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Pastoral Theology


Theologizing the works of the church and interpreting this pastoral work has
provide a critical fact.. this is became the church’s experience is radically analysed
using history and psychological theories. This pastoral theology has looked back at
the theological roots of the church under the radiance of the spirit.

This sect cannot be deducted as it bridges the church and the society thereby
ginning fundamental relevance and importance. As this class deals with the human
suffering and stimulates the church’s response, this subject is made very crucial for
our study.

In regard to this prominence, this extract discusses the general understanding

of pastoral theology and strives to emphasise pastoral theology with clarity in this

1. Pastoral theology - What?

Etymologically speaking, pastoral theology suggests the work of the

Shepherd in caring for his sheep. So lit is the science of the care of the souls. It starts
with the human situations and helps in framing our ministry in line to aroused need
thereby bridging the church to the society.

Some think this pastoral theology is the ministering to the sheep but
theologians like Karl Rahner argue that this doctrine is not limited only to the
priestly body but to the church on the whole.

But Andrew purves exclaims that pastoral theology is the lived action in and
through the church by the spirit to minister for the salvation in Christ.

Antony defines this theology in relation to the etymological meaning as the

care of the souls with a practical discipline.

Joseph Ratzinger (then Pope Benedict xvi) expresses the characer the doctrine
motivated pastoral action in vat II.

So pastoral theology here is viewed as the constituted reflection of the church

to connect with the society by its doctrines through a concrete experience.

In definition, pastoral theology is a branch of practical theology which

purposes to make priests as ministers of Christ and the dispensers of the mysteries
God. if aims at applying the theological conclusion in the priestly ministry.
2. Sources of Pastoral theology

Its primary sources include

1. The Holy Scripture

2. The Tradition of the church

Traditional Sources are:

1. Decrees of general council

2. Decrees of Roman congregations and pontifical Insstitutions.

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