PIL Course Outline

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Course Code: LAW 111

III. Credit Units: 3

IV. Course Description:

This course provides a closer inquiry into the history of the discipline, the main
aspects of its evolution, its central legal instruments and texts, the main actors and
institutions as well as the main problems that the world faces at the present, such as
notably the ongoing fragmentation and weak enforcement of international law as well as
the continuing separation between public and private international law.

V. Course Objectives:
The present part of the introductory course to international law yields a critical
analysis of the area of international law with the view of providing participants with a
profound understanding of the main dynamics influencing the governance of global
affairs. It also aims at providing the student with a good overview and sense of
orientation with regard to the most imminent problems and challenges in Public
International Law.

Students successfully completing this course should be able to:

1. Understand and appreciate the nature of the international system, how it is
organized and how it works.
2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the key legal regimes operating in
the international realm.
3. Understand how international and foreign laws are made applicable in Philippine
domestic courts.
4. Demonstrate the ability to identify various factors and forces that shape the
contemporary international community and how problem-solving contexts are
5. Apply the knowledge gained from this cause to solve contemporary international

VI. Grading System:

Midterm Grade = 40%(Quizzes) + 20%(OTR)+40%(Midterm Exam)
Final Term Grade = 40%(Quizzes) + 20%(OTR)+40%(Final Exam)

Final Grade = 40%(Midterm Grade) + 60%(Final Grade)

where: OTR(Other Requirements)= Recitation, Assignment, Seatwork, Research Works


VII. Course Content:

Nature, Scope & Evolution
Sources of International Law
International Law vs. Municipal Law
Subjects of International Law

Law of Treaties
Process of Making Treaties
Invalidity of Treaties

Territory in International Law

Modes of Acquisition
Airspace & Outer space
Law of the Sea/UN Convention on the Law of the Sea

Jurisdiction in International Law
Principles of Jurisdiction of States
Conflict of Jurisdiction
Immunity from Jurisdiction
State Responsibility

United Nations and International Peace

The United Nations & its organs
The International Court of Justice
Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes
International Humanitarian Law (The Law of War)

International Criminal Law

The Rome Statute & the International Criminal Court
Jurisdiction of the ICC
Principle of Individual Criminal Accountability

Other International Law

Nationality, Citizenship & Statelessness
International Humanitarian Law
International Human Rights Law
International Environmental Law

VIII. References:
1. Funa, Dennis B. International Law with Bar Examination Questions. Quezon City:
Rex Printing Company,Inc., 2009.
2. Bernas, Joaquin G. Introduction to Public International Law. Quezon City: Rex
Printing Company,Inc., 2009.
3. Aquino, Ranhilio C. PEACE ON EARTH: Issues in Public International Law. Quezon
City: Central Book Supply Inc., 2008.
4. Agpalo, Ruben E. Public International Law. Quezon City: Rex Book Store, 2006.
5. Defensor-Santiago, M.,Coquia, J. International Law and World Organizations.
Quezon City: Central Book Supply Inc., 2005.
6. Cruz, Isagani. International Law. Quezon City: Rex Printing Company,Inc., 2003.

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