Sheet Breakup Yo Lozano

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The instability growth leading to a liquid sheet


Article in Physics of Fluids · September 1998

DOI: 10.1063/1.869740


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4 authors, including:

Antonio Lozano Antonio Garcia-Olivares

Spanish National Research Council Spanish National Research Council


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The instability growth leading to a liquid sheet breakup

Antonio Lozano, Antonio Garcı́a-Olivares, and César Dopazo
LITEC/CSIC, Maria de Luna, 3, 50015-Zaragoza, Spain
共Received 25 July 1996; accepted 8 May 1998兲
The instability growth leading to a liquid sheet breakup has been studied with the objective of
improving the understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of atomization. A three-dimensional
Lagrangian code based on vortex dynamics methods has been implemented to track the air/liquid
interfaces treated as inviscid vortex sheets. The results of these numerical simulations indicate a
possible explanation for the presence of transverse and longitudinal filaments observed in liquid
sheet air-assisted atomization experiments. © 1998 American Institute of Physics.

INTRODUCTION Modeling air-blast atomizers has received very little at-

tention. Rangel and Sirignano11 and Yang12 have recently
Spray flows are common in many daily applications, but
analyzed the linear and nonlinear 2-D evolution of infinite
their presence in combustion environments is probably the
liquid sheets considering perturbations in symmetric and an-
aspect that attracts larger attention. Although most air-blast
tisymmetric modes. However, as noted above, the three-
commercial atomizers have an axisymmetric design, two-
dimensional disturbance growth due to the interaction be-
dimensional geometries where a liquid sheet is surrounded
tween spanwise and streamwise vorticity is known to have
by a coflow of high speed air, are useful in research studies.
definite influence on the breakup. Three-dimensional simula-
The basic physical mechanisms that cause the liquid breakup
tions of mixing layers have been successfully attempted13–16
are the same in both configurations, but planar designs are
but in general density jumps or surface tension effects have
easier to visualize and simulate.
not been considered. In this paper, it is proposed to model
Liquid film disintegration was studied early by Hagerty
the interfacial instability growth in the flow using three-
and Shea1 in a high aspect ratio sheet experiment, by Taylor2
dimensional vortex dynamics.
in an axisymmetric configuration, and by Dombrowski and
collaborators3,4 in a fan spray geometry. It has not been until
recently, with the works of Rizk and Lefebvre,5 Arai and THE VORTEX DYNAMICS MODEL
Hashimoto,6 Mansour and Chigier,7,8 Stapper and
Samuelsen,9 and Lozano et al.10 among others that high as- To track the air/liquid interface, a three-dimensional vor-
pect ratio two-dimensional air-blast designs have been em- tex dynamics method has been developed and implemented.
ployed to explore liquid sheet breakup phenomena. Previous experimental studies tend to indicate that the liquid
With a high speed air flow in the presence of a liquid viscosity may have little or no effect on the sheet breakup.
sheet at lower speed, significant shear develops at the inter- The present model exploits the largely inviscid nature of this
face between the two fluids, particularly in the vicinity of the flow and the fact that for large Reynolds number flows the
nozzle. The shear gives rise to a Kelvin-Helmholtz type in- vorticity is mainly concentrated within very thin layers on
stability, causing the sheet to oscillate, and as the disturbance both sides of the interface between the two fluids. This vor-
amplitude grows, to break. At lower shearing rates, sacklike ticity region is then considered to behave as a vortex sheet
structures develop and layer upon each other. Stretching and while the fluids on either side of it may be treated as incom-
surface tension eventually cause the sheet to tear into liga- pressible and irrotational.17 If both fluids are incompressible,
ments which are nominally oriented in the spanwise direc- the volume rate of expansion is zero throughout the flow
tion 共parallel to the nozzle slit兲. As the relative air/liquid field, and the velocity field satisfies the following Poisson
velocity ratio increases, the breakup transitions to another equation:
regime. Streamwise vorticity becomes of equal or greater ⵜ 2 u⫽⫺ⵜⴛ␻, 共1兲
importance to the spanwise component, causing the cellular
structures. In this breakup regime, ligaments oriented parallel where ␻ is the vorticity defined as the curl of the velocity
to the flow direction predominate over spanwise ligaments. field u.
At sufficiently high air velocities, the streamwise ligaments A general Green’s function solution for u exists and is
recede to the nozzle tip and sheet rupture into ligaments is commonly known as the Biot–Savart law:13
immediate. This rupture mode is identified by Stapper and
Samuelsen9 as ‘‘stretched streamwise ligament breakup.’’ In
principle, the breakup mechanisms appear to be to some ex-
u共 x,t 兲 ⫽⫺

共 x⫺r兲 ⴛ␻共 r,t 兲
兩 x⫺r兩 3
dr⫹ⵜ ␾ , 共2兲

tent independent of the liquid viscosity and surface tension; where x is a position vector from the origin to any arbitrary
however, these properties do affect the ultimate drop size field point, and the potential function ␾ is a harmonic func-
distribution. tion for incompressible flows, chosen to satisfy boundary

1070-6631/98/10(9)/2188/10/$15.00 2188 © 1998 American Institute of Physics

Phys. Fluids, Vol. 10, No. 9, September 1998 Lozano, Garcı́a-Olivares, and Dopazo 2189

where r(a,b) is a position vector from the origin to an arbi-

trary interface point. Upon insertion of Eq. 共7兲 in the Biot–
Savart integral the following expression similar to that de-
scribed by Leonard13 is finally obtained:

ui 共 x,t 兲 ⫽⫺
冕 s
共 x⫺r兲 ⴛ关 ␥ⴛ共 âⴛb̂ 兲兴
兩 x⫺r兩 3
da•db. 共8兲

All variables are given in space coordinates, referenced to a

fixed origin. The integration is over all interface points, and
thus the 3-D problem has been reduced to a calculation on a
two-dimensional manifold. The spatial evolution in time of
FIG. 1. Illustration of a portion of the air/liquid interface, showing the the interface is integrated in a lagrangian sense and the unit
coordinate systems used in this study.
vectors â and b̂ become in general nonorthogonal. The in-
stantaneous interface location is obtained from

conditions. Application of Eq. 共2兲 is limited because the vor-

ticity field is generally unknown. This formalism, however,
x共 t 兲 ⫽x0 ⫹ 冕 0
ui 共 x,t ⬘ 兲 dt ⬘ . 共9兲

is particularly useful for the analysis of those flow fields in

For an inviscid flow with uniform density, the theorems
which the vorticity is confined to small or thin regions as in
of Kelvin and Helmholtz state that vortex lines move as ma-
the present case.
terial lines with invariant circulation. Exploiting these re-
It is useful to envision a physical model for the interface.
sults, it is customary to interpret vortex sheets as a collection
A portion of it is depicted in Fig. 1. The lower fluid is mov-
of vortex filaments with constant circulation including a con-
ing with velocity u1 and the upper fluid with u2 . The vortex
servation equation to account for the structure of the vorticity
sheet which in the limit contains a density discontinuity is
in each filament. Examples are given in Leonard13,14 and
differentially thin with thickness ␩ of the order of negative
Ashurst and Meiburg.16 The flow field considered here need
powers of the Reynolds numbers. A mean vortex sheet ve-
not have constant density and an equation for the three-
locity is defined to move with the average velocity directly
dimensional evolution of the vorticity, or equivalently of the
above and below it
vortex sheet strength is required. This equation must describe
ui ⫽ 共 u1 ⫹u2 兲 .
2 i
冏 共3兲
the advection and redistribution of the vorticity among the
mesh points. However, the two-phase nature of the flow en-
ables also the possibility of vorticity creation at the interface
due both to the baroclinic term and to the interaction be-
To describe interface variables, a coordinate system is
tween the gravity field and the density discontinuity
defined on its surface. The surface area element is
共Rayleigh–Taylor instability兲.
A possible strategy to obtain the sheet strength evolution
ds⫽n̂ds⫽ 共 âⴛb̂ 兲 da•db. 共4兲
equation19 is to write a momentum balance for each side of
The scalars da and db are differential arc lengths of the the interface, i.e., an Euler equation, since the flow is as-
surface coordinates, â and b̂ are unit vectors initially defined sumed inviscid, subtract one from the other and then express
to be orthogonal; n̂ is the unit normal to the surface pointing the velocities on each fluid in terms of the interface quanti-
from fluid 1 to fluid 2. ties, ␥ as defined in Eq. 共6兲 and the interface velocity.
The vortex sheet strength vector is defined as an integral Following this procedure, introducing surface tension
of the vorticity through the sheet:18 forces to account for the pressure discontinuity across the
interface and enforcing the condition that ␥ is by definition

n̂ⴛ␥⫽ 冕 ␩ /2

⫺ ␩ /2
␻dn. 共5兲
always tangent to the interface surface the following equa-
tion can be derived:

This definition implies the following expression:

⫽P̃• ⫺2A 冋
⫺ 共 ␥•ⵜ 兲 ui ⫹2Ag ĵ⫺ 共 ␥•ⵜ 兲 ␥
2 册
␥⫽ 共 u2 ⫺u1 兲 i ,

which defines ␥ as the local velocity jump across the inter-


␳ 1⫹ ␳ 2
ⵜH⫺ ␥•
n̂, 冉 冊 共10兲

face. If the sheet thickness tends to zero, the vorticity field is where P̃ is the projection tensor defined as
nonzero only at the interface surface and can in accordance
to Eq. 共5兲 be represented by an integral over the three- P i j ⫽ ␦ i j ⫺n i n j . 共11兲
dimensional Dirac delta function
H is the local mean surface curvature and A is the Atwood

␻共 x,t 兲 ⫽ 冕 S
共 n̂ⴛ␥兲 ␦ 共 x⫺r共 a,b 兲兲 ds, 共7兲
density ratio:
A⫽ 共 ␳ 1 ⫺ ␳ 2 兲 / 共 ␳ 1 ⫹ ␳ 2 兲 . 共12兲
2190 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 10, No. 9, September 1998 Lozano, Garcı́a-Olivares, and Dopazo

Alternative derivations of Eq. 共10兲 are possible. The value produces a damping of the small scale roll-up of the
present one is valid for any point at the mathematical vortical structures 共although maintaining the large scale evo-
vorticity-containing interface and for this reason it does not lution兲. However, the program produced nonphysical results
include the contribution due to material-element surface area due to the growth of spurious perturbations whenever ␦ was
changes ␥(“–ui ) which appears in Wu.17 This contribution assigned a value below the size of a cell.
must be included in any equation for the strength associated Additionally, an artificial viscosity of the form
to a material surface element. On the other hand, Eq. 共10兲 is
correct for our purposes, since the interface is modeled as a
set of Lagrangian mesh cells, each carrying the circulation of
w i ⫽⫺c 共 da 兲 2 冏 冏
⳵␥i ⳵␥i
⳵a ⳵a
⫺c 共 db 兲 2
⳵␥i ⳵␥i
⳵b ⳵b
冏 冏
, 共14兲

the whole material element at each cell.

where c is a constant, has been included in the vortex sheet
Equations 共8兲, 共9兲, and 共10兲 constitute the set of coupled
strength evolution equation to smooth the unstable character-
integro-differential equations that has to be solved numeri-
istics arising from the advective terms. The value of c lies
cally to calculate the interface evolution. These expressions
usually in the range 0.05⬍c⬍2.0 共Potter23兲. In this study,
are in dimensional form. They can be nondimensionalized
variations of c between 0.25 and 1 have resulted in essen-
with T⫽L/ ␥ 0 and L⫽2 ␲ ␭, where ␭ is the wavelength of
tially identical results, and a value of 0.5 has been selected
the initial perturbation in the streamwise direction. The ini-
for the calculations.
tial value of sheet strength, ␥ 0 , is chosen to match experi-
All the parameters have been calculated in space coordi-
mental conditions. The disturbance wavelength is taken from
nates. In order to do it, a generic vector k on the surface can
experimental measurements or linear stability theory. Alter-
be expressed as 共see, for example, Aris24兲:
natively, the liquid sheet thickness d can be selected as the
length scale to obtain the dimensionless equations. Upon in- 1
serting these definitions into Eq. 共6兲, two dimensionless pa- k⫽ 兵 关共 k•â 兲共 b̂•b̂ 兲 ⫺ 共 k•b̂ 兲共 â•b̂ 兲兴 â
rameters appear: 共 âⴛb̂ 兲 2

Weber Number: We⫽ 共 ␳ 1 ⫹ ␳ 2 兲 L ␥ 20 / ␴ , ⫹ 关共 k•b̂ 兲共 â•â 兲 ⫺ 共 k•â 兲共 â•b̂ 兲兴 b̂ 其 共15兲

Froude Number: Fr⫽ ␥ 0 / 冑AgL, 共13兲 and, hence, terms involving spatial gradients of the form
( ␥•ⵜ) ␸ can be written as

due to the presence of surface tension and gravity effects.
Note however that the liquid sheet break up process does not 1 ⳵␸
require the presence of gravity, and that similar results are 共 ␥•ⵜ 兲 ␸ ⫽ 关共 ␥•â 兲 ⫺ 共 ␥•b̂ 兲共 â•b̂ 兲兴
共 âⴛb̂ 兲 2
observed atomizing horizontal7 or vertical10 liquid sheets, be-
cause the perturbation wavelength is usually quite small 共on
the order of 1 mm兲. This considered, gravity effects have
been neglected in the simulations presented in this work.
⫹ 关共 ␥•b̂ 兲 ⫺ 共 ␥•â 兲共 â•b̂ 兲兴
冎 . 共16兲

Boundary conditions and mesh size

In accordance with Eq. 共8兲, the domain of the Biot–
Savart integral extends to the entire fluid interface. This im-
The above set of Eqs. 共8兲, 共9兲, and 共10兲 has to be dis- plies that to exactly model the planar atomizer under study,
cretized and solved numerically. In this implementation, a boundary conditions should be included at the nozzle with
McCormack type algorithm has been used to discretize the the proper initial flow conditions at this section. Moreover, in
vortex sheet strength evolution equation. A two-step explicit the downstream direction the integration domain should ex-
predictor-corrector scheme has been used to temporally ad- tend to infinity. Some examples appear in the literature
vance the surface mesh and a nonregular nonorthogonal where the nozzle exit is simulated by releasing vortex lines
mesh has been used to solve the integral in Eq. 共8兲 approxi- or rings from an upstream boundary at fixed intervals of
mated by a double summation over all surface elements. time, tracking them until they reach a lower boundary.
It is well known20–22 that when solving these types of Leonard13 used this method for the planar Kelvin–Helmholtz
unstable flows inclusion of some type of stabilization mecha- problem. A simpler approach adopted in the present case is
nism such as viscosity or surface tension is required. Other- to assume a periodic flow. A finite sheet surface is extended
wise, the solution becomes numerically unstable. Following ideally to infinity by adding periodic images to its edges.
the form first suggested by Rosenhead20 a ‘‘␦’’-parameter Only the evolution of the reduced surface is calculated but
has been introduced in the denominator of the Biot–Savart including the influence on its mesh points originated from all
integral. Without the smoothing of this parameter, small the points in the replicated images, thus increasing accuracy
wavelength disturbances, such as those induced by the dis- while minimizing computer cost. An example of this ap-
cretization of the sheet and round-off errors, grow un- proach is provided by Ashurst and Meiburg16 for the planar
bounded at a rate proportional to their wave number. The Kelvin–Helmholtz problem. The first approach is arguably a
value of ␦ has been dynamically adjusted to be twice the better physical model. However, its application is compli-
larger side of each cell. As shown in previous studies 共see cated by the uncertainty in the treatment of both upstream
Triggvason et al.21兲 and confirmed in this work, a larger ␦ and downstream boundaries.
Phys. Fluids, Vol. 10, No. 9, September 1998 Lozano, Garcı́a-Olivares, and Dopazo 2191

The geometry simulated in the present work consists of

two parallel vortex sheets representing the two air/water in-
terfaces using 21⫻21 grid points on each surface, extended
by six images in each one of the upstream, downstream, and
transverse directions yielding a domain of 260⫻260 grid
points. Initially the two air/water interfaces are separated by
a distance corresponding to four mesh points. To evaluate
the influence of grid size, a test case was also calculated with
grids of 11⫻11 and 31⫻31 points. For the three grid sizes
the same temporal evolution of the interfaces was obtained,
varying only in spatial resolution.
To consider the influence of edge effects, a case was also
studied with a modified geometry. The two interfaces were
connected forming a flattened cylinder of 21⫻21 surface
points joined in their transverse edges by circular sections
containing nine mesh points each, replicated with six images
both in the upstream and downstream directions.

Initial conditions FIG. 2. Initial (t⫽0) and final (t⫽3.0) stages of a liquid sheet simulation,
only with a streamwise sinusoidal perturbations. As in the rest of the figures,
To trigger the instability growth, the flow was initially the actual computation domain has been replicated twice in each direction.
perturbed. From the multiple possibilities for this initial per-
turbation, an asymmetric sinusoidal perturbation applied to
the spatial field in the streamwise direction was chosen. The RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
amplitude was taken to be one-half of the sheet thickness, Longitudinal perturbation
corresponding to 10% of the perturbation wavelength. Cases
Figure 2 shows the initial and final (t⫽3.0) stages of a
with an amplitude ten times smaller have also been calcu-
calculation when the flow is initially perturbed only in the
lated. A second sinusoidal spatial perturbation with half the
streamwise direction. As in the rest of the figures that will be
amplitude and the wavelength was introduced in the span-
presented, the image corresponds to the computation domain
wise direction. It has to be noted that if the liquid sheet is
replicated twice in each direction (60⫻60 grid points兲. The
considered to be infinite, the only relevant spatial scales are
value of the Atwood number is A⫽0.99 corresponding to the
the perturbation wavelengths and amplitudes and the sheet
water/air case, and surface tension has been neglected. It can
thickness. Our wavelength to thickness ratio choice would
be seen that the model reproduces correctly the expected
correspond to the wave number of maximum growth rate for
evolution of the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability as described in
a Weber number based on the sheet thickness of 1000, as
previously reported 2D simulations.11,12 When entering the
predicted by linear perturbation theory.12 To ensure that the
nonlinear deformation regime, points far away from the axis
results were not imposed by the initial conditions, other am-
of symmetry, which will be denoted as maxima, accelerate
plitudes were also tested. In particular, cases were calculated
following the surrounding air, while points close to the axis,
starting with one-half and one-tenth of the original amplitude
which will be denoted as minima, move more slowly. At the
of the transverse perturbation, maintaining the initial ampli-
same time, there is vorticity advection from minima to
tude of the longitudinal wave.
maxima, resulting in the generation of rollers in the maxima
In the second geometry described in the previous sec-
points that cause the sheet to convolute. As time evolves, the
tion, starting with an initial mesh of equally sized cells, the
vortex centers assume a sawtooth configuration. As the vor-
limited number of grid points yielded a sheet aspect ratio of
tices rotate, the sheet grows thinner at the initial minima
14, quite thicker than the sheets used in reported experi-
locations. In the final stage, the thinning tends to a limit
ments. To reproduce the aspect ratio of these experiments
where the upper and lower interfaces finally touch. As the
maintaining equally sized cells and a number of nodes at the
sheet thickness tends to zero in these points, any perturbation
sheet edges capable of yielding enough resolution would
in a real case 共e.g., acoustic noise, pressure wave, etc.兲 would
have implied an excessive computation time. The contribu-
cause the sheet to tear. The tear would generate a hole with
tion of edge effects can, however, be observed even for this
regions of high curvature, where the effects of surface ten-
sion would be very intense. This mechanism explains the
The initial vortex sheet strength was normalized to 1,
generation of spanwise ligaments, oriented parallel to the
and was defined to have only downstream component, being
always constrained to be tangent to the air/water interface.
Defining an initial geometry and vortex sheet strength is
Transverse perturbation
enough to start the calculation of the interface evolution.
Time has been made nondimensional with a factor T The presence of longitudinal filaments cannot be ex-
⫽␭/ ␥ 0 . plained if a transverse perturbation is not included. To start
2192 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 10, No. 9, September 1998 Lozano, Garcı́a-Olivares, and Dopazo

FIG. 3. Initial (t⫽0) and final (t⫽3.0) stages of a liquid sheet simulation, FIG. 4. Initial and final stages (t⫽3.0) of a liquid sheet simulation, with
with antisymmetric spanwise and streamwise sinusoidal perturbations. symmetric spanwise and antisymmetric streamwise sinusoidal perturbations.

the growth of these structures, the sheet was initially altered similar characteristics, although the contact points are dis-
by symmetric and antisymmetric sinusoidal perturbations, placed half a wavelength. Tearing at the touching points can
with an amplitude of 25% of the sheet thickness, correspond- be expected causing tubular sections with pointed edges. The
ing to 5% of the wavelength. Figure 3 presents the initial and high curvature of these edges will be quickly smoothed by
final (t⫽3.0) stages of a case with antisymmetric perturba- surface tension forces, originating the cylindrical streamwise
tions both in the longitudinal and transverse directions, filaments observed in the experiments. It has to be pointed
where surface tension has been included. In Fig. 4 the initial out that according to this theory streamwise filaments would
transverse perturbation is symmetric. The evolution of the appear if there is a transverse wave, either if it is symmetrical
longitudinal perturbation is essentially similar to that de- or antisymmetrical. Its wavelength and amplitude would de-
scribed in the previous section. Both air/liquid interfaces end termine the filament spacing and diameter. Note also that the
up touching each other. However, in this case, the first con- surface undulation causes the two interfaces to touch earlier,
tact does not occur simultaneously on a whole line transverse and at points closer to the roller crests.
to the sheet, but in single points of this line. Figure 5 shows Different values for the initial spanwise perturbation am-
the evolution of a plane perpendicular to the liquid sheet at plitude were tested 共1/2 and 1/10 of the nominal case兲. It is
the location where contact between the interfaces first hap- observed that the transverse perturbation grows at a slower
pens for the simulations presented in Fig. 3 共antisymmetric rate than the longitudinal one whose initial growth is expo-
transversal perturbation兲 and Fig. 4 共symmetric perturba- nential. This is due to the fact that both air and water veloci-
tion兲. In both cases, the upper surface has been notably flat- ties are initially oriented in the longitudinal direction. By
tened due to the higher stretching. The cross sections share itself, the transverse perturbation growth rate might be insuf-

FIG. 5. Evolution of a section of the liquid sheets presented in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 perpendicular to the plane where contact between the two air/water interfaces
first occurs. Cuts correspond to times t⫽0, t⫽1.5, and t⫽3.0.
Phys. Fluids, Vol. 10, No. 9, September 1998 Lozano, Garcı́a-Olivares, and Dopazo 2193

FIG. 6. Initial and final stages (t⫽3.0) of a liquid sheet simulation with FIG. 7. Initial and final stages (t⫽3.0) of a liquid sheet simulation with
antisymmetric perturbations oriented at ⫾45° with the flow direction. Note same initial perturbation of Fig. 6 plus an in-phase antisymmetric longitu-
that in this figure flow direction is towards the viewer. dinal perturbation.

ficient to generate longitudinal filaments starting from an in- phase longitudinal perturbation parallel to the vortex sheet
finitesimal initial perturbation. This could not be a problem if strength, i.e., wave numbers k⫽( ␲ , ␲ ,0), k⫽( ␲ ,⫺ ␲ ,0),
there is a mechanism that can generate finite initial trans- and k⫽(2 ␲ ,0,0), the end result is similar to that described
verse perturbations, for example inside the nozzle. However, in our nominal case 共Fig. 3兲 but with an enhanced growth
even if this is not the case, higher growth rates have been of the transverse wave. Figure 7 presents a final stage
observed when the initial perturbation is not orthogonal to (t⫽3.0) of this calculation. Figure 8 depicts the temporal
the initial vortex sheet strength. Figure 6 illustrates this evolution of a transverse section (t⫽0, 1.5, 3.0, and 4.0兲. It
point, when the initial vortex sheet strength forms an angle is to be compared with Fig. 5, considering that now the ini-
of ⫾45° with two perturbations, whose initial amplitudes in tial amplitude is five times smaller. This suggests that in a
this case were 1% of the wavelength 共5% of the sheet thick- real situation, with formation of streamwise filaments, the
ness兲. This case results in a final situation where the trans- triggering perturbation could be a superposition of different
verse section shows a sinusoidal undulation of finite ampli- waves with more than just a longitudinal and a transverse
tude. If this same initial condition is combined with an in- components. The presence of this oblique waves will con-

FIG. 8. Evolution of a section of the liquid sheet presented in Fig. 7 perpendicular to the plane where contact between the two air/water interfaces first occurs.
Cuts correspond to times t⫽0, t⫽1.5, t⫽3, and t⫽4.
2194 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 10, No. 9, September 1998 Lozano, Garcı́a-Olivares, and Dopazo

FIG. 10. Final stage of a nominal case simulation with a surface tension
coefficient multiplied by a factor of 1000.

ent ⵜH are required for surface tension effects to be impor-

tant. The absence of the surface tension term produces results
that are almost identical to the cases that include it. To show
its damping effect, Fig. 10 presents the final stage of a cal-
culation where the surface tension coefficient has been mul-
tiplied by 1000.
Despite this, surface tension is the main mechanism
causing filament formation once holes have formed in the
liquid sheet due to thinning. After the sheet has been broken
into filaments, capillary instabilities contribute to break them
into droplets finishing the primary atomization process.

Edge effects
The results presented in previous sections have been cal-
culated for a liquid sheet infinite both in the cross-stream and
FIG. 9. Final stages (t⫽3.0) of a liquid sheet simulation with same initial downstream directions. To study the influence of the sheet
conditions as those in Fig. 3 except that the initial separation between the
two air/water interfaces has been multiplied by a factor of 共a兲 0.25 共upper兲,
edges some simulations were performed for an infinite liquid
共b兲 0.5 共middle兲, and 共c兲 2.0 共lower兲, respectively. slab surrounded by an air co-flow. As can be seen in Fig. 11
the edges tend to bend toward the sheet causing the sacklike
structures that are observed in experiments for low air/water
tribute to the evolution of a finite transverse wave starting velocity ratios.7–10 For high ratios sheet breakup occurs too
from infinitesimal perturbations, in agreement with the close to the nozzle for these structures to be observed clearly.
mechanism proposed by Wu and Stewart.25 For an example of these structures, see for example Fig. 14
Figure 9 compares the perturbation evolution for differ- of Mansour and Chigier.7 This is not only a surface tension
ent initial separations between the two air/water interfaces. effect, as it appears even when the inverse of the Weber
Initial separations in Figs. 9共a兲, 9共b兲, and 9共c兲 were 0.25, 0.5, number is zero. Surface tension, however, causes real sheets
and 2 times larger than that depicted in Fig. 2. As the longi- to collapse in the spanwise direction into a jet, an effect that
tudinal perturbation was spanning the same number of grid is more easily observed in the absence of air co-flow.7
points in all cases, a thinner sheet is equivalent to a longer
wavelength. As predicted by linear perturbation theory,
shorter wavelength perturbations grow faster.

Surface tension effects

It may be of interest to include some comments about
surface tension effects. Regarding the Kelvin–Helmholtz in-
stability, inclusion of surface tension tends to damp its
growth. It has to be noted, however, that the term involving
surface tension in Eq. 共10兲 is only important in high curva-
ture regions. For a perturbation wavelength ␭ of 1 mm and
an initial value of sheet strength, ␥ 0 of 40 m/s the Weber
number for the air/water case results to be on the order
O(105 ) while the remaining terms in the nondimensional
form of Eq. 共10兲, except the gravity term which is smaller,
are of order O(1). As the surface tension term is divided by FIG. 11. Initial and final stages of a liquid sheet simulation with closed
the Weber number, high values of the mean curvature gradi- edges and antisymmetric spanwise and streamwise sinusoidal perturbations.
Phys. Fluids, Vol. 10, No. 9, September 1998 Lozano, Garcı́a-Olivares, and Dopazo 2195

A three-dimensional model based on the assumption that This project has been partially supported by the Comi-
the interface behaves as an inviscid vortex sheet has been sión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a of the Spanish
developed to study the instability growth leading to the Government under Contracts Nos. AMB93-0917 and
breakup of a water sheet surrounded by an air co-flow. AMB96-0427-C03-01. The authors are grateful to the refer-
Transverse filaments observed in experiments can be ex- ees especially because one of their criticisms has led us to
plained with a 2D Kelvin–Helmholtz instability mechanism. review our initial considerations of the transverse instability
Longitudinal filaments which are experimentally observed growth mechanisms.
for most air/water velocity ratios leading to efficient atomi-
zation require a 3D analysis. Simulations with initial longi-
tudinal and transverse sinusoidal perturbations indicate that
the sheet eventually collapses at discrete points in a trans- Notice the combination of a Mac-Cormack type algo-
verse cross section. Tearing along these points helped by rithm for the hiperbolic part of the ␥ equation and a
surface tension effects would explain the formation of the Predictor-Corrector for its (du/dt) and (dn/dt) sources. a, b
longitudinal filaments. Initial symmetric or antisymmetric are unit vectors along the non-orthogonal coordinates a, b
transverse perturbation result in very similar final configura- defined as the distances on the deformed mesh, initially car-
tions. The presence of in-phase oblique waves may explain tesian, on the surface layer. e 3 is the unit vector in the direc-
the growth of the transverse wave starting from an infinitesi- tion of the gravity field. ⌬ ⫹ a is the distance increment be-
mal perturbation. Edge effects have also been studied, to tween two adjacent mesh points in the increasing a direction,
explain the sacklike structures that can be observed for low and () m⫹1/2⬅ 关 () m ⫹() m⫹1 兴/2. Boldface characters mean 3-
air/water velocity ratios. component variables.


␥ equation

i j ⫽ ␥ i j ⫺0.5A⌬t 共 f i, j 共 ␥ i⫹1 j ⫺ ␥ i j 兲 ⫹g i, j 共 ␥ i j⫹1 ⫺ ␥ i j 兲兲
m m m m m m m

⫺c0.5⌬t⌬a 2⫹ 冉冏 ⌬ ⫹a
冏 ⌬ ⫹a
⫹冏 ⌬ ⫺a

␥ mi⫹1 j ⫺ ␥ mi j ␥ mi⫹1 j ⫺ ␥ mi j ␥ mi j ⫺ ␥ mi⫺1 j ␥ mi j ⫺ ␥ mi⫺1 j
⌬ ⫺a

⫺c0.5⌬t⌬b 2⫹ 冉冏 ⌬ ⫹b
冏 ⌬ ⫹b
⫹冏 ⌬ ⫺b

␥ mi j⫹1 ⫺ ␥ mi j ␥ mi j⫹1 ⫺ ␥ mi j ␥ mi j ⫺ ␥ mi j⫺1 ␥ mi j ⫺ ␥ mi j⫺1
⌬ ⫺b

⌬t 冉 冉
⫺ n•
n 冊冊 m⫺1/2


⫺⌬t 共 ␥ m
i j •ⵜui j ⫺ni j • 共 ␥ i j •ⵜui j 兲 ni j 兲 ⫺2B⌬t 共 ⵜH 兲 i j ⫹2A⌬tg 共 e3⫺ 共 e3–n 兲 n 兲 i j ⫺⌬t n ␥ •
m m m m m m m
冉冉 ⌬n
⌬t 冊冊m⫺1/2



␥ **
i j ⫽ ␥ i j ⫺0.5A⌬t 共 f *
i, j 共 ␥ *
ij⫺␥* i, j 共 ␥ *
i⫺1 j 兲 ⫹g * ij⫺␥*
i j⫺1 兲兲

⫺c0.5⌬t⌬a 2⫹ 冉冏 ␥*
i⫹1 j ⫺ ␥ *
⌬ ⫹a

i j ␥ i⫹1
冏 冏
* j⫺ ␥ *i j ␥ *i j ⫺ ␥ *i⫺1 j ␥ *i j ⫺ ␥ *i⫺1 j
⌬ ⫹a

⌬ ⫺a ⌬ ⫺a

⫺c0.5⌬t⌬b 2⫹ 冉冏 ␥*
i j⫹1 ⫺ ␥ *
⌬ ⫹b
ij ␥*

i j⫹1 ⫺ ␥ *
⌬ ⫹b

⌬ ⫺b

i j⫺1 ␥ *
ij⫺␥*i j⫺1
⌬ ⫺b
⫺ n•
n 冊 冉 冉 冊冊 m⫺1/2


⫺⌬t 共 ␥ *
i j •ⵜui j ⫺ni j • 共 ␥ *
m m
i j •ⵜu 兲 i j ni j 兲 ⫺2B⌬t 共 ⵜH 兲 i j ⫹2A⌬tg 共 e3⫺ 共 e3–n 兲 n 兲 i j ⫺⌬t n ␥ •
m m m m
冉冉 ⌬n
⌬t 冊冊 m⫺1/2


and: ␥ m⫹1
ij ⫽( ␥ *
i j ⫹ ␥ **
i j )/2, where c is the artificial viscosity coefficient, and:

␥ •a⫺a–b共 ␥ –b兲 ␥ •b⫺a–b共 ␥ –a兲

f⫽ , g⫽
共 1⫺ 共 a–b兲 2 兲 ⌬a 共 1⫺ 共 a–b兲 2 兲 ⌬b

the mean curvature:

2196 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 10, No. 9, September 1998 Lozano, Garcı́a-Olivares, and Dopazo

i, j ⫽
2 共 a∧b兲 3 det 0.5 再 冉
共 ai⫹1,j ⫺ai j ai, j ⫺ai⫺1,j
⌬ ⫹a

⌬ ⫺a
⌬b ⫹
⫹ 冊 冉
ai j⫹1 ⫺ai j ai j ⫺ai j⫺1
⌬b ⫺ 冊
⫹0.5 冉 bi⫹1,j ⫺bi j bi j ⫺bi⫺1 j
⌬ ⫹a

⌬ ⫺a 冊冊 共 a–b兲 ⫹0.5 冉
bi j⫹1 ⫺bi j bi j ⫺bi j⫺1
⌬ ⫹b

⌬ ⫺b
,a,b 冊 冎m


共 ⵜH 兲 m
i j⫽ 冉 a
1⫺ 共 a–b兲 2 冊再 冉

H i⫹1,j ⫺H i j H i, j ⫺H i⫺1 j
⌬ ⫹a

⌬ ⫺a 冊
⫺ 共 a–b兲 0.5
⌬ ⫹b 冉
H i, j⫹1 ⫺H i j H i, j ⫺H i j⫺1

⌬ ⫺b 冊冎 m

⫹ 冉 b
1⫺ 共 a–b兲 2 冊再 冉 m

H i, j⫹1 ⫺H i j H i j ⫺H i j⫺1
⌬ ⫹b

⌬ ⫺b 冊
⫺ 共 a–b兲 0.5
⌬ ⫹a 冉
H i⫹1,j ⫺H i j H i j ⫺H i⫺1,j

⌬ ⫺a 冊冎 m

u equation

i j⫽
4␲ 兺k 兺l 再 共 xi j ⫺xkl 兲 –nkl ␥ kl⫺ 共 xi j ⫺xkl 兲 • ␥ klnkl
共共 xi j ⫺xkl 兲 • 共 xi j ⫺xkl 兲 ⫹ ␩ 2 兲 3/2 冎 m

x equation
ij ⫽xm
i j ⫹ui j ⌬t.

␥ equation
i j ⫽ ␥ i j ⫺0.5A⌬t 共 f i, j 共 ␥ i⫹1 j ⫺ ␥ i j 兲 ⫹g i, j 共 ␥ i j⫹1 ⫺ ␥ i j 兲兲
m m m m m m m

⫺c0.5⌬t⌬a 2⫹ 冉冏 ⌬ ⫹a
冏 ⌬ ⫹a
⫹ 冏 ⌬ ⫺a

␥ mi⫹1 j ⫺ ␥ mi j ␥ mi⫹1 j ⫺ ␥ mi j ␥ mi j ⫺ ␥ mi⫺1 j ␥ mi j ⫺ ␥ mi⫺1 j
⌬ ⫺a

⫺c0.5⌬t⌬b 2⫹ 冉冏 ⌬ ⫹b
冏 ⌬ ⫹b
⫹ 冏 ⌬ ⫺b

␥ mi j⫹1 ⫺ ␥ mi j ␥ mi j⫹1 ⫺ ␥ i j ␥ mi j ⫺ ␥ mi j⫺1 ␥ mi j ⫺ ␥ mi j⫺1
⌬ ⫺b

⫺ n• 冉 冉 冊冊


⫺⌬t 共 ␥ m
i j •ⵜui j ⫺ni j • 共 ␥ i j •ⵜui j 兲 ni j 兲 ⫺2B⌬t 共 ⵜH 兲 i j ⫹2A⌬tg 共 j⫺ 共 j–n 兲 n 兲 i j ⫺⌬t n ␥ •
m m m m m m m
冉 冉 冊冊 ⌬n


␥ **
i j ⫽ ␥ i j ⫺0.5A⌬t 共 f *
i, j 共 ␥ *
ij⫺␥* i, j 共 ␥ *
i⫺1 j 兲 ⫹g * ij⫺␥*
i j⫺1 兲兲

⫺c0.5⌬t⌬a 2⫹ 冉冏 ␥*
i⫹1 j ⫺ ␥ *
⌬ ⫹a
ij ␥*

i⫹1 j ⫺ ␥ *
⌬ ⫹a


i⫺1 j ␥ *
⌬ ⫺a
ij⫺␥*i⫺1 j
⌬ ⫺a
冏 冊
⫺c0.5⌬t⌬b 2⫹ 冉冏 ␥*
i j⫹1 ⫺ ␥ *
⌬ ⫹b
ij ␥*

i j⫹1 ⫺ ␥ *
⌬ ⫹b

⌬ ⫺b

i j⫺1 ␥ *
ij⫺␥*i j⫺1
⌬ ⫺b

⫺ n•
n 冊 冉 冉 冊冊 m⫹1/2


⫺⌬t 共 ␥ *
i j •ⵜui j ⫺ni j • 共 ␥ *
m m
i j •ⵜui j 兲 ni j 兲 ⫺2B⌬t 共 ⵜH 兲 i j ⫹2A⌬tg 共 j⫺ 共 j–n 兲 n 兲 i j ⫺⌬tn ␥ •
m m m m
冉 冊


and: ␥ m⫹1
ij ⫽( ␥ *
i j ⫹ ␥ **
i j )/2.

u equation

ij ⫽
4␲ 兺k 兺l 再 共 xi j ⫺xkl 兲 –nkl ␥ kl⫺ 共 xi j ⫺xkl 兲 • ␥ klnkl
共共 xi j ⫺xkl 兲 • 共 xi j ⫺xkl 兲 ⫹ ␩ 2 兲 3/2 冎 m⫹1

x equation
ij ⫽xm
i j ⫹ui j
And finally ␥ calculated in predictor and corrector are averaged:
␥ m⫹1
ij ⫽0.5兵 ␥ m⫹1
ij 共 predictor兲 ⫹ ␥ m⫹1
ij 共 corrector兲 其 .
Phys. Fluids, Vol. 10, No. 9, September 1998 Lozano, Garcı́a-Olivares, and Dopazo 2197

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