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Speaking Comprehension Test for 10th Form Students 50

1. There is a saying "To have a good friend, you need to be a good friend." How
can you be a good friend? Support your answer with examples.
2. “Books are not made for furniture, but there is nothing else that so beautifully
furnishes a house”. How do you understand the saying?
3. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the
world”. Does doing well at school matter?
4. Money doesn't buy happiness. What does this mean? What life values do you
5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that some technologies
have destroyed communication among friends and family.
6. “I've been lucky to listen to lots of different types of music”. What pieces of
music can you describe your most favourite?
7. “Everything in life is luck”, Donald Trump said. Or people succeed because
of hard work. Which thought do you support?
8. Will you visit any museums when you travel to new places? What for? As a
tour guide, what could you tell foreigners about your native place?
9. “In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes”, Andy Warhol said.
What did he mean? What can make us famous?
10. Agatha Christie said, “I don't think necessity is the mother of invention.
Invention arises directly from laziness …” Will you talk about the ways some
inventions make our lives idler?
11. What is important while visiting another culture? Do you think "when in
Rome, do as the Romans do" is always good advice? Why or why not?
12. What are some things that define a culture? For example, music, language...?
What is the best/most important thing your culture has given to the world?
13. Do you agree or disagree that progress is always good? Use specific reasons
and examples to support your answer.
14. Why do you think some people are attracted to dangerous sports or other
dangerous activities? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
15. Money makes the world go round. Do you agree or disagree with the
following statement? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
16. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Have you ever seen
such film? Is it designed to make the audience think or entertain?
17. History develops, art stands still. Do you think art is important to society?
Why? What forms of art do you know and are interested in?
18. People have different ways of escaping the stress and difficulties of modern
life. Some read; some exercise; others work in their gardens. What do you think
are the best ways of keeping life balance?
19. Sports do not build character, they discover it. Some children spend a great
amount of their time practicing sports. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages
of this.
20. Do you agree that the world is a book, and those who do not travel read only
a page?
21. What life values do your parents pass on to you? Are there any traditional
values that are not important or not necessary nowadays? Why?
22. The Earth does not belong to us: we belong to the Earth. What are the most
important issues facing the environment today? What can you do to make this
world a better place?
23. Youth comes but once in a lifetime. How are you different from your parents?
How does the generation gap affect interaction between the two generations?
24. We could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the
world. Some people think that facing challenges improves a person. Do you agree
or disagree?
25. You have won a lottery or come into a fortune. Will the money make your life
easier? What would you spend it on?

Speaking Comprehension Test for 11th Form Students 50

1. Every human is an artist. The dream of your life is to make a beautiful art.
What work of art would you make?
2. “A fashion is nothing but an epidemic”, said George Bernard Show. Are you a
fashion addict? What fashion stream are you in?
3. “No country can really develop unless its citizens are educated”, said Nelson
Mandela. Is little learning a dangerous thing? Why? Why not?
4. “To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to
keep our mind strong and clear”, Buddha said. What is your attitude to sport?
5. There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and
learning from failure. Give your arguments to support the saying.
6. Charles Dickens said that electric communication would never be a substitute
for the face of someone who with their soul encourages another person to be brave
and true. How has our communication changed in the 21st century?
7. Technology keeps getting smarter and smaller and more important to our lives
than ever before. Some people have even started implanting computer chips in
their bodies! Do you think that it would be safe to use technology to change our
8. Margaret Thatcher said, “The battle for women's rights has been largely won”.
Why do women want to have equal rights with men? What is your opinion of
women in the military service?
9. When trouble comes, it's your family that supports you. Do you agree with the
saying? What is more important: family or friends?
10. Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are. How do you understand
the saying? What do your everyday meals consist of? Do they need improving?
11. A friend to all is a friend to none. A true friend is forever a friend. Have you
got friends? What qualities do you appreciate in a friend?
12. There is a saying that a people without the knowledge of their past history,
origin and culture is like a tree without roots. Give arguments to support it.
13. John F. Kennedy said that leadership and learning are essential to each other.
What are the qualities or characteristics that every leader should have?
14. Do you agree that movies are something people see all over the world because
there is a certain need for it? What movie is worth seeing by you?
15. “Land really is the best art”, said Andy Warhol. Are you fascinated by any
works of art? Describe it. What do you personally find inspiration from?
16. Patriotism is the secret resource of a successful society. What examples of
demonstrating patriotism are familiar to you? What makes you feel a patriotic
17. Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from
and where they are going. Why do we need to learn languages?
18. What do you think makes some types of advertising potentially dangerous?
How much are you influenced by advertising? Why do you think shopping has
become a leisure activity?
19. How important is the news in your daily life? Where do you look for news?
What roles and responsibilities do people who report the news have?
20. Science and religion have often had conflicts with each other. Science calls
religion superstitious nonsense and religion calls science arrogant interference.
Some people say that science and religion are opposites. What do you think?
21. If you had your own TV network what would you put on it? What would be the
goal of your network? Would you try to spread any kind of message with the help
of it?
22. As you get older you get more responsibilities. How have your responsibilities
changed? How can you balance your responsibilities with the things that you want
to do and enjoy?
23. Selling soda larger than a certain size was banned in New York City. The
people of New York were very angry about this. Do you think it is the right of the
government to tell people what they can and can't do with their own bodies?
24. There is a type of school called a Montessori school where the students are
encouraged to be independent, self-guided learners. What role of a teacher suits
your personality and helps to promote your skills?
25. “Orbiting Earth in the spaceship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, let
us preserve and increase this beauty, not destroy it!” Yuri Gagarin said. How can
we increase the beauty of our planet?

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