Armorcoat Fast Facts

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The Benefits of


Tough, resilient Armorcoat safety and security window The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in Washington, D.C. had over
films are composed of incredibly strong, optical- 80,000 square feet (7,428 square meters) of Armorcoat 8 Mil Silver 35 solar
quality polyester, high-grade ultraviolet inhibitors safety film installed to its windows. The film reduces energy loss, heat and
and special laminating and mounting adhesives, with glare, while also increasing protection from flying glass shards in the event
a protective, scratch-resistant coating. of an explosion, extreme weather or other glass breakage incident.
Pressure-sensitive mounting adhesive helps hold
glass in place when natural disasters, vandalism, Approximately 120,000
explosions, bomb blasts and other incidents result square feet (11,142 square
in glass breakage. meters) of Armorcoat 4 Mil
Solar versions of Armorcoat safety films reject up to Stainless Steel 30 was
80% of the sun's total solar energy to improve retrofitted to the windows of
occupant comfort, reduce energy consumption, and the 34-story Millbank Tower,
improve exterior aesthetics, while still affording a prominent feature of the
increased protection. London skyline. Armorcoat
dramatically improved the
Both clear safety and solar safety versions block
aesthetics of the building by
nearly 100% of the sun's destructive ultraviolet light
giving the glass a beautiful,
from entering through windows to provide protection
uniform appearance, while
from premature fading and deterioration of furnishings.
also filtering almost 100%
Armorcoat safety window films are manufactured of damaging ultraviolet light
in thickness between 2 Mil (50 micron) and 14 Mil and rejecting 54% of total
(350 micron). solar energy.
All Armorcoat safety window films are backed by a
strong manufacturer's warranty and are easy to clean
and maintain.
Armorcoat has been installed on some of the most
safety-intensive buildings around the world, such as
the U.S. Capitol, Pentagon, FBI Headquarters and
U.S. Department of Energy.
Physical & Thermal Test Results
Armorcoat 10 Mil Silver 80
Inside Surface Of Glass Armorcoat works around the clock to protect
UV Absorbing Mounting Adhesive
7 Mil Clear Polyester Film occupants and property. To increase shatter-
Special Laminating Adhesive resistance, thicker optical grade polyester
2 Mil Clear Polyester Film
Special Laminating Adhesive is used with special laminating adhesives,
1 Mil Clear Polyester Film giving Armorcoat its exceptional strength.
Protective Scratch Resistant Surface

Test Name Film Thickness

4 Mil 7 Mil 8 Mil 10 Mil 14 Mil
(100 micron) (175 micron) (200 micron) (250 micron) (350 micron)

Tensile Strength 29,000 29,000 29,000 29,000 29,000

ASTM D 882 (lbs/in2)
Elongation (%) >100 >100 >100 >100 >100
ASTM D 882
Yield Stress (5%) 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000
ASTM D 882 (lbs/in2)
Break Strength 116 203 232 290 406
Yield Strength (5%) 60 105 120 150 210
Tear Strength 6.5 18.9 21.6 27.0 37.8
Graves Tear Test, ASTM D 1004 (lbs force)
Tensile Modulus 550,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 550,000
ASTM D 882 (lbs/in2)
Puncture Strength 66 115 140 175 230
ASTM D 4830 (lbs)
Peel Strength >2,500 >2,500 >2,500 >2,500 >2,500
(g/inch of width)
Poisson’s Ratio .38 .38 .38 .38 .38
ASTM D 882
Abrasion Resistance (%) <5 <5 <5 <5 <5
ASTM D 1003-92, ASTM D 1044 8 100 Cycles
ANSI Z 97.1 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
CPSC CFR 1201, Category II No Pass Pass Pass Pass
GSA Security Criteria
Performance Condition, Daylight Application 1 3b 3b 3b 3b 3b
Performance Condition, Wet Glaze 1 NA NA 3a NA NA
Performance Condition, Mechanical 2 NA NA 3a NA 3a
1=4PSI/28PSI/ms, 2=10PSI/69PSI/ms 3b
Smoke Development Index 28 28 28 28 142
Flash Temperature (ºF) 730 730 730 730 730
ASTM D 1929
Self Ignition (ºF) 750 750 750 750 750
ASTM D 1929
Flame Spread Index 2 2 2 2 5

Notes: This test data contains results arrived at only after employing specific test procedures and standards. The included
data does not constitute a recommendation for, endorsement of, or certification of the product or material tested. This data is
provided for informational purposes only and are not to be considered part of the basis of any bargain or transaction involving
Bekaert Specialty Films, LLC (BSF) products. BSF makes no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, including the
implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, that its products will conform to these test data.
Extrapolation of data from the sample or samples relating to the batch or lot from which data were obtained may not correlate
and should be interpreted accordingly with caution. BSF shall not be responsible for variations in quality, composition, appearance,
performance, or other feature of similar subject matter produced by persons or under conditions over which BSF has no control.

Catalog# 0162 AC Revised 7/04 • ©Copyright 2004 Bekaert Specialty Films, LLC • All Rights Reserved •

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