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Emerging Majoritarian threat to Indian Pluralism:

A challenge and response

Dr Mohammed Khalid*

Land of diversities, India has endlessly witnessed a process of cultural,

religious, linguistic and racial fusion, over the last millennia. People with different
religions and cultures entered India at various points of time and under different
circumstances, interacted with local religions, cultures to enrich its pluralism and
diversity. India has accommodated the people from far off places and given them
ideological and political space. The modern India has been nourished and
developed by all such contributions. In the course of time many such influences
have been absorbed and assimilated in India’s social life. Some of these groups
have also kept their distinct identity on religious or cultural basis making India a
land of minorities. The process of assimilation has continued with its ebb and
flows and will continue in future.

Upon independence, the framers of Indian constitution envisioned the

Country to be a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic and promised to
secure to all its citizens, Justice, Liberty Equality and Fraternity. In this
multicultural society, the newly promulgated Constitution ensured the preservation
of distinct cultural traits and patterns. Constitution recognised exclusive rights as
fundamental for religious cultural and linguistic minorities. Such rights included
educational rights. This was done despite the fact that country was divided on
religious lines. Muslim League had demanded and was given a separate Pakistan as
a land for Muslims. Independent India was a Hindu majority country with many
religious, linguistic and cultural minorities. It was viewed that the minorities shall
be given the fullest

*Department of Evening Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh. Email:

<[email protected]>

assurance, not of jobs and of seats in assemblies, but that their culture and
traditions would be safe. With its minorities, India was supposed to witness an
inclusive growth cherished by a rich, varied, and larger common culture.

On the other hand the radical Hindu nationalist forces rejected the idea of a
secular India. These forces led by its ideological foundation head strongly rejected
any talk of an Indian nation where Hindus and Muslims would stay as equal
partners. It branded the concept of a composite Indian nation as a British
conspiracy and went on to decry A O Hume (one of the founders of the Indian
National Congress) for advancing the theory that Muslims were equal partners in
this land of the Hindus. Importantly, Organizer (14 August, 1947) in an editorial
(titled ‘Whither’) on the very eve of India’s independence, rejected the whole
concept of a composite nation and wrote: “Let us no longer allow ourselves to be
influenced by false notions of nationhood. Much of the mental confusion and the
present and future troubles can be removed by the ready recognition of the simple
fact that in Hindusthan only the Hindus form the nation and the national structure
must be built on that safe and sound foundation…The nation itself must be built up
of Hindus, on Hindu traditions, culture, ideas and aspirations.”

Since country’s independence, it has been working on this project. It has

created a family of several, political, social and cultural Hindu nationalist
organisations drawing inspiration from its ideology. These organisations which are
several dozen in number are nominally independent though they project different
policies and activities. Practically they are extensions of Hindutva ideology. They
have spread their wings in the length and breadth of the Country and in different
communities including minorities –the Muslims and Sikhs. On the shoulders of
this organisational strength RSS has been attempting to wield political power and
finally in 2014 general elections it succeeded to bring its political wing to power
on its own majority in Lok Sabha and subsequently in many of the state
Assemblies. After capturing power and thus controlling state apparatus, it feels it is
the best time to implement its agenda of creating India a Hindu nation. This
ideological head and its affiliates are calling the shots now using state structures
and power to irretrievably dismantle the Secular fabric of

the country and threaten the minorities -- especially the Muslims. They are creating
an intolerant society where minorities are forced to submission to the will of
majority. Freedom of speech has been jeopardised and dissent is considered as

Muslim bashing is rampant under the garb of terrorism, love jihad, ghar
vapsi, triple talaq, four marriages etc. History is sought to be reinterpreted where
Muslims are shown only the traitors, all their monuments are projected to be built
after destroying Hindu Temples. Muslims are being demonised as the cause of all
ills in the country. This is being done to consolidate the Hindu majority votes. Any
political party which dares to speak for minorities is accused of appeasing the
minorities. Media is playing in the hands of the ruling establishment and is
constantly planting biased, half cooked one sided stories. An army of e-experts is
using social networking sites to spread hatred. Muslim targeting has become a
good pastime for the electronic media. In such a situation, minorities feel
suffocated and demoralised. These are harrowing times for the minorities in India
not witnessed before. Today it is Muslims which constitute 15 percent of the
population; tomorrow other minorities will be picked up for thrashing.

How the minorities should react to this worsening situation? How they can
come forward and put up a united front? How they and some of self-styled
minority leaders can be stopped from playing in the ruling combine? What should
be done to spread political awareness among the minorities? These issues need to
be pondered upon by the academia and aware public intellectuals belonging to the
minority communities in India.

India is a land of pluralities. A large country with world’s second largest

population, India presents endless variety of physical features, cultural patterns,
linguistic groups, caste and religious divisions. The Indian population originated
from three separate waves of migration from Africa, Iran and Central Asia over a
period of last 50,000 years. Successive bands of foreigners --the Greeks, the Parathions,
Scythians and the Turks (Kushanas)-- who came as invaders were ultimately absorbed in the vast
population of India. In this process of fusion, India gradually became a mosaic of many
languages and dialects. People of different religions and cultures entered India at various point of

time and under different circumstances, interacted with local religions, sects, and
cultures to enrich its pluralism and this land provided them ideological and
political space.
Indian pluralism, its syncretization and synthesis is prominently found in
the area of its religions. Hinduism came to be known a religion during the period
of epics and the Puranas which date to the Gupta period (from approximately 315
to 551 CE). Hinduism itself was not a monolithic religion, but a labyrinth, criss-
crossed at different layers and at different regions. Hinduism syncretized many
local religions and the group together was termed as Hinduism by the census
enumerators in 1891 onwards, when they had sought to identify the varied
religious practices of India, which could not be termed Buddhist, Jain, Sikh,
Muslim, Christian or Zoroastrian.1 Jainism and Buddhism emerged during the
period of the Upanishads. They posed a great challenge to Brahmanism. The
teachings of Mahavira and the Buddha had a strong impact and were centered on a
way of life and an inner experience. With the decline of Buddhism, Saivism and
Vaisnavism emerged, reflecting the synthesis of Brahmanic and local religions.
Islam, India's second largest religion, along with all its branches of Sunni, Sh'ia,
and Ismailis has found home in India. One can see Islamic influence in all the
spheres of Indian culture. Christianity is still recent in its growth though it is
considered to have come to India through St. Thomas in 52 A.D. Sikhism is
amongst the youngest of the major world religions, originated and primarily
developed in the 15th-17th century and concentrated in Punjab, Haryana, Delhi,
Rajasthan, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh.2 Buddhism seems to have become
almost defunct in the land of its birth. Buddhists counted about 8 million according
to 2001 census in India. Buddhism developed a mass appeal among Dalits, who
embraced Buddhism in increasing number after 1950. In 1956, B.R. Ambedkar led
the conversion of half a million Dalits to Buddhism.3

Merging of other Indian religions into Hinduism

Indian religions, sometimes also termed as Dharmic religions, are the
religions that originated on the Indian subcontinent; namely Hinduism, Jainism,
Buddhism and Sikhism. Although Indian religions are connected through the
histor, but they were by and large regarded as revolutionary movements of their
time within Hinduism. After their

emergence, they were slowly merged back to Hinduism. Jainism had many similar
characteristic features, including the concepts of samsara, karma and moksha as
Hinduism but their interpretation of these terms was different. Jains were always
regarded to be an integral part of Hindu society. Though after a long legal battle
Jains have achieved minority status but are still regarded as part of wider Hindu
society. Buddhism like Jainism arose as a protest against the ritualism of the Hindu
religion. Gautama Buddha was made to be considered as one of the avatars of
Vishnu in Vaishnava Hinduism. Of the ten major Vishnu avatars, he was
considered as the ninth incarnation. Thus Mahatma Budh was made as part of the
Hindu Pantheon.4
Sikhism was born as an independent religion. Guru Nanak was born in a
Hindu family but he never adopted Hindu religion. Rather, he rejected Hinduism
and its rituals. A monotheistic religion, Sikhism does not believe in superiority of
any special caste, class, colour or gender. Worship only the Almighty. Praise Him
only. (All say the same Word for the One Lord --Sukhmani Sahib) Sikhism rejects
idolatry and has no clergy system. Guru Nanak introduced the concept of one god,
(Ik Onkar), one creator present in all of creation. Sikhs refer to the divine as
Waheguru --the Wondrous Enlightener. Though certain Hindu ideologies practiced
in Sikhism are considerably similar like those of 'karma', 'moksha', 'maya' and
'dharma'. Sikh identity came to be crystalised during the time of Sikh gurus (1469-
1708). All this while, the Sikh religious and cultural heritage ran parallel to, not
always antagonistic with, Hinduism. Many efforts have been made by certain
Hindu elements to define Sikhism as an offshoot of Hinduism because, according
to them, most of the Sikhs have/had their roots in Hindu families. These efforts
have been resented and rejected by the Sikhs. Sikhs remain a recognised religious
minority in India.5

Challenge of abrahamic (Semitic-originated) religions

There are three abrahamic religions present in India --Islam, Christianity
and Judaism. Islam is the second largest religion in India, with 15 percent of the
country's population. Islam first came to the western coast of India when Arab
traders as early as the 7th century came to coastal Malabar and Konkan-Gujarat. In
711, Sindh (in present-day Pakistan) was conquered by an Arab army led by

Muhammad bin Qasim thus making Sindh as the easternmost province of the
Umayyad Caliphate. Later centuries saw a significant integration of Hindu and
Muslim cultures across India.6 Spread of Sufism played a decisive role in spread of
Islam in Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, Bengal, Orissa UP and Bihar. The most
obvious result of the religious impact of Islam on Hinduism is, of course, the
existence of a large Muslim population in India. Islam as a religion could never
merge or assimilate in Hinduism as it was already a codified religion with a
different value system. Islam was a strictly a monotheistic religion while Hinduism
was based on idol worship. Moreover it entered India as a dominant force which
subsequently subjugated the local rulers.
The Muslims ruled India for above 700 years. Beginning with invasions of
Mahmud of Ghazni and Mohammed Ghori from central Asia and Afghanistan,
India was under the rule of the Slave Dynasty, the Khilji Dynasty, the Tughlaq
Dynasty, the Saiyyids, the Lodhi dynasty and the Mughal Dynasty (Babur,
Humayun, Akbar, Jahangir, Shah Jahan, and Aurangzeb etc.) which came to an end
with dethroning of the last Mughal King Bahadur Shah Zafar in 1857. All these
rulers were independent of the Ottomans caliphs. The caliphate and Muslim
empires in India had Islam as their religion but these empires never had Islam as
the state religion.
It is believed that Christianity was introduced to India by St. Thomas the
Apostle, who supposedly landed in ancient seaport and urban center of Muziris
(presently Mahodayapuram) Kerala in AD 52. There are Portuguese, Roman
Catholic, Syrian Christians and a host of other Christian sub-faiths in India. During
the colonial period many Christian Missionaries came to India to spread
Christianity. There are about 25 million Christians in India comprising 2.3 percent
of the country's population. Three main regional concentrations of Christian
population exist, namely in South India, on the Konkan Coast, and among tribal
people in East, Central, and North-East India with the southern state of Kerala,
contributing 25 percent of the total Christian population in India.7

Minorities and Indian Constitution

Indian Constitution has made references to religious as well as linguistic
minorities but it does not explicitly define what a minority

is? During the Constituent Assembly debates an exhaustive discussion took place
on this issue. There was an Advisory Committee on Minority Rights in the
Constituent assembly to advice on Minority rights including the provision for
reservation for them. By and large the constituent Assembly and Advisory
Committee members were not in favour of reservation for the religious minorities.
This included the Christian and Muslim members barring few exceptions. During
the debate, Gobind Ballabh Pant advised the minorities saying: “Your safety lies in
making yourselves an integral part of the organic whole which forms the real
genuine State”.8 Jawaharlal Nehru slammed the idea of communal quota and said,
“A safeguard of this kind would have some point where there was autocratic or
foreign rule, it would enable the monarch to play one community against the
other.” Even Muslim member Tajamul Hussain, a barrister and member from Bihar
maintained: "The state in India being secular shall have no concern with any
religion, creed or profession of faith, and shall observe an attitude of absolute
neutrality in all matters relating to the religion of any class of its citizens or other
persons in the Union".9 So, the religion based minorities were not given any
As to who will be the minority, Preamble of Indian constitution states that
India is a Secular country. Thus, every religion is equal and religious demography
will determine the minority status. Still, all minorities will enjoy the same and
equal rights. Article 29 protects the interests of the minorities by making a
provision that any citizen/section of citizens having a distinct language, script or
culture have the right to conserve the same, and Article 30 protects the right of
minorities to establish and administer educational institutions whether based on
religion or language. In the Fundamental duties, Article 51A (e) states that, “It
shall be the duty of every citizen of India to promote harmony and the spirit of
common brotherhood amongst all the people of India transcending religious,
linguistic and regional or sectional diversities”. It was under the National
Commission of Minorities Act, 1992 that five religious groups as minorities were
notified i.e., the Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, and Zoroastrians. Further
the National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions was set

up under the National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions Act,
2004. Carving out of Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, a separate
Ministry of Minority Affairs was created on 29th January 2006 to ensure a more
focused approach towards issues relating to the notified minority communities
namely Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Sikhs, Parsis and Jain. Ever since, the
Ministry has launched various schemes for educational and economic
empowerment of minorities.

Plurality of India
Pluralism has been the main feature of Indian society. The existence of
religious pluralism depends on the existence of freedom of religion which is when
different religions of a particular region possess the same rights of worship and
public expression. India is a pluralistic society since its inception. Plurality is a
reality as our ethos and constitution gave equal respect for all faiths or religions.
While framing our constitution, the founding fathers knew the reality of the
country. India’s population comprised of hundred of communities belonging to
different linguistic, religious, cultural and social categories. India’s polity and
political system recognised this pluralism and began to evolve around this notion.
Mahatma Gandhi and others who chose a model of nationalism which stressed on
acknowledging, cherishing and celebrating Indian diversity and not imposing a
single language or religion on the others. This notion comprised the ‘idea of
India’.10 The democratic polity evolved and underwent transformation and change
as the post independence India unfolded. Multi-party system also reflected the
fabric of pluralism in Indian Society.
But presently ruling dispensation in India has been making all efforts to
create a majoritarian Hindu nationalism at the forefront of political narrative. For
them the best way has been to whim up and demonise the Muslim minority as the
villain of independent India. The purpose is to divide the society and get majority
Hindu support in order to win the parliamentary and state assembly elections. Their
affiliates consistently have been raising the issues such like (i) Understanding of
and dealing with history, especially that of Medieval India in the context of role of
Islam in India. (ii) Ayodhya, Kashi and Mathura as special cases of the legacy of
history (iii)

characterization of one by the other community as malecha and kafir (iv) religious
processions and playing of music before mosques (v) conversions from one
religion to another (vi) Vande Matram (vii) cow protection (viii) Hindu culture,
national heroes and Muslims (ix) communal riots (x) the de facto status of Urdu
especially in U.P. (xi) perceptions of Muslim appeasement (xii) Muslim Personal
Law and Uniform civil Code (xiii) Muslims loyalty to India (xiv) perception of
threat of worldwide Islamic terrorism and its linking with India Muslims (xvi) role
and education of Madarsas in India (xvii) Kashmir‘s full integration in India,and
abolition of Article 370 (xviii) and issue of rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandits, and
(xviii) partition of India etc.13
To spread its divisive ideology down to the last person in the country, this
rabidly communal combine built and strengthened several dozen of affiliated
organisations.14 (collectively called the Sangh Privar). Together, the Sangh Parivar
represents the Hindu nationalist movement. It includes the RSS and its affiliate
organisations, whose members' express their opinions over a range of topics.
Nominally, these organisations run independently and have different policies and
activities within the Sangh Parivar. Actually their purpose is political and they
collectively work as foot soldiers of BJP at the time of elections. These
organisations category wise include:

Helping to build a majority, other factors also played a significant role

helping bringing this ideology into power in the recent past including the 2014
elections. A neo-liberal environment ensured that money power played an
unprecedented role in the elections. The collapse of the Congress both on the
governance and organisational fronts and the failure of the regional parties of UP
and Bihar to withstand this onslaught also played their part. Curiously, the media
coverage of the 2014 election started in December 2012. This heavily loaded
construct, that decisive leadership is the answer to India’s woes, has been
propagated by the corporate sector and the urban middle class, which viewed the
Congress as corrupt, dynastic, and inefficient and a reckless benefactor of the poor.
This entailed a high voltage campaign to amplify anti-incumbency against the
Congress led government at the centre.

Once in majority in Lok Sabha, this outfit and BJP began to show its true
colours. While top political leadership kept on harping on developmental agenda
and selectively kept quite on the illegal brandishings of its fringe elements, while
its backed organisations began the anti minority campaigns like love jihad, ghar
vapsi, the beef ban, forcing them to sing Vande Mataram/Bharat Mata Ki Jai etc. as
part of a divisive agenda of the majority party to consolidate itself. Many states
ruled by it made cow slaughter as a legal crime with stringent punishments. There
were crack downs on meat shops, houses even fridges of Muslim household were
searched by unruly Hindu mobs at many places. They became the self appointed
cow protectors. Muslim youth are provoked even mocked in trains and buses on
wearing the skull caps and then attacked by their goons. Many of the majority
community members considered to be involved in Samjhauta Express bombings,
Mecca Masjid bombing and 2006 Malegaon blasts were released or granted bails.
Any criticism of the government and its top leaders is considered as anti national
and people are trolled on social media if they question the illegal high handedness
of these fringe elements.

The most dangerous developments for the minorities of the country are
decimating their symbols; obliterating history to impose the agenda of majority
party. For instance, the renaming of the iconic Mughalsarai railway station in Uttar
Pradesh after the BJP icon Deen Dayal Upadhyay, and renaming Aurangzeb Road
in Lutyens’ Delhi after A P J Abdul Kalam the late President of India. Recent
decision of Dyal Singh (Evening) College managing committee to rename it as
Vande Mataram Mahavidyalaya is a case in point though they had to retract from
this last named decision when the Sikhs made a strong protest. This was an attempt
to demolish a Sikh minority symbol from the capital of the Country. Unleashing its
anti-minority agenda central government submitted in the Supreme Court that
Aligarh Muslim University and Jamia Millia Islamia University are not minority
educational institutions. In the case of AMU, the Attorney General argued that this
is because it was set up by an act of Parliament, not by Muslims. The UGC which
is now stuffed with many RSS ideologues

is planning to interfere into the internal structures of the departments of AMU. 15
For instance, it has been now suggested to club the separate Sunni and Shia
departments under the Theology faculty into a department for comparative religion
without knowing its implications. History is being distorted; syllabi are being
tinkered to adjust their wishful history which is far from the reality. Choicest RSS
ideologues or affiliated persons are being drafted to head Indian Council of Social
Science Research (ICSSR), Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR) and the
Universities. All this is being done in the name of nationalism and correcting the
historical wrongs committed by earlier governments. Since the BJP under Modi
has come to power in 2014, the national media has nothing else to debate except,
Triple Talaq, Hindu-Muslim issues, Kashmir problem, India-Pakistan tensions,
Hafiz Saeed, stone pelting on Indian Army, Uniform Civil Code, futility of
Madarsa Education. They leave no stone unturned to show Indian Muslim in poor
light. As if all ills of India are due to Muslims and all Muslim men are hovering
around their wives with sword of Triple Talaq in their hand. As if all human rights
violations are done in the Muslim Society only. By doing these acts, the ruling
dispensation under the overall guidance of RSS, is creating a majoritarian
hegemony to force the minorities of the country to submission forever, so that they
can rule the country according to their Hindutava ideology. By creating a fifth
column among the minorities they are scuttling the efforts of unity within in the
minority communities.


The minority communities of India need to contest the majoritarianism by

taking a firm stand on minority rights as intrinsic features of India’s democracy.
India’s minorities and Muslims in particular, have to overcome internal divisions
and forge wider and more effective links with relevant civil society organizations
in order to be heard and heeded. All minority communities must start awareness
campaigns among their constituents. The situation in the country today is
characterised and manifested by creeping fascism. Never before in our history have
we been confronted by such a phenomenon. With government’s active and passive
support, this rabidly communal juggernaut is on the move, and the groundwork is
being created to

declare India a Hindu Rashtra.

In such a situation, the minority communities in India need to be more

engaged in the politics of the country. They need to create their enlightened cadres
to construct a new discourse in which they have an honourable and dignified place
in India’s polity and society. They must build a cadre of well read intellectuals who
can counter the majoritarian argument put forward by this combine. There is need
of the time that a Pan India Joint Minority front is created to evolve strategies to
protect the minorities. Minorities should create a collective security shield (all for
one and one for all) where attack on one minority should be concern of all the
minorities. The minorities should galvanise their communities and teach the tact of
tactical voting so that any candidate or political party with a fascist majoritarian
view does not get elected down from Panchayat to the Parliament of the country.
To protect India’s pluralism, it is the duty of all of us to protect the values
enshrined in our Constitution. It is also fact that majority among the majority is
non-majoritarian in their outlook the minorities should elicit the vocal support of
this enlightened majority. Minorities must remember one thing, each one of them
is vulnerable today Muslims are being picked up as target.



1 Hindu was defined primarily against Islam. As the 1891 Census report
unabashedly claims “Primarily and historically, it is the antithesis of
Islam, and thus includes all Indian forms of faith in which the
uncompromising Unitarianism of the adherents of the prophet detected
signs of the worship of idols. Census of India, 1891, pp. 158; Elst, K.
(2002): Who is a Hindu? Hindu revivalist views of Animism, Buddhism,
Sikhism, and other offshoots of Hinduism, Voice of India, New Delhi.
2 “Sikh Population in India”, in Punjab Data, Know Everything About
Punjab, available at
3 See, Das, Bhagwan (1998), "Revival of Buddhism in India. Role of Dr
Baba Sahib B.R.Ambedkar", Lucknow: Dalit Today Prakashan. ISBN 81-7030-254-4; Gary
Tartakov (2003): Rowena Robinson, ed. Religious Conversion in India: Modes, Motivations,
and Meanings, Oxford University Press. pp. 192–213.

4 Klostermaier, Klaus K. (2007): A Survey of Hinduism (3rd ed.) Albany,
State University of New York Press, pp. 46–49. ISBN 0-7914-7082-2.
5 Nabha, Bhai Kahan Singh (2017 ed.): Ham Hindu Nahin (We are not
Hindus in Punjabi), Singh Brothers, Amritsar.
6 Baksh, Kaiyume (2007). Islam and other major world religions. Trafford.
pp. 47–49. ISBN 978-1-4251-1303-2. Pirbhai, M (2009). Reconsidering
Islam in a South Asian context. Leiden Boston: Brill. pp. 132–150. ISBN
978-90-04-17758-1; “Hinduism and Islam”, Encyclopædia Britannica,
available at, https ://
7 “Christianity in India”, can be accessed at,
8 Constituent Assembly Debate Vol. V.
9 Constituent Assembly Debate, Vol. 7, page 815.
10 Satchidanandan K, “Pluralism is Central to Indian Identity”, The Beacon,
11 For details see, Baxter, Craig (1971): The Jana Sangh - A Biography of
an Indian Political Party. Oxford University Press, Bombay; Graham, B.
D. (1990): Hindu Nationalism and Indian Politics: The Origins and
Development of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh. Cambridge University Press
12 Swapan Dasgupta, “Rise of the BJP”, India Today (Cover Story),
December 9, 2015; Nag, Kingshuk (2014): The saffron Tide: The Rise of
BJP Rupa Publications, New Delhi; Swain, Pratap Chandra (2001):
Bharatiya Janata Party: Profile and Performance, APH Publishing, New
13 Iqbal A. Ansari, “Hindu-Muslim conflict – need for conciliation”, the
Milli Gazatte, online News Paper, taken
14 See, “Sangh Parivar”, at
15 “Minority Tag of AMU: Govt. to withdraw plea against HC verdict”,
The Hindu, July 7, 2016.


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