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Exercises: Set B 1

E11-1B Warren Company is planning to produce 2,000 units of product in 2008. Each unit Compute budget and standard.
requires 3 pounds of materials at $5 per pound and a half hour of labor at $16 per hour. The (SO 1, 2, 3)
overhead rate is 70% of direct labor.

(a) Compute the budgeted amounts for 2008 for direct materials to be used, direct labor, and
applied overhead.
(b) Compute the standard cost of one unit of product.
(c) What are the potential advantages to a corporation of using standard costs?
E11-2B Joey Benelli manufactures and sells homemade wine, and he wants to develop a stan- Compute standard materials
dard cost per gallon. The following are required for production of a 50-gallon batch. costs.
3,000 ounces of grape concentrate at $0.06 per ounce (SO 3)
54 pounds of granulated sugar at $0.30 per pound
60 lemons at $0.66 each
50 yeast tablets at $0.25 each
50 nutrient tablets at $0.20 each
2,500 ounces of water at $0.004 per ounce
Joey estimates that 4% of the grape concentrate is wasted, 10% of the sugar is lost, and 20% of
the lemons cannot be used.

Compute the standard cost of the ingredients for one gallon of wine. (Carry computations to two
decimal places.)
E11-3B Sexson Company has gathered the information shown below about its product. Compute standard cost per unit.
(SO 3)
Direct materials: Each unit of product contains 4.5 pounds of materials. The average waste
and spoilage per unit produced under normal conditions is 0.5 pounds. Materials cost $3 per
pound, but Sexson always takes the 2% cash discount all of its suppliers offer. Freight costs
average $0.25 per pound.
Direct labor: Each unit requires 2 hours of labor. Setup, cleanup, and downtime average 0.1
hours per unit. The average hourly pay rate of Sexson’s employees is $10. Payroll taxes and
fringe benfits are an additional $3 per hour.
Manufacturing overhead: Overhead is applied at a rate of $6 per direct labor hour.

Compute Sexson’s total standard cost per unit.
E11-4B Quick Repair Services, Inc. is trying to establish the standard labor cost of a typical oil Compute labor quantity
change.The following data have been collected from time and motion studies conducted over the variance.
past month. (SO 3, 4)

Actual time spent on the oil change .8 hour

Hourly wage rate $12
Payroll taxes 10% of wage rate
Setup and downtime 10% of actual labor time
Cleanup and rest periods 30% of actual labor time
Fringe benefits 25% of wage rate

(a) Determine the standard direct labor hours per oil change.
(b) Determine the standard direct labor hourly rate.
(c) Determine the standard direct labor cost per oil change.
(d) If an oil change took 1.3 hours at the standard hourly rate, what was the direct labor quantity
E11-5B The standard cost of Product B manufactured by Kenji Company includes two units Compute materials price and
of direct materials at $4.00 per unit. During June, 27,000 units of direct materials are purchased quantity variances.
at a cost of $3.75 per unit, and 27,000 units of direct materials are used to produce 13,000 units of (SO 4)
Product B.
2 Chapter 11 Standard Costs and Balanced Scorecard

(a) Compute the total materials variance and the price and quantity variances.
(b) Repeat (a), assuming the purchase price is $4.15 and the quantity purchased and used is
25,200 units.
Compute labor price and quan- E11-6B Romine Company’s standard labor cost of producing one unit of Product DD is 3 hours
tity variances. at the rate of $10.00 per hour. During August, 30,600 hours of labor are incurred at a cost of
(SO 4) $10.10 per hour to produce 10,000 units of Product DD.

(a) Compute the total labor variance.
(b) Compute the labor price and quantity variances.
(c) Repeat (b), assuming the standard is 3.2 hours of direct labor at $10.20 per hour.
Compute materials and labor E11-7B Beltran Inc., which produces a single product, has prepared the following standard
variances. cost sheet for one unit of the product.
(SO 4)
Direct materials (6 pounds at $2.50 per pound) $15
Direct labor (3 hours at $12.00 per hour) $36

During the month of April, the company manufactures 250 units and incurs the following
actual costs.

Direct materials purchased and used (1,600 pounds) $4,160

Direct labor (760 hours) $8,740

Compute the total, price, and quantity variances for materials and labor.
Compute the materials and la- E11-8B The following direct materials and direct labor data pertain to the operations of
bor variances and list reasons Guillen Manufacturing Company for the month of August.
for unfavorable variances.
(SO 4, 6) Costs Quantities
Actual labor rate $13 per hour Actual hours incurred
and used 3,200 hours
Actual materials price $89 per ton Actual quantity of
materials purchased
and used 920 tons
Standard labor rate $12 per hour Standard hours used 3,250 hours
Standard materials price $90 per ton Standard quantity of
materials used 900 tons

(a) Compute the total, price, and quantity variances for materials and labor.
(b) Provide two possible explanations for each of the unfavorable variances calcu-
lated above, and suggest where responsibility for the unfavorable result might be placed.
Prepare a variance report for E11-9B During March 2008, Sealey Tool & Die Company worked on four jobs. A review of di-
direct labor. rect labor costs reveals the following summary data.
(SO 4, 6)
Job Actual Standard Total
Number Hours Costs Hours Costs Variance
A257 220 $ 5,500 230 $ 5,750 $ 250 F
A258 450 12,600 430 10,750 1,850 U
A259 240 6,180 240 6,000 180 U
A260 115 2,530 110 2,750 220 F
Total variance $1,560 U

Analysis reveals that Job A257 was a repeat job. Job A258 was a rush order that required over-
time work at premium rates of pay. Job A259 required a more experienced replacement worker
on one shift. Work on Job A260 was done for one day by a new trainee when a regular worker
was absent.
Exercises: Set B 3

Prepare a report for the plant supervisor on direct labor cost variances for March. The report
should have columns for (1) Job No., (2) Actual Hours, (3) Standard Hours, (4) Quantity
Variance, (5) Actual Rate, (6) Standard Rate, (7) Price Variance, and (8) Explanation.
E11-10B Manufacturing overhead data for the production of Product H by Jimenez Company Compute overhead variances.
are as follows. (SO 5)
Overhead incurred for 35,000 actual direct labor hours worked $142,000
Overhead rate (variable $3; fixed $1) at normal capacity of 36,000
direct labor hours $4
Standard hours allowed for work done 34,000

Compute the total overhead variance.
E11-11B Harper Company produces one product, a putter called LO-Putter. Harper uses a Compute overhead variances.
standard cost system and determines that it should take one hour of direct labor to produce one (SO 5)
LO-Putter. The normal production capacity for this putter is 100,000 units per year. The total
budgeted overhead at normal capacity is $1,000,000 comprised of $200,000 of variable costs and
$800,000 of fixed costs. Harper applies overhead on the basis of direct labor hours.
During the current year, Harper produced 90,000 putters, worked 94,000 direct labor hours,
and incurred variable overhead costs of $186,000 and fixed overhead costs of $800,000.

(a) Compute the predetermined variable overhead rate and the predetermined fixed overhead
(b) Compute the applied overhead rate for Harper for the year.
(c) Compute the total overhead variance.
E11-12B Edmonds Company purchased (at a cost of $12,900) and used 3,300 pounds of ma- Compute and journalize
terials during May. Edmonds’ standard cost of materials per unit produced is based on 2 pounds variances for materials.
per unit at a cost $4 per pound. Production in May was 1,530 units. (SO 4, 7)

(a) Compute the total, price, and quantity variances for materials.
(b) Assume Edmonds also had an unfavorable labor quantity variance. What is a possible sce-
nario that would provide one cause for the variances computed in (a) and the unfavorable
labor quantity variance?
E11-13B Greenlee Landscaping plants grass seed as the basic landscaping for business cam- Prepare a variance report.
puses. During a recent month the company worked on three projects (Ball, Korman, and Math- (SO 4, 6)
eny). The company is interested in controlling the material costs, namely the grass seed, for these
plantings projects.
In order to provide management with useful cost control information, the company uses stan-
dard costs and prepares monthly variance reports. Analysis reveals that the purchasing agent mis-
takenly purchased poor-quality seed for the Ball project. The Korman project, however, received
higher-than-standard-quality seed that was on sale. The Matheny project received standard-
quality seed; however, the price had increased and a new employee was used to spread the seed.
Shown below are quantity and cost data for each project.

Actual Standard Total

Project Quantity Costs Quantity Costs Variance
Ball 500 lbs. $1,400 460 lbs. $1,380 $ 20 U
Korman 400 1,140 410 1,230 90 F
Matheny 425 1,360 400 1,200 102 U
Total variance $ 32 U

(a) Prepare a variance report for the purchasing department with the following columns: (1)
Project, (2) Actual pounds purchased, (3) Actual price, (4) Standard price, (5) Price variance,
and (6) Explanation.
4 Chapter 11 Standard Costs and Balanced Scorecard

(b) Prepare a variance report for the production department with the following columns:
(1) Project, (2) Actual pounds, (3) Standard pounds, (4) Standard price, (5) Quantity variance,
and (6) Explanation.
Complete variance report. E11-14B Hennessey Corporation prepared the following variance report.
(SO 6)
Variance Report—Purchasing Department
for Week Ended January 9, 2009

Type of Quantity Actual Standard Price

Materials Purchased Price Price Variance Explanation
Sand25 ? lbs. $5.20 $5.00 $3,200 ? Price increase
Brown36 5,000 oz. ? 4.25 1,050 U Rush order
Green48 22,000 units 0.55 ? 660 F Bought larger quantity

Fill in the appropriate amounts or letters for the question marks in the report.
Prepare income statement for E11-15B Niekro Company uses a standard cost accounting system. During January, the com-
management. pany reported the following manufacturing variances.
(SO 7)
Materials price variance $2,250 U Labor quantity variance $725 U
Materials quantity variance 700 F Overhead variance 500 U
Labor price variance 525 U

In addition, 7,000 units of product were sold at $8 per unit. Each unit sold had a standard cost of
$6. Selling and administrative expenses were $6,000 for the month.

Prepare an income statement for management for the month ended January 31, 2008.

Journalize entries in a standard *E11-16B Stiner Company installed a standard cost system on January 1. Selected transactions
cost accounting system. for the month of January are as follows.
(SO 9) 1. Purchased 24,000 units of raw materials on account at a cost of $4.50 per unit. Standard cost
was $4.20 per unit.
2. Issued 24,000 units of raw materials for jobs that required 23,500 standard units of raw
3. Incurred 20,300 actual hours of direct labor at an actual rate of $4.80 per hour. The standard
rate is $5.50 per hour. (Credit Wages Payable)
4. Performed 20,300 hours of direct labor on jobs when standard hours were 20,600.
5. Applied overhead to jobs at the rate of 100% of direct labor cost for standard hours allowed.

Journalize the January transactions.
Answer questions concerning *E11-17B Pedro Company uses a standard cost accounting system. Some of the ledger accounts
missing entries and balances. have been destroyed in a fire. The controller asks your help in reconstructing some missing en-
(SO 4, 5, 9) tries and balances.
Answer the following questions.
(a) Materials Price Variance shows a $2,000 favorable balance. Accounts Payable shows
$148,000 of raw materials purchases. What was the amount debited to Raw Materials
Inventory for raw materials purchased?
(b) Materials Quantity Variance shows a $5,000 unfavorable balance. Raw Materials Inventory
shows a zero balance. What was the amount debited to Work in Process Inventory for direct
materials used?
(c) Labor Price Variance shows a $1,500 unfavorable balance. Factory Labor shows a debit of
$170,000 for wages incurred. What was the amount credited to Wages Payable?
(d) Factory Labor shows a credit of $170,000 for direct labor used. Labor Quantity Variance
shows a $900 unfavorable balance. What was the amount debited to Work in Process for di-
rect labor used?
Exercises: Set B 5
(e) Overhead applied to Work in Process totaled $195,000. If the total overhead variance was
$1,200 unfavorable, what was the amount of overhead costs debited to Manufacturing
(f) Overhead Controllable Variance shows a debit balance of $2,500. What was the amount and
type of balance (debit or credit) in Overhead Volume Variance?
*E11-18B Data for Beltran Inc. are given in E11-7B. Journalize entries for materials
and labor variances.
(SO 9)
Journalize the entries to record the materials and labor variances.
*E11-19B The following information was taken from the annual manufacturing overhead cost Compute manufacturing over-
budget of Petagine Company. head variances and interpret
Variable manufacturing overhead costs $33,000
(SO 10)
Fixed manufacturing overhead costs $21,000
Normal production level in labor hours 12,000
Normal production level in units 3,000
Standard labor hours per unit 4
During the year, 2,900 units were produced, 11,700 hours were worked, and the actual manufac-
turing overhead was $53,500. Actual fixed manufacturing overhead costs equaled budgeted fixed
manufacturing overhead costs. Overhead is applied on the basis of direct labor hours.

(a) Compute the total, fixed, and variable predetermined manufacturing overhead rates.
(b) Compute the total, controllable, and volume overhead variances.
(c) Briefly interpret the overhead controllable and volume variances computed in (b).
*E11-20B The loan department of Lebo Bank uses standard costs to determine the overhead cost Compute overhead variances.
of processing loan applications. During the current month a fire occurred, and the accounting (SO 10)
records for the department were mostly destroyed.The following data were salvaged from the ashes.
Standard variable overhead rate per hour $8
Standard hours per application 2
Standard hours allowed 2,000
Standard fixed overhead rate per hour $5
Actual fixed overhead cost $11,500
Variable overhead budget based on standard hours allowed $16,000
Fixed overhead budget $11,500
Overhead controllable variance $ 1,500 U

(a) Determine the following.
(1) Total actual overhead cost.
(2) Actual variable overhead cost.
(3) Variable overhead cost applied.
(4) Fixed overhead cost applied.
(5) Overhead volume variance.
(b) Determine how many loans were processed.
*E11-21B Kingston Company’s overhead rate was based on estimates of $198,000 for overhead Compute variances.
costs and 18,000 direct labor hours. Kingston’s standards allow 2 hours of direct labor per unit pro- (SO 10)
duced. Production in May was 900 units, and actual overhead incurred in May was $20,700.The over-
head budgeted for 1,800 standard direct labor hours is $18,600 ($6,000 fixed and $12,600 variable).
(a) Compute the total, controllable, and volume variances for overhead.
(b) What are possible causes of the variances computed in part (a)?
6 Chapter 11 Standard Costs and Balanced Scorecard

Compute variances. P11-1C Maris Corporation manufactures a single product. The standard cost per unit of prod-
(SO 4, 5) uct is as follows.
Direct materials—2 pounds of plastic at $5 per pound $10
Direct labor—2 hours at $12 per hour 24
Variable manufacturing overhead 8
Fixed manufacturing overhead 6
Total standard cost per unit $48

The master manufacturing overhead budget for the month based on normal productive capacity
of 20,000 direct labor hours (10,000 units) shows total variable costs of $80,000 ($4 per labor
hour) and total fixed costs of $60,000 ($3 per labor hour). Normal productive capacity is 20,000
direct labor hours. Overhead is applied on the basis of direct labor hours. Actual costs for
November in producing 9,700 units were as follows.

Direct materials (20,000 pounds) $ 98,000

Direct labor (19,600 hours) 239,120
Variable overhead 79,100
Fixed overhead 59,000
Total manufacturing costs $475,220

The purchasing department normally buys the quantities of raw materials that are expected to be
used in production each month. Raw materials inventories, therefore, can be ignored.

(a) Compute all of the materials and labor variances.
(b) Compute the total overhead variance.
Compute variances, and P11-2C Sanchez Manufacturing Company uses a standard cost accounting system to account
prepare income statement. for the manufacture of exhaust fans. In July 2008, it accumulates the following data relative to
(SO 4, 5, 7) 1,800 units started and finished.

Cost and Production Data Actual Standard

Raw materials
Units purchased 21,000
Units used 21,000 22,000
Unit cost $3.40 $3.00
Direct labor
Hours worked 3,450 3,600
Hourly rate $11.80 $12.50
Manufacturing overhead
Incurred $101,500
Applied $108,000

Manufacturing overhead was applied on the basis of direct labor hours. Normal capacity for the
month was 3,400 direct labor hours. At normal capacity, budgeted overhead costs were $20 per
labor hour variable and $10 per labor hour fixed. Total budgeted fixed overhead costs were
Jobs finished during the month were sold for $280,000. Selling and administrative expenses
were $25,000.

(a) Compute all of the variances for (1) direct materials and (2) direct labor.
(b) Compute the total overhead variance.
(c) Prepare an income statement for management. Ignore income taxes.
Compute and identify signifi- P11-3C Sadler Clothiers manufactures women’s business suits. The company uses a standard
cant variances. cost accounting system. In March 2008, 15,700 suits were made. The following standard and ac-
(SO 4, 5, 6) tual cost data applied to the month of March when normal capacity was 20,000 direct labor hours.
All materials purchased were used in production.
Problems: Set C 7

Cost Element Standard (per unit) Actual

Direct materials 5 yards at $6.80 per yard $547,200 for 76,000 yards
($7.20 per yard)
Direct labor 1.0 hours at $11.50 per hour $166,880 for 14,900 hours
($11.20 per hour)
Overhead 1.0 hours at $9.30 per hour $120,000 fixed overhead
(fixed $6.30; variable $3.00) $49,000 variable overhead

Overhead is applied on the basis of direct labor hours. At normal capacity, budgeted fixed over-
head costs were $126,000, and budgeted variable overhead costs were $60,000.

(a) Compute the total, price, and quantity variances for (1) materials and (2) labor.
(b) Compute the total overhead variance.
(c) Which of the materials and labor variances should be investigated if management
considers a variance of more than 5% from standard to be significant?

P11-4C Dobbs Manufacturing Company uses a standard cost accounting system. In 2008, Answer questions about
50,000 units were produced. Each unit took several pounds of direct materials and 2 standard variances.
hours of direct labor at a standard hourly rate of $12.00. Normal capacity was 96,000 direct labor (SO 4, 5)
hours. During the year, 200,000 pounds of raw materials were purchased at $1.00 per pound. All
materials purchased were used during the year.

(a) If the materials price variance was $8,000 unfavorable, what was the standard materials price
per pound?
(b) If the materials quantity variance was $24,000 favorable, what was the standard materials
quantity per unit?
(c) What were the standard hours allowed for the units produced?
(d) If the labor quantity variance was $10,800 unfavorable, what were the actual direct labor
hours worked?
(e) If the labor price variance was $25,225 favorable, what was the actual rate per hour?
(f) If total budgeted manufacturing overhead was $792,000 at normal capacity, what was the pre-
determined overhead rate per direct labor hour?
(g) What was the standard cost per unit of product?
(h) How much overhead was applied to production during the year?
(i) Using selected answers above, what were the total costs assigned to work in process?

P11-5C Moran Labs performs steroid testing services to high schools, colleges, and universi- Compute variances, prepare an
ties. Because the company deals solely with educational institutions, the price of each test is income statement, and explain
strictly regulated. Therefore, the costs incurred must be carefully monitored and controlled. unfavorable variances.
Shown below are the standard costs for a typical test. (SO 4, 5, 7)

Direct materials (1 petrie dish @ $2 per dish) $ 2.00

Direct labor (0.5 hours @ $20 per hour) 10.00
Variable overhead (0.5 hours @ $8 per hour) 4.00
Fixed overhead (0.5 hours @ $4 per hour) 2.00
Total standard cost per test $18.00

The lab does not maintain an inventory of petrie dishes. Therefore, the dishes purchased
each month are used that month. Actual activity for the month of May 2008, when 2,500 tests
were conducted, resulted in the following.

Direct materials (2,530 dishes) $ 5,313

Direct labor (1,240 hours) 26,040
Variable overhead 10,100
Fixed overhead 5,700

Monthly budgeted fixed overhead is $6,000. Revenues for the month were $58,000, and sell-
ing and administrative expenses were $2,000.
8 Chapter 11 Standard Costs and Balanced Scorecard

(a) Compute the price and quantity variances for direct materials and direct labor.
(b) Compute the total overhead variance.
(c) Prepare an income statement for management.
(d) Provide possible explanations for each unfavorable variance.
Journalize and post standard *P11-6C Harter Manufacturing Company uses standard costs with its job order cost accounting
cost entries, and prepare system. In January, an order (Job No. 84) was received for 5,500 units of Product D. The standard
income statement.
cost of 1 unit of Product D is as follows.
(SO 4, 5, 7, 9)
Direct materials—1.4 pounds at $4.00 per pound $ 5.60
Direct labor—1 hour at $9.00 per hour 9.00
Overhead—1 hour (variable $7.40; fixed $8.00) 15.40
Standard cost per unit $30.00
Overhead is applied on the basis of direct labor hours. Normal capacity for the month of January
was 6,000 direct labor hours. During January, the following transactions applicable to Job No. 84
1. Purchased 8,100 pounds of raw materials on account at $3.60 per pound.
2. Requisitioned 8,100 pounds of raw materials for production.
3. Incurred 5,100 hours of direct labor at $9.25 per hour.
4. Worked 5,100 hours of direct labor on Job No. 84.
5. Incurred $87,650 of manufacturing overhead on account.
6. Applied overhead to Job No. 84 on the basis of direct labor hours.
7. Transferred Job No. 84 to finished goods.
8. Billed customer for Job No. 84 at a selling price of $280,000.
9. Incurred selling and administrative expenses on account $61,000.
(a) Journalize the transactions.
(b) Post to the job order cost accounts.
(c) Prepare the entry to recognize the total overhead variance.
(d) Prepare the January 2008 income statement for management.
Compute overhead controllable *P11-7C Using the information in P11-1C, compute the overhead controllable variance and
and volume variances. the overhead volume variance.
(SO 10)
*P11-8C Using the information in P11-2C, compute the overhead controllable variance and the
Compute overhead controllable overhead volume variance.
and volume variances.
(SO 10) *P11-9C Using the information in P11-3C, compute the overhead controllable variance and the
Compute overhead controllable overhead volume variance.
and volume variances. *P11-10C Using the information in P11-5C, compute the overhead controllable variance and
(SO 10) the overhead volume variance.
Compute overhead controllable
and volume variances.
(SO 10)

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