Timeline: Date Objective Activity Person/S Responsible

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December 9-16, 2017 -Propose a topic to be discussed

Title Proposal Everyone in the Group
(Completed) and to be studied.

-Make an introduction about the

chosen topic.
-State the Problem of the study.
January 6-13, 2018 Construction of
-Give the Significance of the Everyone in the Group
(Completed) Chapter 1
-State the Scope and
Delimitation of your topic.

-Find related literature that may

support your topic.
January 13-20, 2018 Construction of
-Form your synthesis or Everyone in the Group
(Completed) Chapter 2
conclusion of the collected

-Create the methodology of the

January 20-27, 2018 -Form a Conceptual and Construction of
Everyone in the Group
(On Process) Theoretical Framework. Chapter 3
-Create a Questionnaire for the
-Refinement of Chapters 1, 2,
January 27 - and 3
Paper Proposal Everyone in the Group
February 3, 2018 -Make the 3 chapters to be
approved by the Professor

-Conduct an interview to some

February 3 – March 3, An Interview with
experts that will support our Everyone in the Group
2018 Experts

-Analyzation of collected data.

Construction of
March 3-10 , 2018 -Interpreting of gathered data. Everyone in the Group
Chapter 4
-Presentation of data.

-Creating the Summary and

Formulating the Conlusion of Construction of
March 10-17, 2018 Everyone in the Group
the Study. Chapter 5
-Give some Recommendations.

-Proving the Study.

March 31, 2018 Paper Defense Everyone in the Group
-Defend the whole research.

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