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of Edentulous Orofacial Dyskinesia

Management of Edentulous Orofacial Dyskinesia

Bishnupati Singh, 2Namrata Sinha, 3Tapan Giri, 4MD Chethan, 5Vallabh Mahadevan, 6Amit Tamrakar

Edentulous orofacial dyskinesia is a rare condition, characterized A number of movement disorders involving the facial
by involuntary rhythmic movements of the mandible and and oral musculature are found in individuals across
presents an embarrassing situation for the patient. Edentulism
the globe. One of these, orofacial dyskinesia (OFD) is
has been considered as one of the proponents of these irregular
movements, and rehabilitation of these patients with complete characterized by severe involuntary dystonic movements
denture-fabrication using traditional technique restores the of these structures. Oral dyskinesia comprises of
masticatory inefficiency and the esthetic component of the involuntary, unmanageable and abnormal movements;
patient. Surprisingly, these movements disappear during affecting the lips, tongue and jaws. Among the purpose-
the clinical steps of complete denture-fabrication and upon less movements seen are lip-smacking, protrusion of
insertion of the dentures. Disturbances in the proprioception
the tongue and mandible-grimacing. This dyskinesia
following loss of tooth may be a contributory factor for edentulous
dyskinesia. may appear as the sole abnormality or in combination
with other movements. Orofacial dyskinesias are said
Keywords: Edentulism, Orofacial dyskinesia, Involuntary.
to occur spontaneously in the elderly and to result from
How to cite this article: Singh B, Sinha N, Giri T, Chethan MD, edentulousness.1,2 They may go unnoticed or cause social
Mahadevan V, Tamrakar A. Management of Edentulous embarrassment or oral traumatic injury, with speech
Orofacial Dyskinesia. J Contemp Dent Pract 2015;16(7):
difficulties or chewing or eating disorders. Whether they
represent separate entities causing orofacial dyskinesia
Source of support: Nil is not firmly established. These conditions have received
Conflict of interest: None only limited investigation. Diagnosis essentially relies
on clinical assessment, and proper management is not
always straightforward. The movements are stereotyped
Department of Prosthodontics, Dental College, Regional as they are highly patterned and predictable. The
Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal, Manipur, India dyskinetic movements are restricted to the oral region.
Department of Oral Medicine, Dental College, Regional Edentulous orodyskinesia (ED) is a neglected source
Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal, Manipur, India of aimless oral movements that may be confused with
Department of Prosthodontics, R Ahmed Dental College and tardive dyskinesia (TD).
Hospital, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Department of Prosthodontics, Bapujee Dental College and
Hospital, Davanagere, Karnataka, India A 63-year-old completely edentulous male patient
Department of Prosthodontics, Ragas Dental College and reported to the department of prosthodontics crown
Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India and bridge and implantology for replacement of missing
Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Jamia teeth. Intraoral examination revealed normal parameters
Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India for ideal fabrication of complete denture, with good
Corresponding Author: Bishnupati Singh, Associate Professor salivary flow (Fig. 1). Extraoral examination revealed loss
Department of Prosthodontics, Dental College, Regional of occlusal vertical dimension with sagging appearance of
Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal, 795004, Manipur, India the lower third of his face, complete disappearance
Phone: 9612470047, e-mail: [email protected]
of the lips (cheiloptosis), and constant stereotypical

The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, July 2015;16(7):607-611 607

Bishnupati Singh et al

Fig. 1: Edentulous maxillary and mandibular ridges

orofacial movement of the lower jaw. Ability to keep (impregnum penta medium body, pearson dental
the tongue protruded (minimum time: 30 seconds) was supplies). Impressions were verified for accuracy and
checked to verify the possibility of various intraoral fit in patient’s mouth. Beading and boxing was done
procedures to be completed without any hindrance and the master cast was made with dental stone type III
(Fig. 2). Surgical management with dental implants (kalastone, kalabhai dental private limited); and wax
was not an option due to the financial limitations of the occlusal rims were made over the temporary denture
patient. Treatment plan included fabrication of maxillary bases fabricated by auto polymerizing resin (DPI-RR
and mandibular complete dentures for the patient by cold cure, dental products of India, the Bombay trading
means of contemporary clinical techniques. Preliminary corporation limited). Jaw relations were recorded and
impressions of the maxillary and mandibular edentulous the maxillo-mandibular records were transferred to a
ridges were made with an irreversible hydrocolloid mean value articulator. Teeth arrangement was done
impression material (Neocolloid, Zermack clinical, Italy). following the ‘biomechanical principles of arrangement
The impressions were washed and poured with the dental of teeth in edentulous patients’. Given the stereotypical
plaster. Wax spacers were adapted on the primary casts movements, the vertical dimension component of the
and custom trays were fabricated. The custom tray was jaw relations was verified at the try in verification stage.
prepared with auto-polymerizing acrylic resin (DPI-RR Ultimately, a balanced occlusal scheme was designed in
cold cure, dental products of India, the Bombay trading an effort to permit a definitive and maximal intercuspal
corporation limited) for making secondary impression. position with a bilateral balance in excursive movements.
The secondary impression was made using green stick Try-in verification (Fig. 4) was followed by laboratory
compound for border molding (DPI pinnacle tracing steps of denture processing with heat polymerizing
sticks, Bombay, India) and zinc oxide impression paste acrylic resin (Trevalon, Dentsply, Gurgaon, India), and
as impression material (Fig. 3) (DPI, dental products then the processed and finished denture was inserted
of India, the Bombay trading corporation limited). (Fig. 5) and evaluated for esthetics retention and function
particularly due to the patient’s inherent tendency of
uncontrolled orofacial movements. The interferences in
the denture were eliminated and denture was given to the
patient. Post-insertion instructions were comprehensively
explained to the patient regarding its maintenance, recall,
nutrition and hygiene.

Movement disorders of the magnitude of orofacial
dyskinesia generally have been considered to be due to
disease of the central motor nervous system. Disruption
of sensation, particularly of the proprioceptive system,
in the stomatognathic complex may play an important
role in the etiology of OFD.3 There is a controversy over
Fig. 2: Protrusion and other related tongue movements verified
during the diagnostic phase to confirm the process of denture which of the various components of the stomatognathic
fabrication complex is most important in proprioception and in the


Management of Edentulous Orofacial Dyskinesia

Fig. 3: Master impressions recorded with ZNO impression material

The significance of the edentulous state of these

patients in their abnormal muscle function has been
previously overlooked. This could be due to the common
misconception that loss of teeth is a normal concomitant
of aging. When the teeth are lost, so are the periodontal
ligaments and the rich supply of nerve endings within
them. It is the loss of the periodontal proprioceptors that
causes the wavering, uncertain pattern of movements
in the edentulous patients. An important factor in the
genesis of dyskinesia was absence of dentures in these
patients. Oral dyskinesias were observed only after a long
period of edentulousness, separating tooth extraction and
the beginning of oral movements. In all probability with
time, progressive changes occurred in the oral cavity.
Fig. 4: Try-in verification of complete dentures
Inadequate dento-oral prostheses may cause disruption
control of motion.4-10 Partial or complete loss of sensory of dental proprioception, resulting in dyskinetic searching
receptors associated with certain areas (teeth) and movements of the oral cavity. Dyskinesias associated
distortion of others (ligaments, tendons and muscles) with edentulousness do not involve involuntary
by non-physiologic replacement parts, in all, probably protrusion of the tongue as seen in tardive dyskinesia.
combine to report improper proprioceptive information Patients with tardive dyskinesia can seldom hold their
to the brain. The central nervous system must have tongue protruded for any duration without involuntary
determined sensory input to produce motor function. withdrawal. Peristaltic movements of the tongue, when

Fig. 5: Right and left lateral views of the maxillary and mandibular dentures in bilateral balanced occlusion

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Bishnupati Singh et al

on the floor of the mouth, do not occur in edentulous movement during the fabrication of complete dentures,
dyskinetic subjects. Involuntary movements of the upper be it recording of impressions, jaw relations or try-in and
face, limb and trunk were also absent. insertion of dentures. The patient, on repeated instruc-
It should be mentioned that attempts to establish tions to reproduce the original movements could not do
the jaw relation at the terminal hinge position/retruded so after insertion of complete dentures. Removal of the
contact position failed, because the patient complained dentures was accompanied by a return to movements,
that position intolerable. When forcibly held in the which suggested that in this case, properly designed and
terminal hinge position, the mandible resisted strongly constructed complete dentures contributed to cessation in
and continuously. Instead, that mandibular position his involuntary movements. It can, of course, be claimed
which was found to be comfortable and most effective that the total absence of uncontrolled movements in this
therapeutically lay some millimeters anterior to the patient was due to any one of the determinants of optimal
most retruded position. The challenge with this patient complete denture treatment. The patient and his relatives
was the establishment, recording and verification of his were fully satisfied with the final outcome of the treat-
edentulous maxillo-mandibular relationship records ment. This particular patient’s significant and discernible
for mounting of the casts on articulator. His anatomical improvement, in what was an extremely embarrassing
landmarks, such as paralleling of the residual alveolar situation, enabled him and his family to subjectively
ridges, measurements of the facial height, phonetics, acknowledge a far reaching improvement in his quality
and esthetics were helpful in determining an estimated of life. Given this, an inference of the causal relationship
occlusal vertical dimension; his excessive elliptical and between removable prostheses and edentulous dyskine-
stereotyped mandibular movement patterns made sia can be drawn from the rehabilitation of this particular
horizontal jaw relation records quite flimsy. The occlusal patient, which is lacking in literature. Nonetheless, while
vertical dimension most-effective for reducing orofacial excessive tongue and mandibular movements are bound
dyskinesia appears to be excessive.11 The excessive vertical to compromise the denture-wearing experience, it may be
dimension of the occlusal prosthesis might improve both argued that stable prostheses may offer a scope for spatial
conscious and unconscious proprioception by stretching orientation that may, in turn, modify the TD’s manifes-
muscle spindles and altering the angle of the joints when tations beneficially. The mechanism of this expected
the dentures are in occlusion. Considerable patience response is certainly not understood, nor is it possible
and time was necessary before a final decision could be to predict whether the management of this patient can
made regarding what was adjudged to be the optimal be replicated in a predictable manner in other patients
jaw records for the patient. Given the stereotypical with similar TD signs and symptoms. Therefore, in the
movements, the vertical dimension component of the absence of robust evidence regarding the possible benefits
jaw relations was confirmed at the trial verification stage. of routine prosthodontic management, a case should be
Teeth selection is important criteria for the unusual made for the inclusion of preventive dental programs and
movements, and semi anatomic teeth were decided for the routine dental care as an integral part of the regimen of all
obvious advantage of holding and guiding the mandible patients at risk for development of dyskinesia. The condi-
in the terminal hinge axis position. Finally, a balanced tion is medically mandated, but the dental clinician may
occlusal scheme was designed in an effort to permit a very well be the first health professional to identify the
definitive and maximal inter-cuspal position with a bilat- uncontrolled movements that may suggest TD, especially
eral balance in excursive movements. Complete denture those involving the orofacial complex. A frank discussion
is fabricated, and the teeth are placed in harmony with with the patient and referral to his or her physician can
the individual patient’s oral musculature, especially the lead to an early diagnosis and effective management of
tongue. The dyskinesia completely disappeared with this movement disorder. Above all, edentulism should
proper construction of denture in this particular case. be prevented whenever possible, while research into the
Although the relationship between the edentulous state validity of implant-supported/retained prostheses for
and orofacial dyskinesias is well recognized, no other such patients may prove to be an important new direc-
reports are available. Video recordings of the patient’s tion in the discipline. Dental treatment for these patients
mandibular movements without dentures were made is highly individualized and no standard treatment is
with a Nikon camera and employed as a teaching and available. The knowledge and empathy of the clinician
demonstration tool for both the patient and his family’s are critical elements in the management of dyskinetic
benefit. The recordings showed the absence of any patients.


Management of Edentulous Orofacial Dyskinesia

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