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Simplified Archie Equation

m a
1 Rw
Sw  2 2  2 1 Carbonates, hard rock

 Rt 2.15
Sandstone (Humble)
Other popular choices of m and a
Quick Look Interpretation

Therefore we can find Sw if we know

Rw – Resistivity of the water (only) in the formation
Rt – True Resistivity of the Formation
Φ – Porosity of the formation
Please note: Archie’s equation does not work in Shaly sands, clays, and not well 1
in carbonates
Resistivity of water vs
salinity & temperature
 Resistivity of water is a function of
 Salinity (mg/l or ppm)
 Temperature (C, F, K)
 Electrolyte (NaCl, KCl, KBr etc.)

 Most charts are available for NaCl (and therefore if

electrolyte is different, will need correction)
 If Resistivity at Temperature T1 is known, then
Resistivity at Temperature T2 can be found by

Arp’s Equation
Several Saturation Models
 Shale-Free Electrical Model
 Archie (1942)

 Laminated Shale Electrical Model

 Poupon-Leveaux (Indonesian)

 “Double-Layer” Dispersed Clay Shale Electrical Models

 Waxman-Smits

 Dual-Water

 Mixed Dispersed-Clay / Laminar-Shale Electrical Model

 Patchett-Herrick

Reservoir vs Well
 A Reservoir may contain many wells
 It is possible that in the same reservoir some
wells might be
 Some Producing Hydrocarbon
 Some producing Water (that need to be shut down)
 In some, Water is being injected
 Sometimes we perform Logging services to get
an idea of not one well but the whole or part of
the reservoir
Downhole Environment
Standard notations


Water-Based Mud Oil-Based Mud

 Invasion takes place due Invaded Zone Uninvaded Zone Invaded Zone
Oil-Bearing Oil-Bearing
to higher hydrostatic

Salty Connate Water

pressure of mud and Fresh Mud
lower formation pressure
Salt Mud
 Degree or depth of Water-Bearing Water-Bearing
Invasion depends on
 Differential pressure
 Formation Porosity
Oil-Bearing Oil-Bearing
 Formation Permeability
Fresh Connate Water

 Mud properties
 X: Radial distance from
borehole in inches Water-Bearing Water-Bearing

 Y: Resistivity in ohmm
How to get Rw ?
(Resistivity of water)
 Retrieve Sample of Formation Water from Well and
measure its Resistivity using Resistivity Meter (note that
Resistivity changes with temperature so appropriate temperature corrections
need to be applied before using for Interpretation)
 In Open Hole Wireline Formation Tester

 In Cased Hole, downhole Samplers

 Collect Sample water (from Separator Tank on Surface) from any other
nearby Producing Well (from same zone)
 Water charts of the area may be available from Oil
companies or government agencies
 If WBM mud, then SP Log (Spontaneous Potential) can give Rw
 Identify 100% water bearing zone and Reverse calculate Rw
using Archie equation 7

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