pure, positive essence of your own
Source; and under those conditions, your
life will be extremely pleasing to you.

I Can Pivot from Feeling

Bad to Feeling Good . . .
s you look for a better-feeling
way to approach whatever you
are giving your attention to; as
you continue to ask yourself, from your
ever-changing vantage point, “What is
it that I do want?” eventually you will be
standing in a very pleasing place—for
you cannot continually ask yourself what
it is that you do want without your point
of attraction beginning to pivot in that
direction. . . . The process will be gradual,
but your continued application of the
process will yield wonderful results in
only a few days.

I Want to Harmonize
with My Desire . . .
nytime you feel negative emotion,
stop and say: Something is important
here; otherwise, I would not be feeling
this negative emotion. What is it that I want?
And then simply turn your attention to
what you do want. . . . In the moment you
turn your attention to what you want, the
negative attraction will stop; and in the
moment the negative attraction stops, the
positive attraction will begin. And—in
that moment—your feeling will change
from not feeling good to feeling good.
That is the Process of Pivoting.

What Do I Want, and

Why Do I Want It . . . ?
hen you acknowledge what
you do not want and then ask
yourself, “What is it that I
do want?” you begin a gradual shift into
the telling of your new story and into a
much-improved point of attraction.
You get the essence of what you think
about—whether you want it or not—
because the Law of Attraction is unerringly
consistent. Therefore, you are never only
telling the story of “how it is now.” You
are also telling the future experience that
you are creating right now.

I Am a Vibrational Being
in a Vibrational Universe . . .
ou live in a pulsating, vibrating
Universe of advanced harmonics.
Everything that exists—in your
air, in your dirt, in your water, and in
your bodies—is vibration in motion, and
all of it is managed by the powerful Law
of Attraction. There is nothing that exists
outside of this vibrational nature, and
as you learn to accept your vibrational
nature and begin to consciously utilize
your emotional vibrational indicators,
you will gain conscious control of your
personal creations and of the outcomes of
your life experience.

I Can Give My Attention

to the Positive Aspects . . .
hings are coming into your
experience in response to your
vibration. Your vibration is
offered because of the thoughts you are
thinking, and you can tell by the way
you feel what kinds of thoughts you are
thinking. Find good-feeling thoughts, and
good-feeling manifestations must follow.
Make a decision to look for the best-
feeling aspects of whatever you must give
your attention to, and otherwise look
only for good-feeling things to give your
attention to—and your life will become
one of increasingly good-feeling aspects.

My Attention to Unwanted
Attracts More Unwanted . . .
or every pleasing thing, there is an
unpleasing counterpart, for within
every particle of the Universe is that
which is wanted as well as the lack of that
which is wanted. When you focus upon an
unwanted aspect of something in an effort
to push it away from you, it only comes
closer, because you get what you give your
attention to whether it is something that
you want or not. It is up to you to focus
upon and attract what is wanted.

The Law of Attraction Adds Power

to Both Problems and Solutions . . .
he realization that something is
not as you want it to be is an
important first step, but once
you have identified that, the faster you
are able to turn your attention in the
direction of a solution, the better, because
a continuing exploration of the problem
will prevent you from finding the solution.
The problem is a different vibrational
frequency from the solution—and all
thoughts (or vibrations) are affected by
(or managed by) the Law of Attraction.

Nothing Is More Important

Than That I Feel Good . . .
henever you are feeling
less than good, if you will
stop and say, Nothing is more
important than that I feel good—I want to find
a reason now to feel good, you will find an
improved thought.
Anytime you feel negative emotion,
you are in the mode of resisting something
that you want, and that resistance takes
its toll on you. It takes its toll on your
physical body, and it takes its toll on the
amount of wonderful things that you are
allowing to come into your experience.

The Better It Gets,

the Better It Gets . . .
hen you deliberately seek
positive aspects of whatever
you are giving your attention
to, you, in a sense, tune your vibrational
tuner to more positive aspects of
everything. And, of course, you could
tune yourself negatively as well. But as
you are deliberately looking for positive
aspects in yourself or in others, you will
find more of those things: “The better it
gets, the better it gets,” for you get more
and more of what you are thinking
about—whether you want it or not.

I Can Pivot Under

Any and All Conditions . . .
ou have the ability to pivot under
any and all conditions. But most
of you are habitual in nature, and
your patterns are so well entrenched that at
times the fastest path to the joy you seek is
for you to take your pivot as you sleep. By
reaching for good-feeling thoughts before
you go to sleep and then experiencing the
benefit of the quiet mind that occurs while
you sleep—and then upon awakening,
immediately turning to good-feeling
thoughts—you can accomplish the ultimate
Pivoting experience.

What-If Everything Was

Always Working Out for Me . . . ?
hen you play the What-If? game,
look for things that make you
feel better. There is never a
situation in which there is not a way out—but,
out of habit, most people continue to choose
the “lack” perspective until they eventually
find themselves where it seems that there are
no more choices. But as you hold to your
intention to look for evidence of Well-Being
and thriving and success and happiness, you
will tune yourself to the vibrations of those
things—and so those kinds of good-feeling
experiences will dominate your life.

The Subject of Money

Is Really Two Subjects . . .
he subject of money is really
two subjects: (1) money, plenty
of money; and (2) absence of
money, not nearly enough money. Often
people assume that because they are
speaking the words “I want more money,”
they are speaking positively about money.
When you are feeling fear or discomfort
as you speak, you are not speaking of the
subject of money; you are speaking of the
subject of not enough money. And the
difference is very important, because the
first subject brings money and the second
holds it away.

I Am Becoming More Aware

of My Feelings about Money . . .
any people protest when we
explain the power of telling
the story of their finances
as they want it to be rather than as it is,
because they believe that they should be
factual about what is happening. But if
you continue to look at lackful what-is
and speak of what-is, you will not find the
improvement that you desire. If you want
to effect substantial change in your life
experience, you must think thoughts that
feel different as you think them.

I Want to Harmonize with

What I Believe Is Good . . .
I w ant to be the best that I can be. I want
to do and have and live in a way that is
in harmony with my idea of the greatest
goodness. I want to harmonize physically here in
this body with that which I believe to be the best, or
the good way, of life. If you will make those
statements, and then do not take action
unless you feel good, you will always be
moving in harmony with your idea of that
which is good.

I Can Always Tell a Different

Financial-Abundance Story . . .
hat anyone else has or does
not have has nothing to do
with you. The only thing
that affects your experience is the way
you utilize the Non-Physical Energy with
your thought. Your abundance or lack of
it in your experience has nothing to do
with what anybody else is doing or having.
It only has to do with your perspective.
It only has to do with your offering of
thought. If you want your fortunes to
shift, you have to begin telling a different

Whenever I Am Feeling Good,

I Am Attracting Good . . .
hen you think a thought of
upliftment or abundance or
Well-Being, you are filled
with a feeling of positive emotion. You
may trust the way that you feel as the
indicator as to which side of this subject
(which is really two subjects) you are
on. Whether it is the subject of money
or lack of it, or health or lack of it, or
a relationship or the lack of one—always,
when you feel good, you are in the place of attracting
that which you are wanting.

I Will Praise Success

Wherever I See It . . .
hen you find yourself critical
of the way anyone has
attracted or is using money,
you are pushing money away from you.
But when you realize that what others do
with money has nothing to do with you,
and that your primary work is to think
and speak and do what feels good to you,
then you will be in alignment not only
about the subject of money, but about
every important subject in your physical

I Am Developing the Skill

to Direct My Thoughts . . .
he most valuable skill or talent
that you could ever develop is
that of directing your thoughts
toward what you want—to be adept at
quickly evaluating all situations and then
quickly coming to the conclusion of what
you most want—and then giving your
undivided attention to that. There is a
tremendous skill in deliberately directing
your own thoughts that will yield results
that cannot be compared with results that
mere action can provide.

I Do Not Need to Have

Money to Attract Money . . .
ou do not have to have money to
attract money, but you cannot feel
poor and attract money. The key
is, you have to find ways of improving the
way you feel from right where you stand
before things can begin to change: By
softening your attention to the things
that are going wrong, and by beginning
to tell stories that lean more in the
direction of what you want instead of in the
direction of what is currently happening,
your vibration will shift; your point of
attraction will shift—and you will get
different results.

It Comes, Not by Magic,

but by Universal Law . . .
tart telling a better-feeling story
about the things that are important
to you. Do not write your story
like a factual documentary, weighing all
the pros and cons of your experience;
but instead tell the uplifting, fanciful,
magical story of the wonder of your own
life and watch what happens. It will feel
like magic as your life begins to transform
right before your eyes, but it is not by
magic. It is by the power of the Laws of
the Universe and your deliberate alignment
with those Laws.

I Can Have Money

and Freedom, Too . . .
feeling of being overwhelmed
is your indicator that you are
denying yourself access to all
manner of cooperation that could assist
you if you were not disallowing it.
As you begin to feel freer regarding
the expenditure of time and money, doors
will open, people will come to assist you,
refreshing and productive ideas will occur
to you, and circumstances and events will
unfold. As you change the way you feel, you
access the Energy that creates worlds. It is
there for your ready access at all times.

My Attention to It
Invites the Essence of It . . .
nything you are giving your
attention to is an invitation to
the essence of it. Saying, “I want
money, but it will not come,” is the same
as saying, “Come to me, absence of money,
which I do not want.”
When you are thinking of money in
the way that will make it come to you, you
always feel good. When you are thinking
of money in the way that keeps it from
coming to you, you always feel bad. That
is how you know the difference.

I Have Control Over the

Thoughts I Think . . .
ince you have control over what
thoughts you offer, what could be
more just than the powerful Law of
Attraction responding equally to everyone
who offers a vibration? Once you gain
control over the thoughts you think, your
sense of injustice will subside and will
be replaced with the exuberance for life
and the zest to create that you were born
with. Let everything in the Universe be
an example to you of the way the Laws of
the Universe work.

My Financial Success
Does Not Require Hard Work . . .
f you believe that you must work
hard in order to deserve the money
that comes to you, then money
cannot come to you unless you do work
hard. Financial success, or any other kind
of success, does not require hard work. It
does require alignment of thought. You
simply cannot offer negative thought
about things that you desire and then
make up for it with action or hard work.
When you learn to direct your own
thoughts, you will discover the true
leverage of Energy alignment.

Money Isn’t
Everything, but . . .
ou are right when you think,
Money isn’t everything. You certainly
do not need money to have joy
in your experience. But in your society—
where so much of what you live is tied
to money in some way—most of you
associate money with freedom. And since
freedom is a basic tenet of your being,
then coming into alignment with money
will help you establish a balanced footing
that will be of value to you in all other
aspects of your experience.

There Is No Shortage
of Money or Time . . .
here is no shortage. And any attention
to shortage of something wanted will
always produce negative emotion
within you because your guidance is letting
you know that you have strayed from your
broader basic understanding of abundance and
Well-Being. Whether you are focused upon
the shortage of money—or seeing yourself as
having only so many years to live (and so each
day that is expended is one day closer to the
end of your years)—that feeling of decline is
contrary to your broader understanding of the
Eternal nature of your Being.

I Can’t Tell Stories of

Shortage, and Experience
Abundance . . .
ontinuing to tell stories of short-
age only continues to contradict
your desire for abundance, and
you cannot have it both ways: You cannot
focus upon unwanted and receive wanted.
You cannot focus upon stories about
money that make you feel uncomfortable
and allow into your experience what
makes you feel comfortable. A different
story will bring different results: My
thoughts are the basis for the attraction of all things
that I consider to be good, which includes enough
money and health for my comfort and joy.

The Better My Story Gets,

the Better My Life Gets . . .
egin telling the story of your
desire, and then add to it the
details of the positive aspects
that you can find that match those
desires. And then embellish your positive
expectation by speculating with your
good-feeling Wouldn’t it be nice if . . . ?
You can say things like: Only good things
come to me and I’ll figure it out as I go along. . . .
Every time you tell your better-feeling
story, you will feel better, and the details
of your life will improve. The better it
gets, the better it gets.

The Law of Attraction

Responds to My Vibration . . .
belief is nothing more than a
chronic pattern of thought,
and you have the ability—if
you try even a little bit—to begin a new
pattern, to tell a new story, to achieve a
different vibration, and to change your
point of attraction. The Law of Attraction
is responding to your vibration, and you
can easily change your vibrational point
of attraction by visualizing the lifestyle
you desire and holding your attention
upon those images until you begin to
feel relief, which will indicate that a true
vibrational shift has occurred.

I Can Set My Own Standards

for Financial Well-Being . . .
nce you are able to achieve and
consistently maintain your per-
sonal alignment, a great deal of
money will flow into your experience (if
that is your desire).
Do not let others set the standards
about how much money you should
have—or about what you should do
with it—for you are the only one who
could ever accurately define that. Come
into alignment with who-you-really-are,
and allow those things to flow into your
experience that life has helped you know
that you want.

The Physical Me
Is Materialized Spirit . . .
ome say that you should not want
money at all because the desire
for money is materialistic and not
Spiritual. But we want you to remember
that you are here in this very physical
world where Spirit has materialized. You
cannot separate yourself from the aspect of
yourself that is Spiritual, and while you are
here in these bodies, you cannot separate
yourselves from that which is physical or
material. All of the magnificent things of
a physical nature that are surrounding you
are Spiritual in nature.

My What-Is Need Not

Influence My What-Is-Becoming . . .
W hat-is has no bearing on what
is coming unless you are
continually regurgitating the
story of what-is. By thinking and speaking
more of how you really want your life to
be, you allow what you are currently living
to be the jumping-off place for so much
more. But if you speak predominantly of
what-is, then you still jump off—but you
jump off into more of the same.

Rather Than Complaining,

I Will Focus on Positive Aspects . . .
hen you focus upon lack in an
attitude of complaining, you
establish a vibrational point
of attraction that only gives you access to
more thoughts of complaint. Your deliberate
effort to tell a new story will establish a new
pattern of thought, providing you with a new
point of attraction from your present, about
your past, and into your future. The simple
effort of looking for positive aspects will set
a new vibrational tone that will begin the
immediate attraction of thoughts, people,
circumstances, and things that are pleasing
to you.

I Can Make a Career

of Living Happily Ever After . . .
very good career choice would be
to gravitate toward those activities
and to embrace those desires that
harmonize with your core intentions, which
are freedom and growth—and joy. Make a
“career” of living a happy life rather than
trying to find work that will produce enough
income that you can do things with your
money that will then make you happy. When
feeling happy is of paramount importance to
you—and what you do “for a living” makes
you happy—you have found the best of all

It Is Not My Role
to Make Others Happy . . .
t is not your role to make others
happy; it is your role to keep yourself in
balance. When you pay attention to
how you feel and practice self-empowering
thoughts that align with who-you-really-are,
you will offer an example of thriving that
will be of tremendous value to those who
have the benefit of observing you.
You cannot get poor enough to help poor people
thrive or get sick enough to help sick people get well.
You can only uplift from your position of strength
and clarity and alignment.

We Are Each Responsible

for the Thoughts We Think . . .
hen you are in alignment
with who-you-really-are, you
cannot help but uplift those
with whom you come into contact. Your
value to those around you hinges upon
only one thing: your personal alignment
with Source. And the only thing you have
to give to another is an example of that
alignment—which others may observe,
then desire, and then work to achieve—
but you cannot give it to them. Everyone is
responsible for the thoughts they think and the things
that they choose as their objects of attention.

My Career Is One of Creating

a Joyful Life Experience . . .
f your dominant intent is to feel
joy while you are doing the work,
your triad of intentions—freedom,
growth, and joy—will come quickly and
easily into alignment. See your “career”
as one of creating a joyful life experience.
You are not a creator of things, or a
regurgitator of what someone else has
created, or a gatherer of stuff. You are a
creator, and the subject of your creation is your
joyful life experience. That is your mission. That is
your quest. That is why you are here.

My Life Is as Good
as I Allow It to Be . . .
any people focus upon
unwanted things, with no
deliberate attention to the
Emotional Guidance within them, and
then they try to compensate for their
lackful thinking with physical action. And
because of the misalignment of Energy,
they do not get results from their action,
so then they try harder by offering more
action, but still things do not improve.
Like the air you breathe, abundance in all
things is available to you. Your life will simply be
as good as you allow it to be.

I Am Always Receiving the

Essence of What I Am Giving . . .
A ppreciation and love, and alignment
to that which is Source, is the
ultimate “giving back,” so to
speak, for in your pain or struggle, you have
nothing to give back. What you are living is
always an exact replication of your vibrational
patterns of thought. Nothing could be more fair than
life as you are living it, for as you are thinking, you
are vibrating; and as you are vibrating, you are
attracting—and so you are always getting back the
essence of what you are giving.

Welcome to Planet Earth;

You Are Here to Seek Joy . . .
f we were talking to you on your first
day here, we would say, “Welcome to
planet Earth. There is nothing that
you cannot be or do or have. And your
work here—your lifetime career—is to
seek joy.
“As you think thoughts that feel good
to you, you will be in harmony with who-
you-really-are. And in doing so, you will
utilize your profound freedom. Seek joy first,
and all of the growth that you could ever imagine will
come joyously and abundantly unto you.”

I Can Follow the Trails

of Good-Feeling Thoughts . . .
ost people have put anything
that earns money in the
category of “the things that I
have to do.” And that is why the money
often comes so hard.
If you are wise enough to follow
the trail of good-feeling thoughts by
deliberately looking for positive aspects
along your way, you will come into
vibrational alignment with who-you-really-
are and with the things you really want;
and once you do that, the Universe must
deliver to you a viable means to achieve
your desires.

In My Appreciation,
I Allow Myself to Receive
Wonderful Things . . .
he best way to accomplish an
improved environment is to focus
upon the best things about where
you currently are until you flood your
own vibrational patterns of thought with
appreciation; and in that changed vibration,
you can then allow the new-and-improved
conditions and circumstances to come into
your experience.
Look for good things about where
you are, and in your state of appreciation,
you lift all self-imposed limitations (and
all limitations are self-imposed) and free
yourself for the receiving of wonderful

Appreciation and Love

Are Identical Vibrations . . .
ppreciation and love are identical
vibrations. Appreciation is the
vibration of alignment with who-
you-are. Appreciation is the absence of
everything that feels bad and the presence
of everything that feels good. When you
focus upon what you want—when you
tell the story of how you want your life
to be—you will come closer and closer
to the vicinity of appreciation, and when
you reach it, it will pull you toward all
things that you consider to be good in a
very powerful way.

Appreciation and Gratitude

Are Different Vibrational States . . .
hen you feel gratitude,
often you are looking at
a difficulty that you have
overcome, but there is still some of that
“struggle” vibration present. The state of
appreciation is seeing whatever you are
looking at through the eyes of Source. . . .
You could walk down a crowded street
with all kinds of things that a lot of other
people would find reason to criticize or
worry about, and you would not have
access to them because your vibration of
appreciation is picking out for you things
of a different vibrational nature.

I Can Transform
My Own World . . .
ake lists of positive aspects.
Make lists of things you
love—and never complain
about anything. And as you use those
things that shine bright and make you feel
good as your excuse to give your attention,
and be who-you-are, you will tune to who-
you-are, and the whole world will begin to
transform before your eyes. It is not your job
to transform the world for others—but it is your
job to transform it for you. A state of appreciation
is pure Connection to Source where there is no
perception of lack.

Shortages of Time or
Money Are Perceptual . . .
f you are feeling a shortage of time or
money, your best effort would be to
focus upon better-feeling thoughts,
and do more things that make you feel
good. Your time is a perceptual thing,
and even though the clock is ticking the
same for everyone, your alignment affects
your perception, as well as the results that
you allow.
As you observe the enormous differences in
the effort that people apply and the results they
achieve, you have to conclude that there is more to
the equation of achieving than action alone.

I Can Create Both Money

and the Time to Enjoy It . . .
any of you tell us that you are
so busy making your money
that you do not have time to
enjoy it . . . for when you rely on your
action to create, often you are too tired
to enjoy your creation. Once you not only
understand the power of your thought
but deliberately direct this powerful tool
in the direction of things that you desire,
then you will discover that the action part
of your life is the way you enjoy what you
have created through your thought.

I Can Earn Money by

Doing What I Love to Do . . .
s you practice your more positive,
better-feeling story, in time
your pleasure will become the
dominant vibration within you; and then
as you couple your pleasure with your
means of earning, the two will blend
perfectly and enhance each other.
There is no better way to earn money than
to do the things you love to do. Money can flow
into your experience through endless avenues. It is
not the choice of the craft that limits the money that
flows—but only your attitude toward money.

Life Is Always
Working Out for Me . . .
I like understanding that things are always
evolving, and while there are many things
that could be better where I am, it is not
really a problem because “where I am” is constantly
changing to something better. I like knowing that
as I look for the best things around me where
I am, those things become more prevalent in my
It is fun to know that things are always working
out for me, and as I watch for the evidence of that . . .
I see more evidence of that every day.

The Story I Tell

Is the Basis of My Life . . .
here is no right or wrong way
to tell your improved story.
It can be about your past,
present, or future experiences. The only
criterion that is important is that you be
conscious of your intent to tell a better-
feeling, improved version of your story.
Telling many good-feeling short stories
throughout your day will change your
point of attraction. Just remember that
the story you tell is the basis of your life.
So tell it the way you want it to be.

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