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DATE 2000 2000

,XAN.- 1178
18 July 1985

ssistant General Couns'e

Lgon-Disclosure Litigation Officer
DO/IMS/FOIA, Privacy & Litigation Group

SUBJECT: OGC Trace Request: Department of Justice -

Dr. Joseph Mengele

REFERENCE: OGC-85-51511 dated 16 May 1985

1. An extensive search of the files and indices of the

Directorate of Operations surfaced a file on one Theodor Binder
who is identical to Dr. Theodore Binder. (C)

A. There is one reference to Dr. Joseph Mengele in Dr.

Binder's file. This reference appeared in an attachmerit to a
29 April 1965 Department of State memorandum written to the
U.S. Secret Service which dealt with counterfeit U.S. currency
in Peru. The following is the Mengele excerpt from this

"i..Otto Steft Senior was one of the officers that

along with Fritz Knochlein murdered British soldiers of the
Norfolk Regiment who surrendered at hamlet of de Paradis
("Paradis Massacre"). Knochlein was tried by British
Military Court in 1948, was sentenced to death. But Steft
escaped. He is now messenger for ODESSA in South America.
Has plates for American dollars. At present is in Brazil
due to leave for Paraguay dn December 8, 1964. Is rumored
he killed (illegible) agent few months ago on the Peruvian-
Brazilian border. Has been seen with Dr. Josef Mengele.
Last time officially seen at Rio de la Plata on April 18,
1962 in the company of Federico Schwend and Josef
Mengele." (C)



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In April 1964. DL.

B. De—Binder was registered to the
later terminated without
'prejudice (date unknown). At he time of registration, Dr.
Binder was located in Pucallpa, Peru, and employed at the
Albert Schweitzer Hospital. (S)

C. In April 1965, Dr. Binder, is referred to as follows

in an attachment to the Department of State memorandum written
to the U.S. Secret Service regarding counterfeit U.S. currency
in Peru:

The case of Dr. Theodore Binder who is also a member

of the ODESSA Organization and suspected as , being its main
contact in the Peruvian jungles..." .

...It is proven that Dr. Binder entered Peru with a

false passport along with his wife...."

...Dr. Binder was a member of the Hitler Youth Group,

never studied to be a doctor and served in the German Army
from 1941-45, when he escaped to Zurich, Switzerland." (C)

D. An undated notation in Dr. Binder's file reads:

"Re Theodore Binder - Member of DO Staff spoke with Army rep
over telephone at Fort Belvoir 5 Oct. Army rep said Binder
never used by Army because at the time they were considering
his use, they assessed the situation in the Peruvian govt (sic)
and decided it not suitable to use Subject. Army rep could not
give more details over telephone." (U)

E. Paragraph D above may be connected with the

following 1970 incident: In October 1970, a meeting was held
between a DO case officer and a source to discuss a reported
coup possibility in Peru. This information was obtained from
Dr. Binder, who was described as a German national who headed
the Albert Schweitzer Hospital in Pucallpa, Peru. Source
stated that he had known Dr. Binder for several years and
thought highly of him. At that time Dr. Binder could be
reached %Dr. Max Roth, Freiestrasse 8Z, 4000 Basil,
Switzerland. (C)

F. The following undated biographic information

appeared in Dr. Binder's file: - Dr. Theodore Binder. Born
about 1919 or 1920 in Loerrach, Germany, is organist and
physician; inspired by Albert Schweitzer he studied medicine,
philosophy and ethnology and decided to devote his life to the
Indians in Latin America. He and wife went to Peru in 1948 and

- 2 -

apparently have been there since. His German medical degrees

not recognized in Peru so he had to study medicine over again.
Established the hospital about January 1960. In late 1964 a
Berlin medical publication reported following a visit to Binder
by an unspecified person, that Binder was ruling his hospital
7 practically as an absolute monarch, the hospital was like a
prison, instruments dirty, medicine spoiled, Binder taking
kickbacks from hospital employees and charging fees for
medicines which had been donated. Binder sued the publication
-- other articles appeared about his innocence etc. Nothing
further on him since then." (U)

2. Dr.Binder is also possibly identifiable with the

following individuals:

A. Two documents were surfaced on "Theo Binder" (DPOB

and nationality unknown). Theo Binder, which could either be a
true name or an alias, was described as a journalist.

B. One Theodor Binder (DPOB unknown), who, as of April

1945, was a member of the underground organization Anti-
Faschistisches Osterreich, a monarchist group with headquarters
in Klagenfurt, Austria. (C)

3. Information was surfaced which probably identifies

Walter Juan Branaa-Faccio. In February 1971 it was reported
that the Government of Uruguay planned negotiations with the
USSR on the details and implementation of a bilateral trade
agreement between the two countries. One Walter Brana (DPOB
unknown) of Curtiembre Brana was one of a fourteen-member
private Uruguayan delegation that was planning to travel to the
USSR for these negotiations. (S)

4. Our search surfaced the following information which may

or may not identify Fritz Steinacker:

A. In 1954, one fnu Steinacker (DPOB unknown), an

engineer, worked at the IFA Works in Chemnitz, East Germany,
transportation center renamed Karl-Marx-Stadt in 1953. (S)

B. Information dated 9 April 1985 reported the

following: "...Fritz Steinacker, Mengele's lawyer, knows where
Mengele is. Steinacker is reported to have told the Germans
that he will tell them when Mengele dies...." (S)

C. Information dated 15 April 1985, reported the

following: "...As for Fritz Steinacker, source says he is a
reputable Frankfurt attorney who has been involved in defending

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right-wing extremists since the 1950's. Source dealt with him

personnaly when Steinacker defended a Red Army Faction (RAF)
terrorist some years back. Source says he is a very level-
headed man and the type one would choose to help 'go and steal
horses' (a German expression for describing someone you can get
along with and who can be trusted). The only negative comment
source had to make about Steinacker is that at the conclusion
of one trial in which he had been defending an RAF terrorist,
Steinacker acted • n the same manner as well-known leftist
lawyers of the type who sympathize with the RAF. This seemed
to source to be out of character for Steinacker. According to
source Steinacker is the executor of Mengele's estate in
Germany and manages some property in Frankfurt which is owned
by Mengele...." (S)

5. An extensive search of the files and indices of the DO

surfaced no information concerning the following:

Rudolf Johanes Faller

Curtiembres Branaa, Ltd.
Binder Schweitzer Foundation aka Albert
Schweitzer Foundation
Malte Wieland Bollinger
Hospital Mazahna Albert Schweitzer
Hospital Amazomico Albert Schweitzer -(U)

The above information may not be passed to the Department

of Justice without prior coordination with this office.

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