Chapter 2

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Review of Related Literature

Growth of Mongo

Seedling Stage

Mongo seeds grows fast and easily and there are several stage of their growth

according to A. Silbajoris, the first stage is the taking up of water that begins the

germination, soaking them for a day will make them swell twice their weight and triple

their volume, the second stage is the appearance of the white root tip called radicle, the

beans needs oxygen so they need to be exposed to air, each day the root will grow longer.

When the seed starts to split the testa then the plumule -the first bud of the seed- will

grow of it, this is the part of the seed that faces up, and the testa is left in the soils surface,

this type of germination is epigeal, this will make the seed an erect adult plant and

produce its first two embryonic leaves called cotyledons. The emerging of the true leaves

is the fourth stage of mongo growth and the dicots starts to open, these embryonic leaves

are oval different from the leaves that the leaves that the plant will produce later. The

development of the true leaves withers the first two embryonic leaves and with this the

young plant leaves the seedling stage.

Yield and Growth Span

The Legumes/pulses are very important food and feed crops, known for their

health benefits (Arnoldi et al., 2014) It is vital ingredient of Indian and Mediterranean

diets and considered staple in other regions (VazPatto et al., 2014), Legumes/pulses have

high demand as forage for producing high-quality meat and milk (Boelt et al., 2014). As
observed, that the average yield of temperate legumes has moderately improved in past

half a century, with about a 45–50% increase for most legumes (Araujo et al., 2015).

Mungbean [Vignaradiata (L.) R. Wilczek] is cultivated on >6 million ha in the warmer

regions of the world and is one of the most important pulse crops. It is a short duration

(65–90 days) grain legume having wide adaptability and low input requirements (Nair et

al., 2012). Just like other legumes, mungbean fixes atmospheric nitrogen (58–109 kg/ha)

in symbiosis with Rhizobium, which not only meet its own nitrogen need, also benefits

following crops (Ali and Gupta, 2012), It contains very low levels of oligosaccharides

(sugars influence flatulence), it is a good protein source (~23%) with high digestibility

that suitable as baby food (Ihsan et al., 2013) ,And it often is grown on irrigated soils

with salt deposits in upper layer due to the soil evaporation of water during dry season or

from varying amounts of salinity in irrigation water. This accumulated salt decreases

osmotic potential of soil, create water stress and imparts nutrient imbalances that trigger

metabolic damage and cell death (Hasanuzzaman et al., 2013b).

Light Spectra

Our sight is all thanks to the existence of light, the colors we see are because of light in

different wavelengths within the ‘Visible Light’ area of the Light Spectra or Electromagnetic

Spectrum, other electromagnetic waves are Microwaves, Radiowaves, and X-rays, which can be

very harmful when we are exposed to too much of it, why?, because electromagnetic waves vary

in properties like speed, wavelength, and frequency (Brainard, 2012) and X–rays has very short

wavelength meaning it has a very high frequency which means it’s dangerous.
The Effect of blue LEDs to the growth and development of plants

Growing plants by using LED (Light-emitting diode) as an artificial source of light in

controlled-environment presents a variety of advantages such as small volume, durability,

longevity and selectable narrow-waveband emissions (as cited in Kim et al., 2013). LEDs has

been proposed as a light source for controlled environment agriculture facilities and space based

plant growth chambers because they exhibit desirable characteristics such as small mass, safety

and durability (Yano, 2012 as cited in Muneer et al., 2012).

Using LED as an alternative source of light when growing plants can bring out the best

characteristics of itself (Wells, 2015). There is required amount of blue light to have

development of the plant, the absolute amount (µ mol𝑚−2 𝑠 −1 of photons between 400 and 500

nm) or the relative amount (percent of total PPF) of blue light (Snowden, 2015 as cited in Cope

et al., 2013). There is a big advantages where you use LED when growing plants, for example,

there are different basils (Ocimum) grown with also five different percent of blue (B), red (R),

and white (W) lights: 0,8,16,24, and 32, they found a difference at the blue light, specifically, the

blue light with 32 percent produced better, that the basil became more spicier and aromatic

(Wells, 2015). Thus, the light will affect the growth of the plants, the plants that are exposed to

blue light seems to have a shorter stem and leaves. At the same time, the blue light also affect the

leaf color and nutrients of the plant, the blue light helps to improve the production of healthful

attributes such as antioxidants and vitamins. But some plants like tomato develop blisters on

leaves and stems because of the absence of blue light. According to Runkle (2015) considered

that when blue light increases, the physiological disorder decreases (Runkle, 2015).

LEDs represent a promising technology industry that possessed technical advantages

compared to traditional lighting sources (Mitchell et al. 2012). The fast technological progress of
LEDs due to their extensive usage for other industrial applications provides various

improvements for holticultural lighting. The high capital cost is still an important feature that

hold up the development of LED technology in holticultural lighting. Despite this, the

technological progress of LEDs is expected to reduce the capital and operating costs in the future

(M. Olle and A. Virsile, 2013).

LEDs have major advantage to other lamp types when it comes for plant lighting, the

technology is evolving in electrical-use efficiency at a rapid pace. For example blue LEDs that

were only 11% efficient in 2006 were reported to be 49% efficient converting electrical energy

to photon energy in 2011 (Mitchel et al. 2012). In general, LED efficiency is projected to raise

considerably, both as electrical efficiency and as photon flux efficacy over the coming decade.

It’s not just all about energy-savings and functionality of LED, the safety for users and

environment should be stated. There is no fragile glass that can be broken, no high touch

temperatures; and importantly, LEDs doesn’t contain hazardous materials such as mercury (M.

Olle and A. Virsile, 2013). However, overall LED efficiency and applications depend not only

on the semi conductor itself, but also on the general design of the lighting system. When LEDs is

used as sole sources for photosynthetic, photomorphogenic, and/or photoperiod lighting, it must

be proportioned carefully to obtain desired plant responses (Mitchell 2012).

The studies talks about on how LED is more suggested to be used than other lamp types

when it comes to alternative for sunlight in plant’s photosynthesis. It also talks about safety and

energy-savings of LED lighting and it could help not only agricultural sectors but also the public.

A tomato grown exclusively under blue exhibited resistance to diseases caused by

Botrytis cinerea (Kim et al., 2013) and hydrophonically grown lettuce (Lactuca sativaL. var.
capitata) under controlled red (R) blue (B) and white (W) LED lights shows different quality

(shoot fresh and dry weight and root fresh and dry weight) and size, however there the lettuce

grown under RB light looked small or even severely dwarfed ( Lin et al, 2013) this is because

light strongly affects plant development (Johkan et al.,2008 as cited in Lin et al., 2013) and also

due to exposure to red and blue lights because they have the greatest impact on plant growth

because they are the major energy sources for photosynthetic CO2assimilation in plants

(Lin et al., 2013) moreover plants grown under blue LEDs at 283 μmol m−2 s−1had higerrate of

photosynthesis than plants grown at 80 μmol m−2 s−1(Muneer et al., 2014) this shows that light

intensity also play a crucial role in the survivability of plants since photosynthesis provides food

for the plant.

The studies on this literature review all say that blue LED light offers positive effect to

the growth and development of plants, and also to their response environmental stresses (Kim et

al, 2013) and might it be a huge help for the agricultural sector if studied further.

Photosynthesis in natural light

Photosynthesis is the process of food-making most commonly in plants (some

algae and bacteria species also undergo photosynthesis to produce food) that produces

glucose as a source of energy.

Perhaps the most common type of reaction to most people, photosynthesis in

natural light or sunlight is the ultimate source of all of humankind's food and oxygen,

whereas fossilized photosynthetic fuels provide ∼87% of the world's energy (Johnson,

2016) and is the pillar supporting life in Earth.

Photosynthesis in natural light includes light and dark reactions (Johnson, 2016)

Light reactions:

Dark reactions:


The positive sign of the standard free energy change of the reaction (ΔG°) as

shown above means that the reaction needs energy known as Endergonic Reaction. The

energy required is obtained by absorbing solar energy that will be used to produce the

Photosynthesis under artificial light

The study is to ensure the plant growth, the system require the applications of

additional at least supplementary. Photosynthetic process are often modified in plants

grown under artificial lighting.because light cannot usually mimiv the spectru, and

energy of sunlight. Lights such as LED’s have the potential to cover fluence and

wavelength requirements of plants, allowing particular wavelengths to be enhance.

LED’s Light should give plants a exact energy and information required for development.

Above all technological properties, LEDs must be compatible with the photosynthesis

and light-signalling requirements with plants, it hast to have a connection with the two

main characteristics of light, which are wavelength and fluence (Darko et al., 2014)

This review gives a brief summary of the types of artificial lighting available for growing

photosynthetic organisms. The capacity of LEDs to mimic the effects of natural light in

terms of energy and information, thus ensuring the growth and development of

photosynthetic organisms, and the potential for manipulating the plant metabolism to

produce functionalized foods through changes in the intensity and wavelength are also

reviewed here using selected examples (Darko et al., 2014).

This high intensity discharge (HID) lamps, uses in greenhouse and plant growth room

their long life expectancy and ease of control make them ideal for greenhouses in use all

year round. The LED technology is predicted to replace fluorescent and HID lamps in

horticultural systems and to revolutionize controlled growth environments (Darko et al.,

There are some parts given in the article that in changing light intensity and quality you

must check the four factors first is you have to observe if a light-emitting diode lights can

sustain normal plant growth, second is the chloroplast differentiation and de-differentiation ,

the third on is the high influence light-emitting diode triggers production of secondary

compounds and the last is modification of the metabolism through supplemental

monochromatic lighting these are the one who needs observation to totally complete the

changing light intensity and quality (Darko et al., 2014).

Photobiochemical process using light energy to produce ATP an organic compound

(adenosine and three phosphate) C10H16N5O13P3, and NADPH (Nicotinamide adenine

dinucleotide phosphate) ultimately consumed in the assembly of carbon atoms in organic

molecules is what we called photosynthesis. (Darko et al., 2014).

Functionally, photons are harvested by protein–chlorophyll (Chl)–carotenoid complexes

(that form the light harvesting antenna of photosystems) and then transferred to the

photosystem reaction centre, where electrons are generated; these processes take place in the

chloroplast. If lighting is too weak, photosynthesis cannot work efficiently and etiolation

symptoms appear. However, excessive light generates oxygen radicals and causes

photoinhibition. Both phenomena strongly limit primary productivity (Darko et al., 2014).

The study of a whole literature is to share the part of photosynthesis in the light of future

advances when you can use for 2050 to produce a food for nine billion people in the future,

how can the CEA technologies will accompany such, the answer is to use LED’s light it

represents an innovative artificial lighting source for plants (Darko et al., 2014).
The Difference Between Natural & Artificial Light


While natural light is produced by the sun, artificial light sources can include incandescent bulbs,

fluorescent tubes and light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Sunlight contains all the colors of the

spectrum, which is necessary for photosynthesis in plants. Although many artificial lights do not

radiate a full spectrum of colors, which could inhibit plant growth, full-spectrum bulbs that

mimic natural sunlight are available.


Natural light, which produces heat and color, comes from the radiation given off by the sun. It is

then filtered through the Earth's atmosphere and absorbed by plants. Artificial light sources can

consist of a filament that uses electricity or halogen gas to glow, or an electronic device that

emits light. Some artificial lights use gas and electricity to produce light and heat. Unlike natural

sunlight, artificial lighting intensity can be adjusted to serve the needs of individual plants.


During winter months, when light intensity is low and hours of sunlight are limited, some plants

may not be able to thrive without supplemental artificial light sources. Indoor gardeners can use

artificial light to grow healthy plants in areas that were previously unsuitable for plants, such as

windowless rooms and dark spaces. Artificial lighting can also be used to start seedlings before

they can be transplanted outdoors.


Growth of Mongo

Seedling stage

Mongo Beans grows rapidly after several stages. The first stage was the taking up

of water, this is where the beans are swelled twice or triple of their weight. The second

stage was the appearance of the white root tip called radicle, the beans needed oxygen, so

they needed to be exposed to air, in this case their stem grows longer. When the seed

starts to split the testa and the plumule, the first bud of the seed will grow of it, this is the

part of the seed that faces up, and the testa is left in the soils surface, this type of

germination is epigeal, this will make the seed an erect adult plant and produce its first

two embryonic leaves called cotyledons, in fourth stage stage, the true leaves emerged

and the dicots starts to open. The development of the true leaves withers the first two

embryonic leaves and with this the young plant leaves the seedling stage.

The Effect of Blue LED lights to the growth and development of Mongo

Growing plants by using LED (Light-emitting diode) as an artificial source of light in

controlled-environment presents a variety of advantages such as small volume, durability,

longevity and selectable narrow-waveband emissions. But since LED is artificial light it doesn’t

emit as energy in the red and blue region of the light spectrum as sunlight does. In other words,

different ratios of reds, yellows, and blues all combine together to make up white sunlight.

The blue light affect the leaf color and nutrients of the plant, it helps to improve the

production of healthful attributes such as antioxidants and vitamins.


Photosynthesis, the process by which green plants and certain other organisms transform

light energy into chemical energy. During the photosynthesis in green plants, light energy is

captured and used to convert water, carbon dioxide, minerals into oxygen and energy-rich

organic compounds. The process of photosynthesis mostly takes place in the chloroplasts of plant

leaf mesophyll cells.


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