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Letter confirming suspension (alleged gross misconduct)

Add/delete information in brackets as appropriate

[add date]

Private and confidential

[add address]

Dear [add name]

I write further to our [meeting/conversation] on [add date], when we discussed the

allegations of gross misconduct which have been made against you. [Add details of

In accordance with the Company’s formal discipline procedure, I confirm that from
[add date], you are suspended from work on full pay, while a full investigation is
carried out. Your suspension is to enable us to conduct a thorough and speedy
investigation and does not in itself carry any implication of guilt or prejudgement. Nor
does it constitute any form of disciplinary action against you.

During your suspension, you are instructed not to contact by any means (directly or
indirectly) any [clients/customers/staff/colleagues]. You may contact your trade union
representative if you require [his/her] advice. If you have any queries in relation to
this matter, please telephone me on [add telephone number]. Failure to comply with
these instructions may in itself constitute misconduct (or, if this investigation is
undermined in any way, gross misconduct), which may result in disciplinary action
against you.

I will contact you at the earliest opportunity to inform you of the outcome of the
investigation. If you are required to attend a disciplinary hearing, you will be given
full details of the allegations against you and the results of the investigation in
advance of the hearing.

You are required to remain available during your suspension, so that I am able to
contact you if the need arises.

Yours sincerely

[add name]
[add title]

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