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by WBDG Staff

 Overview
 Building Attributes
 Emerging Issues
 Relevant Codes and Standards
 Major Resources

Public libraries can be differentiated from academic, school, and special libraries because they function to serve the needs of a diverse service
population including small children, students, professionals, and the elderly. In contrast, academic libraries serve college and university faculty and
students; school libraries serve elementary, middle, and high school students and faculty; and special libraries (such as Presidential Libraries) serve
scholars and experts within narrowly defined fields.
Although public libraries serve the public at large, including those who are also served by other types of libraries, they are used primarily by members
of the local community in which they are constructed and secondarily by members in communities in immediately outlying areas. The members of
those communities are the service population of public libraries and their needs affect the design and planning of public library spaces. For example, if
a community has a large population of young children, which can result from a community with a high-quality elementary school system, the public
library design must address the needs of children and how they use libraries, i.e., story-telling spaces, books within easy reach for children, nap areas,
etc. Whereas, a public library that serves the needs of a community with a large population of elderly people will included design criteria to meet their
needs, i.e., easy access into the building, adequate lighting, large-print media, etc.


Reference desk at Issaquah Public Library, Issaquah, WA by Bohlin Cywinski Jackson
Photo Credit: James Frederick House
There are seven broad types of public library space:

 Collection space (including public electronic workstation space)

 User seating space
 Staff work space
 Meeting space
 Special use space
 Non-assignable space (including mechanical space)

Careful analysis of the following will allow designers to determine the space needs for the seven general spaces listed above, which are common to
public libraries:

 Identification of the library's population of users

 Estimation of the collections provided by the library and the space needed to accommodate those provisions to meet the future needs of its
 Estimation of floor space needed to accommodate seating areas
 Estimation of floor space needed by staff
 Estimation of floor space needed for meeting rooms
 Estimation of miscellaneous public- and staff-use space (special use space)
 Estimation of space needed for entry halls, mechanical rooms, bathrooms, etc. (non-assignable space).


The following steps can be used to determine the library's general building attributes. The steps below do not assess exterior space needs such as
parking and site amenities, which vary widely depending on site selection as determined in the library program.


A projection of the needs of the design (service) population for 20 years is the start of the library design process. This design projection will allow the
library to serve the future needs of its population of users and allows the designer to determine the space needed for the preceding categories of library
Population estimates can be gathered from local municipalities, county, or regional planning commissions, or from a state's Office of Policy and
Management. Since most public libraries serve residents of outlying communities, it is important to include the effect that non-resident use will have on
library space allotments.


Since the needs of the design population are projected over 20 years, the collection size must also respond to the 20-year projection, i.e., collection
space must be projected over a 20-year period. In addition, public libraries should have a "weeding policy" whereby outdated material is omitted from
collections. This will allow additional space for future expansion.
The number of volumes of books, non-print materials (music CDs, audio books, etc.), and periodicals that are maintained by the library can change
from 5 to 25 volumes per square foot depending on shelf height, aisle width, and the kind of material, whether it's magazines or encyclopedias.
 Calculate Space Needs for Books—As a general rule of thumb, to estimate the square footage of book storage space (with aisles at least
36 inches wide) divide the total projected number of volumes by 10. The square footage needed for compact book storage is equal to the
total projected collection divided by 25. For example, if the total projected collection over 20 years is 50,000 volumes, 50,000 divided by 10
equals 5,000 square feet needed to house the projected collection.
 Calculate Space Needs for Non-print Items—To determine the square footage necessary to store non-print material, divide the total
number of non-print items projected over 20 years by 10. For example, if the projected non-print items over 20 years equals 20,000, then
20,000 divided by 10 equals 2,000 square feet of space needed for non-print items over a 20–year period.
 Calculate Space Needs for Periodicals—Use the following formula to determine space needs for periodicals. Divide the number of
current periodicals that will be maintained by the library by 1.5. That number equals the space in square feet needed to house the current
periodicals. Multiply the number of back issues of periodicals that will be kept in the library by 0.5. Multiply that number by the average
number of years the periodical will be maintained in the library. That result is the space needed to house back issues. For example, if there
are 100 current periodicals, then 100 divided by 1.5 is 67 square feet of space needed for current periodicals. If the library will house 40
back issues of each title for 5 years, then 40 divided by 0.5 multiplied by 5 years equals 100 square feet of space need for back issues of
periodicals. The square footage needed for current periodicals (67) plus the square footage needed for back issues (100) equals the total
square footage needed for periodicals over a 20–year period.
View enlarged plan
Plan of Burton Barr Phoenix Central Teen Library, Phoenix, AZ by Will Bruder Architects
Photo Credit: Bill Timmerman
View enlarged plan
Plan of Des Plaines Public Library, Des Plaines, IL by Lohan Associates
Photo Credit: Les Boschke
Obviously, the recommended size of a library's collections (including the number of electronic workstations needed—see Step 3), will determine how
much floor space is needed for the collections. Some state library agencies or state library associations issue standards that provide guidance in
determining the appropriate collection size. Also note the recommendations regarding recommended planning processes for public libraries, issued by
the Public Library Association, a division of the American Library Association.


Work/study desks and tables in the primary library space and in meeting rooms must provide connections for computers and other devices that utilize
two-way communication services, such as the Internet.
 Calculate Space Needs for Public Access Computer Stations (PACs)—PACs consist of a computer terminal (monitor and hard drive),
keyboard, and access to a printer. A PAC station used from a seated position requires at least 40 square feet. A PAC station used from a
standing position requires at least 20 square feet. PACs can by placed anywhere in the library. For example, a PAC that can be used by a
standing person can be placed near the entry area and can function only to direct users to particular spaces in the library depending on the
users' inputted needs.
 Calculate Space Needs for Computer Workstations—As an alternative, or in addition to PACs, libraries can provide electronic
workstations equipped with two-way communication system hook-ups to accommodate users with their own computer equipment. A space


Atlas Stand 35

Bulletin Board 9

Display Case 50

Index Table 140

Map File 35

Microfilm Cabinet 10

Newspaper Rack 25

Paperback Rack 35

Photocopier 50

Staff Locker 4

of 75 square feet can be used as a general average for each computer workstation.
Vertical Files 10

*The items listed are for example and are an abbreviated list of items that may be included in the special-use space. Depending on the role of the library as determined in the program, the number of items and the
number of special-use areas may vary.

 Calculate Space Needs for Microfilm or Microfiche Workstations—A general rule of thumb is 35 square feet for each microfilm or
microfiche workstation.


The Great Reading Room at Burton Barr Phoenix Central Library, Phoenix, AZ by Will Bruder Architects
Photo Credit: Bill Timmerman
In general, public libraries should provide at least 5 seats for every 1,000 users in its service population. As a guide, public libraries that serve no more
than 10,000 users should accommodate 7 to 10- seats for every 1,000 users. These guides do not include the seats needed in meeting rooms or staff
areas. The number of seats can be adjusted depending on the library. For example, if the library is one that encourages long-term use, i.e., extensive
collections of research materials, then the number of seats should be inflated. If the library encourages browsing, i.e., latest magazines or best sellers,
the number of seats needed may be less.
 Calculate Square Footage Needs for User Seating—The square footage needed for user seating varies depending on the type of
seating, i.e., lounge chair, table seating, etc. As a general rule of thumb, for table seating use 25 square feet per seat; for study carrel
seating use 30 square feet per seat; and for seating in lounge chairs use 35 square feet per seat. As a general average, designers can use
30 square feet per seat.
 To determine total square footage necessary for user seating, subtract the number of PAC and electronic workstation seats and meeting
and conference room seats (if these rooms are used only for meetings and conferences) from the projected number of total seats. That
number multiplied by 30 is the projected square footage needed for user seating.


Front and circulation desks at Des Plaines Public Library, Des Plaines, IL by Lohan Associates
Photo Credit: Les Boschke
Staff space should include space for computers for online access to outside resources. Staff workloads and the number of library staff at each area
where library services are provided, i.e., reference desk, circulation desk, multimedia stations, are important in determining the space needed for staff.
Office space for library administrators and staff-only areas (such as staff lounges or staff eating areas) is an important part of staff space.

 Calculate Space Needs for Staff Work Areas—On average, the space needed for staff work areas is approximately 150 square feet per
work area. Some work areas may be larger than others. For example, check-out areas may require more square footage than help-desk
areas. As a general rule of thumb, the square footage allotment for staff work areas equals the number of projected staff areas multiplied by


Many public libraries incorporate meeting space for library- and community- sponsored meetings or events. Meeting rooms also serve as staff or library
patron training space. Depending on the library's function as determined in the library program, Internet connections and other two-way communication
system outlets may be necessary.

 Calculate the Space Needs for Meeting Rooms—There are two types of seating arrangements common in public library meeting rooms:
theater seating and conference room seating. For theater, or lecture hall, seating arrangements, the projected square footage needed in the
meeting room equals the number of seats multiplied by 10. For conference room seating, the projected square footage needed equals the
number of seats multiplied by 25. The square footage needed in meeting rooms targeted for children's activities will require 10 square feet
per seat. Meeting room space does not include other square footage necessary for other peripheral spaces including a kitchen area in or
nearby the meeting room and storage areas for audiovisual equipment, chairs, tables, etc.


The need for special-use spaces (such as a history or genealogy room, a job center, or a community information area) will vary depending on the
function of the library as determined in its written program.

 Calculate Space Needs for Special-Use Areas—Some special-use spaces and their required square footage are included in the table

Non-assignable spaces are important for the general operation of the library facility but they are not a direct part of the services offered by the library.
These spaces include mechanical rooms, bathrooms, entrance halls, corridors, stairs, security rooms, and elevators. These non-assignable spaces
make up 20% to 30% of gross floor area of the library.
 Calculate Space Needs for Non-Assignable Areas—The square footage needed for non-assignable space equals the total square
footage of steps 2 through 7, divided by 4.


The Seattle Public Library features wireless communications technologies, allowing staff members to provide support to patrons without being bound to a reference desk.
Computer technology continues to affect the way libraries function and, as a result, the way they are planned and designed. As a result, the electric
and wiring needs of modern-day public libraries must accommodate changing technology. Today, public libraries must be able to support wired and
wireless connections to digital communications from networks within and from outside the library. Outside digital communication systems include the
Internet, area networks, public telephone networks, and networks accessed through digital service providers (such as cable companies) that utilize
copper wire, cable, wireless, or fiber-optic capabilities. See also WBDG Productive—Integrate Technological Tools.
The recommended wiring capability of modern public libraries is Category 5 (CAT 5) wiring optimized for 1,000BASE–T using RJ45 connectors.
Exterior-mounted satellite dishes may also be a consideration in some library programs.
Circuits and electrical outlets should be plentiful so that changing technology can be supported. Dedicated circuits for computers and surge protection
for electronic workstations and PACs should be incorporated into the design of library spaces.
Another emerging technology—radio frequency identification (RFID)—is coming to the library market in the form of charging and security systems that
are easier to configure into patron self-service stations, allowing some libraries to radically reconsider the organization of functions at the entry. Some
public libraries that have adopted RFID-based patron self-charge systems have been able to position circulation functions—traditionally in a prominent
entry location—to the sides, allowing a newly-prominent information desk to become the centerpiece of the library's entry. This in turn changes the
patron's experience of the entry and the character of the space.
Still other libraries-notably the recently—opened Seattle Public Library—are using wireless communications technologies to allow library staff members
to roam through the stacks and reader seating, without being bound to a reference desk, the better to provide support to patrons at the point of contact.
Daylighting employed in the children's area at Des Plaines Public Library, Des Plaines, IL, by Lohan Associates
Photo Credit: Les Boschke
Sustainable design should be a part of every library program so that the building can function efficiently without wasting energy during its lifetime.
Below is a checklist to ensure that public libraries incorporate sustainable design. See WBDG Sustainable Branch for more guidance on sustainable
 Is the building designed and constructed in ways that preserve the natural outdoor environment and promote a healthful indoor habitat?
 Is the building designed to avoid adversely impacting the natural state of the air, land, and water, by using resources and methods that
minimize pollution and waste?
 Is the building designed to maximize passive and natural sources of heating, cooling, ventilation, and lighting? See WBDG Passive Solar
Heating, High–Performance HVAC, Natural Ventilation, and Daylighting.
 Are innovative strategies and technologies employed such as porous paving to conserve water, reduce effluent and run-off, thus recharging
the water table?
 Is the project planned to reduce the need for individual automobiles, use alternative fuels, and encourage public and alternate modes of
 Is the building constructed and operated using materials, methods, and mechanical and electrical systems that ensure a healthful indoor air
quality while avoiding contamination by carcinogens, volatile organic compounds, fungi, molds, bacteria, and other known toxins?
 Are the HVAC system's outdoor air intakes located as high as possible above the ground and far enough away from the exhaust ducts to
reduce the intake of ground level air pollution?
 Are stainless-steel-strip bird guards installed over the horizontal rooftop outdoor air intakes to prevent birds from settling on the grating and
polluting the shafts below?
 Does the HVAC have an efficiency air filtration system with pre-filters and final filters at 30 % and 85% efficiency respectively?
 Are air filters designed to be easy to access and clean and/or replace? See WBDG Sustainable O&M Practices.
 Has the exposed fiberglass within the HVAC system been encapsulated to eliminate amplification sites for fungal and bacterial micro-
 Is the rate of ventilation with outdoor air at least 25 cubic feet per minute?
 Are copy rooms and similar spaces that emit possibly toxic substances equipped with their own dedicated air exhaust systems?
 Is particleboard that emits formaldehyde emissions prohibited in the building? See Evaluating and Selecting Green Products.
 Is furniture constructed without particleboard that emits formaldehyde? See WBDG Evaluating and Selecting Green Products.
 Are only solvent-free paints specified for the project? See WBDG Evaluating and Selecting Green Products.
 Are low-emitting, solvent-free adhesives specified for the project? See WBDG Evaluating and Selecting Green Products.
Model Building Codes that may apply include the following (check with local building departments for code requirements):
 ICC IBC International Building Code

Note: Some states have their own state-written building codes. In addition, some localities have their own local codes. State and local building
departments are the best resource for applicable codes.

 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

 American with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG)
 Architectural Barriers Act (ABA)




Educational Facilities, Libraries

Conference / Classroom, General Storage, Library, Lobby, Office

Accessible, Aesthetics, Functional / Operational, Historic Preservation, Productive, Secure / Safe, Sustainable

Building Commissioning


 American Library Association (ALA)

o Public Library Association (PLA)


 The Design and Evaluation of Public Library Buildings by Nolan Lushington and James M. Kusack. Hamden, CT: Library Professional
Publications, 1991.
 Determining Your Public Library's Future Size: A Needs Assessment Planning Model by Lee B. Brawner and Donald K. Beck. Chicago, IL:
American Library Association, 1996.
 Library Facility Siting and Location Handbook by Christine M. Koontz. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1997.
 Planning the Small Library Facility, 2nd ed. by Anders C. Dahlgren. Chicago, IL: American Library Association, 1996.
 Public Library Space Needs: A Planning Outline by Anders C. Dahlgren. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Public Library
Development, 2009.

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