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Dylan Bott

Miss Burke

17 October 2017

Honors History 10

European Exploration

Imagine being on a boat for over 2 months wondering if everyone is going to die. The

rocking of the boat creates nauseous feelings, and significant fluids have been lost. Then, a crew

member yells, “Land Hoe!” This is newly found land, with different people than to whom you

have been accustomed. Exploration hit a new break through, and Europe was leading the way.

Today, without the discovery of the Americas, the world would be a different place. The

European exploration and colonization of the Americas affected society through the mixing of

cultures and advanced weaponry.

After the Renaissance Era ended, spices were one of the most valuable goods in the

world. These spices were not easy to obtain, but the one place in Middle East Asia, Spice Island

(Indonesia today), was the best place to get these spices. The long trip from Europe was difficult,

and people were determined to find an easier way to get to Spice Island. Going down around the

tip of Africa was quicker than going straight across on land. However, some still thought that

there was a faster route. Explorer, Christopher Columbus, presented the idea to go west and

eventually reach Spice Island from the east. Thinking this route would work, King Ferdinand and

Queen Isabella funded Columbus’s trip. In 1492, Columbus took a crew with three ships and set

out on the sea. After 2 months on water, Columbus and his crew finally found land. They thought
they had made it to Spice Island, but actually ended up in the current day Carribean. When

Columbus found out that the people on the new land were generous, showing him their riches

and food, he took advantage of them. Later, more explorers returned to the new land with armies

ready to attack and take over empires. The Europeans were more advanced in weaponry than the

Native Americans. Conquistadors came to take over empires and lands, and the natives couldn’t

defend themselves against the powerful weaponry. The natives’ bows and spears were no match

compared to the conquistadors’ muskets, cannons, metal helmets, and superior armor. Also,

Spanish horses helped because natives had never seen them before. Horses were strong, fast, and

intimidating for the natives and allowed the Europeans to conquer empires. Superior weaponry

allowed for the Europeans to gain control and rule the economy differently than the natives.

Natives were tricked into slavery by thinking that they would work for the Europeans in

exchange for protection and education. In reality, the natives worked long, harsh hours of labor

and the Encomienda System began. An encomienda gave the right to demand labor from Native

Americans. Due to the Encomienda System, the Native American population and community

would decline. Power, land, and slavery advanced the mixing of cultures in the Americas.

After the Europeans started taking over empires, colonies were formed. As the

Encomienda System started to succeed, more colonies were developed. Due to the trade from the

goods of natives’ work, many merchants gained wealth in Europe. Merchants put their money

towards Joint-Stock companies. These companies were privately owned, where several members

would pay a fraction to establish a colony for profit. This system created a higher reward with

less risk because if the colony did not work, the merchants only lost a little bit of money instead

of a substantial amount. Colony growth attracted more people to move to the Americas. More

Europeans came to America as the success of colonies increased. This success allowed for
Europe to grow in mercantilism. Mercantilism is the theory that a country can depend on itself if

needed. The colonies provided Europe with the desired goods and riches with no cost. Looking

for more labor and money, Europeans began the Triangular Trade where Africans were taken to

the Americas to be used as slaves. Some of the slaves did not make the daunting trip over

because the conditions on the boat were awful. Millions of Africans and Europeans came to the

Americas. With European, African, and Native American communities, cultures could only


The European exploration and colonization still impacts society today. The conquistadors

took over empires with their advanced weaponry. Weapons means power so countries are

constantly trying to build bigger and better weapons to win wars or gain control. During World

War 1, army tanks, bullet-shooting airplanes, submarines, and other weaponry were invented to

better the other country. Also, countries in the Americas thrived with cultural diversity. During

the 19th-20th century, there was another major wave of immigration to the Americas because the

colonies and empires had survived from the 16th century. The term Melting Pot, which refers to

multiple cultures melding together to form one society, is the best way to describe society today

because each individual usually has multiple heritages in their background. Different holidays

and traditions are celebrated because the cultures combined back when Europeans colonized and


Without the bravery and courage of men trying to find new breakthroughs, society would

be broken today. Most countries in the Americas today are culturally diverse.

The European exploration and colonization of the Americas affected society through the mixing

of cultures and advanced weaponry.

Works Cited Staff. “Christopher Columbus.”, A&E Television Networks, 2009,

“World War One - Weapons.” History, 2017,


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