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G.R. No.

156052 March 7, 2007


HON. JOSE L. ATIENZA, JR., in his capacity as Mayor of the City of
Manila, Respondent.



In this original petition for mandamus,1 petitioners Social Justice Society (SJS),
Vladimir Alarique T. Cabigao and Bonifacio S. Tumbokon seek to compel respondent
Hon. Jose L. Atienza, Jr., mayor of the City of Manila, to enforce Ordinance No. 8027.

The antecedents are as follows.

On November 20, 2001, the Sangguniang Panlungsod of Manila enacted Ordinance

No. 8027.2 Respondent mayor approved the ordinance on November 28, 2001.3 It
became effective on December 28, 2001, after its publication.4

Ordinance No. 8027 was enacted pursuant to the police power delegated to local
government units, a principle described as the power inherent in a government to
enact laws, within constitutional limits, to promote the order, safety, health, morals and
general welfare of the society.5 This is evident from Sections 1 and 3 thereof which

SECTION 1. For the purpose of promoting sound urban planning and ensuring health,
public safety, and general welfare of the residents of Pandacan and Sta. Ana as well
as its adjoining areas, the land use of [those] portions of land bounded by the Pasig
River in the north, PNR Railroad Track in the east, Beata St. in the south, Palumpong
St. in the southwest, and Estero de Pancacan in the west[,] PNR Railroad in the
northwest area, Estero de Pandacan in the [n]ortheast, Pasig River in the southeast
and Dr. M.L. Carreon in the southwest. The area of Punta, Sta. Ana bounded by the
Pasig River, Marcelino Obrero St., Mayo 28 St., and F. Manalo Street, are hereby
reclassified from Industrial II to Commercial I.

xxx xxx xxx

SEC. 3. Owners or operators of industries and other businesses, the operation of

which are no longer permitted under Section 1 hereof, are hereby given a period of six
(6) months from the date of effectivity of this Ordinance within which to cease and
desist from the operation of businesses which are hereby in consequence, disallowed.
Ordinance No. 8027 reclassified the area described therein from industrial to
commercial and directed the owners and operators of businesses disallowed under
Section 1 to cease and desist from operating their businesses within six months from
the date of effectivity of the ordinance. Among the businesses situated in the area are
the so-called "Pandacan Terminals" of the oil companies Caltex (Philippines), Inc.,
Petron Corporation and Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation.

However, on June 26, 2002, the City of Manila and the Department of Energy (DOE)
entered into a memorandum of understanding (MOU)6 with the oil companies in which
they agreed that "the scaling down of the Pandacan Terminals [was] the most viable
and practicable option." Under the MOU, the oil companies agreed to perform the

Section 1. - Consistent with the objectives stated above, the OIL COMPANIES shall,
upon signing of this MOU, undertake a program to scale down the Pandacan
Terminals which shall include, among others, the immediate removal/decommissioning
process of TWENTY EIGHT (28) tanks starting with the LPG spheres and the
commencing of works for the creation of safety buffer and green zones surrounding the
Pandacan Terminals. xxx

Section 2. – Consistent with the scale-down program mentioned above, the OIL
COMPANIES shall establish joint operations and management, including the operation
of common, integrated and/or shared facilities, consistent with international and
domestic technical, safety, environmental and economic considerations and standards.
Consequently, the joint operations of the OIL COMPANIES in the Pandacan Terminals
shall be limited to the common and integrated areas/facilities. A separate agreement
covering the commercial and operational terms and conditions of the joint operations,
shall be entered into by the OIL COMPANIES.

Section 3. - The development and maintenance of the safety and green buffer zones
mentioned therein, which shall be taken from the properties of the OIL COMPANIES
and not from the surrounding communities, shall be the sole responsibility of the OIL

The City of Manila and the DOE, on the other hand, committed to do the following:

Section 1. - The City Mayor shall endorse to the City Council this MOU for its
appropriate action with the view of implementing the spirit and intent thereof.

Section 2. - The City Mayor and the DOE shall, consistent with the spirit and intent of
this MOU, enable the OIL COMPANIES to continuously operate in compliance with
legal requirements, within the limited area resulting from the joint operations and the
scale down program.
Section 3. - The DOE and the City Mayor shall monitor the OIL COMPANIES’
compliance with the provisions of this MOU.

Section 4. - The CITY OF MANILA and the national government shall protect the
safety buffer and green zones and shall exert all efforts at preventing future occupation
or encroachment into these areas by illegal settlers and other unauthorized parties.

The Sangguniang Panlungsod ratified the MOU in Resolution No. 97.7 In the same
resolution, the Sangguniandeclared that the MOU was effective only for a period of six
months starting July 25, 2002.8 Thereafter, on January 30, 2003,
the Sanggunian adopted Resolution No. 13 extending the validity of Resolution No. 97
to April 30, 2003 and authorizing Mayor Atienza to issue special business permits to
the oil companies. Resolution No. 13, s. 2003 also called for a reassessment of the

Meanwhile, petitioners filed this original action for mandamus on December 4, 2002
praying that Mayor Atienza be compelled to enforce Ordinance No. 8027 and order the
immediate removal of the terminals of the oil companies.11

The issues raised by petitioners are as follows:

1. whether respondent has the mandatory legal duty to enforce Ordinance No.
8027 and order the removal of the Pandacan Terminals, and

2. whether the June 26, 2002 MOU and the resolutions ratifying it can amend or
repeal Ordinance No. 8027.12

Petitioners contend that respondent has the mandatory legal duty, under Section 455
(b) (2) of the Local Government Code (RA 7160),13 to enforce Ordinance No. 8027 and
order the removal of the Pandacan Terminals of the oil companies. Instead, he has
allowed them to stay.

Respondent’s defense is that Ordinance No. 8027 has been superseded by the MOU
and the resolutions.14However, he also confusingly argues that the ordinance and
MOU are not inconsistent with each other and that the latter has not amended the
former. He insists that the ordinance remains valid and in full force and effect and that
the MOU did not in any way prevent him from enforcing and implementing it. He
maintains that the MOU should be considered as a mere guideline for its full

Under Rule 65, Section 316 of the Rules of Court, a petition for mandamus may be filed
when any tribunal, corporation, board, officer or person unlawfully neglects the
performance of an act which the law specifically enjoins as a duty resulting from an
office, trust or station. Mandamus is an extraordinary writ that is employed to compel
the performance, when refused, of a ministerial duty that is already imposed on the
respondent and there is no other plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the ordinary
course of law. The petitioner should have a well-defined, clear and certain legal right to
the performance of the act and it must be the clear and imperative duty of respondent
to do the act required to be done.17

Mandamus will not issue to enforce a right, or to compel compliance with a duty, which
is questionable or over which a substantial doubt exists. The principal function of the
writ of mandamus is to command and to expedite, not to inquire and to adjudicate;
thus, it is neither the office nor the aim of the writ to secure a legal right but to
implement that which is already established. Unless the right to the relief sought is
unclouded, mandamus will not issue.18

To support the assertion that petitioners have a clear legal right to the enforcement of
the ordinance, petitioner SJS states that it is a political party registered with the
Commission on Elections and has its offices in Manila. It claims to have many
members who are residents of Manila. The other petitioners, Cabigao and Tumbokon,
are allegedly residents of Manila.

We need not belabor this point. We have ruled in previous cases that when
a mandamus proceeding concerns a public right and its object is to compel a public
duty, the people who are interested in the execution of the laws are regarded as the
real parties in interest and they need not show any specific interest.19 Besides, as
residents of Manila, petitioners have a direct interest in the enforcement of the city’s
ordinances. Respondent never questioned the right of petitioners to institute this

On the other hand, the Local Government Code imposes upon respondent the duty, as
city mayor, to "enforce all laws and ordinances relative to the governance of the
city.">20 One of these is Ordinance No. 8027. As the chief executive of the city, he has
the duty to enforce Ordinance No. 8027 as long as it has not been repealed by
theSanggunian or annulled by the courts.21 He has no other choice. It is his ministerial
duty to do so. In Dimaporo v. Mitra, Jr.,22 we stated the reason for this:

These officers cannot refuse to perform their duty on the ground of an alleged invalidity
of the statute imposing the duty. The reason for this is obvious. It might seriously
hinder the transaction of public business if these officers were to be permitted in all
cases to question the constitutionality of statutes and ordinances imposing duties upon
them and which have not judicially been declared unconstitutional. Officers of the
government from the highest to the lowest are creatures of the law and are bound to
obey it.23

The question now is whether the MOU entered into by respondent with the oil
companies and the subsequent resolutions passed by the Sanggunian have made the
respondent’s duty to enforce Ordinance No. 8027 doubtful, unclear or uncertain. This is
also connected to the second issue raised by petitioners, that is, whether the MOU and
Resolution Nos. 97, s. 2002 and 13, s. 2003 of the Sanggunian can amend or repeal
Ordinance No. 8027.

We need not resolve this issue. Assuming that the terms of the MOU were inconsistent
with Ordinance No. 8027, the resolutions which ratified it and made it binding on the
City of Manila expressly gave it full force and effectonly until April 30, 2003. Thus, at
present, there is nothing that legally hinders respondent from enforcing Ordinance No.

Ordinance No. 8027 was enacted right after the Philippines, along with the rest of the
world, witnessed the horror of the September 11, 2001 attack on the Twin Towers of
the World Trade Center in New York City. The objective of the ordinance is to protect
the residents of Manila from the catastrophic devastation that will surely occur in case
of a terrorist attack25 on the Pandacan Terminals. No reason exists why such a
protective measure should be delayed.

WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby GRANTED. Respondent Hon. Jose L. Atienza,

Jr., as mayor of the City of Manila, is directed to immediately enforce Ordinance No.


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