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The ABCs of Gears 1. Let's Search for a Gear

2. History of Gears

A - The Introductory Course 3. Gears as a Machine

Element P8
4. About Gear Mates P10
5. The Role of Gears P12
Hi! How are you? Oh, my name?
Well, people call me Uncle Gear. 6. Types of Gears P14
Well, I'm going to tell you
something very important about
7. Fundamental Gear Terms P18
gears. Are you ready?
First, KHK prepared a series
8. Gear Materials and Heat
of brochure titled "The ABCs Treatment P22
of Gears". It consists of A - the
introductory course, B - the 9. Gear Accuracy and
intermediate course, and C - the
A water mill at Shirakawago World Heritage Site (still in active service) Cogwheels used as objet d'art (by a certain clock maker) advanced course. Strength P24
In this course A, I'll put you onto
the role of gears, their history, and 10. How to Make Gears P26
how to make them. I'd be happy
if you watch for the following 11. Gears Are Ubiquitous P32
issues - B and C courses. Now,
let's get started.

A tea-serving doll
The ABCs of Gears A- The Introductory Course 1. Let's search for a gear

Look at these things in your kitchen, and you'll find some.

1. Let's Search for a Gear ■ Coffee Mill
You must have seen one as they are everywhere.

I'm sure you once used to play with your toys. Toys usually contain a lot of gears.
Let's look at some of them.

■ Radio-controlled model car

A pair of bevel gears to turn the mill

Gears transmitting power and motion ■ Hand-mixer

■ Top to the tires.

A gear to turn the mixer

A belt-shaped rack and a gear to spin

the top
-2- -3-
The ABCs of Gears A- The Introductory Course 2. History of Gears

Here in Japan, as seen from the picture below, gears were in use in the Edo period
2. History of Gears (1603 1867) as a power source for flour milling in waterwheels. The gear was as large
as one meter in diameter, and zelkova and oak trees were used as the material.
Maybe you want to know how far gears date back to.
Here's the answer.

Gears were already in use in 350 B.C. (about 2,300 years

ago). You probably know about a Greek philosopher
Aristotle (384 322 B.C.). One of Aristotle's writings
includes a description about a gear. A hundred years
later that day, a Hellenistic mathematician Archimedes
(287 212 B.C.) drew a diagram of a hoist (See the
diagram on the right) that was driven with a set of
worm and worm wheel.

A waterwheel in the countryside from an old illustration (1786)

A waterwheel, Kasumigaura park, Tsuchiura,

Ibaraki Prefecture

Ancient gears at the Ctesiphon archeological site in Iraq

-4- -5-
The ABCs of Gears A- The Introductory Course 2. History of Gears

An Italian mathematician, Leonardo da Vinci (1451 1519), who can be described

as a true "Renaissance man," recorded in notebooks numerous drawings. See
those sketchings he had left, and I'm sure you'll find he is absolutely worthy of
special mention in the gear history.

Leonardo's sketching (500 years ago) KHK Stock Gears (the present) Leonardo's sketching (500 years ago) KHK Stock Gears (the present)
■ Spur Gear ■ Bevel Gear

■ High-ratio Hypoid Gear

■ Rack & Pinion

■ Worm & Worm Wheel

■ Screw Gear

-6- -7-
The ABCs of Gears A- The Introductory Course 3. Gears as the Machine Element

❶ Collet chuck ❷ Planetary Gear System

3. Gears as a Machine Element
You'll find it amazing that a machine is made of various parts.

Here's an electric drill a do-it-yourselfer can't do without. Let's see the inside
after loosening the bolts and removing the cover.
You'll find various parts. The parts
fall into two types. One, the electric A set of bevel gears is used to hold a drill rod.
parts, the other, the mechanical parts.
(The numbers formed by blue color
- the electric parts, and the numbers
formed by red color - the mechanical

❸ Motor

❹ Switch ❺ Capacitor ❻ Power supply cord ❻

The planetary gear system

The collet chuck and the gears found here are transmits the mechanical
called "Machine elements." Any of the elementary energy from motor to a drill
mechanical parts, such as bearings, screws, springs, rod reducing the rotational
speed and increasing torque.
and bolts falls into this category.

-8- -9-
The ABCs of Gears A- The Introductory Course 4. About Gear Mates

■V-belt pulley / V-belt

4. About Gear Mates
Now, shall we move on to the next topic - about our mates, all right?

Cited here are our mates, namely, driveline components that are used to transmit
power and motion like ourselves.

■Synchronous belt pulley, or drive pulley / Synchronous belt

These three are called "wrapping connector drive." Compared to these

wrapping connector drive, gears have strong points such as:
○ Relatively simple in construction.
○ Capable of transmitting
power with uniform
■Sprocket wheel / Roller chain motion and reliability. You‘re great,
○ Have long service lives. Uncle Gear!
○ Power losses are minimal. 

Uncle Belt Uncle Pulley

- 10 - - 11 -
The ABCs of Gears A- The Introductory Course 5. The Role of Geaes

5. The Role of Gears ■ Configuration

Parallel axes

Let's see what gears can do. I'm sure you'll feel they are
Transmit power and motion between parallel

Gears work in pairs to do a job. They can: Spur gears and helical gears are used.

■ Transmit motion and power between rotating shafts.

Change the rotary motion into the rectilinear

motion and vice versa.

A combination of spur gear and rack or a

combination of helical gear and helical rack is
needed to do work.

Intersecting axes

Transmit power and motion between

intersecting shafts at right (90˚) angles.

Straight bevel gears or Spiral bevel gears are

■ Change the direction of rotation and speed used.

Nonparallel, nonintersecting axes

Transmit motion and power between

nonparallel, nonintersecting shafts that are
usually at right angles (90˚).

Screw gears and worm gear pair are used.

In any pair of gears, the larger gear will move more slowly than the smaller
gear. Gears tend to change rotational directions.

- 12 - - 13 -
The ABCs of Gears A- The Introductory Course 6. Types of Gears

6. Types of Gears
Now, I 'd like you to meet my family. Here they are!

Gears used to drive parallel axes. Gears used to drive parallel axes
(For rotary motion) (For rectilinear motion)
Gears to transmit the rotary motion and power between two
parallel shafts. Gears to change the rotary motion into the rectilinear motion.

★ MSGA Ground Spur Gear ★ SS Steel Spur Gear ★ SRGF Ground Rack ★ KRHG Ground Helical Rack

★ PS Plastic Spur Gear ★ SUS Stainless Steel Spur Gear ★ SR Rack ★ PR Plastic Rack

★ KHG Ground Helical Gear ★ BSS Brass Spur Gear ★ BSR Brass Rack ★ DR Molded Flexible Rack

- 14 - - 15 -
The ABCs of Gears A- The Introductory Course 6. Types of Gears

Gears used to drive nonparallel,

Gears used to drive intersecting axes nonintersecting axes
Gears to transmit the rotary motion and power between two Gears to transmit the rotary motion and power between two
intersecting shafts. nonparallel and nonintersecting shafts.

★ SMSG Ground Spiral Miter Gear ★ SUM Stainless Steel Miter Gear ★ SN Steel Screw Gear ★ SUN Stainless Steel Screw Gear

★ SMA Finished Bore Miter Gear ★ MBSG Ground Spiral Bevel Gear ★ PN Plastic Screw Gear ★ KWG・AGF Ground Worm Shaft,
Worm Wheel

★ PB Plastic Bevel Gear ★ SB Bevel Gear & Pinion Shaft ★ KWGDL・AGDL ★ SUW・PG Worm,
  Duplex Worm, Worm Wheel Plastic Worm Wheel

- 16 - - 17 -
The ABCs of Gears A- The Introductory Course 7. Fundamental Gear Terms

■ Comparative Size of Gear-Tooth

7. Fundamental Gear terms m1, m3, m8,・・・
The " m " represents "module" and the system of unit used is the metric
Module? Reference diameter? - What do they mean?
system. These m l, m 3, m 8 are called Module One, Module Three, Module
Eight, respectively. This is the global vocabulary to express the size of gear-
Cited here are technical terms used with reference to gears. Though these terms tooth. The bigger the number, the larger the tooth size.
are used on an infrequent basis, the knowledge of these terms will help you
better understanding gears.

■ Technical terms for gears

α=Pressure angle


ce c
Bas t circle

e ci


Reference pitch

re et
e er
Ba am
se et
dia er
dia mete

In the United States and other countries where the unit of length in common

Center line

use is "inch", "Diametral pitch" is widely used to represent the tooth size. For
of co

Pitch point


example, DP24, DP8, ... . (DP - the ratio of the number of teeth to the diameter
e of

of the pitch circle measured in inches.)

o f

"Circular pitch" is also used to represent the tooth size. In that case, the sizes

Interference point
of tooth are designated as CP5, CP10 .... .
Tooth thickness
Center distance

Tooth depth

- 18 - - 19 -
The ABCs of Gears A- The Introductory Course 7. Fundamental Gear Terms

■ Tooth profile and pressure angle ■ Direction of hand, and mating

Involute gear teeth and cycloidal gear teeth are typical of the tooth profile. A pair of helical gears connecting parallel shafts is made up of opposite hand
Modern gearing is based on involute teeth. gears, that is, one will be a left-hand gear; the other a right-hand gear. The
Satisfactory gears must transmit power and motion smoothly by rolling action.
The involute gear form provides constant velocity ratios between mating gear same applies to spiral bevel gears. As for screw and worm gears connecting
teeth. non-parallel shafts, if the shaft angle is 90 degrees, the gears will be of the
same hand. The teeth of a left-hand gear lean to the left and the teeth of a
right-hand gear lean to the right when the gear is placed on a flat surface.

● Helical gear ● Spiral bevel gear

Right (R)   Left (L)

[Features of the involute teeth]

Pinion (L), Rack (R) Left (L)

・Conjugate action is relatively independent
Involute of small errors in center distance. Right (R)
・Can be manufactured at low cost since
the tooth proflle is relatively simple.
Pinion (R), Rack (L)
・Allow the contact point to move smoothly,
transmitting the motion.
・Can save time and labor to change hobs
since a single hob can process gears of ● Screw gear ● Worm gear pair
different numbers of teeth if the size
(module) of teeth is the same. Right (R) Left (L) Right (R) Left (L)
・The teeth are strong because of their root

The pressure angle will be dealt with in the

subsequent course, but it is usually 20˚. In some
cases, however, it is 14.5˚,15˚or 17.5˚, 22.5˚, or
27˚. Right (R) Left (L) Right (R) Left (L)

- 20 - - 21 -
The ABCs of Gears A- The Introductory Course 8. Gear Materials and Heat Treatment

■ Heat treatment
8. Gear Materials and Heat Treatment Steels get stable in their structure when heat treated and become harder
and stronger. The illustration here depicts forge scenes of a Japanese blade
Let's see what sort of materials are used to produce gears, and why?

Choosing the proper material is vitally important. As the applications of gears

are so diverse, various materials are used. Dealt with here are gear materials and
heat treatment.

■ Gear materials and their features.

● Ferrous metals
S45C (Carbon steel for machine structural
use), and SCM415 (Case-hardening alloy
steel) are most commonly used in Japan.
● Thermal Refining
Both are good materials for making
This is the heat treatment to refine
crystal structure of steels to improve the More powerful
Steel round and rectangular bars strength.
● Nonferrous metals
Aluminium bronze castings are wear-
resistant. The gears made out of these
nonferrous metals are used for worm
● High-Frequency Induction Hardening
wheels and screw gears, etc. because
This is the process where steels are Gear
of their wear-resistance. As they are
hardened by means of induction Induction
castings, they are somewhat costly and
heating (approx.800℃) and subsequent coil
their procurement is more difficult. Aluminum bronze casting quenching.
(The core portion - grey iron casting)
● Plastics
Plastics are used as the gear material for
the applications that require the opera-
● Carburizing and Quenching
tion with minimum or no lubrication, such
After diffusing carbon molecules into the
as food processing machines and toys,
surface of steel at high temperature, steels
etc. Plastic gears made by the injection
are case hardened to produce a hard and
molding process are very cost effective
wear-resistant surface with progressively
and are used in such applications as light Plastic round bars softer core which retains ductility.
duty office machines etc.
- 22 - - 23 -
The ABCs of Gears A- The Introductory Course 9. Gear Accuracy and Strength

■ Accuracy
9. Gear Accuracy and Strength
Quality gears must transmit power smoothly, with a minimum of vibration and
No wonder gears with high precision are durable and quiet. noise. To make gears as quiet as possible, it is necessary that:
① the tooth profile is correct involute form.

Now, let's think about gear accuracy and strength. Good gears are considered
to be:
① Small and light
② Able to transmit high power and forces
② the tooth trace (flank line) is accurate.
③ Quiet
④ Durable

■ Strength and durability The force

The strength of gears is expressed in terms
The breaking point
of bending strength and surface durability.
③ the tooth contact is good.
If the force beyond the limits is put on the

 ・the teeth will be broken, or

 ・the surface of the teeth will be worn.

④ the pitch error is reduced to minimum.

In making gears it is important to establish
tolerance requirements appropriate for the equal equal too long too short
application. So if gears with much higher
strength are required, a suitable material
must be chosen, and, if necessary, the The force

material must be hardened. Also, the gears

⑤ the runout error is reduced to minimum, and gears are concentric.
must be produced with higher accuracy. The
material to be used and the accuracy are
very important factors contributing to gear
strength and quietness.

- 24 - - 25 -
The ABCs of Gears A- The Introductory Course 10. How to Make Gears

■ Gear cutting of spur gears with pinion type cutters

10. How to Make Gears Pinion type cutters are shaped like a spur gear. These photos here show that the
pinion type cutters are in operation. The pinion type cutters can also
Let's get familiar with the way gears are made. Are you with me? cut gear teeth of internal gears.

■ Gear cutting of helical gears with gear hobs

Gear hobs are shaped like a screw. This photo shows that the teeth of a helical
gear are being generated with the hobbing machine when the gear blank and
the gear hob are meshed. In this same manner the gear cutting of spur gears
and worm wheels is carried out.

Pinion type cutter

Gear hob

■ Gear cutting of racks with rack cutters

■ Gear cutting of worms with worm cutters
This photo shows that the gear cutting of racks is in progress with the rack
This photo shows that gear teeth of a worm are being generated with the worm
cutter. Many teeth are cut at a time. Rack cutters, in the same way, handle
cutter. The gear cutting is rather time-consuming. Worm cutters are common to
gear cutting of helical racks.
milling cutters.

Rack cutter
Worm cutter
- 26 - - 27 -
The ABCs of Gears A- The Introductory Course 10. How to Make Gears

■ The grinding of helical gears with threaded grinding wheels

■ Gear cutting of straight bevel gears with Coniflex cutters
The gear teeth of a helical gear are being ground with a threaded grinding
The gear cutting is being done with a set (the upper cutter and the lower cutter)of
wheel. The grinding efficiencies are good because of its multiple threads. Spur
Coniflex cutters. Coniflex cutters produce gear teeth of accurate tooth contact.
gears can be ground in the same way with the threaded grinding wheels.
So the gears made with Coniflex cutters operate quietly.

Threaded grinding wheel

Coniflex cutter (the lower cutter)

■ The grinding of worms with single-rib grinding wheels
A single-rib grinding wheel, rotating at a very high speed, is smoothing the
gear teeth of a worm to increase their accuracy.
■ Gear cutting of spiral bevel gears with spiral bevel cutters
The gear teeth of a right-hand spiral bevel gear is being generated. Spiral bevel
cutters are shaped like a crown.

Single-rib grinding wheel

■ The grinding of racks with single-rib grinding wheel

The grinding of a rack is being carried out in the room where temperature is
kept at 20℃. Grinding wheels are shaped like a discus. The grinding of high
quality racks requires a special technique and know-how.

Spiral bevel cutter

Single-rib grinding wheel

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The ABCs of Gears A- The Introductory Course 10. How to Make Gears

■ Injection Molding ■ Roll Threading

Heated plastic is forced under pressure into a mold cavity. The heated plastic is A round steel bar is threaded between grooved circular rolls by rolling. Thus
then clamped together and solidifies into the shape of the mold, or the shape smooth gear teeth are formed. KHK's products: SW Worms (Module 2 or smaller
of the gear. Injection molding is suited for mass production, not for a small size)
quantity because of high cost of mold. KHK's products: DS Injection Molded
Spur Gears and DM Injection Molded Miter Gears
Hopper Hydraulic
Mold Nozzle Flow control Cylinder Screw motor Injection cylinder


Grooved circular roll Grooved circular roll

■ Sintered Metal ■ Press
The mixed powdered metal is compressed by machine to form the gear shape. Pressure is applied to a workpiece by the press, by which a material is cut or
Then it is heated in a furnace and bonded metallurgically. This method is cost- shaped under pressure. KHK stock gears are not made by this method.
effective when mass-produced. KHK's products: LS Sintered Metal Spur Gears KHK's products: Rack Clamps for DR Molded Flexible Racks
and LM Sintered Metal Miter Gears.

①Blanking out of ②Piercing ③Bending

Compressed steel plate or strip (edge)

Metal powder


Product Finished Products

- 30 - - 31 -
The ABCs of Gears A- The Introductory Course 11. Gears Are Ubiquitous

■ Clock
11. Gears Are Ubiquitous
Yes, if I may be allowed a little exaggeration.

Look around yourself and you'll find gears are used everywhere. Isn't that

■ Pencil sharpener
An internal gear and a spur gear are used. The
spur gear turns the cutter mounted to the shaft
Various spur gears are used to move the
to sharpen pencils. Gears to turn the minute hand, the hour hand,
and the second hand.

■ Paperpunch

A spur gear and two racks are used to

adjust the center position of papers to
be punched.
An internal gear and a spur gear to turn a cutter A spur gear between racks

- 32 - - 33 -
The ABCs of Gears A- The Introductory Course 11. Gears Are Ubiquitous

■ Flashlight ■ Ice cream scoop

A three-stage gear train is used to turn a By pressing the lever, the ice cream in the scoop
dynamotor on. Spur gears are used here. is released into the dish; the gears attached to the
lever turn the blade in the scoop which releases
A set of gears
the ice cream.

4 pieces of multiplying gears (white and

■ Tripod black) ■ Music box

A round rack and a pinion

When you turn the crank, the worm starts to
A round rack gives an up-and-down motion by the turning of a handle. Pan/ move and turns the worm wheel. The worm
tilt head is fixed at the top of the rack. Taking the tripod apart you will see a wheel, then, turns the musical drum, and the A musical movement (a worm gear pair is
pinion mated with a rack. musical drum plays a tune. seen above.)

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Head office/factory 〒 332-0022 13-17 Nakacho, Kawaguchi-shi Tel:048(255)4871 FAX:048(256)2269
Osaka office 〒 540-0012 Tanimachi Yuetsukan building,6-22 Tanimachi 5-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka
  TEL:06-6763-0641 FAX:06-6764-7445
Nagoya office 〒 465-0093 Louvre Building, 3-96 Issha, Meito-ku, Nagoya 
TEL:052-704-1681 FAX:052-704-1803

URL E-mail [email protected]

● All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be
reproduced or used in any form or by any means.
● This publication is designed to provide information on gears with gear users as
well as employees of KHK group companies.
● KOHARA GEAR INDUSTRY CO., LTD. disclaim responsibility for any error or
omission regarding technical and product informaion published.
● The contents of this publication are subject to change without notice.

KHK The ABCs of Gears

A - The Introductory course
January 5, 2007 First edition



      13-17 Naka-cho, Kawaguchi-shi, Saitama-ken, 332-0022 Japan
Editorial supervisor: Masahiro Fujii, Japanese Patent Attorney
Gotoh & Partners

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