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Subject : English Language

Year : 3 Alpha

Enrolment : 30 pupils

Date/Day : 8th May 2018 (Tuesday)

Time : 12.45 pm – 1.45 pm (60 minutes)

Theme : World of Knowledge

Topic : From the Sea (Unit 7)

Focused Skill : Reading

Previous Knowledge : Pupils are already familiar with some of the vocabulary in the
topic which was introduced in the listening and speaking skills.

Content Standard : 2.2 By the end of 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be

able to demonstrate understanding of a variety of linear

and non- linear texts in the form of print and non-print

materials using a range of strategies to construct


Learning Standards : 2.2.1 Able to apply word attack skills by:

(c) identifying words opposite in meaning

: 2.2.4 Able to read and understand a paragraph with simple

and compound sentences.

Learning Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

1. read the text on “An Octopus and the Shark” with

correct pronunciation, stress and intonation.
2. understand the text on “An Octopus and the Shark”
by completing the bubble map based on the text by
pasting the correct answers.
3. identify words opposite in meaning in the texts
through game.
4. answer comprehension questions based on the text.

Vocabulary : gills, tentacles, squirts,

Educational Emphases:
Moral Values : co-operation .
Thinking Skills : analyzing, generating idea
Multiple Intelligences : Verbal-linguistic, inter-personal and intra-personal
Entrepreneurship : -
Resources/Teaching Aids : video, picture of an octopus and a shark, word cards,
worksheets, powerpoint slides, projector, laptop, speaker

Stages/Time Content Activities Remarks

Set To arouse pupils’ interests. 1) Teacher shows a video ‘Baby Preparation

Induction shark on the Bus’ to the pupils. Phase
(3 minutes) - Preparation
2) Teacher tells the pupils to sing - Analyzing

3) Teacher informs the pupils that

the topic for that day is “From the

Presentation 1) To elicit verbal 1) Teacher shows pictures of an Imagination

(20 minutes) responses from the octopus and a shark. Phase
pupils about the topic.
Example: 2) Teacher asks questions related
a) What animal is this? to the pictures to the pupils to - Generating
b) Where do you think you elicit their responses. ideas
can find this animal?
c) Would you like to have 3) Then, teacher introduces and
this animal at home? explains new vocabulary in the
d) Why did you say so? reading text about the octopus
and the shark.
1) New vocabulary eg.
4) Teacher distributes the reading
gills, tentacles, squirts
text to the pupils.

5) Teacher reads aloud the text

followed by the pupils.

2) Pupils are able to read

the text with correct 6) Pupils read aloud the text with
pronunciation, stress correct pronunciation, stress and Assessment for
and intonation. intonation and teacher corrects learning
the pupils’ mistakes. objective (1)

3) To demonstrate the
7) Teacher monitors the reading of
pupils’ understanding of
the text and corrects the pupils’
the text using a bubble
map related to the text.

8) Teacher discusses what the text

is about.
- Synthesising
9) Teacher asks the pupils to
volunteer to come in front of the
Assessment for
class to complete the bubble
map based on the text by pasting
objective (2)
the correct answers on the
and (3)

10) Teacher provides the printed

answers for the pupils to paste
on the bubble map.

11) Teacher checks the answer and

correct the mistakes.

Practice 1) To demonstrate the 1) Teacher divides pupils into Development

(20minutes) pupils’ understanding of groups. Phase
the text and identify - Enrichment
words opposite in 2) Teacher projects the text of the - Assessment
meaning in the texts octopus and the shark on the

3) Teacher distributes antonym

cards to each group.

4) Teacher reads the text.

5) When the teacher read the words Assessment for

in bold, each group must decide learning
which one is the correct antonym objective (4)
card and show the antonym card.

6) Teacher repeats with other


7) Pupils read the text with the new

set of antonyms.

Action Phase
Production 1) To test the pupils’ 1) Teacher distributes -Implementation
(15 minutes) comprehension of the comprehension questions based -Continuous
text. on the text to the pupils. Practice

2) Pupils answer all the questions. Assessment for

3) Teacher facilitates the pupils objective (5)
while they are answering the

4) Pupils exchange their work and

check the answers with their

Closure 1) To recap the lesson. 1) Teacher sums up the lesson by - Making

(2 minutes) 2) To instill moral values. asking pupils what they have conclusion
learnt from the lesson.


Comments by Supervisor:
Prepared by,

Lily Anak Rawi


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