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Chapter 5.

Individual and Group Behavior in Business Organizations

1. When checking sales records of the company, a junior member of staff has
uncovered a suspicious irregularity in the way transactions are processed. This
would need more time to be investigated fully, however the audit manager is
stressing the need to meet the tight deadline for completion. Using the role theory,
this could be referred to as:
A) role ambiguity
B) role sign
C) role behaviour
D) role conflict - щpposing needs within one role lead to conflict

2. What are the three different types of behaviour that can be adopted when dealing
with other people?
A) Enquiring; Negotiating; Resolving
B) Thoughtful; Emotional; Responsive
C) Considerate; Positive; Directed
D) Assertive; Aggressive; Passive

3. Synergy describes the phenomenon where:

A) Collaboration leads to high levels of output
B) More energy is output than is input
C) If businesses split into divisions, they can be more profitable
D) 2 + 2 = 5 - the idea of synergy is that effect of unit of parties is greater than sum of
separate units.

4. The factors required to make a cohesive group are best represented in which of the
A) Right mix of skills/Leadership/Clear objectives
B) Negotiation/Dealing with challenging tasks/Shared objectives
C) Shared values/Preference for formal meetings only/Openness
D) Determination/Empathy/Emphasis on following rules

5. Which of the following is not a way of avoiding conflict?

A) Good communication
B) Fair allocation of resources
C) Encouraging rivalry between groups – it will increase conflict number
D) Having set rules and procedures

Chapter 6. Team formation, development and management

1. A group is best described as any collection of people that.....
A) has been formed with a particular objective in mind
B) has a distinctive culture
C) is focused on an end result
D) sees themselves as a group

2. The basic purpose of a team is best described as:

A) working together to resolve problems quickly and efficiently
B) achieving a shared goal by shared means and enthusiasms
C) solving complex problems through synergy and a team of specialists
D) identifying, investigating and removing the underlying cause of a problem

3. Which of the following includes three of the roles Belbin suggested a group needs in
order to be effective?
A) Leader, Shaper, Plant – includes roles from 3 groups, other roles are not within
the classific
B) Negotiator; Finisher; Initiator
C) Co-ordinator; Progress chaser; Diplomat
D) Finisher; Block remover; Negotiator

4. Match the following team roles with the appropriate personality.

1. Sarah is a very quite person, she often reserves her opinion until being directly
asked for it however she always offers unusual and creative suggestions when the
team is faced with difficult problem - introvert, intellectually bright, acts as a source
of ideas
2. Jim is respected by all team members for his analytical skills, though he rarely gets
invited to out-of-office private parties as many find him tactless - not creative but
analytical, examines ideas
3. Esther is the company’s HR manager, she ensures that any potential conflicts are
promptly identified and resolved and the team members work harmoniously -
concerned with the maintenance of the team
A) 1 – Shaper, 2 – Leader, 3 – Company worker
B) 1 – Plant, 2 – Finisher, 3 – Team worker
C) 1 – Plant, 2 – Monitor-Evaluator, 3 – Team worker
D) 1 – Resource-Investigator, 2 – Shaper, 3 – Company worker

5. Which is the stage of team development during which the effectiveness of work will
be at the lowest point according to Tuckman?
E) Forming

F) Storming
G) Norming
H) Performing

5. The fifth stage which has been added to Tuckman’s four stages of team
development is:
A) Warming
B) Reforming
C) Dorming
D) Leading

6. An investment bank has created a team of employees to look at potential new

investments. One of the bank’s senior managers has told the team that they will be
assessed on their performance as a group. Which of the following is not a possible
risk to the bank of this approach?
A) Lack of individual responsibility leads the group to make risky decisions
B) Some members may put in little effort due to the lack of individual appraisal
C) Group members may agree to poor decisions merely to ‘fit in’ with the group
D) The group may have diverse backgrounds from within the bank

7. Grant is a member of a project team. His colleagues in the team rely on him to read
and check complex project documentation. Grant has a keen eye for detail and
often identifies minor details in documents that others miss but may be of
significance. Despite this diligent approach, Grant always meets his deadlines.
However, Some of Grant’s colleagues feel frustrated when he refuses to involve
others. He can hold up progress as he will not agree to the team signing off project
documents until all of his concerns are fully discussed.
According to Belbin’s team roles theory, Grant is an example of which of the following?
A) Implementer
B) Completer-finisher
C) Monitor-evaluator
D) Shaper - extrovert, dominant, task driven to the point of passion, a force for action

Chapter 7. Motivating individuals and groups

1. Fimble Ltd is a large organisation with a range of incentives available to motivate
and improve the performance of its staff. Which of the following incentives will be
most appropriate for staff working in the HR department?
A) Commission
B) Piece rate
C) Profit sharing
D) Productivity plans

2. Consider the following two statements:

(1) Pay rises are not a good way of motivating individual staff.
(2) Motivation refers to how hard you are willing to work whilst satisfaction refers to
your contentment with your job.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
A) (1) only
B) (2) only
C) Both
D) Neither

3. Consider the following two statements:

(1) Content theories focus manager’s attention of the calculation process that takes
place when people decide whether certain rewards are worthwhile.
(2) Process theories assume all people are the same; therefore a standard set of
incentives could be applied to meet staff needs.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
A) (1) only
B) (2) only
C) Both
D) Neither

4. Which of the following would fit into Maslow’s Ego category?

E) Loss of one’s home
F) Winning a prize
G) A salary increase
H) An invitation to a party

4. Maslow’s theory can be summarised by saying that the things people need can be
placed in …….. ascending categories.
Which word completes this statement?
A) Three
B) Four
C) Five (self-actualization, self-esteem, love and belonging, safety and security,
physiological needs)
D) Six

5. According to Herzberg, which of the following job design methods can yield a
significant long-term improvement in employee satisfaction?
A) Job enlargement
B) Job rotation - planned rotating of staff between jobs to alleviate monotony and
provide a fresh job challenge; improve job satisfaction but unlikely motivation
C) Job enrichment
D) Job switching

6. If you believe that you have Theory Y workers, which of the following should a
manager adopt?
(1) An authoritarian style
(2) A participative style
(3) An emphasis on rewards
(4) Tight controls
A) (1) and (4)
B) (1) and (3)
C) (2) and (3)
D) (2) and (4)

8. According to Douglas McGregor, Theory X people are motivated by:

E) money and security –
F) achievement at work
G) interpersonal relationships
H) recognition for good work

7. ‘People are motivated by the pursuit of gain and self-interest, so rewards should be
based on recognising individual performance’. This management idea best
A) Maslow’s primary needs
B) Herzberg hygiene factors
C) McGregor Theory X
D) Herzberg theory of job design

8. Vroom believes that people will be motivated to do things to reach a goal if they
believe in the worth of that goal and:
A) its achievement will not involve excessive risk
B) its achievement will not be accompanied by any significant costs
C) can see that what they do has no substantial downside
D) can see that what they do will help them in achieving it

9. Which TWO of the following are examples of content theories of motivation?

(1) Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
(2) Vroom’s expectancy theory
(3) Herzberg’s two factor theory
(4) Kolb’s experiential theory
A) (1) and (2)
B) (2) and (4)
C) (2) and (3)
D) (1) and (3) plus McGregor

12. Which one of the following is a problem associated with the usage of Management
by Objectives approach?
E) There is very frequent contact and communication between management and
F) The assessment results are agreed by both manager and subordinates
G) There is a lot of pressure to achieve targets
H) Employees are involved in decision making

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