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Mark Scheme (Results)

Summer 2015

Pearson Edexcel International GCSE

Physics (4PH0) Paper 2P

Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 Certificate

Physics (KPH0) Paper 2P


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Summer 2015
Publications Code UG042369
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General Marking Guidance

 All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must

mark the first candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the
 Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be
rewarded for what they have shown they can do rather than
penalised for omissions.
 Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according
to their perception of where the grade boundaries may lie.
 There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme
should be used appropriately.
 All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded.
Examiners should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the
answer matches the mark scheme. Examiners should also be
prepared to award zero marks if the candidate’s response is not
worthy of credit according to the mark scheme.
 Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the
principles by which marks will be awarded and exemplification may
be limited.
 When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark
scheme to a candidate’s response, the team leader must be
 Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has
replaced it with an alternative response.


Answer Notes Marks
1 (a) cooking – micro(waves) OR infrared if more than one 3
(waves); example given for
each use then
reject mark if any

treating cancer – ultraviolet OR x-rays OR

gamma (rays);

identifying broken bones - x-rays;

(b) C - the same speed; 1

(c) (i) drawn ray shows refraction in the correct judge by eye 2
direction (downwards) at both surfaces; ignore arrows and
drawn ray is above yellow ray and dependent on
diverges from it (if ray had entered at the previous
original point);

allow if ray drawn

enters parallel to
original ray

(ii) A- black; 1

Total 7 marks


Answer Notes Marks
2 (a) (i) B - 960 joules per second; 1

(ii) power = current x voltage; allow equation as 1

correct symbols
e.g. I = P ÷ V

(iii) appropriate calculation (including using 4 (A) to 2

substitution OR rearrangement); calculate power
answer to at least 2 sf seen anywhere; (920 W) or voltage
(240 V) scores 1
mark max.
960 = I × 230
(I =) 4.2 (A) (4.17391)
allow 4.1 (A)

(b) (i) any 3 of: ignore references 3

to electricity or
MP1. large current to earth / in earth allow ‘current
wire; surge’ for large
‘ground’ for earth
MP2. fuse blows / melts / breaks;
MP3. idea that circuit is broken;
MP4. idea that the risk of shock is ignore references
reduced / prevented; to fire

(ii) D - 13 A; 1

(c) accept any points 3

seen in diagram
MP1. a way of measuring current e.g. allow data logger
MP2. a method to vary current in fuse; allow variable
power supply,
variable resistor
MP3. a method of identifying that the
fuse has broken e.g. lamp goes
out, idea that current falls to zero

Total 11 marks


Answer Notes Marks
3 (a) A - Force X 7.5 N, Force Y 7.5 N ; 1

(b) idea that force X decreases; ignore references 2

to force Y and
from 15 (N) / to 0 (N);
‘it goes from 15 to
0’ gets 2 marks

Total 3 marks


Answer Notes Marks
4 (a) metre rule(r); allow (metal) tape 2
measure / measuring
tape / metre stick
stop watch / stop clock; ignore timer

either order

(b) (i) suitable scale chosen (>50% of grid used); 5

axes labelled with quantities and unit; reject ‘m’ for minutes
plotting correct to nearest half square i.e. two plotting
(minus one for each plotting error);; errors = no marks for
line (curve) of best fit acceptable; i.e. smooth curve
within 1 small square
of each point

time in
in cm
0 86
1 52
2 31
3 18
4 11
5 7
6 4

(ii) idea that depth decreases with time; allow RA 2

ignore ‘negative
idea that relationship is non linear; Ignore all references
to ‘proportional’ and
allow idea of rate

e.g. ‘depth decreases

more slowly with
time’ gets 2 marks

allow exponential
decrease for 2 marks



(c) any 1 of: 1

MP1. idea of pressure decreasing (with allow RA
depth / time);
MP2. idea of force changing with {pressure allow ‘weight’ for
/ depth / time}; force
ignore ‘mass’
MP3. idea of (available) GPE decreasing;

Total 10 marks


Answer Notes Marks
5 (a) (i) momentum = mass × velocity; allow symbols and 1
e.g. p = m × v

(ii) substitution into correct equation; 2


(momentum =) 0.23 × 13
= 3.0 (kg m/s) allow 3, 2.99

(b) explanation in terms of conservation of 3

momentum OR Newton’s third law

conservation of momentum - any 3 of:

MP1. mention of conservation of

MP2. momentum of snowball and allow ‘her’ or
skater; similar to mean the
MP3. (are) equal and opposite; allow e.g.
-3.0 (kg m/s)
MP4. because momentum initially zero;


Newton’s third law - any 3 of:

MP1. mention of {action and reaction /

Newton III law};
MP2. forces on skater and snowball; allow ‘her’ or
similar to mean the
condone ‘push’ for
MP3. (are) equal and opposite;
MP4. idea that (magnitude of) rate of
change of momentum is same for
both forces;

if no other mark
awarded, allow
‘because there is
no / little friction’
for 1 mark



(c) explanation in terms of momentum OR 3

acceleration OR pressure

momentum - any 3 of:

MP1. idea of increased time (of impact);

MP2. same change in momentum; allow
MP3. force is rate of change in F = change in
momentum; momentum ÷ time
MP4. reduces force (on knee);


acceleration - any 3 of:

MP1. idea of increased distance/time (to

slow down);
MP2. same change in velocity / speed;
MP3. reduces acceleration;
MP4. reduces force (on knee);


pressure - any 3 of:

MP1. idea of increased area (in contact

with ground / knee); allow
MP2. reduced force; same force
MP3. pressure = force ÷ area; symbols
MP4. reduces pressure (on knee);

Total 9 marks


Answer Notes Marks
6 (a) movement of 3
positive {charge /
any 3 of: electrons} can only
score MP1 and MP5
MP1. idea of {rubbing / tearing} of ignore ‘friction’
{materials / surfaces};

MP2. idea of movement / transfer of


MP3. electrons have negative charge;

MP4. (object becomes) negatively

charged by gaining electrons OR
positively charged by losing

MP5. need for insulating material(s);

(b) any 2 of: 2

MP1. idea of opposite charges OR reject if mentions
positive and negative charges; positive electrons
ignore ‘different’
condone ‘unlike’
MP2. idea of attraction;

MP3. idea of an (attractive) force larger

than the weight of the loose end of

Total 5 marks


Answer Notes Marks
7 (a) top line correct e.g. 228; 2
bottom line correct e.g. 88 and 2;

(b) (i) idea that {alpha/beta} is {absorbed by / allow stops / blocks 1

unable to penetrate} {aluminium / for absorbs
ignore references
to paper, air, lead
ignore references
to gamma,

(ii) any 2 of: ignore references 2

to gamma
MP1. idea of radiation being ionising;

MP2. (radiation) causes cancer / cell

mutation / kills cells / blindness;

MP3. {alpha / beta} will travel this short allow (eye) within
distance (between lens and eye); penetrating range
of {alpha / beta}
MP4. idea that astronomer is likely to
suffer prolonged exposure;

Total 5 marks


Answer Notes Marks
8 (a) (i) step-down (transformer); 1

(ii) MP1. soft material loses magnetism ignore unqualified 2

quickly / easily; references to losing

MP2. idea that magnetic field (in core)

alternates / changes;

(b) (i) input / primary voltage = primary turns allow 1

output / secondary voltage secondary turns • equation in words
with turns ratio shown
as a fraction
• standard
abbreviations :- s, p,
in, out, 1, 2
• N or n for number of
turns (condone T for
number of turns)
• “number of coils” for
number of turns

rearrangements also to
include turns ratio as a
(VS/VP) = (NS/NP)
[equation inverted]
VS= (VP) (NS/NP) [VS as
VP= (VS) (NP/NS) [VP as 

(ii) substitution into a correct equation; 2

evaluation (including rearrangement);

44 / V = 520 /30 allow
(V =) 2.5 (V) 3, 2.53, 2.54, 2.538


(c) (i) idea of a (frequency) limit / range to ignore references to 2

(human) hearing OR (frequency) is lower limit
{too high / ultrasound};
mention of upper limit as 20 000 Hz; allow 20 kHz
ignore references to
lower limit

(ii) conversion of unit; allow 1000 or 0.001 in 2

working, if no other
mark can be given
substitution and evaluation;

t = 1.5 ms = 0.0015 s
(f =) 1/0.0015 = 670 (Hz) allow correct rounding
only e.g. 700, 667,
666.6 (recurring)

1 mark max for POT

error e.g. 0.67, 6.7, 67

Total 10 marks



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