Topic 4. Types of Questions

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WAJ3102 English Language Proficiency 1


This topic intends to help course participants to study the basic question types, analyse their
structure in order to formulate questions and to use them appropriately in different situations.

Learning Outcomes

 Analyse the structure of basic question types

 Identify the types of questions in different texts and conversations
 Formulate questions appropriately for various situations.
 Use questions for academic purposes and social interactions



What is a question?

A question is a request for information or action.

When writing a question you should always end the sentence with a question mark (?).

Basic Question Types

There are 4 basic types of question:

1. Yes/No Questions (the answer to the question is "Yes" or "No")

2. Question Word Questions (the answer to the question is "Information")
3. Choice Questions (the answer to the question is "in the question")
4. Tag Questions

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1. Yes/No Questions

auxiliary verb subject main verb
Yes or No

Do you want a drink ? Yes, I do.

Can you sing? No, I can't.

Has she completed her work? Yes, she has.

Did they go to school? No, they didn't.

Exception! verb be simple present and simple past

Is Amin handsome? Yes, he is.

Was Razif at home? No, he wasn't.

2. Question Word Questions

question word auxiliary verb subject main verb

Where do you live? In Gemas.

When will we have lunch? At 1pm.

Who did she meet? She met Jaafar.

Why hasn't Sara done it? Because she can't.

Exception! verb be simple present and simple past

Where is Bombay? In India.

How was she? Very well.

3. Choice Questions

auxiliary verb subject main verb OR
In the question

Do you want tea or coffee? Coffee, please.

Will we meet Johan or Roslan? Johan.

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Did she go to Ipoh or Taiping? She went to Taiping.

Exception! verb be simple present and simple past

Is your car Green or silver? It's silver.

Were they cheap or expensive? cheap.

Basic Question Structure

The basic structure of a question in English is very simple:

auxiliary verb + subject + main verb

auxiliary verb subject main verb

Do you like fried meehoon ?

Are they playing football?

Will Gopal go to Johor ?

Have you seen Kung Fu Panda 2 ?

Yes/no questions with the verb be are created by moving the verb be to the beginning
of the sentence. In other words the subject and the verb change their positions in
statements and questions.

Statement: I am from Seremban. Question: Am I from Seremban?

Questions - common mistakes

Common mistakes Correct version Why?

What meant you by saying What did you mean by saying

If there is no auxiliary (helping)
that? that?
verb, we put do, does or did
before the subject.
You like this film? Do you like this film?

Where you are going this Where are you going this We put an auxiliary verb
afternoon? afternoon? before the subject.

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You did read the letter? Did you read the letter?

What you did last night? What did you do last night?

We don't use do, does or did

Who gave you the when we use what, which,
Who did give you the information? who or whose as the
information? subject.

Does he knows your sister? Does he know your sister?

When there is an auxiliary verb,
Where will she studies? Where will she study?
the main verb is the root word
When did he went to or base form.
When did he go to Penang

Word order in indirect question

Can you tell me where can I Can you tell me where I can is the same as in a normal
buy a good camera? buy a good camera? sentence: SUBJECT + VERB +

Tag Questions

You speak English, don't you?

A tag question is a special construction in English. It is a statement followed by a mini-

question. The whole sentence is a "tag question", and the mini-question at the end is called a
"question tag".

A "tag" is something small that we add to something larger. For example, the little piece of
cloth added to a shirt showing size or washing instructions is a tag.

We use tag questions at the end of statements to ask for confirmation. They mean something
like: "Am I right?" or "Do you agree?" They are very common in English.

The basic structure is:

+ -
Positive statement, negative tag?

Snow is white, isn't it?

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- +
Negative statement, positive tag?

You don't like me, do you?

Look at these examples with positive statements:

positive statement [+] negative tag [-] notes:

main pronoun
subject auxiliary auxiliary not
verb (same as

You are coming, are n't you?

We have finished, have n't we?

You do like coffee, do n't you?

You like coffee, do n't you? You (do) like...

They will help, wo n't they? won't = will not

I can come, can 't I?

We must go, must n't we?

He should try harder, should n't he?

You are English, are n't you? no auxiliary for main

verb be present &
John was there, was n't he? past

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Look at these examples with negative statements:

negative statement [-] positive tag [+]

subject auxiliary main verb auxiliary pronoun
(same as subject)

It is n't raining, is it?

We have never seen that, have we?

You do n't like coffee, do you?

They will not help, will they?

They wo n't report us, will they?

I can never do it right, can I?

We must n't tell her, must we?

He should n't drive so fast, should he?

You are n't English, are you?

John was not there, was he?

Some special cases:

I am right, aren't I? aren't I (not amn't I)

You have to go, don't you? you (do) have to go...

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I have been answering,

use first auxiliary
haven't I?

Nothing came in the post, did treat statements with nothing, nobody etc like negative
it? statements

Let's go, shall we? let's = let us

He'd better do it, hadn't he? he had better (no auxiliary)

Here are some mixed examples:

 But you don't really love her, do you?

 This will work, won't it?
 Well, I couldn't help it, could I?
 But you'll tell me if she calls, won't you?
 We'd never have known, would we?
 The weather's bad, isn't it?
 You won't be late, will you?
 Nobody knows, do they?

Notice that we often use tag questions to ask for information or help, starting with a negative
statement. This is quite a friendly/polite way of making a request. For example, instead of
saying "Where is the police station?" (not very polite), or "Do you know where the police
station is?" (slightly more polite), we could say: "You wouldn't know where the police station
is, would you?" Here are some more examples:

 You don't know of any good jobs, do you?

 You couldn't help me with my homework, could you?
 You haven't got $10 to lend me, have you?


We can change the meaning of a tag question with the musical pitch of our voice. With rising
intonation, it sounds like a real question. But if our intonation falls, it sounds more like a
statement that doesn't require a real answer:

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You don't know where my wallet is, do you? / rising real question

It's a beautiful view, isn't it? \ falling not a real question

Answers to tag questions

A question tag is the "mini-question" at the end. A tag question is the whole sentence.

How do we answer a tag question? Often, we just say Yes or No. Sometimes we may repeat
the tag and reverse it (..., do they? Yes, they do). Be very careful about answering tag
questions. In some languages, an oposite system of answering is used, and non-native
English speakers sometimes answer in the wrong way. This can lead to a lot of confusion!

Answer a tag question according to the truth of the situation. Your answer reflects the real
facts, not (necessarily) the question.

For example, everyone knows that snow is white. Look at these questions, and the correct

tag question

Snow is
Yes (it
white, isn't
is). the answer is the same in
both cases - because snow
Snow isn't
Yes it is!
white, is it? but notice the change of stress
when the answerer does not agree
Snow is with the questioner
No it
black, isn't
isn't! the answer is the same in
both cases - because snow
Snow isn't No (it
black, is it? isn't).

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In some languages, people answer a question like "Snow isn't black, is it?" with "Yes"
(meaning "Yes, I agree with you"). This is the wrong answer in English!

Here are some more examples, with correct answers:

 The moon goes round the earth, doesn't it? Yes, it does.
 The earth is bigger than the moon, isn't it? Yes.
 The earth is bigger than the sun, isn't it? No, it isn't!
 Asian people don't like rice, do they? Yes, they do!
 Elephants live in Europe, don't they? No, they don't!
 Men don't have babies, do they? No.
 The English alphabet doesn't have 40 letters, does it? No, it doesn't.

Question tags with imperatives

Sometimes we use question tags with imperatives (invitations, orders), but the sentence
remains an imperative and does not require a direct answer. We use won't for invitations. We
use can, can't, will, would for orders.

imperative + question tag notes:

invitation Take a seat, won't you? polite

Help me, can you? quite friendly

Help me, can't you? quite friendly (some irritation?)

order Close the door, would you? quite polite

Do it now, will you? less polite

Don't forget, will you? with negative imperatives only will is possible

Same-way question tags

Although the basic structure of tag questions is positive-negative or negative-positive, it is

sometime possible to use a positive-positive or negative-negative structure. We use same-
way question tags to express interest, surprise, anger etc, and not to make real questions.

 So you're having a baby, are you? That's wonderful!

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 She wants to marry him, does she? Some chance!

 So you think that's amusing, do you? Think again.

Negative-negative tag questions usually sound rather hostile:

So you don't like my looks, don't you?

Exercise 1.

Put in What, Where, Why, When, How into the gaps and form meaningful questions.

Example: ____ often do you play netball?

Answer: How often do you play netball?

1__________do you like best?

2. ____________do they go to every week?

3. ____________does Amy sleep at night?

4._____________don't you go by bus, Osman?

5. _____________hobbies does Angela have?

6. ____________are my text books?

7.____________ is Auntie May’s birthday?

8. ___________are you going tomorrow, Sally?

9.____________ old is En Yusof ?

10.____________ are you from?

Exercise 2. Error Correction

Write the correct question into the gap.

Example: Speak English? - ______________

Answer: Do you speak English?

1.What I can do for you ? __________________________________________

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2. Played you football? ___________________________________________

3. Where live you? ____________________________________________

4. From where do you come? ________________________________________

5. Understand you the question? _____________________________________

6. Does Shiva works in Kuala Lumpur? ________________________________

7. What did you last Sunday? _________________________________________

8. Where did Amin went? __________________________________

9. Do like you Traditional Music? __________________________________

10. When you graduate ? ___________________________________

Exercise 3.

Asking “ Interview “ questions.

Instructions: In the following, pretend that you are interviewing a member of your class
named Aina. Write your name in line (1), and then complete the dialogue with appropriate

1. ME: Hi, my name is ………………………… Our lecturer has asked me to interview

you so that I can practice asking questions. Could I ask you a few questions
about yourself?
AINA Sure.
2. ME: Well, first of all, ………………………………………..
AINA Aina.
3. AINA ……………………………………………………..
ME: Negeri Sembilan.
4. AINA ……………………………………………………..
ME: Seremban.
5. AINA ………………………………………………………
ME: Two weeks ago.
6. AINA ……………………………………………………..
AINA Biotechnology.
ME: ……………………………………………………..

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7. AINA I’m going to stay here for four years until I graduate.
ME: …………………………………………………………
8. AINA I’m living at my aunt and uncle’s house.
ME: ………………………………………………………………….
9 AINA It’s quite far. It usually takes me an hour to get here.
10. ANNABEL …………………………………………………….…………….
ME: Sometimes I take the LRT, but usually I take the bus.
11. AINA …………………………………………………………………..
ME: Very much. The facilities are good and the lecturers are great!
12. AINA …………………………………………………………………
ME: I want to study hard and be the best student in my class.
13. AINA Good luck! Anyway, thanks for the interview. I think I have enough information
for the assignment. Nice to meet you.
ME: Nice to meet you, too.

Exercise 4.

Yes / No questions with short answers.

Instructions: Complete speaker A’s QUESTIONS with DO,DOES, IS , ARE OR DID.
Complete Speaker B’s SHORT ANSWERS. The first one is done for you.

1. A: I need a flashlight. …..DO… you have one?

B: No, …I don’t….
2. A: _______________ Semenyih in Selangor?
B: Yes, _____________________
3. A: ______________ snakes have legs?
B: No, ______________________
4. A: ___________________ going to be in class tomorrow?
B: Yes, _____________________
5. A: ___________________all snakebites poisonous?
B: No, _______________________
6. A: ____________________ Panadol relieve pain?
B: Yes, _______________________

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7. A: _____________ Columbus discover New Zealand?

B: No, ________________________
8. A: ______________ Africa the largest continent.
B: No, ________________ Asia is.
9. A: ________________ you doing a grammar exercise?
B: Yes, _______________________
10. A: _______________ Ants eat other insects?
B: Yes, ________________
11. A: Mercury is a liquid metal used in thermometers. _____________ mercury have a
boiling point?
B: Yes, __________________. It boils at 356.58˚ C.

Exercise 5.

Put in the correct question tags.

1. He sometimes reads novels,……………………………………………..?

2. You are from Kedah, ……………………………………………..?
3. Nazmi didn't use the pencil, ……………………………………………..?
4. Malathy has answered the teacher's question, …………………………………?
5. The boy is from Penang, ……………………………………………..?
6. Suriah wasn't listening, ……………………………………………..?
7. Andrew isn't sleeping, ……………………………………………..?
8. Razak will arrive at KLIA, …………………………………………?
9. He's been to Jelebu,………………………………………………..?
10. Cats like fish, ………………………………………………..?
11. There are some durians left, ………………………………………………..?
12. I'm late, ………………………………………………..?
13. Let's go, ………………………………………………..?
14. Don't smoke, ………………………………………………..?
15. He does sing in the bathroom, ………………………………………………..?
16. He'll never know, ………………………………………………..?
17. I think, he's from German, ………………………………………………..?
18. Lovely day today, ………………………………………………..?
19. She is collecting stickers, ………………………………………………..?

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20. We often watch TV in the afternoon, ………………………………………………..?

21. You have cleaned your car, ………………………………………………..?
22. Johan and Danial don't like Maths, ………………………………………………..?
23. Roslan played handball yesterday, ………………………………………………..?
24. They are going home from school, ………………………………………………..?
25. Mary didn't do her assignment last semester, …………………………………………?
26. He could have bought a new car, ………………………………………………..?
27. Kamarudin will come tonight, ………………………………………………..?
28. I'm clever, ………………………………………………..?

By: Pn. Shamshinor bt. Mohd Saleh

Notes and exercises adapted from:


2. Learn English: Simple Guide to Asking Questions in English:

3. English

Online exercises to practise Interrogatives or question forms.


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