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Anglo-French Rivalry in the Carnatic || Chapter 3 || History 1

Q1) Who granted the English east India Company the exclusive right to
trade with the east?
Ans) The Queen of England Elizabeth I, granted the company the
exclusive right to trade with the East.
Q2) Name the British trading settlements in (a) Madras (b) Calcutta
Ans) The British trading settlement in Madras was Fort St George .
The trading settlement in Calcutta was called Fort William.
Q3) What important right did the Mughal emperor Farrukhsiyar grant the
English East India Company?
Ans) In 1717, the Mughal Emperor Farrukhsiyar granted the company
the right to carry on duty-free trade in Bengal, Bihar and Orissa
Q4) What was the impact of the War of Austrian Succession on Anglo-
French rivalry in India?
Ans) The War of Austrian Succession raised the prestige of the
French. Dupleix took advantage of this war and established French
political influence in South India
Q5) Who were the nominees of the (a) French and the (b) British, in the
wars of succession in Hyderabad and the Carnatic in 1748?
Ans) The nomine of the French for the wars of succession in
Hyderabad were Muzaffar Jung. The nomine of British was
Muhammad Ali.
Q6) Why did Robert Clive capture Arcot?
Anglo-French Rivalry in the Carnatic || Chapter 3 || History 2

Ans) Robert Clive captured Arcot to unsettle the French and make
Chanda Sahib the undisputed nawab.
Q7) What is the significance of the Battle of Wandiwash?
Ans) At the battle of Wandiwash British defeated the French
decisively. In a year’s time French lost all their possessions in the
Carnatic , including Pondicherry.
Q8) Mention any two reasons for the success of the British over their
French rivals?
Ans) The British had a superior naval base and were financially a
stronger company.
Q9) With reference to the English East India Company discuss the
 The establishment and growth of the company from 1600CE to 1623


Ans) In 1600 CE the English East India Company was established by

British merchants with permission from Queen of England Elizabeth I
to trade exclusively in east. The English East India Company set up its
factory in Surat in 1612 CE. In 1623CE , the British had established
factories in Surat, Broach, Ahmedabad, Agra and Masulipatam.
 The establishment of chief trading settlements in the southern,
western and eastern regions of India
Anglo-French Rivalry in the Carnatic || Chapter 3 || History 3

Ans) Madras, Bombay and Calcutta became the headquarters of the

British settlements in the southern, western and eastern regions,
respectively. Each of these headquarters, known as Presidencies, was
placed under the charge of a Governor.
 The involvement of the company in local politics.
Ans) In course of time, the Company began to interfere in the local
politics of the Indian rulers. By supporting one against another, they
made territorial, monetary and political gains. Their interference soon
turned in to active involvement and they established the foundations
of British rule in Bengal by the middle of the 18th century.
Q10) The British and the French were both equally determined to establish

trade monopoly in India. In the context answer the following questions:

 What was the outcome of their rival ambitions?
Ans) They became arch rivals in trade and this rivalry eventually led to
wars. The commercial rivalry between them was aggravated by the
fact that they were political rivals in Europe also. They fought three
wars in India to establish their supremacy. These wars are referred to
as the Carnatic wars.
 Discuss the causes and events of the First Carnatic War.
Ans) The first Carnatic war was an extension of a European war that
broke out in 1740 (War of Austrian Succession).
Anglo-French Rivalry in the Carnatic || Chapter 3 || History 4

Dupleix, the governor of the French Company, captured Madras. The

British complained to the Nawab of Carnatic, who sent and army
against the French. The Nawab’s army was completely routed by
Dupleix. That was the first armed conflict between the Indian and
European forces.
 What were the results of this war?
Ans) The capture of Madras was a big blow to the British. In 1748, the
war in Europe ended. Hostilities in India also ceased. Madras was
returned to the British in accordance with the terms of the peace
treaty signed between two countries.
Q11) With reference to the Second Carnatic war answer the following

 How and why did Dupleix decide to get involved in local politics?
Ans) Dupleix decided to interfere in the mutual quarrels of the Indian
rulers support one against other and extract favors from the victor. His
objective was to set up puppet rulers who would later serve the
interests of the French.
 Give an account of the bold and brilliant plan executed by Robert
Clive during this war?
Ans) Robert Clive was a clerk in English East India Company,
persuaded his commander to allow him to pursue a bold and brilliant
plan. To relieve the pressure on Muhammad Ali, Clive marched to
Anglo-French Rivalry in the Carnatic || Chapter 3 || History 5

Arcot, the capital of the Carnatic, with 500 soldiers and captured it.
The capture of Arcot caught the French completely off guard. As
expected, troops were immediately dispatched from Trichinoploy by
Chanda sahib and the French to recover the capital. Clive defended
Arcot for 53 days till the siege was withdrawn. The French forces in
Trichinopoly were defeated. Chanda sahib was captured and killed.
The British made Muhammad Ali the undisputed Nawab of Carnatic.
 State the results of this war.
Ans) The French government initiated peace negotiations and
recalled Dupleix to France in 1754. The governors who succeded him
made peace with the British. The recall of Dupleix was a severe blow
to the French ambitions in India.
Q12) With reference to the Carnatic Wars answer the following questions:

 What were the causes of the Third Carnatic War.

Ans) The third Carnatic war was an extension of another European
War (the Seven Years’ War) which broke out in 1756. With the
outbreak of hostilities between England and France in Europe the
echoes were felt in the Carnatic. The temporary peace between the
French and the British companies was shattered.
 What were the results of the Third Carnatic War.
Ans) The Third Carnatic War shattered French dreams of building an
Indian empire. Pondicherry was returned to them but they were not
Anglo-French Rivalry in the Carnatic || Chapter 3 || History 6

allowed to fortify it. The British established their political influence over
the Carnatic. The Northern Circars passed under their control. Freed of
all European rivals, they now set out to conquer India.
 What valuable lessons did the British learn during the Anglo-French
conflict in the Carnatic?
Ans) During their struggle with the French, the British had learnt
some valuable lessons:
(1) The mutual quarrels among the Indian rulers could be used to

further their political schemes.

(2) A small modern European army trained in western techniques

could easily defeat large, old fashioned Indian armies in pitched

(3) An Indian soldier trained in the art of European warfare was as

capable as a European soldier.

Q13) Many factors contributed to the success of the British in the Carnatic

Wars. In this context discuss the following:

 British naval supremacy
Ans) The British mastery of the seas ensured a steady uninterrupted
supply of arms and resources from England. Moreover, their supplies
landed directly at their naval base in Bombay.
 British financial stability
Anglo-French Rivalry in the Carnatic || Chapter 3 || History 7

Ans) The British Company was financially much stronger than the
French. Their larger and better fortified settlements in Calcutta,
Bombay and Madras were far superior to those of the French. The
British carried on lucrative trade even during the War. The conquest of
the rich and prosperous provinces of Bengal became an additional
source of wealth.
 Progressive government
Ans) The British government was progressive and it gave full support
to the British Company. A profitable Company was an asset to the
government which was entitled to a share of the Company’s profits.

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