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‘A083 (ev. 1/3) Sach ed Seine Warn Se UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT forthe District of Nevada Inthe Matter ofthe Search of ) (ory dc te papery oe ead ) 9 or identify the person by name on adr ) CaseNe. 217 GS p57 < ‘AMAZON ACCOUNT LINKED TO ) CENTRAY [email protected] THAT IS STOREDATA PREMISES CONTROLLED BY AMAZON, INC.) SEARCH AND SEIZURE WARRANT To: Any authorized law enforcement officer ‘An application by a federal law enforcement officer or an attomey for the government requests the search. (of the following person or property located in the _. Disiriet of Nevada (deny the person or desribe the property o be searched ard ive is lation ‘SEE ATTACHMENT A, ~ | find thatthe affidavit(s), or any recorded testimony, establish probable cause to search and seize the person or property described above, and that such search will reveal deni the person ar describe the property tobe selzed) ‘SEE ATTACHMENTS 8 and C YOU ARE. COMMANDED toescete his warant onortefere (tobe 2 <7 rae nedtdy Gin the daytime 6:00 am. to 10:00 p.m. Chat any time in the day or night because good cause has been established. Unless delayed notice is authorized below, you must give a copy of the warrant and a receipt forthe property taken to the ‘person from whom, or from whose premises, the property was taken, or leave the copy and receipt atthe place where the property was taken. “The officer executing this warrant, or an officer present during the execution of the warrans, must prepare an inventory ‘5 required by law and promptly return this warrant and inventory to __ Jew CF Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 3103a(b), I find that immediate notification may have Wn adverse result listed in 18 U.S.C. {§ 2705 (except for delay of trial), and authorize the officer executing this warrant to delay notice to the person who, oF whose property, will be searched or seized (check he appropriate box) I for____ days roto exceed 3) until, the facts justifying, the later specific date of Dueandine ised: YoL2e12_ G00 pen Lk City and state: Las Vegas, Nevada 10 i 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 an 22 23 ATTACHMENT “A” ONLINE ACCOUNT TO BE SEARCHED 1. This warrant applies to information related to the account associated with [email protected] (the “Target Amazon Account”) from its inception to present, which is stored at premises owned, maintained, controlled, or operated by, Inc., headquartered at 300 Deschutes Way SW, Suite 304, Tumwater, WA 98501. 10 u 12 13 4 16 VW 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ATTACHMENT “B” Particular Things to be Seized Lo In ion isclosed rice Provi ‘To the extent that the information described in Attachment A is within the possession, ‘custody, or control of, including any Emails, records, files, logs, or information that have been deleted but are still available to Service Provider, or have been preserved pursuant to a request made under 18 U.S.C. § 2703(f), Service Provider is required to disclose the following information to the government for each account or identifier listed in Attachment A from account inception to present: All names, addresses, email addresses, shipping addresses, and billing information associated with the Target Amazon Account; Date of account creation; All purchase history; Service usage information; All Internet Protocol Address logs and information; All messages and/or communications exchanged with representative; g. Any and all information, files, and data in possession of and/or any other entities controlled or operation by, Inc. related to the Target Amazon Account. peaes nL. ion to be seiz the Unit tes After reviewing all information described in Section I, the United States will seize evidence of violations of Title 18, United States Code Sections 32(a) (Destruction/Damage of Aircraft or Aircraft Facilities); 37(a)(2) (Violence at International Airport); and 922(a)(3); 5 (Unlawful Interstate Transport/Delivery of Firearms by Non Federal Firearms Licensee) (the “Subject Offenses") that occur in the form of the following, from account inception to present: a, Communications, transactions and records that may establish ownership and control (or the degree thereof) of the Target Account, including address books, contact or buddy lists, bills, invoices, receipts, registration records, bills, correspondence, notes, records, memoranda, telephone/address books, photographs, video recordings, audio recordings, lists of names, records of 10 10 u 12 18 44 16 16 7 18 19 20 21 22, 23 payment for access to newsgroups or other online subscription services, and attachments to said communications, transactions and records. Communications, transactions and records to/from persons who may be co- conspirators of the Subject Offenses, or which may identify co-conspirators. Communications, transactions and records which may show motivation to commit the Subject Offenses. Communications, transections and records that relate to the Subject Offenses. Information related to wire transfers and/or the movement, possession, or storage of currency and valuable items. ul 10 nl 12 13 4 18 16 aw 18 19 20 21 22 23 ATTACHMENT “C” PROTOCOL FOR SEARCHING THE ELECTRONIC DATA SEIZED PURSUANT TO THIS SEARCH WARRANT, 1. __ Inexecuting this warrant, the government must make reasonable efforts to use methods and procedures that will locate and expose in the electronic data produced in response to this search warrant (“the Search Warrant Data”) those categories of data, files, documents, or other electronically stored: information that are identified with particularity in the warrant, while minimizing exposure or examination of irrelevant, privileged, or confidential files to the extent reasonably practicable. 2, When the Search Warrant Data is received, the government will make a duplicate copy of the Search Warrant Data (‘the Search Warrant Data Copy”). The original version of the Search Warrant Data will be sealed and preserved for purposes of: later judicial review or order to return or dispose of the Search Warrant Data; production to the defense in any criminal case if authorized by statute, rule, or the Constitution; for purposes of showing the chain of custody of the Search Warrant Data and the Search Warrant Data Copy; or for any other lawful purpose. The original of the Search Warrant Data will not be searched or examined except to ensure that it has been fully and completely replicated in the Search Warrant Data Copy. 3. The investigating agents will then search the entirety of the Search Warrant Data Copy using any and all methods and procedures deemed appropriate by the United States designed to identify the information listed as Information to be Seized in Attachment B, Section II. The United States may copy, extract or otherwise segregate information or data listed as Information to be Seized in Attachment B, Section IL Information or data so copied, extracted or otherwise sogregated will no longer be subject. to any handling restrictions that might be set out in this protocol beyond those required by binding law. To the extent evidence of crimes not within the scope of this warrant appear in plain view during this review, a supplemental or “piggyback” warrant will be applied for in order to further search that document, data, or other item. 4. Once the Search Warrant Data Copy has been thoroughly and completely examined for any document, data, or other items identified in Attachment B, Section IT as Information to be Seized, the Search Warrant Data Copy will be sealed and not subject to any further search or examination unless authorized by another search warrant or other appropriate court order. The Search Warrant Data Copy will be held and preserved for the same purposes identified above in Paragraph 2. 12 10 1 2 13 14 15 16 aq 18 19 20 a 22 23 24 5. The search procedures utilized for this review are at the sole discretion of the investigating and prosecuting authorities, and may include the following techniques (the following is a non-exclusive list, as other search procedures may be used): a. _ examination of all of the data contained in the Search Warrant Data to view the data and determine whether that data falls within the items to be seized as set forth herein; b. searching for and attempting to recover from the Search Warrant Data any deleted, hidden, or encrypted data to determine whether that data falls within the list of items to be seized as set forth herein (any data that is encrypted and unreadable will not be returned unless law enforcement personnel have determined that the data is not (2) an instrumentality of the offenses, (2) a fruit of the criminal activity, (8) contraband, (4) otherwise unlawfully possessed, or (5) evidence of the offenses specified above); c. surveying various file directories and the individual files they contain; d. opening files in order to determine their contents; ©. using hash values to narrow the scope of what may be found. Hash values are under- inclusive, but are still a helpful tool; £ scanning storage areas; g. performing keyword searches through all electronic storage areas to determine whether occurrences of language contained in such storage areas exist that are likely to appear in the evidence described in Attachment A; and/or h. performing any other data analysis technique that may be necessary to locate and retrieve the evidence described in Attachment B, Section II. Return and Review Procedures 6. Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure provides, in relevant part: (@) Issuing the Warrant. (2) Contents of the Warrant. (A) Warrant to Search for and Seize a Person or Property. Except for a tracking device warrant, the warrant must identify the person or property to be searched, identify any person or property to be seized, and designate the magistrate judge to whom it must be returned. The warrant must command the officer to: 13 10 ul 12 13 14 16 16 7 18. 19 20 21 22 23 2 (i execute the warrant within a specified time no longer than 14 days; (B) Warrant Seeking Electronically Stored Information. A warrant under Rule 41(e)(2)(A) may authorize the seizure of electronic storage media or the seizure or copying of electronically stored information. Unless otherwise specified, the warrant authorizes a later review of the media or information consistent with the warrant. The time for executing the warrant in Rule 41(e)(2)(A) and (O(1)(A) refers to the seizure or on-site copying of the media or information, and not to any later off-site copying or review. (® Executing and Returning the Warrant, (1) Warrant to Search for and Seize a Person or Property. @®) Inventory. An officer present during the execution of the warrant must prepare and verify an inventory of any property seized. . . . In a case involving the seizure of electronic storage media or the seizure or copying of electronically stored information, the inventory may be limited to describing the physical storage media that were seized or copied. The officer may retain a copy of the electronically stored information that was seized or copied. 7. Pursuant to this Rule, the government understands and will act in accordance with the followin; a. Pursuant to Rule 41(e)(2)(A)(iii), within fourteen (14) days of the execution of the warrant, an agent is required to file an inventory return with the Court, that is, tofilean itemized list of the property seized. Execution of the warrant begins when the United States serves the warrant on the named custodian; execution is complete when the custodian provides all Search Warrant Data to the United States. Within fourteen (14) days of completion of the execution of the warrant, the inventory will be filed. b. Pursuant to Rule 41(e)(2)(B), Rule 41(e)(2)(A) governs the time within which the electronically stored information must be seized after the issuance of the warrant and copied after the execution of the warrant, not the “later review of the media or information” seized, or the later off-site digital copying of that media. c. Under Rule 41((1)(B), the inventory return that is to be filed with the court may be limited to a description of the “physical storage media” into which the Search Warrant Data that was seized was placed, not an itemization of the information or data stored on the “physical storage media” into which the Search Warrant Data was placed; cr 1d. Under Rule 41((1)(B), the government may retain a copy of that information for Purposes of the investigation. The government proposes that the original storage media 2 | on which the Search Warrant Data was placed plus a full image copy of the seized Search 3 || Warrant Data be retained by the government. 4 | &__ lfthe person from whom any Search Warrant Data was seized requests the return of any information in the Search Warrant Data that is not set forth in Attachment B, 5 | Section Il, that information will be copied onto appropriate media and returned to the person from whom the information was seized. 10 u 12 7 18 1g 20 21 22, 23 24 15 SEALED Office of the United States Attorney District of Nevada 4501 Las Vegas Boulevard, Suite 1100 Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 (702) 388-6336 10 1 12 13, 14 15 16 qT 18 19 20 21 22, 28 24 STEVEN W. MYHRE Acting United States Attorney District of Nevada CRISTINA D. SILVA PATRICK BURNS Assistant United States Attorneys 501 Las Vegas Blvd. South, Ste. 1100 Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 ‘Telephone: (702) 388-6336 Fax (702) 388-6698 john.p.burns@usdo\.cov Attorney for the United States of America UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF NEVADA -00o- IN THE MATTER OF THE SEARCH OF | Magistrate No. [7— pa}_ qJ2-1S9S INFORMATION RELATED TO THE aS AMAZON ACCOUNT LINKED TO | AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF ([email protected] THAT IS |aN APPLICATION FOR A SEARCH STORED AT A PREMISES WARRANT CONTROLLED BY AMAZON, INC. (Under Seal) STATE OF NEVADA) Ys: COUNTY OF CLARK) AEFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF AN APPLICATION FOR A SEARCH WARRANT I, Ryan S. Burke, Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), having been duly sworn, hereby depose and say: INTRODUCTION AND AGENT BACKGROUND 1. ‘Your Affiant makes this affidavit in support of an application for a search warrant for information related to the Amazon account associated with email account (“Target Amazon Account”). The Target Amazon Account is 10 n 12 18 14 aT 16 Ww 18 19 20 21 22 associated with STEPHEN PADDOCK and the information is stored at a premises owned, maintained, controlled, or operated by, Ine. (“Amazon”), an American electronic commerce and cloud computing company based in Tumwater, Washington. More generally, Amazon is a website that allows account holders to browse for and purchase a variety of goods. Separately, Amazon offers and provides internet- based cloud services to various individuals/entities. The information to be searched is described in the following paragraphs and in Attachment “A” (attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference). This affidavit is made in support of an application for a search warrant under 18 U.S.C. §§ 2703(a), 2703(b)(1XA), and 2703(cX(1)(A) to require Amazon to disclose to the government records and other information in its possession, pertaining to the subscriber or customer associated with the Target Amazon Account. 2, Tam an “investigative or law enforcement officer of the United States” within the meaning of Title 18, United States Code, Section 2510(7), that is, an officer of the United States who is empowered by law to conduct investigations of, and to make arrests for, offenses enumerated in Title 18, United States Code, Section 2516. 3. [have been employed as a Special Agent of the FBI for approximately five years, which began at the FBI Academy in October 2012. Upon completion of the academy, I was transferred to the Las Vegas Division's white collar crime squad and then the human trafficking squad. Since October 2015, I have been assigned to the Las ‘Vegas Division’s violent crime/gang squad. Additionally, have been a certified member of the FBI's Cellular Analysis Survey Team since August 2015 due to my expertise in the field of historical cell site analysis. 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 Ww 18 19 20 21 22 8 4. During my tenure with the FBI, I have conducted surveillance, analyzed telephone records, interviewed witnesses, supervised activities of sources, executed search warrants, executed arrest warrants, and participated in court-authorized interceptions of wire and electronic communications. These investigative activities have been conducted in conjunction with a variety of investigations, to include those involving robbery, drug trafficking, kidnapping, murder, criminal enterprises, and more. In addition to my practical experiences, I received five months of extensive law enforcement training at the FBI Academy. 5. The facts in this affidavit are derived from your Affiant's personal observations, his training and experience, and information obtained from other agents, detectives, and witnesses. This affidavit is intended to show merely that there is sufficient probable cause for the requested warrant and does not set forth all of the Affiant’s knowledge about this matter. 6. Based on your Affiant’s training and experience and the facts as set forth in this affidavit, there is probable cause to believe that violations of: a. Destruction/Damage of Aircraft or Aircraft Facilities - 18 U.S.C.A. § 32(a); Violence at International Airport - 18 U.S.C. § 37(a)(2); and Unlawful Interstate Transport/Delivery of Firearms by Non Federal Firearms Licensee — 18 USC 922(a\8) and (5). (hereafter, “Subject Offenses”) have been committed by STEPHEN PADDOCK and others yet unknown. There is also probable cause to search the information described in Attachment “A” for evidence of these crimes and information which might reveal the 10 BBY 2 13 14 16 16 7 18 19 20 21 23 24 identities of others involved in these crimes, as described in Attachment “B" (attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference), PROBABLE CAUSE 7. On the evening of Sunday, October 1, 2017, Route 91 Harvest, a music festival, was in progress at 3901 South Las Vegas Boulevard, Las Vegas, Nevada. At approximately 10:08 p.m., the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) received calls reporting shots had been fired at the concert and multiple vietims were struck. LVMPD determined the shots were coming from Rooms 134 and 135 on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, located due west of the festival rounds at 3950 South Las Vegas Boulevard, Las Vegas, Nevada. These rooms are an elevated position which overlooks the concert venue. Witness statements and video footage captured during the attack indicates that the weapons being used were firing in a fully-automatic fashion. 8 LVMPD officers ultimately made entry into the room and located an individual later identified as STEPHEN PADDOCK. Paddock was deceased from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. 9. Paddock’s Nevada driver's license was located in the Mandalay Bay hotel room with Paddock, and both hotel rooms were registered in his name. A player's club card in name of Marilou Danley was located in Paddock’s room, and the card returned. to the address located on Babbling Brook Street in Mesquite, Nevada. FBI Agents located Danley, who was traveling outside the United States at the time of the shooting. It was ultimately determined that Danley resided with Paddock at the Babbling Brook address. 10 i 12 13 4 16 16 Ww 18 19 20 21 22 23, 10. On October 2, 2017, search warrants were executed on Paddock’s Mandalay Bay hotel rooms, Paddock’s vehicle at Mandalay Bay, and two Nevada residences owned by Paddock: 1372 Babbling Brook Court in Mesquite, and 1735 Del Webb Parkway in Reno, Nevada. Officers and Agents found over 20 firearms, hundreds of rounds of ammunition, and hundreds of spent shell casings in the Mandalay Bay hotel rooms, in close proximity to Paddock’s body. Over a thousand rounds of rifle ammunition and 100 pounds of explosive material were found in Paddock’s vehicle. Additional explosive material, approximately 18 firearms, and over 1,000 rounds of ammunition were located at the Mesquite residence. A large quantity of ammunition and multiple firearms were recovered from the Reno residence. 11. As of this date, 58 people have been identified to have been killed in Paddock’s attack and another 557 were reportedly injured. Additionally, investigators discovered that STEPHEN PADDOCK also utilized a firearm to shoot large fuel tanks on Las Vegas McCarran International Airport property. Multiple bullet holes were found on the tank, which investigators believe was an attempt by STEPHEN PADDOCK to cause the tanks to explode. 12. In an effort to determine whether or not STEPHEN PADDOCK was assisted and/or conspired with unknown individuals, investigators have attempted to identify all of STEPHEN PADDOCK’s communication facilities. Based on a review of his financial accounts, email address [email protected] (‘Email Account”) was determined to belong to STEPHEN PADDOCK. On October 3, 2017, investigators requested an emergency disclosure of records from Microsoft related to the Email Account so it could be searched for any evidence of additional co-conspirators. Within 10 uw 12 13 4 15 16 Ww 18 19 20 21 22, 23 24 the Email Account, investigators identified the Target Amazon Account as one that required further investigation. 13. Numerous emails sent from Amazon to the Email Account were discovered in the Email Account which were addressed by Amazon to “Stephen” and listed STEPHEN PADDOCK's residence in Mesquite, Nevada as the shipping destination. For these reasons in conjunction with the Target Amazon Account being associated with the Email Account, investigators strongly believe the Target Amazon Account was controlled and operated by STEPHEN PADDOCK. 14. On September 7, 2017, the Email Account received an email relating to the Target Amazon Account's purchase of an EOTech 512.465 Tactical Holographic firearm accessory. Within the email, which was addressed to STEPHEN PADDOCK, Amazon confirmed the firearm accessory would be delivered to STEPHEN PADDOCK’s residence. Investigators believe this piece of equipment was utilized in the attack carried out by STEPHEN PADDOCK. 15. Your Affiant believes the requested search warrant will yield significant information from Amazon such as STEPHEN PADDOCK’s search history, purchase history, IP addresses, shipping addresses, payment information, and more, which may constitute evidence of his planning of the attack and potentially identify other participants in the attack. Ultimately, your Affiant strongly believes the requested information will lead investigators to determine the full scope of STEPHEN PADDOCK’s plan and/or conspiracy. INFORMATION TO BE SEARCHED AND THINGS TO BE SEIZED 10 n 12 13 14 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 16. Your Affiant anticipates executing this warrant under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, in particular 18 U.S.C. §§ 2703(a), 2708(b)(1XA) and 2703(c)(1A), by using the warrant to require Amazon to disclose to the government copies of the records and other information (including the content of communications) particularly described in Section I of Attachment “B.” Upon receipt of the information described in Section I of Attachment “B,” government-authorized persons will review that information to locate the items described in Section Il of Attachment “B.” CONCLUSION 17." Based on the forgoing, I request that the Court issue the proposed search warrant. This Court has jurisdiction to issue the requested warrant because it is “a court of competent jurisdiction” as defined by 18 U.S.C. § 2711. 18 U.S.C. §§ 2703(a), (b)(1A) & (c)(1)(A). Specifically, the Court is “a district court of the United States... that—has jurisdiction over the offense being investigated.” 18 U.S.C. § 2711(3)(A)(). Pursuant to 18 US.C. § 2703(g), the presence of a law enforcement officer is not required for the service or execution of this warrant. REQUEST FOR SEALING 18. I further request that the Court order that all papers in support of this application, including the affidavit and search warrant, be sealed until further order of the Court. These documents discuss an ongoing criminal investigation that is neither public nor known to all of the targets of the investigation. Accordingly, there is good MW 1 ° 10 iw 12 13 4 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 cause to seal these documents because their premature disclosure may seriously jeopardize that investigation. Respectfully Submitted, ivan S. Burke, Special Agent Federal Bureau of Investigation SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me this Loray of October 2017. STAGES MAGISTRATE JUDGE J 10 coe 12 18 4 16 a7 18 19 20 21 22 23 ATTACHMENT “A” ONLINE ACCOUNT TO BE SEARCHED 1. This warrant applies to information related to the account associated with [email protected] (the “Target Amazon Account”) from its inception to present, which is stored at premises owned, maintained, controlled, or operated by, Inc., headquartered at 300 Deschutes Way SW, Suite 304, Tumwater, WA 98501. 10 uw 12 13 “4 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ATTACHMENT “B” L ition to be dis by the Servi id ‘To the extent that the information described in Attachment A is within the posse: custody, or control of, including any Emails, records, files, logs, or information that have been deleted but are still available to Service Provider, or have been preserved pursuant to a request made under 18 U.S.C. § 2703(f), Service Provider is required to disclose the following information to the government for each account or identifier listed in Attachment A from account inception to present: mn, a, All names, addresses, email addresses, shipping addresses, and billing information associated with the Target Amazon Account; Date of account creation; All purchase history; Service usage information; All Internet Protocol Address logs and information; All messages and/or communications exchanged with representative; g. Any and all information, files, and data in possession of and/or any other entities controlled or operation by, Inc. related to the Target Amazon Account. reese IL _ Information to be seized by the United States After reviewing all information described in Section I, the United States will seize evidence of violations of Title 18, United States Code Sections 92a) WestructionDamage of Aircraft or Aircraft Facilities); 37(aX(2) (Violence at International Airport); and 922(a)(3), § (Unlawful Interstate TransportiDelivery of Firearms by Non Federal Firearms Licensee) (the “Subject Offenses”) that occur in the form of the following, from account inception to present: Communications, transactions and records that may establish ownership and control (or the degree thereof) of the Target Account, including address books, contact or buddy lists, bills, invoices, receipts, registration records, bills, correspondence, notes, records, memoranda, telephone/address books, photographs, video recordings, audio recordings, lists of names, records of 10 10 u 12 13 14 16 16 Ww 18 19 20 2 22, 23 24 payment for access to newsgroups or other online subscription services, and attachments to said communications, transactions and records. Communications, transactions and records to/from persons who may be co- conspirators of the Subject Offenses, or which may identify co-conspirators. Communications, transactions and records which may show motivation to commit the Subject Offenses. Communications, transactions and records that relate to the Subject Offenses. Information related to wire transfers and/or the movement, possession, or storage of currency and valuable items. i 10 cb 12 13 4 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22, 23 24 ATTACHMENT “C” PROTOCOL FOR SEARCHING THE ELECTRONIC DATA SEIZED PURSUANT TO THIS SEARCH WARRANT. 1. Inexecuting this warrant, the government must make reasonable efforts to use methods and procedures that will locate and expose in the electronic data produced in response to this search warrant (“the Search Warrant Data”) those categories of data, files, documents, or other electronically stored-information that are identified with particularity in the warrant, while minimizing exposure or examination of irrelevant, privileged, or confidential files to the extent reasonably practicable. 2. When the Search Warrant Data is received, the government will make a duplicate copy of the Search Warrant Data (“the Search Warrant Data Copy”). The original version of the Search Warrant Data will be sealed and preserved for purposes oft later judicial review or order to return or dispose of the Search Warrant Data; production to the defense in any criminal case if authorized by statute, rule, or the Constitution; for purposes of showing the chain of custody of the Search Warrant Data and the Search Warrant Data Copy; or for any other lawful purpose. The original of the Search Warrant Data will not be searched or examined except to ensure that it has been fully and completely replicated in the Search Warrant Data Copy. 3. The investigating agents will then search the entirety of the Search Warrant Data Copy using any and all methods and procedures deemed appropriate by the United States designed to identify the information listed as Information to be Seized in Attachment B, Section II. The United States may copy, extract or otherwise segregate information or data listed as Information to be Seized in Attachment B, Section IL Information or data so copied, extracted or otherwise segregated will no longer be subject to any handling restrictions that might be set out in this protocol beyond those required by binding law. To the extent evidence of crimes not within the seope of this warrant appear in plain view during this review, a supplemental or “piggyback” warrant will be applied for in order to further search that document, data, or other item. 4, Once the Search Warrant Data Copy has been thoroughly and completely examined for any document, data, or other items identified in Attachment B, Section IT as Information to be Seized, the Search Warrant Data Copy will be sealed and not subject to any further search or examination unless authorized by another search warrant or other appropriate court order. The Search Warrant Data Copy will be held and preserved for the same purposes identified above in Paragraph 2. 10 uu 12 13 14 15 16 Ww 18 19 20 21 22 5. The search procedures utilized for this review are at the sole discretion of the investigating and prosecuting authorities, and may include the following techniques (the following is a non-exclusive list, as other search procedures may be used): a, _ examination ofall of the data contained in the Search Warrant Data to view the data and determine whether that data falls within the items to be seized as set forth herein; b. searching for and attempting to recover from the Search Warrant Data any deleted, hidden, or encrypted data to determine whether that data falls within the list, of items to be seized as set forth herein (any data that is encrypted and unreadable will not be returned unless law enforcement personnel have determined that the data is not (1) an instrumentality of the offenses, (2) a fruit of the criminal activity, (3) contraband, (A) otherwise unlawfully possessed, or (5) evidence of the offenses specified above); © surveying various file directories and the individual files they contain; 4. opening files in order to determine their contents; e. using hash values to narrow the scope of what may be found. Hash values are under- inclusive, but are still a helpful tool; £ scanning storage areas; g performing keyword searches through all electronic storage areas to determine whether occurrences of language contained in such storage areas exist that are likely to appear in the evidence described in Attachment A; and/or h. performing any other data analysis technique that may be necessary to Jocate and retrieve the evidence deseribed in Attachment B, Section II. Return and Review Procedures 6. Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure provides, in relevant part: (©) Issuing the Warrant. (2) Contents of the Warrant. (A) Warrant to Search for and Seize a Person or Property. Except for a trackin; device warrant, the warrant must identify the person or property to be searched, identify any person or property to be seized, and designate the magistrate judge to whom it must be returned. The warrant must command the officer to: 13 10 uw 12 13 4 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 (i) execute the warrant within a specified time no longer than 14 days; (B) Warrant Seeking Electronically Stored Information. A warrant under Rule 41(eX2)(A) may authorize the seizure of electronic storage media or the seizure or copying of electronically stored information. Unless otherwise specified, the warrant authorizes a later review of the media or information consistent with the warrant. The time for executing the warrant in Rule 41(¢)(2\A) and (f)(1XA) refers to the seizure or on-site copying of the media or information, and not to any later off-site copying or review. ( Executing and Returning the Warrant. (1) Warrant to Search for and Seize a Person or Property. (B) Inventory. An officer present during the execution of the warrant must prepare and verify an inventory of any property seized. . . . In a case involving the seizure of electronic storage media or the seizure or copying of electronically stored information, the inventory may be limited to describing the physical storage media that were seized or copied. The officer may retain a copy of the electronically stored information that was seized or copied. 7. Pursuant to this Rule, the government understands and will act in accordance with the followin, a. Pursuant to Rule 41(e\(2)(A)(iii), within fourteen (14) days of the execution of the warrant, an agent is required to file an inventory return with the Court, that is, tofilean _ itemized list of the property seized. Execution of the warrant begins when the United States serves the warrant on the named custodian; execution is complete when the custodian provides all Search Warrant Data to the United States, Within fourteen (14) days of completion of the execution of the warrant, the inventory will be filed. b. Pursuant to Rule 41(e(2)(B), Rule 41(eX2XA) governs the time within which the electronically stored information must be seized after the issuance of the warrant and copied after the execution of the warrant, not the “later review of the media or information” seized, or the later off-site digital copying of that media. c. Under Rule 41((1)(B), the inventory return that is to be filed with the court may be limited to a description of the “physical storage media” into which the Search Warrant Data that was seized was placed, not an itemization of the information or data stored on the “physical storage media” into which the Search Warrant Data was placed; ors 1 10 uw 12 13 14 15 16 ur 18 19 20 21 d. Under Rule 41((1)(B), the government may retain a copy of that information for purposes of the investigation. The government proposes that the original storage media on which the Search Warrant Data was placed plus a full image copy of the seized Search Warrant Data be retained by the government. e. Ifthe person from whom any Search Warrant Data was seized requests the return of any information in the Search Warrant Data that is not set forth in Attachment B, Section II, that information will be copied onto appropriate media and returned to the person from whom the information was seized 15 ‘AOSS (Rev 1/3) Seach and Seite Wamrant ~ UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the District of’ Nevada Inthe Mater ofthe Search of ) (Beefy ascribe the propery be searched ) er diy the person name od adres) ) CeseNo, 247m GT AK, ) ) ACCOUNT(S) ASSOCIATED WITH THE CELLULAR DEVICE BEARING IME! 990006880858377 STORED ATAPREMISES CONTROLLED BY GOOGLE) SEARCH AND SEIZURE WARRANT To: Any authorized law enforcement officer ‘An application by a federal law enforcement officer or an attorney for the government requests the search of the following person or property located in the __ District of Nevada (ide the person or describe the proper lobe searched ane give is Tocaion ‘SEE ATTACHMENT A ~ | find that the affidavit(s), or any recorded testimony, establish probable cause to search and seize the person or property » described above, and that such search will reveal (identify the person or describe the property to be seed): ‘SEE ATTACHMENTS B and C (OU ARE COMMANDED to exeete his warren on orbefore Oiderbres <0, SENT mr exe 1¢ der) Jn tne daytime 600 am. 10 1000 pm, Ctary time in the day Srnight because good cause hasbeen establishes. Uniess delayed noice is authorized below, you must give a copy ofthe warrant ad a ecept for the property taken tothe person from whom, or from whose premises, the property was taken, or leave the copy and receipt atthe place where the propery was taken ‘The officer exeoutng this warrant, or an officer present during the ex ofthe warrant, myst prepare an inventory as required by lew and promptly retum this warrant and inventory to ae Kaspec: (Onis Masia ee © Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 3103a(b), | find that immediate notification may have an adverse result listed in 18 U.S.C. 6§ 2705 (except for delay of tial), and authorize the officer exeeuting this warrant to delay notice to the person who, oF whose property, will be searched or seized (check she appropriae bax) 0 for ___ days fatto exceed 30) until, the facts justifying, the later specific date of Dacandtineisned: IOLLSNT SAS _ 5 We alee site City and state: Las Veges, Nevada 10 1 12 18 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23, ATTACHMENT “A” ONLINE ACCOUNT TO BE SEARCHED 1. This warrant applies to information related to the Google account associated with the cellular device bearing IMEI 990006880858377 (the “Target Account”) from its inception to present, which is stored at premises owned, maintained, controlled, or operated by Google, Inc, headquartered at 1600 Amphitheatre Way, Mountain View, California, 94043. 13 10 cot 2 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 2 22 23 ATTACHMENT “B’ L ion to be disclosed by the Servi i To the extent that the information described in Attachment A is within the possession, custody, or control of Google, including any Emails, records, files, logs, or information that have been deleted but are still available to Service Provider, or have been preserved pursuant to a request made under 18 U.S.C. § 2703(0), Service Provider is required to disclose the following information to the government for each account or identifier listed in Attachment A from account inception to present: a. The contents of all messages and emails associated with the account, including copies of messages and emails sent to and from the account, draft messages/emails, the source and destination addresses associated with each message/email, the date and time at which each message/email was sent, and the size and length of each message/email; b. All records or other information regarding the identification of the account, to include full name, physical address, telephone numbers and other identifiers, records of session times and durations, the date on which the account was created, the length of service, the types of service utilized, the IP address used to register the account, log-in IP addresses associated with session times and dates, account status, alternative email addresses provided during registration, methods of connecting, log files, and means and source of payment (including any credit or bank account number); ¢. All records or other information stored in the Online Accounts, including address books, contact and buddy lists, calendar data, pictures, applications, documents, and other files; a. All records pertaining to communications between Service Provider and any person regarding the account, including contacts with support services and records of actions taken. e. Alldata and contents related to the following Google Services associated with the Target Account: Android; Gmail; Google Calendar; Google Docs; Google Drive; Google Talk; Multilogin; Web History; YouTube; and all other applications. {All information and content ascociated with any third-party application associated with the Target Account and the dates when the applications were installed; “ 10 n 18 14 16 16 VW 18 19 20 a1 22 23 24 g. Based on an analysis of cookies assigned to computers and devices that accessed the Target Account, identify all other Google accounts that have been accessed from any computers and devices that have logged into the ‘Target Account. m. Inf ion i he United States After reviewing all information described in Section I, the United States will seize evidence of violations of Title 18, United States Code Sections 32(a) (@estruction/Damage of Aircraft or Aircraft Facilities); 37(a)(2) (Violence at International Airport); and 922(a)(3); 5 (Unlawful Interstate Transport/Delivery of Firearms by Non Federal Firearms Licensee) (the “Subject Offenses”) that occur in the form of the following, from account inception to present: a. Communications, transactions and records that may establish ownership and control (or the degree thereof) of the Target Account, including address books, contact or buddy lists, bills, invoices, receipts, registration records, bills, correspondence, notes, records, memoranda, telephone/address books, photographs, video recordings, audio recordings, lists of names, records of payment for access to newsgroups or other online subscription services, and attachments to said communications, transactions and records. b. Communications, transactions and records to/from persons who may be co- conspirators of the Subject Offenses, or which may identify co-conspirators. c. Communications, transactions and records which may show motivation to commit the Subject Offenses. 4. Communications, transactions and records that relate to the Subject Offenses. e. The terms “communications,” “transactions”, “records,” “documents,” “programs,” or “materials” include all information recorded in any form, visual or aural, and by any means, whether in handmade form (including, Dut not Limited to, writings, drawings, paintings), photographic form (including, but not limited to, pictures or videos), or electrical, electronic or magnetic form, as well as digital data files. These terms also include any applications (.c. software programs). These terms expressly include, among other things, Emails, instant messages, chat logs, correspondence attached as to Emails (or drafts), calendar entries, buddy lists. 15 10 ul 12 13 14 16 16 WF 18 19 20 22 23 ATTACHMENT “C” PROTOCOL FOR SEARCHING THE ELECTRONIC DATA SEIZED PURSUANT TO THIS SEARCH WARRANT, 1. _Inexecuting this warrant, the government must make reasonable efforts to use methods and procedures that will locate and expose in the electronic data produced in response to this search warrant (‘the Search Warrant Data”) those categories of data, files, documents, or other electronically stored information that are identified with particularity in the warrant, while minimizing exposure or examination of irrelevant, privileged, or confidential files to the extent reasonably practicable. 2. When the Search Warrant Data is received, the government will make a duplicate copy of the Search Warrant Data (‘the Search Warrant Data Copy”). The original version of the Search Warrant Data will be sealed and preserved for purposes of later judicial review or order to return or dispose of the Search Warrant Data; production to the defense in any criminal case if authorized by statute, rule, or the Constitution; for purposes of showing the chain of custody of the Search Warrant Data and the Search Warrant Data Copy; or for any other lawful purpose. The original of the Search Warrant: Data will not be searched or examined except to ensure that it has been fully and completely replicated in the Search Warrant Data Copy. 3. ‘The investigating agents will then search the entirety of the Search Warrant Data Copy using any and all methods and procedures deemed appropriate by the United States designed to identify the information listed as Information to be Seized in Attachment B, Section II. The United States may copy, extract or otherwise segregate information or data listed as Information to be Seized in Attachment B, Section II. Information or data so copied, extracted or otherwise segregated will no longer be subject to any handling restrictions that might be set out in this protocol beyond those required by binding law. To the extent evidence of crimes not within the scope of this warrant appear in plain view during this review, a supplemental or “piggyback” warrant will be applied for in order to further search that document, data, or other item. 4. Once the Search Warrant Data Copy has been thoroughly and completely ‘examined for any document, data, or other items identified in Attachment B, Section TI as Information to be Seized, the Search Warrant Data Copy will be sealed and not subject to any further search or examination unless authorized by another search warrant or other appropriate court order. The Search Warrant Data Copy will be held and preserved for the same purposes identified above in Paragraph 2. 16 10 nn 12 13 14 15 16 1 18 19 21 22 23 24 5. The search procedures utilized for this review are at the sole discretion of the investigating and prosecuting authorities, and may include the following techniques (the following is a non-exclusive list, as other search procedures may be used) a, examination of all of the data contained in the Search Warrant Data to view the data and determine whether that data falls within the items to be seized as set forth herein; b. searching for and attempting to recover from the Search Warrant Data any deleted, hidden, or encrypted data to determine whether that data falls within the list of items to be seized as set forth herein (any data that is encrypted and unreadable will not be returned unless law enforcement personnel have determined that the data is not (1) an instrumentality of the offenses, (2) a fruit of the criminal activity, (3) contraband, (4) otherwise unlawfully possessed, or (5) evidence of the offenses specified above); ¢. surveying various file directories and the individual files they contain; 4. opening files in order to determine their contents; e. using hash values to narrow the scope of what may be found. Hash values are under- inclusive, but are still a helpful tool; f, scanning storage areas; g. performing keyword searches through all electronic storage areas to determine whether occurrences of language contained in such storage areas exist that are likely to appear in the evidence described in Attachment A; and/or h. performing any other data analysis technique that may be necessary to locate and retrieve the evidence described in Attachment B, Section IJ Return and Review Procedures 6. Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure provides, in relevant part: (@) Issuing the Warrant. (2) Contents of the Warrant. (A) Warrant to Search for and Seize a Person or Property. Except for a tracking device warrant, the warrant must identify the person or property to be searched, identify any person or property to be seized, and designate the magistrate judge to whom it must be returned. The warrant must command the officer to: Ww 10 un 2 13 4 15 16 7 18 19 21 22 23, 24 () execute the warrant within a specified time no longer than 14 days; (B) Warrant Seeking Electronically Stored Information. A warrant under Rule 41(e)(2)(A) may authorize the seizure of electronic storage media or the seizure or copying of electronically stored information. Unless otherwise specified, the warrant authorizes a later review of the media or information consistent with the warrant. The time for executing the warrant in Rule 41(¢)(2)(A) and (f)(1)(A) refers to the seizure or on-site copying of the media or information, and not to any later off-site copying or review. ( Executing and Returning the Warrant. (1) Warrant to Search for and Seize a Person or Property. (®) Inventory. An officer present during the execution of the warrant must prepare and verify an inventory of any property seized. . .. In a case involving the seizure of electronic storage media or the seizure or copying of electronically stored information, the inventory may be limited to describing the physical storage media that were seized or copied. The officer may retain a copy of the electronically stored information that was seized or copied. 7. Pursuant to this Rule, the government understands and will act in accordance with the following: a. Pursuant to Rule 41(0)(2)(A)(ii), within fourteen (14) days of the execution of the warrant, an agent is required to file an inventory return with the Court, that is, tofile an itemized list of the property seized. Execution of the warrant begins when. the United States serves the warrant on the named custodian; execution is complete when the custodian provides all Search Warrant Data to the United States. Within fourteen (14) days of completion of the execution of the warrant, the inventory will be filed. b, Pursuant to Rule 41(e)(2)(B), Rule 41(e)(2)(A) governs the time within which the electronically stored information must be seized after the issuance of the warrant and copied after the execution of the warrant, not the “later review of the media or information” seized, or the later off-site digital copying of that media. ¢. Under Rule 41(f)(1)(B), the inventory return that is to be filed with the court may be limited to a description of the “physical storage media” into which the Search Warrant Data that was seized was placed, not an itemization of the information or data stored on the “physical storage media” into which the Search Warrant Data was placed; 18 10 att 12 13 a4 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 d. Under Rule 41(6(1)(B), the government may retain a copy of that information for Purposes of the investigation, The government proposes that the original storage media on which the Search Warrant Data was placed plus a full image copy of the seized Search Warrant Data be retained by the government. e, Ifthe person from whom any Search Warrant Data was seized requests the return of any information in the Search Warrant Data that is not set forth in Attachment B, Section II, that information will be copied onto appropriate media and returned to the person from whom the information was seized. 19 10 i 12 13 14 16 16 7 18 19 20 21 22, 23, STEVEN W. MYHRE Acting United States Attorney District of Nevada CRISTINA D. SILVA PATRICK BURNS Assistant United States Attorneys 501 Las Vegas Blvd. South, Ste. 1100 Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 ‘Telephone: (702) 388-6336 Fax (702) 388-6698, [email protected]_ Attorney for the United States of America UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF NEVADA -000- INTHE MATTER OF THE SEARCH OF | Magistrate No. |'7--\- 97 -NGK INFORMATION RELATED TO THE J ACCOUNT(S) ASSOCIATED WITH THE AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF CELLULAR DEVICE BEARING IMEI AN APPLICATION FOR A SEARCH. 990006880858377 THAT IS STORED AT WARRANT A PREMISES CONTROLLED BY GOOGLE. (Under Seal) STATE OF NEVADA) )ss: COUNTY OF CLARK —) AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF AN IN. A ‘WARRANT I, Ryan S. Burke, Special. Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), having been duly sworn, hereby depose and say: INTRODUCTION AND AGENT BACKGROUND L Your Affiant makes this affidavit in support of an application for a search warrant for information related te the Google account(s) associated with the cellular device bearing IMEI 990006880858877 (“Target Account(s)"], which are associated with 10 1 w 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 STEPHEN PADDOCK. This information is stored at a premises owned, maintained, controlled, or operated by Google, Ine. (“Google”), an American multinational technology based in Mountain View, California that specializes in Internet-related services and products. Those services include, but are not limited to, online advertising technologies, a search engine, email services, cloud computing, and many other services. The information to be searched is described in the following paragraphs and in Attachment “A” (attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference). This affidavit is made in support of an application for a search warrant under 18 U.S.C. §§ 2703(a), 2703(b)(1XA), and 2703(c)(1XA) to require Google to disclose to the government records and other information in its possession, pertaining to the subscriber or customer associated with the Target Account, 2. I am an “investigative or law enforcement officer of the United States” within the meaning of Title 18, United States Code, Section 2510(7), that is, an officer of the United States who is empowered by law to conduct investigations of, and to make arrests for, offenses enumerated in Title 18, United States Code, Section 2516. 3. Thave been employed as a Special Agent of the FBI for approximately five years, which began at the FBI Academy in October 2012. Upon completion of the academy, I was transferred to the Las Vegas Division's white collar crime squad and then the human trafficking squad. Since October 2015, I have been assigned to the Las Vegas Division's violent crime/gang squad. Additionally, I have been a certified member of the FBI's Cellular Analysis Survey Team since August 2015 due to my expertise in the field of historical cell site analysis. 10 a 12 13 14 15 16 W7 18 19 20 21 22, 23 24 4. During my tenure with the FBI, I have conducted surveillance, analyzed telephone records, interviewed witnesses, supervised activities of sources, executed search warrants, executed arrest warrants, and participated in court-authorized interceptions of wire and electronic communications. These investigative activities have been conducted in conjunction with a variety of investigations, to include those involving robbery, drug trafficking, kidnapping, murder, criminal enterprises, and more. In addition to my practical experiences, I received five months of extensive law enforcement training at the FBI Academy. 5. The facts in this affidavit are derived from your Affiant's personal observations, his training and experience, and information obtained from other agents, detectives, and witnesses. This affidavit is intended to show merely that there is sufficient probable cause for the requested warrant and does not set forth all of the Affiant’s knowledge about this matter. 6. Based on your Affiant’s training and experience and the facts as set forth in this affidavit, there is probable cause to believe that violations of a. Destruction/Damage of Aireraft or Aircraft Facilities - 18 U.S.C.A. § 32a); b. Violence at International Airport - 18 U.S.C. § 37(aX2); and c. Unlawful Interstate Transport/Delivery of Firearms by Non Federal Firearms Licensee ~ 18 U.S.C. $§ 922(a\3) and (5); (hereafter, “Subject Offenses”) have been committed by STEPHEN PADDOCK and others yet unknown. There is also probable cause to search the information described in Attachment “A” for evidence of these crimes and information which might reveal the 10 ww 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24, identities of others involved in these crimes, as described in Attachment “B” (attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference). PROBABLE CAUSE 7. On the evening of Sunday, October 1, 2017, Route 91 Harvest, a music festival, was in progress at 3901 South Las Vegas Boulevard, Las Vegas, Nevada, At approximately 10:08 p.m., the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) received calls reporting shots had been fired at the concert and multiple vietims were struck. LVMPD determined the shots were coming from Rooms 194 and 135 on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, located due west of the festival rounds at 3950 South Las Vegas Boulevard, Las Vegas, Nevada. These rooms are an elevated position which overlooks the concert venue. Witness statements and video footage captured during the attack indicates that the weapons being used were firing in a fully-automatic fashion. 8. LVMPD officers ultimately made entry into the room and located an individual later identified as Stephen Paddock. Paddock was deceased from an apparent, self-inflicted gunshot wound. 9. Paddock's Nevada driver’s license was located in the Mandalay Bay hotel room with Paddock, and both hotel rooms were registered in his name. A player's dub card in name of Marilou Danley was located in Paddock’s room, and the card returned to the address located on Babbling Brook Strect in Mesquite, Nevada. FBI Agents located Danley, who was traveling outside the United States at the time of the shooting. It was ultimately determined that Danley resided with Paddock at the Babbling Brook address. 10 lu 12 13 4 16 16 11. 18 19 21 22 23 24 10. On October 2, 2017, search warrants were executed on Paddock’s Mandalay Bay hotel rooms, Paddock’s vehicle at Mandalay Bay, and two Nevada residences owed by Paddock: 1872 Babbling Brook Court in Mesquite, and 1735 Del Webb Parkway in Reno, Nevada. Officers and Agents found over 20 firearms, hundreds of rounds of ammunition, and hundreds of spent shell casings in the Mandalay Bay hotel rooms, in close proximity to Paddock’s body. Over a thousand rounds of rifle ammunition and 100 pounds of explosive material was found in Paddock’s vehicle. Additional explosive material, approximately 18 firearms, and over 1,000 rounds of ammunition was located at the Mesquite residence. A large quantity of ammunition and multiple firearms were recovered from the Reno residence. 11. As of this date, 58 people have been identified to have been killed in Paddock’s attack and another 557 were reportedly injured. Additionally, investigators discovered that STEPHEN PADDOCK also utilized a firearm to shoot large fuel tanks on Las Vegas McCarran International Airport property. Multiple bullet holes were found on the tank, which investigators believe was an attempt by STEPHEN PADDOCK to cause the tanks to explode. 12. During the execution of the search warrant at the Mandalay Bay hotel room where the attack occurred, three cellular phones were seized. All of the phones are believed to have belonged to STEPHEN PADDOCK. Two of those phones were unlocked and able to be forensically examined. Neither phone contained significant information that allowed investigators to determine the full scope of STEPHEN PADDOCK’s planning and preparation for the attack. The other phone, however, a ZTE Model 7837VL bearing IMEI 990006880858377, was locked and investigators do not believe it 10 au 2 18 uu 15 16 1 18 19 20 a 22 23 can be forensically examined. Investigators believe the only way to gain access to the content of the locked ZTE phone will be through the authorization to demand information associated with the Target Account from Google, the company which owns the operating system software installed on the phone. 13. Your Affiant knows through training and experience that criminals typically make effort to secure and keep hidden information that may incriminate themselves or others. Due to the fact that two of the cellular phones were unlocked and the cellular phone associated with the Target Account was locked, your Affiant believes if there were any information related to a potential conspiracy it would be found within the Target Account. 14. Your Affiant believes the requested search warrant will yield significant information from Google such as STEPHEN PADDOCK’s contact list, email message content, IP address usage, photographs, third-party applications, and more, which may constitute evidence of his planning of the attack and potentially identify other participants in the attack. Ultimately, your Affiant strongly believes the requested information will lead investigators to determine the full scope of STEPHEN PADDOCK’s plan. RELEVANT TECHNICAL TERMS 15. ‘The following non-exhaustive list of definitions applies to this Affidavit and the Attachments to this Affidavit: a. The “Internet” is a worldwide network of computer systems operated by governmental entities, corporations, and universities. In order to access the Internet, an individual computer user must subscribe to an access provider, which operates a host 10 ree 12 13 14 1B 16 ur 18 19 20 a1 22 23 24 computer system with direct access to the Internet. The World Wide Web is a functionality of the Internet which allows users of the Internet to share information. b. “Internet Service Providers” are companies that provide access to the Internet. ISPs can also provide other services for their customers including website hosting, email service, remote storage, and co-location of computers and other communications equipment. ISPs offer different ways to access the Internet including telephone-based (dial-up), broadband-based access via a digital subscriber line (DSL) or cable television, dedicated circuits, or satellite-based subscription. ISPs typically charge a fee based upon the type of connection and volume of data (bandwidth). Many ISPs assign each subscriber an account name, such as a user name, an email address, and an email mailbox, and the subscriber typically creates a password for his/her account. ¢. “ISP Records” are records maintained by ISPs pertaining to their subscribers (regardless of whether those subscribers are individuals or entities). These records may include account application information, subscriber and billing information, account access information (often in the form of log files), emails, information concerning content uploaded and/or stored on the ISP's servers, and other information, which may be stored both in computer data format and in written or printed record format. ISPs reserve an#/or maintain computer disk storage space on their computer system for their subscribers’ use. This service by ISPs allows for both temporary and long-term storage of electronic communications and many other types of electronic data and files. d “Online service providers” (also referred to here as “service providers”) are companies that provide online services such as email, chat or instant messaging, word processing applications, spreadsheet applications, presentation 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 qT 18 19 20 21 applications similar to PowerPoint, online calendar, photo storage and remote storage services. Sometimes they also can provide web hosting, remote storage, and co-location of computers and other communications equipment. Typically, each service provider assigns each subscriber an account name, such as a user name or screen name and the subscriber typically creates a password for his/her account. e. “Computer,” as used herein, is defined as “an electronic, magnetic, optical, electrochemical, or other high speed data processing device performing logical or storage functions, and includes any data storage facility or communications facility directly related to or operating in conjunction with such device.” £ A “server” is a centralized computer that provides services for other computers connected to it via a network. The other computers attached to a server are sometimes called “clients.” For example, in a large company, it is common for individual employees to have client computers at their desktops. When the employees access their email, or access files stored on the network itself, those files are pulled electronically from the server, where they are stored, and are sent to the client's computer via the network. Notably, servers can be physically stored in any location: it is not uncommon for a network’s server to be located hundreds (and even thousands) of miles away from the client computers. g. “Internet Protocol address,” or “IP address,” refers to a unique number used by a computer to access the Internet. IP addresses can be dynamic, meaning that the Internet Service Provider (ISP) assigns a different unique number to a computer every time it accesses the Internet. IP addresses might also be static, that 10 cer 12 13 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 24 is, an ISP assigns a user's computer a particular IP address which is used each time the computer accesses the Internet. h, The term “domain” refers to a word used as a name for computers, networks, services, ete. A domain name typically represents a website, a server computer that hosts that website, or even some computer (or other digital device) connected to the internet. Essentially, when a website (or a server computer that hosts that website) is connected to the internet, itis assigned an IP address, Because IP addresses are difficult for people to remember, domain names are instead used because they are easier to remember than IP addresses. Domain names are formed by the rules and procedures of the Domain Name System (DNS). A common top level domain under these rules is “.com” for commercial organizations, “gov” for the United States government, and “org” for organizations. For example, is the domain name that identifies a server used by the U.S. Department of Justice, and which uses IP address of i. “Web hosting services” maintain server computers connected to the Internet, Their customers use those computers to operate websites on the Internet. Customers of web hosting companies place files, software code, databases, and other data on servers. To do this, customers typically connect from their own computers to the server computers across the Internet. ‘The term “Whols” lookup refers to a search of a publicly available online database that lists information provided when a domain is registered or when an IP address is assigned. i, The terms “communications,” “records,” “documents,” “programs,” or “materials” include all information recorded in any form, visual or aural, and by any 10 i 2 13 14 6 16 17 18 19 20 2 22, 23, 24 means, whether in handmade form (including, but not limited to, writings, drawings, paintings), photographic form (including, but not limited to, pictures or videos), or electrical, electronic or magnetic form, as well as digital data files. These terms also include any applications (ie. software programs). These terms expressly include, among other things, emails, instant messages, chat logs, correspondence attached as to emails (or drafts), calendar entries, buddy lists, 1. "Chat" is usually a real time electronic communication between twa or more individuals. Unlike email, which is frequently sent, then read and responded to minutes, hours, or even days later, chats frequently involve an immediate conversation between individuals, similar to a face-to-face conversation, Nearly all chat programs are capable of saving the chat transcript, to enable users to preserve a record of the conversation. By default, some chat programs have this capability enabled, while others do not. Many popular web-based email providers, like Google and Google, provide chat functionality as part of the online services they provide to account holders. m. “Apps or Applications” are third-party programs that may be installed through the Android operating system, which is owned by Google, for use on a cellular device EACTS ABOUT GOOGLE 16. In my training, my experience and this investigation, I have learned that Google owns and operates Android OS, which is an operating system found on many cellular devices to include the device associated with the Target Account. Through this operating system, users can install applications with a variety of fanctionali 10 10 i 12 13 4 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 various social media websites, mapping software, banking portals, etc. Records of the applications installed on a specific device are maintained by Google. 17. Inmy training and experience, evidence of which applications were utilized by a specific device can be useful in identifying additional communication facilities, content of communications, financial account information, information related to whom the user associates with, and more. Oftentimes, an individual utilizing a Google account has the op nto store certain information located on the device to a cloud, which Google also retains. All of this information can help investigators locate evidence of various criminal activity associated with the user. INFORMATION TO BE SEARCHED AND THINGS TO BE SEIZED 18. Your Affiant anticipates executing this warrant under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, in particular 18 U.S.C. §§ 2703(a), 2703(bX1\(A) and 2703(¢)(1)(A), by using the warrant to require Google to disclose to the government copies of the records and other information (including the content of communications) particularly described in Section I of Attachment “B.” Upon receipt of the information described in Section I of Attachment “B,” government-authorized persons will review that information to locate the items described in Section Il of Attachment “B” CONCLUSION 19. Based on the forgoing, I request that the Court issue the proposed search warrant, This Court has jurisdiction to issue the requested warrant because itis “a court of competent jurisdiction” as defined by 18 U.S.C. §2711. 18 U.S.C. §§ 2708(a), (BAMA) & (cMAMA). Specifically, the Court is “a district court of the United States... . that—has jurisdiction over the offense being investigated.” 18 U.S.C. § 2711(3XAXi). Pursuant to uw 10 n 12 18 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 a1 22, 24 18 U.S.C. § 2703(g), the presence of a law enforcement officer is not required for the service or execution of this warrant. REQUEST FOR SEALING 20. I further request that the Court order that all papers in support of this application, including the affidavit and search warrant, be sealed until further order of the Court. These documents discuss an ongoing criminal investigation that is neither public nor known to all of the targets of the investigation. Accordingly, there is good cause to seal these documents because their premature disclosure may seriously jeopardize that investigation. Respectfully Submitted, tyan S. Burke, Special Agent Federal Bureau of Investigation SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me this (day of October 2017. MAGISTRATE JUDGE 12 10 uu 12 13 14 15 16 qT 18 19 21 22 23 24 ATTACHMENT “A” ONLINE ACCOUNT TO BE SEARCHED 1. This warrant applies to information related to the Google account associated with the cellular device bearing IMEI 9900688085837 (the “Target Account”) from its inception to present, which is stored at premises owned, maintained, controlled, or operated by Google, Inc., headquartered at 1600 Amphitheatre Way, Mountain View, California, 94043. 13. 10 iL 12 13 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 24 22, 23, 24 ATTACHMENT “B” ic ings to be Seized 1 Information to be disclosed by the Service Provider To the extent that the information described in Attachment A is within the possession, custody, or control of Google, including any Emails, records, files, logs, or information that have been deleted but are still available to Service Provider, or have been preserved pursuant to a request made under 18 U.S.C. § 2703(f), Service Provider is required to disclose the following information to the government for each account or identifier listed in Attachment A from account inception to present: a. The contents of all messages and emails associated with the account, including copies of messages and emails sent to and from the account, draft messages/emails, the source and destination addresses associated with: each message/email, the date and time at which each message/email was sent, and the size and length of each message/email;, b. All records or other information regarding the identification of the account, to include full name, physical address, telephone numbers and other ‘identifiers, records of session times and durations, the date on which the account was created, the length of service, the types of service utilized, the IP address used to register the account, log-in IP addresses associated with session times and dates, account status, alternative email addresses provided during registration, methods of connecting, log files, and means and source of payment (including any credit or bank account number); ©. All records or other information stored in the Online Accounts, including address books, contact and buddy lists, calendar data, pictures, applications, documents, and other files; 4. All records pertaining to communications between Service Provider and any person regarding the account, including contacts with support services and records of actions taken. All data and contents related to the following Google Services associated with the Target Account: Android; Gmail; Google Calendar; Google Docs; Google Drive; Google Talk; Multilogin; Web History; YouTube; and all other applications. £ Allinformation and content associated with any third-party application. associated with the Target Account and the dates when the applications were installed; 4 10 cen 12 13 4 15 16 aw 18 19 20 21 22, 23 g. Based on an analysis of cookies assigned to computers and devices that accessed the Target Account, identify all other Google accounts that have been accessed from any computers and devices that have logged into the ‘Target Account, II Information to be seized by the United States After reviewing all information described in Section I, the United States will seize evidence of violations of Title 18, United States Code Sections 32(a) (Destruction/Damage of Aircraft or Aircraft Facilities); 37(a)(2) (Violence at International Airport); and 922(a\(8); 5 (Unlawful Interstate Transport/Delivery of Firearms by Non Federal Firearms Licensee) (the “Subject Offenses”) that occur in the form of the following, from account inception to present: 2. Communications, transactions and records that may establish ownership and control (or the degree thereof) of the Target Account, including address books, contact or buddy lists, bills, invoices, receipts, registration records, bills, correspondence, notes, records, memoranda, telephone/address books, photographs, video recordings, audio recordings, lists of names, records of payment for access to newsgroups or other online subscription services, and attachments to said communications, transactions and records. b. Communications, transactions and records to/from persons who may be co- conspirators of the Subject Offenses, or which may identify co-conspirators. c Communications, transactions and records which may show motivation to commit the Subject Offenses. 4 Communications, transactions and records that relate to the Subject, Offenses. €. The terms “communications,” “transactions”, “records,” “documents,” “programs,” or “materials” include all information recorded in any form, visual or aural, and by any means, whether in handmade form (including, but not limited to, writings, drawings, paintings), photographic form Gnduding, but not limited to, pictures or videos), or electrical, electronic or magnetic form, as well as digital data files. These terms also include any applications (i.e. software programs). These terms expressly include, among other things, Emails, instant messages, chat logs, correspondence attached as to Emails (or drafts), calendar entries, buddy lists. 15 10 a 12 13 14 16 16 a7 18 19 20 2 22 8 ATTACHMENT “C” PROTOCOL FOR SEARCHING THE ELECTRONIC DATA SEIZED PURSUANT TO THIS SEARCH WARRANT, 1. _Inexecuting this warrant, the government must make reasonable efforts to use methods and procedures that will locate and expose in the electronic data produced in response to this search warrant (“the Search Warrant Data”) those categories of data, files, documents, or other electronically stored information that are identified with particularity in the warrant, while minimizing exposure or examination of irrelevant, privileged, or confidential files to the extent reasonably practicable. 2. When the Search Warrant Data is received, the government will make a duplicate copy of the Search Warrant Data (‘the Search Warrant Data Copy”). The original version of the Search Warrant Data will be sealed and preserved for purposes of later judicial review or order to return or dispose of the Search Warrant Data; production to the defense in any criminal case if authorized by statute, rule, or the Constitution; for purposes of showing the chain of custody of the Search Warrant Data and the Search Warrant Data Copy; or for any other lawful purpose. The original of the Search Warrant Data will not be searched or examined except to ensure that it has been folly and completely replicated in the Search Warrant Data Copy. 3. The investigating agents will then search the entirety of the Search Warrant Data Copy using any and all methods and procedures deemed appropriate by the United States designed to identify the information listed as Information to be Seized in Attachment B, Section II. The United States may copy, extract or otherwise segregate information or data listed as Information to be Seized in Attachment B, Section II. Information or data so copied, extracted or otherwise segregated will no longer be subject to any handling restrictions that might be set out in this protocol beyond those required by binding law. To the extent evidence of crimes not within the scope of this warrant appear in plain view during this review, a supplemental or “piggyback” warrant will be applied for in order to further search that document, data, or other item. 4. Once the Search Warrant Data Copy has been thoroughly and completely examined for any document, data, or other items identified in Attachment B, Section II as Information to be Seized, the Search Warrant Data Copy will be sealed and not subject to any further search or examination unless authorized by another search warrant or other appropriate court order. The Search Warrant Data Copy will be held and preserved for the same purposes identified above in Paragraph 2. 16 10 1 2 13. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 22, 23, 24 5. The search procedures utilized for this review are at the sole discretion of the investigating and prosecuting authorities, and may include the following techniques (the following is a non-exclusive list, as other search procedures may be used): a. _ examination of all of the data contained in the Search Warrant Data to view the data and determine whether that data falls within the items to be seized as set forth herein; b. searching for and attempting to recover from the Search Warrant Data any deleted, hidden, or encrypted data to determine whether that data falls within the list. of items to be seized as set forth herein (any data that is encrypted and unreadable will not be returned unless law enforcement personnel have determined that the data is not (2) an instrumentality of the offenses, (2) a fruit of the criminal activity, (3) contraband, (4) otherwise unlawfully possessed, or (5) evidence of the offenses specified above); surveying various file directories and the individual files they contain; d. opening files in order to determine their contents; e. using hash values to narrow the scope of what may be found. Hash values are under- inclusive, but are still a helpful tool; £ scanning storage areas; g. performing keyword searches through alll electronic storage areas to determine whether occurrences of language contained in such storage areas exist that are likely to appear in the evidence deseribed in Attachment A; and/or h. performing any other data analysis technique that may be necessary to locate and retrieve the evidence described in Attachment B, Section II. Return and Review Procedures: 6. Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure provides, in relevant part: (@) Issuing the Warrant. (2) Contents of the Warrant. (A) Warrant to Search for and Seize a Person or Property. Except for a tracking- device warrant, the warrant must identify the person or property to be searched, identify any person or property to be seized, and designate the magistrate judge to whom it must de returned. The warrant must command the officer to: 7 10 a 12 13 4 15 16 vw 18 19 20 21 22, 28 G) execute the warrant within a specified time no longer than 14 days; (B) Warrant Seeking Electronically Stored Information. A warrant under Rule 41(6)(2)(A) may authorize the seizure of electronic storage media or the seizure or copying of electronically stored information. Unless otherwise specified, the warrant authorizes a later review of the media or information consistent with the warrant. The time for executing the warrant in Rule 41(e)(2\(A) and (O(1)(A) refers to the seizure or on-site copying of the media or information, and not to any later off-site copying or review. @ Executing and Returning the Warrant. (1) Warrant to Search for and Seize a Person or Property. (B) Inventory. An officer present during the execution of the warrant must prepare and verify an inventory of any property seized. . . . In a case involving the seizure of electronic storage media or the seizure or copying of electronically stored information, the inventory may be limited to describing the physical storage media that were seized or copied. The officer may retain a copy of the electronically stored information that was seized or copied. 7. Pursuant to this Role, the government understands and will act in accordance with the following: a. Pursuant to Rule 41(e)(2)(A)(ii), within fourteen (14) days of the execution of the warrant, an agent is required to file an inventory return with the Court, that is, tofilean itemized list of the property seized. Execution of the warrant begins when the United States serves the warrant on the named custodian; execution is complete when the custodian provides all Search Warrant Data to the United States. Within fourteen (14) days of completion of the execution of the warrant, the inventory will be filed. b. Pursuant to Rule 41(e\(2)(B), Rule 41(e(2XA) governs the time within which the electronically stored information must be seized after the issuance of the warrant and copied after the execution of the warrant, not the “later review of the media or information” seized, or the later off-site digital copying of that media. ©. Under Rule 41(6(1)(B), the inventory return that is to be filed with the court may be limited to a description of the “physical storage media” into which the Search Warrarit Data that was seized was placed, not an itemization of the information or data stored on the “physical storage media” into which the Search Warrant Data was placed; 18 1 ]d. Under Rule 41(f(1)(B), the government may retain a copy of that information for purposes of the investigation. The government proposes that the original storage media on which the Search Warrant Data was placed plus a full image copy of the seized Search Warrant Data be retained by the government. e. Ifthe person from whom any Search Warrant Data was seized requests the return of any information in the Search Warrant Data that is not set forth in Attachment B, Section II, that information will be copied onto appropriate media and returned to the person from whom the information was seized. a ew 10 a 12 18 4 16 16 Ww 18 19 20 21 22, 23, 19 10 ren 12 13 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 a1 22 23. 24 STEVEN W. MYHRE Acting United States Attorney District of Nevada CRISTINA D. SILVA PATRICK BURNS Assistant United States Attorneys 501 Las Vegas Blvd. South, Ste. 1100 Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 ‘Telephone: (702) 388-6336 Pax (702) 388-6698 [email protected] Attorney for the United States of America WITOCT 13 PHI2: 36 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF NEVADA -000- INTHE MATTER OF THE SEARCH OF | Magistrate No. INFORMATION ASSOCIATED WITH EMAIL ACCOUNT AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF CENTRALPARKIGLIVE.COM THATIS | AN APPLICATION FOR SEARCH STORED AT A PREMISES WARRANTS CONTROLLED BY MICROSOFT. Al (Under Seal) IN THE MATTER OF THE SEARCH OF | Magistrate No. INFORMATION ASSOCIATED WITH = == EMAIL ACCOUNT AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF [email protected] THATIS | AN APPLICATION FOR SEARCH STORED AT A PREMISES WARRANTS CONTROLLED BY MICROSOFT. Az (Under Seal) STATE OF NEVADA) ) ss: COUNTY OF CLARK ) wy mw 10 uw 12 13 14 15 16 7 18, 19 20 an 22 23 24 AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF AN APPLICATION FOR SEARCH WARRANTS I, Zachary C. Mckinney, Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FB), having been duly sworn, hereby depose and say: XTRODI GENT BACKG! 1. Your Affiant makes this affidavit in support of an application for search warrants for information associated with email accounts [email protected] (“Target Account 1”) and [email protected] (“Target Account 2"). Target Account 1 is an account associated with STEPHEN PADDOCK. Target Account 2 is an account associated with MARILOU DANLEY. The information associated with both accounts is stored at a premises owned, maintained, controlled, or operated by Microsoft Corporation (“Microsoft”), an American multinational technology company based in Redmond, Washington that specializes in Internet-related services and products along with the development and manufacturing of computer-related items. Those online services include, but are not limited to, email services, cloud computing, and many other services. The information to be searched is described in the following paragraphs and in Attachment “A” (attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference). This affidavit is made in support of an application for search warrants under 18 U.S.C. §§ 2708(a), 2703()1(A), and 2703(6)(1)(A) to require Microsoft to disclose to the government records and other information in its possession, pertaining to the subscriber or customer associated with the Target Accounts. 2. Lama Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, currently assigned to Las Vegas, Nevada. I have been employed as a Special Agent of the FBI since 10 Ww 12 13 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 March of 2017. Over the course of my employment with the FBI, I have conducted surveillance, analyzed telephone records, interviewed witnesses, supervised activities of sources, executed search warrants, and executed arrest warrants. These investigative activities have been conducted in conjunction with a variety of investigations, to include those involving robbery, drug trafficking, human trafficking, criminal enterprises, and more. In addition to my practical experiences, I received five months of extensive law enforcement training at the FBI Academy. Previous to the FBI, I was employed as a human intelligence gatherer with the United States Army. I was trained extensively in interrogation, interview, and source handling techniques and best practices. I also received an MBA in International Business and worked with ExxonMobil as a financial manager. 3. I make this affidavit in support of an application for a search warrant for information associated with the Microsoft accounts associated with [email protected]” and “[email protected],” which is stored at a premises owned, maintained, controlled, or operated by Microsoft Corporation, headquartered at ‘One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, hereinafter referred to as “premises,” and further deseribed in Attachments A-1 and A-2 hereto. a, Destruction/Damage of Aircraft or Aircraft Facilities - 18 U.S.C.A. § 82(a); b. Violence at International Airport - 18 U.S.C. § 37(a\(2); and ¢. Unlawful Interstate Transport/Delivery of Firearms by Non Federal Firearms Licensee ~ 18 U.S.C. §§ 922(a)(8) and (6); a Aiding and Abetting — 18 U.S.C. § 2. 10 un 12 13. 14 15 16 7 18, 19 a1 22 23 24 (hereafter, “Subject Offenses’) have been committed by STEPHEN PADDOCK, MARILOU DANLEY, and others yet unknown. There is also probable cause to search the information described in Attachment “A” for evidence of these crimes and information which might reveal the identities of others involved in these crimes, as described in Attachment “B” (attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference). PROBABLE CAUSE 4. On the evening of Sunday, October 1, 2017, Route 91 Harvest, a music festival, was in progress at 8901 South Las Vegas Boulevard, Las Vegas, Nevada. At approximately 10:08 p.m. the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) received calls reporting shots had been fired at the concert and multiple victims were struck. LYMPD determined the shots were coming from Rooms 134 and 135 on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, located due west of the festival rounds at 3950 South Las Vegas Boulevard, Las Vegas, Nevada. These rooms are an elevated position which overlooks the concert venue. Witness statements and video footage captured during the attack indicates that the weapons being used were firing in 2 fully-automatic fashion. 5. LVMPD officers ultimately made entry into the room and located an individual later identified as Stephen Paddock. Paddock was deceased from an apparent self inflicted gunshot wound. 6. Paddock’s Nevada driver's license was located in the Mandalay Bay hotel room with Paddock, and both hotel rooms were registered in his name. A player's club card in name of Marilou Danley was located in Paddock’s room, and the card returned to the address located on Babbling Brook Street in Mesquite, Nevada. FBI Agents 10 u 12. 13. 4 15 16 18 19 20 21 23, 24 located Danley, who was traveling outside the United States at the time of the shooting. It was ultimately determined that Danley resided with Paddock at the Babbling Brook address. 7. On October 2, 2017, search warrants were executed on Paddock’s Mandalay Bay hotel rooms, Paddock’s vehicle at Mandalay Bay, and two Nevada residences owed by Paddock: 1372 Babbling Brock Court in Mesquite, and 1735 Del Webb Parkway in Reno, Nevada. Officers and Agents found over 20 firearms, hundreds of rounds of ammunition, and hundreds of spent shell casings in the Mandalay Bay hotel rooms, in close proximity to Paddock’s body. Over a thousand rounds of rifle ammunition and 100 pounds of explosive material was found in Paddock’s vehicle. Additional explosive material, approximately 18 firearms, and over 1,000 rounds of ammunition was located at the Mesquite residence. A large quantity of ammunition and multiple firearms were recovered from the Reno residence. 8 As of this date, 58 people have been identified to have been killed in Paddock’s attack and another 557 were reportedly injured. Additionally, investigators discovered that STEPHEN PADDOCK also utilized a firearm to shoot large fuel tanks on Las Vegas McCarran International Airport property. Multiple bullet holes were found on the tank, which investigators believe was an attempt by STEPHEN PADDOCK to cause the tanks to explode. 9. In an effort to determine whether or not STEPHEN PADDOCK was assisted and/or conspired with unknown individuals, investigators have attempted to ‘identify all of STEPHEN PADDOCK's associated. It was quickly determined that a casino player's card in the name of MARILOU DANLEY was located in the room at the 10 cy 12 13 14 15 16 Ww 18, 19 20 21 22 23 2 time of the attack. She has been identified thus far as the most likely person who aided or abetted STEPHEN PADDOCK based on her informing law enforcement that her fingerprints would likely be found on the ammunition used during the attack. Subsequently, investigators worked to identify the communication facilities utilized by STEPHEN PADDOCK and MARILOU DANLEY. 10. Based on a review of STEPHEN PADDOCK's financial accounts, Target Account 1 was determined to belong to STEPHEN PADDOCK. On October 3, 2017, investigators requested an emergency disclosure of records from Microsoft related to Target Account 1 so it could be immediately searched for any evidence of additional co- conspirators. Unfortunately, the information was only requested for a six-month timeframe. Within the account, investigators identified Target Account 2 as one that belonged to MARILOU DANLEY, which was clear based on the communications between the two email accounts. In an interview, DANLEY stated that PADDOCK had access to one of her email accounts, which investigators believe to be Target Account 2. JL. On September 25, 2017, an email was exchanged between the Target Accounts which discussed a wire transfer of funds which was to be sent by STEPHEN PADDOCK to MARILOU DANLEY. It is unclear what the purpose of the wire transfer was, but MARILOU DANLEY is known to have been in the Philippines at the time. 12, Additionally, on July 6, 2017, Target Account 1 sent an email to [email protected] which read, “try an ar before u buy. we have huge selection. located in the las vegas area.” Later that day, an email was received back from [email protected] to Target Account 1 that read, “we have a wide variety of optics and ammunition to try.” And lastly, Target Account 1 later sent an email to 1 10 u 12 1B 14 16 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 [email protected] that read, “for a thrill try out bumpfire ar's with a 100 round magazine.” Investigators believe these communications may have been related to the eventual attack that occurred at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. 18. Your Affiant believes the requested search warrants will yield significant information from Microsoft such as STEPHEN PADDOCK’s and MARILOU DANLEY's contact lists, email messages content, IP address usage, photographs, third-party applications associated with the account, and more, which may constitute evidence of the planning of the attack and potentially identify other participants in the attack. Ultiniately, your Affiant strongly believes the requested information will lead investigators to determine the full scope of STEPHEN PADDOCK's plan and MARILOU DANLEY’s possible involvement. 14. Investigators have previously sought and obtained a search warrant to examine the contents of both Target Accounts 1 and 2. After execution of that warrant, however, it became apparent and was confirmed with Microsoft that Microsoft was refusing to provide data related to/contained in the OneDrive online storage files for either account. Microsoft indicated to investigators that it did not believe such information was encompassed by the items to be produced that were specified in the original warrant. Investigators believe therefore that there is additional evidence “Microsoft currently possesses that relates to the OneDrive online storage service, as well as potentially in a suite of other online services that Microsoft offers, including Office 865, Windows Live Mail, Windows Live Writer, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows Live Messenger, Microsoft Family Safety, and Microsoft Outlook Hotmail Connector. Thus, 10. ll 12 13 14 16 16 Sta 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 your Affiant seeks more specific authorization to seize and search the OneDrive and other service data specified in Attachment B of the instant warrant application. TE RI 15. The following non-exhaustive list of definitions applies to this Affidavit and the Attachments to this Affidavit: 2, ‘The “Internet” is a worldwide network of computer systems operated by governmental entities, corporations, and universities. In order to access the Internet, an individual computer user must subscribe to an access provider, which operates a host computer system with direct access to the Internet. The World Wide Web is a functionality of the Internet which allows users of the Internet to share information. b. “Internet Service Providers” are companies that provide access to the Internet. ISPs can also provide other services for their customers including website hosting, email service, remote storage, and colocation of computers and other communications equipment. ISPs offer different ways to access the Internet including telephone-based (dial-up), broadband-based access via a digital subscriber line (DSL) or cable television, dedicated circuits, or satellite-based eubscription. ISPs typically charge a fee based upon the type of connection and voluine of data (bandwidth). Many ISPs assign each subscriber an account name, such as a user name, an email address, and an email mailbox, and the subscriber typically creates a password for his/her account. “ISP Records” are records maintained by ISPs pertaining to their subscribers (regardless of whether those subscribers are individuals or entities). These records may include account application information, subscriber and billing information, account access information (often in the form of log files), emails, information concerning 10 i 12 18 14 15 16 Ww 18 19 20 21 22 content uploaded and/or stored on the ISP's servers, and other information, which may be stored both in computer data format and in written or printed record format. ISPs reserve and/or maintain computer disk storage space on their computer system for their subscribers’ use. This service by ISPs allows for both temporary and long-term storage of electronic communications and many other types of electronic data and files. 4. “Online service providers” (also referred to here as “service providers”) are companies that provide online services such as email, chat or instant messaging, word processing applications, spreadsheet applications, presentation applications similar to PowerPoint, online calendar, photo storage and remote storage services. Sometimes they also can provide web hosting, remote storage, and co-location of computers and other communications equipment. Typically, each service provider assigns each subscriber an account name, such as a user name or screen name and thé subscriber typically creates a password for his/her account. e. “Computer,” as used herein, is defined as “an electronic, magnetic, optical, electrochemical, or other high speed data processing device performing logical or storage functions, and includes any data storage facility or communications facility directly related to or operating in conjunction with such devi He A “server” is a centralized computer that provides services for other computers connected to it via a network. The other computers attached to a server are sometimes called “clients.” For example, in a large company, it is common for individual employees to have client computers at their desktops. When the employees access their email, or access files stored on the network itself, those files are pulled electronically from the server, where they are stored, and are sent to the client’s computer via the 10 lt 12 13 4 16 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 network. Notably, servers can be physically stored in any location: it is not uncommon for a network's server to be located hundreds (and even thousands) of miles away from ‘the client computers. & “Internet Protocol address,” or “IP address,” refers to a unique number used by a computer to access the Internet. IP addresses can be dynamic, meaning that the Internet Service Provider (ISP) assigns a different unique number to a computer every time it accesses the Internet. IP addresses might also be static, that is, an ISP assigns a user's computer a particular IP address which is used each time the computer accesses the Internet. h. The term “domain” refers to a word used as a name for computers, networks, services, ete. A domain name typically represents a website, a server computer that hosts that website, or even some computer (or other digital device) connected to the internet. Essentially, when a website (or a server computer that hosts that website) is connected to the internet, itis assigned an IP address. Because IP addresses are difficult for people to remember, domain names are instead used because they are easier to remember than IP addresses. Domain names are formed by the rules and procedures of the Domain Name System (DNS). A common top level domain under these rules is “.com” for commercial organizations, “gov” for the United States government, and “org” for organizations. For example, www.usdoi gov is the domain name that identifies a server used by the U.S. Department of Justice, and which uses IP address of i, “Web hosting services” maintain server computers connected to the Internet. Their customers use those computers to operate websites on the Internet, Customers of web hosting companies place files, software code, databases, and other data 10 10 a 2 13. 4 15 16 7 18 19 21 BOB on servers. To do this, customers typically connect from their own computers to the server computers across the Internet. i. The term “Whols" lookup refers to a search of a publicly available online database that lists information provided when a domain is registered or when an IP address is assigned. xk The terms “communications,” “records,” “documents,” “programs,” or “materials” include all information recorded in any form, visual or aural, and by any means, whether in handmade form (including, but not limited to, writings, drawings, paintings), photographic form (including, but not limited to, pictures or videos), or electrical, electronic or magnetic form, as well as digital data files. These terms also include any applications (ie, software programs). These terms expressly include, among other things, emails, instant messages, chat logs, correspondence attached as to emails (or drafts), calendar entries, buddy lists. 1. “Chat” is usually a real time electronic communication between two or more individuals, Unlike email, which is frequently sent, then read and responded to minutes, hours, or even days later, chats frequently involve an immediate conversation between individuals, similar to a face-to-face conversation. Nearly all chat programs are capable of saving the chat transcript, to enable users to preserve a record of the conversation. By default, some chat programs have this capability enabled, while others do not. Many popular web-based email providers, like Microsoft and Microsoft, provide chat functionality as part of the online services they provide to account holders. wa uw un 10 iL 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 2 FACTS ABOUT EMAIL PROVIDERS 16. In my training, my experience and this investigation, I have learned that Microsoft (the Service Provider) is a company that provides free web-based Internet email access to the general public, and that stored electronic communications, including opened and unopened email for Microsoft subscribers may be located on the computers of Microsoft. I have also learned that Microsoft Inc. provides various on-line service messaging services to the general public. Instant Messaging (“IM”) is a form of real-time direct text-based communication between two or more people using shared clients. The text is conveyed via devices connected over a network such as the Internet. In addition to text, Microsoft’s software allows users'with the most current updated versions to utilize its webcam service. This option enables users from distances all over the world to view others who have installed a webcam on their end. Thus, the Service Provider's servers will contain a wide variety of the subscriber's files, including emails, address books, contact or buddy lists, calendar data, pictures, chat logs, and other files. 17. To use these services, subscribers register for online accounts like the ‘Target Accounts, During the registration process, service providers such as the ones here ask subscribers to provide basic personal information. This information can include the subscriber's full name, physical address, telephone numbers and other identifiers, alternative email addresses, and, for paying subscribers, means and source of payment (including any credit card or bank account number). Based on my training and my experience, I know that subscribers may insert false information to conceal their identity; even if this proves to be the case, however, I know that this information often provide clues to their identity, location or illicit activities. LB 10 i 12 13 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 18. In general, when a subscriber receives an email, itis typically stored in the subscriber's “mail box” on that service provider's servers until the subscriber deletes the ‘Email. If the subscriber does not delete the message, the message (and any attachments) can remain on that service provider's servers indefinitely. 19. Similarly, when the subscriber sends an email, it is initiated at the subscriber's computer, transferred via the Internet to the service provider's servers, and then transmitted to its end destination. That service provider often saves a copy of the email sent. Unless the sender of the email specifically deletes the Email from the provider's server, the email can remain on the system indefinitely. 20. A sent or received email typically includes the content of the message, source and destination addresses, the date and time at which the email was sent, and the size and length of the email. If an email user writes a draft message but does not send it, that message may also be saved by that service provider, but may not include all of these categories of data. 21. dust as a computer on a desk can be used to store a wide variety of files, so can online accounts, such as the accounts subject to this application. First, subscribers can store many types of files as attachments to emails in online accounts. Second, because service providers provide the services listed above (e.g. word processing, spreadsheets, pictures), eubscribers who use these services usually store documents on servers maintained and/or owned by service providers. Thus, these online accounts often contain documents such as pictures, audio or video recordings, logs, spreadsheets, applications and other files. 13 10 ry 12 13 4 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 24 22, Reviewing files stored in online accounts raises many of the same difficulties as with reviewing files stored on a local computer. For example, based on my training, my experience and this investigation, I know that subscribers of these online services can conceal their activities by altering files before they upload them to the online service. Subscribers can change file names to more innocuous sounding names (0 renaming “FraudRecords.doc” to “ChristmasList.doc’), they can change file extensions to make one kind of file appear like a different type of file (e.g. changing the spreadsheet “StolenCreditProfiles.xls” to “FamilyPhoto.jpg” to appear to be a picture file, where the file extension “xls” denotes an Excel spreadsheet file and “jpg” a JPEG format image file), or they can change the times and dates a file was last accessed or modified by changing a computer's system time/date and then uploading that file to the Online Accounts. Thus, to detect any files that the subscriber may have concealed, agents will need to review all of the files in the Target Accounts; they will, however, only seize the items that the Court authorizes to be seized. Similarly, subscribers can conceal their activities by encrypting files. Thus, these files may’need to be decrypted to detect whether it constitutes an Item to be Seized. 23. I also believe that people engaged in crimes such as the one described herein often use online accounts because they give people engaged in these crimes a way to easily communicate with other co-conspirators. Moreover, online accounts are easily concealed from law enforcement. Unlike physical documents, electronic documents can be stored in a physical place far away, where they are less likely to be discovered. 24. Service providers typically retain certain transactional information about the creation and use of each account on their systems. This information can include the 4 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 a 18 19 a1 22 24 date on which the account was created, the length of service, records of log-in (.e., session) times and durations, the types of service utilized, the status of the account (including whether the account is inactive or closed), the methods used to connect to the account (such as logging into the account via websites controlled by the Service Provider), and other log files that reflect usage of the account. In addition, service providers often have records of the Internet Protocol address (‘IP address") used to register the account and the IP addresses associated with particular logins to the account. Because every device that connects to the Internet must use an IP address, IP address information can help to identify which computers or other devices were used to access the online account. 25. In some cases, subscribers will communicate directly with a service provider about issues relating to the account, such ag technical problems, billing inquiries, or complaints from or about other users. Service providers typically retain records about such communications, including records of contacts between the user and the provider's support services, as well records of any actions taken by the provider or user ao a result of the communications. 26, In my training and experience, evidence of who was using an online account may be found in address books, contact or buddy lists, emails in the account, and pictures and files, whether stored as attachments or in the suite of the service provider's online applications. Therefore, the computers of the Service Providers are likely to contain stored electronic communications (including retrieved and un-retrieved email for their subscribers) and information concerning subscribers and their use of the provider's 10 lt 12 13 4 18 16 Ww 18 19 20 21 28 24 services, such as account access information, email transaction information, documents, pictures, and account application information. 27. Microsoft maintains and offers its users the use of OneDrive. OneDrive is a file-hosting service operated by Microsoft as part of its suite of online services. It allows users to store files as well as other personal data like Windows settings or BitLocker recovery keys in the cloud. Files can be synced to a PC and accessed from a web browser or a mobile device, as well as shared publicly or with specific people. OneDrive offers 5 gigabytes of storage space free of charge; additional storage can be added either separately or through subscriptions to other Microsoft services including Office 365 and Groove Music. 28. — Microsoft offers additional services that may be accessed in relation to and share associated information with a user’s email account, including: Office 365, Windows Live Mail, Windows Live Writer, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows Live Messenger, Microsoft Family Safety, and Microsoft Outlook Hotmail Connector. INFORMATION TO BE SEARCHED AND THINGS TO BE SEIZED 29. Your Affiant anticipates executing these warrants under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, in particular 18 U.S.C. §§ 2703(a), 2703()(1)(A) and 2708(c)(1)(A), by using the warrant to require Microsoft to disclose to the government copies of the records and other information (including the content of communications) particularly described in Section I of Attachment “B.” Upon receipt of the information described in Section I of Attachment “B,” government-authorized persons will review that information to locate the items described in Section II of Attachment “B.” 16 10 in 12 138 4 15 16 WwW 18, 19 20 21 22 23 24 CONCLUSION 30. Based on the forgoing, I request that the Court issue the proposed search ‘warrant. This Court has jurisdiction to issue the requested warrant because it is “a court of competent jurisdiction” as defined by 18 U.S.C. § 2711. 18 U.S.C. §§ 2708(a), (b)(1)(A) & ((A)(A). Specifically, the Court is “a district court of the United States ... that — has jurisdiction over the offense being investigated.” 18 U.S.C. § 2711(3)(A)(i). Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 2703(g), the presence of a law enforcement officer is not required for the service or execution of this warrant, REQUEST FOR SEALING 31. I further request that the Court order that all papers in support of this, application, including the affidavit and search warrant, be sealed until further order of the Court. These documents discuss an ongoing criminal investigation that is neither public nor known to all of the targets of the investigation. Accordingly, there is good. cause to seal these documents because their premature disclosure may seriously jeopardize that investigation. Respectfully Submitted, cea acne Zachary C. McKinney, Special Agent Federal Bureau of Investigation SWORN TO SUBSCRIBED before me this ( day of October 2017. Urey atest ood coy on_LO/1 3/7 alin rogong doemit al is ar ooew Nene ee Sy ste cea ony fee, sty ge UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE Lebpridetacat US. MAGISTRATE JUDGE DISTRICT OF NEVADA &. —prouty Wt Chek 10 aL 12 18 14 15 16 qT 18, 19 20 2 22 28 24 ATTACHMENT “A-1” ONLINE ACCOUNT TO BE SEARCHED ‘This warrant applies to information associated with the Microsoft email account [email protected] (the “Target Account 1”) from inception to present, which is stored at premises owned, maintained, controlled, or operated by Microsoft Corporation, headquartered at 1 Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington, 98052. 18 1 ATTACHMENT “A-2” a ONLINE ACCOUNT TO BE SEARCHED 38 ‘This warrant applies to information associated with the Microsoft email account 4 | [email protected] (the “Target Account 2”) from inception to present, which is stored at premises owned, maintained, controlled, or operated by Microsoft Corporation, 5 || headquartered at 1 Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington, 98052. 10 WL 12 13. 4 15 16 17 18, 19 21 22 23 9 10 u 12 13 14 16 16 iv 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ATTACHMENT “B” Particular Things to be Seized L i i the Service Provid ‘To the extent that the information described in Attachments Al and A2 is within the possession, custody, or control of Microsoft, including any Emails, records, files, logs, or information that have been deleted but are still available to Service Provider, or have been preserved pursuant to a request made under 18 U.S.C. § 2703(f), Service Provider is required to disclose the following information to the government for each account or identifier listed in Attachments A-1 and A-2 from account inception to present: a, The contents of all communications, transactions, records, documents, programs, or materials stored in or associated with any OneDrive accounts associated with or assigned to Target Accounts 1 and 2. , The contents of all communications, transactions, records, documents, programs, or materials stored in or associated with any Office 360 accounts associated with or assigned to Target Accounts 1 and 2. The contents of all communications, transactions, records, documents, programs, or materials stored in or associated with any Microsoft Family Safety accounts or services associated with or assigned to Target Accounts land 2. 4. The contents of all communications, transactions, records, documents, programs, or materials stored in or associated with any Windows Live ‘Writer accounts or services associated with or assigned to Targe! Accounts land 2, . The contents of all communications, transactions, records, documents, programs, or materials stored in or associated with any Windows Live Mail aceounts or services associated with or assigned to Target Accounts 1 and 2 £ The contents of all communications, transactions, records, documents, programs, or materials stored in or associated with any Windows Photo Gallery accounts or services associated with or assigned to Target Accounts land 2. g. The contents of all communications, transactions, records, documents, programs, or materials stored in or associated with any Windows Live Messenger accounts or services associated with or assigned to Target Accounts 1 and 2. 10 lL 12 13 4 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22, 23 24 0. Inf is 2 sei United Stat After reviewing all information described in Section I, the United States will seize evidence of violations of Title 18, United States Code Sections 32(a) @estructionDamage of Aircraft or Aircraft Facilities); 37(a)(2) (Violence at International Airport); and 922(a)(@); and 5 (Unlawful Interstate Transport/Delivery of Firearms by Non Federal Firearms Licensee); and 2 (Aiding and Abetting) (the “Subject Offenses”) that occur in the form of the following, from account inception to present: a. Communications, transactions and records that may establish ownership and control (or the degree thereof) of the Target Account, including address books, contact or buddy lists, bills, invoices, receipts, registration records, bills, correspondence, notes, records, memoranda, telephone/address books, photographs, video recordings, audio recordings, lists of names, records of payment for access to newsgroups or other online subscription services, and attachments to said communications, transactions and records. Communications, transactions and records to/from persons who may be co- ‘conspirators of the Subject Offenses, or which may identify co-conspirators. Communications, transactions and records which may show motivation to commit the Subject Offenses. Communications, transactions and records that relate to’ the Subject Offenses. The terms “communications,” “transactions”, “records,” “documents,” “programs,” or “materials” include all information recorded in any form, visual or aural, and by any means, whether in handmade form (including, but not limited to, writings, drawings, paintings), photographie form (including, but not limited to, pictures or videos), or electrical, electronic or magnetic form, as well as digital data files. These terms also include any applications (i.e. software programs). These terms expressly include, among other things, Emails, instant messages, chat logs, correspondence attached as to Emails (or drafts), calendar entries, buddy lists. a 10 1 we 18 4 15 16 w 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ATTACHMENT “C? PROTOCOL FOR SEARCHING THE ELECTRONIC DATA SEIZED PURSUANT TO THIS SEARCH WARRANT 1. Tnexecuting this warrant, the government must make reasonable efforts to use methods and procedures that will locate and expose in the electronic data produced in response to this search warrant (‘the Search Warrant Data”) those categories of data, files, documents, or other electronically stored information that are identified with particularity in the warrant, while minimizing exposure or examination of irrelevant, privileged, or confidential files to the extent reasonably practicable. 2. When the Search Warrant Data is received, the government will make a duplicate copy of the Search Warrant Data (“the Search Warrant Data Copy”). The original version of the Search Warrant Data will be sealed and preserved for purposes of: later judicial review or order to return or dispose of the Search Warrant Data; production to the defense in any criminal case if authorized by statute, rule, or the Constitution; for purposes of showing the chain of custody of the Search Warrant Data and the Search Warrant Data Copy; or for any other lawful purpose. The original of the Search Warrant Data will not be searched or examined except to ensure that it has been fully and completely replicated in the Search Warrant Data Copy. 3. The investigating agents will then search the entirety of the Search Warrant Data Copy using any and all methods and procedures deemed appropriate by the United States designed to identify the information listed as Information to be Seized in Attachment B, Section IL. The United States may copy, extract or otherwise segregate information or data listed as Information to be Seized in Attachment B, Section Il. Information or data so copied, extracted or otherwise segregated will no longer be subject. to any handling restrictions that might be set out in this protocol beyond those required by binding law. To the extent evidence of crimes not within the scope of this warrant appear in plain view during this review, a supplemental or “piggyback” warrant will be applied for in order to further search that document, data, or other item. 4. Once the Search Warrant Data Copy has been thoroughly and completely examined for any document, data, or other items identified in Attachment B, Section II as Information to be Seized, the Search Warrant Data Copy will be sealed and not subject to any further search or examination unless authorized by another search warrant or other appropriate court order. The Search Warrant Data Copy will be held and preserved for the same purposes identified above in Paragraph 2. 22, 10 un 12 13 4 15 16 at 18 19 21 23 24 5. ‘The search procedures utilized for this review are at the sole discretion of the investigating and prosecuting authorities, and may include the following techniques (the following is a non-exclusive list, as other search procedures may be used): @, _ examination of all of the data contained in the Search Warrant Data to view the data and determine whether that data falls within the items to be seized as set forth herein; b. __ searching for and attempting to recover from the Search Warrant Data any deleted, hidden, or encrypted data to determine whether that data falls within the list of items to be seized as set forth herein (any data that is encrypted and unreadable will not be returned unless law enforcement personnel have determined that the data is not (D an instrumentality of the offenses, (2) a fruit of the criminal activity, (3) contraband, @) otherwise unlawfully possessed, or (5) evidence of the offenses specified above); c. surveying varions file directories and the individual files they contain; d. opening files in order to determine their contents; e. using hash values to narrow the scope of what may be found. Hash values are under- inclusive, but are still a helpful tool; £ scanning storage areas; g. performing keyword searches through all electronic storage areas to determine whether occurrences of language contained in such storage areas exist that are likely to appear in the evidence described in Attachment Al and A2; and/or bh, performing any other data analysis technique that may be necessary to locate and retrieve the evidence described in Attachment B, Section II. Return and Review Procedures 6. Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure provides, in relevant part: (© Issuing the Warrant. (2) Contents of the Warrant. (A) Warrant to Search for and Seize a Person or Property. Except for a tracking- device warrant, the warrant must identify the person or property to be searched, identify any person or property to be seized, and designate the magistrate judge to whom it must be returned. The warrant must command the officer 23 10 un 12 13 4 16 16 ct 18 19 20 21 22 8 (@ execute the warrant within a specified time no longer than 14 days; ) Warrant Seeking Electronically Stored Information. A warrant under Rule 41(¢)(2)(A) may authorize the seizure of electronic storage media or the seizure or copying of electronically stored information. Unless otherwise specified, the warrant authorizes a later review of the media or information consistent with the warrant. The time for executing the warrant in Rule 41(e)(2)(A) and ()(1)(A) refers to the seizure or on-site copying of the media or information, and not to any later off-site copying or review. (® Executing and Returning the Warrant. (@) Warrant to Search for and Seize a Person or Property. (By Inventory. An officer present during the execution of the warrant must prepare and verify an inventory of any property seized. . . . In a case involving the seizure of electronic storage media or the seizure or copying of electronically stored information, the inventory may be limited to describing the physical storage media that were seized or copied. The officer may retain a copy of the electronically stored information that was seized or copied. 7. Pursuant to this Rule, the government understands and will act in accordance with the following: a, Pursuant to Rule 41(e)(2)(A)Gii), within fourteen (14) days of the execution ofthe warrant, an agent is required to file an inventory return with the Court, that is, tofilean itemized list of the property seized. Execution of the warrant begins when the United States serves the warrant on the named custodian; execution is complete when the custodian provides all Search Warrant Data to the United States. Within fourteen (14) days of completion of the execution of the warrant, the inventory will be filed. b. Pursuant to Rule 41(e)(2)(B), Rule 41(e)(2)(A) governs the time within which the electronically stored information must be seized after the issuance of the warrant and copied after the execution of the warrant, not the “later review of the media or information” seized, or the later off-site digital copying of that media. ce. Under Rule 41((1)@), the inventory return that is to be filed with the court may be limited to a description of the “physical storage media” into which the Search ‘Warrant Data that was seized was placed, not an itemization of the information or data stored on the “physical storage media” into which the Search Warrant Data was placed; 24 10 rer 2 1B 4 15 16 18 19 20 2 23, 24 4. Under Rule 41((1)(B), the government may retain a copy of that information for Purposes of the investigation. The government proposes that the original storage media on which the Search Warrant Data was placed plus a full image copy of the seized Search Warrant Data be retained by the government. e. Ifthe person from whom any Search Warrant Data was seized requests the return of any information in the Search Warrant Data that is not set forth in Attachment B, Section II, that information will be copied onto appropriate media and returned to the Person from whom the information was seized. 25 10 ul 12 13 4 15 16 Ww 18 19 20 21 22 24 STEVEN W. MYHRE Acting United States Attorney District of Nevada CRISTINA D. SILVA PATRICK BURNS Assistant United States Attorneys 501 Las Vegas Blvd. South, Ste. 1100 ‘Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 ‘Telephone: (702) 388-6336 Fax (702) 388-6698, iohnp.bums@usdoi gov Attorney for the United States of America D 25 0CT 13. Pie: 30 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF NEVADA -000- IN THE MATTER OF THE SEARCH OF | Magistrate No. 2:17-mj-01009-NJK INFORMATION ASSOCIATED WITH ~~ EMAIL ACCOUNT AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF CENTRALPARKIGLIVE.COMTHATIS | AN APPLICATION FOR SEARCH STORED AT A PREMISES WARRANTS CONTROLLED BY MICROSOFT. AL (Under Seal) INTHE MATTER OF THE SEARCH OF | Magistrate No. INFORMATION ASSOCIATED WITH EMAIL ACCOUNT AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF [email protected] THATIS | AN APPLICATION FOR SEARCH STORED AT A PREMISES WARRANTS CONTROLLED BY MICROSOFT. Az (Under Seal) STATE OF NEVADA) dss: COUNTY OF CLARK) m uw 10 cre 12 18. cry 15 16 7 18 19 21 22 23 24 AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF AN APPLICATION FOR SEARCH WARRANTS 1, Zachary C. Mckinney, Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), having been duly sworn, hereby depose and say: NL AC 01 1. Your Affiant makes this affidavit in support of an application for search warrants for information associated with email accounts [email protected] (“Target Account 1°) and [email protected] (“Target Account 2"). Target Account 1 is an account associated with STEPHEN PADDOCK. Target Account 2 ie an account associated with MARILOU DANLEY. The information associated with both accounts is stored at a premises owned, maintained, controlled, or operated by Microsoft Corporation (“Microsoft”), an American multinational technology company based in Redmond, Washington that specializes in Internet-related services and products along with the development and manufacturing of computer-related items. Those online services include, but are not limited to, email services, cloud computing, and many other services. The information to be searched is deseribed in the following paragraphs and in Attachment “A” (attached hereto and inedrporated herein by reference). This affidavit is made in support of an application for search warrants under 18 U.S.C. §§ 2703(a), 2703)(1)(A), and 2703(c)(1)(A) to require Microsoft to disclose to the government records and other information in its possession, pertaining to the subscriber or customer associated with the Target Accounts, 2 Tam a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, currently, assigned to Las Vegas, Nevada. I have been employed as a Special Agent of the FBI since 10 ul 12, 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 March of 2017. Over the course of my employment with the PBI, I have conducted surveillance, analyzed telephone records, interviewed witnesses, supervised activities of sources, executed search warrants, and executed arrest warrants. These investigative activities have been conducted in conjunction with a variety of investigations, to include those involving robbery, drug trafficking, human trafficking, criminal enterprises, and more. In addition to my practical experiences, I received five months of extensive law enforcement training at the FBI Academy. Previous to the FBI, I was employed as a human intelligence gatherer with the United States Army. I was trained extensively in interrogation, interview, and source handling techniques and best practices. I also received an MBA in International Business and worked with ExxonMobil as a financial manager. 3. make this affidavit in support of an application for a search warrant for information associated with the Microsoft accounts associated with [email protected]” and “[email protected],” which is stored at a premises owned, maintained, controlled, or operated by Microsoft Corporation, headquartered at One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, hereinafter referred to as “premises,” and further described in Attachments A-1 and A-2 hereto. a, Destruction/Damage of Aircraft or Aircraft Facilities - 18 U.S.C.A. § 82(2); b. Violence at International Airport - 18 U.S.C. § 37(a)(2); and ¢. Unlawful Interstate Transport/Delivery of Firearms by Non Federal Firearms Licensee ~ 18 U.S.C. §§ 922(a)(8) and (6); d. Aiding and Abetting - 18 U.S.C. § 2. 10 ML 12 13 14 16 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 (hereafter, “Subject Offenses") have been committed by STEPHEN PADDOCK, MARILOU DANLEY, and others yet unknown. There is also probable cause to search the information described in Attachment “A” for evidence of these crimes and information which might reveal the identities of others involved in these crimes, as described in Attachment “B” (attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference). PROBABLE CAUSE 4. On the evening of Sunday, October 1, 2017, Route 91 Harvest, a music festival, was in progress at 3901 South Las Vegas Boulevard, Las Vegas, Nevada. At approximately 10:08 p.m., the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) received calls reporting shots had been fired at the concert and multiple victims were struck. LVMPD determined the shots were coming from Rooms 134 and 135 on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, located due west of the festival rounds at 8950 South Las Vegas Boulevard, Las Vegas, Nevada. These rooms are an elevated position which overlooks the concert venue. Witness statements and video footage captured during the attack indicates that the weapons being used were firing in a fully-automatic fashion. 5. LVMPD officers ultimately made entry into the room and located an individual later identified as Stephen Paddock. Paddock was deceased from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. Paddock’s Nevada driver's license was located in the Mandalay Bay hotel room with Paddock, and both hotel rooms were registered in his name. A player's club card in name of Marilou Danley was located in Paddock’s room, and the card returned to the address located on Babbling Brook Street in Mesquite, Nevada. FBI Agents 10 u 12. 13 14 1B 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 located Danley, who was traveling outside the United Siates at the time of the shooting. It was ultimately determined that Danley resided with Paddock at the Babbling Brook address. 7. ‘On October 2, 2017, search warrants were executed on Paddock’s Mandalay Bay hotel rooms, Paddock’s vehicle at Mandalay Bay, and two Nevada residences owed by Paddock: 1372 Babbling Brook Court in Mesquite, and 1785 Del Webb Parkway in Reno, Nevada. Officers and Agents found over 20 firearms, hundreds of rounds of ammunition, and hundreds of spent shell casings in the Mandalay Bay hotel rooms, in close proximity to Paddock’s body. Over a thousand rounds of rifle ammunition and 100 pounds of explosive material was found in Paddock’s vehicle. Additional explosive material, approximately 18 firearms, and over 1,000 rounds of ammunition was located at the Mesquite residence. A large quantity of ammunition and multiple firearms were recovered from the Reno residence. 8 As of this date, 58 people have been identified to have been killed in Paddock’s attack and another 557 were reportedly injured. Additionally, investigators discovered that STEPHEN PADDOCK also utilized a firearm to shoot large fuel tanks on Las Vegas McCarran International Airport property. Multiple bullet holes were found on the tank, which investigators believe was an attempt by STEPHEN PADDOCK to cause the tanks to explode. 9, In an effort to determine whether or not STEPHEN PADDOCK was assisted and/or conspired with unknown individuals, investigators have attempted to identify all of STEPHEN PADDOCK’s ascociated. It was quickly determined that a casino player's card in the name of MARILOU DANLEY was located in the room at the 10 uw 12 13. “4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 time of the attack. She has been identified thus far as the most likely person who aided or abetted STEPHEN PADDOCK based on her informing law enforcement that her fingerprints would likely be found on the ammunition used during the attack. Subsequently, investigators worked to identify the communication facilities utilized by STEPHEN PADDOCK and MARILOU DANLEY. 10. Based on a review of STEPHEN PADDOCK’s financial accounts, Target Account 1 was determined to belong to STEPHEN PADDOCK. On October 3, 2017, investigators requested an emergency disclosure of records from Microsoft related to Target Account 1 so it could be immediately searched for any evidence of additional co- conspirators. Unfortunately, the information was only requested for a six-month timeframe. Within the account, investigators identified Target Account 2 as one that belonged to MARILOU DANLEY, which was clear based on the communications between the two email accounts. In an interview, DANLEY stated that PADDOCK had access to one of her email accounts, which investigators believe to be Target Account 2. 11. On September 25, 2017, an email was exchanged between the Target Accounts which discussed a wire transfer of funds which was to be sent by STEPHEN PADDOCK to MARILOU DANLEY. It is unclear what the purpose of the wire transfer was, but MARILOU DANLEY is known to have been in the Philippines at the time. 12. Additionally, on July 6, 2017, Target Account 1 sent an email to [email protected] which read, “try an ar before u buy. we have huge selection. located in the las vegas area.” Later that day, an email was received back from [email protected] to Target Account 1 that read, “we have a wide variety of optics and ammunition to try.” And lastly, Target Account 1 later sent an email to 10 u 12 13 14 15 16 W 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 [email protected] that read, “for a thrill try out bumpfire ar's with a 100 round magazine.” Investigators believe these communications may have been related to the eventual attack that occurred at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. 18. Your Affiant believes the requested search warrants will yield significant information from Microsoft such as STEPHEN PADDOCK's and MARILOU DANLEY’s contact lists, email messages content, IP address usage, photographs, third-party applications associated with the account, and more, which may constitute evidence of the planning of the attack and potentially identify other participants in the attack. Ultimately, your Affiant strongly believes the requested information will lead investigators to determine the full scope of STEPHEN PADDOCK’s plan and MARILOU DANLEY’s possible involvement. 14, Investigators have previously sought and obtained a search warrant to examine the contents of both Target Accounts 1 and 2, After execution of that warrant, however, it became apparent and was confirmed with Microsoft that Microsoft was refusing to provide data related to/contained in the OneDrive online storage files for either account. Microsoft indicated to investigators that it did not believe such information was encompassed by the items to be produced that were specified in the original warrant. Investigators believe therefore that there is additional evidence Microsoft currently possesses that relates to the OneDrive online storage service, as well as potentially in a suite of other online services that Microsoft offers, "including Office 865, Windows Live Mail, Windows Live Writer, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows Live ‘Messenger, Microsoft Family Safety, and Microsoft Outlook Hotmail Connector. Thus, 10 uw 2 13, 14 15 16 Ww 18 19 20 21 22 23 your Affiant seeks more specific authorization to seize and search the OneDrive and other service data specified in Attachment B of the instant warrant application, ELEV, c. TE) 15. The following non-exhaustive list of definitions applies to this Affidavit and the Attachments to this Affidavit: a. The “Internet” is a worldwide network of computer systems operated by governmental entities, corparations, and universities. In order to access the Internet, an individual computer user must subscribe to an access provider, which operates a host computer system with direct access to the Internet. The World Wide Web is a functionality of the Internet, which allows users of the Internet to share information. b, “Internet Service Providers” are companies that provide access to the Internet. ISPs can also provide other services for their customers including website hosting, email service, remote storage, and co-location of computers and other communications equipment. ISPs offer different ways to access the Internet including telephone-based (dial-up), broadband-based access via a digital subscriber line (DSL) or cable television, dedicated circuits, or satellite-based subscription. ISPs typically charge a fee based upon the type of connection and volume of data (bandwidth). Many ISPs assign each subscriber an account name, such as a user name, an email address, and an email mailbox, and the subscriber typically creates a password for his/her account. ¢ “ISP Records” are records maintained by ISPs pertaining to their subscribers (regardless of whether those subscribers are individuals or entities). These records may include account application information, subscriber and billing information, ‘account access information (often in the form of log files), emails, information concerning 10 i 12 18. 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 28 24 content uploaded and/or stored on the ISP's servers, and other information, which may be stored both in computer data format and in written or printed record format. ISPs reserve and/or maintain computer disk storage space on their computer system for their subscribers’ use. This service by ISPs allows for both temporary and long-term storage of electronic communications and many other types of electronic data and files. 4. “Online service providers” (also referred to here as “service providers”) aré companies that provide online services such as email, chat or instant messaging, word processing applications, spreadsheet applications, presentation applications similar to PowerPoint, online calendar, photo storage and remote storage services. Sometimes they also can provide web hosting, remote storage, and co-location of computers and other communications equipment. Typically, each service provider assigns each subscriber an account name, such as a user name or screen name and the subscriber typically creates a password for his/her account. €. “Computer,” as used herein, is defined as “an electronic, magnetic, optical, electrochemical, or other high speed data processing device performing logical or storage functions, and includes any data storage facility or communications facility directly related to or operating in conjunction with such devic £ A “server” is a centralized computer that provides services for other computers connected to it via a network. The other computers attached to a server are sometimes called “clients.” For example, in a large company, it is common for individual employees to have client computers at their desktops. When the employees access their email, or access files stored on the network itself, those files are pulled electronically from the server, where they are stored, and are sent to the client's computer via the 10 1 12 1B 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 8 network. Notably, servers can be physically stored in any location: it is not uncommon for a network's server to be located hundreds (and even thousands) of miles away from the client computers. 8 “Internet Protocol address,” or “IP address,” refers to a unique number used by a computer to access the Internet. IP addresses can be dynamic, meaning that the Internet Service Provider (ISP) assigns a different unique number to a computer every time it accesses the Internet. IP addresses might also be static, that is, an ISP assigns a user's computer a particular IP address which is used each time the computer accesses the Internet, h. ‘The term “domain” refers to a word used as a name for computers, networks, services, ete. A domain name typically represents a website, a server computer that hosts that website, or even some computer (or other digital deviee) connected to the internet. Essentially, when a website (or a server computer that hosts that website) is connected to the internet, it is assigned an IP address. Because IP addresses are difficult for people to remember, domain names are instead used because they are easier to remember than IP addresses. Domain names are formed by the rules and procedures of the Domain Name System (DNS). A common top level domain under these rules is “.com” for commercial organizations, “ gov” for the United States government, and “org” for organizations. For example, www.usdoi,gov is the domain name that identifies a server used by the U.S. Department of Justice, and which uses IP address of 149,101.46.71. i. “Web hosting services” maintain server computers connected to the Internet. Their customers use those computers to operate websites on the Internet. Customers of web hosting companies place files, software code, databases, and other data 10 10 u 12 13 4 15 16 Ww 18 19 21 22 23 24 on servers. To do this, customers typically connect from their own computers to the server computers across the Internet. i. The term “Whols" lookup refers to a search of a publicly available ‘online database that lists information provided when a domain is registered or when an IP address is assigned. k. The terms “communications,” “records,” “documents,” “programs,” or “materials” include all information recorded in any form, visual or aural, and by any means, whether in handmade form (including, but not limited to, writings, drawings, paintings), photographic form (including, but not limited to, pictures or videos), or electrical, electronic or magnetic form, as well as digital data files. These terms also include any applications (1. software programs). These terms expressly include, among other things, emails, instant messages, chat logs, correspondence attached as to emails (or drafts), calendar entries, buddy lists. 1. “Chat” is usually a real time electronic communication between two or'more individuals. Unlike email, which is frequently sent, then read and responded to minutes, hours, or even days later, chats frequently involve an immediate conversation between individuals, similar to a face-to-face conversation. Nearly all chat programs are ‘capable of saving the chat transcript, to enable users to preserve a record of the conversation. By default, come chat programs have this capability enabled, while others do not. Many popular web-based email providers, like Microsoft and Microsoft, provide chat functionality as part of the online services they provide to account holders. mt ue u 10 rey 12 13. 14 15 16 Ww 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 E OU L 16. In my training, my experience and this investigation, I have learned that Microsoft (the Service Provider) is a company that provides free web-based Internet email access to the general public, and that stored electronic communications, including opened and unopened email for Microsoft subscribers may be located on the computers of Microsoft. I have also learned that Microsoft Inc. provides various on-line service messaging services to the general public. Instant Messaging (‘IM’) is a form of real-time direct text-based communication between two or more people using shared clients. The text is conveyed via devices connected over a network such as the Internet. In addition to text, Microsoft’s software allows users with the most current updated versions to utilize its webcam service. This option enables users from distances all over the world to view others who have installed a webcam on their end. Thus, the Service Provider's servers will contain’a wide variety of the subsetiber's files, including emails, address books, contact or buddy lists, calendar data, pictures, chat logs, and other files. 17. To use these services, subscribers register for online accounts like the ‘Target Accounts. During the registration process, service providers such as the ones here ‘ask subscribers to provide basic personal information. This information can include the subscriber's full name, physical address, telephone numbers and other identifiers, alternative email addresses, and, for paying subscribers, means and source of payment, (acluding any credit card or bank account number). Based on my training and my experience, I know that subscribers may insert false information to conceal their identity; even if this proves to be the case, however, I know that this information often provide clues to their identity, location or illicit activities. 2 10 M1 12 13 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 18. _Ingeneral, when a subscriber receives an email, it is typically stored in the subscriber's “mail box” on that service provider's servers until the subscriber deletes the Email. Ifthe subscriber does not delete the message, the message (and any attachments) can remain on that service provider's servers indefinitely. 19. _ Similarly, when the subscriber sends an email, it is initiated at the subscriber's computer, transferred via the Internet to the service provider's servers, and then transmitted to its end destination. That service provider often saves a copy of the email sent. Unless the sender of the email specifically deletes the Email from the provider's server, the email can remain on the system indefinitely. 20. A sent or received email typically includes the content of the message, source and destination addresses, the date and time at which the email was sent, and the size and length of the email. If an email user writes a draft message but does not send it, that message may also be saved by that service provider, but may not include all of these categories of data. 21. Just as a computer on a desk can be used to store a wide variety of files, so can online accounts, such as the accounts subject to this application. First, subscribers can store many types of files as attachments to emails in online accounts. Second, because service providers provide the services listed above (e.g. word processing, spreadsheets, pictures), subscribers who use these services usually store documents on servers maintained and/or owned by service providers. Thus, these online accounts often contain documents such as pictures, audio or video recordings, logs, spreadsheets, applications and other files. 1B 10 il 12 13 14 13 16 iv 18 19 21 8 24 22, Reviewing files stored in online accounts raises many of the same difficulties as with reviewing files stored on a local computer. For example, based on my training, my experience and this investigation, I know that eubscribers of these online services can conceal their activities by altering files before they upload them to the online service. Subscribers can change file names to more innocuous sounding names (e.g. renaming “FraudRecords.doc” to “ChristmasList.doc’), they can change file extensions tomake one kind of file appear like a different type of file (e.g. changing the spreadsheet “StolenCreditProfiles xls” to “FamilyPhoto.jpg” to appear to be a picture file, where the file extension “xis” denotes an Excel spreadsheet file and “jpg” a JPEG format image file), or they can change the times and dates a file was last accessed or modified by changing a computer’s system time/date and then uploading that file to the Online Accounts. Thus, to detect any files that the subscriber may have concealed, agents will need to review all of the files in the Target Accounts; they will, however, only seize the items that the Court authorizes to be seized. Similarly, subscribers can conceal their activities by encrypting files. Thus, these files may need to be decrypted to detect whether it constitutes an Item to be Seized. 23. I also believe that people engaged in crimes such as the one described herein often use online accounts because they give people engaged in these crimes a way to easily communicate with other co-conspirators. Moreover, online accounts are easily concealed from law enforcement. Unlike physical documents, electronic documents can be stored in a physical place far away, where they are less likely to be discovered. 24, Service providers typically retain certain transactional information about the creation and use of each account on their systems. This information can include the M 10 11 12 13. 14 16 16 i 18 19 21 22 23 date on which the account was éreated, the length of service, records of log-in (Le., session) times and durations, the types of service utilized, the status of the account (including whether the account is inactive or closed), the methods used to connect to the ‘account (such as logging into the account via websites controlled by the Service Provider), and other log files that reflect usage of the account. In addition, service Providers often have records of the Internet Protocol address (“IP address”) used to register the account and the IP addresses associated with particular logins to the ‘account, Because every device that connects to the Internet must use an IP address, IP address information can help to identify which computers or other devices were used to access the online account. 25. In some cases, subscribers will communicate directly with a service provider about issues relating to the account, such as technical problems, billing inquiries, or complaints from or about other users. Service providers typically retain records about such communications, including records of contacts between the user and. the provider's support services, as well records of any actions taken by the provider or user as a result of the communications. 26. _Inmy training and experience, evidence of who was using an online account may be found in address books, contact or buddy lists, emails in the account, and pictures and files, whether stored as attachments or in the suite of the service provider's online applications. Therefore, the computers of the Service Providers are likely to contain stored electronic communications (including retrieved and un-retrieved email for their subscribers) and information concerning subscribers and their use of the provider's 15 10 iL 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 24 services, such as account access information, email transaction information, documents, pictures, and account application information. 27. Microsoft maintains and offers its users the use of OneDrive. OneDrive is a file-hosting service operated by Microsoft as part ofits suite of online services. It allows users to store files as well as other personal data like Windows settings or BitLocker recovery keys in the cloud. Files can be synced to a PC and accessed from a web browser or a mobile device, as well as shared publicly or with specific people. OneDrive offers 5 gigabytes of storage space free of charge; additional storage can be added either separately or through subscriptions to other Microsoft services including Office 365 and Groove Music. 28, Microsoft offers additional services that may be accessed in relation to and share associated information with a user’s email account, including: Office 365, Windows Live Mail, Windows Live Writer, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows Live Messenger, Microsoft Family Safety, and Microsoft Outlook Hotmail Connector. INFORMATION TO BE SEARCHED AND THINGS TO BE SEIZED 29. Your Affiant anticipates executing these warrants under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, in particular 18 U.S.C. §§ 2703(a), 2708(b)(1)(A) and 2703(€)(1)(A), by using the warrant to require Microsoft to disclose to the government copies of the records and other information (including the content of communications) particularly described in Section I of Attachment “B.” Upon receipt of the information described in Section I of Attachment “B,” government-authorized persons will review that information to locate the items described in Section II of Attachment °B. 16 10 1k 12 13. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CONCLUSION 30. Based on the forgoing, I request that the Court issue the proposed search warrant. This Court has jurisdiction to issue the requested warrant because it is “a court of competent jurisdiction” as defined by 18 U.S.C. § 2711. 18 U.S.C. §§ 2703(a), (b)(1)(A) & ©(1)(A). Specifically, the Court is “a district court of the United States ... that — has jurisdiction over the offense being investigated.” 18 U.S.C. § 2711(8)(A)(). Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 2703(g), the presence of a law enforcement officer is not required for the ‘service or execution of this warrant. REQUEST FOR SEALING 31. I further request that the Court order that all papers in support of this application, including the affidavit and search warrant, be sealed until further ordér of the Court. These documents discuss an ongoing criminal investigation that is neither public nor known to all of the targets of the investigation. Accordingly, there is good cause. to seal these documents because their premature disclosure may seriously jeopardize that investigation. Respectfully Submitted, Zachary C. McKinney, Special Agent Federal Bureau of Investigation SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me this (3 day of October 2017 bt ae resttyon_lO/t by cine Sag esa. NANCY J. KOPPE: UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE oC emer Ww 10 lL 12 13 uw 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 22 24 ATTACHMENT “4-1” ONLINE ACCOUNT TO BE SEARCHED ‘This warrant applies to information associated with the Microsoft email account [email protected] (the “Target Account 1”) from inception to present, which is stored at premises owned, maintained, controlled, or operated by Microsoft Corporation, headquartered at 1 Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington, 98052. 10 i 12 13 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 24 22 23 24 ATTACHMENT “A.2” ONLINE ACCOUNT TO BE SEARCHED ‘This warrant applies to information associated with the Microsoft email account [email protected] (the “Target Account 2") from inception to present, which is stored at premises owned, maintained, controlled, or operated by Microsoft Corporation, headquartered at 1 Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington, 98052. 39 10 oa 12 1g 14 15 16 7 18. 19 20 21 23 24 ATTACHMENT “B” Hicular Thit jeized L — Informati e di by the Servic wis ‘To the extent that the information described in Attachments Al and A2 is within the possession, custody, or control of Microsoft, including any Emails, records, files, logs, or information that have been deleted but are still available to Service Provider, or have been preserved pursuant to a request made under 18 U.S.C. § 2703(f), Service Provider is required to disclose the following information to the government for each account or identifier listed in Attachments A-1 and A-2 from account inception to present: a. The contents of all communications, transactions, records, documents, programs, or materials stored in or associated with any OneDrive accounts associated with or assigned to Target Accounts 1 and’2. b. ‘The contents of all communications, transactions, records, documents, programs, or materials stored in or associated with any Office 360 accounts associated with or assigned to Target Accounts 1 and 2. c. ‘The contents of all communications, transactions, records, documents, programs, or materials stored in or associated with any Microsoft Family Safety accounts or services associated with or assigned to Target Accounts Land 2, 4, The contents of all communications, transactions, records, documents, programs, or materials stored in or associated with any Windows Live Writer accounts or services associated with or assigned to Target Accounts Land2. e. The contents of all communications, transactions, records, documents, programs, or materials stored in or associated with any Windows Live Mail accounts or services associated with or assigned to Target Accounts 1 and 2. {The contents of all communications, transactions, records, documents, programs, or materials stored in or associated with any Windows Photo Gallery accounts or services associated with or assigned to Target Accounts land 2, g. The contents of all communications, transactions, records, documents, programs, or materials stored in or associated with any Windows Live Messenger accounts or services associated with or assigned to Target Accounts 1 and 2. 20 10 u 12 13. 14 1B 16 7 18 19 20 2 22 23 24 Tin is i e Unit After reviewing all information described in Section I, the United States will seize evidence of violations of Title 18, United States Code Sections 32(a) @estructionDamage of Aircraft or Aircraft Facilities); 37(a\(2) (Violence at International Airport); and 922(a)(8); and 6 (Unlawful Interstate Transport/Delivery of Firearms by Non Federal Firearms Licensee); and 2 (Aiding and Abetting) (the “Subject Offfenses”) that occur in the form of the following, from account inception to present: a. Communications, transactions and records that may establish ownership and control (or the degree thereof) of the Target Account, including address books, contact or buddy lists, bills, invoices, receipts, registration records, bills, correspondence, notes, records, memoranda, telephone/address books, photographs, video recordings, audio recordings, lists of names, records of payment for access to newsgroups or other online subscription services, and attachments to said communications, transactions and records. b. Communications, transactions and records to/from persons who may be co- conspirators of the Subject Offenses, or which may identify co-conspirators. c. Communications, transactions and records which may show motivation to commit the Subject Offenses. 4. Communications, transactions and records that relate to the Subject Offenses. ec. The terms “communications,” “transactions”, “records,” “documents,” “programs,” or “materials” include all information recorded in any form, visual or aural, and by any means, whether in handmade form (including, but not limited to, writings, drawings, paintings), photograpbic form (including, but not limited to, pictures or videos), or electrical, electronic or magnetic form, as well as digital data files. These terms also include any applications (Le. software programs). These terms expressly include, among other things, Emails, instant messages, chat logs, correspondence attached as to Emails (or drafts), calendar entries, buddy lists. 21 10 ul 12 13 14 16 16 WW 18. 19 20 21 22 23 24 ATTACHMENT “C” PROTOCOL FOR SEARCHING THE ELECTRONIC DATA SEIZED PURSUANT TO THIS SEARCH WARRANT 1. Inexecuting this warrant, the government must make reasonable efforts to ‘use methods and procedures that will locate and expose in the electronic data produced in response to this search warrant (‘the Search Warrant Data”) those categories of data, files, documents, or other electronically stored information that are identified with particularity in the warrant, while minimizing exposure or examination of irrelevant, privileged, or confidential files to the extent reasonably practicable. 2, When the Search Warrant Data is received, the government will make a duplicate copy of the Search Warrant Daia (“the Search Warrant Data Copy”). The original version of the Search Warrant Data will be sealed and preserved for purposes oft later judicial review or order to xeturn or dispose of the Search Warrant Data: production to the defense in any criminal case if authorized by statute, rule, or the Constitution; for purposes of showing the chain of custody of the Search Warrant Data and the Search Warrant Data Copy; or for any other lawful purpose. The original of the Search Warrant Data will not be searched or examined except to ensure that it has been fully and completely replicated in the Search Warrant Data Copy. 3. ‘The investigating agents will then search the entirety of the Search Warrant Data Copy using any and all methods and procedures deemed appropriate by ‘the United States designed to identify the information listed as Information to be Seized in Attachment B, Section II. The United States may copy, extract or otherwise segregate information or data listed as Information to be Seized in Attachment B, Section II. Information or data so copied, extracted or otherwise segregated will no longer be subject, to any handling restrictions that might be set out in this protocol beyond those required hy binding law. To the extent evidence of crimes not within the scope of this warrant appear in plain view during this review, a supplemental or “piggyback” warrant will be applied for in order to further search that document, data, or other item. 4. Once the Search Warrant Data Copy has been thoroughly and completely examined for any document, data, or other items identified in Attachment B, Section II as Information to be Seized, the Search Warrant Data Copy will be sealed and not subject to any further search or examination unless authorized by another search warrant or other appropriate court order. The Search Warrant Data Copy will be held and preserved for the same purposes identified above in Paragraph 2. 10 lL 12 13 4 16 is Ww 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 5. The search procedures utilized for this review are at the sole discretion of the investigating and prosecuting authorities, and may include the following techniques, (the following is a non-exclusive list, as other search procedures may be used): a. _ examination of all of the data contained in the Search Warrant Data to view the data and determine whether that data falls within the items to be seized as cet forth herein; b. searching for and attempting to recover from the Search Warrant Data any deleted, hidden, or encrypted data to determine whether that data falls within the list, of items to be seized as set forth herein (any data that is encrypted and unreadable will not be returned unless law enforcement personnel have determined that the data is not (1) an instrumentality of the offenses, (2) a fruit of the criminal activity, (3) contraband, (A) otherwise unlawfully possessed, or (5) evidence of the offenses specified above); ©. surveying various file directories and the individual files they contain; d. opening files in order to determine their content e. using hash values to narrow the scope of what may be found. Hash values are under- inclusive, but are still a helpful tool; £ scanning storage areas; g. performing keyword searches through all electronic storage areas to determine whether occurrences of language contained in such storage areas exist that are likely to appear in the evidence described in Attachment Al and A2; and/or h. performing any other data analysis technique that may be necessary to locate and retrieve the evidence described in Attachment B, Section II. Return and Review Procedures 6 Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure provides, in relevant part: (©) Issuing the Warrant. (2) Contents of the Warrant. (A) Warrant to Search for and Seize a Person or Property. Except for a tracking- device warrant, the warrant must identify the person or property to be searched, identify any person or property to be seized, and designate the magistrate judge to whom it must be returned. The warrant must command the officer to: 10 L 12 13, 4 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 (@ execute the warrant within a specified time no longer than 14 days; @) Warrant Seeking Electronically Stored Information. A warrant under Rule 41(@(@M(A) may authorize the seizure of electronic storage media or the seizure or copying of electronically stored information. Unless otherwise specified, the warrant authorizes a later review of the media or information consistent with the warrant. The time for executing the warrant in Rule 41(e)(2)(A) and (f)(1)(A) refers to the seizure or on-site copying of the media or information, and not to any later off-site copying or review. @ Executing and Returning the Warrant. @) Warrant to Search for and Seize a Person or Property. @B) Inventory. An officer present during the execution of the warrant must prepare and verify an inventory of any property seized. . . . In a case involving the seizure of electronic storage media or the seizure or copying of electronically stored information, the inventory may be limited to describing the physical storage media that were seized or copied. The officer may retain a copy of the electronically stored information that was seized or copied. 7. Pursuant to this Rule, the government understands and will act in accordance with the following: a, Pursuant to Rule 41(e)(2)(A)(ii), within fourteen (14) days of the execution of the warrant, an agent is required to file an inventory return with the Court, that is, tofile an itemized list of the property seized. Execution of the warrant begins when, the United States serves the warrant on the named custodian; execution is complete when the custodian provides all Search Warrant Data to the United States. Within fourteen (14) days of completion of the execution of the warrant, the inventory will be filed. b. Pursuant to Rule 41(e)(2)(B), Rule 41(e\(2(A) governs the time within which the electronically stored information miust be seized after the issuance of the warrant and copied after the execution of the warrant, not the “later review of the media or information” seized, or the later off-site digital copying of that media. ¢. Under Rule 41((1)@), the inventory return that is to be filed with the court may be limited to a description of the “physical storage media” into which the Search Warrant Data that was seized was placed, not an itemization of the information or data stored on the “physical storage media” into which the Search Warrant Data was placed; 10 nl 12 13 4 15 16 W 18 19 24 22 8 4. Under Rule 41((1)@), the government may retain a copy of that information for Purposes of the investigation, The government proposes that the original storage media on which the Search Warrant Data was placed plus a full image copy of the seized Search Warrant Data be retained by the government. ¢. Ifthe person from whom any Search Warrant Data was seized requests the return, of any information in the Search Warrant Data that is not set forth in Attachment B, Section II, that information will be copied onto appropriate media and returned to the person from whom the information was seized. 25 AS n093 (Rev. 1/3) Search ne Seine Ware UNITED STATES DISTRICT Court 4 oo a ‘for the District of Nevada In the Matter ofthe Search of (riety deseribe the propery to be searched ‘or iden the person by name and address) EMAIL ACCOUNT CENTRALPARK [email protected] THAT 1S STORED AT A PREMISES CONTROLLED BY MICROSOFT. At SEARCH AND SEIZURE WARRANT To: Any authorized law enforcement officer ‘An application by a federal law enforcement officer or an attorney for the government requests the search of the following person or property located in the District of Nevada (identify the person or describe the property tobe searched and give locaton) SEE ATTACHMENT At Case No. 2:17-mij-01009-NIK. 1 find tha the affidavit(s), or any recorded testimony, establish probable cause to search and seize the person or property Jesribed above, and that suc search wil reveal (teu the person or describe the property lobe seized) ‘SEE ATTACHMENTS B and ¢ ‘OU ARE COMMANDED to execute this warrant on or before Ophobes 2% OL? (wort exceed doy) nthe dayne 6:00 2m. to 10:00 pm. Chat any time inthe day or night because good cause bas been established Unless delayed notice is authorized below, you must give a copy ofthe warrant and a receipt forthe property taken tothe person from whom, ot fiom whose premises, the property was taken, ot leave the copy and receipt at the place where the property was taken, ‘The officer executing tis warrant, or an officer present during the execution of the warrant, must prepare an inventory as required by law and promptly return this warrant and inventory to NANCY.1. KOPPE : (ted Se Magura akg) © Pursuant 18 U.S.C. § 3103a(b, | fnd that immediate notification may have an adverse result listed in 18 US.C. § 2705 (except for delay of trial), and authorize the officer executing this warrant to delay noice tothe person who, or whose property, willbe searched or seized (tek se appropiate bas) 1 for _days nero cent 0) unl he faci justifying, the later specific date of at ast open fn NANCY J. KOPPE oa a Tage siete 20 STATES MIRSISTRATE JUDE Printed wane onde city and state: Las Vegas, Nevada 10 u 12 13 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 ATTACHMENT “A-1” ONLINE ACCOUNT TO BE SEARCHED ‘This warrant applies to information associated with the Microsoft email account centralpark1@livecom (the “Target Account 1”) from inception to present, which is stored at premises owned, maintained, controlled, or operated by Microsoft Corporation, headquartered at 1 Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington, 98052. 18 10 rey 12 18 4 16 17 18 19 20 aL 22 23, 24 ATTACHMENT “B” Parti th © Sei L c i i lex To the extent that the information described in Attachments Al and A2 is within the possession, custody, or control of Microsoft, including any Emails, records, files, logs, or information that have been deleted but are still available to Service Provider, or have been preserved pursuant to a request made under 18 U.S.C. § 2703(4), Service Provider is required to disclose the following information to the government for each account or identifier listed in Attachments A-1 and A-2 from account inception to present: a. ‘The contents of all communications, transactions, records, documents, programe, or materials stored in or associated with any OneDrive accounts associated with or assigned to Target Accounts 1 and 2 b. ‘The contents of all communications, transactions, records, documents, programs, or materials stored in or associated with any Office 360 accounts associated with or assigned to Target Accounts 1 and 2. c. ‘The contents of all communications, transactions, records, documents, programs, or materials stored in or associated with any Microsoft Family Safety accounts or services associated with or assigned to Target Accounts Land 2. d. ‘The contents of all communications, transactions, records, documents, programs, or materials stored in or associated with any Windows Live Writer accounts or services associated with or assigned to Target Accounts land 2. ‘The contents of all communications, transactions, records, documents, programs, or materials stored in or associated with any Windows Live Mail accounts or services associated with or assigned to Target Accounts 1 and 2 cas The contents of all communications, transactions, records, documents, programs, or materials stored in or associated with any Windows Photo Gallery accounts or services associated with or assigned to Target Accounts land 2, & The contents of all communications, transactions, records, documents, programs, or materials stored in or associated with any Windows Live Messenger accounts or services associated with or assigned to Target Accounts 1 and 2. “N 10 uw 12 13 4 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 IL. tio: i its After reviewing all information described in Section I, the United States will seize evidence of violations of Title 18, United States Code Sections 32(a) @estructionDamage of Aircraft or Aircraft Facilities); 37(a)(2) (Violence at International Airport); and 922(a)(8); and 5 (Unlawful Interstate Transport/Delivery of Firearms by Non Federal Firearms Licensee); and 2 (Aiding and Abetting) (the “Subject Offenses”) that occur in the form of the following, from account inception to present: a, Communications, transactions and records that may establish ownership and control (or the degree thereof) of the Target Account, including address books, contact or buddy lists, bills, invoices, receipts, registration records, bills, correspondence, notes, records, memoranda, telepbone/address books, photographs, video recordings, audio recordings, lists of names, records of payment for access to newsgroups or other online subscription services, and attachments to said communications, transactions and records. b. Communications, transactions and records to/from persons who may be co- conspirators of the Subject Offenses, or which may identify co-conspirators. ¢. Communications, transactions and records which may show motivation to commit the Subject Offenses. 4. Communications, transactions and records that relate to the Subject Offenses. e The terms “communications,” “transactions”, “records,” “documents,” “programs,” or “materials” include all information recorded in any form, visual or aural, and by any means, whether in handmade form (including, but not limited to, writings, drawings, paintings), photographie form (cluding, but not limited to, pictures or videos), or electrical, electronic or magnetic form, as well as digital data files. These terms also include any applications (ie. software programs). These terms expressly include, among other things, Emails, instant messages, chat logs, correspondence attached. as to Emails (or drafts), calendar entries, buddy lists. 21 10 a 12 13 14 15 16 qT 18 19 a1 24. STEVEN W. MYHRE Acting United States Attorney District of Nevada CRISTINA D. SILVA PATRICK BURNS: Assistant United States Attorneys 501 Las Vegas Blvd. South, Ste. 1100 Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 ‘Telephone: (702) 388-6336 Fax (702) 388-6698 jobn.p.burns@usdo} gov Attomey for the United States of America UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF NEVADA -000- IN THE MATTER OF THE SEARCH OF INFORMATION ASSOCIATED WITH EMAIL ACCOUNTS: CENTRALPARKIGLIVE.COM THAT IS STORED AT A PREMISES CONTROLLED BY MICROSOFT. A1 IN THE MATTER OF THE SEARCH OF INFORMATION ASSOCIATED WITH EMAIL ACCOUNTS: [email protected] THAT IS STORED AT A PREMISES CONTROLLED BY MICROSOFT. A2 STATE OF NEVADA) des: COUNTY OF CLARK) Magistrate No. |Z si Gust -WIIK AFFIDAVIT IN SI RT OF AN APPLICATION FOR SEARCH WARRANTS (Under Seal) Magistrate No. AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF AN APPLICATION FOR SEARCH WARRANTS (Under Seal) 10 uw 12 13 4 16 16 17 18 19 21 22 8 AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF AN APPLICATION FOR SEARCH WARRANTS 1, Ryan S. Burke, Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBD), having been duly sworn, hereby depose and say: INTRODUCTION AND AGENT BACKGROUND 1. Your Affiant makes this affidavit in support of an application for search warrants for information associated with email accounts centralpark1@live,com (“Target Account 1”) and [email protected] (“Target Account 2). Target Account 1 is an account associated with STEPHEN PADDOCK. Target Account 2 is an account associated with MARILOU DANLEY. The information associated with both accounts is stored at a premises owned, maintained, controlled, or operated by Microsoft Corporation (“Microsoft”), an American multinational technology company based in Redmond, Washington that specializes in Internet-related services and products along with the development and manufacturing of computer-related items. Those online services include, but are not limited to, email services, cloud computing, and many other services. The information to be searched is described in the following paragraphs and in Attachment “A” (attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference). This affidavit is made in support of an application for search warrants under 18 U.S.C. §§ 2703¢a), 2T0B(XAKA), and 2703(c1XA) to require Microsoft to disclose to the government records and other information in its possession, pertaining to the subscriber or customer associated with the Target Accounts. 2. Tam an “investigative or law enforcement officer of the United States” within the meaning of Title 18, United States Code, Section 2510(7), that is, an officer of 10 lu 12 13 4 15 16 Mt 18 19 20 a1 22 23 24 the United States who is empowered by law to conduct investigations of, and to make arrests for, offenses enumerated in Title 18, United States Code, Section 2516. 3. [have been employed as a Special Agent of the FBI for approximately five years, which began at the FBI Academy in October 2012. Upon completion of the academy, I was transferred to the Las Vegas Division's white collar crime squad and then the human trafficking squad. Sinee October 2015, Ihave been assigned to the Las Vegas Division's violent crime/gang squad. Additionally, I have been a certified member of the FBPs Cellular Analysis Survey Team since August 2015 due to my expertise in the field of historical call site analysis. During my tenure with the FBI, I have conducted surveillance, analyzed telephone records, interviewed witnesses, supervised activities of sources, executed search warrants, executed arrest warrants, and participated in court-authorized intereeptions of wire and electronic communications. These investigative activities have een conducted in conjunction with a variety of investigations, to include those involving robbery, drug trafficking, kidnapping, murder, criminal enterprises, and more. In addition tomy practical experiences, I received five months of extensive law enforcement training at the FBI Academy. 5. The facts in this affidavit are derived from your Affiant’s personal observations, his training and experience, and information cbtained from other agents, detectives, and witnesses. This affidavit is intended to show merely that there is sufficient probable cause for the requested warrants and does not set forth all of the Affiant’s knowledge about this matter. ~ 10 i 12 13. 14 15 16 17 18 1g 21 22, 23. 24 6. Based on your Affiant’s training and experience and the facts as set forth in this affidavit, there is probable cause to believe that violations of: a, Destruction/Damage of Aircraft or Aircraft Facilities - 18 U.S.C.A. § 32(a); b. Violence at International Airport - 18 U.S.C. § 37(a)(2); and ¢. Unlawful Interstate Transport/Delivery of Firearms by Non Federal Firearms Licensee ~ 18 U.S.C. §§ 922(a)(8) and (5); 4. Aiding and Abetting - 18 U.S.C. § 2. (hereafter, “Subject Offenses”) have been committed by STEPHEN PADDOCK, MARILOU DANLEY, and others yet unknown. There is also probable cause to search the information described in Attachment “A” for evidence of these crimes and information which might reveal the identities of others involved in these crimes, as described in Attachment “B” (attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference). PROBABLE CAUSE 7. On the evening of Sunday, October 1, 2017, Route 91 Harvest, a music festival, was in progress at 3901 South Las Vegas Boulevard, Las Vegas, Nevada. At approximately 10:08 pm., the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) received calls reporting shots had been fired at the concert and multiple vietims were struck. LVMPD determined the shots were coming from Rooms 134 and 135 on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, located due west of the festival rounds at 3950 South Las Vegas Boulevard, Las Vegas, Nevada. These rooms are an elevated position which overlooks the concert venue. Witness statements and video footage captured during the attack indicates that the weapons being used were firing in a fully-automatic fashion. 10 ce 12 18 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 8. LVMPD officers ultimately made entry into the room and located an individual later identified as Stephen Paddock. Paddock was deceased from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. 9. Paddock's Nevada driver’s license was located in the Mandalay Bay hotel room with Paddock, and both hotel rooms were registered in his name. A player's club card in name of Marilou Danley was located in Paddock’s room, and the card returned to the address located on Babbling Brook Street in Mesquite, Nevada. FBI Agents located Danley, who was traveling outside the United States at the time of the shooting. It was ultimately determined that Danley resided with Paddock at the Babbling Brook address. 10. On October 2, 2017, search warrants were executed on Paddock’s Mandalay Bay hotel rooms, Paddock’s vehicle at Mandalay Bay, and two Nevada residences owed by Paddock: 1372 Babbling Brook Court in Mesquite, and 1735 Del Webb Parkway in Reno, Nevada. Officers and Agents found over 20 Srearms, hundreds of rounds of ammunition, and hundreds of spent shell casings in the Mandalay Bay hotel rooms, in close proximity to Paddock’s body. Over a thousand rounds of rifle ammunition and 100 pounds of explosive material was found in Paddock’s vehicle. Additional explosive material, approximately 18 firearms, and over 1,000 rounds of ammunition was located at the Mesquite residence. A large quantity of ammunition and multiple firearms were recovered from the Reno residence. 11. As of this date, 58 people have been identified to have been killed in Paddock’s attack and another 557 were reportedly injured. Additionally, investigators discovered that STEPHEN PADDOCK also utilized a firearm to shoot large fuel tanks 10 cb 12 18 14 15 16 a7 18 19 20 2 22 23 on Las Vegas McCarran International Airport property. Multiple bullet holes were found on the tank, which investigators believe was an attempt by STEPHEN PADDOCK to cause the tanks to explode. 12. In an effort to determine whether or not STEPHEN PADDOCK was assisted and/or conspired with unknown individuals, investigators have attempted to identify all of STEPHEN PADDOCK’s associated. It was quickly determined that a casino player's card in the name of MARILOU DANLEY was located in the room at the time of the attack. She has been identified thus far as the most likely person who aided or abetted STEPHEN PADDOCK based on her informing law enforcement that her fingerprints would likely be found on the ammunition used during the attack. Subsequently, investigators worked to identify the communication facilities utilized by STEPHEN PADDOCK and MARILOU DANLEY. 13, Based on a review of STEPHEN PADDOCK’s financial accounts, Target Account 1 was determined to belong to STEPHEN PADDOCK. On October 3, 2017, investigators requested an emergency disclosure of records from Microsoft related to ‘Target Account 1 so it could be immediately searched for any evidence of additional co- conspirators. Unfortunately, the information was only requested for a six month timeframe. Within the account, investigators identified Target Account 2 as one that belonged to MARILOU DANLEY, which was clear based on the communications between the two email accounts. 14. On September 25, 2017, an email was exchanged between the Target Accounts which discussed a wire transfer of funds which was to be sent by STEPHEN 10 n 12 13 14 15 16 MT 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 PADDOCK to MARILOU DANLEY. It is unclear what the purpose of the wire transfer was, but MARILOU DANLEY is known to have been in the Philippines at the time. 15. Additionally, on July 6, 2017, Target Account 1 sent an email to [email protected] which read, “try an ar before u buy. we have huge selection. located in the las vegas area.” Later that day, an email was received back from [email protected] to Target Account 1 that read, “we have a wide variety of optics and ammunition to try.” And lastly, Target Account 1 later sent an email to [email protected] that read, “for a thrill try out bumpfire ar’s with a 100 round magazine.” Investigators believe these communications may have been related to the eventual attack that occurred at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. 16. Your Affiant believes the requested search warrants will yield significant information from Microsoft such as STEPHEN PADDOCK’s and MARILOU DANLEY’s contact lists, email messages content, IP address usage, photographs, third-party applications associated with the account, and more, which may constitute evidence of the planning of the attack and potentially identify other participants in the attack. Ultimately, your Affiant strongly believes the requested information will lead investigators to determine the full scope of STEPHEN PADDOCK’s plan and MARILOU DANLEY’s possible involvement. RELEVANT TECHNICAL TERMS: 17. The following non-exhaustive list of definitions applies to this Affidavit and the Attachments to this Affidavit: a. The “Internet” is a worldwide network of computer systems operated by governmental entities, corporations, and universities. In order to access the Internet, 10 un 12 13 4 16 16 Ww 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 an individual computer user must subscribe to an access provider, which operates a host computer system with direct access to the Internet, The World Wide Web is a functionality of the Internet which allows users of the Internet to share information. b. “Internet Service Providers” are companies that provide access to the Internet. ISPs can also provide other services for their customers including website hosting, email service, remote storage, and co-location of computers and other communications equipment. ISPs offer different ways to access the Internet including telephone-based (dial-up), broadband-based access via a digital subscriber line (DSL) or cable television, dedicated circuits, or satellite-based subscription. ISPs typically charge a fee based upon the type of connection and volume of data (bandwidth). Many ISPs assign each subscriber an account name, such as a user name, an email address, and an email mailbox, and the subscriber typically creates a password for his/her account. “ISP Records” are records maintained by ISPs pertaining to their subscribers (regardless of whether those subscribers are individuals or entities). These records may include account application information, subscriber and billing information, account access information (often in the form of log files), emails, information concerning content uploaded and/or stored on the ISP's servers, and other information, which may be stored both in computer data format and in written or printed record format. ISPs reserve and/or maintain computer disk storage space on their computer system for their subscribers’ use. This service by ISPs allows for both temporary and long-term storage of electronic communications and many other types of electronic data and files. d. “Online service providers” (also referred to here as “service providers”) are companies that provide online services such as email, chat or instant 10 uw 12 13 uw 15 16 a7 18 19 20 21 22, 23 2 messaging, word processing applications, spreadsheet applications, presentation applications similar to PowerPoint, online calendar, photo storage and remote storage services. Sometimes they also can provide web hosting, remote storage, and co-location of computers and other communications equipment. Typically, each service provider assigns each subscriber an account name, such as a user name or screen name and the subscriber typically creates a password for his/her account. e. “Computer,” as used herein, is defined as “an electronic, magnetic, optical, electrochemical, or other high speed data processing device performing logical or storage functions, and includes any data storage facility or communications facility directly related to or operating in conjunction with such device.” £ A “server” is a centralized computer that provides services for other computers connected to it via a network. The other computers attached to a server are sometimes called “clients.” For example, ina large company, it is common for individual employees to have client computers at their desktops. When the employees access their email, or access files stored on the network itself, those files are pulled electronically from the server, where they are stored, and are sent to the client’s computer via the network. Notably, servers can be physically stored in any location: it is not uncommon for a network's server to be located hundreds (and even thousands) of miles away from the eli computers. g “Internet Protocol address,” or “IP address,” refers to a unique number used by a computer to access the Internet. IP addresses can be dynamic, meaning that the Internet Service Provider (ISP) assigns a different unique number to a computer every time it accesses the Internet. IP addresses might also be static, that 10 re 12 13 14 15 16 i 18 19 20 21 8 8.8 is, an ISP assigns a user’s computer a particular IP address which is used each time the computer accesses the Internet. h. The term “domain” refers to a word used as a name for computers, networks, services, etc. Adomain name typically represents a website, a server computer that hosts that website, or even some computer (or other digital device) connected to the internet. Essentially, when a website (or a server computer that hosts that website) is connected to the internet, itis assigned an IP address, Because IP addresses are difficult for people to remember, domain names are instead used because they are easier to remember than IP addresses. Domain names are formed by the rules and procedures of the Domain Name System (DNS). A common top level domain under these rules is *.com” for commercial organizations, “gov” for the United States government, and “org” for organizations. For example, is the domain name that identifies a server used by the U.S. Department of Justice, and which uses IP address of i, “Web hosting services” maintain server computers connected to the Internet. Their customers use those computers to operate websites on the Internet. Customers of web hosting companies place files, software code, databases, and other data on servers. To do this, customers typically connect from their own computers to the server computers across the Internet. j. The term “Whols” lookup refers to a search of a publicly available online database that lists information provided when a domain is registered or when an IP address is assigned. k. The terms “communications,” “records,” “documents,” “programs,” or “materials” include all information recorded in any form, visual or aural, and by any 10 10 i 12 13 44 6 16 au 18 19 20 21 22 means, whether in handmade form (including, but not limited to, writings, drawings, paintings), photographie form (including, but not limited to, pictures or videos), or clectrical, electronic or magnetic form, as well as digital data files. These terms also include any applications (.e. software programs). These terms expressly include, among other things, emails, instant messages, chat logs, correspondence attached as to emails, (or drafts), calendar entries, buddy lists. 1. “Chat” is usually a real time electronic communication between two or more individuals. Unlike email, which is frequently sent, then read and responded to minutes, hours, or even days later, chats frequently involve an immediate conversation between individuals, similar to a face-to-face conversation. Nearly all chat programs are capable of saving the chat transcript, to enable users to preserve a record of the conversation. By default, some chat programs have this capability enabled, while others do not. Many popular web-based email providers, like Microsoft and Microsoft, provide chat functionality as part of the online services they provide to account holders. FACTS ABOUT EMAIL PROVIDERS 18. In my training, my experience and this investigation, I have learned that Microsoft (the Service Provider) is a company that provides free web-based Internet email access to the general public, and that stored electronic communications, including opened and unopened email for Microsoft subscribers may be located on the computers of Microsoft. I have also learned that Microsoft Inc. provides various on-line service ‘messaging services to the general public. Instant Messaging (“IM") is a form of real-time direct text-based communication between two or more people using shared clients. The text is conveyed via devices connected over a network such as the Internet. In addition uu 10 nn 12 13 “4 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 24 to text, Microsoft's software allows users with the most current updated versions to utilize its webcam service. This option enables users from distances all over the world to view others who have installed a webcam on their end. Thus, the Service Provider's servers will contain a wide variety of the subscriber's files, including emails, address books, contact or buddy lists, calendar data, pictures, chat logs, and other files. 19. To use these services, subscribers register for online accounts like the Target Accounts. During the registration process, service providers such as the ones here ask subscribers to provide basic personal information, This information can include the subscriber's full name, physical address, telephone numbers and other identifiers, alternative email addresses, and, for paying subscribers, means and source of payment (eluding any credit card or bank account number), Based on my training and my experience, I know that subscribers may insert false information to conceal their identity; even if this proves to be the case, however, I know that this information often provide clues to their identity, location or illicit activities. 20. In general, when a subseriber receives an email, it is typically stored in the subscriber's “mail box” on that service provider's servers until the subscriber deletes the Email. Ifthe subscriber does not delete the message, the message (and any attachments) can remain on that service provider's servers indefinitely. 21. Similarly, when the subscriber sends an email, it is initiated at the subscriber's computer, transferred via the Internet to the service provider's servers, and then transmitted to its end destination. That service provider often saves a copy of the email sent. Unless the sender of the email specifically deletes the Email from the provider's server, the email can remain on the system indefinitely. 12. 10 cbt 13 14 15 16 Ww 18 19 20 21 22 24 22, A sent or received email typically includes the content of the message, source and destination addresses, the date and time at which the email was sent, and the size and length of the email. If an email user writes a draft message but does not send it, that message may also be saved by that service provider, but may not include all of these categories of data. 23, Just as a computer on a desk can be used to store a wide variety of files, s0 ean online accounts, such as the accounts subject to this application. First, subscribers can store many types of files as attachments to emails in online accounts. Second, because service providers provide the services listed above (e.g. word processing, spreadsheets, pictures), subscribers who use these services usually store documents on servers maintained and/or owned by service providers. Thus, these online accounts often contain documents such as pictures, audio or video recordings, logs, spreadsheets, applications and other files. 24, Reviewing files stored in online accounts raises many of the same difficulties as with reviewing files stored on a local computer. For example, based on my ‘training, my experience and this investigation, I know that subscribers of these online services can conceal their activities by altering files before they upload them to the online service. Subscribers can change file names to more innocuous sounding names (e.g. renaming “FraudRecords.doc” to “ChristmasList.doc”), they can change file extensions to make one kind of file appear like a different type of file (e.g. changing the spreadsheet “StolenCreditProfiles.xls” to “FamilyPhoto jpg” to appear to be a picture file, where the file extension “xls” denotes an Excel spreadsheet file and “jpg” a JPEG format image file), or they can change the times and dates a file was last accessed or modified by 13 10 Ww 2 13 4 15 16 aw 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 changing a computer's system time/date and then uploading that file to the Online Accounts. Thus, to detect any files that the subscriber may have concealed, agents will need to review all of the files in the Target Accounts; they will, however, only seize the items that the Court authorizes to be seized. Similarly, subscribers can conceal their activities by encrypting files. Thus, these files may need to be decrypted to detect whether it constitutes an Item to be Seized. 25. I also believe that people engaged in crimes such as the one described herein often use online accounts because they give people engaged in these crimes a way to easily communicate with other co-conspirators. Moreover, online accounts are easily concealed from law enforcement. Unlike physical documents, electronic documents can be stored in a physical place far away, where they are less likely to be discovered. 26. Service providers typically retain certain transactional information about the creation and use of each account on their systems. This information can include the date on which the account was created, the length of service, records of log-in (i.e., session) times and durations, the types of service utilized, the status of the account (including whether the account is inactive or closed), the methods used to connect to the account (such as logging into the account via websites controlled by the Service Provider), and other log files that reflect usage of the account. In addition, service providers often have records of the Internet Protocol address (‘IP address”) used to register the account and the IP addresses associated with particular logins to the account. Because every device that connects to the Internet must use an IP address, IP address information ean help to identify which computers or other devices were used to access the online account. 14 10 a 2 13. 14 15 16 qT 18 19 20 21 22, 23 27, In some cases, subseribers will communicate directly with a service provider about issues relating to the account, such as technical problems, billing inquiries, or complaints from or about other users. Service providers typically retain records about such communications, including records of contacts between the user and the provider's support services, as well records of any actions taken by the provider or user as a result of the communications. 28. In my training and experience, evidence of who was using an online account may be found in address books, contact or buddy lists, emails in the account, and pictures and files, whether stored as attachments or in the suite of the service provider’s online applications. Therefore, the computers of the Service Providers are likely to contain stored electronic communications (including retrieved and un-retrieved email for their subscribers) and information concerning subscribers and their use of the provider's services, such as account access information, email transaction information, documents, pictures, and account application information, INFORMATION TO BE SEARCHED AND THINGS TO BE SEIZE] 29. Your Affiant anticipates executing these warrants under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, in particular 18 U.S.C. §§ 2703(a), 2703(bX1)(A) and 2703(cX1)(A), by using the warrant to require Microsoft to disclose to the government copies of the records and other information (including the content of communications) particularly described in Section I of Attachment “B.” Upon receipt of the information described in Section I of Attachment “B,” goverament-authorized persons will review that information to locate the items described in Section II of Attachment “B.” CONCLUSION 15 10 1 2 18 14 15 16 i 18 19 20 a1 22 23 24 30. Based on the forgoing, I request that the Court issue the proposed search warrant. This Court has jurisdiction to issue the requested warrant because it is “a court of competent jurisdiction” as defined by 18 US.C. § 2711. 18 US.C. $$ 2708(a), (b\{1NA) & (@\(1NA). Specifically, the Court is “a district court of the United States... that— has jurisdiction over the offense being investigated.” 18 U.S.C. § 2711(8XAMi). Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 2703(g), the presence of a law enforcement officer is not required for the service or execution of this warrant. REQUEST FOR SEALING 31. I further request that the Court order that all papers in support of this application, including the affidavit and search warrant, be sealed until further order of the Court. These documents discuss an ongoing criminal investigation that is neither public nor known to all of the targets of the investigation, Accordingly, there is good cause to seal these documents because their premature disclosure may seriously jeopardize that investigation. Respectfully Submitted, PAC fyan S. Burke, Special Agent Federal Bureau of Investigation SWORN TO. iy epee before me this 4d day of October 2017. 16

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