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Detailed Lesson Plan in English (Grade 7)

KPUP Using Language Experience Approach

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. arrange the scrambled words to form a correct words out from the given pictures;
b. identify the meanings of the difficult words; (process)
c. answer process questions using the four levels of comprehension; (process)
d. give their opinions on the given pictures, and (understanding)
e. write a story based on the video clip presented. (product)

II. Subject Matter : The Foolish Sage – by : Franklin Edgerton

Skill Focus : Giving of opinions and writing a story
Reference :
Materials : Pictures, Charts, Laptop, LCD Projector and marker.

III. Procedure :
Teachers’ Activities Students’ Activities

A. Knowledge
Activity 1: Fix Me, I am Broken!
Good morning, class? Good morning, teachers!
How are you today, class? We’re fine, teachers!
Okay. It’s good to hear that.
By the way, we will be your teachers
For today. I am teacher Aya,
I am teacher Novie, I am teacher Gladys
and I am teacher Klien.

This morning, we will discuss a new lesson

but before that, you will play a game first
entitled, “Fix Me, I am Broken.” I will
divide the class into two groups. This will
be group 1 and this will be group 2.

All you have to do is find the scrambled words

which can be found within the picture and arrange
them into a correct word. You will be provided
with a ¼ sheet of cartolina for your answers. You
will be given 2 minutes to finish the task. Each
group will choose one representative to present
their work. The group who could give more
correct words will be considered as winner. Yes, ma’am.
Are my instructions clear, class?
Very good! Now, let’s start. Ready, set go!

Time is up! The words that we’ve arranged inside the

Now, let us hear the representative from Group 1 given pictures are, ______________.
to present their answers.
Okay very good! In our group, the words that we’ve arranged
Next is the representative from Group 2. inside the given picture are the following…..

Very good Group 2!

Group ___ got many correct answers. Let’s give
them a “gimmegimme clap.”
Thank you for your cooperation, class.
You did a great job!

Activity 2. Unlocking of Difficulties

With the same groupings, you will
have another activity. This activity will be
your hint about the following words that you
have in the story.

Direction: Match the meanings of the words on column A to their meanings to column

A. B
1. swindler a. trickster, fraud, cheat
2. sage b. free somebody from sin
3. reverence c. empty or concentrate mind
4. meditate d. feelings of deep respect or devotion
5. sanctity e. wise person

Let us check your answers.

Very good, class.
Now, please read the words and
their meanings.

B. Process
Activity 3. Reading Time
This time class, you will read a
short story about “ The Foolish Sage.”
The Foolish Sage-by: Franklin Edgerton's

Once upon a time, there was a sage called Deva Sharma who lived in a temple in the outskirts of a town.
He was widely known and respected. People would visit him, and offer him with gifts, food, money and garments
to seek his blessings. The gifts that he did not need for himself, he would sell off, and got rich on the proceeds.
And by nature, he trusted nobody. He never trusted anybody. So, he kept all his money in a bag which he
carried under his arm all the time. He would not part with the bag for a single moment. One day, a swindler came
across the sage, and he became sure that the bag this holy man was so possessive of, must surely contain a lot of
treasure. He planned on stealing the bag from the sage, but could not think of a way to do so. He thought, "I cannot
make a hole in the temple wall, or jump over the high gates. But I can charm him with sweet words to accept me
as his disciple."
He wondered, "If I can stay with him as a disciple, I can win his confidence. When I get an opportunity,
I will rob him, and leave this place."
Having planned so, the swindler approached the holy man with reverence, "Om NamahShivaya! (I bow
before Lord Shiva, the God of Destruction)"With these words, he fell on the sage's feet and said, "O Guruji, Please
guide me to the right path of life. I am fed-up with life, and want to seek peace."
The sage kindly replied, "My son, I will surely guide you. You are blessed because you have come to me
to seek peace at this young age". This was the opportunity the swindler was seeking, and he at once touched the
feet of the sage for blessings, "O Guruji, please accept me as your disciple. I will do whatever you ask me to do."
The sage accepted the swindler as his disciple, but only on a condition. He said, "A holy man as me is
recommended to spend the night alone without company. This helps me to meditate also. So, you will not be
allowed to enter the temple at night. You will sleep in a hut at the gate of the temple." The swindler agreed, "I
shall willingly serve your wishes in every way that you ask me to." In the evening, the sage initiated the rituals
and formally took the swindler as his disciple.
The swindler in return proved himself an obedient disciple. He massaged his hands and feet, wash his feet
and helped him with all the rituals along with cleaning the temple. Although the sage was happy with his disciple,
the swindler could not gain enough confidence for the sage to part with his bag when he was around.
As days passed by, the swindler started getting frustrated, "He does not trust me enough to leave the bag
with me. I can gain access to the bag if I kill him with a knife or feed him with poison." When he was thinking all
this, the swindler saw a young boy visit the sage. He was the son of one of the sage's followers. He invited the
sage, "O Guruji, I have come here personally to invite you to our house for the ceremony of sacred thread. Please
accept the invitation to sanctify the ceremony with your kind presence."
The sage accepted the invitation, and after some time started off for the town with the swindler. On the
way, they came across a river, where the sage thought of relieving himself. He folded the bagful of money in his
robe. He asked his disciple to look after it, "My child, Look after the robe until I return". This was the opportunity
that the swindler was seeking all the while. As soon as the sage went behind the bushes, the swindler ran away
with the bagful of money.
When the sage returned, he did not find the disciple around but found his robe lying on the ground.
Shocked and anxious, he peered inside only to find his bag of money was gone.
At once he knew what had happened, and began to shout, "Oh. Where are you, you rascal. You have
robbed me."
The sage then started trailing the swindler's footsteps, but he reached town. He knew he will not be able
to catch hold of him. He stayed the night in town to return empty-handed to his temple next morning.
Activity 4. Comprehension Check
a. Literal
What is the title of the selection? The Foolish Sage, ma’am.
Who are the main characters of the selection? Deva Sharma (sage), swindler
Who visited the sage and invite him for the
ceremony of sacred thread? The young boy who was the son of sage’s
b. Interpretative
How did the swindler get the bag of money? When the sage come across the river and left
his bag full of money to the swindler.
How did swindler become a disciple of sage? Swindler became a disciple of the sage by
fooling him with his sweet words.

c. Critical
What lesson can we get from the selection? Words can be deceiving.
What is the purpose of the author in writing the
title? To emphasize that even the wise men can be
fooled, ma’am.
Do you agree with how the selection ends? No, because for me it is cliff-hanger.

d. Application
If you were the sage, what would you do upon
knowing that the swindler robbed you? I will ask for help to my followers to find the
swindler and emphasize the values on trusting
a person.
If you were the swindler, would you do the
same? Why or Why not? No, because stealing is one of the capital sins
and it’s not the solution of our problem.

C. Understanding
Now class, let’s go back to the selection,
we’ve read. We already knew that the
story talks about how the Sage being fooled
by the swindler, as a student, how will you
help a person like the swindler to change
his bad attitude?
Yes, __________ ?
Very good _____, I hope you would
apply that in the real situation.

Activity 5. Giving of Opinions

Direction: Give your opinion about the pictures presented through multimedia based on
your personal experiences or prior knowledge.
D. Product/ Performance
Activity 6. Story Writing
Class, with the same groupings, you
will write a story about the video
clip that I am going to present.
For five minutes, discuss with your
group about the task. After brainstorming,
two of your members will write a story
about it present it to the class following
the rubrics.
Am I understood, class? Yes, teacher.
Very good!

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