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Physics Department
8.044 Statistical Physics I Spring Term 2003
Practice Exam #1

Problem 1 (35 points) Clearing Impurities


0 a x

In an effort to clear impurities from a fabricated nano-wire a laser beam is swept

repeatedly along the wire in the presence of a parallel electric field. After one sweep
an impurity initially at x = 0 has the following probability density of being found at
a new position x
1 2
p(x) = δ(x) + exp[−x/a] 0≤x
3 3a

= 0 elsewhere

where a is some characteristic length.

a) Find the cumulative function P (x). Make a sketch of the result which displays
all of its important features.

b) What is the probability that x will be displaced by at least an amount a by a

single sweep of the laser beam?

c) Find the mean and the variance of x in terms of a.

d) Give an approximate probability density for the total distance d the impurity
has moved along the wire after 36 sweeps of the laser beam.

Problem 2 (35 points) Polarization of the 21 cm Line


A radio astronomer is studying the polarization of the 21 cm line emitted by a cloud

of interstellar hydrogen gas. She finds that the joint probability density for the inten­
sity of the radiation polarized parallel, A, and perpendicular, B, to some physically
significant direction is given by

γ 2B2
p(A, B) = 6
exp[−B(A + γ)/α2 ] 0 ≤ A, B

= 0 elsewhere

α and γ are parameters with the units of intensity.

a) Find p(A) and p(B). Sketch the results.

b) Find the conditional probability density p(A |B). Sketch the result.

c) Are A and B statistically independent? Explain your reasoning.

Problem 3 (30 points) Quotient of Random Numbers

The statistically independent random variables x and y are each uniformly distributed
in the interval between 0 and 1. Find the probability density p(q) for the quotient
q ≡ x/y. Make a carefully labeled sketch of your result. [Note: if your answer does
not come out normalized, you have made a mistake.]

Integrals The next page contains a number of indefinite integrals. Some potentially
useful definite integrals are given below.

For integer n and m

xn e−x dx = n!

 ∞ −x √
√ dx = π
0 x
(2πσ 2 )−1/2 x2n e−x
2 /2σ 2
dx = 1 · 3 · 5 · · · (2n − 1) σ n

x e−x dx =

0 2
xm (1 − x)n dx =
0 (m + n + 1)!

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