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Background of the Study

One of the basic needs of man in order to survive is water. It is actually, one of

the most important substance on earth and an important element for one’s health. It may

be found everywhere but it doesn’t mean that all existing water can be useful to us.

People at present are now fully aware and conscious of the essential of good

drinking water. They are now aware of some contaminants, disinfection by-products from

the chlorination process, taste, and odor brought about by the unsanitary pipes delivering

water from the source to their respective households thus some of them resorted to

patronizing water refilling stations that are abundantly growing in the community.

Currently, thousands of water refilling stations spot the Philippine landscape and

so is its advent in the municipality of Catarman. These shops began as privately-run

community sources, where consumers would bring containers and fill them for a per-

gallon fee that is a small fraction of commercially bottled water’s cost. Demand is such

that most stores now offer home delivery for regular customers. It brings so much

comfort to the household believing that all of them could offer the best and safest supply

of water to consume for drinking purposes.

With the proliferating presence of these water stations, the researcher would dug

on some factors within the parameter of its lush growth in the community as an essential

Statement of the Problem:

Generally, this study will focus on the factors that affect the growth of water

station in Catarman, Northern Samar.

Specifically, this will try to answer the following questions:

1. What are the profile of the existing water stations in Catarman, Northern

Samar in terms of:

a. Kind of water offered

b. Length of service to the community

c. Income

2. What are the factors that affect the growth of water stations in the

municipality of Catarman?

3. What are the implications of the growth of water station in the same


Objectives of the Study:

This study will seek to:

1. Determine the profile of the existing water stations in Catarman, Northern

Samar in terms of:

a. Kind of water offered

b. Length of service to the community

c. Income
2. Determine the factors that affect the growth of water stations in the

municipalty of Catarman; and

3. Determine the implications of the growth of water stations in Catarman,

Northern Samar.

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