TOEFL Glossary

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active voice

English sentences can be written in either the active or passive voice. In the active voice, the
subject is the doer of an action. For example, in Sam kicked the ball, the action is kicked,
and the doer is Sam: An active sentence emphasizes the doer of an action.

Adjectives give more information about nouns. In English, they usually come before the
nouns. For example, a red umbrella, a rainy day, a beautiful woman.

Adverbs are words like quickly, happily, or carefully. They can tell more about an adjective
(e.g., very big), another adverb (e.g., very quietly), or a verb (e.g., walk slowly).

A noun to which a pronoun refers. In the following sentence, John is the antecedent of the
pronoun he: John was late for school because he missed the bus.

This punctuation mark (‘) shows the omission of letters in contractions (cannot–can’t), or
possession (the girl’s dress, the animals’ cages).

Articles are a, an, and the, the little words in English that come before nouns. English has
two types of articles. The definite article (the) is used to refer to one or more specific things,
animals, or people (e.g., the house on the hill). The indefinite articles (a, an) are used to
refer to a thing, animal, or person in a nonspecific or general way (e.g., a house, an

A clause is a group of related words that contains a subject and a verb. There are two kinds
of clauses: independent and dependent. An independent clause expresses a complete thought
and can be seen as a sentence (e.g., She saw Jim.). A dependent clause is a part of a sentence
and cannot stand on its own. (When she saw Jim is a dependent clause.) To make a complete
sentence, you need to add an independent clause: When she saw Jim, she smiled.

collective noun
A collective noun refers to a group of people or animals: population, family, troop,

This punctuation mark (,) is used to separate words (She bought apples, oranges, and
grapes) or parts of a sentence (He was here, but he left).

compound subject
This is a plural subject; a subject that consists of more than one part: Lions, tigers, and
bears are kept in the zoo.
compound verb
This type of verb consists of more than one part: The baby started crying.

compound words
These are words that are made up of two words: everywhere, boyfriend, himself, weekend.

This is the last paragraph of an essay; the paragraph that closes the essay. In a conclusion,
you can restate the thesis or sum up the main ideas of the essay.

A conjunction is a word that connects words, phrases, or sentences. It also shows
relationships between words or clauses. There are two kinds of conjunctions: coordinating
and subordinating. Coordinating conjunctions like and, but, or, nor, and for connect parts
that are equal: In She bought a desk and a chair, both desk and chair are nouns.
Subordinating conjunctions like although, because, if, since, and when connect parts that are
not equal: In Because he missed the train, he was late for work. Because he missed the train
is a dependent clause, and he was late for work is an independent clause.

Contractions are short forms. You make a contraction when you combine two words,
shorten one of them, and add an apostrophe: cannot–can’t; does not–doesn’t; should not–
shouldn’t; it is– it’s.

dependent clause
A dependent clause is a part of a sentence and cannot stand on its own. (When she saw Jim
is dependent clause. To make a complete sentence, you need to add an independent clause:
When she saw Jim, she smiled.

exclamation point
This mark of punctuation (!) at the end of a sentence is used to show surprise or strong

A fragment is a group of words that is not a complete sentence, even though it sometimes
starts with a capital letter or ends with a punctuation mark, and often contains a subject and

helping verb
This type of verb is also called an auxiliary verb. Helping verbs are used with main verbs in
a verb phrase: is going; were singing; can talk; may leave; must tell; will see).

This mark (-) is used to separate the different parts of a compound word: mother-in-law,
self-motivated student.

independent clause
An independent clause has a subject and a verb, expresses a complete thought, and can be
seen as a sentence. (e.g., She saw him.) It can also be combined with another independent
clause to make a compound sentence (She saw him, so she called him over.) It can also take
a dependent clause to make a complex sentence (She saw him, even though it was dark.)

infinitive verb
An infinitive consists of the word to + verb (e.g., to go, to swim, to wish). It can function as
a noun, adjective, or adverb. For example: To swim the English Channel is my friend’s
strongest dream. Here, the infinitive to swim acts as a noun. It is the subject of the sentence.

intransitive verb
This type of verb does not need an object to complete its meaning. For example: John ran.
Bob left. Jane slept.

An introduction is the first paragraph of an essay. Effective introductions do two basic
things: grab the reader’s interest and let the reader know what the whole essay is about. This
is why most introductions include a thesis statement that clearly states the writer’s topic and
main argument.

main idea
Main ideas are the important points of an essay. They state what will be discussed in each
paragraph (or set of paragraphs for longer essays). Main ideas develop the thesis statement
of an essay and are in turn developed by supporting details.

modal verb
A modal verb is a kind of helping verb. Modal verbs help to express meanings such as
permission (may), obligation (must), prediction (will, shall), ability (can), and so on.

noun phrase
This type of phrase consists of several words that together function as the noun of a
sentence, (e.g., Talking to my mother made me feel better. “Talking to my mother” is a noun
phrase that is acting as the subject of this sentence.)

An essay is made up of smaller sections called paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on
one main idea; you tell your reader what this idea is by using a topic sentence. A good
paragraph is one in which every sentence supports the topic sentence.

passive voice
English sentences can be written in either the active or passive voice. In a passive sentence,
the verb to be is combined with the past participle form of a verb, e.g., John was kicked. A
passive sentence emphasizes the receiver or the results of an action.

In English grammar, this punctuation mark (.) is used to signal the end of a declarative
sentence. (A declarative sentence is one that is not a question or an exclamation.) It is also
used to indicate abbreviations (e.g., Mr., St., Ave.)

A phrase is a group of related words with a single grammatical function (e.g., a noun phrase,
a verb phrase). The noun phrase acts as a noun or subject in this sentence: The girl in the
corner is Mary.

Plural means “more than one.” In English grammar, nouns, pronouns, and verbs can take
plural forms. For example, cars is a plural noun, we or they is a plural pronoun, and climb is
a plural verb.

possessive pronoun
These are pronouns that show possession or ownership (e.g., my, our, his, her, their, whose).
Some possessive pronouns can function as nouns: Is this yours? That book is mine.

A prefix is a word part, such as co- in co-star, attached to the front of a word to make a new
word. For another example, the prefix re- can be added to the word sell to make the word
resell, which means to sell again.

Prepositions are words such as in, of, by, and from. They describe the relationship between
words in a sentence. In the sentence The professor sat on the desk, the preposition on shows
the location of the professor in relation to the desk.

A pronoun can replace a noun or another pronoun. You can use pronouns such as she, it,
which, and they to make your writing less repetitive.

question mark
This is the punctuation mark (?) used at the end of a direct question. For example, Is David
coming to the party?

sentence combining
Sometimes writers combine two or more short sentences to make a longer one. The reason
for doing this is that too many short sentences often make the writing sound choppy. Using
sentence-combining techniques in the revising process can improve the style of your essay.

Singular means “single,” or “one.” In English grammar, nouns, pronouns, and verbs can
take singular forms. For example, car is a singular noun, he or she is a singular pronoun, and
climbs is a singular verb in the present tense.

The subject of a sentence tells who or what a sentence is about. For example, Stephen ran
into the parking lot. Stephen is the subject of the sentence.
supporting ideas
Supporting ideas are the details that develop the main idea of a paragraph. They can be
definitions, explanations, illustrations, opinions, evidence, and examples. They usually come
after the topic sentence and make up the body of a paragraph.

Tenses indicate time. Sometimes tenses are formed by changes in the verb, as in He sings
(present tense) and He sang (past tense). At other times, tenses are formed by adding
modals, or helping verbs. For example, He will give me fifty dollars (future tense); He has
given me fifty dollars (perfect tense).

The thesis or thesis statement of an essay states what will be discussed in the whole essay. It
offers your reader a quick and easy summary of the essay. A thesis statement usually
consists of two parts: your topic and what you are going to say about the topic. Thesis
statements are supported by main ideas.

topic sentence
The topic sentence states the main idea of a paragraph. It tells your reader what the
paragraph is about. An easy way to make sure your reader understands the topic of a
paragraph is to put your topic sentence near the beginning of the paragraph. (This is a good
general rule for less experienced writers, although it is not the only way to do it.)

transition words and phrases

Transition words and phrases are used to connect ideas and signal relationships between
them. For example, First can be used to signal the first of several points; Thus can be used
to show a result.

transitive verb
Transitive verbs require an object. For example, in He mailed the letter, mailed is a
transitive verb, and letter is its object.

A verb is an “action” word (e.g., climb, jump, run, eat). English verbs also express time.
(e.g., past tense verbs like climbed, jumped, ran, and ate show that the action happened in
the past). Verbs also show states of being—to be words—mentioned earlier in chapter.

verb phrase
A verb phrase is a phrase (or a group of words) that consists of a main verb (e.g., climb,
jump, run, eat) plus one or more helping verbs (e.g., may, can, has, is, are). Examples of
verb phrases are She may go, or The students will receive certificates.

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