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Module 33


A DepEd-BEAM Distance Learning Program supported by the Australian Agency for International Development
To the Learner

Dear Learner,

Hello! How are you today?

Did you have fun doing the activities in the previous module?
That’s great!
Today, you will learn a new lesson in English grammar – it is using
complex sentence.

Let’s Learn This

In this module, you will learn how to write and use complex
sentences. A complex sentence is made up of one independent clause
and one or more independent clauses.

Let’s Try This

The following are all complex sentences. Copy each sentence on

your paper. Box the subordinate clause and underline the main clause.
The first one is done for you.

Monica likes the dress that Aurora is wearing.

1. When we were preparing for the party, we agreed to set a dress


2. Whatever is decided on, it was brought to the attention of the


3. Some officers were furious because they were not consulted.

4. The class treasurer brought up the matter so he was questioned.

5. Although he was there, he did not hear the announcement.


Are your answers like these?

1. When we were preparing for the party, we agreed to set a dress


2. Whatever is decided on, it was brought to the attention of the


3. Some officers were furious because they were not consulted.

4. The class treasurer brought up the matter so was questioned.

5. Although he was there, he did not hear the announcement.

Let’s Study This

Read the following sentences.

1. He had to leave the country because life was difficult.

2. They saw a place where the grasses were high and thick.

3. He ran steadily as though wolves were after him.

What do you noticed?

Each of the sentences above contains one independent clause and
one subordinate clause. The underlined part of each sentence is the
main clause while the boxed part is the subordinate clause.

In the previous module, you have learned that an independent

clause can stand by itself as a complete sentence. It conveys a
complete thought.

On the other hand, a subordinate clause, although it has a subject

and verb, cannot stand by itself as a complete sentence – it can only be
part of a sentence.

The encircled word in each sentence is a subordinating

conjunction that connects two complete ideas by making one of the
ideas subordinate to or less important than the other.

Study these sentences.

subordinating clause
independent clause conjunction

a. He had to leave the country because life was difficult.

subordinating subordinate
independent clause conjunction clause

b. They saw a place where the grasses were high and thick.

subordinating subordinating
independent clause conjunction conjunction

c. He ran steadily as though wolves were after him.

Here the frequently used subordinating conjunctions.

although even if when unless

as if if whenever in order that

as though since wherever as soon as

because so that while so

Here are more examples of complex sentences. Note the

conjunctions used and their meanings, the position of the dependent
clauses (subordinate clauses), and the use of comma in a complex
Subordinating clause
conjunction independent

When you have a bad cold, you rest and sleep.


Since you have a bad cold, you rest and sleep.

Let’s Do This

Choose the most appropriate conjunction to connect the ideas in

each sentence. Look at the example.

Example : Juan and I go hiking in the mountainsides (because,

although) we love nature.

Answer : Juan and I go hiking in the mountainsides because we
love nature.

1. Juan brings a waterjug ( when , where ) he goes hiking.

2. I like hiking, too, ( since, although ) it can be tiring.
3. ( When, Before ) I get very tired, I usually take a rest.
4. I have enjoyed hiking ( since , if ) I was seven.
5. You should not climb the mountain ( so that, unless ) someone is
with you.

Check your answers against the answer key.

Let’s Do More

Combine the ideas in this paragraph. Use appropriate

conjunctions to form complex sentences. Choose among because,
when, so, although, unless, if, so that, before, after, where, since. Do
this in your notebook.

I saved some of my earnings in the bank.
I can buy my favorite books.
I saved some of my earnings in the bank so that I can buy
my favorite books.

1. I like farming. It is very challenging.

2. I started gardening. I was nine.
3. I used pots made of small cans. I was quite young to work on a
big garden pot.
4. I used animal manure as fertilizer. My plants grew healthy and

5. Sometimes I take care of eggplants and tomatoes. My pechay
plants are harvested.
Check your answers against the answer key.
Are your answers similar to the given answers?
If yes, keep up the good work!

Let’s Remember This

An independent clause is one that has a subject and a

predicate and can stand alone as a sentence.
A dependent clause is one that has a subject and a
predicate but cannot stand alone. It is introduced and
connected to the main clause by an appropriate conjunction.
A complex sentence is made up of an independent
clause and one or more dependent clauses.

Let’s Test Ourselves

Combine each pair of ideas to form complex sentences. Use

appropriate conjunctions.

1. We went camping and hiking.

We love the outdoors.

2. We went to a rainforest park one time.

We rode on a big bus.

3. We made sure we were safe in the camp.
We brought our tents and supplies.

4. We sang songs.
We watched the fields we passed.

5. We didn’t get tired at all.

We enjoyed the camping so much.

Check your answers against the answer key.
If you got 4-5, you get a Congrats!
If you got 3 and below,
do “Let’s Enrich Ourselves”

Let’s Enrich

Copy each sentence on your paper. Then, underline the

independent clause and box the subordinate clause.

1. My friend whom you met yesterday just called.

2. I need time when I can study.
3. Whatever you decide, it is fine with me.
4. He drives as if he were in a race.
5. Before we bought our house, we rented an apartment.

Answer Key

Let’s Do This

1. Juan brings a waterjug when he goes hiking.

2. I like hiking, too, although it can be tiring.
3. When I get very tired, I usually take a rest.
4. I have enjoyed hiking since I was seven.
5. You should not climb the mountain unless someone is with you.

Let’s Do More

1. I like farming because it is very challenging.

2. I started gardening since I was nine.
3. I used pots made of small cans because I was quite young to work
on a big garden pot.
4. I used animal manure as fertilizer that’s why my plants grew
healthy and robust.
5. Sometimes I take care of eggplants and tomatoes when my
pechay plants are harvested.

Let’s Test Ourselves

1. We went camping and hiking because we love the outdoors.

2. When we went to a rainforest park one time, we rode on a big
3. We made sure we were safe in the camp so we brought our tents
and supplies.
4. We sang songs while we watched the fields we passed.
5. We didn’t get tired at all because we enjoyed the camping so

Let’s Enrich Ourselves

1. My friend whom you met yesterday just called.

2. I need time when I can study.

3. Whatever you decide, it is fine with me.

4. He drives as if he were in a race.

5. Before we bought our house, we rented an apartment.


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