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Southern Cross Cement Corporation vs Cement Manufacturers Association of

the Philippines, the Secretary of the DTI, the Secretary of DOF and the
Commissioner of the BOC

- The case centers on the interpretation of provisions of Republic Act No. 8800, the
Safeguard Measures Act ("SMA"), which was one of the laws enacted by Congress soon
after the Philippines ratified the General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT) and
the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement.
o The SMA provides the structure and mechanics for the imposition of emergency
measures, including tariffs, to protect domestic industries and producers from
increased imports which inflict or could inflict serious injury on them
- Philcemcor, an association of at least 118 domestic cement manufactures filed w/ the
DTI a petition, seeking the imposition of safeguard measures on gray Portland cement,
in accordance with the SMA. After the DTI issued a provisional safeguard measure, the
application was referred to the Tariff Commission for a formal investigation pursuant to
Sec 9 of the SMA and its IRR, in order to determine WON to impose a definitive
safeguard measure on imports of gray Portland Cement
o The Tariff Commission(TC) held public hearing and conducted its own
investigation, then on March 13, 2002 it issued its report recommending that no
definitive general safeguard measure be imposed on the importation of gray
Portland cement
- The DTI sought the opinion of the Secretary of DOJ whether it could still impose a
definitive safeguard measure notwithstanding the negative finding of the TC.
o The DOJ Sec opined that DTI could not do so under the SMA
o The DTI Sec then promulgated a decision wherein he expressed DTI’s
disagreement but at the same time denied Philcemcor’s application for
safeguard measures on the ground that he was bound to do so in light of the
TC’s negative findings
- Philcemcor challenged this Decision of the DTI Secretary by filing with the Court of
Appeals a Petition for Certiorari, Prohibition and Mandamus seeking to set aside the
DTI Decision, as well as the Tariff Commission's Report.
o It prayed that the Court of Appeals direct the DTI Secretary to disregard the
Report and to render judgment independently of the Report.
o It argued that the DTI Secretary, vested as he is under the law with the power of
review, is not bound to adopt the recommendations of the Tariff Commission;
and, that the Report is void, as it is predicated on a flawed framework,
inconsistent inferences and erroneous methodology.
- The CA partially granted Philcemcor’s petition and ruled that it had jurisdiction over the
petition for certiorari since it alleged grave abuse of discretion
o Refused to annul the findings of the TC; held that the DTI Sec was not bound by
the factual findings of the TC since such were merely recommendatory and they
fall w/in the ambit of the Secretary’s discretionary review; it determined that the
legislative intent is to grant the DTI Sec the power to make a final decision on
the TC’s recommendation
- On June 23, 2003, Southern Cross filed the present petition, arguing that the CA has no
jurisdiction over Philcemcor’s petition, as the proper remedy is a petition for review
qitht he CTA conformably with the SMA, and; that the factual findings of the TC on the
existence or non-existence of conditions warranting the imposition of general
safeguard measures are binding upon the DTI Sec
- Despite the fact that the CA's Decision had not yet become final, its binding force was
cited by the DTI Sec when he issued a new Decision on 25 June 2003, wherein he ruled
that in light of the appellate court's Decision, there was no longer any legal impediment
to his deciding Philcemcor's application for definitive safeguard measures.
o He determined that, contrary to the findings of the TC, the local cement
industry had suffered serious injury as a result of the import surges; he
accordingly imposed a definitve safeguard measure on the importation of gray
Portland cement, in the form of a definitive safeguard duty in the amount of
P20.60/40kg bag for 3yrs on imported gray Portland Cement
- On July 7 2003, petitioner filed with the SC a “very urgent application for a TRO and/or a
writ of preliminary injunction” seeking to enjoin the DTI Sec from enforcing his Decision
of June 25, 2003 in view of the pending petition before the SC.
o Philcemcor filed an opposition, claiming, among others, that it is not the SC but
the CTA that has jurisdiction over the application under the law
- On August 1 2003, petitioner filed w/ the CTA a Petition for Review, assailing the DTI
Secretary’s Decision of June 25, 2003 w/c imposed the definite safeguard measure
o They did not inform the SC about this filing. The SC only learned about it was
when petitioner mentioned it in a pleading dated August 11 2003 and filed the
next day
- Philcemcor argued before this Court that Southern Cross had deliberately and willfully
resorted to forum-shopping; that the CTA, being a special court of limited jurisdiction,
could only review the ruling of the DTI Secretary when a safeguard measure is imposed;
and that the factual findings of the Tariff Commission are not binding on the DTI
- The SC simplified, during the oral arguments, the issues to: (i) whether the Decision of
the DTI Secretary is appealable to the CTA or the Court of Appeals; (ii) assuming that
the Court of Appeals has jurisdiction, whether its Decision is in accordance with law;
and, whether a Temporary Restraining Order is warranted.
- The SC’s Second Division promulgated its Decision granting petitioner’s petition. It ruled
o The CA had no jurisdiction, the proper remedy under Sec 29 of the SMA being a
petition for review w/ the CTA; and that they erred in ruling that the DTI Sec
was not bound by the negative determination of the TC and could therefore
impose the general safeguard measures since Section 5 of the SMA precisely
required that the Tariff Commission make a positive final determination
before the DTI Secretary could impose these measures.
o Anent the argument that Southern Cross had committed forum-shopping, the
Court concluded that there was no evident malicious intent to subvert
procedural rules so as to match the standard under Section 5, Rule 7 of the Rules
of Court of willful and deliberate forum shopping. Accordingly, the Decision of
the Court of Appeals dated 5 June 2003 was declared null and void.
- The SC also nullified the DTI Secretary’s Decision of June 25
- On September 21 2004, the SC En Banc resolved the MFR of the respondents
o Central issues: jurisdictional aspects and to the substantive aspect of whether
the DTI Sec may impose a general safeguard measure despite a negative
determination by the TC. Whether the TC could validly exercise quasi-judicial
powers in the exercise of its mandate under the SMA
- In an Urgent Motion dated 21 December 2004, Southern Cross prayed that Philcemcor,
the DTI, the Bureau of Customs, and the Tariff Commission be directed to "cease and
desist from taking any and all actions pursuant to or under the null and void CA
Decision and DTI Decision, including proceedings to extend the safeguard measure.
- In a Manifestation and Motion dated 23 June 2004, the Tariff Commission informed the
Court that since no prohibitory injunction or order of such nature had been issued by
any court against the Tariff Commission, the Commission proceeded to complete its
investigation on the petition for extension, pursuant to Section 9 of the SMA, but opted
to defer transmittal of its report to the DTI Secretary pending "guidance" from this
Court on the propriety of such a step considering this pending Motion for

- Jurisdiction of the CTA under Section 29 of the SMA
o Whether the CA had jurisdiction over the special civil action for certiorari filed by
Philcemcor assailing the April 5, 2002 Decision of the DTI Sec
o “in connection with” –
- Positive Final Determination by the TC an Indispensable Requisite to the Imposition of
General Safeguard Measures
o Congressional Limitations Pursuant to Constitutional Authority on the
Delegated Power to Impose Safeguard Measures
 Safeguard measures fall w/in the ambit of Sec. 28(2), Art. VI
 Basic postulates
 It is Congress w/c authorizes the President to impose tariff
rates, import and export quotas, tonnage and wharfage
dues, and other duties or imposts
 The authorization granted to the President must be
embodied in a law
 The authorization to the President can be exercised only
within the specified limits set in the law and is further
subject to limitation and restrictions w/c Congress may
o Positive Final Determination by TC Plainly required by Sec. 5 of SMA
- DTI Secretary has No Power of Review Over Final Determination of the Tariff

Southern Cross Cement Corp. v. The Philippine Cement Manufacturers Corp

Petitioner: Southern Cross Cement Corp.
Respondents: Philippine Cement Manufacturers Corp (Philcemcor); Sec. of DTI, Sec. of
Department of Finance; Commissioner of Bureau of Custom
Ponente: Justice Tinga

Relevant Article in Consti:

Art 6, Sec 24
All appropriation, revenue or tariff bills, bills authorizing increase of the public
debt, bills of local application, and private bills shall originate exclusively in the House of
Representatives, but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments.
Art 6, Sec 28 (2)
The Congress may, by law, authorize the President to fix within specified limits,
and subject to such limitations and restrictions as it may impose, tariff rates, import and export
quotas, tonnage and wharfage dues, and other duties or imposts within the framework of the
national development program of the Government.

Important Statutes/Treaties:
GATT – General Agreement on Tariff and Trade -- Prescribes conditions before a member-
country may impose a safeguard measure
SMA -- Safeguard Measures Act; RA 8800 -- provides the structure and mechanics for the
imposition of emergency measures, including
tariffs, to protect domestic industries and producers from increased imports
which inflict or could inflict serious damage on them

Petition: The petitioner seeks a review on certiorari of a decision of the Court of Appeals
holding the final determination of the necessity of Safeguard Measures the Tariff Commission
not binding on the DTI Secretary.

- Philippine Cement Manufacturers Corporation (Philcemcor), an association of domestic
cement manufacturers, filed with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) an
application for the imposition of a definitive safeguard measure on the importation of
gray Portland cement.
- Philcemcor alleged that gray Portland cement was being imported in increased
quantities, thus causing declines in domestic production, capacity utilization, market
share, sales and employment, as well as depressed local prices.
- Southern Cross Cement Corporation, a domestic corporation engaged in the business
of cement manufacturing, production, exportation, and importation opposed
Philcemcor’s application.
- In accordance with the procedure laid down in RA 8800, the Bureau of Import Services
of the DTI conducted a preliminary investigation, after which it determined the
existence of critical circumstances justifying the imposition of provisional measures.
- DTI issued an Order imposing a provisional measure in the form of a safeguard duty
equivalent to twenty pesos and sixty centavos (P20.60) per forty- kilogram (40-kg) bag
on all importations of gray Portland cement for a period not exceeding two hundred
(200) days from the date of issuance by the Bureau of Customs (BOC) of the
implementing Customs Memorandum Order
- It then forwarded the application for formal investigation and final determination to the
Tariff Commission.
- Tariff Commission found no cause for Safeguard Measures (negative determination).
DTI disagreed but upon consultation with DOJ, dismissed the application as it is bound
by the determination of the Tariff Commission.
- Philcemcor appealed in the CA. The CA granted Philcemcor’s petition in part, saying
the negative determination is not binding. DTI released a MO imposing Safeguard
Measures because of the CA decision.
- Southern Cross filed this petition in the SC.

Issue relevant to Consti:

- W/N the DTI secretary could impose a general safeguard measure only upon a positive
final determination by the Tariff Commission.

- Yes, according to Sec 5 of SMA, procedure requires a positive determination from TC
before DTI can impose safeguard measures. The plain meaning of Section 5 was that
only if the Tariff Commission rendered a positive determination could the DTI secretary
impose a safeguard measure. The TC’s power to make a “positive final determination”
must be distinguished from the power to impose general safeguard measures, a power
that is vested in the DTI secretary. The legislative intent should be given full force and
effect, as the executive power to impose definitive safeguard measures is but a
delegated power -- the power of taxation which is, by nature and by command of the
fundamental law, a preserve of the legislature. The SMA empowered the DTI secretary,
as alter ego of the President, to impose definitive safeguard measures, which were
basically tariff imposts of the type spoken of in the Constitution. The law, however, did
not grant the executive official full and uninhibited discretion to impose such measures.

Important Notes:
- The word “determination,” as used in the SMA, pertained to the factual findings on
whether imports into the country of the product under consideration had increased,
and on whether the increase substantially caused or threatened to substantially cause
serious injury to the domestic industry. [BINDING to DTI]
- The law explicitly authorizes the DTI secretary to make a preliminary determination,
and the Tariff Commission to make the final one.
- A“recommendation” is a suggested remedial measure submitted by the Commission
under Section 13, after making a positive final determination. [NOT BINDING to DTI]
- The DTI can choose not to follow TC’s recom and impose a different Safeguard
- Jurisdiction in appealing DTI’s MO in connection with SMA is with CTA. CA acted
beyond its jurisdiction; while it can hear certiorari, there must be no other speedy

Petition granted. CA decision null and void.

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