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RNI Annual subscription Rs.50/- Postal


VOL. NO. 2
ISSUE NO. 64 May- 2010 MONTHLY NEWS LETTER Published on every 2nd

A Mouth Piece of





The meeting was held in the Vaddepally Kamalamma Senior Citizens Bhawan in
Vivekanandangar colony. It was attended by about 60 senior citizens, out of which 38 came from
17 districts. All the participants were given a statement of the mission, objectives and
membership of the district level coordinating committees (DISCOs). Dr. Rao Chelikani, state
level Convenor in his introductory remarks, re-iterated that it is a common platform of all the
organizations, institutions and individuals working to serve the senior citizens. He defined its
triple mission: Senior for the Society, Society for the Senior Citizens and Elders for Elders. He
urged the participants to announce their plans of action for the year, 2010 to extend their
activities to the mandal level and to establish liaison with the local collectors, commissioners,
S.Ps. and the A.Ds. He reminded our collective decision to elect a Convener and a Co-
Convener from 2 different organizations at the district level in order to have
equal participation and sharing of responsibilities. He advised that the senior
citizens should maintain self-respect and dignity while dealing with the

During the opening messages, Sri.J.S.Sastry, J.C. (Retd), Ministry of Commerce and
Industry, G.O.I expressed unhappiness over the delay in implementing the National Policy and
extending certain concessions to senior citizens. Sri. Vishwas Reddy, Vice-President, A.P.
Pensioners Association has offered their full cooperation to work with the AP State Coordinating
Committee in all the districts. Joining him, Sri. S.S. Narayana, Vice-President and Sri. R.L.N.
Ratnam, State Secretary, also confirmed the same. Sri. L. Krishna Bhoopala Rao, IFS (Rtd.)
suggested that the senior citizens Forums should also monitor whether the senior citizens,
particularly, coming from the poor families are getting the facilities extended by State Govt. like
Pension, Medical assistance etc. Sri.G.A. Rahim, I.P.S., I.G.P.(Retd) suggested, quoting his own
example, to the senior citizens who can afford to form Trusts in the name of their parents and

help the needy members in the society. Sri.K.R.Gangadharan, M.D. of Heritage Hospitals
explained the back ground of the National Policy on elders and invited them to make their
contribution to review it. Launching proposals for the Action Plan for 2010, Sri.S. Dass, Joint
Director Helpage India stated that Senior citizens movement in A.P. is very vibrant, compared to
other states. Since, the NPOP is being reviewed he requested to pool the views of the
elders on NPOP and this pooled data can be sent to the Reviewing
Committee at Delhi. He proposed to install a telephonic helpline linking the districts, to
conduct 6 more such meetings in various districts, one more at the state level, one more
Physiotherapy Centre, in addition to the just launched one at Kukatpally, which would be a role
model and can eventually be used as a training centre also. They also run some 300 elder support
groups in different districts. He sought the cooperation of the s.c. associations in realizing their

Sri.B.N.Shetty and Sri. G. Govinda Rao Kurnool explained various activities and quoted
the exemplary good work of Sri. Y. Venkat Reddy and also wanted that uniformly all persons
that cross 60 years should be considered as senior citizens. Lion Sri. V. Jagannatha Raju,
Tadepalligudem stated that senior citizens cards are issued, on the spot, even for those senior
citizens who are unable to produce age proof, with the help of the physicians. Sri.Vuchidi Mohan
Reddy, ex-MLA., Karimnagar suggested to approach Govt. collectively to seek concessions like
bus fare etc. while quoting the appropriate number of the senior citizens who would be
effectively availing of such facility. Sri. L.Srinivasulu, from Tirupathi suggested that First Aid
centres should be made available at all Centres and offered to host a regional meeting. Senior
Citizens Forums should focus on elder abuse issues. Sri.T.Nagendra Swamy, Mahabubnagar
suggested to change the Elders Abuse Day in to Elders Respect Day and that there should be
value education in schools and colleges by the senior citizens’ organizations. . Sri. Samson and
Sri. Rama Naidu from Kadapa made proposals to form the DCC. Similarly, for Ananthapur also
Sri. Davidson and Sri. Maddileti proposed the members for the DCC. Sri. V.V. Appa Rao
explained the activities carried out and particularly the formation of Vasavi Ladies Home in
Khammam. Sri. Suneel Kumar volunteered to bring the collaboration of the A.P. Chapter of the
UN Council in Khammam. Sri. C. Manohar would like to work to have more old age homes in
Adilabad. Sri. S. Ramakrishna Rao wished the formation of Aasara in Visakhaptanm corporation
also and invited to hold a regional meeting of the Coordinating committee. Sri. P. Satyanarayana
Murthy proposed to enlarge the Guntur DCC. Sri. Saraiah briefly mentioned the activities of the
already-existing DCC. Sri. Bhoomanna invited to hold a regional meeting in Nizamabad. Sri.
A.S. Ranganayakulu, Kanigiri wanted the CoCo to help the old age homes to function better. Sri.
Sattar Khan from Aasara, GHMC explained the Aasara activities and Mrs. Rajeshwari, from
Federation of Elders’ Homes in AP (FEDEHAP) suggested a plan for the single senior citizens to
live together in a home sharing the expenses.

Sri. Y. Raja Rao, Secretary, Aasara, GHMC (Kukatpally) has thanked the HelpAge-India for
having supported this event. In the afternoon, the participants are invited by Sri. V. Gopala Rao,
President of the Council of Senior citizens’ Organisations in Hyderabad and R.R. districts and
the Vice-President of FAPSCO to join the Vivekanandanagar Senior Citizens in the opening of
the Physiotherapy Centre in the premises of the local residents recreation club. The centre,

supported by HelpAge India is opened by Sri.
Vaddepally Narsing Rao, Ex:Chairman, A.P. Mineral
Development Corporation.


Review of NPOP: Your Comments Are Welcome

The Government of India has constituted a committee to review and recommend a new
policy document on senior citizens and as member of the committee, I request you all to make
suggestions directly.Thematic Sub Committees :
(1) Gender : Mrs.Mohini Giri
FAPSCO, 12-13-705/10/AB, Balaji Residency, 106, Gokul Nagar,
Tarnaka, Secunderabad-500017, Email: [email protected]

(2) Issues of 80+: Mr. M M Sabharwal

HelpAge India, #2-2-3/A/A5, Prem Sai Apts, Beside A.T.I, Sivam Road, Hyderabad- 500 007.
Email: [email protected]

(3) Health care: Mr. K R Gangadharan

M.D. Heritage Hospital, Member NCOP, 6-3-907/2,Kapadia Lane, SomajiGuda,
Hyderabad-500 082 E-mail: [email protected]
(4) Safety & Security: Mrs.Dr. Sheilu Sreenivasan
President, Dignity Foundation, BMC School Building, Topiwala Lane,
Opp. Lamigton Road,Police Station, Mumbai- 400 007
Email: [email protected]
A Visit to the Mamatha OldAge Home
The Senior Citizens Forum of Tarnaka has, recently, visited the venerable institution,
called the Mamatlha old age home which has been rendering yeomen services to old women
for the past 12 years. It was founded by Smt. Bharathi Kamalakar. Its doors are open to all
those who need its services or those who would like to support.
Address: Mamatha Oldage Home, Gokhale Nagar, Lakshminarasimha Driving School,
Chedam Mess Lane, Ramanthapur. Contact no. 9347203306/ 6452 6086
Salaha: A Family Counseling Centre
S.Sitarama Swamy, Vice President FAPSCO suggests seniors to contact SALAHA, a
family counseling Centre for a solution to the various problems concerning to the

For more details contact their office at 12-11- 1411, Boudha Nagar, Secunderabad.061.
9849052609, [email protected] 99665 74032,[email protected]
9440048031, [email protected]
May 15th is celebrated as the INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE
FAMILY. Elderly parents need the security but at the same time their independence.

If your beloved Elderly parents are living on their own, many kilometers away
from you, there can be all sorts of problems in fulfilling your responsibilities or winning
their love, especially when you are employed and have your own family. A telephone
call from them can make you feel worried and/or guilty creating unhappiness in the family.

On the other hand, the Elders living alone can feel very lonely and unwanted.

To find a solution to these kind of problem of living alone is to make

them STAY with you - or in an EXTENSION of your own house, with the
necessary comforts. Always remember, that as many years your parents are there
with you, you are a child. There cannot be a better outsourcing for your
children's care, love and affection than your own Elder parents.

Also remember, the Elders love their own independence. Hence together we should
live, respecting each others privacy and independence and together we must raise the
younger ones to step into the next generation.



A message sent to the attention of Sri. Sameer Sarma, IAS, Commissioner,

GHMC, on 2nd April, 2010

This is regarding the election procedure of the Ward Committee members and a
follow up to my visit to you on 28th April, 2010 . You advised me to see the Mayor about the
process of election, which I did not do, as I consider that it is not her responsibility. As per the
GO 57 only the Council in its entirety expresses its decision by voice vote and it is the
Commissioner who sets the procedure to satisfy the objectives of theActandtheG.O.
I hereby share with you the strong desire of the civil society and, especially, those
who have volunteered to apply to become members, that the process should be transparent. The
ward committee should not end up as a nomination of the concerned corporator. Rc

An appeal
Sent to: the Minister, MA&UD, Chief Secretary GOAP, State Election Commission,
Chief Electoral Officer, JN Urban Renewal Mission, Commissioner, GHMC, the Mayor,
GHMC., etc.

19th May, 2010.

Dear Sir,

As you are aware, following the 74th Constitutional Amendment, the GOAP
has amended its municipalities and municipal corporations Acts in 2008 and in February 2010
it issued a GO nos.57 & 58 to regulate the process of nominations and election to the
Ward Committees and Area Sabhas.
However, in conducting the process of nominations and election, the
GHMC Commissioner, as well as the GHMC Council, have been unsuccessful, even
after repeated efforts. We consider that this is entirely due to the fact that this exercise has not
been conducted, as it ought to be, under the auspices of the State Election Commission.
We request you to use your good offices so as to see that the spirit of the
Constitution is upheld and that the civil society can directly participate in the
management of its local affairs without party affiliations.

With best regards, Yours very sincerely, Dr. Rao V.B.J. Chelikani
Why Not Citizens As Observers to the GHMC

A letter to the Hon’able Mayor, GHMC, which was handed over personally on
30-04-2010 for which no positive response.

We understand the hon’able Mayor has called for a special

meeting of the G.H.M.C for nomination of W.C members. It appears there
are about three applications for each post.

Rule 9 of G.H.M.C ward committee rules (GO. MS No.57)

stipulates that “In case there are more number of eligible applications
than the number of persons to be nominated, the corporation shall
nominate the required number of persons by Voice Vote”

The civil society organization of Hyderabad who were involved in

Municipal governance reforms and in the process of formation of rules,
would like to attend the special meeting of the G.H.M.C on 15-05-2010
as observers.

We therefore request the hon’able Mayor G.H.M.C to kindly

accord permission to representatives of civil societies (not more than
10) to attend the special meeting being held on 15-05-2010.

Thanking you, Yours Sincerely, M. Padmanabha Reddy I.F.S (R) Secretary, Forum
for Good Governance

Our Electoral Rolls and EPICs

The Chief Electoral Officer of the Central Election Commission, Dr. I.V. Subba
Rao had a consultation with the representatives of the RWAs on revision of Photo
Electoral Rolls with the objective of achieving 100% Photo Electoral Rolls and
preparation of error free electoral rolls and issue of EPICs, on 22.05.2010 at 10.a.m. in the
Jubilee Hall, Public Hyderabad. The RWAs are invited to enter into a Memorandum
of Agreement to make this campaign a great success.

A summary revision will take place from 28th of May to 12th June, 2010. The
application forms can be down-loaded from or and
filed in the nearest counter of the Assistant Electoral Registration Officer (A-ERO),
which you can find out by telephoning to Toll Free no. 1100. The RWAs can arrange some
special days for registration in their areas. In you got any complaints, please send them by fax
(even hand-written) to Dr. I.V. Subba Rao, Chief Electoral Officer (CEO): Tel: 2345
7317. Fax: 2345 5781 or by e-mail.



Recent Riots in Hyderabad: Role of Civil Society Organisations

The Hum Sab Hindustani Trust (HSHT) held a meeting of its members, some civil
society organisations and concerned individuals on 23.4.10 to discuss a programme of
action following the recent riots in Hyderabad from 27.3.10 to 10.4.10.
The following demands are sent to the Chief Minister:
• Issuance of a G.O applicable to the entire state, prescribing the compulsory requirement
for obtaining permission for display in public places, of buntings, banners, flags, etc; and
their compulsory removal after a prescribed period; provision of pecuniary and penal
measures for non-removal.
• Quick identification of victims of riots eligible for compensation and payment of
compensation, within three weeks.
• a law to recover damages due to loss of life, limbs and property caused by persons and
organisations from such persons and organisations, as determined by the District
Collector, without recourse.
• Strengthen the investigation team of the police, so that neither will there be unlawful
detention of persons taken in custody before their production to a court, nor the release of
suspected persons without proper investigation.
• Appointment of special fast track courts to dispose of riot cases, so that the rate of
conviction and expedition in disposal of cases increase.

• Fixing and enforcing upon the organizers of a procession a legal liability, to compensate
for damages and loss to the public or private property/ loss of life or injury that may be
caused by their conduct, as determined by the District Collector, without recourse.
• Strengthening prompt intelligence-gathering by the police and acting thereon; more
presence in mixed population areas; quickly apprehending and charge-sheeting those
responsible for the riots directly or indirectly for deterrent punishment; for this purpose
use, as per law, of their videographs, clippings of the TV channels, photographs of rioters
appearing in the press, to identify the culprits, in addition to the other modes of
investigation; apprehending and punishing all rumor mongers spreading rumours
through sms, by using assistance of the telecom companies.
• There must be no compromise in punishing those responsible for creating the riots,
directly or indirectly, under any political pressure.
• Ensuring proper investigation while avoiding illegal detention.
• Reactivating Mohalla committees: Involving locals in intelligence gathering by
motivating them and protecting anonymity and confidentiality of informants; Working in
close cooperation with the local peace committees and with groups which work on
common local issues which affect all, irrespective of community.
• A judicial enquiry by a sitting High Court judge, to be completed within four months of
appointment of the committee, to identify and prosecute the forces behind the riots in the
city; to identify the lacunae in anticipating, and dealing with, the violence; and to adopt
appropriate curative and preventive measures. Any internal enquiry by a government is
bound by pressures and subjected to political calculations. Findings of such internal
investigation currently being made may be submitted to the judicial enquiry committee.

We request all CSOs and concerned individuals to join our demand. Dr. M.Mandal,
Managing Trustee of HSHT at [email protected]

Jana Mitra & Sukuki Exnora Aam Aadmi Awards

At a function organized on 24th April 2010 at Centre for Economic and Social Studies
(CESS) under the aegis of Jana Mitra & Sukuki Exnora, Aam Aadmi Awards were presented by
Sri Danam Nagender, Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Ms. Amala Akkineni, Founder
Blue Cross; Sri Rao VBJ Chelikani, President, U-FERWAS; Prof. Ved Kumar, President, Forum
for Better Hyderabad and Sri WG Prasanna Kumar, Director, APNGC.
Mr. GS Kumar, President, Jana Mitra explained about their activities in the field of
Education. Maj. Shiva Kiran, Secretary, Jana Mitra explained the objectives of the first ever
Aam Aadmi Awards of 2010. The Minister complimented the individuals selected for having
shown tremendous spirit in fighting all odds and serving society at large. Civic Consciousness:
Sri. P.Ramakrishna, Social Work: Sri. Mohd. Ashfaq, Education: Smt. Ravinder Kaur & Smt.
Margaret Francis, Environment: Sri. Thrimurthy pillai and Sri. Ramesh

. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


7th PSN Kumar Yadav Hanuman Nagar 9393314625
12th N Arjun Rao Vijayapuri 9849514815
15th S Yadagiri Nacharam 9290993620
16th KM Kalyan Ram Vijayapuri 27001345
19th Prof Bh. Krishna Murthy Tarnaka 27005665
20th Sriram Narayan Hanuman Nagar 27171973
21st N Janardhan Rao Habsiguda 27170644
25th PS Sastry Tarnaka 27006238
28th Janaki Gollamudi Vijayapuri 27004262
30th P Raghavender Rao Nag’nagar

Prevention can help mosquitoes.
Prevent mosquitoes from becoming a problem in our locality by following these simple control
1. Dispose of rejected unwanted tin cans, plastic containers, pots (empty), or similar water
holding containers that have accumated in your place of residence.
2. Dispose of discarded tires . Water in tires is an excellent breeding site. A permanent house
for the mosquitoes.
3. Empty the containers that stores water and frequently fill them with fresh water.
4. Wear fully body covering clothes when stay outdoors like long sleeved shirts or jackets
and long slacks.
5. Do not use colognes and perfumes inside the house as these may attract mosquitoes.
6. Take the help and advice of the Govt. Health Dept. to sanities the water storage tanks in use.
7. If you come across any public road ditches or stagnated water for a length of time or
stagnated water in public parks, etc. please contact and inform the Govt. Health Dept. to get them
treated with environmentally safe larvicides.
Issued in public interest by SCOTRWA, Tarnaka.


invites an Essay of maximum 2000 words. People interested in taking part please contact, on or
before 10th June 2010 to [email protected] and copy to [email protected] .

SCOTRWA AND HAWA Members in association with APEC propose to celebrate the World
Environmental Day on 5th June, with various activities like AVOID USE OF HARMFUL

If you need the advice of a sympathetic friend or "a shoulder to cry on", on a subject which
makes you feel unhappy, depressed etc. write to us to Editors’ desk, T.T. Balaji Residency, 12-
13-705/10/AB, Gokulnagar, Tarnaka, Hyderabad-500 017.,enclosing a stamped self addressed
envelope for reply. If you prefer reply to appear on this page, please specify in your letter. If

you have any praiseworthy incident of happy ending which you would like to be published,
please write or e-mail to us.

Asst. Editor.

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